

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

陆玉麒,1,21.南京师范大学地理科学学院,南京 210023
2.江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心,南京 210023

The rule cognition and theoretical construction of spatial pattern in China

LU Yuqi,1,21. School of Geography, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
2. Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China(42171171)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42171173)

作者简介 About authors
陆玉麒(1963-), 男, 江苏张家港人, 教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事空间结构与区域发展研究。E-mail: luyuqi@263.net

关键词: 空间格局;胡焕庸线;“T”型模式;双核结构;“一线两轴双核”结构

"Hu Huanyong Line", T-shaped development model, and dual-nuclei structure model can be roughly summarized as a "one-line, two-axis, and dual-nuclei" structure. They are all rule cognition and theoretical refinements on spatial pattern in China which were proposed by Chinese human geographers in different periods. "Hu Huanyong Line" is proposed based on the regular recognition of regional differences. This is the extension and expansion of geographical differentiation laws of physical geography in human geography, following the basic assumption of homogeneous regions. The discovery of the T-shaped model of Lu Dadao and the dual-nuclei structure of Lu Yuqi transcended the analytical thought of regional differentiation laws. They follow the basic assumptions of functional areas. Among them, the T-shaped model is the practical application of the point-axis system theory proposed by Lu Dadao in China. From the phenomenon perspective, the dual-nuclei structure is attached to the T-shaped development model, but subsequent research has completed the transformation from special to general. It has accomplished the whole process of scientific research in scientific discovery, mechanism analysis, mathematical derivation and practical application. Eventually, it becomes a regional spatial structure theory with strong broad applicability. From the theoretical level, "Hu Huanyong Line" based on the assumption of homogeneous region and T-shaped model based on the assumption of functional region belong to the analysis results of spatial differentiation law, but they can also be called theories. They are individual theories in geography, while the dual-nuclei structure theory belongs to a more general and applicable theory in the general scientific sense. Obviously, the trinity analysis of the "Hu Huanyong Line", the T-shaped model, and the dual-nuclei structure theory shows that, China is a country that is very suitable for regional analysis and geographical laws and theories refinement based on this. The research in this paper can provide research ideas and method references for the summary of regional spatial structure laws and theory refinement of human geography.
Keywords:spatial pattern;Hu Huanyong Line;T-shaped model;dual-nuclei structure;"one-line, two-axis, and dual-nuclei" structure

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陆玉麒. 中国空间格局的规律认知与理论提炼. 地理学报, 2021, 76(12): 2885-2897 doi:10.11821/dlxb202112002
LU Yuqi. The rule cognition and theoretical construction of spatial pattern in China. Acta Geographica Sinice, 2021, 76(12): 2885-2897 doi:10.11821/dlxb202112002

1 引言



2 中国空间格局的认知过程与研究范式


2.1 基于地域分异规律的胡焕庸线



2.2 基于点轴系统理论的“T”型模式



2.3 基于双核结构现象提炼出的一般性理论




2.4 中国空间格局的总体认知




Fig. 1The "one-line, two-axis and dual-nuclei" structure in China



3 中国空间格局的形成机理与分析视角


3.1 胡焕庸线的自然地理基础与人文地理效应

3.1.1 胡焕庸线的自然地理基础 胡焕庸线的形成主要是基于中国的自然本底基础,其与中国的400 mm等降水量线基本吻合,而400 mm等降水量线蕴含着众多的其他自然地理意义,是中国东部季风区和西北内陆区的分界线,从而构成中国东部湿润地区和西部干旱地区的分界线,具体是半湿润区和半干旱地区的分界线,在此基础上又构成中国森林类原始植被与草原的分界线。另外,地形因素也是影响胡焕庸线的重要因素。总体上,在中国三大地形阶梯背景上,胡焕庸线属于第二与第三阶梯的交界线上,只不过到了长江流域,由于上游成都平原的存在导致该线向西跃至第一与第二阶梯的交界线上。也正是如此,该线以东,平原、河流众多,以西则以高原大漠为主等。

