

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

叶士琳1,2,, 曹有挥1,, 王佳韡3, 吴威1
1. 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,南京 210008
2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3. 福建师范大学地理科学学院,福州 350007

Organization network of Chinese container transportation from the perspective of enterprises

YEShilin1,2,, CAOYouhui1,, WANGJiawei3, WUWei1
1. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3. School of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China
通讯作者:曹有挥(1959-), 男, 江苏扬州人, 研究员, 博士生导师, 主要研究方向为区域经济与运输地理。E-mail:yhcao@niglas.ac.cn
基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目(41271136, 41271137)
-->作者简介:叶士琳(1991-), 男, 福建宁德人, 博士生, 研究方向为区域发展与交通地理。E-mail:yeshilin1990@163.com



Containerization, which is an important technical innovation in global freight system, has a profound and lasting impact on global trade, regional development, and freight spatial organization. At present, container transportation has become an important carrier of global production factors and commodity flows. Thus, research on the organization network of container transportation has attracted considerable attention from researchers. Literature relevant to this area also continues to grow. In this study, we selected 112 typical container shipping lines and freight forwarders, which are the main organizers of the inter-regional flows of container cargo around the world in the context of market economy. A total of 119 cities, where these shipping lines and freight forwarders are located, are taken as study objects. The hierarchical structure, spatial pattern, network connection, and complexity features of China's container transportation organization network are analyzed based on the theory and research method concerning urban network and complex network. Our study revealed that: (1) Gaps exist in the organizational ability of container transportation in each node-city in China's organization network for container transportation. This network can be divided into four types, namely, national hub city, regional hub city, sub-regional hub city, and local hub city. This network is characterised by a typical pyramidal hierarchical structure. (2) The spatial distribution of the organizational ability of container transportation in China is significantly imbalanced. Significant zonal differences and agglomeration can be observed in the Bohai Rim, the Yangtze River Delta, the south-eastern coastal areas, and the Pearl River Delta. In terms of spatial distribution, the "6+7" spatial structure system, which is composed of six core areas and seven agglomeration areas of the organizational ability, presents the current structure of organization network of container transportation. (3) The linkages between the national hub cities and the regional hub cities are close and extensive, which constitutes the basic framework of linkages network and the main direction of linkages among node-cities. The density of the network linkages in the eastern region is significantly higher than that of the central and western regions. By contrast, network linkages generally tend to expand from the eastern coast area to the central and western regions and from the national hub cities to the local hub cities. (4) The results of complex network analysis show that China's container transportation organization network has strong spatial concentration, connectivity, and spatial organization efficiency. Furthermore, we found that a significant correlation exists between the complexity of the network structure and the container transportation organizational ability of a node city.

Keywords:enterprise network;container transportation;organization network;spatial structure;complex network;China

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叶士琳, 曹有挥, 王佳韡, 吴威. 基于企业视角的中国集装箱运输组织网络[J]. , 2017, 72(8): 1520-1530 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201708014
YE Shilin, CAO Youhui, WANG Jiawei, WU Wei. Organization network of Chinese container transportation from the perspective of enterprises[J]. 地理学报, 2017, 72(8): 1520-1530 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201708014

1 引言

综合来看,已有研究从不同视角和尺度揭示了集装箱运输网络特征,为本文的研究奠定了良好基础。但值得注意的是,虽然****们已注意到企业行为在集装箱运输组织网络发展与演化中的重要作用[14, 18-19],但更多的是关注海向集装箱航运组织,相关研究也多采用航运企业的集装箱班轮数据,使研究对象局限于港口城市,客观上忽视了非港口城市在集装箱运输组织网络中的重要作用。鉴于此,本文尝试以企业空间网络为切入点,借鉴世界城市网络研究方法和复杂网络理论,力求更加全面和客观地揭示中国集装箱运输组织网络的等级结构、空间格局、网络联系及复杂性特征,以期为中国集装箱运输组织网络布局与优化决策提供参考依据。

