Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61471389, 61501494, 61671464, 61701523) and the Natural Science Foundationa of Shannxi Province, China (Grant Nos. 2017JM6025, 2018JM6040).
Received Date:13 September 2018
Accepted Date:30 October 2018
Available Online:01 February 2019
Published Online:05 February 2019
Abstract:In this paper, the idea of electromagnetic surface (EMS) is introduced into the design of microstrip antenna array. The antenna element proposed in this paper is treated as an EMS element, whose reflection characteristics are taken into consideration in the process of antenna array design. Firstly, a rectangular patch antenna element is designed. Then, by cutting arc-shaped structure into a rectangular patch, another element is created to generate 180° ± 30° effective phase difference compared with original antenna element. As a consequence, 180° ± 30° effective phase difference is obtained from 5.5 GHz to 6.9 GHz for the y-polarized incidence. Meanwhile, for the x-polarized incidence, each of the two elements possesses high absorptivity over the operating frequency as a result of matching load. Besides, the two elements work in the same resonant mode and the same resonant frequency band when treated as radiators. In order to further explain the consistency in radiation and difference in reflection between the two structures, current distribution at 5.8 GHz is investigated in terms of radiation and reflection. Then, the two elements are arranged into a chessboard array to achieve the low scattering performance based on phase cancellation principle under the y-polarized incidence. Based on the absorption principle, the matching load is added to improve the scattering performance of the composite antenna array with the x-polarized incidence. Simultaneously, the proposed antenna array maintains good radiation characteristics due to the consistency between the radiation performances of the two elements. The corresponding antenna array is fabricated and tested. Simulated and measured results prove that the proposed antenna array also achieves good radiation performance. And a 6 dB radar cross section reduction is obtained from 5.6 to 6.2 GHz under the x polarization and from 5.5 to 7.0 GHz under the y polarization for the normal incident wave, implying 10.1% and 24% in relative bandwidth, respectively. In-band reflection suppression in the specular direction is demonstrated for an incident angle of 30° under both polarizations. The measured results are in good agreement with the simulated ones. Additionally, the approach proposed in this paper offers an effective way to deal with the confliction between radiation and scattering performance, and can also be applied to other kinds of antenna arrays. Keywords:microstrip antenna array/ low scattering performance/ electromagnetic surface
图 3 不同参数对EMS1反射特性的影响 (a) l1对反射幅度的影响; (b) l1对反射相位的影响; (c) s1对反射幅度的影响; (d) s1对反射相位的影响; (e) w1对反射幅度的影响; (f) w1对反射相位的影响 Figure3. Effects of various parameters on reflection performance: Effects of l1 on (a) reflection magnitude and (b) phase; effects of s1 on (c) reflection magnitude and (d) phase; effects of w1 on (e) reflection magnitude and (f) phase.
根据以上分析, 为了使由两种单元组合的阵列在y极化入射波下实现基于相位对消原理的RCS减缩, 在矩形贴片上开口设计单元2是较好的方法, 其目的在于减小窄边w1在y方向上的等效长度, 使y极化下的反射相位向高频移动, 从而与EMS1之间形成有效相位差. 故通过在矩形贴片上开弧形缺口, 分析开口对天线反射系数及对y极化入射波下反射相位的影响, 结果如图4所示. 由图4可知, 开口后天线相对带宽几乎不变, 工作频带稍向低频移动, 而在y极化下的反射相位则向高频移动, 故开口有利于相位向高频偏移以便与原始单元之间形成有效相位差. 之后通过优化天线矩形辐射贴片的长边、窄边及开口的深浅r和馈电点位置s2, 得到了既使E2与E1工作在相同频段, 又使EMS2在y极化下与EMS1存在有效相位差的最终结构, 如图1(b)所示. 具体参数如下: l2 = 12.0 mm, w2 = 14.3 mm, s2 = 2.3 mm, r = 3.8 mm. 图 4 弧形缺口对天线|S11|及y极化下反射相位的影响 Figure4. Influences of arc-shaped structure on reflection coefficient |S11| and reflection phase.
表1本文所设计的低散射微带天线阵与文献[17?20]中的对比 Table1.Comparison between this work and other antenna arrays in Ref. [17?20].
4.加工实测为了验证所设计天线阵的辐散射特性, 制作了天线阵的实物样件, 如图13(a)所示. 采用一个一分二的功分器与两个一分八的功分器相连接给每个天线单元进行馈电, 利用矢量网络分析仪(Agilent N5230C)在微波暗室中测试天线的辐射性能. 将两个1—18 GHz的喇叭天线分别作为收发天线, 与矢量网络分析仪相连, 用来测试天线阵的散射性能. 天线阵的散射测试环境如图13(c)所示, 泡沫作为支撑结构, 实物样件和喇叭处于同一水平线, 两喇叭之间放置吸波材料减小耦合. 图 13 阵列天线实物及测试配置图 (a) 天线阵实物; (b) 功分器; (c) 散射测试环境 Figure13. Fabricated sample of antenna array and testing environment: (a) Sample; (b) one in two power divider RS2W2080-S and one in eight power dividers RS8W2080-S; (c) testing environment for scattering performance.