Changing spatial patterns of internal migration to five major urban agglomerations in China
CAO Guangzhong

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曹广忠(1969-), 男, 山东莘县人, 博士, 教授, 中国地理学会会员(S110001570M), 研究方向为城市地理与城乡发展、城市与区域规划。E-mail:

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曹广忠, 陈思创, 刘涛. 中国五大城市群人口流入的空间模式及变动趋势. 地理学报[J], 2021, 76(6): 1334-1349 doi:10.11821/dlxb202106002
CAO Guangzhong, CHEN Sichuang, LIU Tao.
1 引言
20世纪80年代以来,沿海地区的快速工业化进程、逐步扩大的城乡收入差距和人口流动壁垒的消除导致流动人口持续快速增长,这一群体成为中国新增城镇人口的主体[1,2,3,4]。近年来中国人口流动呈现出新特征。从人口规模看,2019年全国流动人口①(① 本文研究对象为城市群的流入人口,但在引用其他文献时采用尊重原文的“流动人口”说法,引言及后文提到的流动人口与流入人口的含义相同,均指户籍不在本地的常住人口,这也是学界对二者关系的一般认识[5]。)2.36亿人,近年来出现明显波动[5,6],有研究认为这与全国人口增速放缓所导致的农村待转移劳动力减少、产业向传统人口流出地转移以及流入地户籍制度松动等诸多因素有关[7,8]。从空间模式看,当前人口流动呈现省内流动为主、省际流动为辅的特征,省内就近流动将可能成为中国人口城镇化的主要模式之一[4, 9-10];在经济社会和政策环境等多重因素作用下,人口回流趋势也开始出现[11,12,13]。人口流动特征的转变将对中国城镇化格局产生多方面影响:对城市群等主要人口流入地而言,城镇化动力从流动人口规模扩张转向现有流动人口在流入地城市的稳定居留和落户;对主要人口流出地而言,省内流动为主的流动模式意味着中西部省会城市和区域中心城市对流动人口的吸引力逐步增强,人口回流也为人口流出地的城镇化带来新动力。存量流动人口的空间重构将成为中国未来城镇化格局的重要内容。流动人口在城市群等主要流入地的定居落户仍面临多重障碍。一般而言,流动人口在流入地实现完全市民化会经历“在本地居留”和“落户本地”的两阶段决策[14],而短期和长期居留的影响因素又有所不同[15,16]。随着流动人口在流入地居留时间的增加和家庭化迁移趋势的增强[17],对流入地城市的公共服务和社会福利诉求相应提高,户籍门槛成为其在流入地长期生活的障碍[18]。居留落户意愿是流动人口对未来空间选择的理性预期,是基于主观意愿能力和客观约束条件的综合判断,能够体现城市和区域对流动人口的长期吸引力,进而反映未来流动人口分布和城镇化格局的演变趋势。近年来,流动人口居留和落户意愿的空间格局及其影响因素成为学术热点[19,20,21,22],已有研究发现流动人口的居留和落户决策受到个体和家庭因素影响的同时,迁入地和迁出地的经济社会发展、公共设施服务等因素同样至关重要[23]。对二者的比较研究表明,流动人口的居留意愿与经济收入预期的关系更紧密,落户意愿则与公共服务和福利预期有关[14, 24-25]。对居留和落户意愿的分析有助于预判流动人口空间分布及城镇化格局变化趋势,也能反映不同城市和区域对流动人口吸引力的来源,进而为各地在区域竞争中“吸引人”和“留住人”的相关政策提供决策参考。
2 研究方法与数据来源
2.1 研究区域
本文聚焦位于东部沿海的京津冀、长三角、珠三角城市群和位于中西部内陆的长江中游、成渝城市群。五大城市群涵盖了中国4个直辖市和9个省份的83个地级市,2014年生产总值34.84万亿元,常住人口5.3亿人,以占全国10%的陆地面积承载了38%的常住人口和54%的生产总值,在经济发展和人口集聚方面起到举足轻重的作用。本文中城市群的空间范围以国家发布的相应城市群发展规划为基准。2.2 数据来源
