

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

王少剑,, 谢紫寒, 王泽宏中山大学地理科学与规划学院 广东省城市化与地理环境空间模拟重点实验室,广州 510275

The spatiotemporal pattern evolution and influencing factors of CO2 emissions at the county level of China

WANG Shaojian,, XIE Zihan, WANG ZehongGuangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Urbanization and Geo-simulation, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China


Fund supported: Ministry of Education Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences Planning Fund(21YJAZH087)

作者简介 About authors
王少剑(1986-), 男, 河南驻马店人, 博士, 副教授, 博士生导师, 中国地理学会会员(S110011019M), 研究方向为城市地理、城市与区域规划。E-mail: 1987wangshaojian@163.com

县域是实现新型城镇化的重要平台和关键地域单元,揭示县域碳排放的时空格局演变及其驱动因素对于完善中国新型城镇化战略和促进生态文明建设、绿色转型发展具有重要意义。本文使用2000—2017年中国县域碳排放数据,分析了县域人均碳排放的总体变化、区域差异、时空格局及集聚特征,并在STIRPAT模型和环境库茨涅茨曲线(EKC)假说下,运用面板分位数回归解释社会经济发展对县域人均碳排放的动态影响。结果表明:① 中国县域人均碳排放呈现先急后缓的增长趋势。人均碳排放水平差异加大,且呈上升趋势,西部地区县域人均碳排放差距悬殊。② 县域人均碳排放总体上呈现“北高南低”的空间格局,经济发达地区的人均碳排放远高于其他地区,空间极化效应明显。③ 县域人均碳排放具有显著的空间正相关性,高—高集聚的区县数量逐渐增多且分布重心向西北移动,而低—低集聚的区县数量不断减少,主要集中于中南地区,县域人均碳排放集聚类型具有空间锁定效应。④ 人口密度、政府财政支出对县域人均碳排放具有抑制作用,第二产业产值规模、碳排放强度则存在显著的正相关性,中低碳排放水平区县的经济发展和人均碳排放之间呈现倒“N”型曲线关系,社会经济发展结构的调整是实现整体碳减排的关键。因此,政府减排策略的落实应考虑区县碳排放的阶段性差异,实现落后地区发展和转型“两手抓”的同时发挥重点城市群、都市圈在碳减排中的先导作用。此外,通过技术创新提高能源利用效率应作为现阶段县域碳减排的主要手段。
关键词: 县域人均碳排放;时空格局;区域差异;影响因素;面板分位数回归

County is the pivotal platform and region unit to realize the new-type urbanization. The study of county-level CO2 emissions is of great significance to improve China's urbanization strategy, accelerate the achievement of ecological civilization and low-carbon transformation. Based on the data of China's county-level CO2 emissions from 2000 to 2017, this paper analyzed the overall tendency, regional differences, spatiotemporal pattern and agglomeration characteristics of per capita CO2 emissions. Meanwhile, under the STIRPAT model and EKC hypothesis, this study employed the panel quantile regressions to explain the dynamic impact of socio-economic development on per capita CO2 emissions. The main conclusions show that: (1) China's county-level CO2 emissions show an increasing trend of rapid growth followed by slow growth. The regional disparity of per capita CO2 emissions is distinct and shows a more uneven trend. (2) On the whole, China's county-level CO2 emissions present a spatial pattern of "high in the north and low in the south". The per capita CO2 emissions level in economically developed areas is much higher than that in other areas, thus brings about an obvious spatial polarization effect. (3) There is a significant positive spatial correlation of per capita CO2 emissions within counties. The number of counties with High-High concentration gradually increases and the distribution center gradually moves to Northwest China, while the number of Low-Low concentration counties decreases continuously and they were mainly distributed in the central and southern regions. The agglomeration type of county-level per capita CO2 emissions presents a spatial locking effect. (4) Population density and government expenditure have an inhibitory effect on county-level per capita CO2 emissions, while the scale of secondary industry output value and carbon emission intensity have significant promotive influence. And there is an inverted "N-shaped" relationship between economic development and per capita CO2 emissions in the counties with low- and middle-level emissions. The adjustment of socio-economic development structure plays a critical role in achieving China's total CO2 emission reduction target. Therefore, the policy makers of emission reduction strategy should consider the regional disparity to realize the development and transformation of backward counties. And the key urban agglomerations should play a leading role in carbon emission reduction simultaneously. In addition, improving energy use efficiency through technological innovation should be the key way to the reduction of carbon emissions in China's counties at the present stage.
Keywords:per capita CO2 emissions at county level;spatiotemporal pattern;regional disparity;influencing factor;panel quantile regression

PDF (4458KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文
王少剑, 谢紫寒, 王泽宏. 中国县域碳排放的时空演变及影响因素. 地理学报, 2021, 76(12): 3103-3118 doi:10.11821/dlxb202112016
WANG Shaojian, XIE Zihan, WANG Zehong. The spatiotemporal pattern evolution and influencing factors of CO2 emissions at the county level of China. Acta Geographica Sinice, 2021, 76(12): 3103-3118 doi:10.11821/dlxb202112016

