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申悦1,, 柴彦威2,
1. 华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心,上海 200062
2. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871

Space-time flexibility of daily activities and gender differences: A case study of Beijing

SHENYue1,, CHAIYanwei2,
1. The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
2. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
通讯作者:通讯作者:柴彦威(1964-), 男, 甘肃会宁人, 教授, 博导, 主要研究方向为时间地理学、社会地理学、城市与区域规划。E-mail: chyw@pku.edu.cn
基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目(41501180, 41529101, 41571144)教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地基金项目(16JJD790012)
-->作者简介:申悦(1987-), 女, 上海人, 博士, 讲师, 主要研究方向为城市社会地理学与行为地理学。E-mail: shenyue0519@163.com



During the social and economic transition process, the urban structure of China's cities has changed dramatically and residents' behavior has become more complicated. Against this background, the space-time behavior approach has become an important perspective through which to understand urban space in China. Space-time fixity and flexibility have been recognized as important concepts in transportation, human geography and feminist geography, as they reflect the space-time constraints and opportunities of people and influence their access and mobility in important ways, but the direct empirical studies to date are far from sufficient. Gender differentiation is a key issue and an important perspective in urban studies. Many studies of Western countries have found that women experience more fixity constraints than men, which leads to lower accessibility to job opportunities. However, gender differences of space-time fixity and flexibility in China, where the different institutional, social, economic and cultural background might lead to different results, are still not clear.
This paper takes temporal and spatial flexibilities as the objects of research, and examines how individual, household and activity attributes impact them from a gender differentiation perspective. Activity-travel diaries and 7-day GPS tracking data of 709 respondents in the Shangdi-Qinghe area of Beijing from a 2012 activity-travel survey are used, and temporal and spatial flexibilities are measured with the respondents' self-reported information. Firstly, we analyze the flexibility levels of individuals' activities by activity type and gender using descriptive statistics. Then, ordered logit models are used to investigate the relationships between space-time flexibility and attributes of individual, household and activity, and how these relationships vary between males and females.
The results show that temporal and spatial flexibility levels vary significantly among different activities, individuals and households, with activity type being a key factor. Chinese females do not perceive significantly stronger fixity constraints than males, as existing empirical studies of Western countries found. In fact, the activities of females are more flexible in China, which reflects different divisions of responsibilities and conceptions of intergenerational assistance in Chinese households. The relationship between temporal flexibility and spatial flexibility is quite complex, and the interaction of the two dimensions of flexibility and its impacts on space-time accessibility needs more attention. This study of space-time flexibility reflects the complexity and potential characteristics of residents' behavior, and helps us get a better understanding of the mechanism of people's decision-making and cities’ operation. It also provides empirical evidence for relevant planning and policy making.

Keywords:space-time constraints;space-time flexibility;gender differences;behavioral space;Beijing

PDF (752KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章
申悦, 柴彦威. 基于性别比较的北京城市居民活动的时空弹性研究[J]. 地理学报, 2017, 72(12): 2214-2225 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201712007
SHEN Yue, CHAI Yanwei. Space-time flexibility of daily activities and gender differences: A case study of Beijing[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017, 72(12): 2214-2225 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201712007

1 研究背景与问题意识

本文在对于时空制约与时空弹性的概念和已有研究进行梳理的基础上,从性别比较的视角出发,对居民日常活动的时空弹性特征及其影响因素进行分析。基于北京市上地—清河地区全球定位系统(Global Positioning System, GPS)与活动日志相结合的居民一周活动与出行数据,利用其中由被调查者汇报的活动在时间和空间上的可变程度作为对活动时空弹性的测度。在对不同性别、不同活动的时空弹性进行描述性统计和比较的基础上,利用次序Logit模型,分析个人及家庭社会经济属性、活动属性对于活动时空弹性的影响,以及这种影响的性别差异性。通过理解居民活动的时空弹性来理解时空间行为的复杂性,进而透视中国城市空间及其重构。