2 研究方法与数据来源

2.1 研究方法

2.1.1 网络联系测度方法 航运公司、货代、船代等物流企业是市场经济条件下集装箱货物全球跨区域流动的主要组织者。作为典型的多区位网络型组织,出于快速响应市场需求、提高空间网络服务效率、增强企业竞争力等考虑,物流企业大多倾向于在目标市场所能覆盖的城市设立不同等级的分支机构,负责承接和组织集装箱物流业务,形成遍布全国乃至全球众多大中小城市的企业空间网络[16]。同时,通过企业间紧密的垂直性和水平性功能联系将众多节点城市紧密联系在一起,共同推动物质、资本、信息、技术等要素的融合与快速流动,从而实现在区域、国家、全球不同空间尺度上集装箱流的组织与协调。因此,从微观企业视角出发,集装箱运输组织网络可理解为众多物流企业空间网络及其内部功能联系的集合。
基于此,得到城市i在集装箱运输组织网络中的组织联系强度( Ri),可以表示为:
式中:COIi是指集装箱运输组织网络城市i的组织联系强度(Ri)与网络内所有城市组织联系强度平均值的比值。 COIi值越大,说明城市i对外连通性和对物流资源的控制强度更高,集装箱运输组织与协调能力越强,在网络中的组织枢纽地位也越突出。
2.1.2 网络复杂性测度方法 复杂网络(Complex Network)是以复杂系统的实体及实体间的相互作用或联系构建网络,并利用物理学方法分析网络结构及其动力学特征,为网络结构复杂性研究提供了新的途径,近年来被广泛应用于交通运输网络和城市经济网络研究,取得了丰富成果[21-22]。对于集装箱运输组织网络而言,最为重要也最为直接地反映网络结构复杂性特征的指标有度中心性、平均路径长度和聚类系数。本文将借助网络分析工具UCINET计算相关指标。
(1)度(Degree, D),用以测度网络中与城市i直接相连的其他城市的个数,反映该城市处于网络中心位置的程度。度值越大,城市中心性越高,拥有的网络资源也越多。
(2)平均路径长度(Average Path Length, L),用以测度网络中任意两城市间最短路径边数(拓扑最短距离)的平均值,反映网络的整体性质。计算公式为:
(3)聚类系数(Clustering Coefficient, C),用以测度网络的集团化程度,反映了网络中一个城市的邻接城市之间相互联系的紧密程度,是一种关于网络连接局部属性的指标。城市i的聚类系数 Ci等于所有与城市i相连的城市之间实际存在的边数与理论最大边数的比值,计算公式为:

2.2 数据来源

企业数据具体说明为:① 采集的企业数据不包括香港、澳门和台湾;② 如物流企业在同一个城市拥有两个及以上分支机构,以高等级机构为准对城市进行赋值;③ 将外企在中国的最高统筹协调机构定义为在中国总部;④ 本文所指城市均为地级以上城市,县、市、区企业数据归并到地级市;⑤ 由于大型物流企业通常都开展综合物流服务,企业数据实际上涉及集装箱运输组织中航运、货代、船代、集装箱租赁等诸多方面情况。
-->Fig. 1Distribution of node-cities in Chinese container transportation organization network

3 中国集装箱运输组织网络分析

3.1 网络的等级结构特征

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Hierarchy system of Chinese container transportation organization network

-->Fig. 2Distribution of COI in Chinese container transportation organization network