1 引言


已有研究在不同视角和地理尺度下测算了碳排放的总量[11]、足迹、强度[12]和绩效,并揭示了碳排放的时空格局演变特征和驱动因素[13]。碳排放测算方面,学界关注的焦点不仅集中于工业[14]、农业[15]、旅游业[13]、交通[16]等不同行业部门,而且近年来能源消费碳排放、土地利用碳排放和贸易隐含碳排放[17,18]方面的文章也逐渐增多,极大丰富了碳排放领域的研究。省域尺度下的碳排放时空格局演变研究表明,中国碳排放具有显著的空间分异和集聚效应,能源消费和交通碳排放的重心均分布在东部沿海地区[19,20]。地级市尺度的研究同样表明碳排放的时空分布具有明显的空间集聚特征,北京、上海、天津、苏州、重庆、成都等大城市的碳排放远高于其他城市[21]。与此同时,马尔科夫转移矩阵表明中国城市碳排放及碳排放强度均具有空间溢出效应,邻近城市间的变动会产生相互影响[12, 22]。碳排放的社会经济影响因素复杂多样[23],****们在扩展STIRPAT框架[24]和引入环境库兹尼茨曲线(EKC)[25]的基础上,主要通过指数分解模型(如对数平均迪氏指数法(LMDI)[26])、结构分解模型(如投入产出分析法[27])和空间计量经济模型[28]综合探讨不同视角下社会经济发展对碳排放的影响。学界主要观点认为经济增长无论在长期上还是在短期上都促进碳排放的增加[29],第二产业为主导的产业结构是碳排放增多的主要原因[1],而技术进步能够有效减少碳排放[30],且相对于发达国家关注碳排放绝对量的减少,中国现阶段的碳减排应主要在于碳排放强度的下降,因此提升能源效率是现阶段保持经济增长的同时实现碳减排目标的主要途径[31],城镇化引发的人口集聚对碳排放同样具有显著的促进作用[32]。此外,交通运输[33]、对外开放[22]和资本投入[34]等也被证实是抑制或促进碳排放的因素。

总体而言,学界针对碳排放已开展了较为系统的研究并取得丰富的成果,对本文具有重要的借鉴作用。但现有研究主要集中于国家和省域尺度,由于能源利用统计数据的缺乏,对县域尺度的研究较少,且已有县域碳排放研究仅仅关注特定区域[9, 35],尚未有研究从全国视角来探讨县域碳排放。其次,多数现有研究仅简单揭示碳排放与社会经济因素间的线性关系,中国区县数量庞大、社会经济背景复杂,延续已有研究的方式难免忽略发展阶段和区域差异,不利于国家及各级政府在提高经济发展质量和稳步推动城镇化进程的基础上,因地制宜地制定切实可行的降碳减污方案。


2 研究方法与数据来源

2.1 IPAT模型及其扩展

IPAT(Impact, Population, Affluence, Technology)模型最初由Ehrlich和Holdren提出,用于分析人类发展与环境问题之间的因果关系[36]。在实际运用过程中,IPAT模型被****们不断地补充扩展,并衍生出ImPAT模型和STIRPAT模型。STIRPAT模型是IPAT等式的随机形式表示,可用于EKC曲线等非线性假说的验证并支持对相关变量进行分解和改进[37],其基本表达式为:



式中: ln(PCO2)it为环境质量因子的自然对数;β1, β2, …, β7为解释变量弹性系数;εit为模型的随机误差项。从系数β2β3β4符号的正负可以判断经济发展与人均碳排放的线性或非线性关系,具体可归纳为以下5种:① 当β2 ≠ 0、β3 = 0、β4 = 0时,经济发展与人均碳排放之间呈现简单线性关系,即随着经济发展,人均碳排放水平越来越高;② 当β2 < 0、β3 > 0、β4 = 0时,呈现“U”型曲线关系,伴随着经济发展,人均碳排放水平呈现先下降经过拐点后上升的趋势;③ 当β2 > 0、β3 < 0、β4 = 0时,呈现倒“U”型曲线关系,即随着经济水平的提高人均碳排放先升后降;④ 当β2 > 0、β3 < 0、β4 > 0时,呈现“N”型曲线关系,随经济水平的提高人均碳排放呈现先上升后下降再上升的趋势;⑤ 而当β2 < 0、β3 > 0、β4 < 0时,两者关系为倒“N”型,即呈现先降后升再降的趋势。不同于“U”型曲线关系,“N”型曲线关系表明碳排放变化随经济发展阶段存在两个拐点。

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Research data explaination and sources (2000-2017)


2.2 面板分位数回归



式中:Yi为人均碳排放; QuantYitθ|Xi表示第θ分位数上的人均碳排放;Xit为区县it年的外生变量向量;θk表示为第k分位数水平;β(θk)代表估计系数向量;i为研究的区县;t为研究年份;αi为未观测到的个体效应。基于STIRPAT框架和EKC理论假说,本文在特定的分位数水平上衡量社会经济因素对县域碳排放的影响,所使用的回归公式为:

Koenker[46]通过在模型中引入带有调整参数λ的惩罚项 i=1Nαi,从而提高系数β的估计可信度和消除个体效应,使得残差绝对值的加权平均作为最小化的目标函数[12]以解决存在大量参数时的计算问题。因此面板分位数模型中的回归参数在相应的分位点的估计为:

式中:K为分位数指数;T为变量的观测数量;N为样本区县;X为解释变量矩阵;wk是第k分位数上的权重; Pθk代表分位数损失函数。通过设置不同的θ值可以获得相应分位点上的回归情况,回归中参数的标准差采用Buchinsky[47]提出的Bootstrap方法获取。

