

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

赵梓渝,1, 王士君2, 陈肖飞,31.青岛大学旅游与地理科学学院,青岛 266071
2.东北师范大学地理科学学院,长春 130024
3.河南大学黄河文明与可持续发展研究中心暨黄河文明省部共建协同创新中心,开封 475001

Beyond locality in restructuring the spatial organization of China's automobile industry clusters under modular production: A case study of FAW-Volkswagen

ZHAO Ziyu,1, WANG Shijun2, CHEN Xiaofei,31. School of Tourism and Geography Science, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, Shandong, China
2. School of Geographical Sciences, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China
3. Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development & Yellow River Civilization by Provincial and Ministerial Co-construction of Collaborative Innovation Center, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, Henan, China

通讯作者: 陈肖飞(1986-), 男, 河南三门峡人, 副教授, 硕导, 研究方向为产业集群与区域发展。E-mail: chenfei_niglas@163.com


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China(41630749)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41771161)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42001176)
Youth Foundation of Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education(20YJCZH241)

作者简介 About authors
赵梓渝(1986-), 男, 吉林长春人, 博士, 讲师, 硕导, 研究方向为城市网络与人口流动。E-mail: 171462539@qq.com

在以模块化为代表的第三次汽车工业生产方式变革背景下,新生产方式如何影响汽车工业空间组织演化,如何基于经济地理学阐释其发生机制及剖析对特定产业集群的影响作用,成为亟需解决的理论和现实问题。本文以一汽-大众为例,基于整车制造的本土全覆盖一级供应链映射产业集群组织,探讨地方—区域尺度下模块化生产对于汽车产业集群空间组织的影响。结果显示:① 地方式微:本地集聚程度下降。模块化生产所带来的规模经济在一定程度上克服运输成本,导致大型整车集团产业转移后对东道地生产依赖的下降和零部件供应商空间集聚的降低;② 超越地方:生产网络跨区重构。模块化生产将重组区域生产网络的组织结构,反映出尺度生产和尺度重组过程对空间经济动态的重要性。长三角地区凭借制造业区域优势和完整汽车零部件产业链,以产业集群作为行动主体参与到一汽-大众全国4个城市整车厂生产网络的分工协作中,产生了“超越地方”的竞争优势;③ 规模经济效应、知识技术共享和企业组织强化共同驱动模块化生产下汽车产业集群的空间组织重构。研究有助于理解生产方式调整与制造业产业集群空间组织结构演化的互动机制,同时为以经济、制度、社会和创新为视角的产业地理研究提供有益补充。
关键词: 产业集群;集群网络;模块化生产;供应链;汽车工业;中国

Under the background of the third revolution of production mode in the automobile industry, as represented by modularization, there arise a series of urgent theoretical and practical problems: how the new production mode affects the evolution of the spatial organization of the automobile industry, how to explain its mechanism based on economic geography, and how to analyze its effects on specific industrial clusters. Taking FAW-Volkswagen as an example, based on the local full-coverage first-level supply chain mapping industry cluster organization of vehicle manufacturing, this paper explores the effects of modular production on the spatial organization of automobile industry clusters at the local-regional scale. Results indicate that: (1) The degree of local agglomeration decreases with the decline of local economy. To a certain extent, the scale economy created by modular production overcomes transportation cost, leading to both the weakened production dependence of large-scale vehicle groups on the host area after industrial transfer and the reduced spatial agglomeration of parts suppliers. (2) Beyond locality: the production network between regions is reconstructed. Under modular production, regional production networks will be reorganized, which reflects the importance of scale production and scale reorganization for spatial economic dynamics. When the Yangtze River Delta region, with its regional advantages in the manufacturing industry and its complete auto parts industry chain, takes part in the division and cooperation of the production network of FAW-Volkswagen automobile factories in four cities across the country in the form of industry clusters, "beyond locality" competitive advantages are created. (3) Scale economic effect, knowledge technology sharing, and enterprise organization strengthening jointly drive the spatial reconstruction of China's automobile industry clusters under modular production. This study provides insight to understand the interactive mechanism between the adjustment of production mode and the evolution of the spatial organization structure of manufacturing industry clusters, offering beneficial complements to studies on industrial geography from the perspectives of economy, system, society, and innovation.
Keywords:industrial cluster;cluster network;modular production;supply chain;automobile industry;China