研究数据为第五、六次全国人口普查分县和国家卫生健康委员会组织的2017年全国流动人口动态监测调查(CMDS)数据。CMDS调查对象包括在本地居住1个月及以上,非本区(县、市)户口且年龄为15周岁及以上的流动人口,通过分层、多阶段、与规模成比例的PPS抽样法进行抽样,对省级行政单元及主要城市群地区具有代表性。为与人口普查数据的统计口径保持一致,以“在本地居住6个月及以上”的流动人口样本为研究对象,筛选得到样本154586个,占总样本的90.94%。人口普查数据是目前最准确的县级层面流动人口数据,CMDS数据的优势在于完整展现流动人口的结构性特征且具有较强的时效性。此外,各省市户籍人口数据源于《中国人口和就业统计年鉴2018》以及相关省份2018年统计年鉴。本文所有涉及“全国”的数据均不包括香港、澳门、台湾地区和现役军人。本文对流动人口(流入人口)的定义是居住在本地、户籍地在本县(市、区)以外并离开户籍地半年以上的人口,包括省内县际和省际流动(仅3.2.1节考虑县内流动)。由于设区市内部各辖区之间的人户分离不属于县际流动,将市辖区合并为一个地理单元。为便于空间分析,将两次人口普查数据按2010年行政区划边界整合。参考城市群发展规划和已有研究,将各城市群基本地理单元分为中心城市、一般城市和外围县市3类②(② 中心城市即北京、天津(京津冀城市群),上海、南京和杭州(长三角城市群),广州、深圳(珠三角城市群),武汉、长沙和南昌(长江中游城市群)及成都、重庆(成渝城市群)的市辖区。一般城市即城市群内其他设区市的市辖区。)。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1
全国 | 京津冀城市群 | 长三角城市群 | 珠三角城市群 | 长江中游城市群 | 成渝城市群 | |
性别比(女性为100) | 106.09 | 102.67 | 106.07 | 100.52 | 104.87 | 98.42 |
平均年龄(岁) | 36.37 | 36.72 | 35.41 | 33.32 | 36.13 | 37.96 |
60岁及以上占比(%) | 3.71 | 4.75 | 2.47 | 1.10 | 1.93 | 7.26 |
“新生代”占比(%) | 59.21 | 60.07 | 62.49 | 69.77 | 58.30 | 53.99 |
大专以上学历占比(%) | 17.64 | 25.37 | 20.52 | 16.58 | 16.54 | 21.96 |
农业户籍占比(%) | 82.18 | 75.52 | 83.22 | 87.79 | 81.83 | 77.63 |
平均居留时间(年) | 6.83 | 7.59 | 6.81 | 6.19 | 6.06 | 5.45 |
平均本地家庭规模(人) | 2.79 | 2.63 | 2.73 | 2.69 | 2.82 | 2.74 |
样本量(个) | 154586 | 15545 | 23719 | 8057 | 10131 | 8514 |
2.3 方法
3 城市群人口流入的空间模式

Fig. 1Changing size of internal migration to five major urban agglomerations, 2000-2010
3.1 人口流入地
3.1.1 流入人口持续向中心城市集中,长三角和珠三角的扩散效应有所显现 中心城市是城市群稳定的流入人口集聚中心。在长三角和珠三角城市群等先行流入地,流入人口集中度已相对稳定,京津冀、长江中游和成渝城市群等后发流入地的流入人口集中度快速提升。2000年和2010年各城市群中心城市、一般城市和外围县市的流入人口分布的等级结构如图2所示。各城市群中心城市流入人口占城市群比例都在40%以上,表明城市群内流入人口稳定集中在少数2~3个中心城市。京津冀城市群流入人口高度集中在北京和天津两大中心城市,且在2000—2010年集中度持续上升。该城市群2010年流入人口分布的变异系数达到7.01,远高于其他城市群。从空间分布的变动看,长三角和珠三角城市群流入人口在各级城市的分布相对稳定,京津冀、长江中游和成渝城市群的流入人口呈现向中心城市集中的趋势,其中京津冀城市群一般城市和外围县市流入人口占比均明显下降,长江中游和成渝城市群的外围县市流入人口占比下降。图2

Fig. 2Spatial distribution of internal migration by city's level, 2000-2010
Tab. 2
Tab. 2
指标 | 城市群名称 | 中心城市 | 一般城市 | 外围县市 |
流入人口相对增长率(%) | 京津冀城市群 | 1.37 | 0.60 | 0.31 |
长三角城市群 | 0.94 | 1.02 | 1.07 | |
珠三角城市群 | 1.04 | 0.93 | 1.38 | |
长江中游城市群 | 1.47 | 0.70 | 0.71 | |
成渝城市群 | 1.17 | 0.99 | 0.69 | |
流入人口增量占城市群比例(%) | 京津冀城市群 | 81.72 | 11.72 | 6.56 |
长三角城市群 | 40.01 | 31.21 | 28.78 | |
珠三角城市群 | 47.89 | 46.38 | 5.72 | |
长江中游城市群 | 56.43 | 25.05 | 18.52 | |
成渝城市群 | 64.27 | 15.98 | 19.75 |
