2.重庆市农业资源与环境研究重点实验室, 重庆 400715
1.College of Resources and Environment, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
2.Chongqing Key Laboratory of Agricultural Resources and Environment Research, Chongqing 400715, China
In view of the difficulty in simultaneous remediation of arsenic and cadmium pollution in soil, a novel material FeMnCa-LDHs was prepared to achieve simultaneous immobilization of arsenic and cadmium in the soil. Soil culture experiments and a pot-planting experiment of
were carried out to explore the effects of different addition rates of FeMnCa-LDHs on the inactivation dynamics of arsenic and cadmium species in soil, as well as the mass fraction of arsenic and cadmium in
under different heavy metal pollution levels, and the correlation between the two was analyzed. The results showed that 1.0% addition rate reduced the mass fraction of weak acid extractable arsenic and cadmium by 12.1% and 28.9%, respectively, for the highly polluted soil and both arsenic and cadmium transformed from weak acid-extractable form to residual state. The material's adsorption of arsenic and the increase of soil pH were the main reasons for its simultaneous immobilization of arsenic and cadmium. 0.5% addition rate could reduce the mass fractions of arsenic and cadmium in the aboveground part of
by 61.2% and 53.0% for the highly polluted soil. The correlation analysis showed that the mass fractions of arsenic and cadmium in various parts of
significantly and positively correlated with those extracted by weak acid in the soil, while negatively correlated with the residual forms. It showed that the FeMnCa-LDHs material reduced the bioavailability of arsenic and cadmium by changing the morphological distribution of arsenic and cadmium in soil. This study could provide a new solution to this issue in simultaneous remediation of arsenic and cadmium pollution in soil.
Material characterization diagram of FeMnCa-LDHs
Effects of FeMnCa-LDHs material on soil pH under different pollution levels
Effects of FeMnCa-LDHs on the forms of As and Cd in soil under different pollution levels
Correlation analysis of As and Cd in different soil forms and in different parts of
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