In recent years, tunnel field effect transistors (TFETs) have been extensively preferred as a prominent device due to their advantages such as reduced sub-threshold swing (SS), less leakage current (IOFF) and low threshold voltage (Vt)[1–4]. Though TFETs have many advantages, the realistic use of the devices has been delayed due to low ON-current (ION) and ambipolar behavior. Various techniques have been suggested to improve the device performance[5]. To boost ION without compromising IOFF, double gate TFETs (DG TFETs)[6, 7], dual material gate[8], strain engineering[9] are employed. It has been reported that TFET with gate–drain overlap suppresses the ambipolar current[10?12].
Compared to silicon TFETs, various other material configurations such as indium arsenide (InAs) in the entire region[13] shows better device performance. TFETs with InAs/Si hetero junction have been reported from the perspective of combining the tunneling efficiency of narrow bandgap material TFETs and the high mobility of III–V TFET to improve the device performance[14]. Moreover, a heavily doped pocket layer in between the source and channel forming a p–n–i–n structure have been reported from the point of reliability improvement[15].
This paper deals with the study of geometrical parameters, gate length (Lg), gate oxide thickness (tox), channel thickness (tch), and doping parameters channel doping (Nch), drain doping (Nd) and source doping (Ns) variations to extract RF parameters, unity gain cut off frequency (ft), maximum oscillation frequency (fmax), intrinsic gain and admittance (Y) parameters for InAs-based DG TFETs. An asymmetric gate oxide is introduced in the gate-drain overlap and its RF/analog performance is studied, modelled and compared with that of DG TFETs. Section 2 deals with the simulator and simulation methodology. The results and discussions are presented in Section 3 and finally Section 4 provides the conclusion.
Simulator and simulation methodology
Device description
TCAD simulator from Synopsys[16] has been used to carry out the simulations. The device structure of InAs DG TFET and DG TFET with gate–drain overlap is shown in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b) respectively. In Fig. 1(b), an asymmetric gate oxide has been introduced in order to create an overlap. The asymmetric gate oxide thickness and the overlap are optimized to have the value of tox1 = 8 nm and Lov = 2 nm. Fig. 1(c) shows the electron barrier tunneling for both DG TFET and DG TFET with gate–drain overlap. This plot shows the rate at which electrons are generated at the source side due to tunneling. From Fig. 1(c) it can be seen that DG TFET with gate-drain overlap has more electron tunneling probability compared to that of DG TFET. In this study gate voltage of 1.8 V is used. Table 1 provides the dimensions of InAs-based DG TFET.

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(Color online) Device structure of (a) InAs-based DG TFET and (b) DG TFET with gate–drain overlap. (c) Electron barrier tunneling for DG TFET and DG TFET with gate–drain overlap.
Parameters | Nominal value | Range of values | ||
Gate length Lg (nm) | 50 | 40–60 | ||
Gate oxide thickness tox (nm) | 3 | 1–5 | ||
Channel thickness tch (nm) | 10 | 8–15 | ||
Channel doping concentration Nch (cm?3) | 1 × 1016 | 1 × 1015–1 × 1017 | ||
Drain doping concentration Nd (cm?3) | 1 × 1019 | 5 × 1017–1 × 1020 | ||
Source doping concentration Ns (cm?3) | 2 × 1019 | 8 × 1018–4 × 1019 |
Parameter space of DG TFETs with and without gate–drain overlap.
Table options

