Liu Chuyuan2), Liu Zesen, Song Hanwen![](https://lxxb.cstam.org.cn/fileLXXB/richhtml/0459-1879/richHtml_jats1_1/images/REemail.gif)
通讯作者: 3) 宋汉文,教授,主要研究方向:模态分析与主动控制. E-mail:hwsong@tongji.edu.cn
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The aerodynamic flutter of aerospace vehicle Rudder-airfoil structure is a catastrophic dynamic behavior. In the aeroelastic dynamic model that is on the basis of doublet lattice theory, aerodynamic load can be expressed as a closed-loop control force that is a kind of state feedback based on structural dynamic response. In fact, the aerodynamic forces received by each node are derived from the complex coefficient proportional feedback of the displacement response and velocity response of all nodes. The control law of feedback is dependent on the geometric parameters, material parameters, dynamic characteristics of the structure, flight altitude, air density and inflow velocity etc. It usually needs to be identified and validated by actual flight or wind tunnel testing. Under laboratory conditions, with the premise of equivalent modal characteristic in system dynamic responds, a strategy is put forward that is based on active control in order to track the eigenvalues of self-excited flutter in Rudder-airfoil structure under aerodynamic load. The process of solving the non-self-adjoint dynamic differential equation and its characteristic equation of the equivalent system is established and discussed. The comparison between the computed results and those results from the common software shows good consistency. Through optimization search, the optimal feedback point for displacement and velocity, the optimal actuation point, and the optimal feedback-gain factor can be obtained respectively. The fitting of the wind velocity-displacement gain curve and wind velocity-velocity gain curve can help to realize the real contribution control of the aerodynamic force of the equivalent system. Simulation example shows that the first two modal are the main modal of flutter and higher order modals do not participate in flutter, so the active control strategy focuses on the main modal of flutter. The result also shows that the predicted experimental process does not need identification or reconstruction of the unsteady aerodynamic force in time domain. Ground simulation experiment can be achieved without any other meddles. The active control reaches satisfied effects, ensure the variation characteristics of eigenvalue, achieves preliminary eigenvalue tracking of self-excited flutter, and provides a basement to further promote the active control simulation experiment and flutter parameter identification.
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刘楚源, 刘泽森, 宋汉文. 基于主动控制策略的机翼颤振特性模拟 1). 力学学报[J], 2019, 51(2): 333-340 DOI:10.6052/0459-1879-18-265
Liu Chuyuan, Liu Zesen, Song Hanwen.
引 言
飞行器舵翼类结构的气动颤振是一种灾难性的动力学行为.1916年英国的Handle Page 0/400双引擎轰炸机因发生剧烈的尾翼颤振而坠毁,这是已知的最早的有记载的飞机颤振事故[1].由于全尺寸风洞试验费用昂贵且实施困难[2-3],研究者一直试图寻找替代的研究方法. 20世纪60年代,Kearns[4]提出了地面颤振模拟(ground flutter simulation)的概念.因实验条件所限,并未对激振器系统实现闭环控制,也未能对这一问题实现进一步深入探索.随着振动控制理论的进一步发展,地面颤振模拟又重新受到了重视.2001年与2011年,俄罗斯中央流体研究院(TsAGI)和美国ZONA公司相继提出了电动机械模拟技术(EMM)[5]和干风洞(dry wind tunnel)思想[6]. 2011年,杨超等[7-8]针对利用激振器模拟非定常气动力加载进行了研究,在实验室内实现了细长体导弹模型的气动伺服弹性半实物模拟试验,并利用最小状态法[9-10]对非定常气动力进行了缩减[11]. 2013年,Daborn等[12-14]通过多个传感器与激振器,以响应谱的一致性为目标,在实验室对火箭结构实现了气动环境的等效再现.经典结构动力学主动控制理论的研究近年来取得了丰富的研究成果.在主动结构的研究过程中,张景绘等[15]针对主动结构的理论研究定义概念和数值计算做出了奠基性的工作;Malas等[16]进行了基于继电反馈的自激振动系统的理论建模与优化控制;欧阳华江等[17]对非对称刚度矩阵的特征根问题进行了研究;刘海标等[18]以主动结构的动力学特征为目标,研究了主动结构的非特定目的主动控制行为,辨识来自环境控制的未知控制律,为自激振动的形成机理及参数辨识等研究提供支持. Ouisse等[19]等为复模态适用于非自伴随系统提供方法,并用于辨识方程的系统矩阵.Warminski等[20]针对非线性梁的主动振动控制进行研究,探索了负阻尼对于结构的影响.胡海岩等[21]对飞机结构气动弹性分析与控制展开了综述,指出今后一个时期值得研究的若干气动弹性分析与控制问题.王在华等[22]对于具有采样反馈的力控制系统的稳定性进行了分析与解释.2016年,冯伟等[23]在实验室以悬臂梁为研究对象,完成了利用速度反馈控制实现响应发散的最优控制律研究.牛江川等[24]针对达芬振子的主共振进行了研究,认定基于速度反馈的分数阶比例-积分-微分控制对达芬振子主共振振幅的控制效果要优于传统整数阶比例-积分-微分控制.Zhao等[25-26]通过一套结合式翼板的主动气动控制系统,并通过风洞试验研究了颤振抑制效果.高逦等[27]提出了一种形状记忆弹簧扭转机翼自适应控制系统,采用反馈控制,通过记忆弹簧驱动控制产生相应的变形以稳定结构抑制颤振.2018年,Bera等[28]使用静态输出反馈实现桥面板的颤振控制.
