1.河北地质大学水资源与环境学院,石家庄 050031
2.河北省水资源可持续利用与开发重点实验室,石家庄 050031
3.河北省水资源可持续利用与产业结构优化协同创新中心,石家庄 050031
4.中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京 100085
5.华北制药股份有限责任公司,石家庄 050015
基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项2012ZX07203-006
Biochar preparation from penicillin residues treatment under different hydrothermal carbonization conditions
ZHAO Zhirui1,2,3,4,,ZHAO Xiumei5,
YAN Jiachen1,
LI Duo1,2,
ZHANG Jiayao1,4,
SHAN Baoqing4,
1.College of Water Resources and Environment, Hebei Geo University, Shijiazhuang 050031, China
2.Hebei Province Key Laboratory of Sustainable Use and Development of Water Resources, Shijiazhuang 050031, China
3.Hebei Province Collaborative Innovation Center for Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources and Optimization of Industrial Structure, Shijiazhuang 050031, China
4.Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
5.North China Pharmaceutical Company Ltd., Shijiazhuang 050015, China
摘要:为了考察不同水热炭化条件处理青霉素菌渣制备的生物炭特征,采用菌渣中分别添加氯化钠、柠檬酸和硝酸铁为添加剂和分别设置不同温度的方法,分析不同温度、不同添加剂对水热炭化产物特征的影响。结果表明, 在210 ℃时,各种样品的干重产率较高。对于水热产物结构,RNa温度最佳为210 ℃;RAc和RFe最佳温度为180 ℃。在180 ℃时,RH产物孔径平均当量直径最大为3.61 μm;RNa、RAc、RFe变化不大,分别为3.08、3和3.16 μm,变化幅度小于0.2 μm;在210 ℃时,对照产物孔径平均当量直径大于180 ℃时产物为3.94 μm;而RNa为2.99 μm,RAc、RFe孔径依次减小,为别为2.33 μm和1.84 μm。添加剂对产物孔径平均当量直径有影响,而添加剂种类影响不大;温度变化对RNa产物孔径平均当量直径影响不大,对RFe产物影响最明显。
关键词: 制药工业污染防治/
Abstract:In order to investigate the biochar characteristics prepared from penicillin residues under different hydrothermal carbonization conditions, the effects of additives such as sodium chloride, citric acid or ferric nitrate, and temperature on the characteristics of hydrothermal carbonization products were determined. The results showed that the highest dry weight production rates for various samples occurred at 210 ℃. The optimum hydrothermal product structures happened at 210 ℃ for RNa or 180 ℃ for RAc and RFe. At the temperature of 180 ℃, the average equivalent pore diameter of RH was the highest with a value of 3.61 μm, while such diameters of RNa, RAc and RFe presented slight changes within ranges less than 0.2 μm, and were 3.08, 3 and 3.16 μm, respectively. The average equivalent pore diameter of the control product at 210 ℃ was larger than that at 180 ℃ and its value was 3.94 μm. At this temperature, the average equivalent pore diameter of RNa was 2.99 μm, for RAc and RFe, their diameters decreased in turn and were 2.33 μm and 1.84 μm, respectively. The results show that the additives had effects on the average equivalent pore diameters of the products, but their type had slight effects. The temperature change had slight effect on the average equivalent pore diameter of RNa product, but had an obvious effect on RFe product.
Key words:pollution prevention in pharmaceutical industry/
hydrothermal carbonization/
resource recycling of penicillin residues/
biochar preparation.

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1.河北地质大学水资源与环境学院,石家庄 050031
2.河北省水资源可持续利用与开发重点实验室,石家庄 050031
3.河北省水资源可持续利用与产业结构优化协同创新中心,石家庄 050031
4.中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京 100085
5.华北制药股份有限责任公司,石家庄 050015
基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项2012ZX07203-006 河北省高等学校科学技术研究重点项目ZD2016154 河北省重点研发计划项目18273615D 河北省科技计划项目15274015D 河北地质大学国家预研项目KY201702国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2012ZX07203-006) 河北省高等学校科学技术研究重点项目(ZD2016154) 河北省重点研发计划项目(18273615D) 河北省科技计划项目(15274015D) 河北地质大学国家预研项目(KY201702)
关键词: 制药工业污染防治/
摘要:为了考察不同水热炭化条件处理青霉素菌渣制备的生物炭特征,采用菌渣中分别添加氯化钠、柠檬酸和硝酸铁为添加剂和分别设置不同温度的方法,分析不同温度、不同添加剂对水热炭化产物特征的影响。结果表明, 在210 ℃时,各种样品的干重产率较高。对于水热产物结构,RNa温度最佳为210 ℃;RAc和RFe最佳温度为180 ℃。在180 ℃时,RH产物孔径平均当量直径最大为3.61 μm;RNa、RAc、RFe变化不大,分别为3.08、3和3.16 μm,变化幅度小于0.2 μm;在210 ℃时,对照产物孔径平均当量直径大于180 ℃时产物为3.94 μm;而RNa为2.99 μm,RAc、RFe孔径依次减小,为别为2.33 μm和1.84 μm。添加剂对产物孔径平均当量直径有影响,而添加剂种类影响不大;温度变化对RNa产物孔径平均当量直径影响不大,对RFe产物影响最明显。
English Abstract
Biochar preparation from penicillin residues treatment under different hydrothermal carbonization conditions
ZHAO Zhirui1,2,3,4,,ZHAO Xiumei5,
YAN Jiachen1,
LI Duo1,2,
ZHANG Jiayao1,4,
SHAN Baoqing4,
1.College of Water Resources and Environment, Hebei Geo University, Shijiazhuang 050031, China
2.Hebei Province Key Laboratory of Sustainable Use and Development of Water Resources, Shijiazhuang 050031, China
3.Hebei Province Collaborative Innovation Center for Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources and Optimization of Industrial Structure, Shijiazhuang 050031, China
4.Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
5.North China Pharmaceutical Company Ltd., Shijiazhuang 050015, China
Keywords: pollution prevention in pharmaceutical industry/
hydrothermal carbonization/
resource recycling of penicillin residues/
biochar preparation
Abstract:In order to investigate the biochar characteristics prepared from penicillin residues under different hydrothermal carbonization conditions, the effects of additives such as sodium chloride, citric acid or ferric nitrate, and temperature on the characteristics of hydrothermal carbonization products were determined. The results showed that the highest dry weight production rates for various samples occurred at 210 ℃. The optimum hydrothermal product structures happened at 210 ℃ for RNa or 180 ℃ for RAc and RFe. At the temperature of 180 ℃, the average equivalent pore diameter of RH was the highest with a value of 3.61 μm, while such diameters of RNa, RAc and RFe presented slight changes within ranges less than 0.2 μm, and were 3.08, 3 and 3.16 μm, respectively. The average equivalent pore diameter of the control product at 210 ℃ was larger than that at 180 ℃ and its value was 3.94 μm. At this temperature, the average equivalent pore diameter of RNa was 2.99 μm, for RAc and RFe, their diameters decreased in turn and were 2.33 μm and 1.84 μm, respectively. The results show that the additives had effects on the average equivalent pore diameters of the products, but their type had slight effects. The temperature change had slight effect on the average equivalent pore diameter of RNa product, but had an obvious effect on RFe product.