

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

赵建吉1,2,, 王艳华1,2, 吕可文1,2, 茹乐峰3, 苗长虹1,2,
1. 河南大学黄河文明与可持续发展研究中心暨黄河文明传承与现代文明建设河南省协同创新中心,开封 475001
2. 河南大学环境与规划学院,开封 475000
3. 河南财经政法大学工程管理与房地产学院,郑州 450046

The evolutionary mechanism of financial industry agglomeration in central cities of inland China: A case study of Zhengdong New District in Zhengzhou

ZHAOJianji1,2,, WANGYanhua1,2, LVKewen1,2, RULefeng3, MIAOChanghong1,2,
1. Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development & Collaborative Innovation Center on Yellow River Civilization of Henan Province, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, Henan, China
2. College of Environment and Planning, Henan University, Kaifeng 475000, Henan, China
3. College of Construction Management and Real Estate, Henan University of Economics and Law, Zhengzhou 450046, China
通讯作者:苗长虹(1965-), 男, 河南鄢陵人, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师, 主要研究方向为经济地理与区域发展。E-mail:chhmiao@henu.edu.cn
基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目(41430637, 41601119, 41501138, 41301115)中国博士后基金特别资助项目(2014T70673)教育部人文社会科学基金项目(15XJC790010, 15YJC790111)河南省高等学校哲学社会科学研究“三重”重大项目(2014-SZZD-20)河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划(人文社科类)河南省高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划(2014GGJS-026)
-->作者简介:赵建吉(1983-), 男, 山东临沂人, 博士, 副教授, 中国地理学会会员(S110010216M), 主要研究方向为产业集群与区域发展。E-mail:zhaojianji@126.com



Evolutionary economic geography and institutional economic geography, which emerged in the late 1990s, provides the important perspective to the dynamics and spatial process of industry agglomeration. Based on the evolutionary economic geography and institutional economic geography, an analytical framework, including window of locational opportunity, financial enterprise/institution spinoff, regional branching and institutional thickness, has been proposed, and a particular perspective with respect to the key problem in economic geography of how to explain the rise and dynamics of financial industry agglomeration in inland regional central city has been explained. Accroding to financial statistics during the period 2003-2014, the relative questionnaires and qualitative interviews were conducted in Zhengdong New District. The findings can be summarized as follows: The establishment of Zhengdong New District has opened the window of locational opportunity for the financial industry in its formation stage; the spinoff of financial institution has played an important endogenous dynamic part in financial industry agglomeration in its fast development stage; regional branching laid a solid foundation for the innovation of financial formats and high-end elements agglomeration in the promotion stage; in the entire process of financial industry agglomeration, the continuous improvement of government support and institutional arrangements strengthened the institutional thickness, and the self-reinforcing mechanism made the stickiness of the institutional space continuously improving. However, some differences were found between financial industry and manufacturing industry, the agglomeration of financial industry was lack of the technology-related firms derived from university laboratory, academic institutions and existing industry, which had a stronger dependence on the stickiness of institutional thickness.

Keywords:evolutionary economic geography;institutional economic geography;financial industrial agglomeration;regional central city;Zhengdong New District

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赵建吉, 王艳华, 吕可文, 茹乐峰, 苗长虹. 内陆区域中心城市金融产业集聚的演化机理——以郑东新区为例[J]. , 2017, 72(8): 1392-1407 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201708005
ZHAO Jianji, WANG Yanhua, LV Kewen, RU Lefeng, MIAO Changhong. The evolutionary mechanism of financial industry agglomeration in central cities of inland China: A case study of Zhengdong New District in Zhengzhou[J]. 地理学报, 2017, 72(8): 1392-1407 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201708005

1 引言

金融业是现代经济的核心,为实体经济健康发展、资源配置效率提升、新业态出现及新兴产业成长提供重要支撑,其发展及空间格局引起了经济地理****的广泛关注[5,6,7,8,9]。2015年在英国牛津大学召开的第四届全球经济地理大会上,金融地理及相关研究成为会议的特色和亮点[10]。围绕金融业分布及其空间集聚,国外研究主要集中在金融中心区位及影响因素[11]、银行业的空间分布[12]、证券业的区位选择[13]、风险投资的空间分布及风险投资与投资企业的空间邻近[14]、上市企业空间区位选择[15]等方面。新世纪以来,中国成为塑造全球经济地理版图的重要力量,金融地理学的研究日益受到青睐。有关研究较为关注银行业为代表的金融机构区位选择与空间格局,研究区域主要集中在北京、上海、广州为核心的东部城市或城市群[16, 17, 18];近年来以中西部地区为对象的研究逐渐增多[19],研究尺度从全国、省域、城市群拓展到城市内部[20, 21, 22]
事实上,导致产业空间集聚的因素是相互影响、共同演化的,因此应将产业集聚置于动态、演化的视野中才能得到很好的理解[33-34]。近年来兴起的演化和制度经济地理学,为产业空间集聚提供了新的分析视角。相关研究集中在英国汽车[35]、美国汽车[36]、美国轮胎[37]、荷兰图书出版[38]等制造业以及航空航天[39]、生物技术[40]等高新技术产业。总体而言,基于演化和制度经济地理学对金融业为代表的生产性服务业空间集聚研究较为薄弱[41, 42]。生产性服务业主要向其他企业和组织提供服务,企业集聚更多基于对信息、规范、专业技能和知识等需求,解释制造业集聚的相关理论能否适用于生产性服务业尚需讨论[43, 44]。同时,目前的金融地理相关研究主要以欧美发达国家为对象,迫切需要“去中心化(decenter)”,加强对欠发达地区的研究[18]
中国是一个处于快速工业化和经济社会快速转型的发展中大国。一方面,金融业总体上是在1978年改革开放后成长起来的,发展历史较短;另一方面,广大中西部内陆地区金融业还处在形成与发展阶段,围绕区域中心城市建设而规划的金融产业集聚区,是在政府强力推动下形成的,有非常强的“企业家型政府”主导的特色。因此,中国金融业的集聚发展,具有与西方发达国家不尽相同的特征、影响因素和作用机理。中国东部经济发达的国家中心城市上海、北京、深圳,在积极建设全球金融中心;而在中西部经济欠发达地区,一些内陆区域中心城市,如成都、重庆、武汉、西安、郑州等,为迈向国家中心城市,也分别提出了规划建设西部金融中心、长江上游区域性金融中心、中部地区区域性金融中心、西北地区区域性金融中心、辐射中西部的区域性金融中心的目标。根据2015年中国金融中心指数(CDI CFCI)报告的数据[45],在中国31个金融中心城市中,郑州的金融市场规模排名全国第五位;综合竞争力排名上升幅度最大,提高了7个位次;金融产业绩效排名上升幅度也最大,提高了9个位次。金融业空间集聚是金融中心形成的前提与基础,作为经济欠发达的内陆地区,郑州的金融业空间集聚是如何实现的,影响因素和机理是什么?

2 分析框架

2.1 区位机会窗口(WLO)

为了解释新产业在阳光地带(Sunbelt states)的成长,以及旧的产业在铁锈地带(Rustbelt states)的逐渐衰落,Scott、Storper等经济地理学家提出了区位机会窗口(Window of Locational Opportunity, WLO)的概念[46, 47]。演化经济地理学借鉴并发展了这一概念,认为新产业的产生和出现是不确定和不可预测的[48],新产业的发展需要新的知识、技能、制度环境,而已有组织和机构难以满足这些条件,因为它们都是面向旧的技术和发展路径。但拥有多种熟练劳动力、产业、企业和制度“蓄水池”的区域由于集聚经济的存在,具有了产业发展的优势[49],区位机会窗口将在这些能够吸引新产业进入并提供特定能力资本的区域“打开”[50]。在打开区位机会窗口的区域,孵化新产业的企业将更多地开发新的知识,不断积累资本并敢于在未知市场领域投资,员工也通过干中学(on-the-job-learning)进行技能积累。一旦产业发展跃过一定门槛,自我强化机制开始发挥作用,行业不断增长的需求将改变当地环境:形成新的制度安排、完善教育设施、建立专门劳动力市场等,进而实现新产业的地域化过程。

2.2 金融机构衍生(Spin-off)

衍生是指由现有企业/机构的员工在相同或者相关行业创立新企业的过程。企业衍生是影响产业空间集聚的重要机制[51, 52, 53]。首先,在行业生命周期的早期阶段,能产生更多衍生企业的区域,往往能够主导这个产业的发展。这是因为新的衍生企业的产生在很大程度上取决于区域内已有企业的数量。企业越多,产生更多衍生企业的可能性就越大。无论从企业还是大学衍生出来的企业,区位选择上都更倾向于同他们的母公司在同一区域[51]。其次,衍生过程是隐性知识从母体向衍生企业传播和扩散的重要通道[54]。由于衍生企业更倾向于进入与母公司相同或相关领域,这些隐性知识对于衍生企业技术和能力的发展起到积极的促进作用。Klepper研究认为,在相同或相关产业具有前期经验的企业家,往往比没有经验的企业家具有更好的表现,也就是“成功孕育成功”[36]

2.3 区域产业分叉(Regional branching)