1 气动载荷下机翼结构自激励模型与动力学方程
颤振是一种具有发散性、灾难性的系统动力学响应特征.对于一个$n$自由度线性翼类结构系统而言,其动力学运动微分方程如下式中,M,C,K分别为$n\times n$阶质量、阻尼、刚度矩阵;$ {\ddot {x}\left( t \right)}, {\dot {x}\left( t \right)}, {x\left( t \right)}$分别为$n\times 1$阶加速度、速度、位移向量;$ {f_1 \left( t \right)}$表示由紊流引起的激励力,通常简化为开环的随机激励;$ {f_2 \left( t \right)}$为$n\times 1$阶由均匀流引起的自激力.x为垂直板面方向,y和z为平行板面方向;在偶极子理论[34]中,气动压力即自激力可表示为
式中,$\rho$为当地空气密度,V为均匀流速度,D为气动力影响系数矩阵,其数值与均匀流速度V无关[35],$S$为气动网格面积矩阵,$ {w\left( t \right)}$为下洗控制点处的下洗速度列阵. 将式(2)代入式$\left(1 \right)$式得
令$ \frac{\partial }{\partial z} {x\left( t \right)} \mbox{ = }{\theta \left( t \right)} = G {x\left( t \right)}$,$\theta \left( t \right)$为转角,$G$为转角位移变换矩阵. 将式(3)右端与刚度、阻尼有关项移至式(3)左端并与原系统合并同类项,得到新的动力学方程
$$ C-\frac{1}{2}\rho VSD^{-1} = {C_1 }$$
$$K-\frac{1}{2}\rho V^2SD^{-1}G = {K_1 }$$
式(5)中,在给定均匀流速度V的情况下,M,$C_1 $和$K_1$是等效的系统矩阵. 由于矩阵D为非对称复数矩阵,且矩阵$ C_1$中所有元素均为均匀流速度V的函数,矩阵$K_1$中所有元素均为$V^2$的函数.因此,该两个矩阵的各元素不再保持为实数、矩阵不再保持对称性,成为"非自伴随动力学系统".仅当均匀流速度V为0时,方程$\left( 5 \right)$退化为方程(1).
2 非自伴随动力学系统求解与特征值分析
2.1 非自伴随动力学系统求解
令由紊流引起的激励力$ {f_1 \left( t \right)}$为$0$,考虑式$\left( 5 \right)$系统的齐次方程取$ {h\left( t \right)} = \left\{ {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} {\dot {x}\left( t \right)} \\ {x\left( t \right)} \\ \end{array} }} \right\}$,$ {\dot {h}\left( t \right)} = \left\{ {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} {\ddot {x}\left( t \right)} \\ {\dot {x}\left( t \right)} \\ \end{array} }} \right\}$为状态向量,表达为状态方程形式
由工程经验可知,随风速增长,式(7)所述系统的稳定性将逐步丧失,当至少有某一阶特征值的实部由负到零并进一步变为正值(即负阻尼)时,响应发散,此时的风速称为"稳定性临界风速Vs". 同时,这类非自伴随系统的另一个特征是,随风速增长,原本相邻的两阶相异特征值将相互接近,当二者重合之后,进一步发展将导致系统亏损,此风速称为"亏损临界风速Vd".系统亏损前后,微分方程及其解的特征是不一样的[36],系统亏损以后,需要重新建立解的结构,本文暂不讨论亏损以后的微分方程及其求解问题.但需要指出,如果系统的稳定性丧失发生在亏损以前,即$V_{\rm s} < V_{\rm d}$,那么系统发散以后的响应计算依然可信,直至系统亏损.反之,若亏损发生在稳定性丧失之前,即$V_{\rm d} < V_{\rm s}$,那么响应计算只能到亏损为止,其后的响应计算需要重新建立.