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Parameters | Nominal value | Range of values | ||
Gate length Lg (nm) | 50 | 40–60 | ||
Gate oxide thickness tox (nm) | 3 | 1–5 | ||
Channel thickness tch (nm) | 10 | 8–15 | ||
Channel doping concentration Nch (cm?3) | 1 × 1016 | 1 × 1015–1 × 1017 | ||
Drain doping concentration Nd (cm?3) | 1 × 1019 | 5 × 1017–1 × 1020 | ||
Source doping concentration Ns (cm?3) | 2 × 1019 | 8 × 1018–4 × 1019 |
The physics section of the device simulator uses doping dependence mobility, effects of high and normal electric fields on mobility and velocity saturation, band-to-band tunneling along with Shockley–Read–Hall recombination model. The tunneling probability of the device can be given as follows using Wentzel–Kramer–Brillouin (WKB) approximation[17,18],
$${T_{ m {WKB}}} approx { m {exp}}left( { - frac{{4lambda sqrt {2m^*} sqrt {E_{ m g}^3} }}{{3qhbar left( {Delta varPhi + {E_{ m g}}} ight)}}} ight),$$ ![]() | (1) |
where m* is the effective carrier mass, Eg is the bandgap, λ is the screening tunneling length, ΔΦ is the potential difference between source valence band and channel conduction. Eq. (1) relates the tunneling probability with the bandgap. In our simulations, we have used the bandgap for both silicon and InAs.
Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) shows the band diagram of both DG TFET and DG TFET with gate-drain overlap in OFF and ON states, respectively. During OFF state, the potential barrier between source and channel is large and hence no tunneling of charge carriers takes place. Necessary gate bias is applied to turn on the device. During ON state, the width of the barrier reduces due to band bending and causes the electrons to tunnel from source to channel.

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(Color online) Band diagram of DG TFET and DG TFET with gate–drain overlap. (a) OFF state. (b) ON state.
Fig. 3(a) depicts the Id–Vg characteristics of InAs-based DG TFET and DG TFET with gate-drain overlap. The current value of InAs-based DG TFET that is shown in Fig. 3(a) is calibrated against the published results on InAs-based DG TFETs[14]. IOFF of DG TFET with gate-drain overlap is matched with DG TFET to make a fair comparison. The two devices are matched to IOFF = 29 fA by proper gate work function (WF) tuning. The work function of DG TFET is 4.15 eV and DG TFET with gate-drain overlap are given as WF1 = 4.16 eV, WF2 = 4.2 eV. Since ΔΦ denotes the potential difference between source valence band and channel conduction band there would be concentration gradient existing between these two bands and hence more diffusion of carriers from valence to the conduction band takes place. Fig. 3(b) shows the Id–Vd characteristic of DG TFET and DG TFET with gate-drain overlap. It can be observed that DG TFET with gate-drain overlap offers more drain current.

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(a) Id–Vg characteristics of DG TFET and DG TFET with gate–drain overlap with IOFF matched to 29 fA. (b) Id–Vd characteristics of DG TFET and DG TFET with gate-drain overlap
Fig. 4 depicts the gate capacitance (Cgg) versus Vg plot for both DG TFET and DG TFET with gate–drain overlap. It can be seen that DG TFET with gate–drain overlap have more capacitance value. This can be attributed to the overlap capacitance present with the gate capacitance as per Eq. (2)[19].

