

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

陈莎1,, 刘倩1, 贾玉连1,, 陈鑫鑫1, 王传胜2, 万智巍1, 洪祎君2, 冷雪1, 王昕梅1, 曹向明1, 彭学敏1, 王野乔1
1. 鄱阳湖湿地与流域研究教育部重点实验室 江西师范大学地理环境学院,南昌 330022
2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101

Spatial-temporal evolution of early history of north China (1600 BC-300 AD) and dynastic cycle driven by climate change

CHENSha1,, LIUQian1, JIAYulian1,, CHENXinxin1, WANGChuansheng2, WANZhiwei1, HONGYijun2, LENGXue1, WANGXinmei1, CAOXiangming1, PENGXuemin1, WANGYeqiao1
1. Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research of Ministry of Education, School of Geography and Environment of Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, China
2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research CAS, Beijing 100101, China
通讯作者:贾玉连(1971-), 男, 山东莱芜人, 副教授, 研究方向为全球变化与人地关系。E-mail: northforest@sohu.com
-->作者简介:陈莎(1993-), 女, 陕西汉中人, 硕士生, 研究方向为全球气候变化与区域响应。E-mail: 986851566@qq.com


诸多沉积记录揭示,中国北方早期历史,气候环境大致经历了3580-3050 cal a BP、3050-1800 cal a BP两个阶段;前者为稳定的湿润气候期,后者为逐渐趋于干燥的气候期;前期为中国历史上第二个王朝—商王朝统治期,政局稳定,社会承平,王朝较为稳定地传承了500余年,是中国历史上“寿命”最长的朝代;后者对应西周—东周(春秋—战国)—秦—西汉—东汉—三国等朝代,在不足1300年内,政权格局多次更迭,表现出一种与前期截然相反的社会政治生态。这期间,以都城为标志的王朝的重心,具有向东南迁移的趋势。年代对比发现,商代夏、周代商、平王东迁、西汉甚至东汉灭亡等改朝换代的社会政治事件,都与沉积记录所指示的气候环境的显著变化(恶化)对应。研究再次证实早期的中国历史与气候变化存在密切的关系,并认为如下两个因素可以阐述这种关系的存在:① 中国北方地理环境空间是扇状的,且自然环境具有梯度变化的特征,这种地理环境格局叠加在气候变化之上,具有特殊的加剧与舒缓区域社会矛盾的作用。② 小农经济具有对气候变化的特殊敏感性。对西汉所做的案例考察认为,不尽合理的社会体制往往通过一系列反馈作用将这种敏感性在气候恶化阶段“放大”,随之形成一系列连锁反应,由此造成的各种危机成为王朝崩溃重要因素。

The early northern China (1600 BC-300 AD) can be divided into two stages roughly: 3600-3050 cal a BP (1600 BC-1050 BC), and 3050-1800 cal a BP (1050 BC-200 AD), which were recorded in many natural sedimentary archives. The former stage, corresponding to the second dynasty - the Shang Dynasty with a time span of more than 500 years, characterized by relatively stable humid climate state, is a historical period with relatively stable political and societal environment; the latter stage, coincident to the transition from the Zhou Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms with gradually becoming dry climate, showed a sharp contrast of political and societal condition to the period during the Shang Dynasty with seven unrests and consequent occurrence of new political regimes within a 1250-year period. And, marked by the relocations of capitals, the centers of these dynasties show a trend of southeastward migration. The correlation of significant climate change (usually cold and/or dry states) and some political unrests, such as, establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, Zhouping King′s eastward relocation of capital and perishment of the Western Han Dynasty, was found. These evidences again indicate that there is a certain relationship between evolution of early stage of Chinese history and climate change of Asian monsoon. This paper suggests that the following two factors, neglected in the previous research, greatly influence the correlation between society and climate. First, northern China has fan-shaped geographic space with a sharp ecological gradient for latitudinal zonality and Asian monsoon activity, which accentuates the effects of climate change on regional human society. Second, in China the small-scale self-sufficient economy cell was very sensitive to climate change. And usually, irrational social regime accentuated the sensitivity of small-scale self-sufficient economy cell to climate change through a series of feedbacks within society and resulted in serious consequences, and eventually caused the collapses of dynasties.

Keywords:climate change;Late Holocene;fan-shaped geographic space;the small-scale self-sufficient economy cell;irrational social regime;feedback

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陈莎, 刘倩, 贾玉连, 陈鑫鑫, 王传胜, 万智巍, 洪祎君, 冷雪, 王昕梅, 曹向明, 彭学敏, 王野乔. 气候环境驱动下的中国北方早期社会历史时空演进及其机制[J]. , 2017, 72(9): 1580-1593 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201709004
CHEN Sha, LIU Qian, JIA Yulian, CHEN Xinxin, WANG Chuansheng, WAN Zhiwei, HONG Yijun, LENG Xue, WANG Xinmei, CAO Xiangming, PENG Xuemin, WANG Yeqiao. Spatial-temporal evolution of early history of north China (1600 BC-300 AD) and dynastic cycle driven by climate change[J]. 地理学报, 2017, 72(9): 1580-1593 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201709004

1 引言

这种以朝代更迭为特征的中国历史,在中晚全新世的气候演化背景之上,在以中原地区为中心的中国北方多次重演,构成了中国历史特有的以治—乱为主题的旋回式演化模式[10-11]。历史学家Toynbee 1972年曾把这种社会历史结构,称为中国模式,并认为这种模式适用于各文明发展的晚期阶段,从而认定这种模式是一种纯粹的社会发展模式[10]
这一方面,是因为在将高分辨率地质记录与社会历史演替的具体过程联系在一起[7]时,出现过诸多无法一致甚至相反的情况[15];指示了气候变化与中国社会历史进程之间的关系也并非如上所说的那样简单。另一方面,从新石器时代中晚期仰韶文化阶段到中国社会历史时期演化的整个时段,现在的农牧交错带年降水为300~400 mm的中国北方的温度变化也仅有2~4 ℃、年降水变化幅度最大也不超过200 mm[16-19]。也就是说,即使是在极端恶劣的气候期,祖先生存的亚洲东部大部分地区,环境也从未恶劣到绝对无以生存的境地。因此,气候变化对中国社会历史演化的影响,或者说气候变化对中国的朝代更替的作用,从来不是简单的毁灭,而是一个治—乱—治的演化旋回,涉及到方方面面的因素,需要从多学科多角度相互联系的视角才能获得更客观更深刻的认识。
大量的证据证实气候变化确实能对人类与人类社会产生重大影响[20-23],在多数情况下,均涉及到灾难、疾病、人口、经济变化、环境适应甚至社会管理等一系列自然—经济—人文系统等方面的众多因素[24-29]的反馈作用。Webster 1975年曾提出在资源有限和人口增长情况下,战争是一种生态性适应的观点[24]。葛全胜等[9]借用国际科联环境问题科学委员会(SCOPE)的观点,认为气候变化对中国社会的影响,沿自然—经济—人文子系统的各个环节而逐级传导,具有多个层次的冲击与社会的适应,指示中国社会对环境恶化同样存在积极的反馈作用。但这种对气候环境变化的自组织适应性是否具有普遍性,对中国社会历史影响如何?这是研究中国社会历史发展与气候变化关系的关键,随着全球变化的深化,这些问题需要密切联系中国社会历史人文系统的诸多特点深入探讨,但目前这方面的研究尚比较少见。