2.3 数据来源

基于数据获取的可行性和完整性,本文选取中国1908个区县作为研究对象,涵盖30个省、直辖市和自治区(受限于数据的可得性,暂未包括西藏自治区、台湾省、香港和澳门特别行政区)。县域碳排放数据来源于中国碳核算数据库(CEAD)( https://www.ceads.net/data/county/),该数据由国家物理地球数据中心(NGDC)提供的DMSP/OLS和NPP/VIIRS夜间灯光数据反演得出,数据具有统计口径一致、连续性强等优势。社会经济变量数据主要来源于2000—2017年《中国县域统计年鉴》以及区县的《国民经济与社会发展统计公报》,对个别年份的缺失数据采用了插值法补齐。为减少异方差,消除变量量纲影响,文中所有变量进行取自然对数标准化处理,表1为各变量的基本统计情况及来源。

3 中国县域碳排放的时空演变与集聚特征

3.1 县域碳排放的时间序列变化分析

2000—2017年中国县域人均碳排放整体上呈现出以2011年为分界点的“先急后缓”的持续增长状态(图1)。2000—2017年中国平均县域人均碳排放从2.41 t/人增长至8.47 t/人,总体增长率达251.45%,年均增长14.79%。尤其是2001—2011年增长速度较快,年均增长率达21.66%。而“十二五”规划的节能减排具体目标为淘汰落后产能以及促进污染企业升级改造提供了强有力的政策约束,使得2011年后县域人均碳排放增速明显放缓,且在2015年出现明显的回落,2011—2017年的年均增长率仅为1.50%。



Fig. 1The tendency of per capita CO2 emissions and the total CO2 emissions in the four economic regions of China, 2000-2017


本文采用基尼系数(①基尼系数计算公式为: GINIPCO2=1-i=1n(popi-popi-1)(emii-emii-1)。式中: GINIPCO2表示人均碳排放的基尼系数; popi表示区域历史累计人口占比; emii表示区域的历史累计排放占比。计算过程参考He等[2]的研究。)测算各经济区域的县域人均碳排放水平差异情况(图2)。2000—2017年中国县域人均碳排放的差异较大,县域人均碳排放的基尼系数由2000年的0.47增长至2017年的0.51,差距稳定扩大。东部和东北地区县域人均碳排放基尼系数在研究期间均未超过0.4的警戒值,碳排放差异相对合理。东部地区的排放差距略有上升,东北地区县域人均碳排放的基尼系数波动明显,基尼系数先逐年下降,在2011年迅速提升后再次逐渐下降。中部地区县域人均碳排放基尼系数具有明显的下降趋势,分异水平稍有减轻,2008年后基尼系数低于全国水平但仍高于0.4的警戒值(②按经济学和联合国开发计划署等组织对基尼系数的解释,0.4为收入分配公平与不公平的警戒线[4],人均碳排放的基尼系数大于0.4意味着区域碳排放差距较大。)。西部地区县域人均碳排放基尼系数的变动与全国整体水平一致,且远高于其他地区和全国水平,2007年后西部地区县域人均碳排放的基尼系数突破0.6并随后持续上涨,县域人均碳排放水平差异悬殊。



Fig. 2The change in Gini coefficients of per capita CO2 emissions in the four economic regions of China, 2000-2017

3.2 县域碳排放的空间分布与集聚特征分析




Fig. 3Spatiotemporal evolution of CO2 emissions in China's counties, 2000-2017

本文采用全局Moran's I指数和LISA分布检验县域碳排放的空间相关性,并刻画其空间集聚特征(图4)。2000—2017年中国县域人均碳排放具有显著的空间自相关性,且相关性不断增强并趋于稳定,空间集聚的模式较为固定。中国县域人均碳排放的Moran's I指数均大于零且在95%的水平上通过显著性检验,人均碳排放水平相似的区县倾向于集中分布(图4)。同时,2000—2017年Moran's I指数逐渐递增,且指数递增速度前期高于后期(Moran's I指数从2000年的0.214上涨至2010年的0.318,2017年为0.324),即县域人均碳排放的空间集聚水平不断提升,并在后期逐渐趋于稳定状态。



Fig. 4The LISA distribution and Moran's I scatter plot of per capita CO2 emissions in China's counties, 2000-2017



Tab. 2
Tab. 2Space-time transition matrices of per capita CO2 emissions in China at county level, 2000-2017


4 中国县域人均碳排放的影响因素分析

4.1 模型检验

在回归分析前对变量的相关性、多重共线性、正态分布及序列单位根情况进行检验,以确保模型的稳健性和回归结果的可信度。变量间的方差膨胀因子(VIF)的最大值为4.50,均值为2.41,低于10这一警戒值,说明不存在严重的共线性问题。数据正态检验方面,所有变量的偏度值在偏离程度和方向上均符合正态分布假设。在分位数Q-Q图中,部分变量与Y = X的正态分布线拟合程度较差,分位数回归相比OLS回归更具适用性,变量一阶差分后呈现平稳状态且不存在单位根。

4.2 人口,财富和技术因素对人均碳排放的效应分析

参考Lin等[53]的研究,本文设置10th、25th、50th、75th和90th 5个分位数指数来评估影响因素之间的关系和人均碳排放的不同条件分布。表3为人均碳排放的影响因素面板分位数回归结果,图5为影响因素的弹性系数分布。

Tab. 3
Tab. 3The quantile regression model estimation results of influencing factors of per capita CO2 emissions
(-54.692 )
-2.84177 ***
0.43963 ***
-0.01738 ***