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Gate capacitance versus gate voltage.
$${C_{ m {gg}}} = {C_{ m {gd}}} + {C_{ m {gs}}},$$ ![]() | (2) |
where the gate–drain capacitance (Cgd) and gate-source capacitance (Cgs) are given as follows,
$${C_{ m {gd}}} = {C_{ m {of}}} + {C_{ m {dif}}} + {C_{ m {dov}}} + {C_{ m {gd,inv}}},$$ ![]() | (3) |
$${C_{ m {gs}}} = {C_{ m {of}}} + {C_{ m {sif}}},$$ ![]() | (4) |
where Cof is the outer fringing capacitance, Cdov is the drain-overlap capacitance, Cgd,inv is the inversion capacitance, Cdif and Csif are the inner fringing capacitances at the drain and source sides respectively.
Simulation methodology
In this study, sensitivity analysis on the geometrical and doping parameter variations of DG TFET and DG TFET with gate-drain overlap is carried out. The sensitivity analysis can be performed by varying one parameter at a time and keeping all other parameters as a constant quantity. These parameter variations correspond to ± 10% (3σ) deviation of the nominal values. The geometrical and doping parameters are considered to be the independent parameters (X) whereas ft, fmax, intrinsic gain and Y-parameters are the dependent parameters (Y). Sensitivity of Y is done with respect to X as follows[20],
$${S_{YX}} = frac{{partial Y}}{{partial X}}.$$ ![]() | (5) |
Standard AC simulations are carried out in SDevice for extracting ft, fmax and Y-parameters. ft is the frequency at which current gain equals one and it strongly depends on the gate bias. At various gate biases, ft is calculated and their maximum is taken as ft.
ft is expressed as,
$${f_{ m t}} = frac{{mathop gnolimits_{ m m} }}{{2pi mathop Cnolimits_{ m {gg}} }},$$ ![]() | (6) |
where gm is the transconductance, Cgg is the gate capacitance.
fmax is extracted from AC simulations which is the frequency measured at unity power gain and it is given as,
$$mathop fnolimits_{ m {max}} = frac{{mathop fnolimits_{ m t} }}{{sqrt {4mathop Rnolimits_{ m g} (mathop gnolimits_{ m {ds}} + 2pi mathop fnolimits_{ m t}mathop Cnolimits_{ m {gd}} )} }},$$ ![]() | (7) |
where Rg is the gate resistance and gds is the output conductance.
Intrinsic gain is given as the product of transconductance (gm) and output resistance (Ro). From the saturation Id–Vg characteristics, gm is extracted. From Id–Vd characteristics, Ro is extracted. Both gm and Ro are extracted at bias point Vdd/2.
Fig. 5 shows the small signal equivalent circuit of TFETs. In the circuit, Cgs and Cgd are intrinsic gate-to-source and gate-to-drain capacitances. Cgse and Cgde are the extrinsic gate-to-source and gate-to-drain capacitances, respectively. Rs, Rd and Rgd are the gate-to-source, gate-to-drain and distributed gate resistances. gm and gds are transconductance and source-to-drain conductance. Time constant τ represents the charge transport delay. Admittance (Y) parameters are extracted from the AC simulations. The Y-parameter matrix can be treated as the combination of real (conductance) and imaginary (capacitance) components. After disregarding the extrinsic parameters from the equivalent circuit, the admittance (Y) parameters can be expressed as follows:

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Small signal equivalent circuit of TFETs.
$$mathop Ynolimits_{11} approx {omega ^2}{R_{ m {gd}}}C_{ m {gd}}^2 + jomega ({C_{ m {gs}}} + {C_{ m {gd}}}),$$ ![]() | (8) |
$$mathop Ynolimits_{12} approx - {omega ^2}{R_{ m {gd}}}C_{ m {gd}}^2 - jomega {C_{ m {gd}}},$$ ![]() | (9) |
$${Y_{21}} approx {g_{ m m}} - {omega ^2}{R_{ m {gd}}}C_{ m {gd}}^2 - jomega ({C_{ m {gd}}} + tau {g_{ m m}}),$$ ![]() | (10) |
$$mathop Ynolimits_{22} approx {g_{ m {gd}}} + {omega ^2}{R_{ m {gd}}}C_{ m {gd}}^2 + jomega ({C_{ m {gd}}}),$$ ![]() | (11) |
$$tau = - frac{1}{{{g_{ m m}}}}left( {frac{{{mathop{ m Im}nolimits} ({Y_{21}})}}{omega } + {C_{ m {gd}}}} ight).$$ ![]() | (12) |
Since τ depends upon gm and Cgd, which in turn vary with respect to the geometrical and doping parameters, it is a technology-dependent factor.
Modeling parameters
The RF parameters, ft, fmax, intrinsic gain and Y-parameters are modelled with respect to the geometrical and doping parameters. The model that specifies the parameters is given as follows[21],
$$begin{split}Y =& {b_0} + {b_1}{x_1} + {b_2}{x_2} + {b_3}{x_3} + {b_4}{x_4} + {b_5}{x_5} + {b_6}{x_6} & + {b_{12}}{x_1}{x_2} + {b_{13}}{x_1}{x_3} + {b_{14}}{x_1}{x_4} + {b_{15}}{x_1}{x_5} + {b_{16}}{x_1}{x_6} & + {b_{23}}{x_2}{x_3} + {b_{24}}{x_2}{x_4} + {b_{25}}{x_2}{x_5} + {b_{26}}{x_2}{x_6} + {b_{34}}{x_3}{x_4} & + {b_{35}}{x_3}{x_5} + {b_{36}}{x_3}{x_6} + {b_{45}}{x_4}{x_5} + {b_{46}}{x_4}{x_6} + {b_{56}}{x_5}{x_6} & + {b_{11}}x_1^2 + {b_{22}}x_2^2 + {b_{33}}x_3^2 + {b_{44}}x_4^2 + {b_{55}}x_5^2 + {b_{66}}x_6^2,end{split}!!!!!!!!!!!$$ ![]() | (13) |
where x1 is the gate length, x2 is the gate oxide thickness, x3 is the channel thickness, x4 is the channel doping, x5 is the drain doping, x6 is the source doping and Y is the output RF parameters and b’s are the fitting parameters extracted from the model.
Results and discussion
DG TFET and DG TFET with gate-drain overlap are compared for their RF characteristics in both qualitative and quantitative fashion.
Qualitative study
The geometrical and doping parameters of DG TFET and DG TFET with gate-drain overlap are varied as shown in parameter space to extract ft, fmax, intrinsic gain and Y-parameters.
Geometrical parameter variations
Variation of ft against gate length (Lg) is shown in Fig. 6(a). It can be observed from the plot that increasing Lg results in reduced ft and this is due to reduced gm. DG TFET with gate–drain overlap offers more ft compared to DG TFET due to higher values of gm[22]. From the plot it can also be inferred that fmax decreases with increasing Lg. As Lg scales down, fmax increases due to reduced channel resistance, Cgd and gds. As DG TFETs with gate-drain overlap offers more ft, the value of fmax will be higher which is evident from the plot.

