Abstract:The higher urbanization rate causes new urban ecological environment problems and changing trends. The new ideas and technologies also provide new methods for ecological environment monitoring and management. Landscape ecology aims at sustainable development based on the basic principles of ecology. It researched the science of land use planning, construction and management from the aspects of natural elements, physical perception, psychological perception, social economy, process and risk, etc. Based on the concept of landscape ecology, this paper developed a monitoring network design and monitoring platform for the ecological environment Internet of things. Firstly, the characteristics of natural elements such as light, heat, water, soil, comprehensive meteorology and so on, as well as physical perception of vision, smell, hearing, touch and so on as the monitoring elements, we perform the feature analysis. Secondly, combined with the multi-objective constraints and clustering analysis constraints, an irregular grid optimal method is proposed to set up the ecological environment monitoring network. Then, the paper focuses on the collection and monitor of the ecological environment data of "land, sea and air integration" built by the combined ground fixed monitoring station, unmanned ship and unmanned organization. Among them, a comprehensively meteorological and soil sensor is built on the ground, which can monitor the light, heat, rainfall and air pressure of natural elements, as well as the wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity and noise of physical sensing elements. In the ocean, based on the water environment and water quality sensors carried by unmanned ships, water temperature, water turbidity and water pollution, as well as water environment and water quality can be monitored. In the air, the gas monitor, multispectral sensor and digital phase are based on Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV). The atmospheric environment conditions of CO2, SO2, PM1.5, PM2.5, NO, O3, particle solubility and pollutant diffusion in different regions and at different heights can be obtained. Finally, the Internet of things (IOT) monitoring platform is constructed from five modules, such as all-round and multi-factor data acquisition, data transmission combined with wired network and wireless network, data classification processing, intelligent control of data, and remote monitoring platform including real-time monitoring, forecast and early warning, integrated analysis and platform management. In this paper, the framework of the Internet of things can realize all-round, all-weather and multi-dimensional remote real-time monitoring and intelligent early warning and forecast of ecological environment, which provides the support to improve the urban ecological environmental monitoring and management platform, so as to enhance the ecological environment security, and meet the needs of the people's increasing beautiful ecological environment, as well as improve the urban ecological environment dynamic monitoring and intelligent management of benefits.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31
相关话题/管理 物理 城市 传感器 自然
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