新业态/新产业门类的出现广受学术界和政府部门的重视,因为新业态/新产业门类与创新和创业活动紧密相关,可以为未来经济增长提供重要平台和机遇[55, 56, 57]。演化经济地理****运用区域产业分叉(regional branching)的概念,来研究产业多样性和相关多样化带来的知识溢出影响,而不仅仅是专业化所带来的马歇尔式的外部性,并对西班牙新兴产业的产生与发展、欧洲燃料电池产业的兴起等案例进行了实证研究[58,59]。与基于集群的相关政策过分强调企业间的网络联系和互动相比,区域产业分叉则更为关注与已经存在的产业因认知临近而形成的支撑网络,这些技术关联可能带来更为有效的区域创新政策[60,6162]。对于已有产业而言,新业态/新产业门类的出现虽然不一定能大幅提升产业规模,但它有助于提升产业发展的层次和水平。

2.4 制度厚度(Institutional thickness)

制度经济地理学认为经济活动是特定的社会和制度情景的产物,必须置于更广的社会的、政治的规则、程序和传统中去理解[63],由此产生了制度厚度的概念。制度厚度是包括机构之间相互作用与协同、多个主体的集体认同、共同的产业目的,以及分享的文化规范和价值等因素的有机结合[49],通过加强区域不同行为主体间的信任和互惠,形成一套共同认可的行为、支撑和操作规范[64, 65]。中国处于快速发展与转型期,在社会经济运行及制度和治理机制上存在许多独特性,中央和地方政府及其实施的政策、制度及治理机制,对于产业空间分布具有引导、强化和限制等作用[66]。对于处于形成和发展期的产业而言,“企业家型政府”通过系列制度创新与政策安排,使制度厚度持续变“厚”,不断增强对产业发展的支持、协调和粘性作用,对于促进产业空间集聚具有重要意义。
本文试图在演化和制度经济地理学理论支撑下,构建区位机会窗口、金融机构衍生、区域产业分叉、制度厚度“四位一体”的分析框架(图1),来剖析以郑东新区为代表的内陆区域中心城市金融业空间集聚现象。这些区域的金融业集聚,是以下因素交互作用、协同演化的结果。① 金融机构从无到有、数量从少到多、从小到大,主要受到区位机会窗口打开、金融机构衍生的影响。在制度环境与静态集聚经济的作用下,产业发展的区位机会窗口打开,当迈过关键门槛后,收益递增应运而生,知识溢出、基础设施和信息共享等使更多企业集聚在这一区域;在衍生机制作用下,金融机构数量不断增多。② 金融业新业态不断涌现、发展水平从低到高、辐射和影响力从弱到强,这是更高层次的金融业集聚的过程,主要受到区位机会窗口打开、区域产业分叉的影响。在政府政策扶持、实体经济发展需求、集聚经济的作用下,区位机会窗口持续打开,区域产业分叉使行业新业态/产业门类出现,行业发展水平、质量和影响力不断提升。而金融机构数量增加、新业态/新产业门类出现,又共同促进了金融业空间集聚。③ 区位机会窗口打开、金融机构衍生、区域产业分叉等机制的发挥,离不开产业发展所必需的制度环境、制度安排及其协调机制。由此,引入制度厚度的概念,并将其同区位机会窗口、衍生、区域产业分叉整合在一起来解释金融业空间集聚机理,认为“企业家型政府”主导下制度厚度的形成与持续加强,是其他三种机制得以发挥的重要条件。
-->Fig. 1An analytical framework of financial industry agglomeration

3 研究对象与数据来源

3.1 研究对象概况

-->Fig. 2Category of financial institutions in Zhengdong New District in 2015

-->Fig. 3Added value of financial industry and its proportion in tertiary industry in Zhengdong New District in 2010-2015

3.2 数据与资料来源

① 金融机构问卷调查数据。本文分别设计了郑东新区金融业总体发展情况调查问卷与金融机构网络联系调查问卷,通过郑东新区管委会金融服务局进行发放与回收。两类问卷各发放106分,分别回收85份和72份,去除无效问卷后剩余71份、55份,占发放问卷的比重为67.0%、51.9%(表1)。② 访谈资料。通过对中国人民银行郑州中心支行、河南银监局、河南省金融办、郑东新区管委会金融服务局等政府部门及金融监管机构负责人进行访谈,主要了解郑东新区金融业形成与发展历程、总体概况、相关政策与制度支持、发展目标与规划等;对银行、保险、证券、基金、投资担保公司等13家金融机构负责人进行了访谈,主要涉及金融机构落户郑东新区的主要原因、发展现状、与其他金融机构间的互动与网络联系等。③ 统计数据。主要来自《郑州统计年鉴(2003-2015)》、郑东新区第三次全国经济普查单位数据、郑东新区金融机构统计名录(2015)等。④ 郑东新区相关规划及年度工作总结。主要包括郑州郑东新区金融投资环境研究报告、郑东新区金融城建设发展规划、郑东新区管委会年度工作总结(2003-2014)、郑东新区金融集聚核心功能区年度金融工作总结(2012-2014)等。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1The proportion of questionnaires and interviews


4 郑东新区金融产业集聚的动因

-->Fig. 4The number of newly established financial institutions in Zhengdong New District since 2003

4.1 区位机会窗口的首次打开:郑东新区建设投融资需求

21世纪以来,为了加快推进拥有1亿人口的河南省城镇化步伐,河南省委省政府提出中心城市带动战略,试图将郑州打造成为全国区域性中心城市,提升城市辐射力和综合带动能力。在此背景下,郑州提出了规划建设郑东新区的战略,以破解郑州中心城区规模小、发展空间受制于陇海和京广铁路分割的困境,拉大郑州的城市框架和城市规模。城市新区建设是高起点城市化过程,征地拆迁和补偿安置、道路交通等基础设施建设、商业住宅项目开发、入驻企业固定资产投资等,产生了巨量的资金需求。2003-2008年,郑东新区开工建设基础设施和公益设施项目267个,累计完成固定资产投资612.6亿元。2003-2012年,累计完成投资近1600亿元(图5),建成房屋面积3500万m2,建成区面积80 km2。城市新区建设的巨大资金需求吸引了商业银行的关注,2003年中国农业银行郑东支行成立,成为当时郑东新区唯一的支行级商业银行机构,发放的第一笔融资贷款为15亿元。2003-2006年,中国农业银行、中国工商银行等金融机构为郑东新区优化和盘活资产、基础设施项目建设、企业融资等累计投资超过100亿元,为郑东东区开发建设提供了坚实的资金保障。
-->Fig. 5The projects and accumulated investment of infrastructure construction in Zhengdong New District in 2003-2012

郑东新区规划建设面积115 km2, 人口150万人。东区的建设项目已经引起了多家银行的关注和参与,谁在新区建设项目上先行一步,就可能为将来的竞争奠定基础。

4.2 金融机构衍生:金融机构数量的快速增长与网络联系的加强

借鉴制造业“企业衍生”的概念[35, 36],将金融机构衍生界定为两个方面:第一,已有金融机构新建服务网点以及分支部门;第二,现有金融机构从业人员从原机构脱离,在本区域建立新的金融及相关机构,并开展与原机构相同或具有紧密联系的金融业务。金融机构的衍生,不仅使金融机构数量增加,而且密切了金融业内部不同机构之间的联系、交流和互动,为金融业集群化发展起到重要的催化作用。
4.2.1 商业银行新建营业服务网点
Tab. 2
Tab. 2The number of newly established banks in Zhengdong New District since 2006

4.2.2 商业银行衍生出担保公司等相关金融机构
Tab. 3
Tab. 3The relation among financial institutions and other actors


4.3 金融产业分叉:金融新业态的创生与高端要素的集聚

4.3.1 开放发展和集聚经济为金融业升级持续打开区位机会窗口
-->Fig. 6The direct investment from other provinces in Henan in 2008-2015

4.3.2 区域产业分叉催生金融科技(FinTech)与互联网金融等新业态不断涌现

4.4 制度厚度的形成与强化:企业家型政府主导下持续的政策扶持与制度安排

4.4.1 各级政府出台鼓励金融机构入驻的支持办法
4.4.2 建立推动金融业发展的体制机制
Tab. 4
Tab. 4The supporting policies for financial industry in government at different levels


5 结论与讨论

(3)演化经济地理学的相关实证研究对制度作用的忽视,已经遭到了****们的批判[69]。区域相关政策与制度安排是区位机会窗口打开、企业衍生活动、区域产业分叉的必要支撑条件,制度厚度的形成和强化影响着产业空间集聚以及发展演化的全进程。在企业家型政府的主导下,强力的政策和组织支持、系列的制度安排、不断推进的体制机制改革、持续优化的发展环境,使郑东新区金融业发展的制度厚度不断实现“厚而有效”(think and work),并成为理解欠发达地区金融业空间集聚的关键。相对于以技术为核心的制造业,以服务和标准为核心的金融业对于制度创新的要求更为强烈和迫切,对制度厚度的粘性作用有着更深的依赖,金融相关领域的开放与否、优惠政策的制定与实施,将直接影响金融业发展与集聚。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

