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张丽娟1,, 姚子艳1, 唐世浩2, 李侠祥1, 郝甜甜1
1. 黑龙江省普通高等学校地理环境遥感监测重点实验室 哈尔滨师范大学,哈尔滨 150025
2. 中国气象局中国遥感卫星辐射测量和定标重点开放实验室 国家气象卫星中心,北京 100081

Spatiotemporal characteristics and patterns of the global cultivated land since the 1980s

ZHANGLijuan1,, YAOZiyan1, TANGShihao2, LIXiaxiang1, HAOTiantian1
1. Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Monitoring of Geographic Environment, College of Heilongjiang, Harbin Normal University, Harbin 150025, China
2. Key Laboratory of Radiometric Calibration and Validation for Environmental Satellites, National Satellite Meteorological Center, CMA, Beijing 100081, China
-->作者简介:张丽娟(1965-), 女, 河北唐山人, 博士, 教授, 主要从事土地覆盖变化研究。E-mail: zlj19650205@163.com


本文基于全球1982-2011年土地利用/覆被的矢量数据,分析了20世纪80年代以来全球耕地变化的基本特征及空间格局。结果表明:① 20世纪80年代以来,全球耕地面积增加了528.768×104 km2,增加速率为7.920×104 km2/a,呈不显著增加趋势,全球耕地面积以20世纪80年代增速最快。20世纪80年代以来,北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲耕地面积呈显著增加趋势,分别增加了170.854×104 km2、107.890×104 km2、186.492×104 km2,增加速率分别为7.236×104 km2/a、2.780×104 km2/a、3.758×104 km2/a;亚洲、欧洲、非洲耕地面积为减少趋势,分别减少了23.769×104 km2、4.035×104 km2、86.76×104 km2,减少速率分别为-5.641×104 km2/a、-0.813×104 km2/a、 -0.595×104 km2/a。② 20世纪80年代以来,全球增加的耕地主要由草地、林地转化,分别占53.536%、26.148%。新增耕地面积主要分布在非洲南部及中部、澳大利亚东部和北部、南美洲东南部、美国的中部及阿拉斯加、加拿大中部、俄罗斯西部及芬兰北部、蒙古北部等区域。非洲南部的博茨瓦纳为全球耕地增加比例最高区域,增加了80%~90%。③ 20世纪80年代以来,全球耕地换化为其他用地共计1071.946×104 km2,全球减少的耕地主要转化为了草地、林地,分别占比为57.482%、36.000%;全球减少耕地主要分布在非洲中部的苏丹南部、美国中南部、俄罗斯南部及欧洲南部的保加利亚、罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚和匈牙利等国,减少最大的区域为非洲南部,减少了60%。④ 各大洲耕地均表现出向高纬扩张的趋势,全球多数国家表现出新增耕地扩张而原有耕地减少的特点。

Based on the global land use / cover data from 1982 to 2011(CG-LTDR), this paper analyzes the characteristics and spatial patterns of cultivated land change since the 1980s. The results are summarized as follows: (1) Since the 1980s, the world's arable land has increased by 528.768×104 km2 with a rate of 7.920×104 km2/a, although the trend is not statistically significant. The world's arable land grew fastest in the 1980s. Areas of cultivated land in North America, South America and Oceania increased by 170. 854×104 km2, 107. 890×104 km2 and 186. 492×104 km2, respectively since the 1980s, showing significant trends with rates of 7.236×104 km2/a, 2.780×104 km2/a and 3.758×104 km2/a, respectively. Areas in Asia, Europe and Africa decreased by 23.769×104, 4.035×104, 86.76×104 km2, with rates of -5.641×104 km2/a, -0.813×104 km2/a and -0. 595×104 km2/a, respectively. Only Asia revealed a significant reduction trend. (2) Since the 1980s, the increased cultivated land in the world has been mainly converted from grasslands and forests, accounting for 53.536% and 26.148%, respectively. Newly cultivated land was mostly distributed in southern and central Africa, eastern and northern Australia, southeastern South America, central US, Alaska, central Canada, western Russia, northern Finland and northern Mongolia. Among these regions, Botswana in southern Africa has the highest proportion of increased arable land, an increase of 80%-90%. (3) Since the 1980s, a total of 1071.946×104 km2 of arable land has been converted to other types of land, mostly grasslands and forests that account for 57.482% and 36.000%, respectively. Global reduction of arable land was mainly found in southern and central Africa, central South America, southern Russia and southern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Hungary). Among these regions, southern Africa experienced the highest reduction of 60%. (4) Cultivated lands in all continents had a trend of expanding to high latitudes, and most countries in the world are characterized by expansion of newly cultivated land and reduction of cultivated land in the earlier period.

Keywords:cultivated land;spatiotemporal characteristics;spatiotemporal patterns;global land use change

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张丽娟, 姚子艳, 唐世浩, 李侠祥, 郝甜甜. 20世纪80年代以来全球耕地变化的基本特征及空间格局[J]. , 2017, 72(7): 1235-1247 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201707009
ZHANG Lijuan, YAO Ziyan, TANG Shihao, LI Xiaxiang, HAO Tiantian. Spatiotemporal characteristics and patterns of the global cultivated land since the 1980s[J]. 地理学报, 2017, 72(7): 1235-1247 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201707009

1 引言

国内外****对各种时空尺度的耕地变化进行了大量研究,研究成果已不胜枚举,而涉及全球尺度的耕地变化研究成果还不是很多。Ramankutty等结合卫星数据与国家和地方农产品库存数据,创建了20世纪90年代初的全球10 km的空间分辨率数据集,认为20世纪90年代初全球耕地为1800×104 km2,并分析了全球耕地的空间变化[15];Ramankutty等在1999年用“追算”建模技术创建了1700-1992年历史农田数据集,认为在近3个世纪以来,全球耕地面积整体上呈增加趋势,1700年后,欧洲是耕地扩张最快速的地区,其次是北美洲和前苏联,同时大部分的耕地增加是以牺牲林地和草地为代价的[16];Ramankutty等还依据全球农业和卫星数据,重建了2000年的全球耕地矢量图,得出2000年全球耕地约为1500×104 km2,南亚、东南亚、欧洲和美国密西西比河东部耕地所占比例较大,加拿大、南美洲北部耕地比例较小[17];Goldewijk等2011年基于全球历史环境数据集(HYDE),认为近3个世纪以来,全球耕地面积增加了5.5倍,增加的耕地主要由林地和草地转化[12];Lepers等2005年通过对多源耕地数据的校正和分析,得出1981-1990年全球各个大洲耕地均有增加,增加的区域主要位于亚洲的东南部、孟加拉国印度河流域、中东和中亚地区、美国的大平原地区,同时美国东南部和中国东部的耕地减少较为剧烈[18]。此外,赵文武2012年利用世界粮农组织(FAO)统计数据库和世界银行数据库,分析了世界上2050年人口可能过亿的17个国家及耕地面积排名前十的国家耕地动态变化,认为大多数国家表现出耕地减少趋势,90%以上的国家出现人均耕地面积减少现象[19]。综上,尽管涉及全球尺度耕地时空变化的研究已有一些成果,但更多的研究集中揭示了全球20世纪90年代前的耕地变化。但随着全球气候变暖及全球尺度耕地数据的不断更新,人们更为关注近期全球耕地的时空变化。

