1.College of Applied Sciences, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China 2.Beijing Engineering Research Center of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61675010) and the Beijing Nova Program, China (Grant No. XX2018072)
Received Date:30 August 2019
Accepted Date:12 October 2019
Published Online:20 January 2020
Abstract:Terahertz (THz) radiation lies between the millimeter and infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is typically defined as the frequency range of 0.1–10 THz and the corresponding wavelength ranges from 30 μm to 3 mm. Terahertz radiation due to wide spectrum, high penetration, low energy, and other important features, has been a valuable tool for imaging and non-destructive testing on a submillimeter scale. Continuous-wave (CW) terahertz ptychography is a type of phase-contrast technique with advantages of simple set-up and large field-of-view. It retrieves the complex-valued transmission function of the specimen and the probe function at the same time. The extended ptychographic iterative engine (ePIE) algorithm is used as the reconstruction algorithm in the field of ptychography, because it is relatively simple, and can use computer memory efficiently. However, the problem of algorithm convergence delay makes us unable to acquire the reconstruction result very quickly. Since the ptychography is a problem of retrieving phase information, physical constraints affect the convergence speed of the algorithm strongly. In this paper, we propose a dual-plane ePIE (dp-ePIE) algorithm for CW THz ptychography. By moving detector along the axis and capturing diffraction patterns of one zone of an object at two recording planes, then, two sets of patterns used as the constraints simultaneously can increase the diversity of experimental parameter. Hence, the convergence rate can be improved. The simulation results suggest better reconstruction fidelity with a faster convergence rate by the dp-ePIE algorithm. The dual-plane terahertz ptychography experimental setup is built based on 2.52 THz optically pumped laser and Pyrocam-III pyroelectric array detector. Compared with other methods to increase the diversity of measurement, the setup of dual-plane ptychography can be compact and simple, thus reducing the terahertz wave transmission loss. A polypropylene sample is adopted and it is approximated as a pure phase object. No-reference structural sharpness (NRSS) is utilized as a quantitative evaluation index. It takes 45.086 s to achieve NRSS value of 0.9831 by using the dp-ePIE algorithm in 10 iterations, while the NRSS value and calculation time for e-PIE algorithm are 0.9531 and 57.117 s (20 loops), respectively. The experimental results show that the dp-ePIE algorithm can obtain high-quality amplitude and phase distribution with less iterations than the traditional ePIE algorithm. Keywords:terahertz imaging/ ptychography/ phase retrieval/ dual-plane
连续太赫兹波双物距叠层成像可以认为是远场衍射成像, 理论分辨率受限于最大可探测衍射角, 即由样品至探测器记录距离决定, 所以叠层成像应将探测器尽量靠近样品放置. 探测器在不同记录位置处衍射图样包含不同的衍射信息, 不是几何缩放关系. 通过自动聚焦算法精确计算样品到记录位置I距离为20.2 mm, 记录位置II距离为23 mm. 根据(1)式计算该系统理论分辨率约为182 μm. 单物距叠层重建时应只利用记录位置I处的衍射图样. 分别利用ePIE、dp-ePIE算法对高斯预处理后的衍射图进行处理, 实验过程中采集的数据量较大, 双物距数据采集过程尽管牺牲了数据的采集时间, 但增加了样品相同部位的衍射信息. 两算法重建结果对比如图10所示. 为了量化衡量dp-ePIE算法与ePIE算法重建图像质量, 利用无参考结构清晰度评价方法(no-reference structural sharpness, NRSS)比较两算法在相同迭代次数时重建的振幅分布与相位分布的清晰程度. 无参考结构清晰度评价方法的理论在文献[27]中进行了详细推导, NRSS评价系数在0—1之间分布, NRSS值越大, 说明重建图像越清晰, 边缘更锐利. 图 10 两种叠层重建算法分别迭代10次后可回收标志的重建结果 (a1), (b1)分别表示ePIE算法重建振幅分布及相位分布; (a2), (b2)表示dp-ePIE算法重建振幅分布及相位分布 Figure10. The reconstructed results after 10 iterations by two different reconstruction algorithms: (a1), (b1) Represent the amplitude and phase reconstructed based on ePIE algorithm: (a2), (b2) represent the amplitude and phase reconstructed based dp-ePIE algorithm.