3.1.2 胡焕庸线的人文地理效应 胡焕庸线两侧相异的自然本底进一步产生出完全不同的人文景观。基于天然森林植被产生的是农耕定居生产方式,基于草原大漠产生的是草原游牧生产生活方式,基于此的文明也分别称之为农耕文明和游牧文明,于是在此基础上进一步形成各种类型的早期部落和后期的民族,从而奠定了中国丰富多样的民族文化版图。一方面,不同的生产生活方式承载完全不同的人口密度;另一方面,胡焕庸线沿线也成为各种生产生活方式交融、融合的地带,费孝通则称之为“藏彝走廊”“内部边疆”等[23,24,25]。进入当代,随着工业化、城市化的推进,尤其是全球化的推进更使得东部沿海地区的区位优势更加突出,使得胡焕庸线两侧的景观进一步发生了差异性的变化。无论是交通网络,还是工业集聚区以及城市群,都主要集中于中国东部地区。实际上,东部地区完全成为支撑中国经济发展的核心区,而此线以西地区的主要功能则是维系国家安全的生态和军事等的屏障区,构成了典型的核心边缘结构[26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39]

3.2 “T”型模式的本质是水轴


3.2.1 沿江轴线的发展优势 海运的优势自不必说,自近代以来全球就进入了海运为主的贸易新时代,全球贸易的85%左右均通过海运,由此大幅度提升了沿海港口的区位优势,推进了沿海地带的经济隆升。基本上都不例外,几乎所有国家的发达地区都位居沿海,因此中国沿海纵轴是没有争议的。长江经济带包括9省2市,总面积约205万km2,人口总量和国内生产总值均超过全国的40%。具有以下特点:① 居中区位优势。长江开发轴线位居中国中部,是中国北方和南方的过渡地带。区位特点决定了该地带的发展,具有对于全国最为强烈和有效的带动作用。从农业发展角度看,正是因为地理位置居中,长江经济带以亚热带气候资源为主,使得该地带成为中国唯一的小麦和水稻均适宜大面积种植的地区;② 上游综合开发优势。一般而言,流域内平原的主要分布区为其中下游,上游一般为山地丘陵为主体的地区,如珠江流域即是如此。但长江上游却存在着面积如此之大的成都平原。这在全球范围内的大江大河中可谓绝无仅有;③ 综合性交通运输走廊优势。已形成铁路、公路、航空、水运四位一体的综合运输走廊,交通便捷,水运是其突出优势。2018年长江干线完成货运量26.9亿t,占同期全国内河水运货运量(37.43亿t)的71.82%,占全国铁路货运量(40.26亿t)的66.82%。此外,集装箱吞吐量也达到1750万标箱。由于内河水运成本只有铁路成本的1/4~1/5左右,所以长江水运具有特别突出的运输成本优势;④ 中国最大的横向人口带、城市带。优越的自然条件和适宜的农业生产条件,使得长江流域成为中国人口分布的密集区,人口总量约占全国40%左右。进入近代以后,更成为中国工业化、城镇化的主要地区之一,构成中国最大的横向城市带。在中国五大城市群中,已经基本成形的有位于沿海轴的长三角、珠三角、京津冀城市群,即将成形的有位于长江中游的武汉城市群和长江上游的成渝城市群。


3.2.2 水轴结构的稳定性 特别需要指出,以水轴为基础形成的“T”型开发模式有其稳定性。在中国所有一级、二级轴线中,沿海作为一级轴线没有争议,陇海—兰新线是否应该与沿江轴线一起成为一级轴线,则争议甚多。仅从GDP而论,2018年陇海—兰新线和沿江轴线(仅计滨江城市)分别占全国的比重为5.94%和17.43%,两者完全不成比例。但在“一带一路”倡议的背景下,由于陇海—兰新线是丝绸之路经济带的重要组成部分,显然将在中国未来对外开放格局中提升其战略地位。长江经济带似乎偏离了“一带一路”倡议的实施范围,但实际情况并非如此。一方面,当代的丝绸之路经济带并不会像古代那样以西安为单一起点或终点,而是可以进一步向东延伸。而西安以东已进入中国网络化的路网地区,对长江开发轴而言,境内所有的中心城市都可以成为丝绸之路经济带的东延节点。另一方面,长江开发轴还将以云南昆明为起点,通过与东南亚基础设施的互联互通,从而进入中南半岛和印度洋。实际上,与20世纪90年代仅仅东向通过上海对外开放不同,未来长江开发轴的发展,将进一步拓展西向开放路径,形成东、西同时开放的新格局。


3.3 双核结构是区域发展过程中内生性与外源性力量共同作用的结果



4 空间格局理论的类型辨析与内在逻辑


4.1 地理学理论的个例性与普遍性

4.1.1 个例式理论是地理学中的特殊理论 地理学以地球表层为研究对象,侧重于地球表层空间分异规律的挖掘,其中自然地理学上的地域分异规律最为典型。虽然地域分异规律的分析方法是通用的,但地域分异规律的结论在地球上则是唯一的,这就是地理学的个例式理论。