在系统亏损临界速度之前,令速度$V \in [ 0 ~~ {\Delta V}$${2\Delta V} ~~\cdots ~~ {p\Delta V} ]$,逐次代入式(7)中,得到$\left. {\left[ {A\left( V \right)} \right]} \right|_{V = V_i } ,$$i = 0,1,2, \cdots ,p$,可进行特征值与特征向量求解.
2.2 算例
Fig.1Model schematic
模型及参数如下:半机翼型铝板,铝板半展长0.712 m,根弦弦长0.546~3 m,翼梢弦长0.368~3 m,厚度4 mm,材料密度2820 kg/m3,杨氏模量71 GPa,泊松比0.320~5. 使用Patran软件建模,网格划分采用CQUAD4板单元,$10\times 20$共200个;节点数量为220个,计算获得各阶模态固有频率与振型(见表1).前4阶振型如图2所示. 然后,使用Nastran软件求解颤振特性,计算状态为:空气密度取1.293 kg/m3,参考马赫数Ma = 0,初始阻尼比为0,得到V-f和V-g图如图3所示.
Table 1
Table 1
Order | Modal mass | Modal stiffness | Frequency /Hz |
1 | 1.873 | 1620.5 | 4.68 |
2 | 0.506 | 8916.7 | 21.13 |
3 | 0.197 | 8473.2 | 33.00 |
4 | 0.275 | 32 562.9 | 54.77 |
5 | 0.000 04 | 12.9 | 90.37 |
Fig.2Modal shape diagram
从图3可知,随风速增长,前两阶模态频率逐渐靠近,第一阶模态阻尼比持续增大,第二阶模态阻尼比先升后降,并在94.7 m/s处穿越零点形成负阻尼,此后结构响应将发散.
Fig.3V-f and V-g from Nastran
2.3 非自伴随系统特征值求解
Fig.4Comparison between non-self-adjoint system and Nastran
从图4可以看到,两种计算一致性良好.图5为各阶特征向量,由于系统的非自伴随特性,左-右特征向量不再相等且均为复向量(为图示方便,做了实数化处理),文中分别给出并适当对比.每幅图第一行风速为20 m/s,第二行风速为100 m/s;左图为右特征向量,右图为左特征向量.
Fig.5Eigenvector diagram
从图4和图5可以看出,在风速为95.3 m/s时,系统第二阶模态阻尼比穿越零点,响应发散;但直到100 m/s时,频率尚未重合,表明系统尚未亏损.对于第一、二阶模态而言,由于系统矩阵的对称性被破坏,气动载荷使得系统的左右特征向量不再相同,随着风速增大,系统的特征向量变异程度也随之增大.