3.1.2 等级和空间分布格局总体稳定,京津冀和内陆城市群仍在变动 流入人口在城市群内部的分布格局基本稳定,相较沿海城市群,内陆城市群变动稍大。大城市分布格局基本固定,中小城市分布格局变动明显。对城市群内各市县流入人口规模进行排序,计算各市县2000年、2010年流入人口规模的百分位序和秩相关系数如图3所示。各城市群流入人口规模位序的秩相关系数均在0.8以上,空间格局相对稳定。其中长江中游和成渝城市群为0.82和0.83,京津冀城市群为0.88,长三角和珠三角城市群分别高达0.95和0.98。人口先行流入地的流入人口分布格局已经基本固定,表明城市群发展越成熟,内部城市间的功能联系与分工越稳定,各城市发展水平越均衡,流入人口的分布格局也逐渐趋向稳定。整体来看,各城市群内部流入人口规模位于前25%的市县位序基本保持不变,流入人口规模较小的中小城市其位序变动相对明显,这表明各城市群内部已经形成较为固定的流入人口集聚中心。然而,长江中游和成渝城市群各市县对流入人口的相对吸引力在10年间仍有较大变动,位序调整现象比较普遍,反映了城市群经济发展和人口吸引的空间格局仍处于形成和调整的过程中。京津冀城市群的空间格局则介于成熟稳定的长三角、珠三角城市群和形成调整过程中的内陆城市群之间。

Fig. 3Rank-size of internal migration in five major urban agglomerations, 2000-2010
3.2 人口流动范围
3.2.1 流动范围有所扩大,省内县际和省际流动占比普遍提高 将城市群流入人口按照流动范围分为县内、省内县际和省际3类,探讨城市群流入人口的流动范围。2000—2010年城市群流入人口的流动范围有所扩大,县内流动人口占比下降,省内县际和省际占比上升。沿海城市群流入人口的平均流动范围大于内陆。2000年沿海三大城市群流入人口有48.66%来自省外,2010年这一占比增加到55.49%。同期内陆城市群的占比仅分别为9.80%和11.53%。各主要城市群流入人口的流动距离均有所增加,人口吸引范围普遍拓展。如图4所示,珠三角城市群省际流动人口(65%)始终占绝对优势,一直是远距离流动占比最高的城市群;21世纪以来,广东省内人口向珠三角集聚趋势增强,省内县际流动人口占比小幅增加。长三角和京津冀城市群对省际流动人口的吸引力也在快速提升,2010年流入人口中来自省外的占比均达到半数左右;同时,京津冀成为省内县际流动人口占比提升最显著的沿海城市群,也是县内流动占比降幅最大的城市群,反映了河北省中心城市相对地位的快速提升及一般县市留住本地人口的能力不足。长江中游和成渝城市群虽然仍以县内流动为主,省际流动占比仍稳定在较低水平,但省内县际流动占比明显上升,省内中心城市的崛起同样带动了人口流动距离的增加和城市群人口吸引范围的拓展。

Fig. 4Distance of internal migration to five major urban agglomerations, 2000-2010
3.2.2 省内县际流动增长迅速,省际流入地集中于沿海城市群 利用人口普查数据从省内和省际流动视角分析城市群流入人口增长情况。从增速比较看,除长三角城市群外,各城市群省内流入人口增速均快于省际流入。在此趋势下,京津冀和珠三角城市群流入人口将逐渐呈现省内和省际并重的特征,内陆城市群省内流入的主导地位将进一步加强,省内流动可能成为未来主要的人口流动形式之一。从增量结构看,沿海三大城市群新增流入人口以省际增长为主,占比在65%以上,内陆城市群则以省内增长为主,省内增长占比为80%,表明沿海城市群的人口吸引范围大于内陆城市群。

Fig. 5Growth of inter- and intra-provincial migrants in five major urban agglomerations, 2000-2010
3.3 人口来源地
3.3.1 沿海城市群人口腹地广阔,但距离递减的圈层特征明显 以地级行政区域为基本单元,按现住地及户籍所在地将城市群流入人口样本分为城市群外部流入和内部流动两类。沿海城市群流入人口以城市群外部流入为主,2017年珠三角城市群近95%的流入人口来自城市群以外地区,长三角和京津冀城市群的这一比例均在60%以上。内陆城市群则以城市群内部流动为主,长江中游和成渝城市群分别有80%和75%以上的流入人口属于城市群内部流动,表明其人口吸引范围明显小于沿海城市群。图6显示了2017年各城市群流入人口的主要来源地。沿海城市群人口吸引范围大于内陆城市群,但呈现距离递减的圈层特征。京津冀城市群与华北、东北地区联系密切,珠三角城市群流入人口以华南地区为主,主要来自省内非珠地区和湖南、广西等地,长三角城市群在长江经济带中处于龙头地位,同时也是中部地区流出人口的主要目的地。内陆城市群流入人口主要来源地均为周边省份。空间邻近依然是流动人口目的地选择的重要因素。