4.1.2 双核结构现象的普适性与理论构建 如果双核结构仅仅是中国存在的一种空间结构现象,那么就还是属于一种个例性理论。但双核结构现象除中国外还广泛存在于其他国家和地区中。如构成美国经济地理横轴的芝加哥—纽约、欧洲的杜伊斯堡—鹿特丹、俄罗斯的莫斯科—圣彼得堡、法国的巴黎—勒阿勿尔与里昂—马赛、巴西的巴西里亚—里约热内卢、阿根廷的布宜诺斯艾利斯—科尔多瓦等。其中,与中国规模相似的美国除国家层面的经济地理横轴外,在省州一级也存在着大量的双核结构现象。双核结构现象分布的广泛性,表明了该理论的普遍适用性。





Fig. 2Simple and ideal schemas of the dual-nuclei structure theory

4.2 区域分析的过程、阶段及其规律性

4.2.1 区域差异、均质区域与胡焕庸线 地理学的研究对象既然是区域,那么研究的第一步就是进行(特定)区域分析,包括区域个性的提炼与区域差异的挖掘,在此基础上进行演化过程与形成机理的分析。然而,区域差异如何表征?这就是均质区域的分析思路。事实上地域分异规律的提炼就是以均质区域为基本前提。


4.2.2 空间格局、功能区域与“T”型模式 虽然地理学的空间学派始于古典区位论,但功能区域的概念在第二次世界大战以后才由美国****提出。如果说均质区域可以通过数量指标来确定,那么功能区域更强调区内点、线、面要素之间的功能联系,并最终整合为一个整体。显然,如果基于均质区域的分析视角,由沿海和沿江的“T”型轴线无论如何也识别不出来。


4.2.3 特殊理论、重复检验与一般理论 双核结构基于“T”型模式之上,因此仅就对中国空间格局的认知而言,其意义和价值不如“T”型模式。然而,双核结构后继的研究已远远超越了对于中国空间格局的现象发现与规律认知,而是沿着两个层面展开:一是在实证层面上进行了全球尺度的大量双核结构的实证分析;二是在理论层面上完成了现象发现、机理分析、数学推导、实践应用的全过程科学研究。



5 结论与讨论


5.1 胡焕庸线和“T”型模式体现出高度的稳定性

虽然表面上胡焕庸线是一条人口线,但背后却有400 mm等降水量线支撑,从而构成中国东部湿润地区和西部干旱地区的分界线,以及中国森林类原始植被与草原的分界线,在此基础上又成为农耕文明和游牧文明的分界线。有这样综合的自然地理和人文地理要素为基础,不仅过去近百年来两侧人口比例的变化不大,即使展望未来,胡焕庸线将依然是中国最为重要的东西分界线。因此,所谓胡焕庸线的突破,纯粹是一个伪命题。


