1.中国科学院生态环境研究中心,环境水质学国家重点实验室,北京 100085
2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049
基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理重大专项2015ZX07203-005-03国家水体污染控制与治理重大专项(2015ZX07203-005-03)
Progress in sludge bulking caused by Microthrix parvicella and its control strategy
YANG Min1,2,,YANG Simin1,2,
FAN Niansi1,2,
QI Rong1,2
1.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
摘要:丝状菌过量生长诱发的污泥膨胀现象是城市污水生物处理系统稳定运行面临的巨大挑战,它会造成二沉池固液分离困难、出水水质恶化,严重时导致整体生物处理系统的崩溃。其中,微丝菌(Microthrix parvicella)诱发的污泥膨胀现象因其发生普遍,后果严重,在污水日常工艺运行中对其的预防与控制显得尤为重要。目前,由于微丝菌分离困难,已获得的纯培养物在实验室条件下生长极为缓慢,限制了人们对其生理生化特性的深入认识,为建立有针对性的通用控制策略带来了相当难度。从实际污水处理厂的污泥膨胀现象调查与解析、混合培养体系富集模拟实验的结果表明,微丝菌在低水温(12~15 ℃)、低污泥负荷(-1(以MLSS计))及含长链脂肪酸的环境中具有竞争生长优势,相关组学研究也证实了其对长链脂肪酸具有良好的吸收能力。丝状菌污泥膨胀的控制手段主要包括非特异性技术(如杀菌剂投加)和针对目标丝状菌的特异性技术(如絮凝剂投加、工艺运行参数调节等);而微丝菌膨胀的传统控制策略存在见效慢、成本高、通用性差等特点。迄今为止,我国针对微丝菌诱发污泥膨胀的有效特异性调控策略依然较少。因此,系统总结目前国内外对微丝菌理化特征与生长特性,详细介绍实际工艺运行过程中对其膨胀现象的控制方法,并提出可能的控制策略对未来的研究方向具有重要的现实意义。
关键词: 污泥膨胀/
Abstract:Sludge bulking caused by excessive growth of filamentous bacteria is a huge challenge for the stable operation of sewage biological treatment system, which could cause the difficult solid-liquid separation, the effluent water quality deterioration, even the collapse of the overall sewage treatment system. Among them, sludge bulking phenomenon induced by Microthrix parvicella could cause serious consequences due to its common occurrence, thus its prevention and control are particularly important in the daily operation of sewage process. At present, the physiological and biochemical characteristics of Microthrix parvicella are still not well understood because the growth of its pure culture is extremely low under the lab conditions, then it is quite difficult to establish a targeted general control strategy. Based on the investigation of the sludge bulking phenomenon in the actual sewage treatment plants and the simulation experiments using the mixed culture system, the results showed that Microthrix parvicella has a competitive growth advantage under the environment conditions of low temperature(12~15 ℃), low sludge load(organic calculated by COD) (-1(calculated by MLSS)) and high long-chain fatty acid concentration (more than twelve carbon). The omics analysis also confirmed that this bacteria presented good absorption to long-chain fatty acids. For sludge bulking caused by filamentous bacteria, the control methods include non-specific technologies (bactericides dosing) and specific technologies (flocculants addition, process operation parameters adjustment). However, these conventional technologies for Microthrix parvicella control have the problems of slow effect, high cost and poor universality. So far, the effective control measures for microbial-induced sludge bulking have been lacking. Therefore, this review systematically summarizes the current knowledge of physicochemical characteristics and growth characteristics of Microthrix parvicella at home and abroad, and introduces the control methods of this bacteria expansion phenomenon during the actual process operation, and proposes the possible control strategies which have an important practical significance for future research directions.
Key words:sludge bulking/
Microthrix parvicella/
sludge bulking control/
activated sludge.

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1.中国科学院生态环境研究中心,环境水质学国家重点实验室,北京 100085
2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049
基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理重大专项2015ZX07203-005-03国家水体污染控制与治理重大专项(2015ZX07203-005-03)
关键词: 污泥膨胀/
摘要:丝状菌过量生长诱发的污泥膨胀现象是城市污水生物处理系统稳定运行面临的巨大挑战,它会造成二沉池固液分离困难、出水水质恶化,严重时导致整体生物处理系统的崩溃。其中,微丝菌(Microthrix parvicella)诱发的污泥膨胀现象因其发生普遍,后果严重,在污水日常工艺运行中对其的预防与控制显得尤为重要。目前,由于微丝菌分离困难,已获得的纯培养物在实验室条件下生长极为缓慢,限制了人们对其生理生化特性的深入认识,为建立有针对性的通用控制策略带来了相当难度。从实际污水处理厂的污泥膨胀现象调查与解析、混合培养体系富集模拟实验的结果表明,微丝菌在低水温(12~15 ℃)、低污泥负荷(-1(以MLSS计))及含长链脂肪酸的环境中具有竞争生长优势,相关组学研究也证实了其对长链脂肪酸具有良好的吸收能力。丝状菌污泥膨胀的控制手段主要包括非特异性技术(如杀菌剂投加)和针对目标丝状菌的特异性技术(如絮凝剂投加、工艺运行参数调节等);而微丝菌膨胀的传统控制策略存在见效慢、成本高、通用性差等特点。迄今为止,我国针对微丝菌诱发污泥膨胀的有效特异性调控策略依然较少。因此,系统总结目前国内外对微丝菌理化特征与生长特性,详细介绍实际工艺运行过程中对其膨胀现象的控制方法,并提出可能的控制策略对未来的研究方向具有重要的现实意义。
English Abstract
Progress in sludge bulking caused by Microthrix parvicella and its control strategy
YANG Min1,2,,YANG Simin1,2,
FAN Niansi1,2,
QI Rong1,2
1.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Keywords: sludge bulking/
Microthrix parvicella/
sludge bulking control/
activated sludge
Abstract:Sludge bulking caused by excessive growth of filamentous bacteria is a huge challenge for the stable operation of sewage biological treatment system, which could cause the difficult solid-liquid separation, the effluent water quality deterioration, even the collapse of the overall sewage treatment system. Among them, sludge bulking phenomenon induced by Microthrix parvicella could cause serious consequences due to its common occurrence, thus its prevention and control are particularly important in the daily operation of sewage process. At present, the physiological and biochemical characteristics of Microthrix parvicella are still not well understood because the growth of its pure culture is extremely low under the lab conditions, then it is quite difficult to establish a targeted general control strategy. Based on the investigation of the sludge bulking phenomenon in the actual sewage treatment plants and the simulation experiments using the mixed culture system, the results showed that Microthrix parvicella has a competitive growth advantage under the environment conditions of low temperature(12~15 ℃), low sludge load(organic calculated by COD) (-1(calculated by MLSS)) and high long-chain fatty acid concentration (more than twelve carbon). The omics analysis also confirmed that this bacteria presented good absorption to long-chain fatty acids. For sludge bulking caused by filamentous bacteria, the control methods include non-specific technologies (bactericides dosing) and specific technologies (flocculants addition, process operation parameters adjustment). However, these conventional technologies for Microthrix parvicella control have the problems of slow effect, high cost and poor universality. So far, the effective control measures for microbial-induced sludge bulking have been lacking. Therefore, this review systematically summarizes the current knowledge of physicochemical characteristics and growth characteristics of Microthrix parvicella at home and abroad, and introduces the control methods of this bacteria expansion phenomenon during the actual process operation, and proposes the possible control strategies which have an important practical significance for future research directions.