

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31


Abstract:One of the ways to build a strong marine ecological security barrier is to maintain the health and stability of the coastal ecosystem in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). In addition, the construction of ecological civilization and sustainable economic development in the GBA should be promoted. In order to improve the ecosystem function of coastal zones, the stability of natural shoreline should be maintained, and the transformation from artificial shoreline to natural shoreline should be promoted. Local and international studies on coastal zones have mainly focused on restoration and post–evaluation methods; however, there are few studies on coupling analysis of service aesthetic function and spiritual demand of coastal ecosystems. Coastal zone is a unique resource of coastal cities, and is an excellent space for urban residence, leisure, and entertainment. Based on orientations of people, ecological construction should focus on meeting the multi-level material of people and their spiritual and psychological needs for ecological products. According to the basic principles of ecology, landsenses ecology emphasizes the integration of the physical perception of people, their psychological cognition, and concept of sustainable development into the planning, construction, and management of ecological environment. Landsenses ecology will not only achieve the goal of sustainable development but also make urban residents and tourists experience and feel the charm of urban natural and ecological resources. In this study, 17 coastal ecological restoration projects in GBA city were selected. Connotation of landscape significance was analyzed based on ecological, aesthetic, and use function. The embodiment of the sensory level in landscape sense was summarized; the ideas and methods of constructing coastal landsenses were proposed. Through representation, abstraction, metaphor, symbol, and other means, existing carriers were transformed to form new carriers. A new vision and construction carrier were integrated into the existing carrier to demonstrate a sense of scenery. People interacts and derive aesthetic, cultural, and natural values through physical perception and psychological cognition, improving the quality of material and spiritual life and consequently realizing the sustainable development of ecology, society, and economy. Our results showed that the application of the theory of landsenses ecology to coastal ecological restoration projects did not only improve the function of coastal ecosystems but also considered their aesthetic factors. In addition, the results of this study will increase the level of landscape and connectivity in ecological restoration projects in the future. This study provides theoretical supports for landscape construction process of ecological restoration projects.



相关话题/生态 海岸 生态学 物理 心理

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