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赵梓渝, 王士君, 陈肖飞. 模块化生产下中国汽车产业集群空间组织重构——以一汽-大众为例. 地理学报, 2021, 76(8): 1848-1864 doi:10.11821/dlxb202108003
ZHAO Ziyu, WANG Shijun, CHEN Xiaofei. Beyond locality in restructuring the spatial organization of China's automobile industry clusters under modular production: A case study of FAW-Volkswagen. Acta Geographica Sinice, 2021, 76(8): 1848-1864 doi:10.11821/dlxb202108003

1 引言




2 文献综述与研究框架

2.1 文献综述

20世纪80年代以前,诸多****一直将“尺度”与欧式空间中的“距离”联系在一起,强调“尺度”的实体性和边界性,具有典型的地理空间特征,而20世纪90年代以来关系经济地理学促生的“尺度转向”强调了尺度的社会建构性[8,9]。通过“尺度转向”和“尺度关联”,经济地理学在关注地方综合、地方间相互依赖性的同时,进一步强调了尺度生产和重组过程对空间经济动态的重要性,既关注于全球化影响,也关注于区域和空间的影响[5, 10-11]。相应的,在研究范式上,21世纪以来产业集群研究呈现从集聚到网络的转变[12]。****基于社会经济因素[13]、FDI(Foreign Direct Investment)[14]、专利技术[15]等视角对多区位集群网络[16]、全球集群网络[14, 17]、共位集群的关系结构[12, 18-19]展开研究,并进一步指出集群并非孤立存在,而是与其他集群存在着系统联系[12];无论是基于地方层面还是全球层面,能够形成分散网络结构的集群组织具有更大的局部溢出潜力[20];具备“弹性专精”特征的集群网络组织已经成为经济舞台的主角[21]。2017年美国地理学家协会就专题讨论了集群网络(Cluster Networks)和“超越集群”(Beyond the Cluster)概念,以多集群(Multi-cluster)视角解析集群间关系已经成为产业地理的前沿议题之一[22]。从上述分析可知,产业集群的研究尺度不再限定于特定的地方尺度或强调地理邻近的必要性,而是逐渐由生产活动的“地方化”[23]、本地根植性[23,24]和本地知识网络向重视外部知识源和跨集群联系、跨区域边界发生转变,更加强调在特定产业内由经济主体所形成的相互联系的有机整体[25],形成跨区域边界的根植性[26]。通过人才对流、投资生产、战略关系建构等有助于获取社会资本和构建新型市场关系,从而避免集群锁定风险[27,28]。究其原因,一方面是由于集群企业间贸易和非贸易的相互依赖形成了本地蜂鸣,另一方面则是生产关系同时存在于区域与跨区域尺度下的集群之间[11, 29],跨区域集群的联系与比较成为产业集群维系可持续发展的关键[20]和区域战略决策的重要依据[16]

汽车产业空间组织结构是一个重组与演化相互交织的复杂问题,不仅涉及到制造商与供应商的重新匹配问题,也与汽车区域生产网络与生产地方性耦合过程相联系。生产方式转变作为新技术与创新推动的重要结果,是汽车产业集群组织演化研究的重要视角[4, 25, 30]。首先,在生产角度,模块化核心在于通过相同的生产协议使不同型号的汽车能够产生大量的通用整车系统,在提高生产机动性和产品更新能力的基础上达到降低研发周期和生产成本的目的[2, 31];其次,在供应商角度,为模块化整车厂供应零部件的供应商,通过多个客户应用相同的通用生产程序,能够利用规模经济和范围经济降低交易成本、降低生产网络参与者的风险[3]和提升重组制造能力[2];最后,在生产网络角度,模块化意味着汽车制造商生产方式和生产组织的重要变化,其促使了全球化背景下汽车制造业生产网络与供应链中新的国际分工出现[32]。可见,从早期的生产领域过渡到中后期的设计领域,模块化生产不仅对单个企业组织结构产生了深刻影响,同时进一步重塑了整车厂与供应商之间的生产网络结构、企业组织形式和地理关系[33],继而重构了产业集群空间组织和社会经济的微观基础。