2 代用指标揭示的中国北方早期历史时期气候环境变化特点

-->Fig. 1Geographical location of Huangqi Lake basin and the records used in this paper

H6剖面为全新世黄旗海湖泊萎缩过程中河流下蚀而在现代湖泊一级阶地的前缘形成的天然剖面。剖面总厚310 cm,本文所涉及的部分,层厚130 cm,包括3种沉积相(图2):滨湖相(深295~305 cm)、深湖相(深240~295 cm)、浅湖相(深170~240 cm)。以1.5 cm间隔对剖面进行系统采样,进行了粒度、元素地球化学和孢粉分析[30-31]。在不同深度(主要在沉积相变化界线附近)分取4个样品,提取碳屑与孢粉[30],进行AMS14C年代分析,样品在美国迈阿密BETA实验室测试。
年代结果表明(图2),本文所涉及的H6剖面湖相沉积时代为3580-1800 cal a BP(日历年,为了与历史记录对比,本文将0 cal a BP视为2010年而不是传统的1950年,这样基本与公元纪年保持同步,方便阅读与理解)。根据沉积相及代用指标的变化特点,H6剖面所反映的晚全新世气候变化大致分为3580-3050 cal a BP、3050-1800 cal a BP两个时段。
图2黄旗海H6剖面地球化学元素和风化指数记录的3600-1800 cal a BP时段气候环境变化
-->Fig. 2Climate change during 3600-1800 cal a BP recorded by geochemical elements, weathering index and other proxies from H6 section in Huangqi Lake basin

3580-3050 cal a BP时期,沉积相与粒度揭示,H6剖面位置为深湖湖泊环境,沉积颗粒较细,粉砂为主,指示水动力弱;古湖面高出现代湖面(1270 m,1976年水位)近20~25 m,达到1295~1300 m[30]。其时,剖面所在的水深约为19~24 m。孢粉分析出现了大量的盘星藻科的孢子(Pediastraceae),证实黄旗海是个淡水广域湖泊。针叶树孢粉(Pinus)浓度最高,并出现了一些落叶树孢粉,推测流域出现以针叶林为主的针阔混交林[30]。元素地球化学指示流域化学风化淋溶较强(图2)。这些证据一致地指示了流域气候环境湿润,夏季风较强,流域有效降水高,湖泊扩涨。
3050-1800 cal a BP时期,沉积相指示黄旗海为浅湖湖泊环境;较上一阶段,粒度显著变粗,揭示随着水位下降,湖泊水深变浅,水动力变强。古湖面大致维持在1285~1290 m,显著萎缩[30]。阔叶树孢粉浓度降低并消失,针叶树孢粉浓度快速降低,蒿、黎等草本花粉浓度显著增加,指示了一个干燥气候的到来;并且,蒿/黎比值在这其间逐渐增加,指示气候具有越来越干燥的趋势[30]。推测针阔混交林消失,干草原出现并逐渐扩展。元素地球化学也指示逐渐减弱的化学风化状况(图2)。
这个时期大致又可分为6个亚期:① 3050-2930 cal a BP西周气候快速恶化期;② 2930-2700 cal a BP西周干燥期;③ 2700-2430 cal a BP春秋湿润期;④ 2430-2330 cal a BP战国干燥期;⑤ 2330-1980 cal a BP秦—西汉湿润期;⑥ 1980-1800 cal a BP东汉干燥期(图4)。
H6剖面指示的这种气候演化的特点,与南、北方众多高分辨率气候记录[32-36]及南方洞穴石笋[35]等在测年误差范围内存在较好的对比关系(图3):黄旗海记录的气候干旱期,基本上对应董哥洞石笋氧同位素记录的夏季风强度减弱和湖光玛珥湖记录的冬季风强度增加相一致;并且与史料记载的气候环境变化[37-41]也极为吻合。夏末商初(3.6-3.5 cal ka BP)、商末(3.6-3.5 cal ka BP)、西周末年(2.8-2.7 cal ka BP)、战国(2.45-2.35 cal ka BP)和公元前后的诸多干旱事件[40-41],都在黄旗海的湖泊沉积中有清晰的记录。
-->Fig. 3Comparison of the climate records[32-36] in the East Asian monsoon region and the stages of early history in north China


3 气候环境变化与北方早期社会历史时空演进

与气候环境的演化相对应,早期中国历史的演化,也大致经历了3580-3050 cal a BP、3050-1800 cal a BP前后两个阶段(图4)。不同的阶段,社会政治生态也具有不同的宏观格局。具体表现如下:
(1)商代湿润期,这是全新世大暖期即将结束时的一个稳定湿润期,其续存时间与商王朝这个中国历史上延续时间最久的王朝的政治续存期高度吻合(按夏商周断代工程对商王朝的时间界定为(1600-1046 BC[42],相当于本文3610-3056 cal a BP),社会政治生态单调。而在随后的从西周到东汉的干燥阶段,由奴隶社会过渡到封建社会,政治生态复杂多样,既有诸侯割据的混乱,也存在大一统的强盛王朝。从商—西周—东周—秦—西汉—东汉—三国,政权更迭频繁,说明政治生态压力大,各派政治势力之间的关系也较紧张,也说明中国社会历史进程显著提速。
商代夏:商取代夏,夏商周断代工程(以下简称工程)(2000)证实为1600 BC,这与H6剖面指示3580±30 cal a BP之前的低湖面相吻合,指示商之前存在一个干燥的气候阶段。考古史料揭示原先居住于太行山麓的商人正是在这样的气候背景下南下的[43]。史料也记载这个干燥的气候期一直延续到商代早期:昔者汤克夏而正天下,天大旱,五年不收(吕氏春秋—顺民);商凅旱,汤犹发师以信伊尹之盟(吕氏春秋—慎大览)。
周代商:周取代商,夏商周断代工程(2001)确定为1046 BC年。商代湿润期,从3150 cal a BP开始趋于干燥,3041±30 cal a BP年前后(相当于1031 BC年)开始了一个剧烈恶化阶段(图4)。
-->Fig. 4Relationship between climate change recorded by H6 profile and the present precipitation of the capital cities of dynasties in early Chinese history

