1.南昌大学资源环境与化工学院,鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点实验室,南昌 330031
2.江西省建筑材料工业科学研究设计院,南昌 330200
3.韩国庆熙大学国际校区环境工程系,龙仁 446701
基金项目: 江西省博士后基金资助项目(2016KY13)
Analysis of characteristics of subway particles and control of magnetic filtration
SHI Junxiang1,,MAO Yizhong2,
HUANG Shan1,
HU Qin1,
HUANG Ting1,
WU Daishe1,
JO Youngmin3,
LUO Xing2
1.Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Environment and Resource Utilization, Ministry of Education, School of Resources Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China
2.Jiangxi Building Materials Scientific Research & Design Institute, Nanchang 330200, China
3.Department of Environmental Engineering, Kyunghee University Global Campus,Yongin 446701, South Korea
摘要:通过SEM-EDX和XRD对采集来的地铁颗粒物(PM10和PM2.5)进行形貌和成分分析,研究结果表明:地铁颗粒物具有粒径大(可达10 μm)、形状不规则、表面具有明显的刮擦痕迹等特征,主要成分为Si、C、O和Fe;其中Fe主要以Fe3O4、Fe2O3等氧化物的形式存在。针对地铁颗粒物含铁磁的特性,采用磁性过滤控制方法对地铁颗粒物开展研究,构建的磁性过滤装置对该地铁颗粒物的捕获效果可达90%以上,在一定磁性强度范围内(0 ~ 0. 300 T),滤网对颗粒物的捕获效果随着对其施加的磁性强度增加而提升,当施加的磁场强度为0. 300 T时,装置对地铁颗粒物的捕获效率接近100%,比相同条件下对飞灰的捕获效率高出10% ~ 15%,建议把磁过滤作为一种前处理装置用在含磁颗粒物处理上。
关键词: 地铁颗粒物/
Abstract:PM10 and PM2.5 in subway station were collected, and analyzed by SEM-EDX and XRD. The results showed that subway particles had large particle sizes (up to 10 μm), irregular shape and obvious scratch marks on the surface. The main components of subway particles were Si, C, O and Fe, and the dominant speciations of Fe were Fe3O4 and Fe2O3. A magnetic filtration system was adopted to investigate subway particles with ferromagnetism. It was found that more than 90% of the subway particles can be captured by the magnetic filter device, and the performance was improved with the increasing permanent magnet’s magnetic strength (0 to 0. 300 T). When magnetic field reached 0. 300 T, nearly 100% of subway particles were captured by the magnetic filter device which is from 10% to 15% higher than fly ash. Our findings suggest that magnetic filtration can be used as a pre-treatment in Fe-containing particles removal.
Key words:subway particles/
iron-containing particles/
magnetic filtration/

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1.南昌大学资源环境与化工学院,鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点实验室,南昌 330031
2.江西省建筑材料工业科学研究设计院,南昌 330200
3.韩国庆熙大学国际校区环境工程系,龙仁 446701
基金项目: 江西省博士后基金资助项目(2016KY13) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(13006730,41402312)
关键词: 地铁颗粒物/
摘要:通过SEM-EDX和XRD对采集来的地铁颗粒物(PM10和PM2.5)进行形貌和成分分析,研究结果表明:地铁颗粒物具有粒径大(可达10 μm)、形状不规则、表面具有明显的刮擦痕迹等特征,主要成分为Si、C、O和Fe;其中Fe主要以Fe3O4、Fe2O3等氧化物的形式存在。针对地铁颗粒物含铁磁的特性,采用磁性过滤控制方法对地铁颗粒物开展研究,构建的磁性过滤装置对该地铁颗粒物的捕获效果可达90%以上,在一定磁性强度范围内(0 ~ 0. 300 T),滤网对颗粒物的捕获效果随着对其施加的磁性强度增加而提升,当施加的磁场强度为0. 300 T时,装置对地铁颗粒物的捕获效率接近100%,比相同条件下对飞灰的捕获效率高出10% ~ 15%,建议把磁过滤作为一种前处理装置用在含磁颗粒物处理上。
English Abstract
Analysis of characteristics of subway particles and control of magnetic filtration
SHI Junxiang1,,MAO Yizhong2,
HUANG Shan1,
HU Qin1,
HUANG Ting1,
WU Daishe1,
JO Youngmin3,
LUO Xing2
1.Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Environment and Resource Utilization, Ministry of Education, School of Resources Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China
2.Jiangxi Building Materials Scientific Research & Design Institute, Nanchang 330200, China
3.Department of Environmental Engineering, Kyunghee University Global Campus,Yongin 446701, South Korea
Keywords: subway particles/
iron-containing particles/
magnetic filtration/
Abstract:PM10 and PM2.5 in subway station were collected, and analyzed by SEM-EDX and XRD. The results showed that subway particles had large particle sizes (up to 10 μm), irregular shape and obvious scratch marks on the surface. The main components of subway particles were Si, C, O and Fe, and the dominant speciations of Fe were Fe3O4 and Fe2O3. A magnetic filtration system was adopted to investigate subway particles with ferromagnetism. It was found that more than 90% of the subway particles can be captured by the magnetic filter device, and the performance was improved with the increasing permanent magnet’s magnetic strength (0 to 0. 300 T). When magnetic field reached 0. 300 T, nearly 100% of subway particles were captured by the magnetic filter device which is from 10% to 15% higher than fly ash. Our findings suggest that magnetic filtration can be used as a pre-treatment in Fe-containing particles removal.