Fund Project:Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing, China (Grant No. cstc2018jcyjA0572) and the Undergraduate Science and Technology Innovation Fund, China (Grant No. 201810635040).
Received Date:18 December 2018
Accepted Date:24 February 2019
Available Online:01 April 2019
Published Online:20 April 2019
Abstract:As an important branch of metamaterial-based devices, metamaterial absorber (MA) has aroused great interest and made great progress in the past several years. By manipulating the magnetic resonance and the electric resonance simultaneously, the effective impedance of MA will match the free space impedance, thus resulting in a perfect absorption of incident waves. Due to the advantages of thin thickness, high efficiency and tunable property, MA has been widely concerned in energy-harvesting and electromagnetic stealth. Since the first demonstration of MA in 2008, many MAs have been extensively studied in different regions, such as microwave frequency, THz, infrared frequency and optical frequency. At the same time, the absorber has been extended from the single-band to the dual-band, triple-band, multiple-band and broadband. In recent years, the dual-band absorber has received significant attention and has been widely studied. So far, however, most of MAs are composed of a bottom continuous metallic layer, which prevents electromagnetic waves from penetrating and makes electromagnetic waves absorbed or reflected. In this paper, an ultrathin flexible transmission absorber with a total thickness of 0.288 mm is designed and fabricated, which can be conformally integrated on an object with a curved surface. The absorber consists of three layers of structure: the bottom is a one-dimensional grating type metal line, the middle is the medium layer, and the surface metal layer is composed of two different sizes metal lines in parallel. Simulation and experimental results show that the absorptions of TE wave are 97.5% and 96.0% respectively at the two frequency points of 5 GHz and 7 GHz. The transmission of the TM wave above 90% is maintained from 3 GHz to 6.5 GHz. We also simulate the spatial electric field distribution and magnetic field distribution at two resonant frequencies, and explain the electromagnetic absorption mechanism of the proposed structure for TE wave. Secondly, when the incident angle increases to 60 degrees, the performance of the absorber is substantially unaffected, exhibiting good wide-angle characteristics. In addition, through the analysis of structural parameters, two absorption peaks of the proposed absorber can be independently adjusted, resulting in a flexible design. In conclusion, we propose both theoretically and experimentally a polarization-controlled transmission-type dual-band metamaterial absorber that can absorb the TE waves and transmit the TM wave efficiently, which has important applications in the case requiring bidirectional communication. Keywords:metamaterial absorber/ ultrathin flexibility/ dual-band absorption/ efficient transmission
为深入理解本文结构对TE波的电磁吸收机理, 模拟在两个共振频点处的电场和磁场分布. 图3(a)和图3(b)分别对应频点f = 5 GHz和频点f = 7 GHz的电场分布. 可以看出, 低频点的吸收是因为较长的金属条发生了谐振, 而高频点的吸收是因为较短的金属条发生了谐振. 激发的电场主要集中在金属线的上下两端, 表明金属线和底部金属线上产生了一对反向平行的电流[33], 从而形成了磁矩, 该磁矩与入射波的磁场相互作用产生磁谐振[34], 这就解释了在两个共振频点所观察到的高吸收率. 在两个共振频点处的磁场分布如图3(c)和图3(d)所示, 可以看出, 磁场被局限在两层金属之间的电介质层内, 从而电磁能量也就被限制在电介质层内, 几乎不发生反射. 图 3 电场分布 (a) f = 5 GHz, (b) f = 7 GHz; 磁场分布 (c) f = 5 GHz, (d) f = 7 GHz Figure3. The electric field distributions at (a) f = 5 GHz and (b) f = 7 GHz, respectively; the magnetic field distributions at (c) f = 5 GHz and (d) f = 7 GHz, respectively.
考虑到在实际应用中, 空间传输的电磁波常常来自于不同的方向, 这就要求吸收器具有广角特性. 为了考察所提出的结构在不同入射角度下的性能表现, 本文分别模拟了TM波的透射谱和TE波的吸收谱, 结果如图4(a)和图4(b)所示. 对TM波而言, 不同角度入射时的透射谱如图4(a)所示, 可以看到, 随着入射角度的增大, 透射率始终保持在90%以上. 当入射角达到60° 时, 在3—9 GHz频段范围内的透射率高达98%以上. 对TE波, 当入射角达到60° 时, 双频点的吸收率均能保持在90%以上. 另外, 由于所提出的结构总体厚度只有0.288 mm, 可实现柔性弯曲, 容易做到与曲面目标共形, 如图4(a)中的插图所示. 由前面的分析可知, 本文提出的结构具有良好的广角特性, 对于已覆盖吸波材料的圆柱形物体, 当平面电磁波照射到物体表面时, 可以等效为不同角度的电磁波斜入射情况. 因此可以预期, 包裹了吸波材料的圆柱形物体具有良好的吸波性能, 这就使得本文提出的吸波结构具有更广阔的应用前景. 图 4 (a) TM波随入射角度变化的透射谱, 插图为弯曲的加工样品覆盖在圆柱形物体表面; (b) TE波随入射角度变化的吸收谱 Figure4. (a) Transmission spectra for TM wave with the change of incident angle, the inset shows the curved sample covered on the surface of a cylindrical object; (b) the absorption spectra for TE wave with the change of incident angle.
最后, 讨论结构参数l1和l2对吸收频点的调节作用. 当l2保持不变, l1从19.4 mm减小到18.2 mm时, TE波的吸收和TM波的透射如图5(a)所示. 可以看到, 低频点吸收峰逐渐向高频移动且始终保持较高吸收( > 95%), 然而, 高频点吸收峰和TM波的透射几乎不受影响. 当l1保持不变, l2从14.3 mm减小到12.3 mm时, TE波的吸收和TM波的透射如图5(b)所示. 可以看到, 高频点吸收峰逐渐向高频移动且始终保持较高吸收( > 95%), 而低频点吸收峰和TM波的透射也同样不受影响. 以上分析表明, 双频吸收峰可以各自独立调节, 这就给设计带来了极大的灵活性. 图 5 (a) TE波的吸收和TM波的透射随l1的变化; (b) TE波的吸收和TM波的透射随l2的变化 Figure5. (a) The absorption of TE wave and transmission of TM wave with the change of l1; (b) the absorption of TE wave and transmission of TM wave with the change of l2.