Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai 519082, China Received Date:2021-07-07 Available Online:2021-12-15 Abstract:Hundreds of thousands of experimental data sets of nuclear reactions have been systematically collected, and their number is still growing rapidly. The data and their correlations compose a complex system, which underpins nuclear science and technology. We model the nuclear reaction data as weighted evolving networks for the purpose of data verification and validation. The networks are employed to study the growing cross-section data of a neutron induced threshold reaction (n,2n) and photoneutron reaction. In the networks, the nodes are the historical data, and the weights of the links are the relative deviation between the data points. It is found that the networks exhibit small-world behavior, and their discovery processes are well described by the Heaps law. What makes the networks novel is the mapping relation between the network properties and the salient features of the database: the Heaps exponent corresponds to the exploration efficiency of the specific data set, the distribution of the edge-weights corresponds to the global uncertainty of the data set, and the mean node weight corresponds to the uncertainty of the individual data point. This new perspective to understand the database will be helpful for nuclear data analysis and compilation.
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II.METHODThe cross-section in a specific reaction channel, such as (n,2n) reaction, depends on the change and neutron numbers of the target and the incident energy. Let us discretize the energy degree of freedom using the energy gap $ {\rm d}E $; the data can then be represented by a three order missing tensor. Nowadays, tensor completion is widely used in image inpainting [37] and data imputation [38]. There are various types of non-Bayesian tensor completion techniques; for example, Liu et al. proposed an algorithm for missing values completion in visual data [39]. The beginning of the Bayesian model in the matrix completion area was introduced by Salakhutdinov and Mnih, who built the models of Bayesian matrix factorization [40]. Kolda and Bader gave a comprehensive review of tensor decomposition [41]. Xiong et al. combined the tensor decomposition with Bayesian inference considering the time dependency of each tensor [42]. Chen et al. recently proposed a Bayesian Gaussian CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (BGCP) tensor decomposition model without the time structure [43], which is taken into account in this work. We denote by $ {\cal{S}}\in{\mathbb{R}}^{I\times J\times K} $ the actual value of the tensor, where the entry $ \sigma_{ijk} $ is the physical reality of the cross section in the reaction of the target $ ^{2i+j}_{i}X_{i+j} $ at the incident energy $ E = k\cdot {\rm d}E $. Here, j denotes the isospin degrees of freedom, expressed as the difference between neutron and charge numbers $ j = N-Z $. Indeed, we do not have the values of $ \sigma_{ijk} $ but some observations with uncertainties. Considering the multiple measurements, let $ \sigma_{ijk}^{(p)} $ ($ p = 1,\cdots,P_{ijk} $) represent the p-th observation of the cross-section and $ P_{ijk} $ the total number of observations. A list of missing tensors $ {\widetilde{\cal{S}}} = \{ {\cal{S}}^{(1)},\ldots,{\cal{S}}^{(P)} \} $ could be used to describe all the observations, where $ P = \max(P_{ijk}) $ for all possible $ ijk $. The observations are arranged in the missing tensors according to their superscripts, such as $ \sigma_{ijk}^{(1)} $ in $ {\cal{S}}^{(1)} $, $ \sigma_{ijk}^{(2)} $ in $ {\cal{S}}^{(2)} $, and so on. The entries for no observations are missing. Being different from Ref. [43], the multiple observations for the physical reality $ \sigma_{ijk} $ are considered. In the following, we expound the resulting changes of the Bayesian framework of parameters. It is assumed that the uncertainty of each observed value follows an independent Gaussian distribution,
where $ \tau_{\epsilon} $ is the precision. In real-world applications the expectation $ \sigma_{ijk} $ is unknown and replaced with the estimated value $ \hat{\sigma}_{ijk} $, which is the entry of the estimated tensor $ {\hat{\cal{S}}} $. The CP decomposition is applied to calculate the estimation $ {\hat{\cal{S}}} $:
where $ {\boldsymbol{z}}_{l}\in{\mathbb{R}}^{I} $, $ {\boldsymbol{d}}_{l}\in{\mathbb{R}}^{J} $, and $ {\boldsymbol{e}}_{l}\in{\mathbb{R}}^{K} $ are respectively the l-th column vector of the factor matrices $ {\boldsymbol{Z}}\in{\mathbb{R}}^{I\times L} $, $ {\boldsymbol{D}}\in{\mathbb{R}}^{J\times L} $, and $ {\boldsymbol{E}}\in{\mathbb{R}}^{K\times L} $. The symbol $ \circ $ represents the outer product. The prior distribution of the row vectors of the factor matrix Z is the multivariate Gaussian
where the hyper-parameter $ {\boldsymbol{\mu}}^{(z)}\in{\mathbb{R}}^{L} $ expresses the expectation, and $ {\bf{\Lambda}}^{(z)}\in{\mathbb{R}}^{L\times L} $ indicates the width of the distribution. The likelihood function can be written as
where $ \circledast $ is the Hadamard product. The posterior values of the hyper-parameters $ {\boldsymbol{\mu}}^{(z)} $ and $ {\bf{\Lambda}}^{(z)} $ are given as
The contribution of the observations to the hyper-parameter is equivalent, being independent of which missing tensor it is arranged in. The likelihood function of all observations is
Based on Eq. (8), each observation contributes to the increase of $ \dfrac{1}{2} $ in $ \hat{a}_0 $, and $ \dfrac{1}{2}(x_{\bf{i}}^{(p)}-\hat{x}_{\bf{i}})^2 $ in $ \hat{b}_0 $. Equation (5) shows that the observations with the same subscript i contribute to the posterior values of the hyper-parameter $ {\boldsymbol{\mu}}_{i}^{(z)} $. Changing the second formula in Eq. (5) to
The weighted network can be built, where nodes are the observations, and the weight of the link between two observations with the same subscript is defined as
Cases for the subscripts j and k are similar. In Fig. 1, the above method is illustrated . In brief, as with the image inpainting, the cross-section in a specific reaction channel is represented by a three order tensor $ {\cal{S}} $. According to the CP decomposition, the tensor $ {\cal{S}} $ is expressed as the outer product of the factor matrixes Z, D, and E. The prior distributions of the factor matrixes are assumed to be multivariate Gaussians. With the observed data of the cross-section, the posterior values of the factor matrixes and their distributions can be calculated using Bayesian inference and iteration. Finally, the predicted cross-section is reconstituted with the factor matrixes Z, D, and E, while the network is built with the hyper-parameter μ and $ \Delta {\boldsymbol{\mu}} $. Figure1. (color?online)?Illustration for visualizing the definitions of the involved quantities and their relations.