

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

塔娜1,2, 柴彦威3
1. 华东师范大学地理信息科学教育部重点实验室,上海 200241
2. 华东师范大学地理科学学院,上海 200241
3. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871

Spatial dilemma of suburban low-income residents: An analysis of behavior space among different income groups

TANa1,2, CHAIYanwei3
1. Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science (Ministry of Education), East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
2. School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
3. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
通讯作者:柴彦威(1964-), 男, 甘肃会宁人, 教授, 博导, 主要研究方向为时间地理学、社会地理学、城市与区域规划。E-mail:chyw@pku.edu.cn
基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目(41529101, 41571144, 40601159)
-->作者简介:塔娜(1986-), 女, 内蒙古包头人, 副研究员, 中国地理学会会员(S110008312M), 主要研究方向为城市社会地理学与行为地理学。E-mail:tanapku@gmail.com



How low-income residents suffer from spatial inequality has attracted significant attention in urban geography and urban planning. Although most research related to this question has addressed spatial segregation and spatial dilemmas in the context of residential neighborhoods, an increasing number of studies have focused on inequality in daily activity and travel behaviors. Particularly in a modern society with high mobility, behavior space is believed to be a good index for measuring spatial inequality among different social groups. In this paper, we use a behavior space approach to study spatial inequality among income groups. The study area is Shangdi-Qinghe, which is an inner suburban region with mixed social groups and neighborhoods. Using a GPS-facilitated activity diary completed in Beijing in 2012, we calculate individuals' daily potential path areas and activity spaces by using network analysis tools and minimum polygon tools in ArcGIS 10.2. We compare the sizes of daily potential path areas and activity spaces among income groups and find that compared with other social groups, low-income residents have smaller daily potential path areas and smaller activity spaces. This result indicates that such residents suffer from both an accessibility dilemma and disadvantages in mobility. By constructing a regression model, we find that socio-economy, urban form and activity factors have significant impact on behavior spaces. Middle- and low-income single residents have relatively small daily potential path areas and activity spaces. Women, older residents, and those who do not live in danwei neighborhoods and residents who work in local areas have relatively small activity spaces. Activity space and daily potential path area are both positively related to facility density around one's home, while activity space is negatively related to facility density around one's workplace. Residents who live far from railway stations and work near railway stations have relatively small activity spaces. Working hours have a significant negative impact on both daily potential path area and activity space. Space-time constraints significantly affect daily potential path area. Certain planning applications of these findings are discussed.

Keywords:time geography;daily potential path area;activity space;group differentiation;Beijing

PDF (1779KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章
塔娜, 柴彦威. 基于收入群体差异的北京典型郊区低收入居民的行为空间困境[J]. , 2017, 72(10): 1776-1786 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201710004
TA Na, CHAI Yanwei. Spatial dilemma of suburban low-income residents: An analysis of behavior space among different income groups[J]. 地理学报, 2017, 72(10): 1776-1786 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201710004

1 引言

在时间地理学和行为地理学的理论基础上,国外研究一般分别采用潜在活动空间和实际活动空间分析行为空间。潜在活动空间衡量个体在一定时空制约下能够达到的最大空间范围[15-16],代表个体日常生活中的时空可达性。现有研究发现,性别、就业状况、时空制约强度、社区建成环境都会对潜在活动空间产生影响[15, 17-18],但是对不同收入群体的时空可达性研究不足[19]。实际活动空间是个体在日常活动过程中所经过的所有地点的集合[20],是用来描述个体对城市空间的利用情况和移动能力。已有研究发现,收入水平、性别、年龄、社区建成环境、工作时间等都会对实际活动空间产生影响[13, 21-24],但是收入水平对实际活动空间的影响存在争议。潜在活动空间与实际活动空间分别度量了个体的时空可达性与实际利用空间的水平[25],代表了行为空间的两个侧面,对于衡量低收入群体受到的空间困境与社会排斥都具有重要的意义。但是,由于数据和方法的限制,现有研究往往仅单独分析潜在活动空间或实际活动空间。另外,现有研究仅关注了西方汽车出行背景下的行为空间[15, 24],并且对于“低收入居民行为空间更小”这一研究结论存在争议[13, 17, 21-24]。因此,本文将以北京市近郊为案例,结合潜在活动空间和实际活动空间,综合衡量不同收入居民的行为空间特征,贡献于基于行为空间的低收入居民空间困境研究。
相比而言,国内****更加关注不同收入群体的行为特征差异。研究发现:随着保障性住房向城市边缘的集中,低收入群体面临着日益严重的职住空间不匹配,通勤距离远高于城市平均水平[26-31];低收入群体的工作时间长、休闲时间短,特别是休息日的家外休闲活动较少,而且以近家型休闲为主,表现出活动时间的破碎化[32-35];低收入群体往往汽车出行比例更低、非工作出行距离更短,日常出行面临着严重的制约[23, 25-26]。总体而言,相比于其他群体,低收入者面临着更多的时空制约,导致其在移动性和可达性上的劣势。但是,目前的研究主要集中于出行行为,而正面分析低收入居民行为空间的研究比较少,因此难以解释低收入居民行为空间的现状及其影响因素。

