

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31


Abstract:Landsenses ecology integrates natural factors, physical perception, psychological cognition and other aspects, and serves land use and construction. In fulfilling the vision and goal of building the world-leading harmonious and livable capital, Beijing attaches great importance to the perception and interaction of urban residents with urban ecological space, which is a vivid embodiment of the concept of landsenses ecology coupling the urban ecological space with the living environment quality and mental health. Ecological space is of great significance for maintaining regionally ecological security and biodiversity, improving the quality of human settlements, and promoting regionally sustainable development. This study analyzed the landscape pattern of the ecological space and visual space pattern in Shunyi District combining the idea of landsense creation in landsenses ecology with the ecological planning practice of Shunyi District. The results show that in terms of the landscape pattern of the ecological space, the proportion of the ecological space dominated by forest, grassland, farmland and wetland has reached 65%, but the patches of forest, grassland and wetland in Shunyi District were relatively fragmented. There are large patches of settlement near the Beijing Capital International Airport, and there are few forests and green spaces around the airport and the central city. In terms of visually spatial pattern, the highways and lower-grade roads in Shunyi District mostly have higher green view, the spatial distribution of green view in county roads is uneven, and the green view of roads in the center of the district is generally low. Overall, the length of the road sections with the medium and lower-medium green view was nearly 60%, and there were fewer road sections having the above-average green view, especially the high-level green view. Therefore, there remain large room for improving the ecological service by landsenses creation. Furthermore, this study aimed to improve the urban ecological space services of Shunyi District and summarized four core visions of ecological space landscape pattern optimization, visual space pattern optimization, scientific planning and management of ecological space, and comprehensive improvement of ecosystem services. Based on the four visions, the targeted measures for landscape creation were proposed, including strengthening the ecological protection of shallow mountainous areas, constructing leisure and recreation zone along the shallow mountains and Chaobai River, increasing the quality of the visual space of Shunyi District, improving the ecological space leisure and recreation services in Shunyi District, clarifying the urban ecological space planning, strictly observing the ecological protection red line, improving landscape diversity, and constructing ecological corridors, etc.



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