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20世纪70年代末期以来, “产业区”作为经济全球化背景下世界经济发展中最具有活力的区域而受到学术界的高度重视。伴随着研究的深入,相继形成了一些侧重点有所不同的理论学派,如 弹性专业化学派、新的产业空间学派、创新环境学派、产业集群学派、区域创新系统学派、第二级城市学派等。本文重点阐释了各个学派的产生与发展过程、理论基 础和主要观点,分析了各个学派的优点及其局限性,在此基础上探讨了通过学习型产业区的理论建构而对这些学派进行互补、整合的基本途径。
[苗长虹. 产业区研究的主要学派与整合框架: 学习型产业区的理论建构
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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-2398.2006.06.021URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
20世纪70年代末期以来, “产业区”作为经济全球化背景下世界经济发展中最具有活力的区域而受到学术界的高度重视。伴随着研究的深入,相继形成了一些侧重点有所不同的理论学派,如 弹性专业化学派、新的产业空间学派、创新环境学派、产业集群学派、区域创新系统学派、第二级城市学派等。本文重点阐释了各个学派的产生与发展过程、理论基 础和主要观点,分析了各个学派的优点及其局限性,在此基础上探讨了通过学习型产业区的理论建构而对这些学派进行互补、整合的基本途径。
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[5]Clark G L.London in the European financial services industry: Locational advantage and product complementarities.
Journal of Economic Geography, 2002, 2(4): 433-453.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/2.4.433URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
If its prospects were doubted in the early 1990s, London is now the pre-eminent international financial centre. It dominates its European rivals and is joined with New York and Tokyo in a non-stop reciprocal global embrace. Whereas some analysts approach this topic concentrating on the nature and quality of market relationships in London, others emphasise the role that government regulation has played in promoting the growth of the City of London with respect to its European rivals. Here, I elaborate the logic whereby financial products and services are produced at a particular point in space even if financial trading is an increasingly ubiquitous virtual activity. I emphasise the competitive dynamics of the financial services industry, the complementary qualities of financial products, and the place of London in corporate global transactions systems. I mean to show that the production of financial products has been brought to ground (so to speak) in London for a variety of (perhaps non-replicable) reasons. In this regard, my argument is clearly at odds with those analysts of information and communication technology who proclaim the end of geography. However, my argument sits uncomfortably with those who insist upon the persistence and co-existence of different national financial systems. Implications are drawn for the role of London in the evolving integrated European market for financial services, and for the future of continental European financial centres. Copyright 2002, Oxford University Press.
[6]Pan Fenghua, Xu Xiaohong, Xia Yabo, et al.Progresses of financial geography and implications.
Progress in Geography, 2014, 33(9): 1231-1240.
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.09.010URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
在过去的30 多年间,随着经济金融化和金融全球化的逐渐扩展和深化,国外金融地理学研究取得了新的进展。2007 年源于美国的金融危机是国外金融地理学研究的重要转折点,金融地理学由此开始进入繁荣发展阶段。本文全面搜集了1980-2013 年5 月发表于13 种国际权威地理学期刊的金融地理文献,共计245 篇。通过对文献的梳理和分析,将国外金融地理学研究的主要议题总结为:金融中心的区位及影响因素、银行的空间分布及区域影响、金融排除、证券市场的空间变化、养老金的区域差异、风险投资的空间集聚及投资空间邻近性、金融化和金融危机等方面,重点阐述这些议题的研究进展,并总结了国外金融地理学研究的特征。在此基础上,从金融市场的快速发展、独特国情、国际资本市场的复杂性等方面展望了中国金融地理学研究面临的机遇和挑战。
[潘峰华, 徐晓红, 夏亚博, . 境外金融地理学研究进展及启示
. 地理科学进展, 2014, 33(9): 1231-1240.]
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.09.010URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
在过去的30 多年间,随着经济金融化和金融全球化的逐渐扩展和深化,国外金融地理学研究取得了新的进展。2007 年源于美国的金融危机是国外金融地理学研究的重要转折点,金融地理学由此开始进入繁荣发展阶段。本文全面搜集了1980-2013 年5 月发表于13 种国际权威地理学期刊的金融地理文献,共计245 篇。通过对文献的梳理和分析,将国外金融地理学研究的主要议题总结为:金融中心的区位及影响因素、银行的空间分布及区域影响、金融排除、证券市场的空间变化、养老金的区域差异、风险投资的空间集聚及投资空间邻近性、金融化和金融危机等方面,重点阐述这些议题的研究进展,并总结了国外金融地理学研究的特征。在此基础上,从金融市场的快速发展、独特国情、国际资本市场的复杂性等方面展望了中国金融地理学研究面临的机遇和挑战。
[7]Wu Wei, Liu Weidong, Liu Yi.Regional differences of local banking systems in China.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2007, 62(12): 1235-1243.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2007.12.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[武巍, 刘卫东, 刘毅. 中国地区银行业金融系统的区域差异
. 地理学报, 2007, 62(12): 1235-1243.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2007.12.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[8]Li Xiaojian. A theoretical review of financial geography and study of financial geography in China
. Economic Geography, 2006, 26(5): 721-725.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8462.2006.05.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[李小建. 金融地理学理论视角及中国金融地理研究
. 经济地理, 2006, 26(5): 721-725.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8462.2006.05.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[9]Pan F, Daniel B. Going global? Examining the geography of Chinese firms' overseas listings on international stock exchanges
. Geoforum, 2014, 52: 1-11.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2013.12.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In a globalising world, as economies are becoming increasingly integrated the number of firms seeking to connect to global capital markets and list on international stock exchanges is rapidly rising. Up to 2011 there have been more than 1000 Chinese firms listed on overseas stock exchanges. As a dynamic and emerging economy, the connection of Chinese firms to global capital markets and flows has the potential to reshape economic geography at a variety of geographical scales. Despite this, there has been limited academic enquiry attending to these issues and exploring the internationalisation of Chinese firms through overseas listing. Using a comprehensive dataset, this paper addresses this research lacuna and provides a preliminary analysis of the geography of overseas listings. The paper describes how the trend and geography of Chinese firms listing overseas started in the late 1980s but has grown rapidly in the past decade. Hong Kong, New York, Singapore, and London are the major destinations of larger Chinese firms for overseas listing, while emerging destinations such as Germany, South Korea, Australia, and Canada are attracting more firms. We found that firms in different locations and sectors favoured different markets. Generally listing firms tend to originate from eastern China, reflecting the spatial pattern of the Chinese economy. The paper argues that there are two main factors influencing the geography of Chinese firms鈥 overseas listing activity. The first is the role of the state in influencing, and in some cases, directly determining the locational choice of overseas listing for Chinese firms. The second is the effect of proximity preferences in influencing the decision taken by some firms to list in particular overseas markets. The paper closes with a discussion on the impacts of overseas listings domestically in China and globally on international exchanges where firms list.
[10]Pan Fenghua, Hu Xiaohui, Mei Lixia, et al.The observation of Global Conference on Economic Geography
. Acta Geographica Sinica , 2016, 70(12): 2034-2039.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
第四届全球经济地理大会(Global Conference on Economic Geography, GCEG)于2015 年8 月19-23 日在英国牛津大学召开,来自世界各地近700 名经济地理****参会。中国大陆包括中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所、北京大学、北京师范大学、华东师范大学、浙江大学、河南大学、华南师范大学、东北师范大学、中南财经政法大学、云南大学等机构数十位****参加本会议。中国科学院地理科学与资源所刘卫东研究员和北京大学贺灿飞教授分别担任大会顾问委员会委员和组委会委员。此外,中国地理学会以及北京大学—林肯土地政策研究中心作为特别赞助方资助了本次会议。
[潘峰华, 胡晓辉, 梅丽霞, . 第四届全球经济地理大会观察
. 地理学报, 2016, 70(12): 2034-2039.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
第四届全球经济地理大会(Global Conference on Economic Geography, GCEG)于2015 年8 月19-23 日在英国牛津大学召开,来自世界各地近700 名经济地理****参会。中国大陆包括中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所、北京大学、北京师范大学、华东师范大学、浙江大学、河南大学、华南师范大学、东北师范大学、中南财经政法大学、云南大学等机构数十位****参加本会议。中国科学院地理科学与资源所刘卫东研究员和北京大学贺灿飞教授分别担任大会顾问委员会委员和组委会委员。此外,中国地理学会以及北京大学—林肯土地政策研究中心作为特别赞助方资助了本次会议。
[11]Roberts S M. Small place, big money: The Cayman Islands and the international financial system
. Economic Geography, 1995, 71(3): 237-256.
https://doi.org/10.2307/144310URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper examines the offshore financial center (OFC) of the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean as part of an attempt, on the one hand, to map emerging geographies associated with rapid and far-reaching changes in the international financial system, and, on the other hand, to further a Marxian understanding of how capital increases its flexibility and averts crisis (not unproblematically) through the financial system. Thus, in this paper, the major industries of the offshore sector in the Caymans are outlined and their development presented. I then examine the Cayman Islands' development and operation as an OFC in two wider contexts: first, changes in the practice of international banking, and second, the regional competition between "entrepreneurial islands" for offshore finance. I argue that the development of new spaces in the global economy--OFCs-- cannot be understood without an understanding of changes in the international financial system (new markets, instruments, risks, and others). Furthermore, the changes in the international financial system cannot be understood except as operating through space and specifically through distinct spaces such as the OFCs. Although the Cayman Islands are a small place, they have strategically positioned themselves at the nexus of the circuits of fast and fungible financial capital and offer a window on the workings of the international financial system.
[12]Huallachain B Ó. Foreign banking in the American urban system of financial organization