3 基于主动控制的特征值跟踪
$$ {\hat {f}_2 \left( t \right)} = \left\{ {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} 0 \\ \vdots \\ {f_{\rm e} \left( t \right)} \\ \vdots \\ 0 \\ \end{array} }} \right\}, {\dot {x}\left( t \right)} = \left\{ {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} \vdots \\ {\dot {x}_{\rm v} \left( t \right)} \\ \vdots \\ \vdots \\ \vdots \\ \end{array} }} \right\}, {x\left( t \right)} = \left\{ {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} \vdots \\ \vdots \\ \vdots \\ {x_{\rm d} \left( t \right)} \\ \vdots \\ \end{array} }} \right\}$$
$$ P = \left[ {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} 0 & \cdots & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \ddots & 0 \\ 0 & {p_{\rm e{v}} } & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & \cdots & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ \end{array} }} \right], Q = \left[ {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} 0 & \cdots & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \ddots & 0 \\ 0 & \cdots & 0 & {q_{\rm ed} } & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & \cdots & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ \end{array} }} \right]$$
Fig.6Reference point and control point schematic
Fig.7Wind velocity-gain coefficient curve
Fig.8Comparison between active control and aerodynamic load
4 结 论
提出了一种基于人工主动控制的方式进行气动载荷下舵翼类结构自激颤振的特征值跟踪策略,以单点反馈、单点作动的集中力闭环控制等效系统的真实气动力分布控制.由此预示的实验过程无需辨识和重构气动力时域波形,只要通过优化搜索获得v,d,$e$的位置以及图7所示的风速-增益曲线,无需其他干预即可实现地面模拟实验.参考文献 原文顺序
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This paper introduces a new curvature based design parameterization of two-dimensional high pressure compressor blade sections to be used in a multi-criteria aerodynamic design optimization process. The suction side of the airfoil section is represented by its curvature distribution which is described by a B-spline curve. The coordinates are then derived by numerical integration. The camber line as well as pressure side are obtained by adding a thickness distribution perpendicularly to the camber line. The thickness distribution itself is modeled as a B-spline curve as well and varied during optimization. In order to achieve smoothness between leading edge, trailing edge and pressure side, respectively, specific conditions for the control points of the thickness distribution are derived. The resulting compressor blade section is optimized w.r.t. pressure loss and working range using process integration and a genetic algorithm. The results show major improvements over a manually "optimized" datum design regarding both criteria. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
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A half model of a scaled-down aircraft is designed and tested in the wind tunnel to validate the mathematical model of uncertainty for unsteady pressure coefficients in the frequency domain. In the wind-tunnel test a step-swept test was conducted to obtain the frequency response function. Then a time-domain response test was performed with turbulence excitation to identify the aircraft's on-line poles. Based on the tested frequency response function for the on-line poles the structured singular value (mu) method was applied to determine the aerodynamic uncertainty level. Finally, the widely used mu analysis method was employed to compute the worst-case flutter boundary, and the result was compared with the experimental flutter velocity. The experimental flutter velocity (30.5 m/s) is in the range of the predicted robust flutter boundary (28.5 m/s) in which parameter uncertainties were taken into account in the numerical model. Experimental results validate that the uncertainty quantification theoretical frameworks incorporating experimental data can estimate the proper aerodynamic uncertainty level and predict a safe flutter boundary. The present results suggest that the time-response validation theoretical framework is more advantageous in robust stability analysis than the one based upon the frequency response function.
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Abstract An analytical design technique for an active flutter-suppression and gust-alleviation control system is presented. It is based on a rational approximation of the unsteady aerodynamic loads in the entire Laplace domain, which yields matrix equations of motion with constant coefficients. Some existing rational approximation schemes are reviewed, and a new technique which yields a minimal number of augmented states for a desired accuracy is presented. The state-space aeroelastic model is used to design a constant gain, partial-feedback control system, which simultaneously assures stability and optimizes any desired combination of gust response parameters throughout the entire flight envelope.
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Abstract Many structures experience random vibration caused by the rapid flow of air over the external surface of the structure. One example of this “aerodynamic excitation” occurs when missiles fly through the atmosphere en-route to target in powered flight, or slung to the undercarriage of an aircraft. In most cases, it is necessary to carry out laboratory testing in order to qualify the design of the structure and to assess the pedigree of the manufacturing and assembly process. The laboratory test should replicate, as closely as possible, the damage potential of the in-flight environment. The traditional method of replicating the aerodynamic induced vibration in the laboratory is to rigidly attach the structure to a large electrodynamic shaker and to subject the structure to random vibration. This testing methodology is inadequate and non-representative for two main reasons: (1) the excitation mechanisms are very different, i.e. through a distinct region when attached to a shaker compared to distributed excitation over the entire outer surface in-flight, (2) The boundary conditions are very dissimilar, i.e. attachment to a very high mechanical impedance shaker compared to “free” flight. There is much evidence to show that this testing methodology often leads to overly severe tests. Furthermore, the test program can be costly and time-consuming as tests are often carried out sequentially in three orthogonal axes. In addition, tests have to be repeated with different response control accelerometers as it is impossible to maintain in-flight responses all over the structure simultaneously due to the two reasons given previously. This paper details research carried out to replace the traditional rigid shaker approach to one with the structure “freely” supported and excited at multiple locations simultaneously using Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) vibration control. The research focusses on analytical models in Matlab and Ansys to carry out “virtual tests” in order to demonstrate issues with the current testing methodology and to highlight the benefits of a new approach. Results from the analytical models show significant improvements in degree-of-replication and would result in faster and more cost effective laboratory testing.