2 研究区域与数据

2.1 研究区域概况

本文选取北京市近郊上地—清河地区作为研究案例。案例地区位于北京市西北近郊,紧邻北五环,共约16 km2,常住人口约24万(图1)。该地区是北京市快速发展的近郊地域之一,也是北京市疏散中心城区人口的重要居住组团。人口构成多样、居住空间复杂,包括了单位社区、城中村、保障性住房、普通商品房、高端商品房等多种类型社区。
-->Fig. 1Locations of the Shangdi-Qinghe area

2.2 研究数据

根据研究目的和调查数据情况,本文按照如下要求筛选样本。首先,要求所选样本为有就业的年龄在20~60岁之间的社区居民。其次,将活动日志数据与GPS轨迹在ArcGIS 10.2中进行关联,选择活动日志完整、轨迹质量较好的样本。再次,为便于潜在活动空间的计算,选择完整填写每天活动弹性评价并至少有两个固定活动的样本。根据筛选条件,最终得到243名样本组成本研究的基础数据库。其中,有效样本基本情况如表1所示。女性略多于男性,平均年龄为36岁,87%的居民有北京户口,85%以上的居民拥有大专或以上学历。87%的居民拥有自己的住房,61%的居民家中有小汽车。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Respondent characteristics
个人月收入(元)≤ 20003012.50


3 行为空间的测量

3.1 潜在活动空间的测量

潜在活动空间作为居民时空可达性的测量指标[25, 36],是居民固定活动之间的时空棱柱在二维平面上的投影的面积(图2)。已有研究对于潜在活动空间的算法进行了大量的探索,从基于几何学算法的标准椭圆测量逐渐发展到基于路网距离的GIS时空可达性地理计算[17]。已有国内外研究主要关注汽车出行的时空可达性,并在算法中不断加入路网结构、出行速度、最大出行距离等空间因素和设施开放时间、最小活动时间等时间因素的考量[16-17, 37-38],直到近期部分研究才开始考虑基于公共交通的时空可达性[39]。本文在Kim等[17]2003年算法的基础上,结合本文调查数据的特点,综合考虑汽车、公共交通和步行等多种出行方式,进行整日时空可达性的计算。
-->Fig. 2Model of potential path area

潜在活动空间的计算需要考虑个体活动与出行的关系。其中一些活动在时间和空间上难以改变,可以称之为固定活动,例如工作活动。这些活动会对其他活动的参与(可以称之为弹性活动)产生决定性的影响。因此,个体的时空可达性会受到固定活动之间的时间预算和出行能力的制约[17-18]。本文采用时间固定性和空间固定性的主观评判作为固定活动的划分标准。在问卷中采用五级量表的形式询问居民每一个活动的时间和地点是否可以改变,1为非常容易改变,2为比较容易改变,3是一般,4是比较难以改变,5是很难改变。将时间固定性和空间固定性都≥ 4的活动作为固定活动,将两个固定活动之间的时间作为自由活动时间Total_F(图2)。
在自由活动时间内个体能够到达的区域就称之为一次潜在活动空间(也称为潜在路径区域,Potential Path Area, PPA)(图2)。PPA的面积一般比居民实际到达的空间大得多,因为它包含了居民在一定时空制约下可能到达的所有路线和地点[18]。将居民一天内所有的PPA进行空间叠加,得到的区域就是居民整日的潜在活动空间(Daily Potential Path Area, DPPA)[17-18]
本文采用ArcGIS 10.2的路网分析进行DPPA计算,具体算法如图3所示:① 计算自由活动时间预算Total_F。② 按照车辆拥有情况,假定居民会选择最快的交通方式,即有车的居民使用汽车出行、没有车的居民选择公共交通出行,并按照高峰时段设定出行速度。根据2013年北京交通发展报告,汽车早高峰(7:00-9:00)平均速度为26.0 km/h,晚高峰(17:00-19:00)为23.5 km/h,其他时间按45 km/h,地铁公交等高峰平均速度为15 km/h,其他时间按25 km/h。③ 根据两个固定活动的地理坐标,用ArcGIS的network analysis tool计算两个活动的最短路网距离Short_D。④ 根据活动分析法,居民的交通出行是由活动需求引致的。因此,假定居民进行弹性活动的最短时间Total_A为30 min,那么自由活动时间Total_F = 出行时间Total_T +活动时间Total_A,计算所有固定活动之间的出行时间。⑤ 设置一个最大出行时间界限MAX,根据北京市交研中心报告,汽车出行设置为90 min,公交出行设置为120 min,如果Total_T ≥ MAX,将MAX设为总出行时间,按照总出行时间计算可能的出行距离Total_T×speed = Total_D。⑥ 进行判别,如果Total_D ≤ Short_D,说明这段时间不可能完成自由活动,运算结束;如果可以完成自由活动,则开始计算PPA。⑦ 按照公用设施k来计算,用网络分析方法计算从ikkj的距离,找到ik+kj ≥ Short_D并且ik+kj ≤ Total_D的所有设施,用最小多边形方法计算包围这些节点的最小多边形面积为PPA,并将每个人一天的PPA进行空间叠加,得到DPPA。最终得到212个居民453天的不为零的DPPA。
-->Fig. 3Flow chart for calculating potential path area

3.2 实际活动空间的测量

对于实际活动空间的测量有多种方法,例如置信椭圆法、最小多边形法、密度插值法、最短路径分析法、缓冲区法等[13-14, 21-24, 40]。本文采用最小多边形方法进行计算:在ArcGIS中计算将居民整日所有GPS点包含在内的内角不超过180o的最小面积作为实际活动空间的范围。虽然此方法存在一些问题,比如可能超过个体日常活动的实际范围、多边形边缘区域的一些活动空间没有包含在内等[41];但是它展现了个体日常活动点的空间轮廓,因而被广泛用于实际活动空间的测量中。