Fig. 6Main origin of internal migration to the coastal and inland urban agglomerations of China in 2017
3.3.2 中部人口主要流向长三角和珠三角,东北外流人口高度偏好京津冀 1978年改革开放以来,乡村地区尤其是传统粮食主产区劳动力大量析出。临近东部沿海且劳动力充足的中部地区长期以来是中国主要的人口流出地[28,29]。近年来,东北地区产业转型和资源枯竭等多方面压力导致的人口流失问题同样受到关注[30]。沿海京津冀、长三角③(③ 本小节中长三角城市群不包括安徽省8市。)和珠三角三大城市群是中部和东北地区外流人口的重要承载地。以三大城市群为流入地,以中部地区和东北地区为流出地分别计算区域间人口流入相对强度指数NOD如表3所示,能够较为全面地反映中部和东北地区的人口流失状况。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3
流出地 | 流入地 | ||
京津冀城市群 | 长三角城市群 | 珠三角城市群 | |
中部地区 | 0.81 | 1.55 | 1.12 |
东北地区 | 1.56 | 0.22 | 0.11 |
4 城市群人口流入的趋势性特征
人口流动迁移是塑造中国当前和未来城镇化格局与模式的关键因素,而流入人口的居留不稳定性也为流入地城市的未来发展带来不确定性。随着近年来人口和资本回流趋势的出现,人口流出地迎来城镇化水平提升的重要机遇,亟待探索不同于人口流入地的新型城镇化模式。居留落户意愿反映了流入人口的空间选择偏好,本节以流入人口的居留落户意愿反映人口流动趋势,结合居留落户意愿影响因素的差异,从流入地和流出地的视角分析该趋势对未来城镇化发展的影响并提出应对策略。主要探讨:① 对于城市群这类典型人口流入地而言,流入人口是否仍将稳定集聚在少数中心城市?一般城市和外围县市能否分担中心城市的外来人口压力?② 对于中西部和东北为代表的人口流出地而言,人口持续流失的趋势是否有扭转的可能?4.1 城市群流入人口的居留落户意愿
在城市群尤其是流入人口高度集中的中心城市,本地户籍仍是教育、养老和保障性住房等基础性服务供给的重要前提,因此,与公共服务诉求密切相关的落户需求将伴随着流动人口在流入地居留时间增加和家庭化迁移趋势增强而相应出现,拥有本地户籍将会为流入人口长期居留提供更多便利。数据表明(表4),全国和各城市群均有80%以上的流动人口表示“今后一段时间打算继续留在本地”。然而,对有意在流入地继续居留的流入人口,进一步询问其预计在本地居留时间,发现多数流入人口在主观意愿上仍未做好在流入地长期生活的准备,愿意在流入地长期居留(5年以上)和定居的比例明显偏低。整体来看,流入人口的落户意愿与长期居留意愿相近,数据部分证实了前述落户与长期居留决策的密切关系。Tab. 4
Tab. 4
城市群名称 | 居留 | 长期居留 (5年以上) | 定居 | 落户 |
京津冀城市群 | 84.56 | 49.02 | 34.67 | 60.39 |
长三角城市群 | 86.68 | 43.88 | 30.25 | 45.65 |
珠三角城市群 | 82.59 | 33.57 | 18.25 | 42.48 |
长江中游城市群 | 82.30 | 43.63 | 31.01 | 30.15 |
成渝城市群 | 86.06 | 51.10 | 38.13 | 33.40 |
五大城市群 | 84.93 | 44.73 | 30.96 | 44.77 |
全国 | 83.39 | 45.47 | 31.86 | 39.88 |
4.2 流入地视角下的城市群人口集聚趋势

Fig. 7Settlement and hukou transfer intention of internal migration by city's level in 2017
4.2.1 沿海城市群中心城市的居留落户吸引力强,流入人口管理服务的挑战将持续存在 沿海城市群中心城市流入人口的居留和落户意愿均显著高于其他地区,流入人口将继续在中心城市稳定集聚。卡方检验显示,沿海三大城市群内部各等级地理单元的居留意愿和落户意愿均存在显著差异,表明相较一般城市和外围县市,中心城市流入人口的居留稳定性显著强于一般城市和外围县市,中心城市不仅是当前沿海城市群流入人口的集聚中心,也将在未来稳定维持流入人口高度集聚的状态。一般城市和外围县市流入人口的居留和落户意愿均低于50%,再次显示城市群中小城市流入人口空间分布格局的不稳定性。多数流入人口并未计划在当前流入地长期居留和落户,意味着他们可能选择回流或再次流动,对当地城镇化发展造成不利影响。