This paper describes a radically new approach to the vibration testing of structures in order to demonstrate their endurance under simulated service conditions. The excitation mechanisms of structures in-service typically fall into one of three configurations; (i) excitation from a parent structure through mechanical connections (e.g. during transportation), (ii) excitation from aerodynamic forces distributed over the outer surface of the structure (e.g. aircraft and rockets in flight), or (iii) A combination of (i) and (ii). In nearly all cases, the in-service excitation is multi-directional, yet it is standard practice to replicate these environments with three orthogonal single-axis vibration tests. In addition, a considerable mismatch of the boundary conditions between the in-service and laboratory configurations is common, especially when replicating aerodynamic environments. This paper presents quantitative evidence of limitations with the status quo and demonstrates a superior method; Impedance Matched Multi-Axis Testing (IMMAT). Three noteworthy improvements of the new method are; (i) enhanced replication of the in-service environment, (ii) much shorter test durations, and (iii) a significant reduction in costs associated with random vibration tests.
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61Demonstrates the current limitations of replicating aerodynamic environments.61A new method is proposed which offers considerable improvements.61It utilises free boundary conditions and Multi-Input–Multi-Output vibration control.61Numerous small shakers are used instead of a large single-shaker system.61The new method is more realistic, faster and cost effective.
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Recently, a few research efforts are made to utilize artificially generated self-excited vibration in several mechanical and micromechanical applications. The present paper considers some important theoretical aspects in connection with the efficacy of the relay-feedback in generating and controlling self-excited oscillation in a class of mechanical systems. The force applied by the relay-feedback is essentially constant and acts in the direction of the measured quantity. Mathematically, an ideal relay-feedback is represented by the signum function of the measured variable. Detailed theoretical analyses, both analytic and numerical, are presented for single, two, and three degrees-of-freedom spring–mass–damper systems under relay-feedback with underactuated, collocated, and noncollocated control configurations. It is shown that relay-feedback, if used in a suitable way, can be effective in selectively generating a particular mode of oscillation in a multi degrees-of-freedom mechanical system. It is also possible to change the mode of oscillation and its amplitude by suitably selecting the control gains.
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This paper studies the latent roots of damped asymmetric systems in which the stiffness matrix is asymmetrical. The asymmetric terms are due to ‘external’ loads and are represented by a parameter or parameters. The latent roots of such asymmetric systems are complex and the real parts become positive at some critical values of the parameter(s) (critical points). The work reported in this paper consists of two parts. The first part presents a method for predicting the latent roots of the damped asymmetric system from the receptance of the damped symmetric system. The second part presents an inverse method for assigning latent roots by means of mass, stiffness and damping modifications to the damped asymmetric system again based on the receptance of the unmodified damped symmetric system. The simulated numerical examples of a friction-induced vibration problem show the complexity in assigning stable latent roots for damped asymmetric systems. It is found that it is quite difficult to assign the real parts of latent roots to stabilise the originally unstable asymmetric system and sometimes there is no solution to the modification that is intended to assign certain latent roots.
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
<FONT face=Verdana>主动结构主要存在于主动控制以及各种自激颤振场合。对主动结构的动力学特征进行理论分析。从不同的角度对主动结构进行分类,讨论了主动结构的几种具有代表性的范例。进而分析主动结构与非自伴随结构之间的关系。对主动结构的频域特性进行探讨,阐述了主动结构与对应的被动结构的频响函数之间的关系。通过数值算例揭示主动结构的频响函数与被动结构的频响函数之间的差异,进一步展示仿真系统的左右特征向量。通过实验及数据处理,获得一个由自由-自由梁构造的主动结构频响函数,验证主动结构的频域特性。<BR></FONT>
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
<FONT face=Verdana>主动结构主要存在于主动控制以及各种自激颤振场合。对主动结构的动力学特征进行理论分析。从不同的角度对主动结构进行分类,讨论了主动结构的几种具有代表性的范例。进而分析主动结构与非自伴随结构之间的关系。对主动结构的频域特性进行探讨,阐述了主动结构与对应的被动结构的频响函数之间的关系。通过数值算例揭示主动结构的频响函数与被动结构的频响函数之间的差异,进一步展示仿真系统的左右特征向量。通过实验及数据处理,获得一个由自由-自由梁构造的主动结构频响函数,验证主动结构的频域特性。<BR></FONT>
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Non-symmetric second-order systems can be found in several engineering contexts, including vibroacoustics, rotordynamics, or active control. In this paper, the notion of properness for complex modes is extended to the case of non-self-adjoint problems. The properness condition is related to the ability of a set of complex modes to represent in an exact way the behavior of a physical second-order system, meaning that the modes are the solutions of a quadratic eigenvalue problem whose matrices are those of a physical system. This property can be used to identify the damping matrices which may be difficult to obtain with mathematical modeling techniques. The first part of the paper demonstrates the properness condition for non symmetric systems in general. In the second part, the authors propose a methodology to enforce that condition in order to perform an optimal reconstruction of the losest physical system starting from a given basis complex modes. The last part is dedicated to numerical and experimental illustrations of the proposed methodology. A simulated academic test case is first used to investigate the numerical aspects of the method. A physical application is then considered in the context of rotordynamics. Finally, an experimental test case is presented using a structure with an active control feedback. An extension of the LSCF identification technique is also introduced to identify both left and right complex mode shapes from measured frequency response functions.