平王东迁:历史记载的平王东迁,发生在770 BC年,这正是从3150 cal a BP开始的气候干燥期的极值点。
西汉建立与灭亡:春秋战国末年最为激烈的兼并战争发生在256-221 BC年间,随后,中国历史上第一个真正意义上的大一统王朝—秦朝就诞生了,而这正对应H6指示的一个干燥阶段的结束,下一个湿润期的开始(图4)。
西汉灭亡在公元九年(9 AD),而在公元前后,气候开始趋干变冷[8],直到东汉与三国阶段,气候都没有明显的回返。也就是说,西汉的建立—发展—灭亡这一生灭过程与气候的干—湿—干演化阶段相吻合(图5)。
-->Fig. 5Comparison of climate change and refuge records over the Han Dynasty

整个时段,以都城为标志的各王朝的重心,地理位置与现代降水呈现有规律的变化(图4);这种规律恰好与上述指示风化强度与湖泊波动气候变化记录[30]具有反向关系,指示在气候湿润期,王朝的都城更趋于西北干旱区,气候干燥期则相反。这与周氏族在3550-2200 cal a BP期间由于气候变化而造成的迁移[45]是极其相似的,相信气候变化在其中起决定作用。
都城的选择,可能涉及方方面面的因素,自然环境的影响时时可起主导作用[46]。众多研究表明,在历史早期以农业为主且交通运输条件不发达的情况下,粮槽转运成本高,王朝的都城,如果不处在全国农业重心附近,社会维护成本就会增加,不利于保障统治集团的物资供应[47-48]。因此,都城往往与全国的农业重心有关,都城的变迁,标示了王朝的农业重心有所变化。而农业重心的变化,则与气候带的变迁有关联。对全新世季风变迁的研究表明,在东亚季风区,随着气候变化,夏季风的强弱也发生变化,气候带往往存在整体向西北扩展、向东南萎缩的特点[17, 49],但整体格局与现在相似。
综上所述,气候环境变化与早期中国历史社会演替之间存在密切关系:气候环境稳定,有助于社会的稳定与发展;气候环境的恶化,可引起社会动荡并进而造成王朝的更迭。3600-3050 cal a BP期间气候湿润,商王朝恰逢其时地稳定存在了500余年;3050-1800 cal a BP这个时段,气候逐渐变干,中国北方生存环境恶化,王朝的重心,渐趋南移。许多社会政治事件,往往与气候的变迁存在莫大关系。这些证据再次证实了中国社会历史演化与气候环境变化之间存在的耦合关系,“冷抑暖扬”的韵律[8]在中国早期历史也是存在的。

4 中国北方地理环境特点及其对社会历史的影响

黄河流域所在的东部亚洲,处在青藏高原以东,亚洲内陆沙漠东南,东、东南靠太平洋,尽管地理空间较为广阔,但在交通工具相对原始的历史早期,山脉和海洋均是交通的屏障,造成这个区域相对比较独立与封闭,并具有典型的折扇形态。近东西偏南走向的昆仑山脉、秦岭、大别山脉与东北—西南走向的海岸带是扇形地带的两个边缘,扇面呈半圆弧形向东北、西北辐散开来。它是东亚冬季风的腹地、夏季风的边缘区域。夏季,季风来自西太平洋,是湿润气候的主导因素;冬季,季风来自于西北内陆和西伯利亚,与纬度地带性一起,是气温的主控因素。这种格局的气候,使区域气候环境与生态环境具有东南—西北的梯度变化特点:西北地区寒冷干燥,生物营养源相对匮乏,东南地区温暖湿润,生物营养源相对丰富。尤其值得注意的是,随着冬夏季风的强弱变化,气候带具有沿西北—东南方向整体推进的特征与趋势[17, 49];毋庸置疑,这也使得这种环境或生态梯度具有同步变化的特点。
(2)气候恶化期,夏季风减弱,气候带向东南方向萎缩。西北区气候干燥、生物营养源匮乏,便不能支撑如暖湿期那样多的人口规模,人类会向东南方向迁移。尤其是沿着西南、东南两个边缘的迁移,在新石器时代及早期文明阶段曾经多次出现[9, 39, 45, 51]。夏末,祖居太行山南麓的商人[43]与商末世居渭水流域的周人[45]就是在这种气候恶化期沿着这两个边缘向湿润区迁移的。从而造成相对狭小的东南地区区域人口密度增加,为争夺资源而引起的纷争产生并加剧,纷争的结果就是商代夏、周代商。

5 小农经济对气候变化的敏感性及其对社会的冲击:方式与机制

考察这个王朝的兴衰,本文从考察其生产关系的部分特点开始:① 西汉的食利集团与生产集团:前者包括皇族、贵族地主、官僚地主、工商地主和豪强地主、中小地主;后者包括自耕农、雇农、佃农、半佃农、奴婢等,自耕农是其主体。蒙文通[54]1957年认为,自耕农能够持续生存下去是西汉各种所有制共生共荣的基本经济条件。② 西汉的赋税:主要有算赋、口赋和田税。算赋的征收对象年龄在15~56岁,征收数量120钱/人(年);口赋的征收对象年龄在7~14岁,数量23钱/人(年)。算赋、口赋以人头计算,无分贫富,达到纳税年龄,必须缴纳,上自王侯下至饥民与奴婢。田税为十五税一或三十税一;西汉初年为十五税一,到公元前155年(汉景帝前元二年)为三十税一,并成为西汉定制。土地所有者按照规定向政府如实申报其占有田亩,按亩数征收田租。田租的征收额根据每亩历年的平均产量来定数,即不论年岁的丰歉,也不计土地的肥瘩[55]。③ 西汉的徭役,包括卒更与正卒。服徭役的年龄,从23~56岁。每个成年男子每年服一个月徭役,称为卒更(不能亲自服役者,出钱二千由政府雇人代役)。此外,每年要戍边三天,不去者缴纳更赋三百钱。正卒(也就是兵役),一生服两年;一岁为卫士,守卫都域或边疆,一岁为材官、骑士或楼船兵,驻守本郡。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1The economy budget of an owner-peasant family
粮 120石园圃/家禽10石纺织10匹生存消费简单再生产租赋负担其他
72006004000口粮 80石,4800
食盐 1.8石,900
衣着 5匹,2000
留种 6石,360
农具 7石 420
赋敛 11石,660
田租 4石,240
总计 11800总计10340