3.3 案例分析

根据以上算法,选取一个在城市中心就业、使用汽车通勤的男性样本作为案例进行说明。该样本在周一共有3个自由活动时间,分别是:8:25-9:00从家到工作地,9:20-9:55在两段工作活动中出行,12:00-22:00下班回家(图4)。根据图3的计算流程,分别计算不同时段的PPA。首先该居民在早高峰开车上班,速度设为26 km/h,假定他要完成一个30 min的自由活动,那么总出行时间仅为5 min。使用网络分析计算他家到工作地的最短路径,发现最短路径大于假定条件下的出行距离,该居民在这个时间内无法完成自由活动。其次9:20-9:55之间,居民为非高峰汽车出行,按照出行速度设为45 km/h、出行时间5 min进行最短路径计算,发现出行距离大于最短距离,说明居民可以完成一个出行并进行自由活动,计算得到PPA1面积为24 km2。最后从12:00到22:00,该居民有10 h自由时间。按照时间中点选择非高峰汽车出行速度,并限制最大出行时间为120 min,计算得到PPA2面积为565 km2。之后在ArcGIS中使用空间叠加计算居民整日潜在活动空间DPPA面积,为565 km2。相应的计算该居民所有GPS点的最小凸多边形,得到实际活动空间面积13.75 km2
-->Fig. 4Case of behavior space calculation

4 不同收入群体的行为空间差异

-->Fig. 5Lorenz curve of behavior space

比较不同收入群体的行为空间差异,也反映了不平等特征。低收入居民的潜在活动空间和实际活动空间都低于中高收入居民(图6)。月收入在2000元以下的低收入群体平均潜在活动空间面积为951 km2而实际活动空间面积为20 km2,比月收入6000元以上的高收入群体分别少261 km2和13 km2
-->Fig. 6Differences in behavior space among income groups

-->Fig. 7Lorenz curve of behavior space by income group

5 行为空间的影响因素

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Regression models of behavior space


6 结论与讨论

(2)本文使用潜在活动空间和实际活动空间作为行为空间的两个维度。这两个概念来源于时间地理学对居民个体整日行为的描述,分别表达了个体行为的时空可达性和实际利用空间的能力[36]。本文利用ArcGIS 10.2的路网分析与最小多边形构建潜在活动空间算法,用最小多边形分析实际活动空间。需要指出的是,潜在活动空间和实际活动空间的度量方法有很多种,并且算法在不断的演化,力图逼近最真实的行为空间。本文的研究目的不在于方法的更新而是群体差异的比较,因此选择的是目前比较成熟的算法,并根据研究数据进行调整。特别是潜在活动空间的度量,由于没有考虑公共交通线路、营业时间等因素,可能造成计算出的潜在活动空间值偏大。
(3)本文发现不同收入群体在行为空间方面确实存在差异性,低收入居民表现出移动性和可达性上的劣势。城市社会转型对不同类型居民带来的影响存在差异,相比而言,低收入者更容易受到城市空间重构的负面影响[26-32]。一方面,低收入者就业能力较弱,往往从事生活服务业等,导致其就业空间选择能力有限。在郊区化的背景下,他们往往承受着长距离通勤[26, 28, 31],时空间制约强,参加非工作活动的时间预算少,导致他们潜在活动空间较小;另一方面,低收入者的出行强烈依赖于公共交通,导致其出行能力较弱。由于郊区公共交通建设不足,低收入者的日常活动往往集中在家附近[32],导致其实际活动空间更小。因此,构建职住平衡、功能混合、交通便捷的社区空间对于提升低收入居民的日常生活质量具有重要的意义。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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[5]Wang Yaping.Low-income communities and urban poverty in China.
Urban Geography, 2013, 26(3): 222-242.
https://doi.org/10.2747/0272-3638.26.3.222URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
This paper examines the social and economic impacts of market transition and structural adjustment policies in China. It studies the employment patterns and income levels in poor residential areas found in two inland cities鈥擲henyang and Chongqing. Household survey data collected in autumn 2000 was analyzed to determine the relationship among work, income, and household poverty during the transitional period. Low level of household income in poor areas was mainly caused by the particular local employment structure inherited from the old system. For many poor residents, market transition was not a smooth process and had resulted in unemployment, falling of income and living standards. A simple poverty-line-based assistance approach promoted by the government may help some of the very poor, but it is not enough to address the underlining causes of urban poverty.
[6]Liu Zhilin, Liao Lu, Niu Chenlin.Residential satisfaction of community social capital: An empirical study of middle and low income residents in urban Beijing.
Human Geography, 2015, 30(3): 21-27.
URL [本文引用: 1]

[刘志林, 廖露, 钮晨琳. 社区社会资本对居住满意度的影响: 基于北京市中低收入社区调查的实证分析
. 人文地理, 2015, 30(3): 21-27.]
URL [本文引用: 1]
[7]Li Xinyi, Li Zhigang.A study on residents' neighborhood interaction in affordable housing community of Guangzhou, China.
Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2015, 47(2): 108-114.