. Economic Geography, 1994, 70(3): 206-228.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Foreign banks in the United States are major sources of investment capital and producers of financial services. Foreign banking is localized in a few metropolises. Six major international banking centers serve as American nodes in the system of global flows of capital and financial services. The asset structure, size, type, and national origins of foreign banks in these centers reveal investment motives. New York is the primary foreign banking complex. The magnitude of its foreign banking segment together with the diversity of bank sizes, nationalities, and types contributes to its distinctiveness. Its traditional role as the focal point of interaction between the securities and the domestic banking industries has been augmented by rapid expansion of foreign banks in the 1980s. In Chicago, foreign banking has grown together with its fast-growing financial markets. Foreign banking in Los Angeles and San Francisco is dominated by Japanese banks, which are mainly engaged in traditional bank lending. They intensified oscillations in the Californian economy by financing the real estate overbuilding of the 1980s. In the Southeast, foreign banking has rapidly increased in Atlanta and Miami. Atlanta's foreign banks are mainly engaged in commercial and industrial lending rather than in production of global financial services. Miami's much larger number of small foreign banks produce services related to flows of trade and investment between the United States, South America, and Europe.
[13]Wójcik D. Securitization and its footprint: The rise of the US securities industry centres 1998-2007
. Journal of Economic Geography, 2011, 11(6): 925-947.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbq045URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This article conceptualizes securitization from an economic geographic perspective, and documents dynamic but volatile growth of the securities industry and its distribution in the USA between 1998 and 2007. The industry has spread across states and metropolitan areas, within which it has enhanced its position in central districts, crowding out credit and insurance industry. Corporate headquarters have become more concentrated and their distribution has become more similar to the location of the securities industry centres. The results have implications for a revision of the global city theory, and corroborate research on the geography of stock markets and financialization.
[14]Wray F. Rethinking the venture capital industry: Relational geographies and impacts of venture capitalists in two UK regions
. Journal of Economic Geography, 2012, 12(1): 297-319.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbq054URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This article provides new insights into the venture capital industry by tracing the relational geographies of two regional venture capital communities in the North East and East Midlands of England. To supply this account an alternative theoretical framework is developed fusing ideas from new economic geography approaches to money and finance, and facets of relational economic geography. This will provide a less spatially bounded but more socialized account of the industry than has usually been the case in economic geographical literature and demonstrate how such relational geographies have tangible impacts on local entrepreneurs.
[15]Karreman B, Knaap B. The geography of equity listing and financial centre competition in mainland China and Hong Kong
. Journal of Economic Geography, 2012, 12(4): 899-922.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbr046URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study examines the changing competitiveness of financial centres in mainland China and Hong Kong based on the geography of equity listing of mainland Chinese firms. Pre-listing firm characteristics are used to explore firms’ motives for listing on a particular exchange and whether these motives have changed over time. The results show that Hong Kong’s prominence as an international financial centre is attracting the largest and, recently, also the best performing mainland Chinese state-owned enterprises to go public. Less differentiation exists between the competitiveness of Shanghai and Shenzhen, although the renewed strategy of the Shenzhen stock exchange to attract smaller firms appears to be successful.
[16]Liu Hui, Shen Yuming, Deng Xiuli. Study on the spatial pattern and structure of financial service industry in Beijing
. Human Geography, 2013, 28(5): 61-68.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
利用北京行政区域界限基础地理底图及相关统计年鉴,通过GIS技术及INTERNET查询、调研等途径,将北京行政区内银行、保险、证券及其他金融服务业网点机构进行矢量化。借助区位熵、均匀度指数和空间缓冲区分析,测度北京金融服务业空间分布特征,结果显示:①北京市金融服务业,特别是保险和证券服务业主要集中在中心区和郊区内沿,空间上呈现出以金融街、中央商务区所在的中心区为核心,其他区县(政府所在地)为外围的"核心-外围"结构;②中心区内金融服务业空间布局相对均匀,三环和四环之间金融机构分布较多,与国外大都市服务业的"单中心集聚,总体扩散"区位特征基本相同;③不同类型金融机构空间布局差异较大,各金融机构总部集中在金融街布局,中国人民银行集中布局在金融街-前门广场东西路上,呈线状布局,证券在北二环和北四环之间相对集中,保险服务业相对分散。④以金融街为中心作缓冲区多边形,间隔距离为2km,做10个缓冲区,发现在0-2km内服务网点机构密度最大,6-8km和8-10km内机构数量最多。⑤金融服务业空间布局模式多样化。With the rapid development of finance and economic globalization, financial services become the centre of modern services economy, and play important role in economic and social development to producer services. The paper researched the spatial pattern of the financial service industry in Beijing on the basis of the Location Quotient, equitability index and buffer analysis. The results indicated that:①The financial service industry in Beijing, especially security and insurance industry, mainly happened in central area and suburban inter. It represents as the core-periphery spatial structure pattern in the whole. The central area, including the Finance Street and CBD are the core, and the other districts and counties as periphery. ②The financial service industry spatial distribution is uniform in central area. The number of the financial institution is the most between the area of Third Ring Road and Forth Ring Road in Beijing. ③The spatial distribution of the different financial institution had a large difference. ④Take the finance street as center to make buffer polygon with interval distance of 2km. It can be concluded that the greatest density of financial institution appeared in the 0-2km, the largest number of the financial institution appeared in 6-8km and 8-10km through Study and observation of these ten buffers. ⑤The layout of financial service industry in Beijing is diversification, the different kinds of banks, securities and insurance proves as different spatial structure patterns.
[刘辉, 申玉铭, 邓秀丽. 北京金融服务业空间格局及模式研究
. 人文地理, 2013, 28(5): 61-68.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
利用北京行政区域界限基础地理底图及相关统计年鉴,通过GIS技术及INTERNET查询、调研等途径,将北京行政区内银行、保险、证券及其他金融服务业网点机构进行矢量化。借助区位熵、均匀度指数和空间缓冲区分析,测度北京金融服务业空间分布特征,结果显示:①北京市金融服务业,特别是保险和证券服务业主要集中在中心区和郊区内沿,空间上呈现出以金融街、中央商务区所在的中心区为核心,其他区县(政府所在地)为外围的"核心-外围"结构;②中心区内金融服务业空间布局相对均匀,三环和四环之间金融机构分布较多,与国外大都市服务业的"单中心集聚,总体扩散"区位特征基本相同;③不同类型金融机构空间布局差异较大,各金融机构总部集中在金融街布局,中国人民银行集中布局在金融街-前门广场东西路上,呈线状布局,证券在北二环和北四环之间相对集中,保险服务业相对分散。④以金融街为中心作缓冲区多边形,间隔距离为2km,做10个缓冲区,发现在0-2km内服务网点机构密度最大,6-8km和8-10km内机构数量最多。⑤金融服务业空间布局模式多样化。With the rapid development of finance and economic globalization, financial services become the centre of modern services economy, and play important role in economic and social development to producer services. The paper researched the spatial pattern of the financial service industry in Beijing on the basis of the Location Quotient, equitability index and buffer analysis. The results indicated that:①The financial service industry in Beijing, especially security and insurance industry, mainly happened in central area and suburban inter. It represents as the core-periphery spatial structure pattern in the whole. The central area, including the Finance Street and CBD are the core, and the other districts and counties as periphery. ②The financial service industry spatial distribution is uniform in central area. The number of the financial institution is the most between the area of Third Ring Road and Forth Ring Road in Beijing. ③The spatial distribution of the different financial institution had a large difference. ④Take the finance street as center to make buffer polygon with interval distance of 2km. It can be concluded that the greatest density of financial institution appeared in the 0-2km, the largest number of the financial institution appeared in 6-8km and 8-10km through Study and observation of these ten buffers. ⑤The layout of financial service industry in Beijing is diversification, the different kinds of banks, securities and insurance proves as different spatial structure patterns.
[17]Ji Feifei, Chen Wen, Wei Yehua, et al.Changing financial flow patterns and driving mechanisms of financial flows under the integration of the Yangtze River Delta: An analysis of the financial transaction data of listed companies
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, 69(6): 823-837.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
金融资本是区域进行生产活动并进一步带动经济增长的原动力。结合新经济地理学与金融地理学的理论,将金融资源流动纳入市场化、全球化、分权化和一体化的研究框架之下,用网络分析的方法,构建区域金融流动的格局及机理的分析框架。基于长三角16 市金融发展状况和上市公司2002 年、2005 年、2008 年和2011 年的交易数据,构建了金融资源流动和联系的网络,并进一步测量了网络密度和中心度。结果显示,长三角金融发展与金融资源分布形成了差异显著但有缩小趋势的发展格局,除上海金融中心作用凸显之外,南京、杭州和宁波也成为金融流动网络中的重要空间节点;金融流动网络密度不断增强,跨省金融流动增多。分别选取表征市场化、全球化、分权化和一体化的指标,使用QAP网络分析方法揭示了长三角金融流动的动力机制。相关和回归分析结果表明,进出口总额、FDI、文化差异、外资金融法人数量和行政边界均对金融流动有显著的影响,相反金融业比重和地方财政收入自治率则并无显著作用。本文探讨了从地理学空间差异和空间相互作用的角度来解释金融差异与金融流动的方法,对于深入研究金融一体化问题有借鉴作用。
[季菲菲, 陈雯, 魏也华, . 长三角一体化下的金融流动格局变动及驱动机理
. 地理学报, 2014, 69(6): 823-837.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
