Abstract The seismic response analysis of marine engineering structures is important to ensure the seismic safety of these structures. Marine engineering structures are always built in a complex environment where there are both water and soil. So both fluid-structure interaction and soil-structure interaction need to be considered in seismic response analysis of marine engineering structures. This paper is based on the unified calculation framework for wave motion in water-saturated seabed-bedrock system, and uses the Davidenkov model and modified Masing rule to describe the nonlinear characteristics of saturated seabed. The dynamic responses of marine sites and marine engineering structures when the pulse SV wave incident vertically are analyzed. First, the nonlinear responses of marine sites under the input of linear free field and nonlinear free field are analyzed comparatively. The results show that the nonlinear response of the marine site under the input of the linear free field is unreasonable. So it means the consistent constitutive model should be used for the free field analysis and finite element analysis of marine site. Then, the characteristics of responses of the marine site and water-saturated seabed-bedrock system when the seabed is linear or nonlinear are analyzed comparatively. Compared with the case that the seabed is linear, the influence of nonlinearity on response of seabed is mainly controlled by the following two factors: on the one hand, the modulus of saturated seabed decreases because of nonlinearity, so the wave impedance ratio between saturated seabed and bedrock decreases, and then, the reflection coefficient and transmission coefficient from bedrock to saturated seabed increase, resulting in the increase of response; on the other hand, the nonlinearity of saturated seabed causes the increase of damping, resulting in the decrease of response. For the example in this paper, the effect of damping dominate the result when seabed is nonlinear. Keywords:seawater-seabed-structure interaction;soil nonlinearity;free field analysis;saturated porous media;artificial boundary
PDF (18558KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 陈少林, 孙杰, 柯小飞. 平面波输入下海水-海床-结构动力相互作用分析 1). 力学学报[J], 2020, 52(2): 578-590 DOI:10.6052/0459-1879-19-354 Chen Shaolin, Sun Jie, Ke Xiaofei. ANALYSIS OF WATER-SEABED-STRUCTURE DYNAMIC INTERACTION EXCITED BY PLANE WAVES 1). Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics[J], 2020, 52(2): 578-590 DOI:10.6052/0459-1879-19-354
考虑如图10所示的三维场地-结构模型, 场地尺寸为62 m $\times $ 62 m $\times $ 60 m,桩总长60 m, 海水以上部分长10 m, 截面尺寸为4 m $\times $ 4 m,上部承台尺寸为6 m $\times $ 6 m $\times $ 6 m. 单元尺寸为1 m $\times $ 1 m $\times $ 1 m.饱和土层分别按线性、非线性两种情形计算, 场地、桩和承台参数见表1.输入图5所示的的SV脉冲波.
Table 2 表2 表2波峰到时 Table 2Arrival time of wave crest
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