2 数据来源与处理

2.1 全球耕地矢量数据

2.1.1 数据产品说明 随着卫星数据和遥感技术的飞速发展,国际上已有多套全球地表覆盖数据产品,近几年中国也陆续发布了几套全球高分辨率的地表覆盖数据(如FROM-GLC,Globe Land30)。但始于20世纪80年代以来逐年连续的全球土地利用数据还比较少。本文采用由中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所与国家卫星气象中心等单位联合研制的全球地表覆盖数据产品(CG-LTDR)。该数据具有以下特点:① 本数据集是将空间分辨率为500 m的MODIS数据融合至空间分辨率为0.05°的AVHRR数据中,实现了像元尺度上的定量融合,生成了空间分辨率一致的长时间序列土地覆盖分类数据,时间尺度1982-2011年。② 本文数据产品采用全新的土地覆盖分类算法,即层次分类方法作为分类方法,先按地理特征进行区分大类,然后在大类上进一步选择地理特征区分小类。其特点是先简化分类特征并将噪音信息过滤,极大降低分类特征数量,并将隐形信息转换为显性信息。③ CG-LTDR将下垫面分为水(湖泊)、冰雪、荒地、稀疏植被、城市、湿地、常绿针叶林、落叶针叶林、常绿阔叶林、落叶阔叶林、灌木、耕地、草地、草地/林地混合型、苔藓地衣等15种土地利用类型。
-->Fig. 1Spatial distribution of global land use change in 1982, 1990, 2000 and 2011

2.1.2 CG-LTDR数据验证 该数据产品已在多个研究中作为基础数据使用并已验证。史学丽等验证了CG-LTDR在中国的分类精度,其总体分类精度达65.57%,与其他全球土地利用数据(IGBP DISCOVER、UMD、GLC2000和MODIS LAND COVER等)相比,其精度相当乃至更高[20];商荣、刘洋等****在此数据基础上,分别形成了全球地表反照率产品及叶面积指数数据[21-22],此数据多次用于全球气候模式或区域气候模式的驱动参数库。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Global land use data test results (kappa values)
Kappa 值0.61470.71040.8184

2.2 全球年平均气温资料
全球年平均气温数据来源于英国East Anglia大学的Climatic Research Unit(简称 CRU)的气象要素数据库。该数据库是一套覆盖较全面、分辨率较高且连续的地表气象要素数据集,包括气温、降水、风速、蒸发、霜日数等多个要素。数据起始于1901年,时间分辨率为月数据。该套数据集覆盖全球陆地,沙漠和高原,均无缺测现象。本文选择高分辨率格点地表气候变量数据集CRU-TS3.22,在http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/data网站注册下载了1982-2011年的全球月平均气温数据。利用ArcGIS软件Spatial Analyst Tools模块中的To Raster工具将其转为栅格数据,用以分析全球陆地气温数据空间分布和变化,坐标系为WGS84。

3 分析方法

3.1 气候倾向率

通过线性倾向估计法对不同气象要素的时间序列进行了趋势分析,对资料序列yx),x=1, 2, …, n,以线性函数来拟合原序列[24]

3.2 土地利用动态度模型


4 结果与分析

4.1 20世纪80年代以来全球耕地时空格局变化

20世纪80年代以来,全球耕地面积呈现增加趋势,增加速率为7.920×104 km2/a,为不显著增加(未通过0.05概率水平检验,图2a)。20世纪80年代初期(1982年)全球耕地面积为1939.573×104 km2,21世纪10年代初(2011年)全球耕地面积为2468.340×104 km2,增加了528.768×104 km2。20世纪80年代以来,全球耕地面积呈现增—减—增的年代变化特征,即20世纪80年代和21世纪最初10年全球耕地面积为增加趋势,20世纪90年代为减少趋势,20世纪80年代耕地增加速率是21世纪最初10年增速的3.7倍,可见20世纪80年代是全球耕地面积增加最迅速的时期(表2,表3)。
-->Fig. 2The change of cultivated land area around the world since the 1980s

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Characteristics of cultivated land change in different continents since the 1980s
(104 km2)

Tab. 3
表3全球耕地与其他土地利用类型面积的转化(104 km2)
Tab. 3The transformation of the global cultivated land and other land use types (104 km2)

20世纪80年代以来,全球由其他土地利用类型转入耕地面积为1599.753×104 km2,耕地转为其他土地利用类型1071.946×104 km2,转入大于转出。全球增加的耕地主要由草地、林地和未利用地转化,分别占了增加总量的53.536%、26.148%和18.403%,即全球增加的耕地面积的一半由草地转化。20世纪80年代以来,全球减少的耕地主要转化为了草地、林地和未利用地,分别占了减少总量的57.482%、36.000%、4.072%。全球减少的耕地也主要转化为了草地和林地。
-->Fig. 3Spatial variation rate of cultivated land in the world since the 1980s

-->Fig. 4Spatiotemporal conversion of cultivated land in the world since the 1980s


4.2 20世纪80年代以来各大洲耕地时空格局变化

20世纪80年代以来,北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲耕地面积为增加趋势,亚洲、欧洲、非洲为减少趋势。相比1982年,2011年北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲耕地面积增加了170.854、107.890、186.492×104 km2,亚洲、欧洲、非洲耕地面积减少了23.769、4.035、86.76×104 km2。其中,北美洲、南美洲耕地面积为显著增加趋势,北美洲耕地面积增加速率最快,为7.236×104 km2/a,为极显著增加;亚洲耕地面积减少速率最快,为5.641×104 km2/a,为显著减少。各大洲耕地面积随年代变化特征不一样。南美洲、大洋洲和全球特征一致;亚洲、非洲耕地面积20世纪80年代增加,以后减少;欧洲、北美洲20世纪80年代、90年代减少,21世纪最初10年增加(图2b)。各大洲增加的耕地以草地、林地和未利用地转化为主,其中亚洲、北美洲、非洲、南美洲和大洋洲以草地转耕地所占比例最高,欧洲以林地转换耕地所占比例最大;亚洲、非洲、大洋洲以未利用地转耕地次之,欧洲、北美洲、南美洲以林地次之(表4)。各大洲均以耕地转为草地为主,林地次之,二者之和占了90%以上,耕地转为草地均在50%以上,其中欧洲耕地转为草地占了70%以上(表5)。
Tab. 4
Tab. 4The matrix of cultivated land of the world and continents since the 1980s (km2)
林地587 044.033538 977.272497 117.3711 295 193.5741 049 514.128210 610.0924 183 030.965
草地1 685 071.620700 578.4902 693 786.9081 527 020.934768 167.2501 168 947.5858 564 519.048
建设用地8 745.3803 418.037852.6232 675.5151 455.492125.65417 290.898
湿地53 106.83629 938.38124 623.82227 727.06516 697.01318 878.816231 618.103
水域12 878.2124 244.3704 824.1717 055.7783 649.6673 989.41957 099.131
未利用地911 410.98774 871.195857 230.925138 995.12255 494.096900 758.8342 943 976.114

