Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Durgapur Durgapur- 713209, West Bengal, India Received Date:2020-02-09 Available Online:2020-07-01 Abstract:We analyze different decay observables of semileptonic decays ${B}_{c}\to \left({D}_{s,d}^{\left(*\right)}\right){\mu }^{+}{\mu }^{-}$, such as the branching ratio, forward-backward asymmetry, polarization fraction, and lepton polarization asymmetry in the non-universal $ Z'$ model. We further study the dependence of the branching fraction to the new model parameters and find that the values of different decay parameters increase in the $ Z'$ model, which indicates a possible approach for the search of new physics as well as for the unknown phenomena of the charm B meson.
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2.Formalism of effective HamiltonianTypically rare B decays are described by low energy effective Hamiltonian obtained by integrating out the heavy degrees of freedom of the top quark and W boson. Short-distance contributions contained in Wilson coefficients are separated by the operator product expansion and calculated perturbatively. Long-distance contributions are contained in matrix elements of local operators, which are calculated in a non-perturbative approach. The effective Hamiltonian for the $b\to q{l}^{+}{l}^{-}$ (where $q=s,d$) transition renormalized at a scale μ ≈ mb is given by [39]
where GF is the Fermi constant, Vtj are CKM matrix elements, Ci denote the Wilson coefficients, and ${\cal{O}}_{i}$ denote the standard model operator basis, which is found in Ref. [23]. ${O}_{i}\left(\mu \right) \left(i=1,\cdots 6\right)$ represent the four-quark operators, $ i=7, 8$ are dipole operators, and $i=9, 10$ represent semileptonic electroweak operators. Here, the operators $ {\cal{O}}_{7}, {\cal{O}}_{9}$, and ${\cal{O}}_{10}$ are mainly responsible for these decay modes. From the reduced effective Hamiltonian, we can obtain the free quark decay amplitude, which is written as
where $ {C}_{2}\left({m}_{W}\right)=1$ and $ {C}_{7}\left({m}_{W}\right), {C}_{8}\left({m}_{W}\right)$ are given in Ref. [41]. The coefficients ai and hi are given as [24, 42],
The parameter η in Eq. (7) is defined as $\eta =\frac{{{\alpha }_{s}(\mu }_{W})}{{\alpha }_{s}\left({\mu }_{b}\right)}$. ${C}_{9}^{\rm eff}$ contains short-distance perturbative contribution and long-distance contribution terms. Within the SM, ${C}_{9}^{\rm eff}$ is written as
where q2 is the four-momentum squared of the lepton pair. The short-distance contribution (perturbative part) denoted by ${y}_{\rm pert}\left({q}^{2}\right)$ [38] involves the indirect contributions coming from the matrix element of four quark operators. The long-distance part denoted by ${y}_{\rm BW}\left({q}^{2}\right)$ has $c{\bar{c}}$ intermediate states, i.e., the $ J/\psi $ family [43]. By introducing the Breit-Wigner formula, the explicit expression of ${y}_{\rm BW}\left({q}^{2}\right)$ is parameterized [37], and it is provided in Appendix A. $c{\bar{c}}$ resonances cause a large peak in the decay distribution, due to which hadronic uncertainties are coming to the semileptonic decay modes. To apply these relations in Bc decay modes, we must find the matrix elements of the operators ${\bar{q}}{\gamma }_{\mu }\left(1-{\gamma }_{5}\right)b$ and ${\bar{q}}{\sigma }_{\mu \nu }{q}^{\nu }\left(1+{\gamma }_{5}\right)b$ between the initial and final hadronic states, which is based on a non-perturbative approach. The long-distance processes considered here are induced by resonance cascade modes, such as ${B}_{c}\to {D}_{s\left(d\right)}^{\left(*\right)}V\to {D}_{s\left(d\right)}^{\left(*\right)}l{\bar{l}}$. The contributions of these transitions could be termed after the relationship $Br({B}_{c}\to { {D}_{s\left(d\right)}^{\left(*\right)}l{\bar{l}})}_{\rm cascade} \sim Br({B}_{c}\to {D}_{s\left(d\right)}^{\left(*\right)}V)\times Br(V\to l{\bar{l}})$. The resonances V denote ${J}^{PC}={1}^{--}$ mesons, which could be $ {\bar{u}}u, {\bar{d}}d, {\bar{s}}s$, and ${\bar{c}}c$ bound states. In our analysis, we neglect the effects of the ${B}_{c}\to {D}_{s\left(d\right)}^{\left(*\right)}\rho (\omega ,\phi )$ cascade decays. Because Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) rules allow the strong decays of $ \rho , \omega $, and $\phi$ mesons, while the decay modes of $ J/\psi \left(\psi \right(2S\left)\right)$ are suppressed by OZI rules. Thus, the transitions $ \rho \left(\omega ,\phi \right)\to l{\bar{l}}$ induced by electromagnetic interaction are of a smaller branching fraction than the processes $ J/\psi \left(\psi \right(2S\left)\right)\to l{\bar{l}}$. In contrast, $ {B}_{c}\to {D}_{s}^{\left(*\right)}\rho (\omega ,\phi )$ modes are suppressed because of small CKM matrix elements $ {V}_{ub}$ and $ {V}_{us}$. Consequently, Wilson coefficients ${C}_{3-6}$ are also small, yielding a lower branching fraction of $ {B}_{c}\to {D}_{s,d}^{\left(*\right)}\rho (\omega ,\phi )$. Hence, here we have considered only ${B_c} \to D_{s\left( d \right)}^{\left( * \right)}J/\psi \left( {\psi \left( {2S} \right)} \right) \to D_{s\left( d \right)}^{\left( * \right)}l{\bar{l}}$ processes [44, 45].
3.Decay observables of ${B_c} \to D_{s,d}^{\left( * \right)}l{\bar{l}}$ processesIn this section, we present the explicit expressions of different decay observables of the semileptonic decay channels $ {B}_{c}\to \left({D}_{s,d}^{\left(*\right)}\right){l}^{+}{l}^{-}$. The matrix elements can be parameterized in terms of different hadronic form factors and are given in Appendix A. The obtained form factors are consistent with all model independent symmetry relations [46, 47] within the limit of infinitely heavy quark mass and large energy of the final meson. For the helicity amplitudes, we recall that the techniques of Refs. [48-50] followed Ref. [37]. These amplitudes are likewise given in Appendix A. The subscripts $ \pm , 0, t$denote transverse, longitudinal, and time helicity components. As the final mesons $ {D}_{s,d}$ are pseudo-scalar mesons and do not have any polarization direction, the transverse helicity amplitudes for ${B}_{c}\to {D}_{s,d}{l}^{+}{l}^{-}$ channels are zero. Based on the calculation in Refs. [37, 44], the three-body ${B}_{c}\to {D}_{s\left(d\right)}{l}^{+}{l}^{-}$ and ${B}_{c}\to {D}_{s\left(d\right)}^{*}{l}^{+}{l}^{-}$ differential decay rates are given by,
Further, we also study some other observables like the forward-backward asymmetry (AFB) and the longitudinal polarization fraction (PL) of the final vector meson in the decay ${B}_{c}\to {D}_{s,d}^{*}{l}^{+}{l}^{-}$. While analyzing the channel $B\to {K}^{*}{l}^{+}{l}^{-}$, AFB and PL have received significant attention both theoretically and experimentally. It is expected to collect further information on the Wilson coefficient by investigating these observables. The forward-backward asymmetry (AFB) is given by [37]
Notably, the forward-backward asymmetry observable for the ${B}_{c}\to {D}_{s,d}{l}^{+}{l}^{-}$ channel is zero in the SM, which consequently states parity-even nature. The non-zero value of AFB indicates parity-odd effects arising due to the parity-conserving contribution coming from scalar-vector interference. AFB ≠ 0 might be possible, if it receives contribution from scalar, pseudoscalar, or tensor new physics operators. However, in our model no new operator has been introduced, and instead only the Wilson coefficients have been modified. Thus, we maintain the zero forward backward asymmetry and do not discuss this observable for ${B}_{c}\to {D}_{s,d}{l}^{+}{l}^{-}$. Similarly, the longitudinal polarization fraction (PL) of the ${D}_{s\left(d\right)}^{*}$ meson is written as [37]