2 活动时空弹性的内涵与已有研究

2.1 概念的起源与发展:从时空制约到时空弹性


2.2 时空弹性的研究意义

对于个体而言,活动的时空弹性反映了人们受到的时空制约以及拥有的机会,在一定程度上决定了个体的移动能力与时空可达性;同时,时空弹性也反映了个体的生活质量,社会福利的目标在于减少人们所面临的时空间制约以增加人的时空弹性,而不同人群时空可达性和时空弹性的差异则可以用来揭示社会公平等问题[11, 15, 20]。对于交通研究及交通规划,活动的时空固定性/弹性是交通模拟中的重要参数,而已有研究多通过活动类型或出行目的来判断活动是固定的或弹性的[21-23];近年来,交通研究具有从基于汇总方法的研究,到基于非汇总的方法对于交通行为固定性的研究,再到基于非汇总的方法对于交通行为的不确定性研究的趋势,对于活动的关注也更加侧重对弹性和不确定性的正面研究[24]。对于城市规划与管理,活动时空弹性的研究能够为弹性通勤,远程办公等城市策略的完善提供依据,缓解交通拥堵等城市问题,促使城市运行更加智慧、高效。

2.3 时空弹性的已有研究

尽管活动的时空固定性和弹性具有重要的研究意义,然而国内外对于其正面的研究仍比较有限。对于时空弹性的测度方式,由于相关数据的获取将给被调查者带来极大的负担,在早期的研究以及需要对问题进行简化的交通模拟或可达性测度的研究中,多由研究者根据活动类型进行“客观的”界定,这种界定通常采用二元性的分类方法,将工作、睡眠等视为固定性活动,将购物、休闲等视为弹性活动[21, 23]。随着****们慢慢意识到弹性程度的差异性,有****开始用一段时间内居民行为的差异性来揭示活动的时空弹性[25-26],而事实上这种差异性所反映的是行为的复杂性和不确定性,并不能完全揭示活动在时间和空间上能够改变的难易程度。近年来,个体时空间行为调查技术不断发展,与定位技术、互联网等手段的结合使得居民时空弹性数据的可获取性增强,****们开始采用由被调查者汇报的活动弹性程度的数据进行研究[27-28]。这种由受访者主观感知并进行汇报的活动弹性测度更加贴近时间地理学中的界定,即活动发生前就存在的潜在的可能性特征,是隐藏在活动背后的隐性属性,对居民日常活动的组织与安排具有重要的影响。
在活动时空弹性的影响因素方面,受到较多关注的是活动类型、开始时间、持续时长、同伴等活动属性,如已有研究指出早上发生、持续时间较长、惯常性的活动在时空间中较为固定[18]。也有****从微观个体出发,探索社会经济属性对居民活动时空弹性的影响,如性别、职业特征、家庭结构等[27]。随着信息与通信技术的发展,手机或互联网的利用对活动时空制约和时空弹性的影响也受到****们的关注[19, 29]

2.4 时空弹性的性别差异


3 数据与研究方法

3.1 研究数据与案例地区

本文选取北京上地—清河地区作为研究案例。该地区位于北京市海淀区中东部、北五环与北六环之间,共约16 km2,常住人口约24万、就业人口约14万,覆盖了传统工业区、新兴产业开发区以及单位社区、政策性住房社区、商品房社区、城中村等多种建设年代和开发模式的居住区,是北京西北部大型综合性边缘组团、重要的郊区就业中心与居住组团(图1)。过境的高速公路、城铁将上地—清河地区与邻近的城市功能组团(如中关村城市就业中心、回龙观巨型社区等)以及中心城区相连,为地区带来巨大的过境交通流。此外,在北京上地—清河地区就业的职工大多不具有在本地区购房的能力,同时部分居住在本地区的居民在中心城区或其他地区就业,职住空间错位的现状进一步加剧了地区交通压力。本地区作为北京郊区快速城市化地区与交通流节点,具有较好的典型性与研究价值。
-->Fig. 1Location of Shangdi-Qinghe area of Beijing