这种现象,史料述及很多,可以说是一种普遍的情况。晁错在他的《论贵粟疏》中就写道:勤苦如此,尚复被水旱之灾,急政暴赋,赋敛不时,朝令而暮当具。有者半贾而卖,亡者取倍称之息(指百分之百的高利贷)。每遇这种情况,借贷、卖田宅、鬻子孙,就是一种必然选择。也就是说,在西汉,自耕农破产并向流民的演化在某种程度上是社会的必然,具体通过以下几个途径:① 气候变化、旱涝不调,② 兵役、徭役,③ 高利贷,④ 豪强兼并等,⑤ 特权阶层往往又通过免兵役、免徭役、免赋税等增加了自耕农的负担。这5个因素,气候变化是自然因素,其余为社会因素,它们往往联系在一起,共同促进自耕农的流失,甚或蜕变成流民(图6)。
图5为黄旗海H6剖面记录的西汉时期气候的干湿变化与流民关系,西汉流民存在两个特点:① 流民是西汉社会普遍的社会现象,在西汉王朝210年的社会历史中,史料记载210年里产生了较大规模的32次流民(15次/百年);② 流民多与气候干旱或气候由湿润转入干旱的气候阶段有联系(西汉初期除外)。第一个集中暴发阶段是125-100 BC年,一个气候相对干燥期,这个气候期在史料记载中也多有述及[8];第二个集中爆发期在西汉的后期当气候再次趋于干旱化时。这种对比关系表明,流民在西汉的社会体制下,具有对气候变化的敏感响应,而流民主要来自于破产的小农家庭;因此,这种敏感响应,在西汉,其实是自耕农对气候变化的敏感响应的一种具体体现。
-->Fig. 6Diagram of interaction between government, powerful groups and disadvantaged groups


6 结论

(1)中国北方早期历史,气候环境大致经历了3580-3050 cal a BP、3050-1800 cal a BP两个阶段;前者为稳定的湿润气候期,后者为逐渐趋于干燥的气候期;与这两个阶段相对应,中国早期历史呈现出两种截然相反的政治生态。年代对比发现,商代夏、周代商、平王东迁、西汉甚至东汉灭亡等改朝换代的社会政治事件,都与沉积记录所指示的气候环境的显著变化(恶化)相对应。
(2)气候变化影响中国社会历史发展,具有二重性:① 中国北方地理环境空间是扇状的,且自然环境具有梯度变化的特征,这种地理环境格局叠加在气候变化之上,具有特殊的加剧与舒缓区域社会矛盾的作用;② 小农经济具有对气候变化的特殊敏感性。不尽合理的社会体制往往通过一系列反馈作用将这种敏感性在气候恶化阶段“放大”,随之形成一系列连锁反应,由此造成的经济危机成为王朝崩溃重要因素。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

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The article studied the relation between the Climatic change and history in China in different historical periods , by comparing the climatic change and its influence on East Asian, Europe and North America . It pointed out , China ,especial in North China ,based on agriculture, was particularly vulnerable to climatic change .Climatic change could greatly affect all sectors of society . From Neolithic Age to Qing dynasty, the process of climatic change periodically between warm periods and cold periods was the one that nomadic and sedentary peoples conflicted and united. During warm periods, China was flourished ,united ,and prosperous. During cold periods ,climatic change led to the economic deterioration, nomadic inversion, peasant rebellion and even led to the economic and central shift from north to south .At last ,the author pointed out climate might be one of the factors which determined the political fate of North China ,and emphasized the importance of taking climate into account in studying historical events .
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Abstract The Asian-Australian monsoon is an important component of the Earth's climate system that influences the societal and economic activity of roughly half the world's population. The past strength of the rain-bearing East Asian summer monsoon can be reconstructed with archives such as cave deposits, but the winter monsoon has no such signature in the hydrological cycle and has thus proved difficult to reconstruct. Here we present high-resolution records of the magnetic properties and the titanium content of the sediments of Lake Huguang Maar in coastal southeast China over the past 16,000 years, which we use as proxies for the strength of the winter monsoon winds. We find evidence for stronger winter monsoon winds before the B lling-Aller d warming, during the Younger Dryas episode and during the middle and late Holocene, when cave stalagmites suggest weaker summer monsoons. We conclude that this anticorrelation is best explained by migrations in the intertropical convergence zone. Similar migrations of the intertropical convergence zone have been observed in Central America for the period ad 700 to 900 (refs 4-6), suggesting global climatic changes at that time. From the coincidence in timing, we suggest that these migrations in the tropical rain belt could have contributed to the declines of both the Tang dynasty in China and the Classic Maya in Central America.
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We explore the association between climate change and warfare in eastern China over the past millennium from a macro-historic perspective. High-resolution palaeo-temperature reconstructions and the complete record of warfare incidence in eastern China were compared. Results show that warfare frequency in eastern China (its southern portion in particular) significantly correlated with the Northern Hemisphere temperature oscillations. Almost all peaks of warfare frequency and dynastic changes occurred in cooling phases. We suggest that in historic China, the reduction of thermal energy during cooling phases significantly shrank agricultural production. Such ecological stress interacted with population pressure and China unique historic and geographic setting to bring about the high frequencies of warfare over the last millennium. We recommend scholars take climate change into account as they consider the anthropology of warfare in the historic past.
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Abstract A record from Wanxiang Cave, China, characterizes Asian Monsoon (AM) history over the past 1810 years. The summer monsoon correlates with solar variability, Northern Hemisphere and Chinese temperature, Alpine glacial retreat, and Chinese cultural changes. It was generally strong during Europe's Medieval Warm Period and weak during Europe's Little Ice Age, as well as during the final decades of the Tang, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties, all times that were characterized by popular unrest. It was strong during the first several decades of the Northern Song Dynasty, a period of increased rice cultivation and dramatic population increase. The sign of the correlation between the AM and temperature switches around 1960, suggesting that anthropogenic forcing superseded natural forcing as the major driver of AM changes in the late 20th century.
[8]Ge Quansheng.Climate Change in Chinese History. Beijing: Science and Technology Press, 2010. [本文引用: 4]