Fig. 5Quantile regression flexibility coefficients distribution of independent variables on per capita CO2 emissions




5 结论与讨论

5.1 结论





5.2 讨论



参考文献 原文顺序

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Against the background of global climate change, studies on the carbon emissions, economic growth and industrial structure interrelate and interact with each other as a whole. Scholars in the global climate change area have been paying more and more attention to the interaction and mechanism effects of the complex system. On the basis of reviews of studies at home and abroad, this paper clarifies the interactive and mutual restraint relationship between carbon emissions and the two factors mentions above. The article also reviews and summaries relevant research methods on this topic. According to the comprehensive reviewing, the main contents are as follows: economic analysis of the carbon emissions, the relationship study between industrial development and carbon emissions, the economic losses on the carbon emission reduction, and the research on the low-carbon economy, low-carbon development, urbanization and carbon emissions, and international carbon flow. The main research methods include: econometrics, mathematical statistics, scenario analysis, model simulation, input-output analysis, carbon footprint, and so on. The quantitative and qualitative investigations complement each other. As regards to the research progress, the contents shift from basic analysis to practical application; the theories shift from sustainable development and circulation economy to low carbon economy; research methods tends to be integrated; research perspective starts to involve the community, the family and the individual behavior at the micro-scale. In the future, the writers think that the research theoretical system on carbon emissions and economic- industrial system, methodological innovation and regional studies should be enhanced. Simultaneously, the research should explore our research models and frameworks that are suitable for China. Further work is expected to be the research scale to fill research gaps and offset weaknesses.
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Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2021, 41(8): 1324-1335.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2021.08.003 [本文引用: 2]
Carbon emission control is the main problem and measure of ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin. Carbon emission at county level research can provide more accurate theoretical support for collaborative governance and sustainable development of the Yellow River Basin. Spatial panel model, spatial autocorrelation analysis and spatial Markov chain with regional background and nearest neighbor as spatial lags were used to analyze the spatiotemporal pattern and spatial effect of carbon emissions in counties of the Yellow River Basin from 2000 to 2017, the results showed that: 1) the carbon emission in the Yellow River basin has increased dramatically since 2000; the high carbon emissions areas, Shandong province and the boundary between Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, expands to the outer circle layer and the axial direction, forming the spatial pattern of high in the east and low in the west; 2) there is a phenomenon of “club convergence”; the high carbon emission counties converge in Shandong province and the boundary between Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia; the low carbon emission counties converge in the southwest; the comparison between 2000 and 2017 shows that county carbon emission type has strong stability; counties which tranfered from higher carbon emission type to lower carbon emission type are concentrated in the southeast region, while counties that change in the opposite direction are concentrated in Inner Mongolia. 3) high carbon spillover effect and low carbon locking effect are important forces to shape the spatiotemporal pattern and the former is stronger; the regional background enhances “club convergence” and the convergence of surrounded outliers and its acting force was stronger than the nearest neighbor; the probability of carbon emission type transition in insignificant regions increased; 4) the spatial panel model shows that increase of carbon emissions and its spatial effect are promoted by young population structure, large economy, industrial structure dominated by the secondary industry, high living standard and high public expenditure; economy and industrial structure are important driving factors.
[莫惠斌, 王少剑. 黄河流域县域碳排放的时空格局演变及空间效应机制
地理科学, 2021, 41(8): 1324-1335.]

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Shao Shuai, Zhang Ke, Dou Jianmin. Effects of economic agglomeration on energy saving and emission reduction: Theory and empirical evidence from China
Management World, 2019, 35(1): 36-60, 226.

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[邵帅, 张可, 豆建民. 经济集聚的节能减排效应: 理论与中国经验
管理世界, 2019, 35(1): 36-60, 226.]

[本文引用: 2]

Hu Xueyao, Zhang Zilong, Chen Xingpeng, et al. Geographic detection of spatial-temporal difference and its influencing factors on county economic development: A case study of Gansu province
Geographical Research, 2019, 38(4): 772-783.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj020171169 [本文引用: 1]
As the basic spatial unit and industrial carrier, the county bears significant importance in Chinese economic system, and the spatial disparity of county economic development played a vital role in understanding the evolution of spatial pattern of regional economic development. Therefore, the study on its spatial-temporal difference and the analysis of its influencing factors seem distinctly important. This paper analyzed the dynamics of spatial cluster of county economic development and its spatial-temporal evolution pattern by adopting spatial analysis of ArcGIS, and taking the NICH index and per capita real GDP as measure indicators. The results showed that: From 2001 to 2015, the spatial pattern of economic growth vitality and economic development level is basically consistent; as for the economic growth vitality, the county and city unevenly developed and its overall vitality declined, making county economic revitalization facing great challenge. Hot spot analysis helped us to understand spatial economic agglomeration state of counties in Gansu. The hot and cold spots of economic growth vitality remain relatively stable, which showed a "dumbbell-shaped" spatial pattern whose gravity center leaned towards northwest, and this pattern was gradually strengthened. The hot spots showed a clear "pole-axis" spatial pattern. The cold spots were mainly distributed in the south part of Longdong Region and the Southern Minority Region, which are spatially aggregated beyond the development axis. The main driving factors of the spatial difference of county economy included regional investment level, economic basis, and market scale. In addition, the obvious interaction between the influencing factors improved the contribution of the single factor. There were obvious regional differences in the leading factors influencing county economy development. Based on the dominant mechanism of driving factors, this study could provide scientific reference for functional orientation of county economy and its integrated development in Gansu province.
[胡雪瑶, 张子龙, 陈兴鹏, . 县域经济发展时空差异和影响因素的地理探测: 以甘肃省为例
地理研究, 2019, 38(4): 772-783.]