Tab. 5
Tab. 5The out matrix of cultivated land of the world and each continent since the 1980s (km2)
林地1 217 276.742300 777.3681 410 706.162399 259.025341 994.955141 504.8963 859 019.347
草地2 017 539.6641 065 004.9711 647 566.868788 780.992373 549.898258 183.9886 161 722.976
建设用地15 804.03510 816.9681 370.6604 030.622723.119151.45733 117.082
湿地57 448.3596 470.66417 104.84925 935.50141 131.8776 184.790166 437.848
水域19 388.0052 573.7007 587.0748 548.65715 530.1406 160.88262 663.411
未利用地169 794.0977 604.133128 833.59467 964.71243 064.18418 703.268436 504.043

-->Fig. 5Spatial distribution of cultivated land changes in each continent since the 1980s

-->Fig. 6Spatial change of global cultivated land in 1982-1990

-->Fig. 7Spatial distribution of cultivated land conversion in some countries

20世纪80年代以来,大洋洲以澳大利亚耕地面积增加最多,增加了189.165×104 km2,澳大利亚新增耕地从北部、东部、南部分别向内陆地区延伸,北部和东部更显著,增加比例达到60%~70%。新西兰南岛耕地较多,增加了2904.572 km2,主要为草地转耕地。大洋洲耕地分布北界,由1982年的46°S移动到2011年的47°S(图5f)。

5 讨论

(1)采用与已有相关研究结果进行比较,对本文研究结果进行验证。为了与已有研究结果进行对比,本文分别按照相应文献的研究时段,重新依据CG-LTDR数据计算同时段的结果(表6)。尽管与不同的****所采用的研究数据以及研究方法不同,但本文与诸多****的研究结论基本吻合,也证实了本文研究结论的可信性。相比,由于本文结合空间矢量数据,所以结果相比更加定量化。比如,谢高地等认为1985年以前全球耕地呈增加趋势,1985-1995年间耕地呈减少趋势[26],本文认为1985-1995年全球耕地面积为减少趋势,还进一步指出减少为不显著减少,减少速率为19.772×104 km2/a;Abbas等研究认为1975-2005年尼日利亚耕地向南部森林区扩展,同时原有耕地减少[27],本文认为1982-2005年尼日利亚耕地向南部森林区扩张了约214 197.544 km2,原有耕地面积减少了187354.798 km2等。但有些结论也有不同之处,比如Ramankutty等认为20世纪90年代初全球耕地大约为1800×104 km2,空间上主要集中在欧亚地区,其次是北美洲和非洲[15],本文研究认为20世纪90年代初全球耕地为1845.761×104 km2,空间上主要分布在欧洲南部、蒙古东北部、中国东部、美国五大湖附近及密西西比河流域、非洲的撒哈拉以南及刚果和刚果民主共和国南部。另外,还有一些研究成果,由于本文研究时段为最近的30年,所以有些结论因研究时段不同而不一样。
Tab. 6
Tab. 6Comparison with the results of previous studies
1谢高地等认为1985年以前全球耕地呈增加趋势,1985-1995年间耕地呈减少趋势[26]1985-1995年全球耕地面积变化特征,结论为不显著减少趋势,减少速率为19.772×104 km2/a。
6Abbas等研究认为1975-2005年尼日利亚耕地向南部森林区扩展,同时原有耕地减少[27]1982-2005年尼日利亚耕地向南部森林区扩张了约214197.544 km2,原有耕地减少了187354.798 km2图7d)。
8Ramankutty等认为20世纪90年代初全球耕地大约为1800×104 km2,空间上主要集中在欧亚地区,其次是北美洲和非洲[15]本文研究认为20世纪90年代初全球耕地为1845.761×104 km2,空间上主要分布在欧洲南部、蒙古东北部、中国东部、美国五大湖附近及密西西比河流域、非洲的撒哈拉以南及刚果和刚果民主共和国南部。


6 结论

(1)20世纪80年代以来全球耕地面积呈现增加趋势,增加速率为7.920×104 km2/a,为不显著增加。全球耕地面积增加了528.768×104 km2。20世纪80年代和21世纪最初10年全球耕地面积为增加趋势,20世纪90年代为减少趋势。全球增加的耕地主要由草地、林地和未利用地转化,全球减少的耕地主要转化为草地、林地和未利用地。
(2)20世纪80年代以来,北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲耕地面积分别增加了170.854×104 km2、107.890×104 km2、186.492×104 km2,亚洲、欧洲、非洲耕地面积分别减少了23.769×104 km2、4.035×104 km2、86.76×104 km2。北美洲、南美洲耕地面积显著增加,亚洲耕地面积显著减少。最近10年北美洲耕地面积增加最快,南美洲在20世纪80年代增加最快,亚洲耕地面积在20世纪90年代后持续减少。各大洲新增耕地主要由草地、林地和未利用地转化为主,各大洲减少耕地基本转化为草地和林地。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