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Magsci [本文引用: 3]摘要
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 在前人研究的基础上,系统梳理了中国过去2000年气候变化与社会的自然、经济、人文三大亚系统发展状况间的对应关系,从数百年至数十年的时间尺度上揭示了气候变化的过程在实质上也是社会结构重新构建的过程。具体有以下结论:①尽管并非所有的暖期社会都是繁荣昌盛的,但总体上说来,&ldquo;冷抑暖扬&rdquo;的文明韵律十分清晰;②气候变化对社会发展的影响,通过自然&mdash;经济&mdash;人文亚系统的各个环节而逐级传导,进而产生了五个层次的气候冲击与适应;③在过去2000年气候恶化阶段,与生态环境脆弱性密切相关的贫困人群生存问题是诱发社会动乱的重要原因;④气候只是社会发展的外部条件,人对生产关系的变革才是推动古代社会发展进程的根本动力;⑤随着科学技术的不断发展, 气候变化对古代社会发展的不利影响在总体上渐趋减轻。</p>
[葛全胜, 刘浩龙, 郑景云, . 中国过去2000年气候变化与社会发展
. 自然杂志, 2013, 35(1): 9-25.]
Magsci [本文引用: 3]摘要
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 在前人研究的基础上,系统梳理了中国过去2000年气候变化与社会的自然、经济、人文三大亚系统发展状况间的对应关系,从数百年至数十年的时间尺度上揭示了气候变化的过程在实质上也是社会结构重新构建的过程。具体有以下结论:①尽管并非所有的暖期社会都是繁荣昌盛的,但总体上说来,&ldquo;冷抑暖扬&rdquo;的文明韵律十分清晰;②气候变化对社会发展的影响,通过自然&mdash;经济&mdash;人文亚系统的各个环节而逐级传导,进而产生了五个层次的气候冲击与适应;③在过去2000年气候恶化阶段,与生态环境脆弱性密切相关的贫困人群生存问题是诱发社会动乱的重要原因;④气候只是社会发展的外部条件,人对生产关系的变革才是推动古代社会发展进程的根本动力;⑤随着科学技术的不断发展, 气候变化对古代社会发展的不利影响在总体上渐趋减轻。</p>
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[20]Bar-Yosef O.Climatic fluctuations and early farming in west and east Asia
. Current Anthropology, 2000, 52(4): 175-193.
https://doi.org/10.1086/659784URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper presents a Levantine model for the origins of cultivation of various wild plants as motivated by the vagaries of the climatic fluctuation of the Younger Dryas within the context of the mosaic ecology of the region that affected communities that were already sedentary or semisedentary. In addition to holding to their territories, these communities found ways to intensify their food procurement strategy by adopting intentional growth of previously known annuals, such as a variety of cereals. The Levantine sequence, where Terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene Neolithic archaeology is well known, is employed as a model for speculating on the origins of millet cultivation in northern China, where both the archaeological data and the dates are yet insufficient to document the evolution of socioeconomic changes that resulted in the establishment of an agricultural system.
[21]Haug G H, Günther D, Peterson L C, et al.Climate and the collapse of Maya civilization
. Science, 2003, 299(14): 1731-1735.
In the anoxic Cariaco Basin of the southern Caribbean, the bulk titanium content of undisturbed sediment reflects variations in riverine input and the hydrological cycle over northern tropical South America. A seasonally resolved record of titanium shows that the collapse of Maya civilization in the Terminal Classic Period occurred during an extended regional dry period, punctuated by more intense multiyear droughts centered at approximately 810, 860, and 910 A.D. These new data suggest that a century-scale decline in rainfall put a general strain on resources in the region, which was then exacerbated by abrupt drought events, contributing to the social stresses that led to the Maya demise.
[22]Richerson P J, Boyd R, Bettinger R L.Was agriculture impossible during the Pleistocene but mandatory during the Holocene: A climate change hypothesis
. American Antiquity, 2001, 66(3): 387-411.
Several independent trajectories of subsistence intensification, often leading to agriculture, began during the Holocene. No plant-rich intensifications are known from the Pleistocene, even from the late Pleistocene when human populations were otherwise quite sophisticated. Recent data from ice and ocean-core climate proxies show that last glacial climates were extremely hostile to agriculture dry, low in atmospheric CO2, and extremely variable on quite short time scales. We hypothesize that agriculture was impossible under last-glacial conditions. The quite abrupt final amelioration of the climate was followed immediately by the beginnings of plant-intensive resource-use strategies in some areas, although the turn to plants was much later elsewhere. Almost all trajectories of subsistence intensification in the Holocene are progressive, and eventually agriculture became the dominant strategy in all but marginal environments. We hypothesize that, in the Holocene, agriculture was, in the long run, compulsory. We use a mathematical analysis to argue that the rate-limiting process for intensification trajectories must generally be the rate of innovation of subsistence technology or subsistence-related social organization. At the observed rates of innovation, population growth will always be rapid enough to sustain a high level of population pressure. Several processes appear to retard rates of cultural evolution below the maxima we observe in the most favorable cases.
[23]Barnett J, Adger N W.Climate change, human security and violent conflict
. Polotical Geography, 2007, 26: 639-655.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2007.03.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Climate change is increasingly been called a ‘security’ problem, and there has been speculation that climate change may increase the risk of violent conflict. This paper integrates three disparate but well-founded bodies of research – on the vulnerability of local places and social groups to climate change, on livelihoods and violent conflict, and the role of the state in development and peacemaking, to offer new insights into the relationships between climate change, human security, and violent conflict. It explains that climate change increasingly undermines human security in the present day, and will increasingly do so in the future, by reducing access to, and the quality of, natural resources that are important to sustain livelihoods. Climate change is also likely to undermine the capacity of states to provide the opportunities and services that help people to sustain their livelihoods. We argue that in certain circumstances these direct and indirect impacts of climate change on human security may in turn increase the risk of violent conflict. The paper then outlines the broad contours of a research programme to guide empirical investigations into the risks climate change poses to human security and peace.
[24]Webster D.Warfare and the evolution of the state: A reconsideration
. American Antiquity, 1975, 40(4): 464-470.
https://doi.org/10.2307/279334URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Warfare is seen as an adaptive ecological choice under conditions of population growth and resource limitation. Its major significance in the formation of the state lay in its ability to negate evolutionary constraints inherent in ranked societies. The evolutionary significance of warfare is discussed in terms of processes of cultural change which are largely internal.
[25]Tompkins E L, Adger W N.Does adaptive management of natural resources enhance resilience to climate change
. Ecology and Society, 2004, 9(2): 10.
Emerging insights from adaptive and community-based resource management suggest that building resilience into both human and ecological systems is an effective way to cope with environmental change characterized by future surprises or unknowable risks. We argue that these emerging insights have implications for policies and strategies for responding to climate change. We review perspectives on collective action for natural resource management to inform understanding of climate response capacity. We demonstrate the importance of social learning, specifically in relation to the acceptance of strategies that build social and ecological resilience. Societies and communities dependent on natural resources need to enhance their capacity to adapt to the impacts of future climate change, particularly when such impacts could lie outside their experienced coping range. This argument is illustrated by an example of present-day collective action for community-based coastal management in Trinidad and Tobago. The case demonstrates that community-based management enhances adaptive capacity in two ways: by building networks that are important for coping with extreme events and by retaining the resilience of the underpinning resources and ecological systems.
[26]Pei Q, Zhang D D, Li Guodong, et al. Epidemics in Ming and Qing in China: Impacts of changes of climate and economic well-being. Social Science and Medicine , 2015, 136/137: 73-80.
[27]Pei Q, Zhang D D, Li G, et al.Climate change and the macroeconomic structure in preindustrial Europe: New evidence from wavelet analysis
. PloS One, 2015,10(6): e0126480. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126480.
The relationship between climate change and the macroeconomy in pre-industrial Europe has attracted considerable attention in recent years. This study follows the combined paradigms of evolutionary economics and ecological economics, in which wavelet analysis (spectrum analysis and coherence analysis) is applied as the first attempt to examine the relationship between climate change and the macroeconomic structure in pre-industrial Europe in the frequency domain. Aside from confirming previous results, this study aims to further substantiate the association between climate change and macroeconomy by presenting new evidence obtained from the wavelet analysis. Our spectrum analysis shows a consistent and continuous frequency band of 60-80 years in the temperature, grain yield ratio, grain price, consumer price index, and real wage throughout the study period. Besides, coherence analysis shows that the macroeconomic structure is shaped more by climate change than population change. In addition, temperature is proven as a key climatic factor that influences the macroeconomic structure. The analysis reveals a unique frequency band of about 20 years (15-35 years) in the temperature in AD1600-1700, which could have contributed to the widespread economic crisis in pre-industrial Europe. Our findings may have indications in re-examining the Malthusian theory.
[28]Lee H F, Fok L, Zhang D D.Climatic change and Chinese population growth dynamics over the last millennium
. Climatic Change, 2008, 88: 131-156.
The climate–population relationship has long been conceived. Although the topic has been repeatedly investigated, most of the related works are Eurocentric or qualitative. Consequently, the relationship between climate and population remains ambiguous. In this study, fine-grained temperature reconstructions and historical population data sets have been employed to statistically test a hypothesized relationship between temperature change and population growth (i.e., cooling associated with below average population growth) in China over the past millennium. The important results were: (1) Long-term temperature change significantly determined the population growth dynamics of China. However, spatial variation existed, whilst population growth in Central China was shown to be responsive to both long- and short-term temperature changes; in marginal areas, population growth was only sensitive to short-term temperature fluctuations. (2) Temporally, the temperature–population relationship was obscured in some periods, which was attributable to the factors of drought and social buffers. In summary, a temperature–population relationship was mediated by geographic factors, the aridity threshold, and social factors. Given the upcoming threat posed by climate change to human societies, this study seeks to improve our knowledge and understanding of the climate–society relationship.
[29]Zhang D D, Lee H F, Wang C, et al.The causality analysis of climate change and large-scale human crisis
. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 2011, 108(42): 17296-17301.
https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1104268108URLPMID:21969578 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Recent studies have shown strong temporal correlations between past climate changes and societal crises. However, the specific causal mechanisms underlying this relation have not been addressed. We explored quantitative responses of 14 fine-grained agro-ecological, socioeconomic, and demographic variables to climate fluctuations from A.D. 1500-1800 in Europe. Results show that cooling from A.D. 1560-1660 caused successive agro-ecological, socioeconomic, and demographic catastrophes, leading to the General Crisis of the Seventeenth Century. We identified a set of causal linkages between climate change and human crisis. Using temperature data and climate-driven economic variables, we simulated the alternation of defined "golden" and "dark" ages in Europe and the Northern Hemisphere during the past millennium. Our findings indicate that climate change was the ultimate cause, and climate-driven economic downturn was the direct cause, of large-scale human crises in preindustrial Europe and the Northern Hemisphere.
[30]Ling Guangjiu, Jia Yulian, Ma Chunmei, et al.Mid-late Holocene (3580~1630 cal. a B.P.) climate and environment records from Huangqihai Lake in inner mongolia
. Quaternary Sciences, 2016, 36(2): 257-267.
https://doi.org/10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2016.02.02URLMagsci [本文引用: 8]摘要
<p>基于内蒙古东南缘黄旗海八台沟(40&deg;50'2&quot;N,113&deg;22'44&quot;E;1280m a.s.l.)剖面135cm厚的湖相地层5个AMS <sup>14</sup>C年龄的测定以及90块样品的孢粉、直径&gt;50&mu;m炭屑浓度、元素和粒度等高分辨率指标分析,重建黄旗海中晚全新世(3580~1630cal.a B.P.)的植被和气候环境演化过程。内蒙古黄旗海高分辨率指标记录揭示:3580~1630cal.a B.P.期间的黄旗海流域气候环境具有持续变干的特征,具体表现为:1)3580~3000cal.a B.P.间,黄旗海湖面较高,湖泊水位在1291m以上,高于现今湖面23m以上,且最高湖面出现在3380cal.a B.P.之前,之后湖泊水位有所下降;3380cal.a B.P.之前植被类型为针-阔混交林,之后转变为以松属为主的针叶林,气候凉湿。2)3000cal.a B.P.前后的约100年间,黄旗海快速变冷变干,湖泊迅速萎缩,植被转变为草甸草原;之后约1400年内,气候逐渐变干,温度有所上升,气候环境以暖干为特征;1630cal.a B.P.前后黄旗海湖面降到高出现在湖面不足9m的高度以下,之后再未出现超过此高度的湖侵。</p>
[凌光久, 贾玉连, 马春梅, . 内蒙古黄旗海中晚全新世(3580~1630cal.a B.P.)气候环境记录
. 第四纪研究, 2016, 36(2): 257-267.]
https://doi.org/10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2016.02.02URLMagsci [本文引用: 8]摘要
<p>基于内蒙古东南缘黄旗海八台沟(40&deg;50'2&quot;N,113&deg;22'44&quot;E;1280m a.s.l.)剖面135cm厚的湖相地层5个AMS <sup>14</sup>C年龄的测定以及90块样品的孢粉、直径&gt;50&mu;m炭屑浓度、元素和粒度等高分辨率指标分析,重建黄旗海中晚全新世(3580~1630cal.a B.P.)的植被和气候环境演化过程。内蒙古黄旗海高分辨率指标记录揭示:3580~1630cal.a B.P.期间的黄旗海流域气候环境具有持续变干的特征,具体表现为:1)3580~3000cal.a B.P.间,黄旗海湖面较高,湖泊水位在1291m以上,高于现今湖面23m以上,且最高湖面出现在3380cal.a B.P.之前,之后湖泊水位有所下降;3380cal.a B.P.之前植被类型为针-阔混交林,之后转变为以松属为主的针叶林,气候凉湿。2)3000cal.a B.P.前后的约100年间,黄旗海快速变冷变干,湖泊迅速萎缩,植被转变为草甸草原;之后约1400年内,气候逐渐变干,温度有所上升,气候环境以暖干为特征;1630cal.a B.P.前后黄旗海湖面降到高出现在湖面不足9m的高度以下,之后再未出现超过此高度的湖侵。</p>
[31]Zhang Jingran, Jia Yulian, Lai Zhongping.Holocene evolution of Huangqihai Lake in semi-arid northern China based on sedimentology and luminescence dating
. The Holocene, 2012, 21(8): 1261-1268.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683611405232URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
The pattern of Holocene palaeoclimatic change in arid-semiarid northern China is debated. The terminal Huangqihai Lake is located at the northern margin of the modern East Asian summer monsoon and sensitive to climate change. We present here a sedimentary section from Huangqihai lake basin which comprises lacustrine and fluvial deposits and is about 8-9 m above the present lake level. Quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating was employed to construct the chronology of the section. Based on the OSL chronology and the sedimentological and granulometric analysis, we conclude that (1) the Huangqihai Lake experienced a humid climate during the early part of the Holocene (from c. 10.2 +/- 1.0 to 6.7 +/- 0.7 ka) with a persistent and stable high lake level; (2) the lake level began to decline indicating aridification between 8.7 +/- 0.8 ka and 6.7 +/- 0.7 ka, and the climate was drier and deteriorating, and the lake was turned into a playa for most of the time. In summary, the climate showed a general drying trend from the early Holocene to the late Holocene.
[32]Xu Qinghai, Xiao J, Li Yuecong, et al.Pollen-based quantitative reconstruction of Holocene climate changes in the Daihai lake area, Inner Mongolia, China
. Journal of Climate, 2010, 23: 2856-2868.
https://doi.org/10.1175/2009JCLI3155.1URL [本文引用: 4]摘要
Vegetation around the Daihai Lake, northern China, is very sensitive to climate changes. In this paper, pollen-based quantitative climate reconstructions using three methods [weighted averaging partial least squares method (WAPLS), modern analog technique (MAT), and pollen response surface method (PRS)] were conducted to obtain robust reconstructions of Holocene climate changes in the Daihai Lake area. The result obtained by the three methods all consistently show the annual precipitation to have been 5009“100 mm lower in the early Holocene, 10009“200 mm higher in the Mid-Holocene, and 5009“100 mm lower again in the late Holocene than at present. The WAPLS and the MAT methods also show quasi-synchronous oscillations of the mean annual temperature (Ta); 100°09“200°C lower in the Early Holocene and 100°09“300°C higher in the Mid-Holocene than today. The time period from 6200 to 5100 cal yr BP was the wettest and the warmest interval, with an annual precipitation (Pa) greater than 550 mm and mean annual temperature Ta higher than 6.500°C. Several cold and dry events can be identified to occur about 8200, 6000, and 4400 cal yr BP, with an annual precipitation less than 400 mm and a mean annual temperature colder than 4.500°C, respectively. The mean temperature of the warmest month (Tw) as reconstructed using both WAPLS and MAT methods was relatively stable during the Holocene, fluctuating about 00±200°C relative to the present level, but the PRS method suggests more varied Tw values in both amplitude and frequency. After 1500 cal yr BP, no consistent pattern can be observed from these three different analyses, probably because of the impact of intensified human disturbances on the natural vegetation. The fluctuations of annual precipitation (Pa) correspond to that observed in Dongge Cave in southern China. The differences might be linked to Indian monsoon and East Asia monsoon climates or caused by the different degree of dating precision, different temporal resolution, and different sensitive response of climate proxies to the climate variations.
[33]Nakamura T, Inouchi Y, et al.Holocene vegetation variation in the Daihai Lake region of north-central China: A direct indication of the Asian monsoon climatic history
. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2004, 23(14): 1669-1679.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.01.005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
H99a sediment core recovered at the center of Daihai Lake in north-central China was analyzed at 4-cm intervals for pollen assemblage and concentration.The pollen record spanning the last ca 10,000 yr revealed a detailed history of vegetation and climate changes over the Daihai Lake region during the Holocene.From ca 10,250 to 7900 cal yr BP,arid herbs and shrubs dominated the lake basin in company with patches of mixed pine and broadleaved forests,indicating a mild and dry climatic condition.Over this period,the woody plants displayed an increasing trend,which may suggest a gradual increase in warmth and humidity.The period between ca 7900 and 4450 cal yr BP exhibits large-scale covers of mixed coniferous and broadleaved forests,marking a warm and humid climate.Changes in the composition of the forests indicate that both temperature and precipitation displayed obvious fluctuations during this period,i.e.,cool and humid ca 7900-7250 cal yr BP,warm and slightly humid ca 7250-6050 cal yr BP,warm and humid between ca 6050 and 5100 cal yr BP,mild and slightly humid ca 5100-4800 cal yr BP,and mild and humid ca 4800- 4450 cal yr BP.The period can be viewed as the Holocene optimum(characterized by a warm and moist climate) of north-central China,with the maximum(dominated both by warmesttemperatures and by richest precipitations) occurring from ca 6050 to 5100 cal yr BP.During the period of ca 4450-2900 cal yr BP,the woody plants declined,and the climate generally became cooler and drier than the preceding period.This period is characterized by a cold,dry episode from ca 4450 to 3950 cal yr BP,a warm, slightly humid interval between ca 3950 and 3500 cal yr BP and a mild,slightly dry episode from ca 3500 to 2900 cal yr BP,and appears to be a transition from warm and humid to cold and dry climatic conditions.Since ca 2900 cal yr ago,the forests disappeared and the vegetation density decreased,reflecting a cool and dry climate.However,a relative recovery of the woody plants occurring between ca 1700 and 1350 cal yr BP may denote an increase both in temperature and in precipitation.Fluctuations in the climatic condition of the Daihai Lake region were not only related to changes in the seasonal distribution of solar insolation and in the axis and intensity of the ocean currcnt in the western North Pacific but were also closely linked to variations in the position and strength of polar high-pressure systems and in the pattern and intensity of the Westerly winds.
[34]Zhou Aifeng, Sun Huiling, Chen Fahu.The Loess Plateau in the late six mountain Tianchi record high resolution Holocene climate change and its significance
. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 22: 2264-2267.
[本文引用: 1]