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Li Keqiang. On the adjustment of economic sturcture, several issues for sustainable development
Seeking, 2010(11): 3-15.

[本文引用: 1]

[李克强. 关于调整经济结构促进持续发展的几个问题
求是, 2010(11): 3-15.]

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Lu Dadao, Chen Mingxing. Several viewpoints on the background of compiling the "National New Urbanization Planning (2014-2020)"
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(2): 179-185.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201502001 [本文引用: 1]
The "National New Urbanization Planning (2014-2020)" (hereinafter referred to as "Planning") marks a significant transformation in China's urbanization development process, with the core of human urbanization, and the general requirement of seeking advance in stability. This paper elaborates the authors' preliminary thoughts on the formation of the "Planning" mainly from the speed and quality aspects of the urbanization development. Urbanization level should be consistent with industrial restructuring, the amount of new jobs, the actual ability of absorbing rural population, and water-soil resource and environment capacity of the urban area, etc. The large scale and high speed urbanization development in China has resulted in severe environment pollution, great pressures on the infrastructure, and huge challenge to the supporting capacity of natural resources. Urbanization is an important frontier scientific issue with obvious cross disciplinary feature, which is also a complex system. The interdisciplinary human economic geography has outstanding advantages and solid research foundation in the field of urbanization research. Therefore, facing the significant realistic demand of the national new urbanization, we should do some in-depth research and tracking studies in this field.
[陆大道, 陈明星. 关于“国家新型城镇化规划(2014—2020)”编制大背景的几点认识
地理学报, 2015, 70(2): 179-185.]

[本文引用: 1]

Wang Hao, Chen Caocao, Pan Tao, et al. County scale characteristics of CO2 emission's spatial-temporal evolution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region
Environmental Science, 2014, 35(1): 385-393.

DOI:10.1021/es001204iURL [本文引用: 2]

[汪浩, 陈操操, 潘涛, . 县域尺度的京津冀都市圈CO2排放时空演变特征
环境科学, 2014, 35(1): 385-393.]

[本文引用: 2]

Lv Qian, Liu Haibin. Spatio-temporal evolution characteristics of county scale carbon emissions in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region: A study based on DMSP/OLS nighttime light data
Journal of Beijing IInstitute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2019, 21(6): 41-50.

[本文引用: 1]

[吕倩, 刘海滨. 京津冀县域尺度碳排放时空演变特征: 基于DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据
北京理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2019, 21(6): 41-50.]

[本文引用: 1]

Peng Shuijun, Zhang Wencheng, Sun Chuanwang. China's production-based and consumption-based carbon emissions and their determinants
Economic Research Journal, 2015, 50(1): 168-182.

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[彭水军, 张文城, 孙传旺. 中国生产侧和消费侧碳排放量测算及影响因素研究
经济研究, 2015, 50(1): 168-182.]

[本文引用: 1]

Wang Shaojian, Huang Yongyuan. Spatial spillover effect and driving forces of carbon emission intensity at city level in China
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2019, 74(6): 1131-1148.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201906005 [本文引用: 3]
Since the Paris Climate Change Conference in 2015, reducing carbon emission and lowering carbon intensity has become a global consensus to deal with climate change. Due to different economic development stages, carbon intensity is regarded as a better index to measure regional energy-related carbon emissions. Although previous scholars have made great efforts to explore the spatiotemporal patterns and key driving factors of carbon intensity in China, the results lack the perspective from city level because of limited availability of statistical data of city-level carbon emission. In this study, based on carbon intensity of 283 cities in China from 1992-2013, we used the kernel density estimation, spatial autocorrelation, spatial Markov-chain and quantile regression panel model to empirically reveal its spatial spillover effects and explore the critical impact factors of carbon intensity at the city level. Our result indicates that although the total carbon emission increased during the study period, carbon intensity saw a gradual decline and regional differences were shrinking. Secondly, the city-level carbon intensity presented a strong spatial spillover effect and diverse regional backgrounds exerted heterogeneous effects on regions. Thirdly, quantile panel data analysis result showed that for low-intensity cities, on the one hand, FDI and transport sector were main contributing factors, and economic growth, technical progress and high population density negatively affected carbon intensity. On the other hand, industrial activity, extensive growth of investment and urban sprawl were key promoting factors for high-intensity cities, and population density was beneficial to emission reduction task. Furthermore, technological advance has not exerted negative influence on carbon intensity in high-intensity cities. At last, we suggested that Chinese government should take different carbon intensity levels into full consideration before policy making.
[王少剑, 黄永源. 中国城市碳排放强度的空间溢出效应及驱动因素
地理学报, 2019, 74(6): 1131-1148.]

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Sun Yuhuan, Yang Guangchun. Factor decomposition and decoupling effect of Chinese tourism-derived carbon emissions
China Environmental Science, 2020, 40(12): 5531-5539.

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[孙玉环, 杨光春. 中国旅游业碳排放的影响因素分解及脱钩效应
中国环境科学, 2020, 40(12): 5531-5539.]

