Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11574057) and the Science and Technology Program of Guangdong Province of China (Grant No. 2016A010104018)
Received Date:18 April 2019
Accepted Date:16 August 2019
Available Online:01 November 2019
Published Online:20 November 2019
Abstract:Due to the various risks caused by lead, the research of lead-free ferroelectric functional ceramics has been one of research hotspots recently. And relaxor ferroelectrics have an important position in materials for ceramic capacitor due to their low temperature change rate and large electrostrictive coefficient. However, the lead-free SrxBa1–xNb2O6 ceramic is a non-filled tungsten bronze structural material whose Curie temperature can be adjusted by changing the proportion of Sr composition. The increase of Sr concentration in ceramic can cause relaxor behavior and improve dielectric constant and ferroelectric properties. In this work, SrxBa1–xNb2O6 (x = 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6, abbreviated as SBN40, SBN50 and SBN60, respectively) ceramics are prepared by a high-temperature solid-state reaction process. The dielectric properties and the impedances of the SrxBa1–xNb2O6 ceramics are investigated in detail. It is worth noting that the high-temperature diffusion for the SrxBa1–xNb2O6 has not been studied before. Furthermore, the analysis of high-temperature dielectric behavior and impedance of lead-free functional ceramics is important for the application of functional ceramics in the high-temperature environment. The temperature of phase transition for SBN40, SBN50 and SBN60 are 401.15 K, 355.15 K, and 327.15 K, respectively, which are obtained from the modified Curie-Weiss law. The result shows that the increase of Sr composition leads the phase transition temperature from ferroelectric to paraelectric phase to decrease. In addition, the calculated value of diffusion phase transition parameter γ for SBN40, SBN50 and SBN60 are 1.53, 1.90 and 1.94, respectively, showing that it is close to an ideal relaxor ferroelectric with the Sr content increasing in SBN ceramics at low temperature. In addition, it is noticed that a similar diffusion appears in at high temperature. This phenomenon is unrelated to the phase transition, but it is corresponding to high temperature dielectric relaxation which is related to oxygen vacancy. As expected, the impedance spectroscopic data present a thermally activated relaxation phenomenon. Finally, activation energy for conduction and relaxation are calculated from the impedance and dielectric data through the Arrhenius law. Comparing the activation energy values for conduction and relaxation, it can be obviously concluded that the trap-controlled conduction process should be responsible for the relaxation process of sample. And the hopping of ions, caused by oxygen vacancies, plays a critical role in the dielectric relaxation process at high temperature. Keywords:SrxBa1-xNb2O6 ceramic/ diffusion phase transition/ relaxor ferroelectric/ oxygen vacancy
其中C和T0分别是居里-外斯常数和居里-外斯温度. 在图2(a)—(c)中可看出, Tm大于T0, 这意味着上述铌酸锶钡陶瓷中的相变属于一阶相变, 若为二阶相变, Tm将等于T0. 在这项研究中, 通过居里-外斯定律分析了所有SBN陶瓷样品在1 kHz频率下的εr, 不同组分的SBN陶瓷样品在1 kHz频率下的εr与温度关系曲线如图2(d)所示. 由εr与温度关系曲线可推出SBN40, SBN50, SBN60陶瓷的Tm和T0分别为401.15 K和393.15 K, 355.15 K和349.15 K, 327.15 K和327.15 K. 除此之外, 从图2(d)可以还清楚地看出, 随着Sr浓度的增加, Tm和T0都明显降低, 这一结果也与本工作的预期一致. 图 2 在1 kHz频率下, 介电常数与温度的函数关系(黑色实线是居里-外斯定律拟合, 红色实线是改进的居里-外斯定律的拟合) (a) SBN40; (b) SBN50; (c) SBN60; (d)在1 kHz下三个样品的γ, Tm和T0的值 Figure2. The inverse of dielectric permittivity as a function of temperature at 1 kHz (the black solid lines are used to fit the Curie-Weiss law, the red solid lines used to fit the modified Curie-Weiss law): (a) SBN40; (b) SBN50; (c) SBN60; (d) the value of γ, Tm and T0 for three samples at 1 kHz.