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ft and fmax versus geometrical parameters (Lg, tox and tch).
Fig. 6(b) shows the variation of ft plotted against tox. For lower values of tox, higher values of ft are achieved due to increasing gm. It is evident from the plot that ft enhancement is seen in DG TFET with gate–drain overlap as compared to DG TFET due to improvement in gm. It can also be inferred from the plot that fmax increases with decreasing tox. Since inversion layer is formed near the drain, the carriers that are driven from source to channel tend to move towards the drain causing reduction of channel resistance at the source side and providing high fmax[19, 23]. DG TFET with gate-drain overlap offers more fmax due to its enhanced ft and reduced gds.
Fig. 6(c) shows the ft variation plotted against tch. From the plot it can be inferred that increased ft is obtained for lower values of tch. Also it can be observed that DG TFETs with gate-drain overlap shows a gradual decreasing trend whereas DG TFETs shows a flat behavior. This can be reasoned out as for lower values of Cgg, increased ft is obtained because of the improvement in screening of gate fringing fields[24]. DG TFET with gate-drain overlap shows better ft values than DG TFET due to reduced values of Cgg. The output conductance is found to be high for higher values of tch. Hence fmax decreases and follows the same trend of ft for both the devices. This can be same reasons as discussed earlier for the Lg and tox variations for the two devices.
Fig. 7(a) shows intrinsic gain variation against Lg. It is evident from the graph that intrinsic gain increases for higher values of Lg. The combined effect of both gm and Ro decides intrinsic gain and Ro is more dominant compared to that of gm, which increases with Lg resulting in high gain. It can also be inferred from the graph that DG TFET with gate-drain overlap offers more intrinsic gain compared to DG TFET due to higher Ro for larger values of gate length.
Fig. 7(b) depicts the variation of intrinsic gain with respect to tox. It can be observed from the plot that intrinsic gain decreases with increasing tox. For lower values of tox, gm is increased whereas Ro gets reduced thereby ultimately increasing the overall intrinsic gain[25]. The dominant of gm is more than Ro in DG TFET with gate-drain overlap and hence it offers more gain.
Fig. 7(c) shows the intrinsic gain variation against tch. It can be observed from the graph that intrinsic gain increases with lesser values of tch. Here gm is more dominant than Ro and hence gain increases for lower values of tch. DG TFET with gate-drain overlap offers better intrinsic gain due improved gm compared to DG TFET.