结合以往研究,本文创新之处主要包括以下3点:① 基于模块化生产方式作为产业集群组织空间演化研究的视角,将进一步丰富和深化产业集群研究的范畴;② 使用微观供应链数据弥补了由于宏观统计数据宽泛所掩盖的产业集群空间组织特征。目前国内外产业集群或产业地理研究仍以宏观趋势面为主[34,35],尽管宏观统计数据可以帮助研究者获得经济行为的总体区位特征,但难以洞悉生产组织的实际轮廓和行动机制,也无法科学准确地分析集群网络的结构特征及重构机理[36];③ 已有研究多集中于单集群维度下的集群内部与外部网络的构建和演化,较少关注“区域—地方”联结下集群间的网络联系[22]和地理位置在产业联系中的突出作用[37],因此在区域分工协作愈发成熟的现实背景下,集群网络研究呈现实证滞后于理论的局面。

2.2 研究框架






Fig. 1Research framework

3 研究数据与方法

3.1 研究依据




以一汽-大众长春工厂奥迪Q5和成都工厂速腾车型为例,2016款Q5是源于奥迪A4(B7)的平台衍生而来,而2018款一汽-大众奥迪全新Q5L使用了MLB(Modularer L Ngsbaukasten)Evo模块化平台。从平台化生产到模块化生产,新款Q5L一级供应链零部件数量、种类分别较老车型减少了17.94%、22.84%,其中长春本地供应商(一汽-大众规定本地供应商为整车厂所在市辖区建厂)零部件数量下降15.13%;新速腾(Modularer Querbaukasten,即MQB模块化平台)较老速腾(PQ35平台)零部件数量和种类分别下降31.45%和15.73%,其中成都本地生产的零部件数量下降了37.07%。为什么会出现这种显著的变化?图2为奥迪Q5L某模块化部件的二级供应链。在实施模块化生产前,这些零部件作为奥迪Q5的一级供应链,其中部分供应商为了满足准时化或看板管理要求需在长春本地建厂。在模块化生产后,该部件已经作为一个单元由模块化供应商在长春本地生产,并直接供应整车厂生产线。通过零部件的高度通用和集成化以降低成本是模块化平台的最主要特性之一,因此在生产方式更替下,汽车集团整车生产的供应链、尤其是本地供应链的需求变化将深刻影响地方产业集群和区域生产网络的发展。



Fig. 2Secondary supply chain of one modular part of Audi Q5L

3.2 研究对象与数据




Fig. 3Spatial distribution of FAW-VW vehicle factories and suppliers


3.3 研究方法

测量空间集聚程度是产业地理研究的核心挑战[40]。基于面的测度方法(如Gini、EG、Moran等指数)均以预设的行政辖区作为分析单元,无法探究各单元内部的要素分布形态[41]。同时其在不同尺度的测度结论不具可比性,存在可变面元问题(Modifiable Area Unit Problem, MAUP)[42],即数据是由区域单元内的微观主体归总得来,这将导致不同空间尺度下同一研究对象集聚程度测算的差异[43]。因此,理想情况下,所有的空间数据分析工作都应在连续空间中进行,以避免人为设定空间单元所带来的弊端[44]。对此,DO指数能同时满足不同尺度估值具有无偏性、可进行显著性检验等标准[41, 45],同时被证明具有更好的稳健性[46]。DO指数的计算主要包括2个步骤:

① 计算所有点对距离的密度,并用核平滑估计点对距离的分布。对于拥有n个点的要素I,任意距离d的核密度估计值的 KI(d)为:


② 假设检验。通过蒙特卡洛法,对n个点在候选点位上的随机分布位置进行1000次模拟,估计相应的 KI(d)值,以5%和95%分位数构建局部置信区间。然后对局部极值进行插值,获得要素I在距离d处的全局置信区间上限 KI¯¯(d)和下限 KI?(d)。若至少存在1处距离上的 KI(d)>KI¯¯(d),则要素I为显著集聚分布,其在d处的全局集聚指数 ΓI(d)=max(KI(d)-KI¯¯(d),0)。若至少存在1处距离上的 KI(d)<KI?(d),且在门槛值内未出现集聚,则要素I为显著分散分布,其在d处的全局分散指数[41]


