1.西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院,西安 710055
2.浙江丰林染整有限公司,嘉兴 314500
基金项目: 国家科技支撑计划项目(2014BAC13B06)
Transformation of reactive red M-3BE during the treatment process of the dual-step ozone induced flotation
WANG Jia1,,JIN Pengkang1,,
WEI Xiao1,
WANG Ziyuan2,
WEI Zhechao2,
LIU Huiyue2,
JIN Xin1
1.School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Xi'an University of Architectural and Technology, Xi'an 710055, China
2.Zhejiang Fenglin Flax Dyeing and Finishing Co.Ltd., Jiaxing 314500, China
摘要:针对传统污泥法对印染废水中有机物去除效果有限的问题,利用多级臭氧气浮中试实验系统(DOIF)对活性红M-3BE印染废水进行深度处理,研究不同操作参数对DOIF工艺处理效果的影响,优化DOIF工艺。为进一步确定印染废水中有机物的迁移转化过程,采用紫外可见分光光度计、三维荧光(3D-EEM)和液相色谱等方法进行了分析。结果表明,臭氧气浮氧化脱色效果良好,臭氧投加量、PAC投加量和回流比分别为21 mg?L-1、9 mg?L-1和40%的情况下,废水脱色率和DOC去除率分别达到99.1%和25.2%。臭氧气浮降解活性红M-3BE的工艺中,臭氧催化氧化过程中的矿化起主要作用。其作用机理推测为,首先活性红M-3BE非对称断键为Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ,其次Ⅰ分解为2种中间产物,并随后分解为萘和萘酚,Ⅱ分解为均三嗪,Ⅲ分解为苯环。多级臭氧气浮工艺对活性红M-3BE印染废水去除效果明显,为后续臭氧气浮技术工程化应用提供了参考依据。
关键词: 活性红M-3BE/
Abstract:Because of the limited removal efficiency for organic matters in printing and dyeing wastewater by traditional sludge process, the pilot-scale test system of the dual-step ozone induced flotation (DOIF) was developed for the advanced treatment of the printing and dyeing wastewater of reactive red M-3BE in this study. The effects of different operation parameters on DOIF treatment efficiency were studied for the optimization of this process. Then UV-vis spectrophotometer, three-dimensional fluorescence (3D-EEM) and liquid chromatography were used to identify the transformation of organic compounds in printing and dyeing wastewater. The results showed that a good decolorization performance was obtained by ozone flotation oxidization in DOIF process. At the ozone dosage of 21 mg?L-1, PAC dosage of 9 mg?L-1, and 40% reflux ratio, both the decolorization efficiency of the printing and dyeing wastewater of reactive red M-3BE and removal rate of DOC were 99.1% and 25.2%, respectively. During the degradation processing of reactive red M-3BE by DOIF, the mineralization of ozone catalytic oxidation process played a major role. The mechanism was speculated that the bonds of reactive red M-3BE were asymmetrically broken as Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ. Then Ⅰ was decomposed into two intermediates with naphthalene and naphthol as the subsequent decomposition products. Ⅱ and Ⅲ were decomposed into mesitylene triazine and benzene ring, respectively. An obvious removal effect of printing and dyeing wastewater of reactive red M-3BE was proved for DOIF process, which provides a reference for its engineering application.
Key words:reactive red M-3BE/
printing and dyeing wastewater/
dual-step ozone induced flotation process/
transformation characteristics of organic compounds.

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1.西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院,西安 710055
2.浙江丰林染整有限公司,嘉兴 314500
基金项目: 国家科技支撑计划项目(2014BAC13B06)
关键词: 活性红M-3BE/
摘要:针对传统污泥法对印染废水中有机物去除效果有限的问题,利用多级臭氧气浮中试实验系统(DOIF)对活性红M-3BE印染废水进行深度处理,研究不同操作参数对DOIF工艺处理效果的影响,优化DOIF工艺。为进一步确定印染废水中有机物的迁移转化过程,采用紫外可见分光光度计、三维荧光(3D-EEM)和液相色谱等方法进行了分析。结果表明,臭氧气浮氧化脱色效果良好,臭氧投加量、PAC投加量和回流比分别为21 mg?L-1、9 mg?L-1和40%的情况下,废水脱色率和DOC去除率分别达到99.1%和25.2%。臭氧气浮降解活性红M-3BE的工艺中,臭氧催化氧化过程中的矿化起主要作用。其作用机理推测为,首先活性红M-3BE非对称断键为Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ,其次Ⅰ分解为2种中间产物,并随后分解为萘和萘酚,Ⅱ分解为均三嗪,Ⅲ分解为苯环。多级臭氧气浮工艺对活性红M-3BE印染废水去除效果明显,为后续臭氧气浮技术工程化应用提供了参考依据。
English Abstract
Transformation of reactive red M-3BE during the treatment process of the dual-step ozone induced flotation
WANG Jia1,,JIN Pengkang1,,
WEI Xiao1,
WANG Ziyuan2,
WEI Zhechao2,
LIU Huiyue2,
JIN Xin1
1.School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Xi'an University of Architectural and Technology, Xi'an 710055, China
2.Zhejiang Fenglin Flax Dyeing and Finishing Co.Ltd., Jiaxing 314500, China
Keywords: reactive red M-3BE/
printing and dyeing wastewater/
dual-step ozone induced flotation process/
transformation characteristics of organic compounds
Abstract:Because of the limited removal efficiency for organic matters in printing and dyeing wastewater by traditional sludge process, the pilot-scale test system of the dual-step ozone induced flotation (DOIF) was developed for the advanced treatment of the printing and dyeing wastewater of reactive red M-3BE in this study. The effects of different operation parameters on DOIF treatment efficiency were studied for the optimization of this process. Then UV-vis spectrophotometer, three-dimensional fluorescence (3D-EEM) and liquid chromatography were used to identify the transformation of organic compounds in printing and dyeing wastewater. The results showed that a good decolorization performance was obtained by ozone flotation oxidization in DOIF process. At the ozone dosage of 21 mg?L-1, PAC dosage of 9 mg?L-1, and 40% reflux ratio, both the decolorization efficiency of the printing and dyeing wastewater of reactive red M-3BE and removal rate of DOC were 99.1% and 25.2%, respectively. During the degradation processing of reactive red M-3BE by DOIF, the mineralization of ozone catalytic oxidation process played a major role. The mechanism was speculated that the bonds of reactive red M-3BE were asymmetrically broken as Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ. Then Ⅰ was decomposed into two intermediates with naphthalene and naphthol as the subsequent decomposition products. Ⅱ and Ⅲ were decomposed into mesitylene triazine and benzene ring, respectively. An obvious removal effect of printing and dyeing wastewater of reactive red M-3BE was proved for DOIF process, which provides a reference for its engineering application.