[李欣怡, 李志刚. 中国大城市保障性住房社区的“邻里互动”研究: 以广州为例
.华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 47(2): 108-114.]
[8]Saegert S, Winkel G, Swartz C.Social capital and crime in New York City's low-income housing.
Housing Policy Debate, 2002, 13(1): 189-226.
https://doi.org/10.1080/10511482.2002.9521439URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This article presents evidence that components of social capital can play a prospective role in preventing crime in low‐income housing. It develops a conceptual approach to crime prevention involving social capital, alternative forms of ownership, and environmental design considerations. The study compares five programs that house New York City's poorest, mostly minority residents. The effectiveness of social capital in preventing crime is assessed using data from surveys of 487 buildings in Brooklyn, NY, and crime data from the New York City Police Department. Results of the analysis indicate that three components of social capital—basic participation in tenant associations, tenant prosocial norms, and a building's formal organization—were all related to reducing various types of crime in the buildings under study 6 to 12 months after social capital was measured. The effectiveness of social capital was related to alternative ownership structures, building characteristics, and housing policy.
[9]Farber S, O' Kelly M, Miller HJ, et al. Measuring segregation using patterns of daily travel behavior: A social interaction based model of exposure.
Journal of Transport Geography, 2015, 49: 26-38.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2015.10.009URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Recent advances in transportation geography demonstrate the ability to compute a metropolitan scale metric of social interaction opportunities based on the time-geographic concept of joint accessibility . The method we put forward in this article decomposes the social interaction potential (SIP) metric into interactions within and between social groups, such as people of different race, income level, and occupation. This provides a novel metric of exposure, one of the fundamental spatial dimensions of segregation. In particular, the SIP metric is disaggregated into measures of inter-group and intra-group exposure. While activity spaces have been used to measure exposure in the geographic literature, these approaches do not adequately represent the dynamic nature of the target populations. We make the next step by representing both the source and target population groups by space–time prisms, thus more accurately representing spatial and temporal dynamics and constraints. Additionally, decomposition of the SIP metric means that each of the group-wise components of the SIP metric can be represented at zones of residence, workplace, and specific origin–destination pairs. Consequently, the spatial variation in segregation can be explored and hotspots of segregation and integration potential can be identified. The proposed approach is demonstrated for synthetic cities with different population distributions and daily commute flow characteristics, as well as for a case study of the Detroit–Warren–Livonia MSA.
[10]Li Fei, Wang Donggen. Measuring urban segregation based on individuals’ daily activity patterns: A multidimensional approach
. Environment and Planning A.2016. doi: 0308518X16673213.
This paper develops a methodology to measure urban segregation based on individuals0964 sociospatial experience of daily life. Since segregation can be considered as the isolation of people from those unlike themselves, its degree increases with the similarity in ethnicity, economic status, or other sociodemographic dimensions of interest between individuals and people who they are exposed to in their daily usage of urban space. Based on this perspective, we propose a regression estimator that measures segregation by assessing similarity or likeness between people and the social environments they experience in daily activity spaces. Compared to traditional segregation measures, the proposed estimator is not restricted to measuring residential segregation, but recognizes and assesses segregation as a dynamic process that unfolds in the daily life routines of individuals in a society and depends on the different ways individuals or social groups use urban space. It can be applied to various segregation factors, categorical or continuous, as well as to examine their interactions in a society. An empirical study in Hong Kong is used to demonstrate the proposed approach.
[11]Ta Na, Chai Yanwei, Kwan Mei-Po.Suburbanization, daily lifestyle and space-behavior interaction in Beijing.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(8): 1271-1280.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201508007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[塔娜, 柴彦威, 关美宝. 北京郊区居民日常生活方式的行为测度与空间—行为互动
. 地理学报, 2015, 70(8): 1271-1280.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201508007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[12]Wang Donggen, Li Fei, Chai Yanwei.Activity spaces and sociospatial segregation in Beijing.
Urban Geography, 2012, 33(2): 256-277.
https://doi.org/10.2747/0272-3638.33.2.256URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The widespread development of gated communities has generated much concern over urban fragmentation and social segregation. The social division and segregation between residents inside and outside urban enclaves exist not only in their residential spaces, but also in their values, social relations, and daily lives. In this study, it is argued that sociospatial segregation research should pay more attention to individuals' actual usage of urban space in their daily lives. By examining the activity space of the residents from different types of neighborhoods, a spatiotemporal approach to studying sociospatial segregation in Beijing, China is described. Significant differences are found in the usage of time and space between residents inside and outside the so-called privileged enclaves. Their activity spaces are found to vary significantly in terms of extensity, intensity, and exclusivity. The study suggests that the fragmentation of urban space is the result not only of residential segregation, but also of how different social groups spend their time and use urban space.
[13]Sch?nfelder S, Axhausen KW.Activity spaces: measures of social exclusion?