4 模块化方式下汽车产业集群空间组织特征

4.1 地方式微:本地集聚程度下降

对4款车型整车厂80 km范围内供应商进行空间分析。DO函数结果表明(图4),佛山、天津2款模块化生产车型80 km之内的供应商集聚程度明显低于长春、成都2款非模块化生产的车型。具体而言,① 由于一汽-大众长春工厂位于长春中心城区的最西部,集聚的25 km空间距离表明产业集群被限定于长春市城区内部(图4a),吉林省其他城市中供应商分布数量较少;② 成都分公司位于成都市东南部的龙泉驿区,其在10 km范围内空间集聚程度远高于其他城市(图4b),同时在30 km处出现次集聚状态;③ 佛山分公司位于佛山市西北部的狮山镇,其距离佛山和广州中心城区距离相当,约20 km,因此在此范围内供应商呈现明显的集聚特征(图4c),同时在60~85 km处再次呈现集聚状态,该距离主要覆盖广汽周边汽车零部件供应商;④ 天津分公司位于天津市东北部经济技术开发区,到达天津中心城区约30 km,供应商在50 km内呈现集聚特征(图4d),因此天津供应商分布与长春相类似,均为本市集聚。二者区别在于在60 km以外,天津核密度曲线下降平缓,这与北京分布大量零部件供应商关系密切。



Fig. 4DO function of supplier distribution

长期以来,通过产业转移和地方化生产,使得产业承接区实现产业规模增长和经济质量提升,然而企业数量并不能够完全客观体现地方产业发展的变化情况,其中一个重要原因是企业数量并不能代表生产的具体信息。周转箱是一个行业里标准尺寸的物流箱,广泛用于机械、汽车、家电、电子等行业,大料箱(Large Load Carriers, GLT)和小料箱(Small Load Carriers, KLT)是德系汽车制造商的普遍执行标准。表1分别从大料箱和小料箱角度统计了4个车型本地(市辖区)供应链零部件占全车比例。结果显示,2018年的2款模块化生产车型T-ROC和探岳的本地供应链占比总计低于2016年的2款非模块化生产车型,表明模块化生产车型的供应链更依赖外部区域分工协作,而非本地供应商。模块化生产与生产网络本质上都涉及到产品内空间分工,产品及其零部件单位价值运输成本大小以及跨界生产活动的交易成本则制约了产品内分工。一汽-大众整车厂物流分为L段、W段和F段,分别对应供应商包装尺寸、库房包装尺寸和生产线包装尺寸,因此L段能够反映物流成本。以L段包装货箱尺寸对4个车型的零部件体积与运输距离相关性进行统计。通过K-S正态检验,4个车型的运输包装体积与运输距离均不符合正态性分布。由于Spearman属于非参数检验,对变量分布没有要求,因此使用Spearman而非Pearson检验相关性。结果表明,Q5、速腾、T-ROC、探岳的零部件单件运输包装体积与运输距离spearman系数分别为-0.182、-0.167、-0.257和-0.237(4个车型均p < 0.01)。一方面,4个车型的零部件单件运输包装体积均与供应商距整车厂的陆路距离呈弱负相关关系,即零部件体积越大则越趋向于靠近整车厂布局,这也更符合生产的经济性;另一方面,T-ROC和探岳2个2018年的模块化生产车型Spearman相关性均高于Q5和速腾2个2016年的平台化车型,表明在模块化生产的车型供应链中,其产品体积越大的零部件供应商越趋向于靠近整车厂布局,在整车厂生产组织中更具经济性。因此,模块化生产车型投产后新增供应商数量大幅下降,供应商的本地集聚程度低于非模块化车型,无论从企业规模,集聚程度还是对本地的生产依赖都出现显著下降态势,形成了产业转移后地方产业集聚的“式微”。

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Statistics of local production proportion of parts based on turnover box (%)