[1]Ramankutty N, Delire C, Snyder P.Feedbacks between agriculture and climate: An illustration of the potential unintended consequences of human land use activities.
Global and Planetary Change, 2006, 54(1/2): 79-93.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2005.10.005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Agriculture has significantly transformed the face of the planet. In particular, croplands have replaced natural vegetation over large areas of the global land surface, covering around 18聽million km 2 of the land surface today. To grow crops, humans have taken advantage of the resource provided by climate 鈥 optimum temperature and precipitation. However, the clearing of land for establishing croplands might have resulted in an inadvertent change in the climate. This feedback might, in turn, have altered the suitability of land for growing crops. In this sensitivity study, we used a combination of land cover data sets, numerical models, and cropland suitability analysis, to estimate the degree to which the replacement of natural vegetation by croplands might have altered the land suitability for cultivation. We found that the global changes in cropland suitability are likely to have been fairly small, however large regional changes in cropland suitability might have occurred. Our theoretical study showed that major changes in suitability occurred in Canada, Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union, northern India, and China. Although the magnitude, sign, and spatial patterns of change indicated by this study may be an artifact of our particular model and experimental design, our study is illustrative of the potential inadvertent consequences of human activities on the land. Moreover, it offers a methodology for evaluating how climate changes due to human activities on the land may alter the multiple services offered by ecosystems to human beings.
[2]Tian H Q, Chen G S, Zhang Chi, et al.Century- scale responses of ecosystem carbon storage and flux to multiple environmental changes in the southern United States.
Ecosystems, 2012, 15(4): 674-694.
Terrestrial ecosystems in the southern United States (SUS) have experienced a complex set of changes in climate, atmospheric CO 2 concentration, tropospheric ozone (O 3 ), nitrogen (N) deposition, and land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) during the past century. Although each of these factors has received attention for its alterations on ecosystem carbon (C) dynamics, their combined effects and relative contributions are still not well understood. By using the Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model (DLEM) in combination with spatially explicit, long - term historical data series on multiple environmental factors, we examined the century-scale responses of ecosystem C storage and flux to multiple environmental changes in the SUS. The results indicated that multiple environmental changes shifted SUS ecosystems from a C source of 1.2002±020.5602Pg (102Pg02=0210 15 02g) during the period 1895 to 1950, to a C sink of 2.0002±020.9402Pg during the period 1951 to 2007. Over the entire period spanning 1895–2007, SUS ecosystems were a net C sink of 0.8002±020.3802Pg. The C sink was primarily due to an increase in the vegetation C pool, whereas the soil C pool decreased during the study period. The spatiotemporal changes of C storage were caused by changes in multiple environmental factors. Among the five factors examined (climate, LULCC, N deposition, atmospheric CO 2 , and tropospheric O 3 ), elevated atmospheric CO 2 concentration was the largest contributor to C sequestration, followed by N deposition. LULCC, climate, and tropospheric O 3 concentration contributed to C losses during the study period. The SUS ecosystem C sink was largely the result of interactive effects among multiple environmental factors, particularly atmospheric N input and atmospheric CO 2.
[3]Tao B, Tian H Q, Chen G S, et al.Terrestrial carbon balance in tropical Asia: Contribution from cropland expansion and land management.
Global & Planetary Change, 2013, 100(1): 85-98.
Tropical Asia has experienced dramatic cropland expansion and agricultural intensification to meet the increasing food demand and is likely to undergo further rapid development in the near future. Much concern has been raised about how cropland expansion and associated management practices (nitrogen fertilizer use, irrigation, etc.) have affected the terrestrial carbon cycle in this region. In this study, we used a process-based ecosystem model, the Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model (DLEM), to assess the magnitude, spatial and temporal patterns of terrestrial carbon fluxes and pools in Tropical Asia as resulted from cropland expansion and land management practices during 1901–2005. The results indicated that cropland expansion had resulted in a release of 19.12 ± 3.06 Pg C (0.18 ± 0.029 Pg C/yr) into the atmosphere in Tropical Asia over the study period. Of this amount, approximately 22% (4.18 ± 0.66 Pg C) was released from South Asia and 78% (14.94 ± 2.40 Pg C) from Southeast Asia. Larger land area was converted to cropland while less carbon was emitted from South Asia than from Southeast Asia, where forest biomass and soil carbon were significantly higher. Changes in vegetation, soil organic matter, and litter pools caused emissions of 15.58, 2.25, and 1.71 Pg C, respectively, from the entire region. Significant decreases in vegetation carbon occurred across most regions of Southeast Asia due to continuous cropland expansion and shrink of natural forests. When considering land management practices, however, less carbon was released into the atmosphere, especially in South Asia where land management practices contributed to an approximately 10% reduction in carbon emission. This implies that optimizing land management practices could greatly reduce the carbon emissions caused by cropland expansion and might be one of important climate mitigation options in Tropical Asia.
[4]He Fanneng, Li Meijiao, Liu Haolong.Reconstruction of cropland area at Lu scale and its spatialtemporal characteristics in the Northern Song Dynasty.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016, 71(11): 1967-1978.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201611008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
基于垦田和户口史料及耕地分布影响因子的分析,本文建立了北宋册载垦田数据的订正方法以及路域耕地分布倾向模型和分配模型,重建了北宋4个时点的路域耕地面积。结果表明:① 北宋开宝九年(976年)、至道三年(997年)、治平三年(1066年)和元丰元年(1078年)的耕地总量分别为468.27×10今亩、495.53×10今亩、697.65×10今亩和731.94×10今亩,百年间耕地面积增加了约2.64亿今亩;垦殖率从开宝九年(976年)的10.8%,增加至元丰元年(1078年)的16.9%,提高了约6个百分点;而人均耕地面积由15.7今亩降至8.4今亩。② 从空间变化特征看,东南地区是北宋土地垦殖发展最快的地区,土地垦殖率增加了约12.0%,北宋中期长江中下游平原局部地区垦殖率高达40%;其次是北方地区,土地垦殖率增加了5.2%,北宋中期黄淮海平原的土地垦殖率也超过了20%;西南地区农业发展相对落后,区域土地垦殖率仅增加1.2%,除成都府路外,各路垦殖率均低于6%。③ 从评估结果看,本文所构建的路域耕地分配模型具有一定的可行性,相对误差绝对值小于20%的路域占总路数的84.2%,结果能较好地反映北宋时期路域耕地面积的时空变化特征。
[何凡能, 李美娇, 刘浩龙. 北宋路域耕地面积重建及时空特征分析
. 地理学报, 2016, 71(11): 1967-1978.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201611008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
基于垦田和户口史料及耕地分布影响因子的分析,本文建立了北宋册载垦田数据的订正方法以及路域耕地分布倾向模型和分配模型,重建了北宋4个时点的路域耕地面积。结果表明:① 北宋开宝九年(976年)、至道三年(997年)、治平三年(1066年)和元丰元年(1078年)的耕地总量分别为468.27×10今亩、495.53×10今亩、697.65×10今亩和731.94×10今亩,百年间耕地面积增加了约2.64亿今亩;垦殖率从开宝九年(976年)的10.8%,增加至元丰元年(1078年)的16.9%,提高了约6个百分点;而人均耕地面积由15.7今亩降至8.4今亩。② 从空间变化特征看,东南地区是北宋土地垦殖发展最快的地区,土地垦殖率增加了约12.0%,北宋中期长江中下游平原局部地区垦殖率高达40%;其次是北方地区,土地垦殖率增加了5.2%,北宋中期黄淮海平原的土地垦殖率也超过了20%;西南地区农业发展相对落后,区域土地垦殖率仅增加1.2%,除成都府路外,各路垦殖率均低于6%。③ 从评估结果看,本文所构建的路域耕地分配模型具有一定的可行性,相对误差绝对值小于20%的路域占总路数的84.2%,结果能较好地反映北宋时期路域耕地面积的时空变化特征。
[5]Chhabra A, Geist H, Houghton R A, et al.Multiple impacts of land-use/cover change//Land-Use and Land-Cover Change.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006: 71-116.
[本文引用: 1]
[6]Liu Jiyuan, Kuang Wenhui, Zhang Zengxiang, et al.Spatiotemporal characteristics, patterns and causes of land use changes in China since the late 1980s.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, 69(1): 3-14.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201401001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
土地利用/土地覆被变化(LUCC)是人类活动与自然环境相互作用最直接的表现形式,本文采用相同空间分辨率的卫星遥感信息源和相同的技术方法,对中国1980 年代末到2010 年土地利用变化数据进行定期更新。在此基础上,提出并发展土地利用动态区划的方法,研究土地利用变化的空间格局与时空特征。我们发现:1990-2010 年的20 年间,中国土地利用变化表现出明显的时空差异。“南减北增,总量基本持衡,新增耕地的重心逐步由东北向西北移动”是耕地变化的基本特征;“扩展提速,东部为重心,向中西部蔓延”是城乡建设用地变化的基本特征;“林地前减后增,荒漠前增后减,草地持续减少”是非人工土地利用类型变化的主要特征。20 世纪末与21 世纪初两个10 年相比,中国土地利用变化空间格局出现了一些新特征,原有的13 个土地利用变化区划单元演变为15 个单元,且部分区划单元边界发生变化。主要变化格局特征为黄淮海地区、东南部沿海地区、长江中游地区和四川盆地城镇工矿用地呈现明显的加速扩张态势;北方地区耕地开垦重心由东北地区和内蒙古东部转向西北绿洲农业区;东北地区旱作耕地持续转变为水田;内蒙古农牧交错带南部、黄土高原和西南山地退耕还林还草效果初显。近20 年间,尽管气候变化对北方地区的耕地变化有一定的影响,但政策调控和经济驱动仍然是导致我国土地利用变化及其时空差异的主要原因。2000 年后的第一个10 年,土地利用格局变化的人为驱动因素已由单向国土开发为主,转变为开发与保护并重。在空间格局变化的分析方法方面,应用“动态区划法”开展世纪之交两个10 年中国LUCC空间格局变化的分析,有效揭示了20 年来中国LUCC“格局的变化过程”,即动态区划边界的推移、区划单元内部特征的变化与单元的消长等;以及“变化过程的格局”,即土地利用变化过程与特征的分阶段区域差异,清晰刻画了LUCC动态区划中区划单元的消长,单元边界的变动,以及前后10 年的变化强度特征,揭示了土地利用“格局”与“过程”之间的交替转化规律,以及不同类型和区域的变化原因,证明了该分析方法的有效性。
[刘纪远, 匡文慧, 张增祥, . 20世纪80年代末以来中国土地利用变化的基本特征与空间格局
. 地理学报, 2014, 69(1): 3-14.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201401001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
土地利用/土地覆被变化(LUCC)是人类活动与自然环境相互作用最直接的表现形式,本文采用相同空间分辨率的卫星遥感信息源和相同的技术方法,对中国1980 年代末到2010 年土地利用变化数据进行定期更新。在此基础上,提出并发展土地利用动态区划的方法,研究土地利用变化的空间格局与时空特征。我们发现:1990-2010 年的20 年间,中国土地利用变化表现出明显的时空差异。“南减北增,总量基本持衡,新增耕地的重心逐步由东北向西北移动”是耕地变化的基本特征;“扩展提速,东部为重心,向中西部蔓延”是城乡建设用地变化的基本特征;“林地前减后增,荒漠前增后减,草地持续减少”是非人工土地利用类型变化的主要特征。20 世纪末与21 世纪初两个10 年相比,中国土地利用变化空间格局出现了一些新特征,原有的13 个土地利用变化区划单元演变为15 个单元,且部分区划单元边界发生变化。主要变化格局特征为黄淮海地区、东南部沿海地区、长江中游地区和四川盆地城镇工矿用地呈现明显的加速扩张态势;北方地区耕地开垦重心由东北地区和内蒙古东部转向西北绿洲农业区;东北地区旱作耕地持续转变为水田;内蒙古农牧交错带南部、黄土高原和西南山地退耕还林还草效果初显。近20 年间,尽管气候变化对北方地区的耕地变化有一定的影响,但政策调控和经济驱动仍然是导致我国土地利用变化及其时空差异的主要原因。2000 年后的第一个10 年,土地利用格局变化的人为驱动因素已由单向国土开发为主,转变为开发与保护并重。在空间格局变化的分析方法方面,应用“动态区划法”开展世纪之交两个10 年中国LUCC空间格局变化的分析,有效揭示了20 年来中国LUCC“格局的变化过程”,即动态区划边界的推移、区划单元内部特征的变化与单元的消长等;以及“变化过程的格局”,即土地利用变化过程与特征的分阶段区域差异,清晰刻画了LUCC动态区划中区划单元的消长,单元边界的变动,以及前后10 年的变化强度特征,揭示了土地利用“格局”与“过程”之间的交替转化规律,以及不同类型和区域的变化原因,证明了该分析方法的有效性。
[7]Shi Peijun, Wang Jing'ai, Chen Jing, et al. The future of human-environment interaction research in geography: Lessons from the 6th Open Meeting of IHDP.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006, 61(2): 115-126.
URL [本文引用: 1]