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An application of the nonlinear saturation control (NSC) algorithm for a self-excited strongly nonlinear beam structure driven by an external force is presented in the paper. The mathematical model accounts for an Euler-Bernoulli beam with nonlinear curvature, reduced to first mode oscillations. It is assumed that the beam vibrates in the presence of a harmonic excitation close to the first natural frequency of the beam, and additionally the beam is self-excited by fluid flow, which is modelled by a nonlinear Rayleigh term for self-excitation. The self- and externally excited vibrations have been reduced by the application of an active, saturation-based controller. The approximate analytical solutions for a full structure have been found by the multiple time scales method, up to the first-order approximation. The analytical solutions have been compared with numerical results obtained from direct integration of the ordinary differential equations of motion. Finally, the influence of a negative damping term and the controller's parameters for effective vibrations suppression are presented.
DOIURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
<p>随着主动控制技术的发展,飞机结构设计理念已由提高结构刚度的被动设计转变为随控布局的主动设计.主动设计理念不再刻意回避气动弹性问题,而是采用主动控制技术实时调节结构气动弹性,进而减轻结构重量、优化飞机性能. 在飞机随控布局主动设计中,必须深入分析结构与气流之间的耦合,才能更好发挥气动弹性主动控制技术的作用. 从20 世纪80 年代起,航空科技界对该问题进行了长期研究,对飞机结构-空气动力-主动控制相互耦合后的关键力学问题有了深入理解. 然而,已有研究多基于简化模型,导致研究结果难以直接应用于工程. 本文将针对气动弹性动态问题,综述空气动力非线性、控制面间隙非线性、时滞诱发失稳、颤振主动抑制、突风载荷减缓、风洞实验验证等方面的国内外研究进展,重点介绍近年来作者团队所提出的若干方法及相关算例和风洞实验. 最后,指出今后一个时期值得研究的若干气动弹性分析与控制问题.</p>
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<p>随着主动控制技术的发展,飞机结构设计理念已由提高结构刚度的被动设计转变为随控布局的主动设计.主动设计理念不再刻意回避气动弹性问题,而是采用主动控制技术实时调节结构气动弹性,进而减轻结构重量、优化飞机性能. 在飞机随控布局主动设计中,必须深入分析结构与气流之间的耦合,才能更好发挥气动弹性主动控制技术的作用. 从20 世纪80 年代起,航空科技界对该问题进行了长期研究,对飞机结构-空气动力-主动控制相互耦合后的关键力学问题有了深入理解. 然而,已有研究多基于简化模型,导致研究结果难以直接应用于工程. 本文将针对气动弹性动态问题,综述空气动力非线性、控制面间隙非线性、时滞诱发失稳、颤振主动抑制、突风载荷减缓、风洞实验验证等方面的国内外研究进展,重点介绍近年来作者团队所提出的若干方法及相关算例和风洞实验. 最后,指出今后一个时期值得研究的若干气动弹性分析与控制问题.</p>
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61Wind tunnel experiment: bridge deck section with leading and trailing edge flaps.61Buffet response to grid-generated turbulence compared to 3D lifting surface theory.61Buffet suppression control system investigated theoretically and experimentally.61Deck position or velocity feedback; controllable leading and trailing edge flaps.61Control reduced buffet response, simultaneously increased critical flutter speed.