Transport policy, 2003, 10(4): 273-286.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2003.07.002URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
The paper develops three possible measurement approaches of increasing complexity (confidence ellipse, kernel density estimates, shortest paths networks). The analysis revealed that the main driver of the size of the activity spaces is the overall number of unique locations visited by the respondents and to a lesser extent, their socio-demographic characteristics. In particular, the groups most often consider to be at risk of social exclusion (female, lower income, elderly) did not show significantly different activity spaces.
[14]Wong D W S, Shaw Shih-Lung. Measuring segregation: An activity space approach.
Journal of Geographical Systems, 2011, 13(2): 127-145.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10109-010-0112-xURLPMID:3106997 [本文引用: 2]摘要
While the literature clearly acknowledges that individuals may experience different levels of segregation across their various socio-geographical spaces, most measures of segregation are intended to be used in the residential space. Using spatially aggregated data to evaluate segregation in the residential space has been the norm and thus individual鈥檚 segregation experiences in other socio-geographical spaces are often de-emphasized or ignored. This paper attempts to provide a more comprehensive approach in evaluating segregation beyond the residential space. The entire activity spaces of individuals are taken into account with individuals serving as the building blocks of the analysis. The measurement principle is based upon the exposure dimension of segregation. The proposed measure reflects the exposure of individuals of a referenced group in a neighborhood to the populations of other groups that are found within the activity spaces of individuals in the referenced group. Using the travel diary data collected from the tri-county area in southeast Florida and the imputed racial鈥揺thnic data, this paper demonstrates how the proposed segregation measurement approach goes beyond just measuring population distribution patterns in the residential space and can provide a more comprehensive evaluation of segregation by considering various socio-geographical spaces.
[15]Kwan Mei-Po.Gender and individual access to urban opportunities: A study using space-time measures.
The Professional Geographer, 2000, 51(2): 210-227.
https://doi.org/10.1111/0033-0124.00158URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
Conventional accessibility measures based on the notion of locational proximity ignore the role of complex travel behavior and space–time constraints in determining individual accessibility. As these factors are especially significant in women's everyday lives, all conventional accessibility measures suffer from an inherent “gender bias.” This study conceptualizes individual accessibility as space–time feasibility and provides formulations of accessibility measures based on the space–time prism construct. Using a subsample of European Americans from a travel diary data set collected in Franklin County, Ohio, space–time accessibility measures are implemented with a network-based GIS method. Results of the study indicate that women have lower levels of individual access to urban opportunities when compared to men, although there is no difference in the types of opportunities and areas they can reach given their space–time constraints. Further, individual accessibility has no relationship with the length of the commute trip, suggesting that the journey to work may not be an appropriate measure of job access.
[16]Miller HJ.Measuring space-time accessibility benefits within transportation networks: Basic theory and computational procedures.
Geographical Analysis, 1999, 31(1): 1-26.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1538-4632.1999.tb00408.xURL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Accessibility is a fundamental but often neglected concept in transportation analysis and planning. Three complementary views of accessibility have evolved in the literature. The first is the constraints-oriented approach, best implemented by Hgerstrand's space-time prisms. The second perspective follows a spatial interaction framework and derives “attraction-accessibility measures” that compare destinations' attractiveness with the travel costs required. A third approach measures the benefit provided to individuals by the transportation land-use system. This paper reconciles the three complementary approaches by deriving space-time accessibility and benefit measures that are consistent with the rigorous Weibull axiomatic framework for accessibility measures. This research also develops computational procedures for calculating these measures within network structures. This provides realistic accessibility measures that reflect the locations, distances, and travel velocities allowed by an urban transportation network. Since their computational burdens are reasonable, they can be applied at the urban scale using a GIS.
[17]Kim H-M, Kwan Mei-Po.Space-time accessibility measures: A geocomputational algorithm with a focus on the feasible opportunity set and possible activity duration.
Journal of Geographical Systems, 2003, 5(1): 71-91.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s101090300104URL [本文引用: 7]
[18]Weber J, Kwan Mei-Po.Evaluating the effects of geographic contexts on individual accessibility: A multilevel approach.
Urban Geography, 2003, 24(8): 647-671.
https://doi.org/10.2747/0272-3638.24.8.647URL [本文引用: 4]
[19]Hawthorne T L, Kwan Mei-Po.Using GIS and perceived distance to understand the unequal geographies of healthcare in lower-income urban neighbourhoods.