金融资本是区域进行生产活动并进一步带动经济增长的原动力。结合新经济地理学与金融地理学的理论,将金融资源流动纳入市场化、全球化、分权化和一体化的研究框架之下,用网络分析的方法,构建区域金融流动的格局及机理的分析框架。基于长三角16 市金融发展状况和上市公司2002 年、2005 年、2008 年和2011 年的交易数据,构建了金融资源流动和联系的网络,并进一步测量了网络密度和中心度。结果显示,长三角金融发展与金融资源分布形成了差异显著但有缩小趋势的发展格局,除上海金融中心作用凸显之外,南京、杭州和宁波也成为金融流动网络中的重要空间节点;金融流动网络密度不断增强,跨省金融流动增多。分别选取表征市场化、全球化、分权化和一体化的指标,使用QAP网络分析方法揭示了长三角金融流动的动力机制。相关和回归分析结果表明,进出口总额、FDI、文化差异、外资金融法人数量和行政边界均对金融流动有显著的影响,相反金融业比重和地方财政收入自治率则并无显著作用。本文探讨了从地理学空间差异和空间相互作用的角度来解释金融差异与金融流动的方法,对于深入研究金融一体化问题有借鉴作用。
[18]Lin Zhangping, Yan Xiaopei. Analysis on the change of the spatial pattern of financial service industry in Guangzhou during the transition period
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006, 61(8): 818-828.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2006.08.004URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[林彰平, 闫小培. 转型期广州市金融服务业的空间格局变动
. 地理学报, 2006, 61(8): 818-828.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2006.08.004URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[19]Li Xiaojian, Zhou Xiongfei, Wei Chunjiang, et al.Locational changes of banking services in the less developed region of China since 1980: The case of Henan Province
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006, 61(4): 414-424.
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[李小建, 周雄飞, 卫春江, . 发展中地区银行业空间系统变化
. 地理学报, 2007, 61(4): 414-424.]
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[20]Dai Zhimin, Zhu Liyan. The influence of geographical distribution of commercial bank loan on the bank profit efficiency in China
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(6): 955-964.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201506009URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
商业银行的区域发展研究一直是金融地理研究中关注的重点。目前,对于商业银行贷款投放地理分散化程度能否为银行绩效带来正面的影响仍存在着一定的争议。本文在利用2007-2013年中国13家上市商业银行向各省投放的贷款数据,分析了大型商业银行和中小型商业银行的贷款投放地理分布特征及不良贷款的地理变化趋势的基础上,利用随机前沿分析方法(SFA)及Battese和Collie的基础模型构建超越对数利润函数模型,对商业银行贷款地理投放分散程度对银行利润效率的影响进行了实证分析。研究结果表明:① 商业银行提高贷款的地理投放程度有助于提升商业银行经营过程中的盈利和利润效率。② 大型商业银行由于受国家政策干预影响较大,贷款投放区域覆盖面更广,尤其是对中西部地区的贷款投放比例明显高于中小型商业银行,其平均利润效率一直高于中小型商业银行。但近年来,随着中小型商业银行贷款地理分散程度逐步提高,两者利润效率的差距逐渐缩小。③ 目前,中国部分中小型商业银行贷款业务依然以关系型为主,提高贷款的地理投放分散程度会降低其利润效率,应谨慎面对多元化经营问题,不可盲目随从。
[戴志敏, 朱莉妍. 中国商业银行贷款地理分布对银行利润效率的影响
. 地理学报, 2015, 70(6): 955-964.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201506009URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
商业银行的区域发展研究一直是金融地理研究中关注的重点。目前,对于商业银行贷款投放地理分散化程度能否为银行绩效带来正面的影响仍存在着一定的争议。本文在利用2007-2013年中国13家上市商业银行向各省投放的贷款数据,分析了大型商业银行和中小型商业银行的贷款投放地理分布特征及不良贷款的地理变化趋势的基础上,利用随机前沿分析方法(SFA)及Battese和Collie的基础模型构建超越对数利润函数模型,对商业银行贷款地理投放分散程度对银行利润效率的影响进行了实证分析。研究结果表明:① 商业银行提高贷款的地理投放程度有助于提升商业银行经营过程中的盈利和利润效率。② 大型商业银行由于受国家政策干预影响较大,贷款投放区域覆盖面更广,尤其是对中西部地区的贷款投放比例明显高于中小型商业银行,其平均利润效率一直高于中小型商业银行。但近年来,随着中小型商业银行贷款地理分散程度逐步提高,两者利润效率的差距逐渐缩小。③ 目前,中国部分中小型商业银行贷款业务依然以关系型为主,提高贷款的地理投放分散程度会降低其利润效率,应谨慎面对多元化经营问题,不可盲目随从。
[21]Liu Hui, Shen Yuming, Liu Kun. The financial services industry development level and spatial pattern of urban agglomeration in China
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2013, 68(2): 186-198.
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城市群成为国家经济建设的重要载体,满足城市群产业发展和基础设施建设资金需求,优化金融资源在城市群之间合理配置,摸清城市群金融服务业发展水平状况,显得尤为重要.本研究采用金融相关比率、金融发展效率、保险密度和保险深度等指标体系,通过多指标综合评价方法,定量分析23 个城市群银行、保险和证券等金融服务业发展水平的空间差异和格局.结果表明:① 城市群内金融服务业综合发展水平差异性较大,在空间上形成东部沿海高于西部和中部的空间格局,其中,长三角城市群、京津冀城市群、珠三角城市群发展水平较高.② 城市群金融发展水平滞后于城市群发育水平.其中金融发展效率和保险密度是影响金融服务业综合发展水平的主要因素之一,而金融服务业从业人员多少和城乡居民储蓄额大小影响较小;另外,区域产业结构,特别是上市产业(可交易产品) 结构与城市群金融服务业发展水平相关性大.③ 银行、保险和证券服务业在城市群内部差异较大,京津冀城市群、长三角城市群和珠三角城市群金融资源拥有量占到23 个城市群的50%以上,影响和主导着中国金融业发展.
[刘辉, 申玉铭, 柳坤. 中国城市群金融服务业发展水平及空间格局
. 地理学报, 2013, 68(2): 186-198.]
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城市群成为国家经济建设的重要载体,满足城市群产业发展和基础设施建设资金需求,优化金融资源在城市群之间合理配置,摸清城市群金融服务业发展水平状况,显得尤为重要.本研究采用金融相关比率、金融发展效率、保险密度和保险深度等指标体系,通过多指标综合评价方法,定量分析23 个城市群银行、保险和证券等金融服务业发展水平的空间差异和格局.结果表明:① 城市群内金融服务业综合发展水平差异性较大,在空间上形成东部沿海高于西部和中部的空间格局,其中,长三角城市群、京津冀城市群、珠三角城市群发展水平较高.② 城市群金融发展水平滞后于城市群发育水平.其中金融发展效率和保险密度是影响金融服务业综合发展水平的主要因素之一,而金融服务业从业人员多少和城乡居民储蓄额大小影响较小;另外,区域产业结构,特别是上市产业(可交易产品) 结构与城市群金融服务业发展水平相关性大.③ 银行、保险和证券服务业在城市群内部差异较大,京津冀城市群、长三角城市群和珠三角城市群金融资源拥有量占到23 个城市群的50%以上,影响和主导着中国金融业发展.
[22]He Canfei, Fu Rong. An empirical study on the locational choices of foreign banks in China
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009, 64(6): 701-712.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2009.06.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[贺灿飞, 傅蓉. 外资银行在中国的区位选择
. 地理学报, 2009, 64(6): 701-712.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2009.06.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[23]Vernon R. Metropolis. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1960. [本文引用: 1]
[24]Shaw E S. Financial Deepening in Economic Development. New York: Oxford University Press, 1973. [本文引用: 1]
[25]Kindleberger C P. The Formation of Financial Centers: A Study of Comparative Economic History. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1974. [本文引用: 1]
[26]Park Y S, Essayyad M. International Banking and Financial Centers
. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-009-2504-5URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Based on papers presented at a conference held in Anchorage, July 1987/Includes bibliographical references and index
[27]Pan Yingli. On the micro-basis of the formation of financial centers: The agglomeration of financial institution
. Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, 2003, 5(1): 50-57.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-0150.2003.01.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[潘英丽. 论金融中心形成的微观基础: 金融机构的空间聚集
. 上海财经大学学报, 2003, 5(1): 50-57.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-0150.2003.01.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[28]Zhao Xiaobin, Wang Tan, Zhang Jinxi. Information flow and asymmetric information as key determinants for service and financial centre development: A case on socialist China
. Economic Geography, 2002, 22(4): 408-414.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8462.2002.04.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[赵晓斌, 王坦, 张晋熹. 信息流和“不对称信息”是金融与服务中心发展的决定因素: 中国案例
. 经济地理, 2002, 22(4): 408-414.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8462.2002.04.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[29]Taylor P. Financial Services Clustering and Its Significance for London
. London: Corporation of London, 2003.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Financial Services Clustering and Its Significance for London - The University of Liverpool Repository
[30]Bossone M B, Mahajan M S, Zahir M F. Financial infrastructure, group interests, and capital accumulation: Theory, evidence, and policy
. Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2003.
https://doi.org/10.5089/9781451844160.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study presents a theory of financial infrastructure - or the set of rules, institutions, and systems within which agents carry out financial transactions. It investigates the effects of financial infrastructure development on financial architecture and real capital accumulation, taking into account financial-sector special interests. It shows that a more developed infrastructure promotes financial market growth, reduces the scope of traditional banking, and helps investors make more efficient investment decisions. The theory presented explains why traditional banking predominates in the early stages of economic development and becomes relatively less important as the economy develops, and why banks may retard financial sector development. The study provides evidence in support of its predictions.
[31]Zhang Xiaoyan. The analysis of influencing factors to financial industry cluster
. Journal of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, 2012(1): 59-84.
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近年来,金融产业集聚如火如荼 的发展起来,并有效推动了当地及其周边的经济发展。本文根据金融产业集聚的产生背景,将金融产业集聚的影响因素归纳为地理位置、经济效应、贸易需求、政府 推动和基础设施等五个方面。基于此,笔者利用我国2000—2009年31个省市的样本数据,采用面板数据方法中的固定效应模型进行实证检验,结果证明了 经济效应、贸易需求、政府支持、地理位置等对金融产业集聚程度具有正向影响,并在此基础上提出了发展我国金融产业集聚的对策和建议。
[张晓燕. 金融产业集聚影响因素的实证分析
. 南京财经大学学报, 2012(1): 59-84.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
近年来,金融产业集聚如火如荼 的发展起来,并有效推动了当地及其周边的经济发展。本文根据金融产业集聚的产生背景,将金融产业集聚的影响因素归纳为地理位置、经济效应、贸易需求、政府 推动和基础设施等五个方面。基于此,笔者利用我国2000—2009年31个省市的样本数据,采用面板数据方法中的固定效应模型进行实证检验,结果证明了 经济效应、贸易需求、政府支持、地理位置等对金融产业集聚程度具有正向影响,并在此基础上提出了发展我国金融产业集聚的对策和建议。
[32]Si Yuefang, Zeng Gang, Fan Hongwei. A study on dynamics of finance agglomeration in Lujiazui District of Shanghai
. Human Geography, 2008, 23(6): 84-88.
[本文引用: 1]摘要
[司月芳, 曾刚, 樊鸿伟. 上海陆家嘴金融集聚动因的实证研究
. 人文地理, 2008, 23(6): 84-88.]
[本文引用: 1]摘要
[33]Boschma R, Martin R. Constructing an evolutionary economic geography
. Journal of Economic Geography, 2007, 7(5): 537-548.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbm021URL [本文引用: 1]
[34]Liu Zhigao, Yin Yimei, Sun Jing. A review of the research progress on industrial cluster formation from the perspective of evolutionary economic geography
. Progress in Geography, 2011, 30(6): 652-657.
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.06.002URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
20 世纪80 年代以来,产业集群成为一种新的区域发展模式,受到理论工作者和政策制定者越来越多的关注。近些年来,从演化经济地理学理论学派的视角研究产业集群形成的动力、演化路径成为集群研究中的热点之一。本文首先介绍了产业集群形成的传统解释及其不足,然后回顾了演化经济地理学视角下的产业集群形成的研究进展,并总结了研究特点和主要研究思路,最后指出了在中国应用研究中需要注意的问题。
[刘志高, 尹贻梅, 孙静. 产业集群形成的演化经济地理学研究评述
. 地理科学进展, 2011, 30(6): 652-657.]
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.06.002URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
20 世纪80 年代以来,产业集群成为一种新的区域发展模式,受到理论工作者和政策制定者越来越多的关注。近些年来,从演化经济地理学理论学派的视角研究产业集群形成的动力、演化路径成为集群研究中的热点之一。本文首先介绍了产业集群形成的传统解释及其不足,然后回顾了演化经济地理学视角下的产业集群形成的研究进展,并总结了研究特点和主要研究思路,最后指出了在中国应用研究中需要注意的问题。
