

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31


Abstract:Landsenses ecology aims at sustainable development, which is in line with the ideas of new urbanization and human settlements science. It emphasizes people-oriented, pays attention to the relationship between human perception and environment, and provides a new perspective for understanding the relationship between urban landscape and human activities. Urban park is an important public space for citizens' outdoor activities and an important component of urban ecosystem. Based on the perspective of landsenses ecology, the common landsense elements of urban parks were summarized and classified, and the ways that landsense elements of urban parks affected the activities of different groups of people were explored. Then the representative of five typical urban parks in Xiamen, such as coastal, lakeside, mountain, inner-city and cultural, were chosen as the research object. Through empirical analysis, the differences of the five types of parks in the composition of landsense elements and public perception were evaluated and compared, and the differences in the attraction of different types of parks to different groups of people (visitor density, visiting time) and activity differences in the parks were explained. The results showed that the main landsense elements affecting crowd activities of parks included: function type (function type, function diversity), park form (flat form and vertical form), climate conditions (temperature, humidity, and wind speed), environmental quality (atmospheric environment, acoustic environment, and water environment), landscape pattern (tree and shrub coverage rate, greening rate, and water proportion), accessibility (external accessibility, road network density), cultural science, etc. The landsense elements of parks affected people's activities through multi-level association, that was, the landsense elements affected people's feeling types, produced a variety of landsense effects, met people's needs generated by the vision, and then affected their willingness and ways of activities. Through comprehensive effect, the landsense elements can collectively influence people's activities in the park. Good landsense effects can be produced when the designed landsense elements resonated with the public's vision and meet their needs, which will further promote people's enthusiasm of activities in the park. The relationship between landsense elements of parks and crowd activities focused on the exposed ecosystem services. It was suggested to optimize landsense elements through landsense creation, to reasonably maintain and improve the vitality of parks, in order to provide sustainable ecosystem services for the public, and promote the construction of ecological civilization. The purpose of this paper is to expand a new perspective on the integration of nature and humanity for in-depth study of the mechanism of urban park service population, and provide effectively scientific and technological support for urban park design and operation.



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