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张延吉1,, 张磊2,, 吴凌燕3
1. 福州大学建筑学院城乡规划系,福州 350116
2. 中国人民大学城市规划与管理系,北京 100872
3. 福建省城乡规划设计研究院,福州 350003

Spatial distribution of street vending and its spatial relationship with formal commerce: Quantitative research using distance-based methods

ZHANGYanji1,, ZHANGLei2,, WULingyan3
1. Department of Urban and Rural Planning, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China
2. Department of Urban Planning and Management, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
3. Fujian Urban and Rural Planning Design Institute, Fuzhou 350003, China
通讯作者:通讯作者:张磊(1976-), 男, 山西榆次人, 博士, 副教授, 硕士生导师, 研究方向为非正规经济与城市规划管理。E-mail: thirstone1976@vip.sina.com
基金资助:中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金)项目 (2016030072)
-->作者简介:张延吉(1989-), 男, 上海人, 博士, 讲师, 研究方向为城市空间结构与非正规经济。E-mail: chairman7up@126.com


有关非正规经济的空间分布特征始终缺乏宏观维度的定量研究。本文利用数字化城市管理系统中的流动商贩数据和工商局登记的正规商业数据,通过DO指数和M函数,分别探究流动商贩的空间特征及其与正规商业的分布关系。研究发现:① 绝大多数类型的流动商贩及其占地面积具有显著集聚的空间格局;其中,与居民需求较为密切的商贩类型,集聚程度相对较低。② 相较于正规商业,流动商贩在极小的空间尺度上更为强烈地集聚分布;但随着尺度扩大,集聚程度呈快速衰减态势。③ 经营内容相近的流动商贩与正规商业之间表现出显著的互斥关系,而非共栖关系;且两者的互斥程度在较小的空间尺度上尤为强烈。由此,本研究证明设立摊贩疏导区具有可行性和必要性,并就设置的类型及原则提出了初步建议。

Although informal economy has become important urban landscape in contemporary China, there are fewer quantitative studies on its spatial structure from the perspective of macroscopic scale. Therefore, the feasibility and necessity of vending zones are still full of controversy. To fill in this research gap, the thesis used point data of street vendors and formal commerce in 2010, which respectively came from digital urban municipal management system and industrial and commercial bureau registration system of Chaoyang District in Beijing. Via DO Index and M Function, this research mainly probed into the spatial structure of street vending and its spatial relationship with formal commerce separately. According to empirical analysis, firstly, this paper found that most vending types and their occupied areas presented a pattern of significant agglomeration. Furthermore, the vending type which had close relationship with residents' demand showed less agglomeration degree. Secondly, compared with the spatial structure of formal commerce, street vending agglomerated more intensely in a tiny scale. Concretely, street vendors, as a whole, reached the peak extent of agglomeration at only approximately 250 to 300 meters. However, the extent of their agglomeration declined dramatically when spatial scale magnified. Thirdly, street vending and formal commerce which provided similar commodity or service had not shown significant co-located spatial relationship, but there existed evident co-dispersion with each other. What's more, the extent of co-dispersion would be stronger in a smaller spatial scale. In conclusion, although street vending presented strong mobility, it had a stable spatial pattern. Thus this research demonstrated the feasibility and necessity of setting inclusive vending zones, and proposed elementary policy suggestion of its principle and types. For example, the government could introduce flexible and fixed vending zones in order to satisfy different demands of various vendors. Furthermore, the area need not be enlarged and would give preference to the area with limited formal commerce supply.

Keywords:informal economy;street vending;spatial distribution;DO index;M function

PDF (2775KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章
张延吉, 张磊, 吴凌燕. 流动商贩的空间分布特征及与正规商业的分布关系——基于距离测度方法的数量研究[J]. , 2017, 72(4): 618-632 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201704005
ZHANG Yanji, ZHANG Lei, WU Lingyan. Spatial distribution of street vending and its spatial relationship with formal commerce: Quantitative research using distance-based methods[J]. 地理学报, 2017, 72(4): 618-632 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201704005

1 引言

既有针对商贩空间分布的研究显示,流动商贩在社区尺度显著集聚,并与人口分布的中心地呈相互耦合关系[19],他们通过集聚分享经验和即时信息、共同抵御监管人员的攻击、分担部分固定资本投入[12, 20];街道的空间界面性质、用地权属和空间舒适度会进一步影响商贩集中设摊的区域[21]。但也有研究发现,流动商贩的区位选址对于人流需求的变化极为敏感[22],由于居住人口相较于产业分布更为分散,流动商贩表现出随人口外迁而向市区周边扩散的趋势[2]
流动商贩与正规经济的空间分布关系同样存在着两种矛盾的解释。一些案例研究认为,正规与非正规经济可以通过集聚,互补彼此的经营内容并共享购买的外在性,因此共栖分布有利于实现帕累托改进[2, 20]。此外,作为国内外生产和销售网络的组成部分,流动商贩与正规经济存在广泛密切的关联,具有在空间上邻近分布的需要[23]。但另一些研究表明,流动商贩的业态较为低端、经营环境相对恶劣,于是正规商业呈现出与之排斥的分布特征;加之政府为推动中心城区的商业升级和国际化改造,强化了对随意设摊的监管,遏制了流动商贩在商圈周边集聚[24]

2 研究数据与方法

2.1 数据说明

本文以北京市朝阳区为研究范围(①基于距离的集聚测度方法需在一个完整的面域内进行分析,因此研究范围不含朝阳区的飞地,即首都国际机场 地区。),该区为市内面积最大、人口最多的城区,是一个高度多元、涵盖不同城市化阶段特点的区域,既包括CBD、奥运村等高标准建成区,也有不少普通住宅区和工业区,还涉及位于城乡结合部的大量城中村,为探究流动商贩的分布特征提供了多样化的空间背景。
-->Fig. 1Kernel density of street vending of Chaoyang District in Beijing