5.2 双核结构表现出稳定性与动态性的统一







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DOI:10.11821/xb199906003 [本文引用: 1]
The paper condensed the m ajor viewpoints of 1997 RegionalDevelopm ent Re- port ofChina. The report took the regionaleconom ic developm ent as the m ajor them e, sum m arized m ainly the regionalpoliciesatnationaland provinciallevelsduring theeighth- five-yearplan and early stageoftheninth-five-yearplan, analyzed and evaluated thepolicy effects, developm entstates, existing problem s, and put forw ard som e recom m endations for regionaldevelopm entpolicies. Based on thesystem aticdiscussions, thepaperdrew the conclusions as follows: 1) The m acro-strategy to develop the coastalregions as priority exactly m atched our country’s situations atpresentstage, and the policies to im prove the Middle and WestChina developm enthad positive effectsto reverse the trends ofenlarged differencesbetw een the Eastand WestChina; 2) To realize the overallstrategictargetsof “Three-stage-theory”stillrequired theenforcem entofcoastalm odernization pulling strat- egy, and the infrastructure and socialdevelopm entshould be the priorities in the Middle and WestChina developm ent; 3) The pole ofregionaldevelopm entshiftsouthwards, the econom ic grow th in theSouth wasm oreactive, thestructuralissuesin theNorth hinderedthe socialand econom icdevelopm ent. During the processes ofreducing the regionaldiffer- encesbetween the Eastand the West, the difference ofeconom ic activities and structures between the North and the South should also be taken into considerations; 4) The abso- lute differences ofeconom ic developm entlevels enlarged rapidly am ong allprovinces, au- tonom y regionsand m unicipalities. How ever, therelative differencesshow ed thetrendsof declining; 5) There were w idely progressatprovinciallevelsin industrialstructuralalter- nations and new econom ic growth pole innovations, the provincialdevelopm entcharacter- ized with uniquefeatures,thedifferencesoftransportation, com m unication, infrastructure becam e m ore obvious, the allocation of grain production bases shifted northw ards and westw ards, and the problem s eagerto success and ofduplicate construction w ere very se- vere in grain production aspects; 6) The out-wards econom ic developm enthavegreatcon- tributions to sustainable and rapid econom icgrowth since reform and opennessbegan, but the effectsoffavorite policies in specialregionsand coastalopen cities declined gradually, thecontinued absorption offoreign fundsdepended gradually on econom icdevelopm entac- tivities of particular regions. Our country’s out-ward econom ic developm ent should en- force the regionalcore rolesofspecialregionsand coastalopen cities w hich were m ore ac- tive in econom ic developm ent; 7)The changes ofpoverty alleviation strategies have taken place from quantity to quality. The differences ofpoverty alleviation effectsam ong differ- entregionswereobvious, so did the facing problem s; 8)Thetaxation reform m etthe sub- jectneedsto controlthe regionalresourcesin m arketeconom y, and itincreased the finan- cialcapacity ofcentralgovernm ent, butthedream to im prove theregionalcoordinated de- velopm ent did not com e true. The distribution ofcentralgovernm ent financialaids were unfair between the less developed and m ore developed regions, and the correlation was very w eak between the financialaids percapita and GDPper capita ofeach province, au- tonom y region orm unicipality; 9)Thescopeofregionaleconom iccooperation enlarged and the form s diversified. The cooperation betw een the East and the West had obvious progress, but the cross-regions econom ic and technicalcooperation w as facing financial and banking barriers; 10)High developm entgrowth rate resulted in m ore and m oresevere ecologicalproblem swith therelatively seriousw aterand airpollution and very severe eco- logicaldegradations.
[陆大道, 刘毅, 樊杰. 我国区域政策实施效果与区域发展的基本态势
地理学报, 1999, 54(6): 496-508.]

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[尹德挺, 袁尚. 新中国70年来人口分布变迁研究: 基于“胡焕庸线”的空间定量分析
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Wang Zheng, Xia Haibin, Tian Yuan, et al. A big-data analysis of Hu Line existence in the ecology view and new economic geographical understanding based on population distribution
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2019, 39(14): 5166-5177.

[本文引用: 1]

[王铮, 夏海斌, 田园, . 胡焕庸线存在性的大数据分析: 中国人口分布特征的生态学及新经济地理学认识
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Li Li, Zhang Jie, Zhang Hui, et al. Hu Line location effect: Perspective of potential of tourist flows in mainland of China
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[李莉, 张捷, 张卉, . 胡焕庸线简化解析几何模型与“胡焕庸线区位效应”: 以中国大陆旅游市场潜力为例
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Wu Chuanqing, Zheng Lei, Huang Cheng. The "Hu Huanyong Line" hypothesis and its new development: An investigation based on the perspective of doctrine history
Guizhou Social Sciences, 2018(12): 137-144.

[本文引用: 1]

[吴传清, 郑雷, 黄成. “胡焕庸线”假说及其新发展: 基于学说史视角的考察
贵州社会科学, 2018(12): 137-144.]

[本文引用: 1]