奥迪Q5日产量440辆,单车生产节拍118 s。按照整车厂生产节拍,生产线要求指定部件的供应商2 h送达1车次零部件(不同零部件有所差异)。



4.2 超越地方:生产网络跨区重构

生产关系同时存在于本地、区域的多尺度下和产业集群之间[11, 17, 29]。模块化生产通过从零部件到组件、汽车总成的通用,使得整车厂制造商在产业转移、车型扩充的过程中空前强化了不同地区产业集群的联系(图5)。从4个车型一级供应商在各城市分布的统计情况来看(表2):① 长春是4个工厂中唯一本地供应商占比最高的城市,剩余3个转移城市本地供应商数量均未占首位;② 在一汽-大众长春和天津2个北方工厂中,供应商数量占比第一的均为长春市。在佛山和成都2个南方工厂中,首位均为上海市,次位均为长春,而第3位才是整车厂所在城市;③ 尽管一汽-大众整车生产未布局长三角地区,但宁波、苏州、嘉兴、常州、无锡、舟山、扬州、温州、宿迁和南京等长三角地区城市均位于供应商分布数量的前列。



Fig. 5Spatial distribution of primary supply chain in vehicle production

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Statistics of top five supplier cities (%)


从零部件类型来看,车身/安全系统、底盘系统等较大尺寸的汽车组件、产品更迭较快的零部件在准时化生产方式要求下具有明显的围绕整车厂布局的倾向(表3);技术要求高、更新换代慢的零部件、紧固件供应厂商主要集聚在长三角地区;整车部件与系统中的以电子电器系统为代表的技术密集型零部件多来源于长三角和珠三角汽车产业集群;以发动机为代表的动力系统、部分核心零部件仍依赖长春和大连的供应。因此,一方面,在整车生产过程中,无论是总部长春还是其转移企业,都高度依赖区域外部集群的生产网络。跨区域的产业集群网络在空间上形成了层次分明的分工协作体系,同时,供应链呈现出技术与价值分层的地理差异。不同区域产业集群在一个产品的生产过程中被紧密捆绑,成为地理空间下汽车产业集群网络的空间投影;另一方面,长三角作为中国制造业最为发达的地区之一,也是中国汽车零部件厂分布数量最多的区域之一[5, 34]。模块化生产方式使得长三角的优势继续强化,部分无需保障准时化的模块化部件、组件受到技术共享、产品通用的影响,通过长途运输供应一汽-大众4地工厂,使供应商获得规模经济和范围经济优势,同时一级零部件供应商更容易形成基于地理临近的二级供应商的生产组织,继而导致长三角的汽车产业集群成为行动主体的网络重要参与者,以产业集群而非独立企业形式参与到生产网络的分工协作中。因此,在生产组织结构中,模块化生产下汽车产业集群网络不单纯是集群之间存在生产网络关系,而是形成以集群、核心企业(整车厂)、外围企业(供应商)多个行动主体之间的嵌套、扁平化生产网络关系。

Tab. 3
Tab. 3Major cities of parts suppliers
底盘系统制动硬管、制动软管、底盘模块、盘式制动 器、真空助力器、汽车密封件、胶管、进气系统、轮胎、减震器等长春、上海、宁波、成都、北京、佛山、天津、苏州、烟台、广州、无锡、吉林、铁岭、镇江、常州等


5 模块化方式下汽车集群空间组织重构驱动机制


5.1 知识技术共享




Fig. 6Interactive relationship between the organization mode of modular production enterprise and the spatial structure of clusters

① 作为龙头企业,一汽-大众长春总部在市场准入、信息获取、融资能力等方面的优势使其可以控制生产网络的发展方向[49],并可以有效防止自身核心技术外溢[50]。因此在前文分析中长春在3个产业转移后整车厂的供应链中均位于前两名;② 供应商和总部公司的合作具有技术锁定效应,总部公司正是凭借这种技术权力的约束方式迫使供应商在生产上同进退。由于技术竞争的加剧和知识外溢的空间约束,厂商最优区位选择策略就是与其他竞争者、合作者集聚在同一技术溢出空间范围之内[51]。企业原有供货商及合作伙伴为了更好地保持与领导厂商的合作关系并迅速获得技术信息,也会主动或被动地跟随领导公司进入新地区布局;③ 产品架构方法侧重于与产品设计相关的功能,同时考虑制造和装配过程的机会和限制[52]。正是由于知识共享和技术通用,汽车制造集团在产业转移时才能够更多的考量地方人力、区域市场潜力等因素,而不用过于担心当地供应商不足导致的生产问题。总部公司利用与原有供应商之间的技术标准和要求,引导和控制子公司及合作商共同建立新的生产网络,而生产网络也能更容易地从特定位置进行扩散和撤销。