-->Fig. 2Kernel density of formal commerce of Chaoyang District in Beijing

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Type matching of street vending and formal commerce
1. 垃圾回收再生物资回收与批发(6391)收废品
2. 蔬果零售果品、蔬菜零售(6523)卖菜、卖水果
3. 服装鞋帽零售纺织品及针织品零售(6531)、服装零售(6532)、鞋帽零售(6533)卖服装
4. 图书报刊零售图书零售(6543)、报刊零售(6544)卖书报
5. 烟草制品零售烟草制品零售(6526)卖烟
6. 音像制品零售音像制品及电子出版物零售(6545)卖光盘
7. 珠宝首饰零售珠宝首饰零售(6546)卖饰品
8. 工艺品零售工艺美术品及收藏品零售(6547)卖工艺品、卖瓷器
9. 花卉零售花卉零售(6594)卖花
10. 家居装潢五金、家具及室内装修材料专门零售(658)卖建材、招揽装修
11. 餐饮服务正餐服务(671)、快餐服务(672)、饮料及冷饮服务(673)、其他餐饮服务(679)卖小吃、卖主食、卖早餐
12. 车辆保养汽车、摩托车维修与保养(8311)洗车、修车
13. 家电维修家用电器修理(8313)家电维修清洗
14. 日用品维修其他日用品修理(8319)修鞋、修沙发、修伞、修纱窗
15. 理发美容理发及美容保健服务(8240)理发按摩
16. 家电零售家用电器及电子产品专门零售(657)卖小家电
17. 医药产品零售药品及医疗器械专门零售(655)保健咨询、游医
18. 综合零售百货零售(6511)、超级市场零售(6512)、其他综合零售(6519)摊群、卖杂货

注:正规商业括号中标识的是行业的三位或四位数代码,详情参见GB/T 4754-2002。

2.2 基于距离的集聚测度方法

集聚与分散是经济活动的基本特点。基于面的测度方法(如Gini、EG、Moran等指数)被广泛运用于衡量要素的空间集聚状况。但这类方法均以预设的行政辖区作为分析单元,无法探究各单元内部的要素分布形态,集聚经济在空间上迅速衰减的特征被掩盖了[28]。而且,其在不同尺度的测度结论不可比,存在可塑性面积单元问题(Modifiable Areal Unit Problem, MAUP)[29]

2.3 DO指数

(2)假设检验。通过蒙特卡洛方法,对n个点在候选点位上的随机分布位置进行1000次模拟(③考虑到流动商贩与正规商业的选址要求不同,在计算各类流动商贩和正规商业的DO指数时,分别将所有流动商贩和所有正规商业的实际位置作为随机分布的候选点位。),估计相应的KI(d)值,以5%和95%分位数构建局部置信区间。然后对局部极值进行插值,获得要素I在距离d处的全局置信区间上限 KI?(d)和下限 KI?(d)。若至少存在1处距离上的KI(d)> KI?(d),则要素I为显著集聚分布,其在d处的全局集聚指数ΓI(d) = max(KI(d)- KI?d, 0)。若至少存在1处距离上的KI(d)< KI?(d),且在门槛值内未出现集聚,则要素I为显著分散分布,其在d处的全局分散指数:

2.4 M函数

(1)以任意一个属于参照类型S1的点位P为圆心,在小于或等于r的半径内,搜索属于邻近类型S2的点数量Tr。将Tr除以搜索区内所有点的数量Nr,获得比重值Tr /Nr
(2)计算所有S1的点位在不同r内的Tr/Nr,可获得任一半径内,邻近S1分布的S2比重均值 TrNrˉ
(3)若 MS1,S2(r)=( TrNrˉ)/(T/N)大于1,表明距离r内邻近S1S2比重高于整个区域的S2比重值T/N,反之则表明前者低于后者,而M反映了两者的倍数关系。
(5)按上述步骤,以S2为参照类型,检验 MS2,S1(r)的大小及显著性。只有 MS1,S2(r)MS2,S1(r)均高于置信区间上限,即无论以S1还是以S2作为参照类型,两者都呈邻近分布时,才被认为在距离r内具有显著的共栖关系。若 MS1,S2(r)MS2,S1(r)均低于置信区间下限,则说明两者在距离r内显著互斥分布。

式中:c(p, t, r)是哑变量,若pt点的欧氏距离大于r,则c为0,反之为1;w是点的权重值,不考虑权重时则为1;WWS1WS2分别是区域内所有点、要素S1S2的权重总数。

3 流动商贩的空间分布特征

3.1 各类流动商贩的空间集聚状况

为厘清43类流动商贩的空间集聚状况,本文首先计算各类商贩点位的DO指数;在此基础上,以占地面积作为权重,进一步测度各类商贩面积的DO指数。根据Duranton等的建议[30],本文以所有点对距离的中位数,即12 km作为门槛值,通过R软件拟合第I类流动商贩在0~12 km范围内的KI(d)值、 KIemp(d)值及全局置信区间,并依ΓI= d=012ΓI(dΓIemp=d=012ΓIemp(d)分别计算第I类商贩及其占地面积的总体集聚程度。
从流动商贩的空间分布状况来看,所有类型的商贩点位均呈显著集聚,Kd曲线表现出单峰型和双峰型两种形态。如洗车类商贩具有双峰型曲线(图3a),在0~2.55 km和6.23~9.28 km的范围内KI (d)> KI?(d);且ΓI (d)在0.23 km和7.85 km处达到极大值。这表明,洗车类商贩在上述两个距离区间内呈显著集聚分布,并在230 m的空间尺度上集聚程度最高,集群之间大约相距7.62 km。除洗车商贩外,卖菜、理发按摩、推销保险等类型的流动商贩也具有双峰型的Kd曲线(表2)。
-->Fig. 3K-density and global confidence bands for illustrative types