4.2.2 内陆城市群中心城市和一般城市的吸引力将长期并存 内陆城市群中心城市的落户意愿显著高于一般城市和外围县市,表明财政和行政资源带来的教育、养老和医疗等公共服务优势同样是内陆中心城市流入人口吸引力的重要来源,内陆地区以中心城市为核心的高度集聚的城镇化模式在长期仍将持续。内陆城市群中心城市流入人口的居留意愿接近或略低于所在城市群的一般城市。考虑内陆城市群流入人口以城市群内部流动和省内流动为主,进一步比较各级城市省内和城市群内部流动人口的居留意愿,发现流入一般城市的流入人口其居留意愿均高于流入其他两类地区的流入人口,证实了内陆城市群近距离流动人口对城市群内一般城市的空间偏好。该偏好可能的原因有二:其一是内陆城市群中心城市与一般城市的发展水平差距相对较小,中心城市在就业机会和收入水平方面的优势有限。其二是内陆城市群人口流动以近距离的城市群内部流动和省内流动为主,相较生活成本高、流动阻力强的中心城市,近距离流动人口可能更偏好一般城市。
4.3 来源地视角下的城市群流入人口回流趋势
中心城市落户难度较大,户籍门槛较高,导致流入人口无法获得与本地户籍居民均等的城市公共服务,形成了城市内部的“本地—外来”二元现象。多方面原因导致出现流入人口回流的现象,这一现象对相应地区的城镇化模式产生了影响[11-13, 32]。居留落户意愿是流入人口未来决策的直接反映,有助于预判城市群流入人口的回流趋势并为流出地提供应对策略。4.3.1 平等开放的高质量公共服务供给是非城市群地区吸引人口回流的重要途径 多年来人口流动的主要方向是从非城市群地区向城市群地区。但近年来随着流入人口增速的放缓和人口回流趋势的逐步显现,城市群地区面临城镇化动力转型的压力,非城市群地区则有望吸引人口回流改善人口流失问题。各城市群外部流入和内部流动人口的居留落户意愿如表5所示。
Tab. 5
Tab. 5
居留/落户意愿 | 城市群名称 | 外部流入(%) | 内部流动(%) | 外部内部之差(%) | 卡方检验(显著性水平) |
居留意愿 | 京津冀城市群 | 48.45 | 50.07 | -1.63 | 0.053 |
长三角城市群 | 38.65 | 55.46 | -16.81 | 0.000 | |
珠三角城市群 | 32.92 | 44.16 | -11.25 | 0.000 | |
长江中游城市群 | 38.30 | 45.36 | -7.06 | 0.000 | |
成渝城市群 | 54.68 | 50.41 | 4.26 | 0.004 | |
落户意愿 | 京津冀城市群 | 63.99 | 53.77 | 10.22 | 0.000 |
长三角城市群 | 46.55 | 43.64 | 2.91 | 0.000 | |
珠三角城市群 | 42.88 | 36.09 | 6.79 | 0.004 | |
长江中游城市群 | 30.14 | 30.15 | 0.00 | 0.999 | |
成渝城市群 | 38.72 | 32.38 | 6.35 | 0.000 |
4.3.2 东北地区人口回流概率低,人口流失趋势近期或难以扭转 已有研究表明中部地区和东北地区是中国主要的人口流出地。本文将流动人口样本按照户籍地所在省份划分为东部、中部、西部和东北地区,比较各城市群不同户籍地流入人口的居留和落户意愿如表6所示。
Tab. 6
Tab. 6
城市群名称 | 东部 | 中部 | 西部 | 东北 | |
居留意愿 | 京津冀城市群 | 50.76 | 42.07 | 45.17 | 59.03 |
长三角城市群 | 52.59 | 42.95 | 28.60 | 68.83 | |
珠三角城市群 | 42.16 | 30.81 | 24.77 | 47.14 | |
长江中游城市群 | 31.91 | 44.57 | 40.79 | 40.38 | |
成渝城市群 | 50.18 | 49.44 | 51.18 | 61.54 | |
落户意愿 | 京津冀城市群 | 57.80 | 61.26 | 61.21 | 68.67 |
长三角城市群 | 54.03 | 42.29 | 39.41 | 74.53 | |
珠三角城市群 | 48.10 | 42.23 | 34.42 | 65.71 | |
长江中游城市群 | 21.28 | 30.50 | 32.87 | 34.62 | |
成渝城市群 | 30.39 | 36.02 | 33.26 | 53.85 |
5 结论