5.2 规模经济效益





Fig. 7Urban network based on automotive industry supply chain

5.3 企业组织强化







6 结论与讨论

6.1 结论





6.2 讨论


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Centrality and power show important network structure characteristics of a major city. However, research on the city network often ignores the connection and the differences between these concepts. We explain the basic concepts underpinning both centrality and power. We introduce two concepts: recursive centrality and recursive power, to describe degree centrality and betweenness centrality as applied to a city's position and power in a network, respectively. We form a complete set of relational data based on a matching relationship between Chinese auto parts supply and demand in 2009. Finally we review China's urban network topology characteristics, such as node distribution and link relationships, and identify the relationship between the center and the power index. Empirical studies show that (1) the Chinese city network (based on auto parts supply and demand) is of low density, polycentric, and is characterized by the "rich club". (2) Shanghai, Changchun, Beijing, Chongqing and Shiyan show the highest level of centrality in their city networks within the six major auto industry regions (northeast China, Beijing-Tianjin, central China, Sichuan-Chongqing, and the Yangtze River Delta). (3) There are six major network power city clusters in China: the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin, Shandong Province, Guangxi autonomous region, Hubei Province, and Sichuan-Chongqing. Among them, the Yangtze River Delta is the most powerful one. (4) With regards to measuring centrality and power in a network, recursive centrality and recursive power are both discernible and accurate. (5) City network distribution features can be classified as either core cities, with high centrality and high power, or peripheral cities, with low centrality and low power. The damping effect of distance influences the degree of connection within a city. Other relationships exist, such as center city clusters, with high center and low power, and powerful gateway cities, with low centrality and high power.
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Using the Chinese industrial enterprises database over the period 2001-2009, we analyze the spatial distribution of China's automobile manufacturing industry, by calculating the geographic concentration ratio and the EG index. We find the agglomeration level of China's automobile manufacturing industry has been falling over the period, and the motor vehicle parts manufacturing industry plays an essential role. To analyze the location choice of motor vehicle parts manufacturing start-ups, we build up the conditional logit model using the prefecture level data. The results indicate that: (1) unlike the U.S. and the European countries, the distributions of China's motor vehicle manufacturing firms and motor vehicle parts manufacturing firms are not spatially adjacent, (2) the motor vehicle parts manufacturing startups are labor intensive, which makes the industry's productivity and specialization inefficient, (3) not considering agglomeration economies, the market size and the local protectionism are positive and significant factors that influence the start-ups location choice. Due to all these factors, the specialization and the agglomeration level of China's automobile manufacturing industry is becoming lower.
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Along with the adjustment of world economic structure and the reconstruction of global rules, "the fourth wave of industrial transfer" in the world provides an opportunity window of "Hub-and-Spoke" cluster in China. Within the "Hub-and-Spoke" cluster, the division of labor and the strengthening of social relations gradually form complex enterprise networks. Taking Chery automobile cluster as a typical representative of "Hub-and-Spoke" cluster, this study is conducted based on in-depth interview and questionnaire survey for a long period time to measure the characteristics and the construction mechanism of enterprise networks. Some conclusions are drawn as follows: (1) Enterprise networks centrality is very prominent and networks presents a significant "core-periphery" structure. It is pointed out that the core enterprises represented by QR have the absolute "market rights", "technical rights" and "network rights" in the cluster, which have played an important role in the construction of the enterprise networks; (2) The overall development level of enterprise networks is relatively low, but the differences are large. Industrial network is relatively high, however, the innovation network is still the lowest. Vertical supply and horizontal division of products are still the main forms of enterprise communication. Although there is a phenomenon of social interaction among enterprises, the degree is relatively weak. At the same time, the technical differences in production system and the "small club" also lead to the slow development of the innovation network. (3) The construction of enterprise networks are the results of the interaction of the geographic proximity, the relationship heterogeneity and the cognitive interaction. Geographic spatial proximity and face-to-face communication provide the basic condition for network formation. Enterprise relationship assets and actor networks offer the medium conditions for network formation. Enterprise technology association and path creation furnish the guarantee conditions for network formation.
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb201608009 [本文引用: 1]
From a power hierarchy perspective, this study investigates the innovation pattern and the changes of spatial organization forms of chemical industry, automobile industry and photovoltaic industry in Germany based on spatial econometric models. The established theories argue that the technological characteristics of heavy-chemical industry and the feature of innovative cooperation inevitably result in a weak geographical proximity and an enlarging spatial scale. Because technological hierarchy of clustering firms leads to a fundamental change of innovation externalities, geographical proximity is not a necessary condition for innovation and the spatial scale of innovative cooperation enlarges from a cluster to a region. Empirical research on Germany reveals: the spatial arrangement of heavy-chemical industry presents a weakly geographical proximity effect; its spatial configuration is not a traditional cluster but rather an industrial agglomeration zone based on a larger spatial scale; both heavy industry and chemical industry require a location with comprehensive knowledge and general technology diffusion; the core enterprises tend to be far away from others to be a "island" mostly because they have more power over their innovative partners. Our study suggests that there are three ways to promote the innovation and upgrading as well as optimize the spatial arrangement of China's heavy-chemical industry, namely, enhancing the innovation capability in vertical technology diffusion, establishing the general technology alliances in multiple production process, and fostering the innovation collaboration between large industrial zones.
[ 林兰. 重化工业集群式创新机制与空间响应研究
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[本文引用: 1]