Tab. 2
Tab. 2DO index of localized vending types and its agglomeration scale
招揽住宿的中介0.0117790~2.4, 11.0~11.7招揽住宿的中介0.0138380~2.5
卖建材0.0104410~3.1, 10.2~11.2卖饰品0.0099980~7.7
贴膜0.0059380~2.2, 7.0~11.3卖煤0.0047940~4.9
洗车0.0047640~2.6, 6.2~9.3贴膜0.0045000~2.0, 7.9~11.5
招揽装修0.0047430~2.6, 10.9~12.0卖瓷器0.0038590~7.0
卖早餐0.0045520~6.0理发按摩0.0034890~2.5, 6.6~10.9
理发按摩0.0026120~2.7, 7.9~11.9现场缝纫0.0024520~2.2
收药0.0025600~7.4卖蔬果0.0023600~2.0, 4.8~6.5
现场缝纫0.0023240~2.0修车修鞋0.0023320~2.2, 4.9~7.6
修车修鞋0.0022000~2.4, 5.0~7.4招揽装修0.0022880~2.3, 11.1~12.0
游医0.0021180~2.3, 8.3~9.2修鞋0.0017710~3.0
卖菜0.0019260~3.0, 3.5~9.9卖菜0.0014880~2.5, 4.3~9.6
卖光盘0.0018410~5.0游医0.0013450~1.6, 8.1~10.0
卖工艺品0.0014750~2.3, 5.7~9.6街头算命0.0013410~1.8
卖小动物0.0014710~2.4, 9.3~12.0卖小动物0.0012830~2.5, 9.8~12.0
街头算命0.0012270~1.8卖玩具0.0010780~3.3, 6.0~10.5
卖服装0.0009750~12.0宣传产品0.0008940~1.7, 11.8~12.0
收废品0.0008520~5.3, 10.7~12.0卖工艺品0.0007830~3.2, 6.6~8.9
卖小吃0.0008050~8.9收废品0.0007290~4.6, 10.2~12.0
摊群0.0005060~2.6, 10.8~12.0夜市排档0.0004730~1.5
保健咨询0.0004330~1.4, 3.9~5.7推销保险0.0004330~0.3, 6.4~11.9
家电维修清洗0.0003950~2.0卖服装0.0003960~0.8, 9.7~12.0
推销保险0.0003590~0.4, 9.7~12.0摊群0.0003540~2.1
修纱窗0.0002640~1.3, 11.6~12.0卖主食0.0003340~1.5, 10.9~12.0
宣传产品0.0001120~1.2, 11.9~12.0修纱窗0.0003190~1.4, 11.8~12.0
卖主食0.0001060~0.4, 10.7~12.9家电维修清洗0.0003140~1.7, 4.3~5.3
磨刀0.0000950~1.1, 11.4~12.0保健咨询0.0003040~1.5
卖水果0.0000646.9~9.4磨刀0.0001490~0.7, 10.9~12.0
夜市排档0.0000210~0.5, 11.9~12.0

现场缝纫类商贩则具有单峰型曲线(图3b),当d为25 m时,ΓI(d)便取得最大值,此后该值随距离增加而不断降低,并在2 km后由正转负。由此可见,该类商贩超过上包迹线部分的Kd曲线只有一个波峰,而且往往在极小的空间尺度上就达到了集聚程度的极值。不过,集聚程度在空间尺度扩大后不断减弱,在大于某个尺度的临界值后,该类商贩不再显著集聚。另外,该类商贩集群之间的间隔距离并不明显。除现场缝纫外,售卖早餐、饰品、书报等类型的流动商贩也表现为单峰型曲线(表2)。
在将占地面积作为权重后,大部分类型的流动商贩仍呈显著集聚,而且各类商贩面积的总体集聚程度 ΓIemp与商贩点位的总体集聚程度ΓI具有高度相关性,两者的相关系数达到0.879。唯有无法归类的商贩和水果类商贩分别呈现出随机型和分散型两种曲线形态。其中,无法归类商贩的 KIemp(d)值始终处于上下包迹线之间(图3c),显示该类商贩面积的空间格局在任一尺度上均与随机分布没有显著差异。由于这类商贩是无法明确经营类型的商贩汇总,其占地面积呈随机分布是可以理解的。而水果类商贩面积的 KIemp(d)值始终没有超过上包迹线,并在0.3~12 km的空间尺度上低于置信区间下限,显示该类商贩面积具有显著的分散格局(图3d)。
总的来看,尽管各类流动商贩的总体集聚程度及发生集聚的空间尺度不尽相同,但43类商贩点位和41类商贩面积均在0~300 m的极小空间尺度上显著集聚(表2)。此外,本文发现,商贩的集聚程度与该类商贩的发生概率之间存在一定关联。ΓIΓIemp与第I类商贩数量占样本总数比重的Pearson相关系数分别为-0.66和-0.64。这表明,集聚程度较高的流动商贩往往是发生较少、需求量相对较小的类型;而集聚程度越低的流动商贩往往需求量越大,与居民生活息息相关。比如水果类流动商贩的样本共有约5.3万个,占总样本的16.8%,是发生比重最高的类型,该类商贩面积的分散格局可能与其需求广泛、并邻近居民分布有关。

3.2 流动商贩的整体集聚特征

在得到各类商贩的Kd曲线及置信区间的基础上,本节将每个距离上所有商贩类型的全局集聚指数进行加总,即依Γ(d)= IΓI(d),获得所有流动商贩点位在任一空间尺度上的整体集聚程度。由图4可见,Γ(d)在300 m的空间尺度上就达到最大值,此后Γ曲线随着空间尺度的增加而快速下降;与之相似,集聚的商贩类型数量也呈现出随距离增加而明显减少的趋势。该发现进一步表明,流动商贩发生高度集聚的空间尺度极小,一旦超过300 m的范围后,商贩的整体集聚程度便会迅速减弱。
-->Fig. 4Γd and number of localized types of vending by distance

同时,本文依Γemp(d)= IΓIemp(d),计算每个距离上所有商贩类型的整体面积集聚程度。研究显示,Γemp曲线与Γ曲线的趋势基本相同,不过Γemp(d)在250 m处就达到了最大值,而且Γemp(0.25)大于Γ(0.3)。由此可见,相较于流动商贩的空间点位,其占地面积的整体集聚程度在更小的空间尺度上就达到了更高的峰值,并且随距离增加而衰减的速度相对更快。

3.3 流动商贩与正规商业的集聚特征比较

就整体集聚程度而言,两者的Γ曲线均为单峰型分布(图5)。但在空间尺度小于10.4 km的范围内,流动商贩的集聚程度始终强于正规商业,呈显著集聚的流动商贩类型数量也在大部分空间尺度上多于正规商业。更为重要的差异是,流动商贩在450 m的空间尺度上就达到了最大集聚程度,正规商业则为2.2 km;而且流动商贩整体集聚程度的最大值约为正规商业的7.8倍。综上所述,相较于正规商业,流动商贩在更小的空间尺度上呈现出更为强烈的空间集聚。
-->Fig. 5Comparison of Gd and number of localized types between vending and formal commerce

4 流动商贩与正规商业的空间分布关系

为进一步明晰流动商贩与正规商业之间是否存在空间共栖或互斥关系,本节沿用上述原则[30],以所有点对距离的中值17.22 km作为门槛值,在R软件中分别对18种经营内容相似的流动商贩与正规商业点位进行M函数运算。
结果显示,M函数的曲线分布存在两种典型形态。其中,在家具装潢业中,无论是以流动商贩、还是以正规商业作为参照类型, MS1,S2MS2,S1在任一距离r内均低于置信区间下限(图6a、6b)。这表明,两者在所有空间尺度内均表现出彼此分散、相互排斥的分布格局。
图6 M值及全局置信区间的示例