本文选取活动日志中由被调查者进行主观评估并汇报的活动弹性数据,即将每个活动在时间和空间上可以调整的难易程度分别作为活动的时间弹性和空间弹性的测度指标。在原始问卷中,参考国外已有调查和研究[27, 30],采取了不可调整、比较难调整、一般、比较容易调整、可随意调整五个等级的测度,为了便于统计,本文分别对时间弹性和空间弹性赋予-2至2的值,活动的时间弹性或空间弹性值越大,表示弹性越强,活动在时间或空间上越容易调整。活动类型方面,本文将活动类型汇总为个人事务、家庭事务、工作与教育、购物、休闲娱乐、社交活动与其他七类。

3.2 样本社会经济属性

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Socio-economic characteristics and gender differences of samples


3.3 居民活动时空弹性的基本特征

以每个活动为统计单元,对居民活动时空弹性的基本特征进行统计,并基于性别对样本的弹性特征进行方差分析(表2)。在有效样本的活动中,时间弹性的有效活动样本数为26261个,空间弹性的有效活动样本数为26189个。从样本总体的特征看,活动的时间弹性强于空间弹性,各类活动均表现为在时间上更容易调整;不同类型活动的时空弹性差异非常显著,具体表现为工作和家务活动在时间和空间上较为固定,购物、休闲和社交活动弹性相对较强。在活动时空弹性的性别差异方面,女性活动的时间弹性相对较强,活动空间弹性的性别差异在统计上不显著。具体分不同的活动类型考虑,个人事务、家务、社交活动时间弹性的性别差异相对显著,而家务活动空间弹性的性别差异较为显著,即相对于男性,女性的家务活动在时间和空间上均比较容易调整,而女性的个人事务和社交活动在时间上比较容易调整。以上结果与西方研究背景下女性受到更多时空制约的结论存在一定的差异[27, 30],一方面女性的活动表现出较强的时间弹性,另一方面,对于相同类型的活动,女性也倾向于具有更强的时空弹性,此特征在家务活动中表现的尤为突出。
Tab. 2
Tab. 2Temporal and spatial flexibility of activities and gender differences of samples


3.4 次序Logit模型

为进一步探讨居民活动时空弹性的影响机理,以及不同因素影响的性别差异,考虑到时空弹性指标具有定序变量的特征,本文采取次序Logit模型(Ordered Logit Model, OLM)对居民活动的时间弹性和空间弹性进行拟合。此模型建立在随机效用模型的基础上,居民面临 J种选择时选择 j或高于 j选项的累积概率为:
随机效用函数中 βj为选项 j的系数向量,其取值取决于向量 zij=[wi,pi,xij]。被解释变量为活动的时间弹性和空间弹性,时间弹性不可调整、比较难调整、一般、比较容易调整、可随意调整五个等级的样本比例分别为23.8%、14.7%、20.6%、21.4%、10.6%;空间弹性五个等级的样本比例分别为47.1%、14.2%、15.1%、9.4%、5.1%。解释变量包括个人与家庭社会经济属性 wi、活动属性 pi,而且包括随着选择 j变化而变化的选项属性 xij。本文在分析个人与家庭社会经济属性、活动属性对于活动时空弹性影响的基础上,重点关注各因素影响的性别差异,因此在自变量中引入性别和各自变量的交叉项,对性别和其他因素加以综合考虑。

4 活动时空弹性的影响机理及其性别差异

Tab. 3
Tab. 3Ordered logit models results of spatial and temporal flexibility
低收入(< 2000元)0.174***0.138***活动特征交互项女性*开始时间-0.008***0.002
高收入(> 6000元)-0.349***-0.117**女性*持续时长0.014*0.029***


