Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51772252), the Science and Technology Program of Sichuan Province, China (Grant No. 2020JDRC0062), and the State Key Laboratory of Environment-friendly Energy Materials Program, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang, China (Grant Nos. 18FKSY0202, 19FKSY09)
Received Date:04 August 2020
Accepted Date:15 December 2020
Available Online:01 April 2021
Published Online:20 April 2021
Abstract:The memristors and the energy storage capacitors have the same sandwich structure, but the operating voltages required by the two devices are significantly different. Therefore, in the same device, it is necessary to study the influencing factors of operating voltage and adjust the operating voltage of the devices to realize the applications of the device in diverse fields. The polycrystalline ZrO2 and amorphous TaOx thin films are deposited on ITO conductive glass and Pt/Si substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering technology. Au, Ag and Al metal materials are selected as the top electrodes to construct a variety of metal/insulator/metal sandwich capacitors. The breakdown strengths of these devices under different bias polarities are studied. The results demonstrate that the breakdown strength is slightly larger for the ZrO2 based capacitor with ITO as the bottom electrode than for the Pt electrode device under negative bias. The breakdown electric field of the device with Ag as the top electrode shows obvious dependence on bias polarity, no matter whether the bottom electrode is ITO or Pt. The breakdown strength is reduced by more than an order of magnitude under a positive bias (2.13 MV/cm) compared with under a negative bias (0.17 MV/cm) of Ag/ZrO2/ITO device. The breakdown strength of the Al/TaOx/Pt device is enhanced under the forward bias (3.6 MV/cm), contrary to the Ag electrode device, which is nearly twice higher than the breakdown electric field under the negative bias (1.81 MV/cm). The different breakdown behaviors of the above devices can be explained by the migration and rearrangement of oxygen between the oxide electrode and the dielectric interface layer; the dissolution, migration and reduction of the electrochemically active metal electrode; and the redox reaction between the chemically active metal electrode and the oxide dielectric interface. The ZrO2 based capacitor with ITO electrode undergoes a redox reaction of Sn4+ in the ITO under negative bias, forming an insulating layer at the interface between the dielectric layer and the ITO electrode, which contributes a larger breakdown electric field. In addition, the electrochemical metallization process happens to the Ag electrode device under positive bias, and the breakdown electric field is smaller than negative bias due to the large diffusion coefficient of Ag ions in the film, while breakdown is dominated by the defect characteristics of the dielectric film under negative bias. The Al/TaOx/Pt devices can form AlOx oxide layer under positive bias, spontaneously, which can inhibit the leakage current, and also act as a series resistance to disperse part of the voltage and enhance the breakdown voltage of the device. The experimental results have guided significance in designing and operating the devices with different operating voltage requirements, such as memristors and dielectric energy storage capacitors. Keywords:oxide films/ electrode materials/ bias polarity/ breakdown mechanism/ memristors/ capacitors
--> --> --> 1.引 言在四种基本的无源元件中, 电容器和忆阻器具有相同的金属/绝缘体/金属(metal/insulator/metal, MIM)三明治结构[1]. 其中电介质电容器由于具有非常高的功率密度和超快的充放电速率而受到广泛关注, 但是其能量存储密度还无法和其他储能技术(电池、电化学超级电容器等)竞争[2]. 电介质电容器能量密度(J )的计算公式为: $J=\dfrac{1}{2}{\varepsilon }_{0}{\varepsilon }_{\rm{r}}{E}_{\rm{b}}^{2}$, 其中ε0, εr和Eb分别为真空介电常数、相对介电常数和击穿电场, 要提高其能量密度, 需要器件具有高的Eb[3-5]. 忆阻器的阻变是需要电介质薄膜在限制电流保护下的软击穿过程(电形成(electroforming)或置位(set)过程)触发并随后展示反复的电阻状态变化[6-8], 为了降低器件功耗, 通常需要低的操作电压[9-11]. 因此, MIM结构器件的应用场景在很大程度上依赖于击穿强度的大小. 图1显示了MIM结构器件用于阻变和能量存储的工作原理以及各自器件合适的工作电压. 前者通过外加偏压下导电细丝的形成和破裂来实现电阻的转变, 需要低的操作电压以降低其功耗; 后者则通过外加电场使介质材料中的电荷分离和排列而产生的电位移(或极化)以静电场的形式存储能量, 需要大的操作电压以提高其储能密度. 图 1 MIM器件用于阻变及储能电容器时的机理图以及对工作电压的要求 Figure1. Schematic diagram of the MIM devices for resistive switching and energy storage with different operation voltages.