-->Fig. 6M function and global confidence bands for illustrative types

除家具装潢业以外的其余商业类型,都仅在较小尺度内具有空间互斥关系;但在较大尺度内, MS1,S2MS2,S1所展现的分布模式并不一致。如就服装鞋帽零售业而言(图6c、6d),以正规商业作为参照类型的 MS2,S1和以流动商贩作为参照类型的 MS1,S2均在4.1 km的距离内低于置信区间下限,显示两者在该尺度内呈显著的互斥分布。在4.1~6.9 km、9.5~15.5 km的范围内,流动商贩周边的正规商业点呈随机分布;而在其余空间尺度, MS1,S2超过了上包络线,说明服装鞋帽类流动商贩周边的正规商业点比重显著高于全区范围内该类正规商业点的比重。但在同尺度内, MS2,S1并未超过置信区间上限,反映正规商业周边的同类型流动商贩比重显著低于全区范围内该类流动商贩的比重,因此两者没有表现出显著的共栖分布。
总体而言,M函数的分析结果具有3个共性(表3):① M值在两种不同参照类型的运算中,没有在同一尺度内发生同时超过置信区间上限的情况。这表明,在18种商业类型中,流动商贩与正规商业在所有空间尺度均未表现出显著共栖的分布格局。② 在18种类型中,流动商贩与正规商业之间均存在显著的空间互斥关系,而且在越小的空间范围内,呈互斥格局的商业类型就越多。如在300 m、1 km、3 km和5 km的空间尺度上,分别有18种(100%)、16种(89%)、12种(67%)和8种(44%)类型具有显著的互斥关系。③ 各类型的M值都显现出由0逐步趋近于1的态势,表明空间尺度越小,正规商业与流动商贩之间的互斥程度会愈加强烈。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3M function of street vending and formal commerce
1. 垃圾回收0~17.2--0~11.211.9~14.6, 15.5~16.414.6~15.5, 16.4~17.20~11.2
2. 蔬果零售0~1.1--0~10.310.3~17.2-0~1.1
3. 服装鞋帽零售0~4.14.1~6.9, 9.5~15.56.9~9.5 15.5~17.20~17.2--0~4.1
4. 图书报刊零售0~3.93.9~17.2-0~17.2--0~3.9
5. 烟草制品零售0~8.6, 12.9~17.28.6~10.310.3~12.90~8.68.6~12.912.9~17.20~8.6
6. 音像制品零售0~1.1, 1.9~2.61.1~1.9, 2.6~17.2-0~0.3, 1.7~3.40.3~1.7, 3.4~17.2-0~0.3, 1.9~2.6
7. 珠宝首饰零售0~1.7, 6.0~9.51.7~6.0, 9.5~17.2-0~3.0, 3.9~5.23.0~3.9, 5.2~8.2, 14.6~17.28.2~14.60~1.7
8. 工艺品零售0~3.4, 13.8~15.53.4~13.8, 15.5~17.2-0~4.7, 5.6~6.04.7~5.6, 6.0~17.2-0~3.4
9. 花卉零售0~3.23.2~17.2-0~16.416.4~17.2-0~3.2
10. 家居装潢0~17.2--0~17.2--0~17.2
11. 餐饮服务0~10.310.3~12.112.1~17.20~17.2--0~10.3
12. 车辆保养0~6.06.0~17.2-0~13.813.8~17.2-0~6.0
13. 家电维修0~2.82.8~7.3, 13.8~17.27.3~13.80~6.5, 7.3~7.86.5~7.3, 7.8~17.2-0~2.8
14. 日用品维修0~1.71.7~17.2-0~0.40.4~17.2-0~0.4
15. 理发美容0~4.7, 11.2~13.84.7~5.2, 8.2~11.2, 13.8~14.6,5.2~8.2, 14.6~17.20~17.2--0~4.7, 11.2~13.8
16. 家电零售0~4.14.1~17.2-0~2.22.2~5.6, 6.5~17.25.6~6.50~2.2
17. 医药产品零售0~17.2--0~6.06~8.68.6~17.20~6.0
18. 综合零售0~10.310.3~16.416.4~17.20~17.2--0~10.3


5 结论与讨论

从流动商贩的空间分布特征来看,其呈现的集聚或分散格局与空间尺度有关。绝大多数类型的流动商贩及其占地面积均在小尺度上显著集聚,且在250~300 m左右的范围内达到整体集聚程度的最大值,远小于正规商业达到集聚峰值时的尺度范围。但随着尺度增加,流动商贩的整体集聚程度迅速降低,呈显著集聚的商贩类型数量也显现出不断减少的趋势。由此可见,流动商贩具有“小尺度高度集聚、大尺度逐步分散”的空间格局。在小尺度上,流动商贩通过集聚分享购买的外在性、抵御外部的不确定性、共享经营经验。加之无须遵从正规商业的用地区划规范,流动商贩对市场需求的空间响应更加直接、也更为敏感。在大尺度上,有效需求始终是形塑流动商贩空间分布的核心动因,人口、就业等要素在地理上的扩展和蔓延使得可供商贩选址的区位逐渐分散化,其集聚程度随之消减。
综上所述,尽管富有流动性,商贩的空间分布并非是无章可循的,其规律对于建立摊贩疏导区深具启示意义。首先,小尺度高度集聚的空间特征为设置疏导区提供了可行性。疏导区的规模不宜也无须过大,250 m左右的范围即可满足一个典型商贩集群的场地需要。其次,稳定的消费需求、以及由政府管制所激化的空间冲突反映出摊贩疏导区的必要性。尤其是对正规商业供给不足的欠发达区域、或缺乏购买力的中低收入居民而言,流动商贩是他们获得廉价产品和便捷服务的重要途径。至于摊贩疏导区的选址,应首要考虑在前期规划中缺乏基本生活服务或商业配套的区域;同时,可建立长期定点、临时弹性等多种类型的疏导区。受城区空间限制,长期设置的疏导点数量有限,应安排需求相对较少、集聚程度较高的商贩类型;临时弹性的疏导点则须邻近居民区布置,数量可多于固定型疏导点,并安排与日常生活紧密相关、集聚程度相对较低的食品、维修等类型的商贩入驻。为避免影响交通和居民生活,可对其经营时间加以规制。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