[史培军, 王静爱, 陈婧, . 当代地理学之人地相互作用研究的趋向: 全球变化人类行为计划(IHDP)第六届开放会议透视
. 地理学报, 2006, 61(2): 115-126.]
URL [本文引用: 1]
[8]Findell K L, Pitman A J, England M H, et al.Regional and global impacts of land cover change and sea surface temperature anomalies.
Journal of Climate, 2009, 22(12): 3248-3269.
The atmospheric and land components of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory's (GFDL's) Climate Model version 2.1 (CM2.1) is used with climatological sea surface temperatures (SSTs) to investigate the relative climatic impacts of historical anthropogenic land cover change (LCC) and realistic SST anomalies. The SST forcing anomalies used are analogous to signals induced by El Ni帽o鈥昐outhern Oscillation (ENSO), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and the background global warming trend. Coherent areas of LCC are represented throughout much of central and eastern Europe, northern India, southeastern China, and on either side of the ridge of the Appalachian Mountains in North America. Smaller areas of change are present in various tropical regions. The land cover changes in the model are almost exclusively a conversion of forests to grasslands. Model results show that, at the global scale, the physical impacts of LCC on temperature and rainfall are less important than large-scale SST anomalies, particularly those due to ENSO. However, in the regions where the land surface has been altered, the impact of LCC can be equally or more important than the SST forcing patterns in determining the seasonal cycle of the surface water and energy balance. Thus, this work provides a context for the impacts of LCC on climate: namely, strong regional-scale impacts that can significantly change globally averaged fields but that rarely propagate beyond the disturbed regions. This suggests that proper representation of land cover conditions is essential in the design of climate model experiments, particularly if results are to be used for regional-scale assessments of climate change impacts.
[9]Forster P, Ramaswamy V, Artaxo P, et al.Changes in atmospheric constituents and in radiative forcing. Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis: Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007. [本文引用: 1]
[10]Ramankutty N, Achard F, Alves D, et al.Global changes in land cover. IHDP Newsletter, 2005(3): 4-5. [本文引用: 1]
[11]Godfray H C, Beddington J R, Crute L R et al. Food security: The challenge of feeding 9 billion people.
Science, 2010, 327(5967): 812-818.

[12]Goldewijk K K, Beusen A, Van Drecht G, et al.The HYDE 3. 1 spatially explicit database of human-induced global land-use change over the past 12, 000 years.
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2011, 20(1): 73-86.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1466-8238.2010.00587.xURL [本文引用: 3]摘要
ABSTRACT Aim68 This paper presents a tool for long-term global change studies; it is an update of the History Database of the Global Environment (HYDE) with estimates of some of the underlying demographic and agricultural driving factors. Methods68 Historical population, cropland and pasture statistics are combined with satellite information and specific allocation algorithms (which change over time) to create spatially explicit maps, which are fully consistent on a 5′ longitude/latitude grid resolution, and cover the period 10,000 bc to ad 2000. Results68 Cropland occupied roughly less than 1% of the global ice-free land area for a long time until ad 1000, similar to the area used for pasture. In the centuries that followed, the share of global cropland increased to 2% in ad 1700 ( c . 3 million km2) and 11% in ad 2000 (15 million km2), while the share of pasture area grew from 2% in ad 1700 to 24% in ad 2000 (34 million km2) These profound land-use changes have had, and will continue to have, quite considerable consequences for global biogeochemical cycles, and subsequently global climate change. Main conclusions68 Some researchers suggest that humans have shifted from living in the Holocene (emergence of agriculture) into the Anthropocene (humans capable of changing the Earth's atmosphere) since the start of the Industrial Revolution. But in the light of the sheer size and magnitude of some historical land-use changes (e.g. as result of the depopulation of Europe due to the Black Death in the 14th century and the aftermath of the colonization of the Americas in the 16th century) we believe that this point might have occurred earlier in time. While there are still many uncertainties and gaps in our knowledge about the importance of land use (change) in the global biogeochemical cycle, we hope that this database can help global (climate) change modellers to close parts of this gap.
[13]Ramankutty N, Delire C, Snyder P.Feedbacks between agriculture and climate: An illustration of the potential unintended consequences of human land use activities.
Global & Planetary Change, 2006, 54(1): 79-93.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2005.10.005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Agriculture has significantly transformed the face of the planet. In particular, croplands have replaced natural vegetation over large areas of the global land surface, covering around 18聽million km 2 of the land surface today. To grow crops, humans have taken advantage of the resource provided by climate 鈥 optimum temperature and precipitation. However, the clearing of land for establishing croplands might have resulted in an inadvertent change in the climate. This feedback might, in turn, have altered the suitability of land for growing crops. In this sensitivity study, we used a combination of land cover data sets, numerical models, and cropland suitability analysis, to estimate the degree to which the replacement of natural vegetation by croplands might have altered the land suitability for cultivation. We found that the global changes in cropland suitability are likely to have been fairly small, however large regional changes in cropland suitability might have occurred. Our theoretical study showed that major changes in suitability occurred in Canada, Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union, northern India, and China. Although the magnitude, sign, and spatial patterns of change indicated by this study may be an artifact of our particular model and experimental design, our study is illustrative of the potential inadvertent consequences of human activities on the land. Moreover, it offers a methodology for evaluating how climate changes due to human activities on the land may alter the multiple services offered by ecosystems to human beings.
[14]Ye Yu, Fang Xiuqi, Ren Yuyu, et al.Coverage changes of cropland in northeast China during the past 300 years.
Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2009, 39(3): 340-350
[本文引用: 1]

