

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

杨忍,中山大学地理科学与规划学院,广州 510275

The actor-network perspective on the reconstruction process and internal mechanism of typical Taobao villages in the Pearl River Delta region

YANG Ren,School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China


Fund supported: Key-Area Research and Development Program of Guangdong Province(2020B0202010002)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41871177)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42171193)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41801088)

作者简介 About authors
杨忍(1984-), 男, 贵州毕节人, 博士, 副教授, 博士生导师, 中国地理学会会员(S110010129M), 研究方向为乡村地理、城乡发展与土地利用。E-mail: yangren0514@163.com

关键词: 乡村发展;乡村重构;行动者网络;淘宝村;乡村振兴;都市化

Owing to the multiple influences of globalization, urbanization, industrialization, and informatization, rural regional space has experienced the process of reconstruction. Focusing on the analysis of the internal mechanism of rural reconstruction driven by the internet economy, this study selected Lirendong Village in Panyu District of Guangzhou, the most active Taobao trading village in the Pearl River Delta, as a typical case. We had an in-depth analysis of the process and internal mechanism of the reconstruction of typical Taobao villages in the Pearl River Delta metropolitan area through semi-structured interviews and the actor-network theory analysis framework. The study demonstrated that the key actors, such as local government, clothing workshop, village committee, e-commerce entrepreneurs, and social networks of fellow villagers, participate in the pursuit and realization of land value in the village according to their goal vision and action logic. Furthermore, these actors jointly evolve and construct the actor-network process of periodic industrial succession and spatial value accumulation in Taobao villages. The process has gone through the stage of agricultural decentralization led by the government, the industrialization stage dominated by the market, and the stage of e-commerce dominated by the social network of fellow towns people. Government subject, market subject, and social subject constitute the core driving force. They are linked together by providing benefits, and rural reconstruction practice is carried out according to the political, market, and elite logic. The reconstruction results in the change in spatial-social relations related to the changes in the dynamic mechanism. The reconstruction is realized through the reshaping of space and the change of value, from exogenous driving force leading to endogenous driving force exhibition, thus initiating a new cycle of the space reconstruction process.
Keywords:rural development;rural reconstruction;actor network;Taobao village;rural revitalization;urbanization

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杨忍. 珠三角地区典型淘宝村重构过程及其内在逻辑机制. 地理学报, 2021, 76(12): 3076-3089 doi:10.11821/dlxb202112014
YANG Ren. The actor-network perspective on the reconstruction process and internal mechanism of typical Taobao villages in the Pearl River Delta region. Acta Geographica Sinice, 2021, 76(12): 3076-3089 doi:10.11821/dlxb202112014

1 引言

自1978年改革开放以来,随着全球化、城市化、工业化和信息化快速发展,中国农村地区的经济形态、土地利用、社会结构和生态环境等方面普遍经历急速转型过程[1,2]。西方发达国家的乡村发展自20世纪90年代以来也经历了急剧转型与分化过程,农业部门趋向多元化,“第二住宅”的逆城市化现象出现,原有乡村研究以城市为主导的现代主义立场受到批判。寻求乡村转型发展的话题越发引起国内外乡村地理学界的广泛关注[3],随之产生了乡村田园牧歌式理论[4]、消费性乡村[5]、后生产主义乡村[6]、多功能农业[7]等理论主张。乡村重构研究在乡村研究的内省和复兴过程得到极大的重视,其研究理论视角跳出从福特主义到后福特主义、从现代主义到后现代主义、从凯恩斯主义到新自由主义等聚焦社会组织形式质变的乡村转型争议性的分析框架[8],将乡村发展和空间变化视为一种多维度并互相联系的整体现象[9],主张从社会、经济、政治、环境和文化等多方面综合认知乡村重构过程[10]。经济重构是乡村重构研究的重要组成部分,尤其关注技术变革对农业经济衰退的影响[11,12]。乡村重构研究需要跨地域以及多学科多方法集成[13],以深度访谈法探讨乡村移民生活、社区、身份认同和地方感的重构变化[14]。Marsden等强调以社会关系为主的社会空间重构分析,将地方看作一个由一系列社会关系构成的“约聚场所(Meeting Place)”,这些社会关系由不同利益追求的行动者们捆绑在一起形成[15]。基于中国实践,龙花楼构建了乡村地域的“要素—结构—功能”理论框架探讨乡村内外部系统要素变化对乡村重构的影响及乡村重构在经济、社会和空间方面的实现路径[16]