3.2 网络组织能力的空间分异特征

在前文基础上,利用ArcGIS中的核密度估计方法验证中国集装箱运输组织网络的空间分异特征(图3)。中国集装箱运输组织能力空间分布非均衡性突出,区位倾向性特征明显,高密度区和较高密度区主要集中于东部沿海地区,而中西部地区除小面积较高密度区和中等密度区外皆为大面积低密度区,整体呈现出明显的东西地带性差异及向环渤海、长三角、东南沿海和珠三角地区集聚分布的特征。具体来看,围绕全国性枢纽城市和区域性枢纽城市,在区域层面上形成了6个连片的集装箱运输组织系数高值核心区:① 辽东半岛核心区:以大连为组织核心,包括沈阳、锦州和营口等城市组成;② 京津冀核心区:以天津和北京为组织核心,包括石家庄、秦皇岛和唐山等城市组成;③ 山东半岛核心区:以青岛为组织核心,包括连云港、烟台和潍坊等城市组成;④ 长三角核心区:以上海为组织核心,宁波为副核心,包括南京、苏州和杭州等城市组成,枢纽城市集聚程度最高,覆盖范围也最广;⑤ 东南沿海核心区:以厦门为组织核心,包括福州、泉州和漳州等城市组成;⑥ 珠三角核心区:以深圳和广州为组织核心,包括中山、东莞和汕头等城市组成。与此同时,围绕武汉、重庆、成都、郑州、西安、昆明、长沙和南宁次区域性枢纽城市,在中国中西部地区集聚形成7个相互“孤立”且覆盖范围不一的集聚区(重庆和成都联系紧密,共同构成一个集聚区)。虽然集聚区在集装箱运输组织能力方面远弱于核心区,但对促进广大中西部地区的集装箱运输和区域经济发展具有重要的辐射带动作用。
-->Fig. 3Spatial differentiation of the organizational ability of container transportation in China


3.3 网络联系的空间结构特征

-->Fig. 4Linkages of Chinese container transportation organization network (Top 10%)


3.4 网络结构的复杂性特征

利用UCINET软件分别测算网络的度中心性、平均路径长度和聚类系数,以便更为直观地揭示中国集装箱运输组织网络的空间联系特征、网络发育程度及其服务水平。从度中心性计算结果可以发现,中国集装箱运输组织网络节点城市的度值普遍较高,整体网络平均度值达113.41,即每个城市平均与其他113个城市有直接联系。其中,有27个城市的度值达118,占城市总数的22.69%。说明组织网络节点城市间连接紧密,对外直接联系便捷,对邻近城市的依赖性较低。从网络连通性来看,平均路径长度达1.04,即组织网络中任意城市对之间最少通过1.04条边就可以建立组织联系,略高于同等规模的随机网络最短路径理论值(LER ∝lnN/ln<k > ≈ 1.01),其中有96%的城市之间存在直接联系。可见中国集装箱运输组织网络节点城市间具有相对较高的连通性和空间组织效率,信息传递十分便捷。从网络的集团化程度考察,组织网络的聚类系数达0.98,略高于随机网络聚类系数理论值(CER = k/n ≈ 0.95),表现出较强的集聚性,反映出中国集装箱运输组织网络节点城市之间形成紧密组织联系的可能性较大。

4 结论与讨论

4.1 结论

本文尝试利用企业空间网络数据刻画中国集装箱运输组织网络拓扑结构,使网络不仅仅局限于班轮航线所联系的港口城市,而是覆盖到经济中心、政治中心、交通枢纽等多种具备集装箱运输组织与协调功能的城市,为了解市场经济条件下中国集装箱流空间组织特征提供了有益信息。主要研究结论为:① 中国集装箱运输组织网络中各节点城市的集装箱运输组织能力存在显著差异,基于组织系数可将节点城市划分为全国性枢纽城市、区域性枢纽城市、次区域性枢纽城市和地方性枢纽城市四种类型,总体上呈现出明显的金字塔型等级结构特征,等级越高,节点城市数量越少。② 以节点城市为空间载体的中国集装箱运输组织能力在空间分布上表现出十分显著的非均衡性特征,具有明显的东西地带性差异及向环渤海、长三角、东南沿海和珠三角地区集聚的特点,大体形成由东部沿海6个核心区和中西部7个集聚区所构成的“6+7”空间分布格局,这可能与全国区域经济发展格局和综合交通网络布局以及集装箱运输业自身特点等具有密切关系。③ 中国集装箱运输组织网络中的全国性枢纽城市和区域性枢纽城市间具有紧密而广泛的网络联系,成为众多节点城市空间联系指向的核心。同时,东部地区网络联系密度要显著高于中西部地区,联系网络整体呈现从东部沿海向中西部地区、从全国性枢纽城市向地方性枢纽城市逐渐拓展的趋势。④ 基于企业功能联系的中国集装箱运输组织网络中的节点城市间联系紧密,集聚性特征明显,网络结构具有相对较高的连通性和空间组织效率,网络结构复杂性特征与节点城市集装箱运输组织协调能力具有显著相关性。

