1.State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China 2.Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFB0703600), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51625205), the Key Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KFZD-SW-421), and the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS (Grant No. 2016232).
Received Date:14 January 2019
Accepted Date:01 March 2019
Available Online:01 May 2019
Published Online:05 May 2019
Abstract:Recently, Ag2S superionic conductor has attracted great attention due to its metal-like ductility and deformability. In this work, the single phase Ag2S compound is fabricated by the melting-annealing method. The crystal structure, ionic conduction, and electrical and thermal transports in a temperature range of 300-600 K are systematically investigated. The monoclinic-cubic crystal structure transition occurs around 455 K for Ag2S. Significant reduction in the specific heat at constant volume below the Dulong-Petit limit is observed for Ag2S after the monoclinic-cubic phase transition, which is attributed to the liquid-like Ag ions existing inside the sulfur framework. Ag2S shows typical semiconducting-like electrical transport behavior in the whole measured temperature range. Around 455 K, the ionic conductivity, carrier concentration, carrier mobility, electrical conductivity, and Seebeck coefficient each show an abrupt change. The calculated ionic activation based on the ionic conductivity is 0.076 eV for the body centered cubic Ag2S. The calculated band gap based on the electrical conductivity decreases from 1.1 eV for the monoclinic Ag2S to 0.42 eV for the body centered cubic Ag2S. The abrupt increase of electrical conductivity after the monoclinic-cubic phase transition leads to a maximum power factor around 5 μW·cm–1·K–2 at 550 K. In the whole measured temperature range, Ag2S demonstrates an intrinsically low lattice thermal conductivity (below 0.6 W·m–1·K–1). The calculated phonon dispersion indicates that the weak chemical bonding between Ag and S is responsible for the low lattice thermal conductivity observed in the monoclinic Ag2S. Likewise, the presence of liquid-like Ag ions with low ionic activation energy is responsible for the low lattice thermal conductivity for the cubic Ag2S. Finally, the Ag2S shows the maximum thermoelectric figure of merit of 0.55 at 580 K, which is comparable to the thermoelectric figure of merit reported before in most of Ag-based thermoelectric superionic conductors. Keywords:thermoelectric/ superionic conductor/ phase transition/ lattice thermal conductivity
虽然α-Ag2S不是快离子导体, 但是其仍具有本征的低晶格热导率. 为了解释这一现象, 采用第一性原理计算了Ag2S的声子色散关系. 如图8所示, 在低频率区间2—10 meV的范围内存在大量平坦的光学支. 在AgInSe2[44], Ag9GaSe6[12]等具有低晶格热导率的Ag基热电材料体系的声子色散关系中也发现了类似的低频光学支. 从图8右边的声子态密度图可以看出, 这些低频率区间的光学支主要是由Ag原子贡献的. 在Ag2S单斜结构中, 沿(100)面2个S原子和6个Ag原子构成比较弱的化学键. 由于S对Ag的束缚力较弱, 因此Ag原子表现出低的声子振动频率. Ag原子主导的低频光学支可以强烈散射与其频率接近的晶格声子, 这是导致Ag2S在转变为离子导体之前即具有低晶格热导率的根本原因. 图 8 Ag2S的声子色散关系和声子态密度图 Figure8. Phonon dispersion relations and density of states for Ag2S compound.
基于测量得到的S,σ和κ, 可以计算得到Ag2S的热电优值$ zT \left( {={S^2}\sigma T/\kappa } \right)$. 如图9所示, 在单斜-体心立方结构相变之前, 由于Ag2S的低电导率, 其热电优值低于0.02. 但是, 在相变之后, Ag2S的热电优值显著增加. 在580 K时, 其zT达到最大值0.55. 该数值与已报道的Ag基快离子导体热电材料[10,30,31]的zT相当. 如果对Ag2S的载流子浓度进行优化, 有望进一步提高其zT值. 图 9 Ag2S化合物的热电优值zT随温度的变化, 虚线所示为Ag2Se[30], Ag2Te[31]和CuAgSe[10]等Ag基快离子导体热电材料的热电优值 Figure9. Temperature dependence of thermoelectric figure-of-merit zT for Ag2S compound. The data for Ag2Se[30], Ag2Te[31] and CuAgSe[10] are included for comparison.