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Zhu Shengjun, Jin Wenwan, Hu Xiaohui. The regional industrial dynamics from the perspective of relatedness
Geographical Research, 2020, 39(5):1045-1055.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj020190995 [本文引用: 1]
Chinese economic development has experienced a rapid transformation since 1978 due to the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy. Arguably the research of regional industry dynamics is at the core of economic geography. Traditional researches in economic geography tend to focus on individuals such as firms, industries and regions, ignoring the relationship between them. Over the past few years, much progress has been made in researches on the relatedness of firms, while the relatedness of industries and regions is still not paid sufficient attentions. From the perspective of relatedness, this paper attempts to shed some light on the linkages of industries and regions, and explore their formation mechanisms. It puts forward that the translocal linkages and resource mobilization on different scales are sources of the relatedness of firms, industries and regions. In addition, this paper also sketches out how industrial relatedness and regional relatedness influences regional industrial dynamics. As for industrial relatedness, evolutionary economic geography (EEG) theories based on a network model named the "product space" have adopted a view that regional spillovers from related, yet not too proximate industries will endogenously induce new industries in a region through processes of recombinatorial innovation. The vast majority of empirical case studies have confirmed these theories. Regional industrial dynamics has thus far largely been conceptualized as an endogenous process, underplaying exogenously-driven forms of regional relatedness. Then, this paper provides a systematic conceptual analysis of the role regional relatedness may play for industrial dynamics in regions. Good connections between the regions improve matching on labour markets, speeding up knowledge flows and plausibly fostering learning which will contribute to the reciprocal industrial dynamics of geographically distant regions. Accordingly, this paper argues that future studies can further investigate the regional development from a relatedness perspective: (1) pay more attention to the industrial relatedness, such as its indirect links, link strengths and industrial relatedness dynamics; (2) enhance the understanding of the properties of regional relatedness and draw on network analysis approaches; (3) forge a link between industrial relatedness and regional relatedness. Emanated from different disciplines, the new perspective of relatedness in the study of regional industry dynamics provides a sound basis for understanding China's special development path and deserves the attention of economic geography scholars. Besides, there is rapidly expanding various data of relatedness which will make the perspective of relatedness more potential in the future.
[ 朱晟君, 金文纨, 胡晓辉. 关联视角下的区域产业动态研究进展与反思
地理研究, 2020, 39(5):1045-1055.]

[本文引用: 1]

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