[周爱锋, 孙惠玲, 陈发虎. 黄土高原六盘山天池记录的中晚全新世高分辨率气候变化及其意义
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[35]Wang Yongjin, Cheng Hai, Edwards R L, et al.The Holocene Asian Monsoon: Links to solar changes and North Atlantic climate
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https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.587840URL [本文引用: 4]摘要
Yancheva, Gergana; Nowaczyk, Norbert R; Mingram, Jens; Dulski, Peter; Schettler, Georg; Negendank, J rg F W; Liu, Jiaqi; Sigman, Daniel M; Peterson, Larry S; Haug, Gerald H (2007): Rock magnetism and X-ray flourescence spectrometry analyses on sediment cores of the Lake Huguang Maar, Southeast China. doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.587840, Supplement to: Yancheva, G et al. (2007): Influence of the intertropical convergence zone on the East Asian monsoon. Nature, 445, 74-77, doi:10.1038/nature05431
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[魏继印. 殷商时期中原地区气候变迁探索. 考古与文物, 2007(6): 44-50.] [本文引用: 1]
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[张翼, 张丕远, 张原喧, . 气候变化及其影响. 北京: 气象出版社, 1993: 57-69.]
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[43]Zhang Weilian.Climate change and southward migration of Shang dynasty peoples. Central Plains Cultural Relics, 2006(1): 37-45. [本文引用: 2]