Li Jiaming, Lu Dadao, Xu Chengdong, et al. Spatial heterogeneity and its changes of population on the two sides of Hu Line
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017, 72(1): 148-160.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201701012 [本文引用: 1]
Hu Line uncovers one of China's most important characteristics of population paper distribution: East is dense, while west is sparse. Different from most previous research, this paper examined the differentiation and changes of population distribution on both sides of Hu Line from a perspective of spatial stratified heterogeneity instead. Geodetector was employed based on the spatial database of China's census data of 1953, 1982, 1990, 2000 and 2010 to reconfirm spatial position of Hu Line and analyzed changes of spatial stratified heterogeneity of population between southeast and northwest sides of Hu Line in different periods. Changes of population distribution since the founding of New China were found and the reasons for these changes were discussed. Major findings include: (1) From the spatial stratified heterogeneity perspective, Hu Line could be improved and optimized, at least, in some periods. Although the ratio of total population on both sides of Hu Line has roughly been kept at 94:6 since 1953, spatial stratified heterogeneity of population between the two sides (the southeastern side: the northwestern side) increased when Hu Line moves to south slightly in 1953, 2000 and 2010, which means population distribution was more homogeneous within either southeastern or northwestern region and heterogeneity was more remarkable between the two regions. (2) Heterogeneity decreased gradually since the reform and opening up. We found characteristics of population distribution converged on the two sides, especially since the 1990s when convergence between the two sides became apparent. This finding is significantly different from the conclusion of "remain unchanged" from most literatures. The reasons why heterogeneity reduced were: pattern of population distribution on the southeastern side changed from relatively even distribution among cities before 1990 to agglomeration in a few huge cities after 2000, while the degree of spatial agglomeration of population decreased slightly after the reform on the northwestern side. These changes have been confirmed by the analysis from cumulative distribution function and Gini coefficient. (3) On the whole, the effect of economic factors on population distribution has become more and more important, while the effect of natural environment and institution reduced. Combined effect from economic development, natural environment and institution resulted in two opposite directions of changes of population spatial distribution on the two sides. It should be emphasized that although general effect of natural environment has decreased, some natural factors, such as Three Gradient Terrains, still have significantly influence on population distribution in China.
[李佳洺, 陆大道, 徐成东, . 胡焕庸线两侧人口的空间分异性及其变化
地理学报, 2017, 72(1): 148-160.]

[本文引用: 1]

Guo Huadong, Wang Xinyuan, Wu Bingfang, et al. Cognizing population density demarcative line (Hu Huanyong Line) based on space technology
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2016, 31(12): 1385-1394.

[本文引用: 1]

[郭华东, 王心源, 吴炳方, . 基于空间信息认知人口密度分界线: “胡焕庸线”
中国科学院院刊, 2016, 31(12): 1385-1394.]

[本文引用: 1]

Chen M X, Gong Y H, Li Y, et al. Population distribution and urbanization on both sides of the Hu Huanyong Line: Answering the Premier's question
Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2016, 26(11): 1593-1610.

DOI:10.1007/s11442-016-1346-4URL [本文引用: 1]

Qi W, Liu S H, Zhao M F, et al. China's different spatial patterns of population growth based on the "Hu Line"
Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2016, 26(11): 1611-1625.

DOI:10.1007/s11442-016-1347-3URL [本文引用: 1]

Lu Dadao, Wang Zheng, Feng Zhiming, et al. Academic debates on Hu Huanyong population line
Geographical Research, 2016, 35(5): 805-824.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201605001 [本文引用: 1]
Hu Huanyong, a famous geographer, discovered a divide of population geography in China in 1935 (hereinafter referred to as the Hu Line), which was an important achievement in the development of the discipline of geography in China, and was widely accredited and cited. In November, 2014, Premier Li Keqiang raised a question about the Hu Line, when he visited the exhibition of sciences of human settlements in the National Museum of China. This question is whether the Hu Line can be broken or not again caused a stir. Hereby we invited some geographers to have academic discussion on this question, aiming to demonstrate their understanding and reflection on the Hu Line from different perspectives. Thus, the scientific value and practical significance of the Hu Line are deepened, and furthermore, the Hu Line can provide reference for the implementation and regional planning of the new-type urbanization in China.
[陆大道, 王铮, 封志明, . 关于“胡焕庸线能否突破”的学术争鸣
地理研究, 2016, 35(5): 805-824.]

[本文引用: 1]