2 理论分析框架构建

2.1 行动者网络理论

本文采用行动者网络理论(Actor-network Theory),对里仁洞村的乡村重构过程及其动力机制进行深度剖析。行动者网络是20世纪80年代由法国社会学家Callon、Law及Latour等提出的科学实践研究方法。该理论将来自社会和自然两个方面的一切因素纳入到统一的解释框架,将人类和非人类因素视为同样具有能动性的异质行动者,通过转译过程互相嵌入和共同建构,演进成异质性网络。在“行动者网络”中,每个结点都是一个具有主体地位的行动者,包括人类与非人类,非人类行动者通过有资格的“代言人”获得主体的地位、资格和权力。结点之间以关系相连接,共同编织成一个相互协调和行动的无缝之网。不同行动者在利益取向、行为方式等方面呈现出异质性,需要通过转译过程(Processes of Translation)转换其他行动者。转译是行动者的一种角色界定,通过问题和利益相互界定各自的角色[22]。行动者转译通过“必经之点”(Obligatory Point of Passage, OPP),行动者之间便组合起来,形成一种稳定联系的行动者网络。此动态过程通常要经历5个基本环节:问题呈现(Problematization)、利益赋予(Interestement)、征召(Enrolment)、动员(Mobilisation)和排除异议(Dissidence)[23]图1),即关键行动者通过指出其他行动者利益的实现途径,将不同行动者关注的对象问题化,使关键行动者的问题成为所有行动者实现各自目标的“强制通行点”,通过各种装置和策略将利益赋予其他行动者,界定其他行动者在网络中的角色,从而结成网络联盟,其他行动者被“征召”而成为联盟成员,关键行动者作为整个网络联盟的代言人(Spokemen),对其他行动者行使权力和展开“动员”,以维护网络的稳定运行。网络的稳定性取决于各个行动者利益的不断转译,网络内部也可能因异议出现偏离网络的力量而需要克服。行动者网络理论正是通过关注行动者和网络之间的相互作用过程,来揭示网络构建的动力与模式,分析网络的稳定性与发展可能[24,25]。行动者网络为不同行为主体的参与和协同机制研究提供了很好的分析框架,本文将基于ANT视角深入探讨里仁洞村乡村重构的行动者网络建构和稳定性问题。



Fig. 1The analysis framework of actor network

2.2 乡村重构分析框架





Fig. 2The analysis framework for rural reconstruction

3 研究区与方法

3.1 研究区域

里仁洞村位于广州市番禺区南村镇西南部(图3),所在镇与广州主城区仅有一江之隔。该村交通条件优越,东西向有城市主干道兴业大道、金山大道穿村而过,南北向有城市主干道番禺大道、新光快速路穿过。全村总面积约为4.1 km2,村辖区内有13个庄,称为“里仁洞十三庄”。截至2020年1月,里仁洞村有户籍人口5711人,户数2172户,流动人口约为20400余人。村集体年总收入约为1743.56万元,人均收入17304元,主要经济收入来源为村集体土地、厂房、商铺等物业出租。2009年第一家淘宝店入驻里仁洞村,2013年里仁洞村被阿里研究院列为全国首批20个“淘宝村”之一。根据《广州蓝皮书》统计,2019年里仁洞村淘宝商户有600家,年销售额达9.78亿元,快递派送点有20个,年均发出快递包裹数量超过5000万件,2019年村内网店从业人员超过3万人,出租屋3536栋,商户2162间,其淘宝交易活跃度居国内第1名。