[张渭莲. 气候变迁与商人南下. 中原文物, 2006(1): 37-45.] [本文引用: 2]
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[45]Huang Chunchang, Su Hongxia.Climate change and Zhou relocations in early Chinese history
. Journal of Historical Geography, 2009, 35: 297-310.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhg.2008.08.006URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
In Chinese history, the development of the Zhou tribes and the dynasties that succeeded them between 3550 and 2200 BP in the middle reaches of the Yellow River is known as the period of ive Relocations . Most of these relocations appear to have been forced by the pressure of nomadic invasions and occupations from the northern steppe. Historians simply attributed these relocations to political and military causes. However, palaeoclimatic studies show that the Zhou tribes and their successor dynasties developed at the demise of the Holocene Climatic Optimum when regional climate became highly variable and unstable. An integrated analysis of environmental change over the Loess Plateau and the Mongolian steppe facilitates a credible understanding of the linkage between climatic events and these relocations. It indicates that the relocations caused an expansion or contraction of the settled regions over the drought-prone semi-arid lands. During climatic amelioration, dry farming societies pushed upward to the Loess Plateau where increased precipitation and soil moisture allowed cereals to be cultivated. When hit by droughts and the associated disasters, both the dry farming societies and the nomadic tribes had to move southward to find an environment suitable for their food production. Migration and relocation were, therefore, basic strategies to secure the resources necessary to sustain an agricultural economy. The settled frontier was pulled back as dry farming societies from the upland plateau retreated to the lowland riverbanks of the Guanzhong Basin. Even though there were political and military intentions, climatic events played an essential role in the relocations of the Zhou tribes and the successive dynasties.
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[田银生. 自然环境:中国古代城市选址的首重因素. 城市规划汇刊, 1999(4): 28-29.] [本文引用: 1]
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[49]Wu Xihao, An Zhisheng, Wang Sumin.The temporal and spatial variation of East Asian summer monsoon in Holocene optimum in China. Quaternary Sciences, 1994(1): 24-37. [本文引用: 2]