[35]Boschma R, Wenting R. The spatial evolution of the British automobile industry: Does location matter?
Industry and Corporate Change, 2007, 16(2): 213-238.
https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/dtm004URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
This article aims to describe and explain the spatial evolution of the automobile sector in Great Britain from an evolutionary perspective. This analysis is based on a unique database of all entries and exits in this sector during the period 1895–1968, collected by the authors. Cox regressions show that spinoff dynamics, agglomeration economies and time of entry have had a significant effect on the survival rate of automobile firms during the period 1895–1968.
[36]Klepper S. Disagreements, spinoffs and the evolution of Detroit as the capital of the U. S. automobile industry
. Management Science, 2007, 53(4): 616-631.
https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.1060.0683URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
The agglomeration of the automobile industry around Detroit, Michigan is explained using a theory in which disagreements lead employees of incumbent firms to found spinoffs in the same industry. Predictions of the theory concerning entry and firm survival are tested using data on the origin, location, and years of production of every entrant into the industry from 1895 to 1966. The geographic concentration of the industry is attributed to four early successful entrants and the many successful spinoffs they spawned in the Detroit area and not to conventional agglomeration economies benefiting co-located firms, as featured in modern theories of agglomeration. Implications of the findings regarding firm strategy are discussed.
[37]Buenstorf G, Klepper S. Why does entry cluster geographically? Evidence from the US tire industry
. Journal of Urban Economics, 2010, 68(2): 103-114.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jue.2010.03.005URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
We trace the geographic and intellectual heritage of the early entrants into the US tire industry in Ohio, the industry’s historical center. We test a model in which the supply of capable entrants, localized knowledge, and production externalities influence where entrants originated and located. Entry clustered around existing tire producers and in more populated regions, which we attribute mainly to the supply of capable entrants. Production externalities influenced the profitability of operating in a region, but their effect was limited by the localized knowledge of entrants. Entry fueled agglomeration mainly through an endogenous process governing the supply of capable entrants.
[38]Heebels B, Boschma R. Performing in Dutch book publishing 1880-2008: The importance of entrepreneurial experience and the Amsterdam cluster
. Journal of Economic Geography, 2011, 11(6): 1007-1029.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbq048URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper investigates the spatial clustering of the book publishing industry. By means of a hazard model, we examine the effect of agglomeration economies and pre-entry entrepreneurial experience on the survival chances of publishing firms. Whereas such survival analyses have been conducted for manufacturing industries, they are still scarce for cultural and service industries. Based on a unique dataset of all book publishers founded between 1880 and 2008 in the Netherlands, the paper demonstrates that the clustering of book publishers in the Amsterdam region did not increase the survival of Amsterdam firms. Instead, prior experience in publishing and related industries had a positive effect on firm survival. The Amsterdam cluster was characterized by high entry and exit levels mainly. Interestingly, the Amsterdam cluster did not function as an attractor for publishing firms from other regions, but rather acted as an incubator for firms that relocated to other regions.
[39]Broekel T, Boschma R. Knowledge networks in the Dutch aviation industry: The proximity paradox
. Journal of Economic Geography, 2012, 12(2), 409-433.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbr010URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
The importance of geographical proximity for interaction and knowledge sharing has been discussed extensively in recent years. There is increasing consensus that geographical proximity is just one out of many types of proximities that might be relevant. We argue that proximity may be a crucial driver for agents to connect and exchange knowledge, but too much proximity between agents on any of the dimensions might harm their innovative performance at the same time. In a study on knowledge networks in the Dutch aviation industry, we test this so-called proximity paradox empirically. We found evidence that the proximity paradox holds to a considerable degree. Our study clearly showed that cognitive, social, organizational and geographical proximity were crucial for explaining the knowledge network of the Dutch aviation industry. However, we found strong evidence that too much cognitive proximity lowered firms鈥 innovative performance, and organizational proximity did not have an effect.
[40]Heimeriks G, Boschma R. The path- and place-dependent nature of scientific knowledge production in biotech 1986-2008
. Journal of Economic Geography, 2014, 14(2): 339-364.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbs052URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study explores the worldwide spatial evolution of scientific knowledge production in biotechnology in the period 1986-2008. We employ new methodology that identifies new key topics in biotech on the basis of frequent use of title worlds in major biotech journals as an indication of new cognitive developments within this scientific field. Our analyses show that biotech is subject to a path- and place-dependent process of knowledge production. We observed a high degree of re-occurrences of similar key topics in biotech in consecutive years. Furthermore, slow growth cities in biotech are characterized by topics that are less technologically related to other topics, while high growth cities in biotech contribute to topics that are more related to the entire set of existing topics. Slow growth and stable growth cities in biotech introduced more new topics, while fast growth cities in biotech introduced more promising topics. Slow growth cities also showed low levels of research collaboration, as compared to stable and high growth cities.
[41]Boschma R, Hartog M. Merger and acquisition activity as driver of spatial clustering: The spatial evolution of the Dutch banking industry, 1850-1993
. Economic Geography, 2014, 90(3): 247-266.
https://doi.org/10.1111/ecge.12054URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This article investigates the extent to which merger and acquisition (M&A) activity contributed to the spatial clustering of the Dutch banking industry in Amsterdam. This analysis is based on a unique database of all banks in the Netherlands that existed in the period 1850鈥1993. We found that spatial clustering of the Dutch banking industry was not driven by the fact that banks performed better in the Amsterdam region: being located in Amsterdam decreased rather than increased the survival chances of banks. However, banks in Amsterdam were disproportionally active in acquiring other banks outside Amsterdam. Experience in M&As accumulated mainly in the Amsterdam region, which in turn had a positive impact on the survival chances of banks located there. Our findings suggest that M&A activity was a driving force behind the spatial clustering of the Dutch banking industry between 1850 and 1993.
[42]Wenting R. Spinoff dynamics and the spatial formation of the fashion design industry, 1858-2005
. Journal of Economic Geography, 2008, 8(5): 593-614.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbn030URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Many firms start as spinoff companies having the advantage of inheriting organizational routines of the parent firm. By constructing the genealogical structure of parent-spinoff relationships, one can analyze the effects of routine replication on firm success. Based on a unique dataset on the global fashion design industry we find that spinoffs outperform other firms and that spinoffs inherit parent success. We supplement this genealogical perspective with an analysis of localization economies and migration flows, which are shown to have an insignificant effect on firm success. We conclude that the local replication of routines through spinoffs caused the clustering of fashion design in a handful of cities around the world.
[43]Yin Laisheng, Feng Bangyan. Review and prospect of financial agglomeration research
. Human Geography, 2012, 27(1): 16-21.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[尹来盛, 冯邦彦. 金融集聚研究进展与展望
. 人文地理, 2012, 27(1): 16-21.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[44]Shen Yuming, Wu Kang, Ren Wangbing. Research progress of the spatial agglomeration on producer services
. Geographical Research, 2009, 28(6): 1494-1507.
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2009060006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[申玉铭, 吴康, 任旺兵. 国内外生产性服务业空间集聚的研究进展
. 地理研究, 2009, 28(6): 1494-1507.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2009060006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[45]China development institute research group. China Financial Center Index (CDI CFCI 7)
. Beijing: China Economic Publishing House, 2015.
URL [本文引用: 1]