Fig. 3The location of Lirendong Village

3.2 数据收集


4 里仁洞淘宝村重构的行动者网络过程

里仁洞淘宝村空间重构过程经历了3个阶段的演替:① 农业去中心化阶段(1992—2003年),在政府主导下,从传统的农村生产性乡村转变为房地产、劳动密集型工业、物业租赁业为主的混杂性乡村;② 乡村工业化阶段(2004—2008年),在市场主导下,从工业零散发展的乡村转变为工业集聚性发展的乡村;③ 电子商务化阶段(2009年至今),在社会网络主导下,从工业集聚发展的乡村转变为电子商务集聚发展的乡村(图4)。



Fig. 4The actor network process of reconstruction in Lirendong, Taobao Village

4.1 政府主导的农业去中心化阶段:行动者网络的形成与转译






Fig. 5The land use pattern of Lirendong Village in 1991, 2006, 2010 and 2019



Fig. 6The schematic diagram of the social relation network change

4.2 市场主导的乡村工业化阶段:行动者网络二次转译


同时,里仁洞村重构还存在另一个行动者网络运作过程。在政府主导推动的当地城市化发展行动者网络中,伴随政府参与角色从台前退到幕后,关键行动者转换为当地村委会。村委会在市场驱动下,以追求利益最大化为目标,利用集体土地产权的模糊和缺失及不完整性,通过出租集体土地和物业等方式获取土地租金剩余,并主导了当地乡村工业化过程。2007年村委会以成立村级工业园的具体行动,将工业园管理公司、村内建设用地、工业企业、外来务工人员等征召和动员到里仁洞村工业规模化的行动者网络中。村委会成立专门部门负责招商引资,将村内建设用地租赁给第三方公司统一管理,在村庄内部西南地块建成冼庄工业园和金山工业园两个村级工业园,其中金山工业园占地面积4.7 hm2,建筑面积约80000 m2,共有工业厂房10栋,办公楼10栋,冼庄工业园共有工业厂房9栋,办公楼1栋,主要以加工制造和零售批发等生产性加工业为主,推动了里仁洞村乡村工业化进程。

2004—2008年,在市场经济的驱动下,由于存在基于村民个人行为的非正规租房市场,其对出租物业用途监管缺失,规模偏小、技术需求低下、生产联系松散的大量制衣作坊与配件类企业分布在村民自建的独栋住宅楼内。在密集居住区内,产业空间与居住空间相互依附和镶嵌,其空间重构更多反映在建筑垂直功能方向上发生了分异,住宅首层作为制衣作坊生产空间,二三层以上作为居住空间,形成独特的工业、商业及居住在垂直空间上的混合利用景观。伴随大量外来人口入驻里仁洞村,本村村民在以房屋换取租金后纷纷外迁,村民与村委之间的关系因距离和缺乏利益缔结而趋向分离,原有相对独立同质的社区社会结构逐渐松散和瓦解,而自发、分散的家庭作坊发展模式也使得作坊主之间的关系相对游离(图6)。村委会利用当地土地资源发展村级工业园,推动村内部分未利用地和林地转变为工业用地(图5)。至2010年,村庄内部工业用地面积约占总用地面积的7.09%,集中连片的工业用地主要分布在村西南部,其余工业用地均与住宅用地相互镶套,呈现出混杂、低效和破碎的特征,与工业发展配套的商服用地也增加了7.91 hm²(表1)。整体空间格局呈现为村内工业生产空间呈团状散布在道路两侧,居住空间呈块状分布在内部,农业空间呈面状分布在外围,各自分散嵌入村庄内部。

Tab. 1
Tab. 1The quantitative structure of land use at different time points in Lirendong Village


