1.南京大学环境学院,污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室,南京 210023
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目51778280,51608253,51438008
Control of halogenated disinfection byproducts with a resin adsorption-electrolyzation method
YIN Tong1,,WU Yun1,
SHI Peng1,
LI Aimin1,
ZHOU Qing1,
SHUANG Chendong1,
PAN Yang1,
1.State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
摘要:天然有机物(NOM)和溴离子是卤代消毒副产物的前体物,氯型阴离子交换树脂可以有效去除这2种前体物,同时交换出氯离子。交换出的氯离子与水源水中天然存在的氯离子通过电解可以产生自由氯用于消毒。将氯型阴离子 交换树脂处理与电解联用,通过建立和优化树脂处理与电解消毒方法,实现饮用水中卤代消毒副产物的控制。结果表明:树脂依次经过碱/酸洗、甲醇抽提和5次去离子水清洗后,可以有效减少树脂溶出,并降低氯离子和甲醇的影响;在2 L的模拟水源水样中加入20 mL树脂反应1 h后,可以去除93.7%的NOM和91.2%的溴离子;由树脂交换至水样中的氯离子通过电解氧化,可以在3 min内产生5 mg·L-1的氯。与单独的氯消毒相比,新方法可以削减86.4%的总有机卤 素(TOX)。
关键词: 消毒/
Abstract:Natural organic matter (NOM) and bromide are both precursors of halogenated disinfection byproducts. They could be efficiently removed from source water by chloride-form anion-exchange resin adsorption, and chloride are released at the same time. Then the above released chloride and the chloride initially present in source water could be electrolyzed to generate free chlorine for disinfection. In a optimized joint process of chloride-form anion-exchange resin adsorption and electrolyzation, efficient control of halogenated disinfection byproducts can be achieved in drinking water. The results showed that the successive base/acid washing, methanol extraction, and five-times deionized water washing of resin could decrease resin leaching and the impacts of chloride and methanol. When 20 mL resin was dosed in 2 L simulated source water sample, up to 93.7% NOM and 91.2% bromide were removed after 1 h adsorption. Then the released chloride from resin to water was electrolyzed and oxidized, and 5 mg·L-1 chloride could be generated within 3 min. In comparison with disinfection by chlorine alone, the new joint process could reduce total organic halogen (TOX) formation by 86.4%.
Key words:disinfection/
disinfection byproducts/
anion-exchange resin adsorption/

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1.南京大学环境学院,污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室,南京 210023
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目51778280,51608253,51438008 江苏省优秀青年基金资助项目BK20180058 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金14380079 江苏省青年基金资助项目BK20160656国家自然科学基金资助项目(51778280,51608253,51438008) 江苏省优秀青年基金资助项目(BK20180058) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(14380079) 江苏省青年基金资助项目(BK20160656)
关键词: 消毒/
摘要:天然有机物(NOM)和溴离子是卤代消毒副产物的前体物,氯型阴离子交换树脂可以有效去除这2种前体物,同时交换出氯离子。交换出的氯离子与水源水中天然存在的氯离子通过电解可以产生自由氯用于消毒。将氯型阴离子 交换树脂处理与电解联用,通过建立和优化树脂处理与电解消毒方法,实现饮用水中卤代消毒副产物的控制。结果表明:树脂依次经过碱/酸洗、甲醇抽提和5次去离子水清洗后,可以有效减少树脂溶出,并降低氯离子和甲醇的影响;在2 L的模拟水源水样中加入20 mL树脂反应1 h后,可以去除93.7%的NOM和91.2%的溴离子;由树脂交换至水样中的氯离子通过电解氧化,可以在3 min内产生5 mg·L-1的氯。与单独的氯消毒相比,新方法可以削减86.4%的总有机卤 素(TOX)。
English Abstract
Control of halogenated disinfection byproducts with a resin adsorption-electrolyzation method
YIN Tong1,,WU Yun1,
SHI Peng1,
LI Aimin1,
ZHOU Qing1,
SHUANG Chendong1,
PAN Yang1,
1.State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
Keywords: disinfection/
disinfection byproducts/
anion-exchange resin adsorption/
Abstract:Natural organic matter (NOM) and bromide are both precursors of halogenated disinfection byproducts. They could be efficiently removed from source water by chloride-form anion-exchange resin adsorption, and chloride are released at the same time. Then the above released chloride and the chloride initially present in source water could be electrolyzed to generate free chlorine for disinfection. In a optimized joint process of chloride-form anion-exchange resin adsorption and electrolyzation, efficient control of halogenated disinfection byproducts can be achieved in drinking water. The results showed that the successive base/acid washing, methanol extraction, and five-times deionized water washing of resin could decrease resin leaching and the impacts of chloride and methanol. When 20 mL resin was dosed in 2 L simulated source water sample, up to 93.7% NOM and 91.2% bromide were removed after 1 h adsorption. Then the released chloride from resin to water was electrolyzed and oxidized, and 5 mg·L-1 chloride could be generated within 3 min. In comparison with disinfection by chlorine alone, the new joint process could reduce total organic halogen (TOX) formation by 86.4%.