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Since the 1950s, the rapid growth of Istanbul has stimulated a wide range of retail activities. Notable among those are the periodic markets, a basic type of informal exchange mechanism supported by continuous rural migration into Istanbul. The availability of fresh produce and inexpensive goods combined with the locational convenience and enjoyable atmosphere make periodic markets widely attractive, and their number and size rapidly increased between 1980 and 2002. The paper investigates the relationship between the number and size of periodic markets in various districts of Istanbul to their population, income and distance to CBD using regression. The results show a positive correlation between the number of periodic markets and the number of traders serving the periodic markets and the population of the districts, and the number of markets increased toward the periphery following population growth. Retailers, customers, shopkeepers and residents in the surrounding areas of the periodic markets were surveyed there are complaints about pollution, traffic congestion, noise and lack of parking place on market days.
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ABSTRACT Provide a general contemporary overview of street vending around the world, focusing on the major issues underlying its permanence as a phenomenon, and the ambivalent attitudes displayed towards it by governments and off-street business communities. Focuses on street vendors as an occupational group ad includes arguments for and against their existence, the impact of their geographical and economic location, and role of the government.
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ABSTRACT Much of the discussion surrounding neoliberal urbanism has been empirically grounded in the North. This paper shifts the discussion south to focus on the regulation of indigenous street vendors and beggars in the Andean nation of Ecuador. Inspired by zero tolerance policies from the North, the cities of Quito and Guayaquil have recently initiated urban regeneration projects to cleanse the streets of informal workers, beggars, and street children. In this paper, I explore the particular and pernicious ways in which these neoliberal urban policies affect indigenous peoples in the urban informal sector. Grounded in the literature on space, race and ethnicity in the Andes, I argue that Ecuador's particular twist on revanchism is through its more transparent engagement with the project of blanqueamiento or “whitening”. I further argue that Ecuador's “refinement” of revanchist urban policies only works to displace already marginalised individuals and push them into more difficult circumstances.
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https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098007085100URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The resurgence of informal street trading poses serious challenges for local officials responsible for the maintenance of public space. This article contextualises the tension between public space recuperation and informality, providing a detailed case study of Bogot0103, Colombia (population 7.6 million). From 1988 to 2003, Bogot0103's mayors implemented one of the most ambitious public space campaigns in Latin America. The `tipping-points' behind Bogot0103's transition are illuminated with emphasis on the introduction of free mayoral elections and the enervation of informal vendor unions. Using a cohort panel design, this research also examines the working conditions and occupational hazards faced by vendors both before and after relocation to government-built markets. It reveals how formalised vendors experienced declining income levels, but improved working conditions. The final section examines public policy implications and the extent to which Bogot0103's experience follows traditional models of public space planning in Latin America and the Caribbean.
[9]Huang Gengzhi, Xue Desheng.Discipline and anti-discipline: Spatial politics of urban street vending in Guangzhou since the 1990s
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[10]Turner S, Schoenberger L.Street vendor livelihoods and everyday politics in Hanoi, Vietnam: The seeds of a diverse economy?
Urban Studies, 2012, 49(5): 1027-1044.
The alternative ‘diverse economies’ vision of J. K. Gibson-Graham and supporters regarding how people make a living outside the capitalist framework, lists street vendors and informal economies of the global South as potential components. This article critiques the relevance of this vision for street vendor livelihoods in a politically socialist locale, albeit one embracing neo-liberal modernity. In their drive to create a modern, ‘civilised’ capital, Vietnam’s central government and Hanoi’s municipal authorities have a particular image of security, orderliness and development. Street vendors disrupt this picture and since 2008 have been negotiating a ban in many preferred locales. Building upon urban livelihoods, everyday politics and resistance concepts, an analysis is made of in-depth interviews with itinerant and fixed-stall vendors to unravel their heterogeneous responses to such revanchist policies. Despite subtle covert and overt resistance tactics, the study reveals that celebrated ‘community economies’ and alternative economic visions remain rare in this context.
[11]Steel G.Whose Paradise? Itinerant street vendors’ individual and collective practices of political agency in the tourist streets of Cusco, Peru
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https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2427.2012.01153.xURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT The focus of recent studies on street vending in Latin American cities has made a noteworthy shift from street vendors' conflicts with local governments to their resistance strategies. These studies explore how street vendors organize themselves against political repression and consider resistance in terms of collective action or organized protest. However, this article challenges this narrow focus on collective resistance strategies by analysing street vendors' collective and individual strategies for dealing with intensified control and for challenging the measures used by local governments. Drawing on the empirical case of itinerant street vendors in the tourist streets of Cusco, Peru, the article shows that these vendors adopt multiple and fragmented practices of political agency that enable them to make a livelihood in tourism. These less explicit and often more individualized ways of expressing agency are crucial to better understand how itinerant vendors manage to remain in the tourist streets of Cusco. They also explain why some vendors are more powerful than others in challenging repressive policies and benefiting from the global industry that is tourism.
[12]Bromley R D F, Mackie P K. Displacement and the new spaces for informal trade in the Latin American City centre