[综合开发研究院(中国.深圳)课题组. 中国金融中心指数(CDI CFCI)报告(第七期)
. 北京: 中国经济出版社, 2015.]
URL [本文引用: 1]
[46]Scott A, Storper M. High technology industry and regional development: A theoretical critique and reconstruction
. International Social Science Journal, 1987(39): 215-247.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract The paper opens with a discussion of the emergence of new ensembles of relations and forces of production. A factual account of the geography of high technology industry in the United States is presented. Some prevalent current approaches to the locational analysis of high technology industry are evaluated. An attempt is then made to show theoretically (a) how new growth centres emerge, on the basis of (b) agglomeration economies rooted in (c) the organisation of industry and local labor market dynamics, in the wider context of (d) macro-regional shifts in the location of new industrial ensembles. Growth centre/periphery relations are examined. -Authors
[47]Storper M, Walker R. The Capitalist Imperative: Territory, Technology and Industrial Growth
. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1989.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8330.1993.tb00218.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
No abstract
[48]Boschma R A, Van der Knaap G A. New high-tech industries and windows of locational opportunity: The role of labour markets and knowledge institutions during the industrial era
. Geografiska Annaler Series B: Human Geography, 1999, 81(2): 73-89.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0435-3684.1999.00050.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper presents a theoretical concept (the so-called"Open Windows of Locational Opportunity" concept, or OWLO concept) which provides an explanation for why it is rather uncertain and unpredictable where new high-technology industries will emerge in space. This is due to three tightly linked features of new high-tech industries. Firstly, new high-tech industries reflect a high rate of discontinuity because they place new demandson their local production environment. Secondly, due to this mismatch, new high-tech industries depend on their creative ability to generate or attract their own favourable production environment. This creative capacity compensates for the lack of specific local stimuli, as associated with their discontinuous nature. Thirdly, the OWLO concept claims that chance events may have a considerable impact on the place where new industries emerge. This is because it remains unpredictable at which place potentially favourable resources of a generic nature set in motion a creative process which brings increasing returns (that is, "localization economies") into the local production environment. As a consequence, many regions are considered to be in a more or less equal position to develop new high-tech industries during their initialstage of growth, despite their different techno-industrial histories. We have further illustrated this OWLO concept by linking it to the problem of whether regional labour markets and knowledge institutions may facilitate the ability of regions to generate new high-tech industries, despite the fact that these require new knowledge and skills. We made an attempt to specify in broad terms the extent to which local supplies of labour and institutionalized knowledge may have influenced the place where so-called new clusters of innovative industries emerged in Great Britain and Belgium during the industrial epoch. We presented some evi-dence that the three key notions of the OWLO concept described above have indeed been features of the spatial emergence of many new clusters in both countries during their initial stage of development.
[49]Miao Changhong, Wei Yehua, Lv Lachang. New Economic Geography.Beijing: Science Press, 2011. [本文引用: 2]