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Based on the data of the 2000 and 2010 China Census counties, this paper compares and analyzes the spatial pattern, formation mechanism and urbanization of the inter-provincial and intra-provincial floating population. The results are as follows: 1) The polarization pattern of the Inter- and Intra-provincial floating population is weakening, and the proportion of the floating population absorbed by the top 10 cities has declined. In the trend of agglomeration, the inter-provincial floating population showed ‘High concentration while showing signs of decentralization’, that is, the degree of agglomeration was higher, and the signs of decentralization became more obvious. The proportion of inter-provincial floating population absorbed by the former 1% city decreased significantly. The floating population in the province is characterized by “Dispersion of distribution while developing toward agglomeration”. It is more scattered and distributed in large and medium-sized cities such as provincial capitals and prefecture-level cities, and is still gathering in 1% of cities. 2) The inter-provincial and intra-provincial floating population is affected by the dual role of the government and market forces. The inter-provincial floating population is more inclined to the provincial capitals and municipalities with more employment opportunities and higher wages in the process of selecting inflows. The floating population in the province pays more attention to employment opportunities, and prefers to flow to prefecture-level cities. In contrast to the inter-provincial population, urban public services have a greater impact on the inflow of floating population in the Intra-provincial Floating population. 3) The “molecular effect” of the inter-provincial and intra-provincial floating population has increased the level of urbanization through the “molecular effect” of urban population changes. The contribution of the inter-provincial and intra-provincial floating population to urbanization reached 4.24% and 2.74% respectively in 2010. In addition, the inter-provincial and intra-provincial floating population has also greatly affected the hierarchical system and spatial distribution of China's urban system.