[本文引用: 2]

He Xiaogang, Zhang Yaohui. Influence factors and Environmental Kuznets Curve relink effect of Chinese industry's carbon dioxide emission: Eempirical research based on STIRPAT model with industrial dynamic panel data
China Industrial Economics, 2012(1): 26-35.

[本文引用: 1]

[何小钢, 张耀辉. 中国工业碳排放影响因素与CKC重组效应: 基于STIRPAT模型的分行业动态面板数据实证研究
中国工业经济, 2012(1): 26-35.]

[本文引用: 1]

Gao Ming, Song Hongyuan. Dynamic changes and spatial agglomeration analysis of the Chinese agricultural carbon emissions performance
Economic Geography, 2015, 35(4): 142-148, 185.

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[高鸣, 宋洪远. 中国农业碳排放绩效的空间收敛与分异: 基于Malmquist-luenberger指数与空间计量的实证分析
经济地理, 2015, 35(4): 142-148, 185.]

[本文引用: 1]

Yang Wenyue, Cao Xiaoshu. The influence mechanism of travel-related CO2 emissions from the perspective of residential self-selection: A case study of Guangzhou
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018, 73(2): 346-361.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201802010 [本文引用: 1]
Numerous studies have examined the influencing factors of CO2 emissions from transportation at the national, city and community levels. However, fewer studies have considered the effect of residential self-selection. Ignoring this effect is likely to result in underestimating the role of the built environment, thus affecting relevant planning and policy development. Is the effect of residential self-selection in Chinese cities the same as in Western cities? How and to what extent does the built environment affect CO2 emissions from travel after controlling for the effect of residential self-selection? To address these questions, this paper first measures the CO2 emissions from travel on the basis of the Travel Intelligent Query System (TIQS) developed by us on the Baidu map LBS (Location Based Service) open platform, and 1239 questionnaires conducted in 15 communities in Guangzhou in 2015. It develops a structural equation model (SEM) to examine the effects of the influencing factors on CO2 emissions of trips with different purposes. The results show that the effect of residential self-selection also exists in Chinese cities. Changing residents' preference of travel mode will help reduce travel-related CO2 emissions. After controlling the effect of residential self-selection, the built environment still has significant effects on CO2 emissions from travel. Although some of them are direct effects, others are indirect effects that work through mediating variables, such as car ownership and travel distance. For different trip purposes, the mechanisms of CO2 emissions are not the same. Specifically, the distance to city public centers has a significant positive total effect on CO2 emissions from commuting trips, which is an indirect effect. Residential density significantly affects CO2 emissions from social, recreational and daily shopping trips, but it has no significant effect on CO2 emissions from commuting trips. Bus stop density is positively associated with CO2 emissions from commuting trips, and negatively associated with CO2 emissions from social and daily shopping trips. In addition, land-use mix has a negative effect on CO2 emissions from commuting, social and daily shopping trips, and metro station density and road network density have significant negative effects on CO2 emissions from all types of trip. These results suggest that it is necessary to comprehensively consider the effects of the built environment on CO2 emissions from different types of trip, and carry out targeted intervention on the built environment in related planning and policy development so as to guide the public to change their travel behavior and to promote low-carbon travel.
[杨文越, 曹小曙. 居住自选择视角下的广州出行碳排放影响机理
地理学报, 2018, 73(2): 346-361.]

[本文引用: 1]

Han Mengyao, Yao Qiuhui, Lao Junming, et al. China's intra- and inter-national carbon emission transfers by province: A nested network perspective
Science China Earth Sciences, 2020, 50(6): 748-764.

[本文引用: 1]

[韩梦瑶, 姚秋蕙, 劳浚铭, . 中国省域碳排放的国内外转移研究: 基于嵌套网络视角
中国科学, 2020, 50(6): 748-764.]

[本文引用: 1]

Tang Zhipeng, Liu Weidong, Gong Peiping. Measuring of Chinese regional carbon emission spatial effects induced by exports based on Chinese multi-regional input-output table during 1997-2007
Acta Geographical Sinica, 2014, 69(10): 1403-1413.

[本文引用: 1]

[唐志鹏, 刘卫东, 公丕萍. 出口对中国区域碳排放影响的空间效应测度: 基于1997—2007年区域间投入产出表的实证分析
地理学报, 2014, 69(10): 1403-1413.]

[本文引用: 1]

Zeng Xiaoying, Qiu Rongzu, Lin Danting, et al. Spatio-temporal heterogeneity of transportation carbon emissions and its influencing factors in China
China Environmental Science, 2020, 40(10): 4304-4313.

[本文引用: 1]

[曾晓莹, 邱荣祖, 林丹婷, . 中国交通碳排放及影响因素时空异质性
中国环境科学, 2020, 40(10): 4304-4313.]

[本文引用: 1]

Gao Changchun, Liu Xianzhao, Li Chaokui, et al. Spatiotemporal dynamics of carbon emissions by energy consumption in China from 1995 to 2014
Progress in Geography, 2016, 35(6): 747-757.