The Geographical Journal, 2012, 178(1): 18-30.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-4959.2011.00411.xURLPMID:22400154 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract Geographers play important roles in public health research, particularly in understanding healthcare accessibility, utilisation, and individual healthcare experiences. Most accessibility studies have benefited from the increased sophistication of geographic information systems (GIS). Some studies have been enhanced with semi-structured in-depth interviews to understand individual experiences of people as they access healthcare. However, few accessibility studies have explicitly utilised individual in-depth interview data in the construction of new GIS accessibility measures. Using mixed methods including GIS analysis and individual data from semi-structured in-depth interviews, we offer satisfaction-adjusted distance as a new way of conceptualising accessibility in GIS. Based on fieldwork in a predominantly lower-income community in Columbus, Ohio (USA), we find many residents felt neighbourhood healthcare facilities offered low-quality care, which suggested an added perceived distance as they attempt to access high-quality healthcare facilities. The satisfaction-adjusted distance measure accounts for the perceived distance some residents feel as they search for high-quality healthcare in lower-income urban neighbourhoods. In moving beyond conventional GIS and re-conceptualising accessibility in this way, we offer a more realistic portrayal of the issues lower-income urban residents face as they attempt to access high-quality healthcare facilities. The work has theoretical implications for conceptualising healthcare accessibility, advances the mixed-methodologies literature, and argues for a more equitable distribution of high-quality healthcare in urban neighbourhoods.
[20]Golledge R G, Stimson R J.Spatial Behaviour: A Geographic Perspective.
New York, 1997.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Examining a broad range of questions--from how human beings negotiate the spaces in which they live, work, and play to how firms and institutions, and their spatial behaviors, are affected by processes of economic and societal...
[21]Dharmowijoyo D B E, Susilo Y O, Karlstr?m A. Day-to-day interpersonal and intrapersonal variability of individuals' activity spaces in a developing country.
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2014, 41(6): 1063-1076.
https://doi.org/10.1068/b130067pURL [本文引用: 3]摘要
Using the SITRAMP dataset, which was collected in the Jakarta metropolitan area, Indonesia, over four consecutive days, this study examines day-to-day variability of individuals' activity spaces. The impact of individual heterogeneity and variability of transport network conditions on day-to-day variability of activity spaces is also investigated. Results show that individuals' activity spaces vary from day to day and between different individuals. The activity space of other household members was found to be the most significant factor influencing an individual's activity space. Against the common belief in developing countries that better traffic conditions make individuals travel farther, results show that higher road-network travel speed and better road surface conditions within the home zones actually encourage individuals to visit a more compact set of activity locations and/or visit fewer activity locations. Smoother road surface conditions and higher travel speeds within home zones also bring the centroid of activity locations closer to individuals' home locations. Furthermore, day-to-day variability analysis of individual activity spaces showed that weekday activity spaces are more compact than those at weekends. Moreover, it was found that students' activity spaces show most variability, while those of nonworkers have the lowest variability.
[22]Buliung R N, Kanaroglou P S.Urban form and household activity-travel behavior.
Growth and Change, 2006, 37(2): 172-199.
Abstract ABSTRACT Cities and metropolitan regions face several challenges including urban sprawl, auto dependence and congestion, and related environmental and human health effects. Examining the spatial characteristics of daily household activity-travel behavior holds important implications for understanding and addressing urban transportation issues. Research of this sort can inform development of urban land use policy that encourages the use of local opportunities, potentially leading to reduced motorized travel. This article examines the potential household activity-travel response to a planned metropolitan polycentric hierarchy of activity centers. Behavioral observations have been drawn from an activity-travel survey conducted in the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area during the mid-1990s. Evidence presented from exploratory analysis indicates an urban/suburban differential, with less daily travel and smaller activity spaces for urban households. Investigation of the travel reduction potential of the proposed land-use strategy suggests that location effects could be offset by adjustments to household sociodemographic and mobility characteristics.
[23]Fan Yingling, Khattak A.Urban form, individual spatial footprints, and travel: Examination of space-use behavior.
Transportation research record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2008, (2082): 98-106.
https://doi.org/10.3141/2082-12URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract Physical planning can benefit from deeper insight into the space-use options that individuals have. This paper examines how individuals' uses of space are related to urban form factors at their residences, after controlling for traffic congestion, weather, and individual or household characteristics. The behavioral data analyzed came from the 2006 Greater Triangle Region Travel Study in North Carolina. Individuals' uses of space were measured by daily activity space-the minimum convex polygon that contains all the daily activity locations-and daily travel distance, and were estimated by the use of spatial regression models. The results showed that the residents of densely developed neighborhoods with more retail stores and better-connected streets generally have a smaller area of daily activity space and a shorter daily travel distance. In addition, urban form factors were compared in terms of their importance in explaining individuals' space-use behavior. It was found that retail mix and street connectivity are key factors relating to individuals' uses of space, whereas building density was less important. The findings shed light on possible land use solutions toward the better coordination of services in space.
[24]Zenk S N, Schulz A J, Matthews S A, et al.Activity space environment and dietary and physical activity behaviors: A pilot study.
Health & Place, 2011, 17(5): 1150-1161.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2011.05.001URLPMID:21696995 [本文引用: 4]摘要