. [叶瑜, 方修琦, 任玉玉, .东北地区过去300年耕地覆盖变化. 中国科学(D)辑: 地球科学, 2009, 39(3): 340-350.] [本文引用: 1]
[15]Ramankutty N, Foley J A.Characterizing patterns of global land use: An analysis of global croplands data.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 1998, 12(4): 667-685.
https://doi.org/10.1029/98GB02512URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
Human activities have shaped significantly the state of terrestrial ecosystems throughout the world. One of the most direct manifestations of human activity within the biosphere has been the conversion of natural ecosystems to croplands. In this study, we present an analysis of the geographic distribution and spatial extent of permanent croplands. This analysis represents the area in permanent croplands during the early 1990s for each grid cell on a global 5 min (藴10 km) resolution latitude-longitude grid. To create this data set, we have combined a satellite-derived land cover data set with a variety of national and subnational agricultural inventory data. A simple calibration algorithm was used so that the spatial land cover data were generally consistent with nonspatial agricultural inventory data. The spatial distribution of croplands represented in this analysis presents a quantitative depiction of global agricultural geography. The regions of the world known to have intense cultivation (e.g., the North American corn belt, the European wheat-corn belt, the Ganges floodplain, and eastern China) are clearly portrayed in this analysis. It also captures the less intensely cultivated regions of the world, usually surrounding the regions mentioned above, and regions characterized by subsistence agriculture (e.g., Sahelian Africa). Data generated from this kind of analysis can be used within global climate models and global ecosystem models to assess the importance of permanent croplands on environmental processes. In particular, these data, combined with models, could help evaluate the role of changing land cover on regional climate and carbon cycling. Future efforts will need to concentrate on other land use systems, including pastures and regions of shifting cultivation. Furthermore, land use and land cover data must be extended to include an historical dimension so as to evaluate the changing state of the biosphere over time. This article contains supplementary material.
[16]Ramankutty N, Foley J A.Estimating historical changes in global land cover: Croplands from 1700 to 1992.
Global Biogeochemical cycles, 1999, 13(4): 997-1027.
https://doi.org/10.1029/1999GB900046URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Human activities over the last three centuries have significantly transformed the Earth's environment, primarily through the conversion of natural ecosystems to agriculture. This study presents a simple approach to derive geographically explicit changes in global croplands from 1700 to 1992. By calibrating a remotely sensed land cover classification data set against cropland inventory data, we derived a global representation of permanent croplands in 1992, at 5 min spatial resolution [Ramankutty and Foley, 1998]. To reconstruct historical croplands, we first compile an extensive database of historical cropland inventory data, at the national and subnational level, from a variety of sources. Then we use our 1992 cropland data within a simple land cover change model, along with the historical inventory data, to reconstruct global 5 min resolution data on permanent cropland areas from 1992 back to 1700. The reconstructed changes in historical croplands are consistent with the history of human settlement and patterns of economic development. By overlaying our historical cropland data set over a newly derived potential vegetation data set, we analyze our results in terms of the extent to which different natural vegetation types have been converted for agriculture. We further examine the extent to which croplands have been abandoned in different parts of the world. Our data sets could be used within global climate models and global ecosystem models to understand the impacts of land cover change on climate and on the cycling of carbon and water. Such an analysis is a crucial aid to sharpen our thinking about a sustainable future.
[17]Ramankutty N, Evan A T, Monfreda C, et al.Farming the planet: 1. Geographic distribution of global agricultural lands in the year 2000.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2008, 22(1): 567-568.
https://doi.org/10.1029/2007GB002952URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Agricultural activities have dramatically altered our planet's land surface. To understand the extent and spatial distribution of these changes, we have developed a new global data set of croplands and pastures circa 2000 by combining agricultural inventory data and satellite-derived land cover data. The agricultural inventory data, with much greater spatial detail than previously available, is used to train a land cover classification data set obtained by merging two different satellite-derived products (Boston University's MODIS-derived land cover product and the GLC2000 data set). Our data are presented at 5 min (~10 km) spatial resolution in longitude by longitude, have greater accuracy than previously available, and for the first time include statistical confidence intervals on the estimates. According to the data, there were 15.0 (90% confidence range of 12.2-17.1) million kmof cropland (12% of the Earth's ice-free land surface) and 28.0 (90% confidence range of 23.6-30.0) million kmof pasture (22%) in the year 2000.