4.1 个人属性对时空弹性具有影响,此影响存在显著的性别差异


4.2 家庭属性对时空弹性的影响反映了家庭责任分工和资源分配特征


4.3 活动类型是时空弹性的决定性因素,活动的时空特征也具有显著性影响


5 结论与讨论

5.1 结论


5.2 讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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<p>20世纪90年代中期以来,中国城镇劳动力市场结构发生了巨大的变化,女性的劳动参与率大幅下降。本研究利用1995和2002年&ldquo;中国城镇居民收入调查&rdquo;数据,检验了教育获得、家庭责任(婚姻和子女)和家庭经济状况三项个人或家庭因素对女性就业决策的影响以及它们效应的变化情况。研究发现,在1995年至2002年间,教育的正面效应变小,即教育对女性就业的影响力下降,但婚姻和家庭经济状况对女性就业的影响力上升。对照1995年, 2002年时家庭收入高的已婚妇女更有可能不工作,表明这是城镇女性就业决策走向理性化的一个过程。另外,作者并不认同&ldquo;沮丧的工人&rdquo;观点,认为失去正式工作的低收入家庭女性因生活所迫更可能进入非正式劳动力市场继续就业,而不是对再就业失去信心而永久退出劳动。</p>
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<p>20世纪90年代中期以来,中国城镇劳动力市场结构发生了巨大的变化,女性的劳动参与率大幅下降。本研究利用1995和2002年&ldquo;中国城镇居民收入调查&rdquo;数据,检验了教育获得、家庭责任(婚姻和子女)和家庭经济状况三项个人或家庭因素对女性就业决策的影响以及它们效应的变化情况。研究发现,在1995年至2002年间,教育的正面效应变小,即教育对女性就业的影响力下降,但婚姻和家庭经济状况对女性就业的影响力上升。对照1995年, 2002年时家庭收入高的已婚妇女更有可能不工作,表明这是城镇女性就业决策走向理性化的一个过程。另外,作者并不认同&ldquo;沮丧的工人&rdquo;观点,认为失去正式工作的低收入家庭女性因生活所迫更可能进入非正式劳动力市场继续就业,而不是对再就业失去信心而永久退出劳动。</p>
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The space-time Of time geographical framework is a powerful perspective from which to analyse human behaviour. One of the central concepts in this framework is the space-time prism, which models individual accessibility to an environment. In this paper, the derivation and manipulation of space-time prism concepts within a geographical information system (GIS) are discussed. The required system inputs and desired outputs are identified and a generic GIS based procedure is presented Given these basic requirements, issues are discussed which can determine the feasibility of current GIS technology to handle the derivation of space-time prism concepts.
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[15]Weber J, Kwan M-P.Evaluating the effects of geographic contexts on individual accessibility: A multilevel approach
. Urban Geography, 2003, 24(8): 647-671.
https://doi.org/10.2747/0272-3638.24.8.647URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Centrality within a city and neighborhood characteristics have often been used as indicators of access to employment and services in statements about urban form and accessibility, but there are reasons to question the appropriateness of doing so. This paper evaluates the importance of geographic context within the urban environment (both location within cities as well as neighborhoods characteristics) for individuals in Portland, Oregon. Because conventional accessibility measures cannot incorporate individual characteristics, space-time individual accessibility measures were used with multilevel modeling to isolate the effects of individual level variations from that of geographical context. The results show that the influence of context on individual accessibility is weak, as accessibility tends to reflect individual and household characteristics rather than the local urban environment. Accessibility cannot be determined from location within cities, or from land uses around an individual's home, implying that the use of urban design to influence accessibility is inappropriate.
[16]Shen Yue, Chai Yanwei.Study on commuting flexibility of residents based on GPS data: A case study of suburban mega-communities in Beijing
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012, 67(6): 733-744.
https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201206002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[申悦, 柴彦威. 基于GPS数据的城市居民通勤弹性研究: 以北京市郊区巨型社区为例
. 地理学报, 2012, 67(6): 733-744.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201206002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[17]Cullen I, Godson V, Mayor S.The structure of activity patterns//Wilson A G. Patterns and Processes in Urban and Regional Systems. London:
Pion Ltd., 1972.
[本文引用: 1]
[18]Cullen I, Godson V.Urban networks: The structure of activity patterns
. Progress in Planning, 1975, 4(1): 1-96.
https://doi.org/10.1016/0305-9006(75)90006-9URL [本文引用: 2]
[19]Schwanen T, Kwan M-P.The Internet, mobile phone and space-time constraints
. Geoforum, 2008, 39(3): 1058-1078.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2007.11.005URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
While the implications of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for daily travel and activities have been studied extensively, there is only scant attention paid to the relations between ICTs and space-time constraints. This study therefore explores the extent to which the Internet and mobile phone increase the spatial and temporal flexibility of everyday activities through a review of the literature and empirical research with data from Columbus (Ohio, USA) and Utrecht (The Netherlands). The analysis suggests that the implications of the Internet and mobile phone are complex and dependent on the type of activity, persons involved, technologies and socio-physical context in which they are embedded. Various regularities can, however, be detected. For the study participants, the Internet and mobile phone relax temporal constraints to a stronger degree than they enhance spatial flexibility. There are also space-time constraints that seem to persist or have come about because of ICT adoption. Finally, it appears that the Internet and mobile phone at best consolidate differences between men and women in the space-time constraints associated with everyday activities.