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https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098009104577URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Using evidence from Cusco, Peru, the paper examines the effects of the planned displacement of informal traders from city-centre streets. Although more than 3500 traders were relocated to new off-centre markets, the research identifies the emergence of `unplanned' alternative city-centre locations for informal trade, especially the new courtyard markets. The municipal-led changes, influenced strongly by concerns to enhance tourism, reveal a process which displays many of the hallmarks of gentrification. Lower-class traders were displaced from city-centre streets for the benefit of middle-class tourists and local people. There was also gentrification of the trading activity itself: by manipulating stall allocation and pricing structures to exclude the poorest traders from the new higher-quality municipal markets. The changing pattern of informal trading can be viewed as an unconventional `barometer' of the progress of policy-led gentrification, applicable to other cities in the developing world.
[13]Mackie P K, Bromley R D F, Brown A M B. Informal traders and the battlegrounds of revanchism in Cusco, Peru
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https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2427.12161URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Informal trading in the global South, particularly in Latin America, is the subject of revanchist urban policy and yet few studies have examined the longer-term impacts of such intolerant policies on traders. This article explores the evolution and impacts of revanchist policies directed at informal traders in the Andean city of Cusco. It makes two key contributions. First, it documents a shift from early revanchist policies to a post-revanchist era where policies have become more tolerant of informal traders. However, contemporary policies fall short of a supportive environment for informal trading, hence the authors recommend changes that will ensure informal traders can access the city's streets and become an accepted part of the urban fabric. Second, given the lack of theoretical attention given to the impacts of revanchism, a battlegrounds framework is developed, consisting of spatial, political, economic and socio-cultural battlegrounds. This framework provides a comprehensive insight into the complex set of interactions that exist between informal traders and the state. It is hoped that the framework will provide a tool for further research into the highly damaging impacts of revanchism across the globe.
[14]Huang G Z, Xue D S, Li Z G.From Revanchism to Ambivalence: The changing politics of street vending in Guangzhou
. Antipode, 2014, 46(1): 170-189.
ABSTRACT By focusing on Guangzhou's street-vending policy transformation, this article explores how exclusionary practices of urban politics in China are undermined by those who it seeks to exclude and the progressive political climate that questions the exclusionary framework. The exclusion of street vendors in Guangzhou has been led by the National Sanitary City campaign as a revanchist project. It has been discovered that while the exclusionary strategies are rendered difficult to operate due to the resistance of street vendors who develop a flexible, individualized and small-scale activism to maintain their livelihoods, the discourse of social harmony at national level has driven local authorities to seek alternatives expected to alleviate social resistance and address people's livelihoods. However, rather than an overturn of the punitive framework, an ambivalent approach, recognized in a recent critique of revanchism, has been adopted to mediate the tension between the needs to retain attractive city images and address the livelihoods of the poor in Chinese cities.
[15]Xue D S, Huang G Z.Informality and the state's ambivalence in the regulation of street vending in transforming Guangzhou, China
. Geoforum, 2015, 62: 156-165.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2015.04.012URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT Street vending faces uncertain state responses in contemporary Chinese cities, though it plays an important role in sustaining the livelihood of urban migrants. Building on the critical perspective that understands informality as a production of the state, this paper explores the nature of the regulation of street vending in Guangzhou since 1949. The state regulatory practices are characterized by what we call historical ambivalence and geographical ambivalence, which refer to the inconsistency in policies, which fluctuate between soft and hard approaches over time, and the mix of contradictory regulatory measures applied in different urban spaces, respectively. Ambivalence is generated because the state addresses street vending in ways that attain the overarching objective of urban policies. In particular, the exclusion of street vendors in present-day China is not historically natural but driven and sustained by the government pursuit of a good city image favorable for attracting capital in the context of intensifying inter-urban competition. The definition of informality is not a neutral classification. Rather, declaring when and to what extent an informal practice is tolerable depends on what the state desires in a specific historical circumstance.
[16]Maneepong C, Walsh J C.A new generation of Bangkok street vendors: Economic crisis as opportunity and threat
. Cities, 2013, 34(7): 37-43.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2012.11.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In 1997, the financial crisis seriously damaged the Thai economy and led to the closing of many companies. Previously, it had been believed that laid-off workers would mostly return to rural employment or part-time urban tasks. However, research among street vendors in Bangkok reveals that many of the retrenched workers preferred to, and did, remain in the city and put to use their latent business and entrepreneurial skills to practice by establishing their own informal businesses. This group of vendors tends to dominate these activities, often through business savvy, with experience in the formal sector. Instead of the “street” image of vendors being that of domestic migrants, the “new generation” of vendors is evolving into something more complex. The paper focuses on documenting and understanding the phenomenon of new generation street vendors. We attempt to derive lessons from the 1997 economic crisis to improve the transition of vendors from the formal to “new” informal sector under current, and likely worsening, economic conditions. This paper analyses how and why these two groups express themselves and how they respond differently to the socio-economic and political forces that have an impact on the urban space they share. It then considers whether policy makers should regard street vending as a viable part of the economy which is not transitional but more permanent and should be regarded as an important part of the urban economy of industrializing nations such as Thailand.
[17]Huang Gengzhi, Li Tianjiao, Xue Desheng.Inclusive or exclusiveness? Vendor space effects and planning
. Planners, 2012, 28(8): 78-83.

