成都理工大学核技术与自动化工程学院,地学核技术四川省重点实验室,成都 610059
Applied Nuclear Techniques in Geosciences Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, College of Nuclear Technology and Automation Engineering, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China
地下建筑是城市空间的重要组成部分,氡气是值得关注的地下建筑环境污染物之一。对成都市某地下建筑进行了连续2年的氡浓度监测,通过频数分布和相关性分析了地下建筑氡浓度的季节变化规律以及氡浓度与气温、气压等因素之间的关系。结果表明: 该地下建筑内的氡浓度为8.9~83.1 Bq·m
,环境氡及其子体所致公众的平均年有效剂量为0.643 mSv,低于《地下建筑氡及其子体控制标准》(GBZ 116-2002)中地下建筑氡浓度限值;氡气浓度呈现明显的季节性变化规律;氡浓度与温度和湿度正相关,与大气压负相关。基于监测数据,建议地下停车场夏季需要加强通风,并在地下停车场开展连续氡浓度监测,根据氡气浓度调节通风设备功率。
Underground buildings are an important part of cities and radon is a key air pollutant worthy of attention. This study investigates the seasonal pattern of radon concentration and its relationships with factors such as temperature and atmospheric pressure. This is performed by probability distribution and correlation analysis based on two years’ radon monitoring in an underground parking lot in Chengdu. Results show that the concentration of radon in the underground parking lot is in the range of 8.9 Bq·m
. The public effective dose caused by radon and its progenies is 0.643 mSv, which is below the regulatory limit in the Standard for Controlling Radon and Its Progenies in Underground Space (GBZ 116-2002). The change in radon concentration also shows an evident seasonal pattern. The radon concentration is found to be positively correlated with temperature and humidity and negatively correlated with atmospheric pressure. Based on the measuring data, it is suggested to strengthen ventilation in the underground parking lot in summer. To save energy and ensure public health, continuous radon concentration monitoring can be carried out in the underground parking lot, and the power of ventilation equipment can be adjusted according to the radon concentration.
Structure of the underground parking lot
Distribution of radon concentration frequency
Distribution of radon concentration, humidity and atmospheric pressure frequency in the morning after removing high values
Relationship between radon concentration and environmental factors
Annual trend of radon concentration in the underground parking lot
Monthly distribution of radon concentration
Correlation analysis results of radon concentration with different environmental factors
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