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Intrinsic gain versus geometrical parameters (Lg, tox and tch).
Figs. 8(a)–8(d) shows the admittance (Y) parameters, both real and imaginary, as a function of gate length for both DG TFET and DG TFET with gate-drain overlap. As per Eqs. (8)–(11), Y-parameters depend on gm, gds, Cgs, Cgd and also the operating frequency[26, 27]. The results obtained for Y-parameters can be reasoned with the behavior of all of these parameters. It can be seen from the plot that both real and imaginary part of Y11 decreases due to the combined effect of the frequency, Cgs and Cgd. The real and imaginary part of Y12 and Y21 increases due to the combined effect of gm, Cgd and the frequency. As Lg scales down, reduced gds offers higher values of Y22. It is evident from the plot that DG TFET with gate-drain overlap shows an improvement in both real and imaginary part of Y-parameters.

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Y-parameters versus Lg.
Figs. 9(a)–9(d) shows the variation of Y-parameters for various values of oxide thickness. Both the real and imaginary part of Y11 decreases with increasing tox due to decreasing values of Cgd. Decreasing values of Cgd with increasing tox results in Y12 improvement. In TFET the inversion layer formed from drain side to source side, causes the Cgd to increase for increasing gate voltage. Hence reduced value of Cgd is obtained for lower Vg and thus Cgd is found to be a dominant parameter in capacitance between gate and inversion layer[26]. It is evident from the plot that for reducing tox, the real part of Y21 increases due to increase in gm. It can also be observed from the graph that decreased values of Cgd results in lower values of Y22 for increasing tox. DG TFET with gate-drain overlap offers better Y-parameter values compared to DG TFET. Generally Y-parameters represent the conductance component in their real part and capacitive component in their imaginary part. Since DG TFETs with gate-drain overlap offers more ION compared to that of DG TFETs, they have higher conductance and hence give better Y-parameter values.

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Y-parameters versus tox.
Figs. 10(a)–10(d) shows the Y-parameters variation for varying tch. It can be inferred from the plot that Y11 has increased values for increasing tch due to higher values of Cgd. Lower values of Y12 and Y21 are observed for increasing tch for the same above reasons. The combined effect of gds and Cgd determines Y22 as per the Eq. (11). From Fig. 10(d), it can be seen that real and imaginary part of Y22 are increasing and hence following the same trend as per the Eq. (11). As discussed earlier, enhanced admittance values are achieved for DG TFET with gate-drain overlap.

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Y-parameters versus tch.
Doping parameter variations
Fig. 11(a) shows the variation of ft against channel doping (Nch). From the graph it can be observed that ft remains constant for all levels of channel doping as mentioned in Table 1. This is because the channel is intrinsic. fmax also remains constant for all levels of channel doping. Fig. 11(b) shows the ft variation with respect to drain doping (Nd). For higher doping concentration, increased ft is achieved due to higher values of gm. From Fig. 11(b) it can be observed that fmax is decreasing up to the nominal value and thereafter it starts to increase. fmax not only depends upon the output conductance parameter (gds) but also gate–drain capacitance (Cgd) as per Eq. (7). The decreasing values of fmax for lesser values of drain doping are due to the increase in Cgd, which is more dominant compared to that of the output conductance.

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ft and fmax versus doping parameters (Nch, Nd, and Ns).
Fig. 11(c) shows the ft and fmax variation for different values of source doping (Ns). It can be observed that for both DG TFET and DG TFET with gate-drain overlap, ft increases with increasing Ns due to the effect of both transconductance and total capacitance. fmax increases till the nominal value as specified in Table 1 and thereafter decreases due to the effect of gate resistance. From the graph it is evident that DG TFET with gate-drain overlap offers more ft and fmax values compared to DG TFET due to improved gm.
Fig. 12(a) shows the variation of intrinsic gain for various values of channel doping (Nch). It can be observed from the plot that intrinsic gain remains constant for increasing Nch for both the devices. Higher intrinsic gain is seen for DG TFET with gate-drain overlap compared to DG TFET due to improved gm and Ro.
Fig. 12(b) depicts the variation of intrinsic gain against drain doping (Nd). The plot shows a decrease in intrinsic gain for increasing doping concentration of drain. Though gm increases for increasing Nd, reduced Ro becomes predominant and results in lower values of intrinsic gain. DG TFET with gate-drain overlap structure offers higher values of intrinsic gain.
Fig. 12(c) depicts the variation of intrinsic gain against source doping (Ns). From Fig. 12(c), it can be seen that intrinsic gain for DG TFETs is slightly increasing (and not flat) whereas DG TFETs with overlap shows higher gain values (i.e.) more sensitive to Ns. This is because of more Ro and gm values for higher values of source doping. For DG TFETs without overlap Ro and gm values are comparatively lower and hence intrinsic gain is less.