[18]Lepers E, Lambin E F, Janetos A C, et al.A synthesis of information on rapid land-cover change for the period 1981-2000.
Bio Science, 2005, 55(2): 115-124.
https://doi.org/10.1641/0006-3568(2005)055[0115:ASOIOR]2.0.CO;2URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
This article presents a synthesis of what is known about areas of rapid land-cover change around the world over the past two decades, based on data compiled from remote sensing and censuses, as well as expert opinion. Asia currently has the greatest concentration of areas of rapid land-cover changes, and dryland degradation in particular. The Amazon basin remains a major hotspot of tropical deforestation. Rapid cropland increase, often associated with large-scale deforestation, is prominent in Southeast Asia. Forest degradation in Siberia, mostly related to logging activities, is increasing rapidly. The southeastern United States and eastern China are experiencing rapid cropland decrease. Existing data do not support the claim that the African Sahel is a desertification hotspot. Many of the most populated and rapidly changing cities are found in the tropics.
[19]Zhao Wenwu.Arable land change dynamics and their driving forces for the major countries of the world.
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012, 32(20): 6452-6462.
https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201203080314URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
在世界人口持续攀升、全球耕地面积不断减少的背景下,探讨世界主要国家耕地变化其影响因素,对于分析预测 未来世界耕地变化趋势、研究世界粮食安全具有积极意义.选择2050年人口过亿的17个国家和耕地面积排名前10的国家为研究对象,在分析 1961-2007年耕地总量变化、人均耕地变化的基础上,探讨了耕地变化影响因素.研究结果表明,从20世纪60年代到2007年间的不同时期内,有越 来越多的国家表现出耕地减少趋势,而人均耕地面积减少的国家个数高达90%以上.满足人口消费需求、城市化与经济发展是大多数国家耕地总量变化的主要动 力;而人口快速增长、城市化则是导致许多国家人均耕地显著减少的重要原因.
[赵文武. 世界主要国家耕地动态变化及其影响因素
. 生态学报, 2012, 32(20): 6452-6462.]
https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201203080314URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
在世界人口持续攀升、全球耕地面积不断减少的背景下,探讨世界主要国家耕地变化其影响因素,对于分析预测 未来世界耕地变化趋势、研究世界粮食安全具有积极意义.选择2050年人口过亿的17个国家和耕地面积排名前10的国家为研究对象,在分析 1961-2007年耕地总量变化、人均耕地变化的基础上,探讨了耕地变化影响因素.研究结果表明,从20世纪60年代到2007年间的不同时期内,有越 来越多的国家表现出耕地减少趋势,而人均耕地面积减少的国家个数高达90%以上.满足人口消费需求、城市化与经济发展是大多数国家耕地总量变化的主要动 力;而人口快速增长、城市化则是导致许多国家人均耕地显著减少的重要原因.
[20]Shi Xueli, Zhang Fang, Zhou Wenyan, et al.Impacts of CG-LTDR Land Cover Dataset Updates on the Ground Temperature Simulation with BCC_AVIM 1. 0. Journal of
Geo-Information Science, 2015, 17(11): 1294-1303.
https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.01294URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
本文将CG-LTDR数据集中的地表覆盖数据产品应用于北京气候中心陆面模式(BCC_AVIM 1.0)中,并通过数值模拟分析不同覆盖类型的数据(冰川、湿地、湖泊、植被PFT)更新对模拟结果的影响。结果表明,新数据对不同地表类型的基本分布特征都有合理描述,但与模式中原有数据的差异明显,表现为冰川比例在格陵兰岛西部地区增加,湿地在大部分地区都减少,湖泊在北美和欧亚大陆中高纬地区的比例减少,但青藏高原及周边地区小幅增加,植被PFT的差异最明显。与采用模式原地表覆盖数据的控制试验相比,新数据引入所致的改变,主要局限于地表覆盖数据改变的区域。冰川数据更新使高纬冰川积雪区和青藏高原的温度降低,湿地数据提高了欧洲和北美主要水区的地面温度,湖泊数据有效降低了亚洲地区的温度,更新植被PFT的影响最广泛,使得南美、南非、东北亚、北美和澳洲大部分地区的温度升高,而中国华南江南地区以及南亚地区的温度降低,但在一些地区的模拟效果降低。数据全部更新引起的温度改变最明显,但并不是所有类型的简单叠加,尤其在地表复杂区域。不同的覆盖类型数据更新,可在一定程度上减少模式对于地表温度的模拟偏差(如格陵兰岛西部和青藏高原地区、欧洲内陆湖区的温度偏高),因此需适当选用更新的数据。
[史学丽, 张芳, 周文艳, . CG-LTDR地表覆盖数据对BCC_AVIM1. 0陆面温度模拟的影响研究
. 地球信息科学学报, 2015, 17(11): 1294-1303.]
https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.01294URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
本文将CG-LTDR数据集中的地表覆盖数据产品应用于北京气候中心陆面模式(BCC_AVIM 1.0)中,并通过数值模拟分析不同覆盖类型的数据(冰川、湿地、湖泊、植被PFT)更新对模拟结果的影响。结果表明,新数据对不同地表类型的基本分布特征都有合理描述,但与模式中原有数据的差异明显,表现为冰川比例在格陵兰岛西部地区增加,湿地在大部分地区都减少,湖泊在北美和欧亚大陆中高纬地区的比例减少,但青藏高原及周边地区小幅增加,植被PFT的差异最明显。与采用模式原地表覆盖数据的控制试验相比,新数据引入所致的改变,主要局限于地表覆盖数据改变的区域。冰川数据更新使高纬冰川积雪区和青藏高原的温度降低,湿地数据提高了欧洲和北美主要水区的地面温度,湖泊数据有效降低了亚洲地区的温度,更新植被PFT的影响最广泛,使得南美、南非、东北亚、北美和澳洲大部分地区的温度升高,而中国华南江南地区以及南亚地区的温度降低,但在一些地区的模拟效果降低。数据全部更新引起的温度改变最明显,但并不是所有类型的简单叠加,尤其在地表复杂区域。不同的覆盖类型数据更新,可在一定程度上减少模式对于地表温度的模拟偏差(如格陵兰岛西部和青藏高原地区、欧洲内陆湖区的温度偏高),因此需适当选用更新的数据。
[21]Shang Rong, Liu Ronggao, Liu Yang.Generation of global long-term albedo product based on the background knowledge. Journal of
Geo-Information Science, 2015, 17(11): 1313-1322.
https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.01313URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
全球范围时空连续的长时间序列地表反照率,对气候模拟与陆面过程研究具有重要意义。针对现有地表反照率产品普遍存在大量的数据缺失、有效反演比例低和时间序列短的问题,本文以多年MODIS和AVHRR数据,通过构建背景知识库进行高时间分辨率的AVHRR和MODIS数据的BRDF参数反演,实现MODIS与AVHRR数据在像元尺度上的定量融合,生成了全球时空连续长时间序列的地表反照率产品。首先,通过假设不同年份同一时期的地表状态不变,利用多年同一时期的MODIS和AVHRR观测数据构造多角度方向反射率,基于BRDF模型反演得到窄波段反照率;然后,通过宽波-窄波转换,得到MODIS的宽波段反照率;最后,结合AVHRR长时间序列优势及MODIS数据多光谱的特点,对二者进行定量融合,生成具有高度一致性长时间序列地表反照率产品。验证结果表明,本文地表反照率产品在地表异质性较小时与SURFRAD地面实测反照率之间具有非常好的一致性,在无积雪覆盖时与MODIS反照率产品之间吻合良好。本文的地表反照率产品无时空缺失,且时间覆盖率得到了极大的提高,能支持气候模式模拟与陆面过程模型进行近30 a来的地气系统模拟研究。
[商荣, 刘荣高, 刘洋. 基于背景知识的全球长时间序列反照率反演
. 地球信息科学学报, 2015, 17(11): 1313-1322.]
https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.01313URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
全球范围时空连续的长时间序列地表反照率,对气候模拟与陆面过程研究具有重要意义。针对现有地表反照率产品普遍存在大量的数据缺失、有效反演比例低和时间序列短的问题,本文以多年MODIS和AVHRR数据,通过构建背景知识库进行高时间分辨率的AVHRR和MODIS数据的BRDF参数反演,实现MODIS与AVHRR数据在像元尺度上的定量融合,生成了全球时空连续长时间序列的地表反照率产品。首先,通过假设不同年份同一时期的地表状态不变,利用多年同一时期的MODIS和AVHRR观测数据构造多角度方向反射率,基于BRDF模型反演得到窄波段反照率;然后,通过宽波-窄波转换,得到MODIS的宽波段反照率;最后,结合AVHRR长时间序列优势及MODIS数据多光谱的特点,对二者进行定量融合,生成具有高度一致性长时间序列地表反照率产品。验证结果表明,本文地表反照率产品在地表异质性较小时与SURFRAD地面实测反照率之间具有非常好的一致性,在无积雪覆盖时与MODIS反照率产品之间吻合良好。本文的地表反照率产品无时空缺失,且时间覆盖率得到了极大的提高,能支持气候模式模拟与陆面过程模型进行近30 a来的地气系统模拟研究。
[22]Liu Yang, Liu Ronggao.Retrieval of global long-term leaf area index from LTDR AVHRR and MODIS observations. Journal of
Geo-Information Science, 2015, 17(11): 1304-1312.
URL [本文引用: 1]