[黄耿志, 李天娇, 薛德升. 包容还是新的排斥? 城市流动摊贩空间引导效应与规划研究
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[18]Huang Gengzhi, Xu Kongdan, Xue Desheng.The spatial inclusion of street-vending and influence factors of its effect in Guangzhou: A case study of Lijiao
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[黄耿志, 徐孔丹, 薛德升. 广州摊贩空间疏导模式及其成功效应的影响因素: 基于沥滘村疏导区的实证研究
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[19]Zhang Yanji, Zhang Lei, Wu Lingyan.The spatial sturcture of mobile vendor based on agglomeration economies: A case study in Chaoyang District, Beijing
. Urban Development Studies, 2014, 21(4): 86-91.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-3862.2014.04.014URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[张延吉, 张磊, 吴凌燕. 基于集聚经济的流动商贩空间结构研究: 以北京市朝阳区为例
. 城市发展研究, 2014, 21(4): 86-91.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-3862.2014.04.014URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[20]Kim A M.The mixed-use sidewalk: Vending and property rights in public space
. Journal of the American Planning Association, 2012, 78(3): 225-238.
https://doi.org/10.1080/01944363.2012.715504URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
Around the globe, streets and sidewalks in cities are being contested as spaces that should be used for more than transportation. This article challenges our understanding of both property rights and public space by applying a property rights framework to situate sidewalk use debates. It analyzes and maps the sidewalk property regimes of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, through a novel integration of surveying and ethnography. The case illuminates the feasibility of a mixed-use sidewalk that can be shared between various kinds of uses and users. A mixed-use sidewalk that is both cooperative and livable is possible if planners incorporate time into planning space in order to expand the sidewalk's flexibility and if local society can renarrate and enforce new legitimacies on the sidewalk. Sidewalk space deserves more attention as an important public space. In this era of historic urbanization, one should reconceive sidewalks as a mixed-use space rather than an exclusively pedestrian zone. Moreover, North American planners would benefit from engaging with public space experiments happening in cities in the developing world.
[21]Pang Yuqi, Xue Desheng, Wang De.The distribution and spatial impact factors of street hawker
. Human Geography, 2012, 27(2): 56-61.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[庞宇琦, 薛德升, 王德. 流动商贩的分布特征及营业空间界面影响分析: 以广州中山大道西路段为例
. 人文地理, 2012, 27(2): 56-61.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[22]Hay-Mitchell M.Street vending in Peruvian cities: The spatio-temporal behavior of ambulantes
. Professional Geographer, 1994, 46(4): 425-438.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0033-0124.1994.00425.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT Informal trade is a historically rooted and empirically important livelihood in Andean America. This paper examines the spatial dimensions of informal commerce by documenting and analyzing the locational patterns and preferences of streetvendors and the locational constraints imposed on their activities in six Peruvian cities. The interplay of streetvendor needs and municipal exigencies is found to determine the spatio-temporal behavior of streetvendors. A fundamental shift in municipal policy to a more pragmatic attitude toward streetvending is noted.
[23]Teltscher S.Small trade and the world economy: Informal vendors in Quito, Ecuador
. Economic Geography, 1994, 70(2): 167-187.
https://doi.org/10.2307/143653URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract This study contributes to the current debate on the urban informal sector surrounding its heterogeneous structure, the range of urban employment forms, and the nature of its integration into the national and global economy. I argue that these debates are characterized by a strong bias toward production and the manufacturing sector. This paper examines the way small vendors are linked to national and global systems of production and distribution and how this creates differences among informal workers with respect to income, profit levels, and socioeconomic well-being. Field research carried out in Quito, Ecuador, demonstrates that informal trade is differentiated by a variety of characteristics that lead to a continuum of economic and social well-being, ranging from pure survival to ownership of well-established businesses. Key economic variables that define vendors' economic conditions are associated with product and capital supply linkages. Based on these findings, I develop a typology of informal traders (employing cluster analysis), representing the heterogeneous structure of the trade sector. I conclude that informal traders cannot be viewed as independent workers involved in subsistence activities, but that sophisticated distribution systems incorporating urban informal vendors operate at local, national, and international levels.
[24]Bromley R D F. Informal commerce: Expansion and exclusion in the historic centre of the Latin American city
. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1998, 22(2): 245-263.
https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2427.00138URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT Informal commerce, characterized by market and street trading activities, thrives in the central areas of many Latin American cities. Focusing on the neglected spatial dimension of informal commerce, the paper traces its considerable expansion in the historic centre of Quito in Ecuador since the early 1970s and examines the issues which have prompted municipal intervention. An early municipal response involves some attempts at redistribution of informal commerce, justified by essentially functional issues such as hygiene and congestion. However, the introduction of conservation policy and the way this policy evolved to embrace a broad concern for the urban environment is associated with the emergence of an aesthetic/cultural discourse in attitudes towards informal commerce. The authorities are increasingly motivated towards 'selling' a new image of the historic centre and encouraging new economies oriented towards the tourist and a relatively wealthy clientele. Moves to exclude informal commerce have concentrated on the most visible spaces, particularly those of the principal squares. Although informal trade hidden from view continues to thrive, only time and further research will show whether the re-presentation of the historic centre and the promotion of new economies will finally effect the exclusion of informal commerce as a culmination of long-term efforts to control its occupation of space. Copyright Joint Editors and Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1998.
[25]Yin Xiaoying, Yan Xiaopei, Xue Desheng.Overview of the informal sector research overseas
. Progress in Geography, 2010, 29(12): 1479-1489.
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.12.003URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
国外非正规部门的研究始于20世纪70年代,最初研究的对象主要 集中在发展中国家和地区,随着研究的深入,发现发达国家和地区也存在非正规部门,但存在方式和形成机制有别于发展中国家和地区.通过对国外非正规部门研究 文献的系统梳理和分析,表明国外非正规部门的研究已形成一定的研究体系和理论成果,研究内容主要涉及非正规部门的边缘性和异质性等特征,非正规部门的空间 集聚与分异,非正规部门存在与发展的理论,包括贫困就业论、二元经济论、规制论和嵌入论等,非正规部门与正规部门的联系,非正规部门的经济、社会影响以及 非正规部门的正规化与政策等方面.但在从事非正规经济活动的人的空间特征、从综合视角分析非正规部门的形成发展过程、非正规部门对地域空间的影响以及对比 研究和定量研究方面还较为欠缺.
[尹晓颖, 闫小培, 薛德升. 国外非正规部门研究进展
. 地理科学进展, 2010, 29(12): 1479-1489.]
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.12.003URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
国外非正规部门的研究始于20世纪70年代,最初研究的对象主要 集中在发展中国家和地区,随着研究的深入,发现发达国家和地区也存在非正规部门,但存在方式和形成机制有别于发展中国家和地区.通过对国外非正规部门研究 文献的系统梳理和分析,表明国外非正规部门的研究已形成一定的研究体系和理论成果,研究内容主要涉及非正规部门的边缘性和异质性等特征,非正规部门的空间 集聚与分异,非正规部门存在与发展的理论,包括贫困就业论、二元经济论、规制论和嵌入论等,非正规部门与正规部门的联系,非正规部门的经济、社会影响以及 非正规部门的正规化与政策等方面.但在从事非正规经济活动的人的空间特征、从综合视角分析非正规部门的形成发展过程、非正规部门对地域空间的影响以及对比 研究和定量研究方面还较为欠缺.
[26]Moreno-Monroy A.Critical commentary. informality in space: Understanding agglomeration economics during economic development
. Urban Studies, 2012, 49(10): 2019-2030.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098012448554URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
No abstract is available for this item.
[27]Wang Fahui.Quantitative Methods and Applications in GIS. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2009: 47-50. [本文引用: 1]