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.06.008 [本文引用: 1]
Global warming due to greenhouse gases (such as CO2) emissions posts serious challenges to the sustainable development of the human society. Based on the reference method provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, this study calculated the CO2 emissions of energy consumption in 30 provinces of China (excluding Tibet) from 1995 to 2014. Using exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA), LISA time path, spatiotemporal transitions, and standard deviation ellipse analysis methods, the authors analyzed the spatiotemporal dynamics of carbon emissions of energy consumption. The results show that: (1) there was a significant positive spatial correlation of carbon emissions of energy consumption in China’s provinces during 1995-2014. The inter-provincial carbon emissions differences first decreased then increased; (2) by means of LISA time path analysis, this study found that the majority of the Chinese provinces had a stable spatial structure of carbon emissions. Eighteen provinces had shorter than average time path lengths in 1995-2001 and 2002-2014. The majority of the southern provinces showed a fluctuating spatial dependence with increasing amplitude over time, while most of the northern provinces showed a relatively stable trend; (3) according to the directional Moran scatter plot, the number of provinces that showed the same trend decreased from 13 in 1995-2001 to 10 in 2002-2014, indicating that the spatial coherence of carbon emissions change at the provincial level had weakened; (4) spatial correlation patterns and clustering of carbon emissions by energy consumption at the provincial level were relatively stable and showed certain degree of path-dependence or lock-in character; (5) carbon emissions gravity center was between 113.739°~114.324°E, 34.475°~35.036°N and was moving to the northwest. The spatial distribution of provincial emissions presented a northeast-southwest pattern, and had the tendency of shifting to a north-south pattern. The focus of carbon emission reduction in China is to accelerate the development of clean energy, improve energy efficiency, promote the optimization and upgrading of energy and industrial structures in all provinces, make differentiated carbon emission reduction policies for different provinces, and establish carbon trading market.
[高长春, 刘贤赵, 李朝奎, . 近20年来中国能源消费碳排放时空格局动态
地理科学进展, 2016, 35(6): 747-757.]

[本文引用: 1]

Liu Q W, Wu S M, Lei Y L, et al. Exploring spatial characteristics of city-level CO2 emissions in China and their influencing factors from global and local perspectives
Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 754: 142206. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142206.

URL [本文引用: 1]

Wang Shaojian, Su Yongxian, Zhao Yabo. Regional inequality, spatial spillover effects and influencing factors of China's city-level energy-related carbon emissions
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018, 73(3): 414-428.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201803003 [本文引用: 4]
Carbon emissions are increasing due to human activities related with the energy consumptions for economic development. Thus, attention has been paid to the reduction of the growth of carbon emissions and formulation of policies for addressing climate change. Although most studies have explored the driving forces behind carbon emissions in China, literature lacks studies at the city-level due to a limited availability of statistics on energy consumptions. In this study, based on China's city-level remote sensing carbon emissions from 1992 to 2013, we applied the spatial autocorrelation, spatial Markov-chain transitional matrices, dynamic spatial panel model and Sys-GMM to empirically estimate the key determinants of carbon emissions at the city-level and discuss its spatial spillover effects in consideration of spatiotemporal lag effects and different geographical and economic weighting matrices. Results indicated that the regional inequalities of city-level carbon emissions decreased over time and presented an obvious spatial spillover effect and high-emission "club" agglomeration. In addition, the evolution of the emission pattern has the characteristic of obvious path dependence. Panel data analysis results indicated that there was a significant U-shaped curve that can reflect the relationship between carbon emissions and GDP per capita. In addition, carbon emissions per capita are increasing with economic growth for most cities. High-proportion of secondary industry and extensive growth of investment exerted significantly positive effects on China's city-level carbon emissions. Conversely, rapid population agglomeration, the improvement of technology level, the increase of trade openness and road density play an inhibiting role in carbon emissions. Therefore, in order to reduce carbon emissions, the Chinese government should inhibit the effects of promotion factors and enhance the effects of mitigation factors. Combining with the analysis of results, we argued that optimizing the industrial structure, streamlining the extensive investment, increasing the level of technology and improving the road accessibility are the effective ways to increase energy savings and reduce carbon emissions in China.
[王少剑, 苏泳娴, 赵亚博. 中国城市能源消费碳排放的区域差异、空间溢出效应及影响因素
地理学报, 2018, 73(3): 414-428.]

[本文引用: 4]

Wang Shaojian, Liu Yanyan, Fang Chuanglin. Review of energy-related CO2 emission in response to climate change
Progress in Geography, 2015, 34(2): 151-164.

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2015.02.004 [本文引用: 1]
Climate change has in recent years become an environmental issue globally. Through deepening research into and analysis of the phenomenon, most climate scientists now identify greenhouse gases, most notably CO2 emissions, as constituting the main cause of global warming. Based on literature study and comparative analysis, this article discusses the progress of the research of CO2 emissions from a multidisciplinary perspective and analyzes the calculation methods, intensity, performance, influencing factors, and forecasting methods of CO2 emissions. This article also discusses the remaining issues and future directions of the research on CO2 emissions. Results indicate that the research of CO2 emissions has gained fruitful achievements and has experienced rapid development in recent years. CO2 emission is an integrated, complex, interdependent system engineering of numerous variables interplay between different factors. Under the framework of multidisciplinary integration, geographical and spatial factors have however received insufficient attention. Research scale has mainly focused on global and international levels, although recent studies have begun to highlight multi-scale research and pay attention to scale effect. Panel study of provincial and city scales is still scarce. Panel data are gradually receiving attention; however, dynamic analysis and comparative assessment still need improvement. Future research should focus on creating more detailed and comprehensive datasets, exploring multi-scale integrated research, and highlighting city scale analysis. Furthermore, future study should emphasize adapting theories to localized practices, employing systemic thinking and methods for differentiated trend research.
[王少剑, 刘艳艳, 方创琳. 能源消费CO2排放研究综述
地理科学进展, 2015, 34(2): 151-164.]