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We experimentally investigate the suppression of flutter in long-span suspension bridges. A rigid sectional model of a long-span suspension bridge is mounted in a wind tunnel on a suspension system. Control surfaces, which are used to suppress flutter, are movable flaps that are fitted to the bridge section's leading and trailing edges. The flaps are responsive to the deck's heave and pitch motions. In this paper, the aerodynamic force is modeled using a thin aerofoil theory, although other modeling techniques can be used. The controller has a second-order passive transfer function with inputs of a combination of the deck's pitch angle and heave position, and outputs of the flaps' angular positions. The control system design problem is solved as an H optimization problem.
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飞行器飞行过程中由于气动弹性效应会引起机翼颤振,并且随着飞行马赫数(速度)的提高,颤振类型会发生改变,对飞机结构的破坏性增大,因此若不能有效抑制机翼颤振将对高超音速飞行器飞行造成严重后果。为此,提出了一种形状记忆弹簧扭转机翼自适应控制系统,该系统采用反馈控制,通过记忆弹簧驱动控制产生相应的变形以稳定结构抑制颤振。根据驱动结构设计、理论推导以及测试实验成功验证了该方案的可行性,采用参数自整定模糊PID控制算法,通过控制实验得到了SMA弹簧驱动器的偏转角度与电流强度的关系,在控制电流为8 A时,偏转角度在6 s内可达到60°,响应速度10°/s。事实表明,采用文中设计的形状记忆弹簧扭转机翼自适应控制系统,可以对机翼翼面受力状态进行自适应监测与控制,使机翼结构吸取的能量等于消耗的能量,保持等幅振动而不发生颤振。
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飞行器飞行过程中由于气动弹性效应会引起机翼颤振,并且随着飞行马赫数(速度)的提高,颤振类型会发生改变,对飞机结构的破坏性增大,因此若不能有效抑制机翼颤振将对高超音速飞行器飞行造成严重后果。为此,提出了一种形状记忆弹簧扭转机翼自适应控制系统,该系统采用反馈控制,通过记忆弹簧驱动控制产生相应的变形以稳定结构抑制颤振。根据驱动结构设计、理论推导以及测试实验成功验证了该方案的可行性,采用参数自整定模糊PID控制算法,通过控制实验得到了SMA弹簧驱动器的偏转角度与电流强度的关系,在控制电流为8 A时,偏转角度在6 s内可达到60°,响应速度10°/s。事实表明,采用文中设计的形状记忆弹簧扭转机翼自适应控制系统,可以对机翼翼面受力状态进行自适应监测与控制,使机翼结构吸取的能量等于消耗的能量,保持等幅振动而不发生颤振。
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Using an inviscid flow computational-fluid-dynamic model and a harmonic balance flow solver, a parametric investigation of how structural-inertial parameters and freestream Mach number of a transonic flow affect the limit-cycle oscillation characteristics of a typical two-degree-of-freedom transonic airfoil configuration is presented. The computational efficiency of the harmonic balance... [Show full abstract]
Recently, flutter active control using linear parameter varying(LPV) framework has attracted a lot of attention. LPV control synthesis usually generates controllers that are at least of the same order as the aeroelastic models. Therefore, the reduced-order model is required by synthesis for avoidance of large computation cost and high-order controller. This paper proposes a new procedure for generation of accurate reduced-order linear time-invariant(LTI) models by using system identification from flutter testing data. The proposed approach is in two steps. The well-known poly-reference least squares complex frequency(p-LSCF) algorithm is firstly employed for modal parameter identification from frequency response measurement. After parameter identification,the dominant physical modes are determined by clear stabilization diagrams and clustering technique. In the second step, with prior knowledge of physical poles, the improved frequencydomain maximum likelihood(ML) estimator is presented for building accurate reduced-order model. Before ML estimation, an improved subspace identification considering the poles constraint is also proposed for initializing the iterative procedure. Finally, the performance of the proposed procedure is validated by real flight flutter test data.
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This paper compares four LPV identification methods: local, global, and glocal, for flutter prediction and modeling. Important properties of the methods are highlighted and simulations are performed to compare the performance, using a bending-torsion flutter model from literature. Results show that a trade-off between bias and variance exists for the local and global method, after which a glocal method can further improve performance.
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