4.3 同乡社会网络主导的电子商务化阶段:行动者网络三次转译



5 里仁洞淘宝村重构的内在逻辑机制分析

5.1 乡村重构中的政治逻辑、市场逻辑和精英逻辑





5.2 乡村重构的行动者与空间实践相互作用关系



6 结论与讨论

6.1 结论


6.2 讨论




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Yang Ren, Chen Yanchun, Xu Qian. Evolution of rural industrial land use in semi-urbanized areas and its multi-dynamic mechanism: A case study of Shunde District in Foshan City
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018, 38(4): 511-521.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.04.004 [本文引用: 1]
With the new urbanization development, land use space needs to be integrated in semi-urban areas. The land use model is changing from the traditional extension of expansion to “control by pressing” intension development. The study focuses on the Shunde District where the mixed and decentralized characteristics of rural industrial land are significant and then analyses systematically the evolution process and characteristics of the rural industrial land, adopting the analytical framework of the interaction mechanism with government forces and social forces, and analyses the dynamic mechanism of rural land use evolution for semi-urban areas in the Pearl River Delta. The research shows that the industrial land development could be divided into four stages in Shunde District. 1) During the stage of scattered development in 1984-1991, its driving force is mainly government force, and consistent with the social force; 2) During the stage of scale development in 1992- 1998, its driving force is the government forces and social forces which are evenly matched; 3) During the stage of focus development in 1999-2005, the character of driving force is the suppress by the government forces to the social forces; 4) During the stage of adjustment development after 2006, the character of driving force is the stalemate between the government forces and the social forces. In the development process of the industrial land use in Shunde District, the interaction between government force and social force has the following characteristics: the government plays a leading role, while the social forces in the Pearl River Delta are more powerful than other rural semi-urbanized areas. The interests of the various economic entities are the balance of the interaction between the government forces and the social forces. Therefore the integration of the industrial land in the semi-urban areas in the Pearl River Delta area needs to consider the interaction between the government force and the society force.
[杨忍, 陈燕纯, 徐茜. 基于政府力和社会力交互作用视角的半城市化地区工业用地演化特征及其机制研究: 以佛山市顺德区为例
地理科学, 2018, 38(4): 511-521.]

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Yang Ren, Xu Qian, Zhou Jingdong, et al. Mechanism of rural space transformation in Fengjian acient village of Shunde district, Foshan based on the actor network
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018, 38(11): 1817-1827.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.11.009 [本文引用: 1]
With China’s rural transformation development, the rural space is facing a significant reconstruction. This article analyzes the process and mechanism of spatial reconstruction of "Fengjian" in Xingtan Town, Shunde District, Foshan City by using the theory of actor network. The results shown that this village had experienced two stages: the construction phase of the tourism-type beautiful countryside and the operation phase of cultural tourism-type village. With the local government acting as the key actor, the actor network of the construction is authority-based and realized the reconstruction of the ecology, living and production space. The operation phase of the network has changed, with the village committee, villagers and other lower-level actors gradually gaining more right to speak, which increased the public space and promoted the transformation of functional space. The mechanism of the actor's network transformation is mainly due to the change of the key actor's purpose, the adoption of the community empowerment (changing the way of enrolment), and the change of the actor's role in the network. As the actor network is in a dynamic process, rural spatial reconstruction is also a continuous process. The reconstruction of the rural space caused the dissolution of rurality. But under protection of the government and the villagers with high awareness of the reserving rural nature, a good demonstration of balancing the villagers’ interest and rurality was present.
[杨忍, 徐茜, 周敬东, . 基于行动者网络理论的逢简村传统村落空间转型机制解析
地理科学, 2018, 38(11): 1817-1827.]

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Chen Yanchun, Yang Ren, Wang Min. Development process of rural homestay tourism and spatial restructurin with the actor-network method from the perspective of shared economy: A case study of Guanhu Village in Shenzhen
Progress in Geography, 2018, 37(5): 718-730.

