1.Key Laboratory of Opto-electronics Information Technology, Key Laboratory of Micro Opto-Electro Mechanical System Technology, Ministry of Education; School of Precision Instrument and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China 2.School of Mechanical Engineering, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, China
Abstract:Based on the structural characteristics of the few-mode multicore fiber (FM-MCF), a multi-channel FM-MCF surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor with open air-hole is presented. Due to the air-hole distribution of the FM-MCF, the six outer air-holes naturally become open air-holes, i.e. groove sensing channels, fabricated by chemical etching. Then, compared with D-shape structure, tapered structure of fiber and air-hole of photonic crystal fiber (PCF), the open groove structure is easy to accommodate the liquid analyte. In order to obtain better sensing performance, a sensing model of the presented FM-MCF SPR biosensor with sensitive dielectric layer is established and numerical simulations are performed using the finite element method. In the simulations, the effect of core-hole distance, coating thickness, sensing dielectrics, transmission modes in optical fiber on the sensing performance as well as the role of multi-channel are analyzed. The simulation results show that when the air-hole is tangent to the core (d = 0 μm), the FM-MCF SPR biosensor has the better performance because the core-hole distance d determines the leakage intensity of the evanescent wave. As the evanescent field excited by high-order mode (LP11ax mode) is stronger than that by fundamental mode (LP01x mode), the performance of biosensors for SPR excitation by using high-order mode is better than by using fundamental mode. Meanwhile when the coating thickness of gold, silver and indium tin oxides (ITOs) is 40 nm, 30 nm and 100 nm respectively, the FWHM of loss spectrum reaches a minimum value, which means that the presented biosensor has the better performance in this sense. For the case of different sensing dielectrics, it is observed that the resonance wavelength of gold and silver film are in the visible wavelength range, while the ITO is at near-infrared wavelength. Then it is useful for our biosensor to simultaneously detect many liquid analytes in one SPR transmittance spectrum. In addition, the calculation results also show that when one of the groove channels is coated with 100 nm ITO for the LP11ax mode, the FM-MCF SPR biosensor has a highest sensitivity of 20824.66 nm/RIU and refractive index (RI) resolution is 4.8 × 10–6 RIU with the surrounding RI changing from 1.33 to 1.39, in which the RI of bovine serum albumin (BSA) solution, human Immunoglobulin G and C-reactive protein can be detected. Moreover, when the outer groove channels of our biosensor are coated with gold, silver and ITO film with different thickness, many biological liquid analytes can be detected separately or the same biological liquid analyte can be detected jointly, which reveals that the control flexibility of the groove sensing channel and the diversity of the detection analytes . Keywords:surface plasmon resonance/ few-mode multicore fiber/ multi-channel sensor/ open air-hole
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2.传感器感知模型本文提出的SPR生物传感器的传感模型如图1所示. 从图1(a)中可见, 该传感器含有6个凹槽型传感通道, 每个凹槽都可作为一个独立的传感通道, 便于镀一层SPR激发材料和填充液态生物试剂. 考虑到光纤上镀膜的复杂性和多个通道产生的损耗谱的重叠, 选择三种不同厚度的材料(金、银、ITO)作为涂层, 调整共振峰的位置. 通道1和通道6上分别镀有40 nm和30 nm厚度的金膜, 通道2和通道3分别为30 nm和40 nm厚度的银层, 通道4和通道5分别为90 nm和100 nm厚度的ITO层. 图 1 (a) FM-MCF SPR生物传感器的横截面; (b) FM-MCF横截面; (c) FEM网格划分 Figure1. (a) Cross section of the FM-MCF SPR biosensor; (b) cross section of the FM-MCF; (c) FEM mesh for calculation.
SPR传感器采用倏逝波激发, 而倏逝波的泄露情况与纤芯到气孔的距离有关, 其影响芯模与等离子体模的波矢匹配. 采用化学腐蚀法制作FM-MCF SPR生物传感器凹槽通道的过程如图2所示. 图2(a)是包层刚好腐蚀到与空气孔相切. 之后, 氢氟酸不断地进入气孔同时腐蚀气孔和包层. 最终, 包层直径逐渐减小, 气孔直径逐渐增大, 直至气孔与纤芯相切, 如图2(b)所示. 图2(c)表示如果腐蚀过程仍继续, 纤芯和其余气孔都会遭到破坏, 不利于光纤结构的稳定性. 图 2 氢氟酸腐蚀FM-MCF过程中纤芯和气孔间距d的变化 (a)包层与最外侧气孔相切; (b)腐蚀气孔与纤芯恰好相切; (c)纤芯被腐蚀; 下方的插图是红色区域的放大示意图 Figure2. The core-hole distance d variation during using hydrofluoric acid to fabricate the groove channel: (a) Cladding is tangent to the outermost air-holes; (b) air-holes are tangent to the cores; (c) fiber cores are also etched. The inserts below are zoom-in of red region.
当三个化学腐蚀阶段中纤芯和气孔间距分别为d = 2.1, 0和-2.1 μm, 待测分析物折射率na从1.33增加到1.36, 半开放槽中镀50 nm厚度的金膜时, 不同纤芯气孔间距d和损耗曲线之间关系如图3(a)所示. 图 3 (a)当na = 1.33—1.36时不同d的芯模损耗光谱曲线; (b)不同RI下d对共振波长和灵敏度的影响; (c) d与传感器FWHM和FOM的关系 Figure3. (a) Loss spectra of the core mode with different d when na = 1.33—1.36; (b) the effect of d on both resonance wavelength and sensitivity with various RI; (c) relations between d and FWHM as well as FOM of the sensor.