[刘洋, 刘荣高. 基于LTDRAVHRR和MODIS观测的全球长时间序列叶面积指数遥感反演
. 地球信息科学学报, 2015, 17(11): 1304-1312.]
URL [本文引用: 1]
[23]Hudson W D.Correct formulation of the Kappa coefficient of agreement.
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 1987, 53(4): 421-422.
https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-8663(87)90057-3URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract To put right the large number of erroneous formulae and incorrect numerical results published in the remote sensing fields, this paper briefly reviews the correct formulation.-after Authors
[24]Ma Kaiyu, Ding Yuguo, Tu Qipu, et al.Principles and Methods of Climate Statistics. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 1993: 77-82. [本文引用: 1]

[马开玉, 丁裕国, 屠其璞, . 气候统计原理与方法. 北京: 气象出版社, 1993: 77-82.] [本文引用: 1]
[25]Liu Jiyuan.A study on spatial-temporal feature of modem land use change in China.
Quaternary Sciences, 2000, 20(3): 229-239.
[本文引用: 1]

[刘纪远. 中国土地利用变化现代过程时空特征的研究
. 第四纪研究, 2000, 20(3): 229-239.]
[本文引用: 1]
[26]Xie Gaodi, Cheng Shengkui.A study on global land use change under the pressure of population growth.
Journal of Natural Resources, 1999, 14(3): 193-199.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-3037.1999.03.001URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
人口和耕地,草地,森林4个因子构成一个理论上以为中心的全球人地关系系统,在这个系统中,人口总量的变动势必引起耕地,草地和森林面积的数量增减和相互转化。该文构建了一个简单的人一地关系平衡模型对1970-1995年和未来50年全球人口增长胁迫下土地利用变化进行了分析。结果表明:(1)全球25年来,在人口增长了54.6%的情况下,耕地面积和草地面积并没有大幅度增减,维持相对 稳定的机制是以扩大灌溉面积和
[谢高地, 成升魁. 人口增长胁迫下的全球土地利用变化研究
. 自然资源学报, 1999, 14(3): 193-199.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-3037.1999.03.001URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
人口和耕地,草地,森林4个因子构成一个理论上以为中心的全球人地关系系统,在这个系统中,人口总量的变动势必引起耕地,草地和森林面积的数量增减和相互转化。该文构建了一个简单的人一地关系平衡模型对1970-1995年和未来50年全球人口增长胁迫下土地利用变化进行了分析。结果表明:(1)全球25年来,在人口增长了54.6%的情况下,耕地面积和草地面积并没有大幅度增减,维持相对 稳定的机制是以扩大灌溉面积和
[27]Abbas I I.An overview of land cover changes in Nigeria, 1975-2005.
Journal of Geography & Regional Planning, 2009, 5(12): 62-65.
https://doi.org/10.1126/science.opms.p1000045URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
The pattern of land cover changes between 1975 and 2005 strongly indicated loss of prime arable lands which is in turn leading to the opening up of new virgin land towards the south. In the northern and the middle parts of the country, the cereal productive Sudan Savannah ecology is transiting to pure Sahel and the influence of the Sahara is increasing southwards. In the same vein, the root and the tuber productive ecology of the Guinea Savannah is giving way to Sudan Savannah grassland. The predominant Fulani herdsman of the lower Sahel and Sudan Savannah ecologies is moving south to the Guinea Savannah and Forest belt of the South to find greener pasture for his herds. This is not acceptable to the root and tuber farmers of the Guinea Savannah that is already farming close to the margin of cultivation. He has the fears that Fulani herds will destroy his farm-lands. The natural result is clash over right to the lands. This paper therefore looks at the land cover changes in Nigeria between 1975 and 2005 with a view to explaining this scenario. Key words: Land cover, land use, pattern, afforestation, degradation.
[28]Waisanen P J, Bliss N B. Changes in population and agricultural land in conterminous United States counties, 1790 to 1997.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2002, 16(4): 84-1-84-19.
[本文引用: 1]
[29]Du Guoming, Kuang Wenhui, Meng Fanhao, et al.Spatiotemporal pattern and driving forces of land use/cover change in Brazil.
Progress in Geography, 2015, 34(1): 73-82.
URL [本文引用: 1]

[杜国明, 匡文慧, 孟凡浩, . 巴西土地利用/覆盖变化时空格局及驱动因素
. 地理科学进展, 2015, 34(1): 73-82.]
URL [本文引用: 1]
[30]Dewan A M, Yamaguchi Y.Using remote sensing and GIS to detect and monitor land use and land cover change in Dhaka Metropolitan of Bangladesh during 1960-2005.
Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 2009, 150(150): 237-49.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-008-0226-5URLPMID:18317939 [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper illustrates the result of land use/cover change in Dhaka Metropolitan of Bangladesh using topographic maps and multi-temporal remotely sensed data from 1960 to 2005. The Maximum likelihood supervised classification technique was used to extract information from satellite data, and post-classification change detection method was employed to detect and monitor land use/cover change. Derived land use/cover maps were further validated by using high resolution images such as SPOT, , IKONOS and field data. The overall accuracy of land cover change maps, generated from Landsat and -1D data, ranged from 85% to 90%. The analysis indicated that the urban expansion of Dhaka Metropolitan resulted in the considerable reduction of wetlands, cultivated land, vegetation and bodies. The maps showed that between 1960 and 2005 built-up areas increased approximately 15,924 ha, while agricultural land decreased 7,614 ha, vegetation decreased 2,336 ha, wetland/lowland decreased 6,385 ha, and bodies decreased about 864 ha. The amount of urban land increased from 11% (in 1960) to 344% in 2005. Similarly, the of landfill/soils category was about 256% in the same period. Much of the city's rapid in population has been accommodated in informal settlements with little attempt being made to limit the risk of environmental impairments. The study quantified the patterns of land use/cover change for the last 45 years for Dhaka Metropolitan that forms valuable resources for urban planners and decision makers to devise sustainable land use and environmental planning.
[31]Müller D, Sikor T.Effects of postsocialist reforms on land cover and land use in south-eastern Albania.
Applied Geography, 2006, 26(3): 175-191.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2006.09.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper examines effects of postsocialist reforms on land cover and land use through a case study from South-eastern Albania. The paper uses satellite data to measure changes in land cover between 1988 and 2003, draws on a village survey to assess changes in local land-use practices, and examines shifts in the determinants of land cover through seemingly unrelated regressions at the village level. The results show a high incidence of cropland abandonment especially in lower-lying areas closer to markets. Socio-economic factors have emerged as new determinants of spatial variation, suggesting a growing influence of market principles on land use.
相关话题/数据 空间 比例 欧洲 序列