[20]Neutens T, Schwanen T, Witlox F, et al.Evaluating the temporal organization of public service provision using space-time accessibility analysis
. Urban Geography, 2010, 31: 1039-1064.
https://doi.org/10.2747/0272-3638.31.8.1039URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In recent years, there has been increasing awareness about the impact of urban time policies on the quality of people's everyday lives. However, within the urban planning field, evaluations of public service delivery have primarily focused on the spatial rather than the temporal organization of public service facilities. This study tries to fill this gap by using space-time accessibility analysis to explore the extent to which changes in open hours affect the social equity of service provision. To this end an accessibility model is implemented and employed in a case study of public service provision in the urban area of Ghent, Belgium. Our analysis not only demonstrates that access to public services exhibits substantial hour-to-hour and day-to-day variations, but it also shows that individuals with certain personal and household attributes are affected differently by changes to the temporal regime of public service facilities.
[21]Jones P M, Dix M C, Clarke M I, et al.Understanding Travel Behavior. Aldershot: Gower Publishing Co. Ltd., l983. [本文引用: 2]
[22]Timmermans H, Arentze J.Analysing space-time behaviour: New approaches to old problems
. Progress in Human Geography, 2002, 26(2): 175-190.
Time geography had led geographers to analyse and model activity-travel patterns since the 1970s. The notion that activity-travel patterns are highly constrained has been frequently used in analytical studies and models of space-time behaviour. The popularity of this field of research lost most of its momentum in geography in the 1990s, but is now the dominant approach among civil engineers in transportation research. This paper critically reviews these developments. It briefly summarizes recent developments in space-time research, focusing on empirical and modelling studies. Potential strengths and weakness of the various modelling approaches are discussed
[23]Schwanen T, Dijst M.Time windows in workers' activity patterns: Empirical evidence from the Netherlands
. Transportation, 2003, 30(3): 261-283.
https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1023905020890URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
This paper assumes that activities at the home and work location are important determinants of individuals' paths through time and space. Fixed activities at these locations determine to a large extent the duration and timing of time windows blocks of time available for participation in travel and out-of-home non-work activities. Taking the time spent at home and at the workplace as a starting point, this paper classifies activity patterns on workdays into six groups with distinct home- and work-stay patterns. For this, data are used from the 1998 Netherlands National Travel Survey. The six clusters vary in terms of the duration and timing of time windows and some of the differences can be explained by commute characteristics, types of non-work activities performed, workers' sociodemographic attributes, and their spatiotemporal environment. However, the impact of sociodemographic and spatiotemporal variables on cluster membership is shown to be weak.
[24]Rasouli S, Timmermans H.Uncertainty in travel demand forecasting models: Literature review and research agenda
. Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, 2012, 4(4): 55-73.
https://doi.org/10.3328/TL.2012.04.01.55-73URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Reasoning why uncertainty analysis will become important in years to come, this paper reviews prior work on uncertainty analysis in travel demand forecasting. Different sources of uncertainty are discussed. Studies examining these various sources of uncertainty are summarized differentiating between four step models, discrete choice models and activity-based models of travel demand. Next, gaps in the literature and avenues of future research are systematically discussed with a special focus on complex activity-based models. The paper is completed with some concluding comments.
[25]Doherty S T.Should we abandon activity type analysis? Redefining activities by their salient attributes