Chen Mingxing, Li Yang, Gong Yinghua, et al. The population distribution and trend of urbanization pattern on two sides of Hu Huanyong population line: A tentative response to Premier Li Keqiang
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016, 71(2): 179-193.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201602001 [本文引用: 1]
In November, 2014, Premier Li Keqiang raised a problem about Hu Huanyong population line (hereinafter referred to as "Hu line"), when visiting the exhibition of sciences of human settlements in National Museum of China, which was called "Premier's Question" by the press. Hence, Hu line has become a highlight currently, and aroused great controversy and different views. Aiming at such dilemma of cognition, this paper gives a general review of the origins of Hu line, which was put forward by the famous population geographer Hu Huanyong in 1935, under the background of a debate on the surplus of domestic population. Based on population census data and GIS platform, the paper analyzes the change of population scale, proportion and density in both southeast and northwest sides of Hu line. The results indicate that the population urbanization and migration do not change the pattern of population distribution determined by Hu line. On such basis, the pattern that the population density of southeast part is large, while that of northwest part is relatively small will not radically change over a longer period, and the pattern that urban agglomeration is mainly located in southeast part as well. The long-term existence of Hu line depends on integrated physical geographical conditions, like climate. At the meantime, this paper argues that the core issue of the Premier's concern is solvable, by positive policy guidance and reasonable spatial organization. It is definitely promising for western China to realize a higher level of modernization and a better quality of urbanization, and central region as well.
[陈明星, 李扬, 龚颖华, . 胡焕庸线两侧的人口分布与城镇化格局趋势: 尝试回答李克强总理之问
地理学报, 2016, 71(2): 179-193.]

[本文引用: 1]

Wu Ruijun, Zhu Baoshu. The unbalanced distribution of population in China and the stability of Heihe-Tengchong Line
Chinese Journal of Population Science, 2016(1): 14-24, 126.

[本文引用: 1]

[吴瑞君, 朱宝树. 中国人口的非均衡分布与“胡焕庸线”的稳定性
中国人口科学, 2016(1): 14-24, 126.]

[本文引用: 1]

Ding Jinhong, He Shujin. The geographical pattern of population and the future of urbanization in China: A seminar commemorating the 80th anniversary of the discovery of the Hu Huanyong Line held in Shanghai
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(12): 1856.

[本文引用: 1]

[丁金宏, 何书金. 中国人口地理格局与城市化未来: 纪念胡焕庸线发现80周年学术研讨会在上海举行
地理学报, 2015, 70(12): 1856.]

[本文引用: 1]

Qi Wei, Liu Shenghe, Zhao Meifeng. Study on the stability of Hu Line and different spatial patterns of population growth on its both sides
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(4): 551-566.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201504004 [本文引用: 1]
The Hu Line for population distribution in China has been regarded as one of the greatest geographical discoveries in China because it reveals the significant spatial characteristics of China's human-land relationship. Thus, the stability and significance for spatial development of Hu Line have become a major concern after the dramatic economic and social changes since China's reform and opening-up in 1978. With the support of GIS, this paper conducts a statistical analysis and systematic investigation on the stability and spatial patterns of population growth on both sides of Hu Line by constructing the spatial database of China's census data from 1982 to 2010 and initiating a new method for identifying the spatial patterns of population growth. The findings are as follows: (1) The Hu Line has been rather stable, while a new tendency of population change has emerged. On the whole, the ratio of population on both sides of Hu Line has roughly been kept at 94:6 (the southeastern side: the northwestern side) in the last 30 years. However, the proportion of population on the southeastern side of Hu Line has been slightly decreasing, while that on the northwestern side of Hu Line has been slightly increasing, which is benefited from its higher rate of natural population growth. (2) The spatial patterns of population growth on both sides of Hu Line were quite different. The agglomeration degree of population distribution on the southeastern side of Hu Line increased greater. The areas with negative population growth rate have rapidly expanded, mainly located south of the Qinling Mountains - Huaihe River line and the northeastern China, while the areas with the fast population growth rate concentrated in the areas such as the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and Beijing-Tianjin metropolitan region. Thus, the spatial pattern of population growth on the southeastern side of Hu Line presented an aggregating and diffusion mode of Matthew effect. (3) The spatial pattern of population growth on the northwestern side of Hu Line could be referred as the relative balance type. In this region, the positive rate of population growth and the lower agglomeration degree of population have been identified. There were lots of ethnic groups located on the northwestern side of Hu Line, and they generally lived dispersedly but with a higher rate of natural population growth due to preferential population policy. However, there were also some areas with negative rate of population growth on the northwestern side of Hu Line and they were mainly distributed close to the Hu Line and new Eurasia Land Bridge. (4) In the future, the spatial patterns of population growth on both sides of Hu Line will continue to change. On the southeastern side of Hu Line, the capacity of population agglomeration for those small and medium-sized cities and towns should be enhanced. As for the northwestern side of Hu Line, the emphasis should be placed on promoting its urbanization and enhancing the capacity of population agglomeration for major cities.
[戚伟, 刘盛和, 赵美风. “胡焕庸线”的稳定性及其两侧人口集疏模式差异
地理学报, 2015, 70(4): 551-566.]

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