Here, we only investigate the longitudinal polarization of the final vector meson. The transverse polarizations PT could be obtained from the relation ${P}_{T}=1-{P}_{L}$. Furthermore, the leptonic polarization asymmetry $\left({A}_{{P}_{L}}\right)$ is defined as [44],
4.Non-universal Z' modelThere are several models beyond the SM that predict the existence of exotic fermions. If the new exotic fermions have different $U(1)'$ charges as in E6 models [49-53], mixing between ordinary (doublet) and exotic singlet left-handed fermions induces undesirable FCNC mediated by the SM Z boson. In contrast, the mixing between right handed ordinary and exotic fermions induces FCNC mediated by the ${Z'}$ boson. Here, the choice of the non-universal ${Z'}$ model [54-57] is considered to be the most economical, as it requires one extra $U(1)'$ gauge symmetry associated with a neutral gauge boson called ${Z'}$ boson. Basic formalism of the family non-universal ${Z'}$ model with FCNCs can be found in [55, 58, 59]. The main attraction of this model is that the FCNC transitions could occur at tree level due to the off-diagonal (flavor changing) couplings of non-universal ${Z'}$ with fermions, which is not allowed under SM consideration. Various studies of the non-universal ${Z'}$ model have been conducted assuming diagonal as well as vanishing right-handed quark couplings with the ${Z'}$ boson. It is observed that this can help resolve the puzzles of rare B meson decays, such as the $B-{\bar{B}}$ mixing phase [60], $ \pi -K$ puzzle [59, 61], $\pi -\pi $ puzzle [62, 63], etc. In this model, the ${Z'}$ part of the neutral-current Lagrangian within the basis of gauge eigenstates of all fields is written as
${\cal{L}}^{Z'}={-g'}{{J'}_{\mu }}{Z'}^{\mu },$
where $g'$ is the new gauge coupling of the $U(1)'$ group at the MW scale. The $U(1)'$ current for ${Z'}$ boson in the appropriate gauge basis is
where i is the family index, and ψ denotes the fermions (up- or down-type quarks, or charged or neutral leptons). ${P}_{L,R}= (1\mp {\gamma }_{5})/2$ and ${\epsilon}_{{\psi }_{{R,L}_{ij}}}$ represent the chiral couplings of the ${Z'}$ boson. The chiral ${Z'}$ coupling matrices in the fermion mass eigenstate basis are given as
These couplings may contain CP-violating phases beyond the SM. As long as the ? matrices are not proportional to the identity, the B matrices will have non-zero off-diagonal elements that induce the FCNC interaction at the tree level. We chose the basis such that $ {\epsilon}_{{\psi }_{R}}\propto I$; hence the right-handed couplings vanish within this framework. If ${B}_{ij}^{{\psi }_{R}}$ is non-diagonal, different chirality structures will be induced in B decays, which generate new operators to the effective Hamiltonian. The presence of new chirally flipped operators might treat these transitions differently and may cause deviations from the SM. However, those discussions are beyond the scope of this study, as we only modify the Wilson coefficients in our analysis and do not create any new operators apart from the SM semileptonic operators. For the $b\to q(q=s,d )$ transition, the ${Z'}bq$ couplings are generated as [64],
The value of $ \left|\frac{{\rm{g}}'}{{\rm{g}}}\right|$ is not determined yet. However, it is expected that $\left|\frac{{\rm{g}}'}{{\rm{g}}}\right|\sim 1$, as both $U(1)$ groups arise from the same GUT. Throughout the entire analysis, we ignore the renormalization group running effects due to these new contributions. To avoid too many free parameters, we assume that the FCNC couplings of the ${Z'}$ and quarks only occur in the left-handed sector. Therefore, ${\rho }_{sb}^{R}=0$ and the effects of the ${Z'}$ FCNC currents simply modify the Wilson coefficients C9 and C10. Because the ${Z'}$ boson has not yet been discovered, its mass is unknown. However, there are stringent limits