. Transportation, 2006, 33(6): 517-536.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-006-0001-9URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper poses a challenge and begins a search. The challenge is to reconsider the usefulness of traditional activity types (“work”, “shopping”, etc.) in the understanding and modelling of travel behaviour. The search is for the more salient attributes of activities that may serve to better explain complex travel behaviours—such as activity scheduling and tour formation. In particular, this paper focuses on explicit measures of the spatial, temporal and interpersonal flexibility of activities, along with several traditional attributes (frequency, duration, involved persons, travel time, and location). Data from a recent in-depth week-long activity scheduling survey was used to define and compare these attributes. Results show that considerable variability in the attributes between and within traditional activity groups is evident. This casts considerable uncertainty on assumptions that statically assign levels of spatial, temporal, and interpersonal flexibility to any given activity type. A Principal Components Analysis further revealed eight new distinct clusters of activities that share like attributes. The relative role of each attribute in each component is examined, and subjective interpretations emerged (e.g., “Long and frequent”, “Space and time flexible” “Social networking”). The implications of these results for future model development and research are discussed. Future research should continue to expand the search for salient attributes and link them more directly to decision processes.
[26]Shen Y, Kwan M-P, Chai Y.Investigating commuting flexibility with GPS data and 3D geovisualization: A case study of Beijing, China
. Journal of Transport Geography, 2013, 32: 1-11.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2013.07.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Using the notion of commuting flexibility, this paper investigates the intra-personal day-to-day variability and flexibility of commuting behavior using a 7-day GPS dataset collected in Beijing, China. Four dimensions of commuting variability are evaluated: space, time, travel mode, and travel route. The results indicate that the commute trip is flexible and complex in a variety of ways. Through 3D geovisualizations we were able to identify seven distinctive commuting patterns based on different combinations of the four dimensions of commuting flexibility. The results call into question the common presupposition that the commute trip is stable and fixed in many respects. Among the four dimensions of commuting flexibility, we found that variation or flexibility in time is more common than variation in the other three dimensions of commuting flexibility. This means that temporal adjustment for coping with commute problems is likely to be the most feasible option for suburban residents in Beijing.
[27]Schwanen T, Kwan M-P, Ren F.How fixed is fixed? Gendered rigidity of space-time constraints and geographies of everyday activities
. Geoforum, 2008, 39(6): 2109-2121.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2008.09.002URL [本文引用: 5]摘要
The space–time fixity constraint that binds activities to specific times and places has long been considered an important concept in transportation, feminist and communication geography. However, only few studies to date have directly examined differences in the space–time fixity of everyday activities, and the knowledge of how the context of activity participation affects space–time fixity is even more limited. Using space–time diary data from Columbus (Ohio, USA) and multilevel models, we investigate how variations in fixity levels are associated with activity type, other activity attributes, and the personal, household and geographical background of the person pursuing the activity. We consider whether these associations differ between men and women to understand better how space–time constraints operate differently in the everyday lives of men and women. The results suggest that context matters: fixity levels depend not just on activity type but also on when, where, for how long, with whom an activity is conducted, as well as on the background of the person initiating the activity, and some of these effects differ systematically between men and women. Implications of the findings for academic research and public policies are also discussed.
[28]Shen Y, Chai Y, Kwan M-P.Space-time fixity and flexibility of daily activities and the built environment: A case study of different types of communities in Beijing suburbs