Abstract This study examined relationships among individual demographics, environmental features (e.g., fast food outlet density, park land use) of residential neighborhoods and activity spaces, and weight-related behaviors (diet, physical activity). Participants' movement was tracked for 7 days using global positioning systems (GPS). Two activity space measures (one standard deviation ellipse, daily path area) were derived from the GPS data. Activity spaces were generally larger than residential neighborhoods; environmental features of residential neighborhoods and activity spaces were weakly associated; and some activity space environmental features were related to dietary behaviors. Activity spaces may provide new insights into environmental influences on obesity-related behaviors. Copyright 脗漏 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[25]Patterson Z, Farber S.Potential path areas and activity spaces in application: A review.
Transport Reviews, 2015, 35(6): 679-700.
https://doi.org/10.1080/01441647.2015.1042944URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
Thepotential path area(PPA) andactivity space(AS) concepts play a central role in the substantial amount of applied research focusing on the quantitative analysis and description of people's spatial behaviour. Given this large literature, and the surprising lack of a formal review of the research, the time is ripe for a systematic review. This paper examines how the key concepts of PPAs and ASs have evolved, how they have been applied, what issues need to be resolved, and potential areas for future research. The review begins with the main theoretical developments influencing the applied use of these methods, and continues with a categorization of the literature across three dimensions 鈥 research domain, methods of calculation and application purpose. We find that the methods have been used not only in the core originating fields of travel behaviour and transport geography, but also in health, criminology and demography, and are growing fastest in health. The methods have been applied to a number of purposes with applications to accessibility the most common and the fastest growing. Demonstrated interest in these methods, along with the technologies and data to facilitate them, suggests a bright future for the use of PPAs and ASs in the social sciences.
[26]Liu Zhilin, Wang Maojun.Job accessibility and its impacts on commuting time of urban residents in Beijing: From a spatial mismatch perspective.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2011, 66(4): 457-467.
https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201104003URL [本文引用: 4]摘要
[刘志林, 王茂军. 北京市职住空间错位对居民通勤行为的影响分析: 基于就业可达性与通勤时间的讨论
. 地理学报, 2011, 66(4): 457-467.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201104003URL [本文引用: 4]摘要
[27]Song Jinping, Wang Enru, Zhang Wenxin, et al.Housing suburbanization and employment spatial mismatch in Beijing.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2007, 62(4): 387-396.
[宋金平, 王恩儒, 张文新, . 北京住宅郊区化与就业空间错位
. 地理学报, 2007, 62(4): 387-396.]
[28]Zhou Suhong, Chen Luping, Wu Zhidong.The jobs-housing relocation and spatial matching of residents in alleviatory housing neighborhoods in Guangzhou.
Geographical Research, 2010, 29(10): 1735-1745.
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2010100002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[周素红, 程璐萍, 吴志东. 广州市保障性住房社区居民的居住—就业选择与空间匹配性
. 地理研究, 2010, 29(10): 1735-1745.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2010100002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[29]Li Xiaoguang, Qiu Daochi, Li Feng, et al.Matching analysis of the job and residence space of residents in the public rental housing community in Chongqing.
Geographical Research, 2013, 32(8): 1457-1466.
[李小广, 邱道持, 李凤, . 重庆市公共租赁住房社区居民的职住空间匹配
. 地理研究, 2013, 32(8): 1457-1466.]
[30]Zhou Suhong, Wu Zhidong, Cheng Luping.The impact of spatial mismatch on residents in low-income housing neighbourhoods: A study of the Guangzhou metropolis, China.
Urban Studies, 2013, 50(9): 1817-1835.
This article verifies the hypothesis that a spatial mismatch between jobs and housing exists in two typical low-income housing neighbourhoods, Tangxia and Tongde, in Guangzhou city, where surveys were undertaken. The research shows that the types of residents in Tangxia and Tongde have changed significantly during the past few years. Housing types transferred comprise subsidised rental housing, commercial housing and private lease housing. At the same time, the jobs09“housing mismatch among residents in subsidised rental and commercial houses has become striking. The mechanisms responsible for the mismatch vary from a passive process for residents in subsidised rental housing to an active process for those in commercial housing. In comparison, private lease housing residents do not experience a jobs09“housing mismatch. This result shows that, with the interaction of the legacy of the socialist land and housing market with the new market-orientated system, government still plays an important role in housing supply. This is especially so for low-income families, who face a 0900passive0964 jobs09“housing relocation and mismatch, while the market-orientated parts of the system play an active role in people0964s job09“housing relocation.
[31]Gan Di, Wang De, Zhu Wei.Research on the residents' commuting feature of large-scale residential district in suburban Shanghai: A case study of Gucun, Baoshan District.
Geographical Research, 2015, 34(8): 1481-1491.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201508007URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[干迪, 王德, 朱玮. 上海市近郊大型社区居民的通勤特征: 以宝山区顾村为例
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(8): 1481-1491.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201508007URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[32]Zhang Yan, Chai Yanwei.The spatio-temporal activity pattern of the middle and the low-income residents in Beijing, China.
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2011, 31(9): 1056-1064.
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
[张艳, 柴彦威. 北京城市中低收入者日常活动时空间特征分析
. 地理科学, 2011, 31(9): 1056-1064.]
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
[33]Meng Qingjie, Qiao Guanmin.A research on floating populaiton's life quality in the view of leisure in metropolis.
Urban Studies, 2010, 17(5): 4-7.