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Due to the rising manufacturing costs of China's eastern coastal areas after the global financial crisis, there is a clear trend of industrial relocation and population shift to the central and western regions of the country. Migrant workers who are yet fully integrated into the urban system in eastern China become the main returning population. Since these returning migrant workers tend to be skilled and possess certain capitals, their return has important social and economic implications for the urbanization and industrialization of the destination areas. Therefore, the study of migrant workers' return intention, destination and employment choices, income expectation, as well as the development of appropriate planning initiatives has important theoretical significance and practical values. Zhoukou in Henan Province is a traditional agricultural area and an important population exporting region in recent years. According to incomplete statistics, more than a million migrant workers work outside for multiple years. Due to the accelerated industrial transfer in Zhoukou, return of these migrant workers is becoming increasingly obvious. Therefore, we choose Zhoukou as a case study area to explore the return intention of migrant workers in traditional agricultural area and planning response of the local governments. In this research, we collected data using questionnaire survey combined with in-depth interviews. We conducted field research in June 2012 in 17 villages using stratified sampling and systematic sampling method. Each village provided a list of 20 migrant workers and their telephone numbers. We randomly selected 305 migrant workers among these and conducted semi-structured telephone interviews with the survey participants, which generated155 valid questionnaires. The questions asked cover the demographic characteristics of the participants, such as gender, age, education level, job type, income, marital status, monthly income. Also, workplace, return intention, reasons for return, destination and employment choices, and income expectation upon returning were surveyed. Based on the result of the survey, the paper analyzes the spatial pattern of flow of migrant workers and their return intention, and emphatically investigates reasons and incentives for return and destination and employment choices. Several conclusions are drawn as follows: (1) return intention of migrant workers is strong and many have planned to return in the near future; (2) the incentives for return are diversified, and the county seats are the most important choice of destination for work and living following home village; (3) job opportunities and high quality of education and health care are the most important factors that attract migrant workers. Finally, the paper proposes four planning responses of the government and institutions: decentralization and strengthening the power of the counties, promoting healthy interactions of the "double shifts", balancing the location of public service facilities, and speeding up the reform of land transfer and eliminating restrictions of the population registration system.
