2.中国地质大学(北京)水资源与环境学院,北京 100083
1.Department of Urban Water Environmental Research, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China
2.College of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering,China University of Geosciences,Beijing 100083,China
运用化学连续提取法(standards-method of measurements and testing,SMT)对北京市3座污水处理厂污泥中的磷进行形态和组成分析,以低温热解、投加酸碱和投加EDTA 3种方式处理污泥,研究磷的溶出规律。结果表明:污泥中的磷主要以无机磷形态存在,占总磷的71.7%~89.3%;非磷灰石是无机磷的主要形态,占50%左右。低温热解时,在50 ℃条件下,污泥总磷的溶出率最高,达50%以上。酸性或碱性条件下,污泥磷溶出效果优于中性条件,pH为4时,污泥的磷溶出效率最高,在40%左右;碱性条件下,污泥中非磷灰石态无机磷会大量溶出。投加EDTA,磷灰石态无机磷的溶出率大于非磷灰石态无机磷。综合以上结果,根据磷的形态设置合理的条件进行污泥磷溶出,有利于提高溶出效率。
In this study, the sludge samples were collected from three sewage treatment plants of Beijing. The standards-method of measurements and testing program (SMT) was used to analyze the phosphorus species and composition in three samples, and the pretreatment methods of thermal hydrolysis, acid/alkali digestion and EDTA addition were used to investigate the release rate of the phosphorus. The results indicated that inorganic phosphorus was the predominant faction, which accounted for 71.7%~89.3% of the total phosphorus, and non-apatite was the main species of inorganic phosphorus, which accounted for about 50%. Thermal hydrolysis pretreatment at 50 ℃ could result in the release of over 50% total phosphorus from the tested sludge samples. The release rate of total phosphorus at acidic or alkaline conditions was higher than that at neutral conditions, the highest release occurred at pH 4 with about 40% total phosphorus. Under alkaline conditions, a large amount of non-apatite inorganic phosphorus could release from the sludge samples. EDTA Addition could lead to a higher release rate of apatite inorganic phosphorus than non-apatite inorganic phosphorus. Reasonable conditions for phosphorus release in combination with phosphorus species were conducive to the increase of phosphorus release rate in sludge samples.
Phosphorus fractions in tested sludge samples from three sewage treatment plants
Total phosphorus concentrations in the supernatant of sludge samples collected from three sewage treatment plants at different temperature
Proportions of phosphate in total phosphorus contained in sludge supernatant of three sewage treatment plants at different temperature
Effect of pH on phosphorus release from sludge in Gaobeidian、Xiaojiahe and Qinghe sewage treatment plants
Effects of different EDTA concentrations on phosphate or total phosphorus release from sludge samples
Concentrations and proportions of different phosphorus species in sludge from three different sewage treatment plants
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