. Journal of Transport Geography, 2015, 47: 90-99.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2015.06.014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Space–time fixity constraint is an important concept in transport geography, but the influence of the built environment around both people’s residence and activity locations is not clear. Due to the housing reform and rapid suburbanization in China, various types of residential communities and diverse built environments coexist in the suburbs. Comparing how people’s space–time fixity/flexibility varies among different community types and built environments can thus enhance our understanding of the transition process in Chinese cities. This study investigates how space–time fixity/flexibility and their relationships with the built environment vary among different types of residential communities in Beijing suburbs. Activity-travel diary and 7-day GPS tracking data of 709 respondents in Shangdi-Qinghe area of Beijing collected in 2012 were used. We investigate how variations in space–time flexibility are associated with built environment factors and four different community types: danwei communities, commodity housing communities, affordable housing communities and relocated housing communities, controlling for personal, household and activity attributes. The results suggest the influences of the built environments at residential place and activity place are different, and the relationships between space–time fixity and the built environments of different community types are different. Space–time fixity is not so sensitive to the built environment for residents in danwei communities and affordable housing communities. Gender and age differences in space–time fixity are not consistent with what was observed in Western countries. This seems to reflect the influence of unique social, cultural and family norms in China.
[29]Kwan M-P.Mobile communications, social networks, and urban travel: Hypertext as a new metaphor for conceptualizing spatial interaction
. The Professional Geographer, 2007, 59(4): 434-446.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9272.2007.00633.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The widespread use of mobile communications is leading to new practices in family life and social life, and these changes have significant implications for the study of urban travel. Because of the adoption of new modes of space-time coordination, changing time use and increasing mobility, changing use of existing urban nodes, the blurring of boundaries between home and work, the importance of social networks and social capital, and the shift to person-to-person connectivity, the spatial structure and processes of interaction among individuals have become much more complicated in this age of mobile communications. Static spatial frameworks based on fixed points (e.g., home or workplace) and distances among them are no longer adequate for understanding urban travel. The study of urban travel now needs new conceptualizations and new methodologies.
[30]Kwan M-P.Gender differences in space-time constraints
. Area, 2000, 32(2): 145-156.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-4762.2000.tb00125.xURL [本文引用: 3]摘要
This study explores gender differences in space-time constraints and their impact on women's and men's activity-travel patterns from a time-geographic perspective. Using a travel diary data set collected in Columbus, Ohio (USA), the time-budget and fixity constraints of three population subgroups are examined. This paper concludes that space-time constraints have a significant impact on individual's activity-travel patterns.
[31]Schwanen T.Gender differences in chauffeuring children among dual-earner families
. The Professional Geographer, 2007, 59(4): 447-463.
[本文引用: 1]
[32]Halford S.Collapsing the boundaries? Fatherhood, organization and homeworking
. Gender, Work and Organization, 2006, 13(4): 384-402.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0432.2006.00313.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In the modern western world, the discursive construction of fatherhood and everyday fathering practices has been underpinned by the spatial separation of work from home, of public from private. However, increasing numbers of employees are now working from home and a disproportionate number of these are men with young children. This article draws on new empirical research to examine the implications for fathers and for organizations as home-working disrupts earlier spatial configurations of fatherhood and fathering practices. The article concludes that as the spatial boundaries between home and work collapse, new accommodations between fatherhood/fathering and organization are emerging. However, these are underpinned by a traditional gender division of labour in the household. More broadly, these findings confirm the inadequacy of static distinctions between public and private, showing that while such distinctions are still used to mark space and time, this is relational, contingent and unstable.
相关话题/空间 城市 就业 人口 社会