on the mass of an extra ${Z'}$ boson obtained by CDF, D?, and LEP 2, and on the Z-Z' mixing angle ${\theta }_{Z{Z'}}$ [65-66]. The precision electroweak (EW) data strongly constrain ${\theta }_{Z{Z'}}$ to be very small, i.e., $\left|{\theta }_{Z{Z'}} \right|\le 8.1\times {10}^{-3}$. Using the current LHC Drell-Yan data, the authors of Refs. [67-69] obtained the lower limit of mass of ${Z'}$ as $M_{Z'}> 4.4 \;{\rm{TeV}}$. Recently, in Ref. [70] the constraints on the mixing angle ${\theta }_{Z{Z'}}$ have been derived from resonant diboson searches at the LHC at $\sqrt{s}=13\;{\rm{TeV}}$, which is on the order of a few ×10-4. Because of the small ${\theta }_{Z{Z'}}$, we can neglect the $Z-{Z'}$ mixing and consider that the couplings of only the right-handed quarks with ${Z'}$ are diagonal. Hence, we can write the effective Hamiltonian for the transition $b\to q{l}^{+}{l}^{-}$ mediated by ${Z'}$ FCNC as
where ${B}_{qb}^{L}=\left|{B}_{qb}^{L}\right|{\rm e}^{-{\rm i}{\varphi }_{qb}}$ represents the off-diagonal left-handed couplings of ${Z'}$ boson with the quark sector, and φqb is the new weak phase angle. The concise effective Hamiltonian is thus given by [71]
Here, $ {S}_{LL}={S}_{ll}^{L}+{S}_{ll}^{R}$ and $ {D}_{LL}={S}_{ll}^{L}-{S}_{ll}^{R}$. The terms ${S}_{ll}^{L}$ and ${S}_{ll}^{R}$ denote the couplings of the ${Z'}$ boson with left- and right-handed leptons respectively. The numerical values of the ${Z'}$ couplings suffer from several constraints that arise due to different exclusive and inclusive B decays [60, 72, 73]. We consider two scenarios, as described in Table 1 in our calculation, corresponding to different fitting values of ${B}_{s}-{{\bar{B}}}_{s}$ and $ {B}_{d}-{{\bar{B}}}_{d}$ mixing data that present the couplings as well as the weak phase angle. The values of input parameters of |Bsb| and ?sb are set by UTfit collaborations [74], whereas |Bdb| and ?db are recollected from Ref. [75].
1.09 ± 0.22
?72 ± 7
?2.8 ± 3.9
?6.7 ± 2.6
2.20 ± 0.15
?82 ± 4
?1.2 ± 1.4
?2.5 ± 0.9
Table1.Input parameters for non-universal ${Z'}$ model [76, 77].
The contributions of the non-universal ${Z'}$ boson to the branching ratio, FB asymmetry, and lepton polarization asymmetry described in the following section are considered only for muonic channels i.e., ${B}_{c}\to {D}_{s,d}^{\left(*\right)}{\mu }^{+}{\mu }^{-}$ decay modes.
The hadronic matrix elements for ${B}_{c}\to {D}_{s\left(d\right)}{\mu }^{+}{\mu }^{-}$ decays are written in terms of three invariant meson to meson transition form factors. These are
$\tag{A4}\begin{split}\left\langle {{D_{s\left( d \right)}}{\rm{|}}{\bar{s}}{\gamma ^\mu }b{\rm{|}}{B_c}} \right\rangle =& {f_ + }\left( {{q^2}} \right)\left[ {p_{{B_c}}^\mu + p_{{D_{s\left( d \right)}}}^\mu - \frac{{M_{{B_c}}^2 - M_{{D_{s\left( d \right)}}}^2}}{{{q^2}}}{q^\mu }} \right] \\&+ {f_0}\left( {{q^2}} \right)\frac{{M_{{B_c}}^2 - M_{{D_{s\left( d \right)}}}^2}}{{{q^2}}}{q^\mu },\\\left\langle {{D_{s\left( d \right)}}{\rm{|}}{\bar{s}}{\sigma ^{\mu \nu }}{q_\nu }b{\rm{|}}{B_c}} \right\rangle =& \frac{{{\rm i}{f_T}\left( {{q^2}} \right)}}{{{M_{{B_c}}} + {M_{{D_{s\left( d \right)}}}}}}\left[ {{q^2}\left( {p_{{B_c}}^\mu + p_{{D_{s\left( d \right)}}}^\mu } \right) }\right.\\&\left.- \left( {M_{{B_c}}^2 - M_{{D_{s\left( d \right)}}}^2} \right){q^\mu } \right].\end{split}$
Similarly, for $ {B}_{c}\to {D}_{s\left(d\right)}^{*}{\mu }^{+}{\mu }^{-}$ channels, the hadronic matrix elements can be parameterized in terms of seven invariant form factors. These are
where $ {q}^{\mu }={({p}_{B}-{p}_{{D}_{s\left(d\right)}},{p}_{{D}_{s\left(d\right)}^{*}})}^{\mu }$ is the four momentum transfer, and $ {\epsilon}_{\mu }$ is the polarization vector of the $ {D}_{s\left(d\right)}^{*}$ meson. The helicity amplitudes for the $ {B}_{c}\to {D}_{s\left(d\right)}{l}^{+}{l}^{-}$ decay mode are written as