[苗长虹, 魏也华, 吕拉昌. 新经济地理学. 北京: 科学出版社, 2011.] [本文引用: 2]
[50]Perez C, Soete L. Catching up in technology: Entry barriers and windows of opportunity // Silverberg G, Soete L. Technical Change and Economic Theory
. London: Pinter, 1988.
[本文引用: 1]
[51]Arthur W. Increasing Returns and Path Dependence in the Economy. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1994 [本文引用: 2]
[52]Koster S. Whose child? How existing firms foster new firm formation: individual start-ups, spin-outs and spin-offs, dissertation. Groningen: University of Groningen,
Faculty of Spatial Sciences, 2006.
[本文引用: 1]
[53]Boschma R. Do spinoff dynamics or agglomeration externalities drive industry clustering? A reappraisal of Steven Klepper's work
. Industrial and Corporate Change, 2015, 24(4): 859-873.
https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/dtv024URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Steven Klepper’s theory of industry clustering based on organizational reproduction and inheritance through spinoffs challenged the Marshallian view on industry clustering. This article provides an assessment of Klepper’s theoretical and empirical work on industry clustering. We explore how “new” his spinoff theory on industry clustering was, and we investigate the impact of Klepper’s theory on the economic geography community. Klepper’s work has inspired especially recent literature on regional branching that argues that new industries grow out of and recombine capabilities from local related industries. Finally, the article discusses what questions on industry location are still left open or in need of more evidence in the context of Klepper’s theory.
[54]Helfat C, Lieberman M. The birth of capabilities: Market entry and the importance of pre-history
. Industrial and Corporate Change, 2002, 11(4): 725-760.
https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/11.4.725URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
We analyze the birth of capabilities and resources within organizations and within industries, and their historical antecedents, at the time of market entry. We find a consistent theme: the greater the similarity between pre-entry firm resources and the required resources in an industry, the greater the likelihood that a firm will enter that particular industry, and the greater the likelihood that the firm will survive and prosper. In addition, resource gaps affect the likelihood, speed and mode of entry. Copyright 2002, Oxford University Press.
[55]Feldman M, Lendel I. Under the lens: The geography of optical science as an emerging industry
. Economic Geography, 2010, 86(2): 147-171.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2010.01068.xURL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Optical science is the study of light and the ways in which light interacts with matter. Although its origins coincide with the earliest scientific inquiry, modern optics is an enabling technology that is applied to a variety of intermediate markets elecommunication equipment, medical devices, scientific instruments, semiconductors, imaging and reproduction, defense and security, and retail logistics. One difficulty in studying emerging technology is the limitation of current industrial categories and patent classes. This article examines the geography of optical science inventions using a new methodology that can be applied to study other emerging industries. We rely on companies that self-identify as working on optics on the basis of their voluntary membership in the Optics Society of America. We investigate the inventive activity of these companies from 2004 to 2007 and identify a set of International Patent Classes that defines the emergent technology space in optical science. Using this definition, we then analyze all the organizations that are inventing in optical science. We find that inventive activity is geographically concentrated: patenting takes place in 240 urban areas, although 84 percent of the patents were invented in 30 metropolitan areas and almost 50 percent were attributed to 11 metropolitan areas. The article considers the organizations that are shaping the emerging technology and the consequences for geographic clusters. Our results reveal that the geographic distribution of inventive activity does not reflect the location of self-designated regional optics clusters in the United States but suggests a more nuanced understanding of the emergence of industries. We conclude by considering lessons about the development of clusters in emerging industries.
[56]Liu Zhigao, Zhang Wei. Review on study of industrial structure evolution and branching from the perspective of evolutionary economic geography
. Economic Geography, 2016, 36(12): 218-223.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[刘志高, 张薇. 演化经济地理学视角下的产业结构演替与分叉研究评述
. 经济地理, 2016, 36(12): 218-223.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[57]He Canfei, Ren Yonghuan, Li Yunxiong. The mechanism of cross-boundary product evolution in China: An empirical analysis based on export product of prefecture-level cities
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(11): 1605-1613.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[贺灿飞, 任永欢, 李蕴雄. 产品结构演化的跨界效应研究: 基于中国地级市出口产品的实证分析
. 地理科学, 2016, 36(11): 1605-1613.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[58]Tanner A N. Regional branching reconsidered: Emergence of the fuel cell industry in European regions
. Economic Geography, 2014, 90(4): 403-427
https://doi.org/10.1111/ecge.12055URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The literature on economic geography suffers from a lack of attention to the emergence of new industries. Recent literature on “regional branching” proposes that new industries emerge in regions where preexisting economic activities are technologically related to the emerging industry. This article provides a more grounded basis for the emerging literature on regional branching by confronting the regional branching thesis with the realities of an emerging industry, namely, the fuel cell industry. The analysis is based on patent data and qualitative interviews conducted in a selection of European NUTS2 (nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) regions. The findings can be summarized as follows. First, the analysis reveals that in the case of the emerging fuel cell industry, regional diversification is dominated by firm diversification, which complements previous studies’ findings that entrepreneurial spin-offs dominate regional diversification. Second, the study corroborates the assumption that the process of regional branching relies on knowledge generated by nonindustrial actors such as universities and research institutes. Third, the findings suggest that care should be taken in ascribing the underlying logic of regional branching to the principle of technological relatedness alone. The article shows how some regional diversification processes occur in regions where preexisting economic activities are not technologically related to the emerging industry, for instance, when user industries apply new technologies to their product portfolio. The importance of further investigating and disentangling different dimensions of relatedness and their impact on regional branching is stressed.
[59]Boschma R, Frenken K. Technological relatedness, related variety and economic geography // Cooke P, Asheim B, Boschma R. The Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth
. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011.
[本文引用: 1]
[60]Boschma R, Minondo A, Navarro M. The emergence of new industries at the regional level in Spain: A proximity approach based on product relatedness
. Economic Geography, 2013, 89(1): 29-51.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2012.01170.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Top of page abstract Acknowledgments Regional Diversification Based on Relatedness Data and Methodology The Relationship Between Density and the Entry of New Products in Spanish Regions Econometric Analyses Conclusions References How do regions diversify over time? Inspired by recent studies, we argue that regions diversify into industries that make use of capabilities in which regions are specialized. Since the spread of capabilities occurs through mechanisms that have a strong regional bias, we expect that capabilities that are available at the regional level play a larger role than do capabilities that are available at the country level for the development of new industries. To test this hypothesis, we analyze the emergence of new industries in 50 Spanish regions at the NUTS 3 level in the period 1988-2008. We calculate the capability-distance between new export products and existing export products in Spanish regions and provide econometric evidence that regions tend to diversify into new industries that use similar capabilities as existing industries in these regions. We show that proximity to the regional industrial structure plays a much larger role in the emergence of new industries in regions than does proximity to the national industrial structure. This finding suggests that capabilities at the regional level enable the development of new industries.
[61]He Canfei, Dong Yao, Zhou Yi. Evolution of export product space in China: Path-dependent or path-breaking?
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016, 71(6): 969-983.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201606006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
地区经济发展与其生产结构紧密相联。演化经济地理学认为,地区生产结构的演化受技术关联的影响,是一个路径依赖过程;一些研究也认为产业和区域政策等因素可能创造新路径,实现路径突破。本文沿用Hidalgo等定义的贸易产品空间方法,基于2001-2013年中国31个省区市的产品贸易数据,对中国出口产品空间(Product Space)的演化路径进行探讨。结果发现:中国四大区域—东部、中部、西部和东北地区的出口产品经历了较为明显的结构转型,不同区域的转型方向与路径各异。在2001-2007年间,四大区域的出口产品空间演化受到技术关联的显著影响,体现为路径依赖的过程。在2008-2013年间,东部、中部与东北地区的产品空间演化仍受技术关联的影响,而西部地区则更多受到产业和区域政策的推动,体现了路径突破的演化过程。本文研究启示,虽然中国区域生产结构演化一定程度上受制于现有区域能力、技术和知识积累,但是区域性制度政策创新可以突破原有路径,为区域发展创造新的机会。
[贺灿飞, 董瑶, 周沂. 中国对外贸易产品空间路径演化
. 地理学报, 2016, 71(6): 969-983.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201606006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
地区经济发展与其生产结构紧密相联。演化经济地理学认为,地区生产结构的演化受技术关联的影响,是一个路径依赖过程;一些研究也认为产业和区域政策等因素可能创造新路径,实现路径突破。本文沿用Hidalgo等定义的贸易产品空间方法,基于2001-2013年中国31个省区市的产品贸易数据,对中国出口产品空间(Product Space)的演化路径进行探讨。结果发现:中国四大区域—东部、中部、西部和东北地区的出口产品经历了较为明显的结构转型,不同区域的转型方向与路径各异。在2001-2007年间,四大区域的出口产品空间演化受到技术关联的显著影响,体现为路径依赖的过程。在2008-2013年间,东部、中部与东北地区的产品空间演化仍受技术关联的影响,而西部地区则更多受到产业和区域政策的推动,体现了路径突破的演化过程。本文研究启示,虽然中国区域生产结构演化一定程度上受制于现有区域能力、技术和知识积累,但是区域性制度政策创新可以突破原有路径,为区域发展创造新的机会。
[62]Wang Mingfeng, Xi Houxue. The evolutionary paths of new emerging industry in cities: A case study of the Internet of things industry in the Yangtze River Delta region
. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(9): 1697-1707.
https://doi.org/10.11821/d1yj201509008URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[汪明峰, 郗厚雪. 城市新兴技术产业的演化路径比较分析: 以长三角物联网产业为例
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(9): 1697-1707.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/d1yj201509008URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[63]Miao Changhong. Three approaches in contemporary economic geographies
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2007, 27(5): 617-623.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[苗长虹. 欧美经济地理学的三个发展方向
. 地理科学, 2007, 27(5): 617-623.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[64]Lu lachang, Wei Yehua. Institutional turn, institutional thickness of new economic geography and regional development
. Economic Geography, 2005, 25(4): 437-441.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8462.2005.04.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[吕拉昌, 魏也华. 新经济地理学中的制度转向与区域发展
. 经济地理, 2005, 25(4): 437-441.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8462.2005.04.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[65]Amin A, Thrift N. Globalization, Institutions,Regional Development in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. [本文引用: 1]
[66]Zhang Yongkai, Xu Wei. Analysis of the industry spatial evolution mechanism and its determinants from the perspective of evolutionary economic geography: A case study of China's automobile industry
. World Regional Studies, 2014, 23(2): 1-13.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[张永凯, 徐伟. 演化经济地理学视角下的产业空间演化及其影响因素分析
. 世界地理研究, 2014, 23(2): 1-13.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[67]Liu Xin, He Canfei. Relatedness and urban industrial growth
. Geographical Research, 2016, 35(4): 717-730.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201604010URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[刘鑫, 贺灿飞. 技术关联与城市产业增长研究
. 地理研究, 2016, 35(4): 717-730.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201604010URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[68]Zucker L, Darby M, Armstrong J. Geographically localized knowledge: Spillovers or markets?
Economic Inquiry, 1998, 36(1): 65-86.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1465-7295.1998.tb01696.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Using detailed data on California biotechnology, we find that the positive impact of research universities on nearby firms relates to identifiable market exchange between particular university star scientists and firms and not to generalized knowledge spillovers. Poisson and two-stage Heckman regressions indicate the number of star-firm collaborations powerfully predicts success: for an average firm, five articles coauthored by academic stars and the firm's scientists imply about five more products in development, 3.5 more products on the market, and 860 more employees. Stars collaborating with or employed by firms, or who patent, have significantly higher citation rates than pure academic stars.
[69]MacKinnon D, Cumbers A, Pike A. Evolution in economic geography: Institutions, political economy, and adaptation
. Economic Geography, 2009, 85(2): 129-150.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2009.01017.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Economic geography has, over the past decade or so, drawn upon ideas from evolutionary economics in trying to understand processes of regional growth and change. Recently, some researchers have sought to delimit and develop an “evolutionary economic geography” (EEG), aiming to create a more systematic theoretical framework for research. This article provides a sympathetic critique and elaboration of this emergent EEG but takes issue with some aspects of its characterization in recent programmatic statements. While acknowledging that EEG is an evolving and pluralist project, we are concerned that the reliance on certain theoretical frameworks that are imported from evolutionary economics and complexity science threatens to isolate it from other approaches in economic geography, limiting the opportunities for cross-fertilization. In response, the article seeks to develop a social and pluralist conception of institutions and social agency in EEG, drawing upon the writings of leading institutional economists, and to link evolutionary concepts to political economy approaches, arguing that the evolution of the economic landscape must be related to processes of capital accumulation and uneven development. As such, we favor the use of evolutionary and institutional concepts within a geographical political economy approach, rather than the construction of some kind of theoretically separate EEG—evolution in economic geography, not an evolutionary economic geography.
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