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On 18 November 2017, a major fire broke out in Xihongmen Town, Daxing District, Beijing, where migrants are concentrated, killing 19 people and injuring 8 others. Of the victims, 16 were floating population from Shandong, Henan, and Hebei Provinces. In March 2014, the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council distributed the National New Urbanization Plan (2014-2020). The new urbanization plan attaches great importance to the realization of "urbanization of people." Clarifying the characteristics and spatial patterns of floating population is an important prerequisite for promoting the urbanization of people and one of the core issues of the new-type urbanization initiative. Based on the survey data of migrant population health monitoring in 2015, this study explored the floating population's age, education level, employment, income, expenditure, and other characteristics, as well as the spatial distribution pattern of the source and destination areas in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration. The results show that the age structure of the surveyed migrant population was dominated by young and middle-aged workforce, showing a low level of education, predominantly agricultural population registration (hukou), and inter-provincial migration. The main reasons for the migration were employment and business activities. The income of the sampled migrants was mainly in the low and medium range, and the Engel's coefficient was higher than the average Engel's coefficient of the resident population. The sectoral distribution of the floating population was diversified, but mainly in the low-end commercial service industry. The proportion of those engaged in the wholesale and retail trade, resident service, repair and other service industries, manufacturing industry, and catering industry accounted for 70.7% of the total. The enrolment rate of health insurance was high, but the penetration of health education was low. In terms of the spatial distribution of inflow and outflow areas, the surveyed floating population mainly came from the provinces with similar geographical locations or large output of labor, such as Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Heilongjiang, and Anhui Provinces, which accounted for 70.75% of the whole surveyed floating population. The Beijing-Tianjin region was the major destination area of migrants, accounting for 37.76% and 29.11% of the total in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration respectively. Therefore, this article proposes to strengthen the social security and vocational training for migrants to improve the ability of migrants to integrate into cities, improve the openness and inclusiveness of cities, and enhance the sense of attainment and happiness of the floating population.
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DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.12.002 [本文引用: 1]

Northeast China (Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang) occupies 8% of total population in China. However, since the opening up and reforming, frequent population out-migration was on-going in Northeast China. The topic about population loss in Northeast China attracts more and more attentions. According to the census and sampling data after 2000, this research calculates the loss population in Northeast China. Based on the provincial scale and county-level scale data, the spatial pattern evolution of population loss is also figured out. The results are as follows. 1) Northeast China faced a continuous population loss during 2000-2015. And population loss in recent years has aggravated. 2) Northeast China is not the most serious population-losing region in China. 3) Most of counties or cities faced population loss in Northeast China. And population loss area in Northeast China was expanding. 4) The inactive economy development was the key affecting factor for the population loss in Northeast China. 5) The key issues that caused by population loss in Northeast China were population quality and demographic structure, such as brain drain, population aging, and population spatial polarization.This research aims to give some policy implications to the new round development in Northeast China.
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DOI:10.2747/1539-7216.50.2.197URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2020.05.002 [本文引用: 1]

Based on the research on population spatial diffusion and its variation in migration, this study proposes that a new path of urbanization in central area of China is emerging, namely returning-migrant-induced urbanization (RMIU). Through conducting an intensive questionnaire survey and a lot of interviews in several cities in Middle China, as well as comparing with urbanization pathways in the coastal China, we conclude 3 new characteristics of the RMIU. First, the county-level central cities have become the main attractive places for hosting returning migrants, where is the first choice for a large share of returning migrants. This is due to abundant job opportunities, good public service, better education resources, good living condition and lower living expenses. Unlike their elder generation returning from coastal areas who become peasants again, the new returning generation is still working in non-agricultural fields, both in manufacturing industries and tertiary sector. Second, many “pendular populations” are existing in counties and county-level cities, which means people working in cities, but living in countryside. Therefore, this is a centripetal urbanization featured as the strong county proper, which is much different from urbanization process in coastal China, such as exo-urbanization, urbanization from below, peri-urbanization, in situ urbanization. Third, the prefectural cities are also an important option for returning migrants for living and working, especially for those people with better economic condition. RMIU is a new phenomenon recently occurring in middle China, which is totally different from urbanization pathways in eastern China. Regarding the driving forces behind the process of RMIU, the shift of manufacturing industries from developed coastal areas to middle China is a main contributor, which creating a lot of job opportunities for returning people. With such shift, many floating persons who once worked in coastal cities are returning their hometown or nearby cities for living and working. The kinship social network facilities such trend of migrant return, as they must solve their problems of kids’ education and the eldly care. So, economic factors are not the very important force underlying the current wave of returning migrants. In addition, some of them start up business in their hometowns, with market experiences and skills getting from the coastal China. This induces the endogenous development in Middle China. Finally, some policy implementations are highlighted, including rural revitalization, urbanization policy and urban transition.
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