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Intrinsic gain versus doping parameters (Nch, Nd and Ns).
Fig. 13(a)–13(d) shows the Y-parameters variation for various channel doping concentrations. All the Y-parameters are found to be constant for all channel doping levels as mentioned earlier for both the devices.

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Y-parameters versus Nch
Fig. 14(a)–14(d) shows the Y-parameters variation for various drain doping concentrations. From the plot it can be observed that both real and imaginary part of Y11 increases because of higher values of Cgd. Reduced Y12 and Y21 values are achieved due to combined effect of gm and Cgd. Increasing Cgd for increasing Nd provides higher values of Y22. Improved admittance values are seen for DG TFET with gate-drain overlap compared to DG TFET.

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Y-parameters versus Nd.
Fig. 15(a)–15(d) shows the Y-parameters variation for various source doping concentrations. It can be seen from the plot that both real and imaginary part of Y11 increases due to the combined effect of the Cgs and Cgd. As per the Eqs. (10) and (11), Y21 and Y22 depends on Cgd in addition to gm and gds respectively. Y21 depends on both gm and Cgd, and from Fig. 15(c), it can be seen that Y21 shows a decreasing trend because of both gm and Cgd. From Fig. 15(d) it can be observed that Y22 increases with Ns since Cgd is more dominant than gds and hence the trend is the reverse of what is expected.

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Y-parameters versus Ns.
Quantitative study
The RF parameters considered in this study are modeled in terms of the geometrical and doping parameters. Multiple regression analysis derived from enter method is carried out using SPSS[28]. This gives the predicted values of the output RF parameters, which are then compared with the simulated RF parameters. Figs. 16–19 plot the comparison between the simulated and modelled (predicted) values of ft, fmax, intrinsic gain and Y-parameters for both DG TFET and DG TFET with gate-drain overlap respectively. It can be seen from these graphs that the simulated RF parameters taken into consideration almost match closely with the modelled values. This is evident from the correlation coefficient (r), which equals to unity for all of the extracted RF parameters.

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(Color online) Correlation graph of TCAD values plotted against model values for ft.

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(Color online) Correlation graph of TCAD values plotted against model values for fmax.

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(Color online) Correlation graph of TCAD values plotted against model values for intrinsic gain.

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(Color online) Correlation graph of TCAD values plotted against model values for Y-parameters.
In this paper we have studied the effect of geometrical and doping parameter variations of DG TFETs and DG TFETs with gate–drain overlap. The geometrical parameters, Lg, tox, tch along with the doping parameters, Nch, Nd, Ns are considered in this study. The parameters are varied in and around the nominal value of the devices. RF parameters extracted in this study are ft, fmax, intrinsic gain and Y-parameters. It can be observed that DG TFETs with gate–drain overlap shows better performance with respect to ft, fmax and intrinsic gain for all of the geometrical and doping parameter variations. DG TFETs with gate–drain overlap device offers higher value of ft and intrinsic gain for gate oxide thickness variations. Higher value of fmax is obtained for DG TFETs with gate–drain overlap devices with variations in Nd. In case of Y-parameters, DG TFETs with gate–drain overlap offers better values in terms of Y11 and Y22. The values of Y12 and Y21 are comparatively lower than DG TFETs because of the influence of Cgd along with gm and gds respectively. A numerical model was developed to check the validity of our simulations. The model values are generated for all of the RF parameters and their corresponding correlation coefficients were extracted. It has been found that the simulated and modelled values are approximately the same.