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.05.015 [本文引用: 2]
Based on the academic discussion of multivariate differentiation of rural space, this article analyzes the spatial development process and effects of homestay area in Guanhu Village in Shenzhen using the in-depth interview method and the actor-network theory. The results show that: (1) Homestay place owners and acquaintance networks are the key actors in the development of Guanhu Village, which helped realizing the transformation and restructuring of the rural material space as well as the social space. (2) In the spatial restructuring process of Guanhu Village, the actor-network space of homestay tourism was formed with the continuous construction and translation of acquaintance network, and increasingly the previously dispersed human, economic, and social capitals became concentrated and transformed to social resources. Therefore, the homestay place owners and acquaintance networks forms the nonstructural driving force in the development of Guanhu Village. (3) The new social acquaintance network constructed by external actors and the traditional social acquaintance network of Guanhu Village cannot complete the process of translation and communicate, not only causing the social differentiation between homestay place owners and the local residents and isolation, but also bringing about power struggle within the relationship network, which results in the transformation of dynamic mechanism from nonstructural to binary dynamic mechanism and further restructuring of material space. (4) Based on the social acquaintance network, Guanhu Village has formed a new model of shared economy, which is combined with the Internet platform for sharing goods and services as a cheaper alternative compared with the Internet intermediaries.
[陈燕纯, 杨忍, 王敏. 基于行动者网络和共享经济视角的乡村民宿发展及空间重构: 以深圳官湖村为例
地理科学进展, 2018, 37(5): 718-730.]

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Zeng Yiwu, Guo Hongdong. The formation mechanism of agro-Taobao village: A multiple-case study
Issues in Agricultural Economy, 2016, 37(4): 39-48, 111.

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[曾亿武, 郭红东. 农产品淘宝村形成机理: 一个多案例研究
农业经济问题, 2016, 37(4): 39-48, 111.]

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Hu Xianyang, Bao Jigang. Evolution of rural tourism landscape character network: The case of Jiangxiang Village
Geographical Research, 2016, 35(8): 1561-1575.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201608013 [本文引用: 1]
Rural landscape is a critical component of rural tourism. It also plays a key role in the success of the recent national program called "the Construction of Beautiful Village". Yet along with the development of rural tourism, rural landscape as a main attraction is becoming more homogenous, which tends to have consequent impact on the sustainability of rural tourism in different places. Therefore, studies concerning about the evolution logic of rural landscape become increasingly important. Nevertheless in existing rural geography literature, the process and mechanism of the evolution of rural landscape characters have rarely been investigated. This study thus, taking network structure characteristic and power relation as the breakthrough point, tries to uncover the evolution process of rural landscape. The study adopted social network analysis and provided an interpretation for the evolution with actor-net analysis. The study takes Jiangxiang Village in Jiangsu as the research site. The results suggest that there were 21 landscape characteristics for the village until 2015, which can be divided into 5 dimensions as scenic beauty, rurality, environmental friendliness, accessibility and tourist experience. From 2005 to 2015, the village's landscape characteristics had become increasingly diverse and rich, network density of the characteristics had increased, and their relationship in-between had also grown to be closer. The main line of landscape evolution had hardly changed, but the character, which is in the center of the actor-net, was obviously fluctuated. The celebrity effect of Chang Desheng and the importance of the surrounding service environment had become more apparent, while the character of rural atmosphere tended to be less important. The importance of leisure experience yet had a rising trend first and then falling. In addition, the characters with high degree of centrality played the same role in the net. The second part of this paper illustrated the logic behind such a phenomenon. The actor network included seven subjects, namely the central government, local government, village committee, political elites, the villagers, the enterprise in the village and the local natural resources. Governmental guidance, ability of the political elites and also the actors' reaction to the varying situations and policies in different periods, were found to be crucial to the evolution of the landscape character network. Power structure and the path of interests, being driving forces of the role definition, distribution and conversion for different actors, are principal elements in the construction of landscape character network. This article also demonstrates that SNA and ANT can be well applied to describe various social networks, and the process and mechanism of the evolution of rural landscape. Additionally, this study discusses the connection between landscape characters and socio-spatial restructuring, the logic of interaction among space, power and interests, as well as the institutional logic behind the case.
[胡宪洋, 保继刚. 乡村旅游景观特质网络演进的蒋巷村案例
地理研究, 2016, 35(8): 1561-1575.]

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Frisvoll S. Power in the production of spaces transformed by rural tourism
Journal of Rural Studies, 2012, 28(4): 447-457.

DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2012.06.001URL [本文引用: 1]

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[彼德·布劳. 社会生活中的交换与权力. 李国武, 译. 北京: 华夏出版社, 1988.]
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