[王法辉. 基于GIS的数量方法与应用. 北京: 商务印书馆, 2009: 47-50.] [本文引用: 1]
[28]Rosenthal S S, Strange W C.Evidence on the nature and source of agglomeration econoimes//Henderson J V, Thisse J F. Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics (Volume 4 Cities and Geography). Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2012: 53-101. [本文引用: 1]

[斯图尔特·S·罗森塔尔, 威廉·C·斯特兰奇. 城市集聚经济性质和来源的证据//约翰·弗农·亨德森, 雅克-弗朗索瓦·蒂斯. 区域和城市经济学手册(第4卷城市和地理). 北京: 经济科学出版社, 2012: 53-101.] [本文引用: 1]
[29]Briant A, Combes P P, Lafourcade M.Dots to boxes: Do the size and shape of spatial units jeopardize economic geography estimations?
Journal of Urban Economics, 2010, 67(3): 287-302.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jue.2009.09.014URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper evaluates, in the context of economic geography estimates, the magnitude of the distortions arising from the choice of a specific zoning system, which is also known as the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP). We undertake three standard economic geography exercises (the analysis of spatial concentration, agglomeration economies, and trade determinants), using various French zoning systems differentiated according to the size and shape of their spatial units. While size might matter, especially when the dependent variable of a regression is not aggregated in the same way as the explanatory variables and/or the zoning system involves large spatial units, shape does so much less. In any case, both dimensions are of secondary importance compared to specification issues.
[30]Duranton G, Overman H G.Testing for localization using micro-geographic data
. Review of Economic Studies, 2005, 72(4): 1077-1106.
URL [本文引用: 4]
[31]Duranton G, Overman H G.Exploring the detailed location patterns of UK manufacturing industries using microgeographic data
. Journal of Regional Science, 2008, 48(1): 213-243.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2006.0547.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
We use a point-pattern methodology to explore the detailed location patterns of UK manufacturing industries. In particular, we consider the location of entrants and exiters vs. continuing establishments, domestic- vs. foreign-owned, large vs. small, and affiliated vs. independent. We also examine co-localisation between vertically-linked industries. Our analysis provides a set of new stylised facts and confirmation for others.
[32]Marcon E, Puech F.Evaluating the geographic concentration of industries using distance-based methods
. Journal of Economic Geography, 2003, 3(4): 409-428.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbg016URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
We propose new methods for evaluating the spatial distribution of firms. To assess whether firms are concentrated or dispersed, economists have tradi-tionally used indices that analyse the heterogeneity of a spatial structure at a single geographic level. We introduce distance-based methods, Besag's L function (derived from Ripley's K function) and Diggle and Chetwynd's D function to describe simultaneously spatial distribution at different geographical scales. Our empirical applications consider the distribution of French manufacturing firms in the Paris area and in France generally. For some geographic levels, results show significant concentration or dispersion of firms according to their sector of activity. Copyright 2003, Oxford University Press.
[33]Marcon E, Puech F.Measures of the geographic concentration of industries: Improving distance-based methods
. Journal of Economic Geography, 2010, 10(5): 745-762.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbp056URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
This study introduces two new measures of spatial concentration. The proposed M functions constitute an extension to Ripley's functions (Ripley, 1976, 1977). They allow the evaluation of the relative geographic concentration and co-location of industries in a non-homogeneous spatial framework. Some rigorous comparisons with similar recently developed tools prove the relevance of the M functions in the field of spatial economics.
[34]Nakajima K, Saito Y U, Uesugi I.Measuring economic localization: Evidence from Japanese firm-level data
. Journal of The Japanese and International Economies, 2012, 26(2): 201-220.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jjie.2012.02.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper examines location patterns of Japan manufacturing industries using a unique firm-level dataset on the geographic location of firms. Following the point-pattern approach proposed by Duranton and Overman (2005), we find the following. First, about half of Japan manufacturing industries can be classified as localized and the number of localized industries is largest for a distance level of 40 km or less. Second, several industries in the textile mill products sector are among the most localized, which is similar to findings for the UK, suggesting that there exist common factors across countries determining the concentration of industrial activities. Third, the distribution of distances between entrant (exiting) firms and remaining firms is, in most industries, not significantly different from a random distribution. These results suggest that most industries in Japan neither become more localized nor more dispersed over time and are in line with similar findings by Duranton and Overman (2008) for the UK. Fourth, a comparison with the service sector indicates that the share of localized industries is higher in manufacturing than in services, although the extent of localization among the most localized manufacturing industries is smaller than that among the most localized service industries, including financial service industries
[35]Vitali S, Napoletano M, Fagiolo G.Spatial localization in manufacturing: A cross-country analysis
. Regional Studies, 2013, 47(9): 1534-1554.
ABSTRACT This paper employs a homogeneous-firm database to investigate industry localization in European countries. More specifically, it compares, across industries and countries, the predictions of two of the most popular localization indexes, that is, the Ellison and Glaeser index of 1997 and the Duranton and Overman index of 2005. Independently from the index used, it is found that localization is a pervasive phenomenon in all countries studied; and the degree of localization is very unevenly distributed across industries in each country. Furthermore, it is shown that in all countries localized sectors are mainly 'traditional' sectors or, if one controls for country industrial structures, science-based sectors. Moreover, it is found that the two indexes significantly diverge in predicting the intensity of localization of the same industry both across and within countries. In turn, these differences point to the different role played by pecuniary versus non-pecuniary externalities in driving firms' location decisions.
[36]Koh H J, Riedel N.Assessing the localization pattern of German manufacturing and service industries: A distance-based approach
. Regional Studies, 2014, 48(5): 823-843.
This paper assesses the agglomeration pattern of four-digit industries in Germany using a rich data set on the population of German firms. To identify geographical agglomeration, we follow the distance based approach of Duranton and Overman (2005) and find that the location pattern of 78% of our industries departs from randomness in the sense that firms exhibit significant geographical localization. In line with previous studies on manufacturing firms in the UK and France, our analysis suggests that especially traditional manufacturing industries exhibit strong localization patterns. Moreover, we find that geographical localization is not restricted to the manufacturing sector but that it plays an equally, or even more important role in service industries.
[37]Behrens K, Bougna T.An anatomy of the geographical concentration of Canadian manufacturing industries
. Regional Science and Urban Economies, 2015, 51: 47-69.
We document the location patterns of Canadian manufacturing industries – as well as changes in those patterns over the first decade of 2000 – using detailed micro-geographic data. Depending on industry definitions and years, 40 to 60 percent of industries are clustered. According to our measures, manufacturing industries become less geographically concentrated in Canada, i.e., localization is decreasing. Yet, some of the most localized industries are becoming even more localized. We also document the locational trends specific to small firms, young firms, and exporters. We find that their location patterns do not differ significantly from that of the other firms in their industries.
[38]Yuan Haihong, Zhang Hua, Zeng Hongyong.Measuring localization of manufacturing industries and its dynamics: Using Beijing firm-level data
. China Industrial Economics, 2014(9): 38-50.
[袁海红, 张华, 曾洪勇. 产业集聚的测度及其动态变化: 基于北京企业微观数据的研究
. 中国工业经济, 2014(9): 38-50.]
[39]Liu Chunxia, Zhu Qing, Li Yuechen.Evaluating the geographic concentration of manufacturing industries of Beijing based on distance-based methods
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006, 61(12): 1247-1258.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2006.12.002URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[刘春霞, 朱青, 李月臣. 基于距离的北京制造业空间集聚
. 地理学报, 2006, 61(12): 1247-1258.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2006.12.002URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
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