[孟庆洁, 乔观民. 闲暇视角的大城市流动人口生活质量研究
. 城市发展研究, 2010, 17(5): 4-7.]
[34]Zhou Pei, Zhu Xigang, Ma Guoqiang.Policies and travel issues of low-income urban residents: A case study in Nanjing
. Urban Problems, 2013(3): 68-72.
[周配, 朱喜钢, 马国强. 城市低收入群体的出行问题及其解决对策: 以南京市为例
. 城市问题, 2013(3): 68-72.]
[35]Lv Bin, Zhang Chun, Chen Tianming.Study on changes in job accessibility for the urban low-income: A case study of Beijing.
Urban Planning Review, 2013, 37(1): 56-63.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[吕斌, 张纯, 陈天鸣. 城市低收入群体的就业可达性变化研究: 以北京为例
. 城市规划, 2013, 37(1): 56-63.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[36]H?gerstrand T.What about people in regional science?
Papers in Regional Science, 1970, 24(1): 7-24.
https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01936872URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
【Key Words】:
[37]Fang Zhixiang, Tu Wei, Li Qingquan, et al.A multi-objective approach to scheduling joint participation with variable space and time preferences and opportunities.
Journal of Transport Geography, 2011, 19(4): 623-634.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2010.06.019URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Activity scheduling supports activity-based analysis in travel demand management and promotes a potentially popular traveler assistance service. A multi-objective approach is proposed to schedule joint participation of multiple individuals, in which the candidate space鈥搕ime opportunities for joint participation are identified by a concept of time-varying network-based prisms, and optimal opportunities for joint participation are determined by the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II) with four objectives (i) minimizing cost for congestion charges, (ii) maximizing participation desirability of time-of-day, (iii) minimizing total travel distance and (iv) time in the trips of multiple individuals. A scenario of joint participation among four people is designed and implemented to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. The results suggest that this approach has the ability to schedule activities within real situations.
[38]Chen Biyu, Li Qingquan, Wang Donggen, et al.Reliable space-time prisms under travel time uncertainty.
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2013, 103(6): 1502-1521.
https://doi.org/10.1080/00045608.2013.834236URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Time geography is a powerful framework for analyzing human activities under various space–time constraints. At the core of time geography is the concept of the space–time prism, which delimits an individual's potential activity locations in space and time. The classical space–time prism, however, admits only deterministic travel speeds and ignores the stochastic nature of travel environments. In this article, the classical space–time prism model is extended to congested road networks with travel time uncertainty. A reliable space–time prism is proposed to consider explicitly an individual's on-time arrival probability concerns in the face of travel time uncertainty. The reliable space–time prism is defined as the set of space–time locations where an individual can participate in an activity and return to his or her destination with a given on-time arrival probability. To construct such a reliable space–time prism in a road network, a solution algorithm is developed. A case study using real-world traffic information is carried out to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed prism model. The results of the case study indicate that the proposed prism model can represent well individuals’ space–time taking into account various on-time arrival probability concerns.
[39]Kwan Mei-Po, Kotsev A.Gender differences in commute time and accessibility in Sofia, Bulgaria: A study using 3D geovisualisation.
The Geographical Journal, 2015, 181(1): 83-96.
https://doi.org/10.1111/geoj.12080URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Much research on human mobility patterns and accessibility to date has been conducted largely in Western European and North American countries, where the private vehicle is the main means for commuting. As a result, most studies focused largely on car‐based mobility (automobility) and accessibility, and relatively little is known about countries in other regions of the world. Based on an activity‐travel dataset collected in Sofia, Bulgaria and using 3D geovisualisation, this study attempts to fill this gap through examining gender differences in commute time and potential access to urban opportunities. The results reveal important gender differences in commute time and individual accessibility. Among the surveyed participants, women tend to spend more time on their commute trips and have more restrictive spatial reach to urban opportunities compared with men, largely as a result of their reliance on public transit as their primary mode of transport. Further, women have lower accessibility compared with men who used the same travel mode. This case study adds important new knowledge about a geographical area that has been under‐studied by Anglophone geographers. It also shows that GIS‐based geovisualisation and analysis are powerful tools for uncovering gender differences in the geographical distribution of commute time, which conventional quantitative methods cannot reveal.
[40]Tana, Kwan Mei-Po, Chai Yanwei. Urban form, car ownership and activity space in inner suburbs: A comparison between Beijing (China) and Chicago (United States).
Urban Studies, 2016, 53(9): 1784-1802.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098015581123URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Accompanied by higher levels of car ownership, suburbanisation in Western countries has a significant impact on motorised travel and long-distance trips. Chinese cities share some of the suburbanisation trends and patterns of the United States as well as an increasing number of cars, while there are still great contextual variations. Through a comparative study of activity space in two inner suburban areas with different built environments, Beijing in China and Chicago in the US, this paper examines how suburbanisation influences individuals鈥 activity-travel behaviour. The results indicate that changing urban form has a significant impact on activity space. However, the determinants of activity space in Beijing are quite different from those in Chicago. In Beijing, increasing car ownership leads to more differentiation among suburban residents. In Chicago, encouraging high-density land use patterns may lead to more localised activity space.
[41]Buliung R N, Remmel T K.Open source, spatial analysis, and activity-travel behaviour research: Capabilities of the aspace package.
Journal of Geographical Systems, 2008, 10(2): 191-216.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10109-008-0063-7URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper reports on recent experience with the development of aspace , an Open Source (OS) library for the geographic visualization and analysis of activity-travel behaviour. The paper begins with an overview of recent progress with respect to the convergence of Open Source technology, spatial analysis, and travel behaviour research. The remainder of the paper focuses on aspace; a collection of functions that, when combined with data describing the geographical location of daily activities, can be used to visualize and describe spatial properties of individual and household activity spaces. These properties include: size, orientation, shape, and the geographical dispersion of activity locations contained within the activity space. Several planar geometries are used to transform measurable spatial properties into intuitive objects for visualizing spatial patterns of activity participation. Experiments are conducted, using data from the first wave of the 2003 Toronto Travel Activity Panel Survey, to demonstrate the potential application of aspace for basic and applied policy-based research into activity-travel behaviour. The toolkit is distributed as a downloadable 鈥榩ackage鈥 from the Open Source R Project for Statistical Computing .
[42]Feng Jianxi, Dijst M, Wissink B, et al.The impacts of household structure on the travel behaviour of seniors and young parents in China.
Journal of Transport Geography, 2013, 30: 117-126.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2013.03.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Various studies have suggested that aging and the related travel patterns are socially and culturally constructed. China’s specific household structures – with co-residence of seniors, their adult children and grandchildren-are therefore expected to have huge implications on the travel outcomes of the household members. Based on the dataset of Nanjing Residents Travel Survey (2008), the paper attempts to reveal the impacts of the special household structures on travel behaviour of both seniors and young parents. The results indicate that the elderly co-resided with their adult children tend to make much fewer trips and travel shorter distances while spending less time on travel than seniors who live alone or as couples, especially for leisure trips. However, young parents in the ‘extended family’ are inclined to travel longer for commuting in terms of both distance and time, while they make fewer shopping trips, compared to young parents in ‘core families’.
相关话题/空间 城市 就业 社区 计算