[吴锡浩, 安芷生, 王苏民. 中国全新世气候适宜期东亚夏季风时空变迁. 第四纪研究, 1994(1): 24-37.] [本文引用: 2]
[50]Chen Fahu, Xu Qinghai, Chen Jianhui, et al.East Asian summer monsoon precipitation variability since the last deglaciation
. Scientific Reports, 2016, 5: 11.
https://doi.org/10.1038/srep11186URLPMID:26084560 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract The lack of a precisely-dated, unequivocal climate proxy from northern China, where precipitation variability is traditionally considered as an East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) indicator, impedes our understanding of the behaviour and dynamics of the EASM. Here we present a well-dated, pollen-based, ~20-yr-resolution quantitative precipitation reconstruction (derived using a transfer function) from an alpine lake in North China, which provides for the first time a direct record of EASM evolution since 14.7 ka (ka = thousands of years before present, where the "present" is defined as the year AD 1950). Our record reveals a gradually intensifying monsoon from 14.7-7.0 ka, a maximum monsoon (30% higher precipitation than present) from ~7.8-5.3 ka, and a rapid decline since ~3.3 ka. These insolation-driven EASM trends were punctuated by two millennial-scale weakening events which occurred synchronously to the cold Younger Dryas and at ~9.5-8.5 ka, and by two centennial-scale intervals of enhanced (weakened) monsoon during the Medieval Warm Period (Little Ice Age). Our precipitation reconstruction, consistent with temperature changes but quite different from the prevailing view of EASM evolution, points to strong internal feedback processes driving the EASM, and may aid our understanding of future monsoon behaviour under ongoing anthropogenic climate change.
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[王晖, 黄春长. 商末黄河中游气候环境的变化与社会变迁. 史学月刊, 2002(1): 13-18.] [本文引用: 1]
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