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Huang Linlin, Wang Yuan, Zhang Chen, et al. A spatial-temporal decomposition analysis of CO2 emissions in Fujian Southeast Triangle Region
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[黄琳琳, 王远, 张晨, . 闽三角地区碳排放时空差异及影响因素研究
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[本文引用: 1]

Fan Jianshuang, Zhou Lin. The mechanism and effect of urbanization and real estate investment on carbon emissions in China
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2019, 39(4): 644-653.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2019.04.014 [本文引用: 2]
Urbanization and real estate investment are important influencing factors of carbon emission in a region. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically analyze and test the internal impact mechanism of urbanization and real estate investment on carbon emission. Combining the deformation of Kaya identity and LMDI decomposition, this article decomposes the carbon emission changes of 30 provinces in China (due to data limitation, the data of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Tibet are not included in the study area) from 1997 to 2015. The spatial evolution characteristics of carbon emissions in Chinese provinces are described by Moran’s I index and LISA spatial agglomeration map. This article further uses the spatial panel data model to empirically test the effects of urbanization and real estate investment on carbon emission from both direct impact and spatial spillover effects. The results are as follow: First, from the time trend, China’s carbon emission has maintained a growth trend from 1997 to 2015. From the perspective of the decomposition factors of carbon emission, the carbon emission coefficient of real estate investment is the main driving factor to curb carbon emissions, while the intensity of urban real estate investment, the level of urbanization and the change of total population in the region have positive effects on carbon emission, and the effects are increasing year by year. Second, from the spatial distribution characteristics of carbon emission, there are significant differences for the carbon emission in the provincial-level, and the distribution characteristics are generally expressed as higher carbon emission in the east and lower in the west. The spatial concentration of provinces with less carbon emission has increased, and the regional differences among them have been shrinking. Third, from the regression results of the spatial panel data model, the direct impact of urbanization on carbon emission is significantly negative, but the spatial spillover effect is significantly positive. The direct effect of the intensity of urban real estate investment on carbon emission is positive, but its spillover effect is not significant. The direct effect and spatial spillover effect of the interaction between urbanization and the intensity of urban real estate investment are significantly negative. The direct effect and spatial spillover effect of economic development on carbon emission are significantly positive. The direct impact of government investment on carbon emission is significantly negative, but the spillover effect is not significant. Industrial structure has no significant direct effect on the carbon emission, but its spatial spillover effect is negatively negative. The degree of opening to the outside world has a significant negative direct effect on the carbon emission, but it has a positive effect on the carbon emission in the adjacent areas. With the improvement of the level of urbanization and economic development, there is a significant U-shaped and inverted U-shaped curve relationship between the two and carbon emission, respectively. This article further proposes countermeasures and suggestions to improve regional carbon emission reduction from the perspective of urbanization and real estate policies.
[范建双, 周琳. 城镇化及房地产投资对中国碳排放的影响机制及效应研究
地理科学, 2019, 39(4): 644-653.]

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The global environment issue resulting from carbon emissions has aroused worldwide concern for governments, the public and scientific communities. A precise measurement of the time-resolved and spatial distribution characteristics of carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon footprint as well as its long-period evolution mechanism, can help clarify the relationship between environmental carbon load and economic growth, and are critical references to the formulation of scientific carbon emission reduction targets with reasonable and differential emission reduction policies. In this study, the mainland of China is taken as the research object. According to the quantitative correlations between DMSP-OLS nighttime light image data and carbon emission statistics, the carbon emission panel data model was simulated for China's carbon emissions in the period 2000-2013, and then the spatiotemporal evolving trend and spatial distribution characteristics of carbon emissions in the 14-year research period were discussed using Theil-Sen Median trend analysis and Mann-Kendall test method. Based on the framework of exploratory spatial-temporal data analysis (ESTDA), the spatial pattern and spatiotemporal dynamic evolution of carbon footprint from 2001 to 2013 were analyzed from the perspective of spatiotemporal interaction. In the three periods, the decoupling effect between environmental carbon load and economic growth of 336 prefecture-level cities were analyzed using the improved Tapio decoupling model. The results show that the overall carbon emissions in China had been on the rise from 2000 to 2013, in which the stable-slow rise type was dominant. China's carbon footprint and carbon deficit increased year by year, and the central and western regions became the focus of the growth of carbon footprint and carbon deficit from 2001 to 2013. At different administrative city scales, the spatial distribution pattern of carbon footprint and carbon deficit show obvious administrative orientated and spatial zonal differentiation characteristics. The annual average of global Moran's I index of each level unit is 0.491, which indicates that there is a significant spatial auto-correlation feature in the carbon footprint of China's prefecture-level units. The relative length of the LISA time path is greater in the north than in the south, and it tends to increase from the coastal areas to the central and western regions. The curvature of LISA time path decreases from coastal areas to inland areas on the whole. The curvature of northeast and central regions is higher, while that of eastern and western regions is lower. There is a different trend of the decoupling effect of environmental carbon load in China. Meanwhile the expansion-connection and expansion of negative decoupling regions continuously increased and spatially agglomerated, presenting an "E"-shaped distribution pattern from the north to the south. The national average decoupling elastic value is gradually increasing, while the coefficient of variation continues to decline, and the decoupling type has a significant evolution trend. Therefore, the unbalanced trend of economic growth and carbon emissions in China will continue for a certain period.
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