4.2 讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201604006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[13]Ducruet C, Notteboom T.The worldwide maritime network of container shipping: Spatial structure and regional dynamics.
Global Networks, 2012, 12(3): 395-423.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-0374.2011.00355.xURLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Port and maritime studies dealing with containerization have observed traffic concentration and dispersion throughout the world. Globalization, intermodal transportation, and technological revolutions in the shipping industry have resulted in both network extension and rationalization. However, lack of precise data on inter-port relations prevent the application of wider network theories to global maritime container networks, which are often examined through case studies of specific firms or regions. In this article, we present an analysis of the global liner shipping network in 1996 and 2006, a period of rapid change in port hierarchies and liner service configurations. While we refer to literature on port system development, shipping networks, and port selection, the article is one of the only analyses of the properties of the global container shipping network. We analyse the relative position of ports in the global network through indicators of centrality. The results reveal a certain level of robustness in the global shipping network. While transhipment hub flows and gateway flows might slightly shift among nodes in the network, the network properties remain rather stable in terms of the main nodes polarizing the network and the overall structure of the system. In addition, mapping the changing centrality of ports confirms the impacts of global trade and logistics shifts on the port hierarchy and indicates that changes are predominantly geographic.
[14]Ridolfi G.Containerisation in the Mediterranean: Between global ocean routeways and feeder services.
GeoJournal, 1999, 48(1): 29-34.
https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007036702694URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
The basin of the Mediterranean Sea has become an important focus of container traffic. Two functions are represented by this activity: one, the transhipment of containers involved in global networks; and, second, the intra-regional distribution of containers. This trade is revitalising port activity in many parts of the basin. Most striking has been the emergence of new hub ports, many of which now eclipse old-established port cities. The revitalisation offers prospects for a third function: the possibility of becoming the southern gateway of Europe. This paper examines the patterns, problems and prospects of the ‘new’ Mediterranean in the era of containerisation.
[15]Song D W.Regional container port competition and co-operation: The case of Hong Kong and South China.
Journal of Transport Geography, 2002, 10(2): 99-110.
As the entrep么t to the Chinese mainland, the economy of Hong Kong has enjoyed a high growth rate of economic development. When Hong Kong developed its container ports in order to accommodate the regional economic boom, its counterparts in China were left far behind; there was no serious port competition from China. However, as China develops its economy, the port of Hong Kong faces real challenges from Chinese ports, particularly from southern ones. Interestingly, the handover of its sovereignty to China in 1997 caused an issue of competition and co-operation between these ports. This paper aims to examine the possible competition and co-operation of the adjacent container ports in Hong Kong and South China from a strategic perspective.
[16]Wang Chengjin.Spatial organizational network of loigsitcs company in China.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008, 63(2): 135-146.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.02.003URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[王成金. 中国物流企业的空间组织网络
. 地理学报, 2008, 63(2): 135-146.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.02.003URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[17]Cullinane K, Fei W T, Cullinane S.Container terminal development in Mainland China and its impact on the competitiveness of the port of Hong Kong.
Transport Reviews, 2004, 24(1): 33-56.
https://doi.org/10.1080/0144164032000122334URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In recent years, China's container ports have experienced a significant expansion in throughput and capacity. This paper provides a review of the sector and analyses the recent development of container ports and terminals within Mainland China. It then focuses in more depth on the competition between the ports of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. In particular, the port of Shenzhen is analysed in the context of Robinson's criteria for hub port development to try to discern whether it will become the dominant regional hub. The discussion concludes that despite Shenzhen's current competitive advantages, Hong Kong will, in all probability, retain its dominant role.
[18]Rodrigue J P, Comtois C, Slack B.Transportation and spatial cycles: Evidence from maritime systems.
Journal of Transport Geography, 1997, 5(2): 87-98.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0966-6923(96)00073-7URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper brings forward the concept of change and its impact on the geography of maritime transportation. Maritime systems are investigated from perspectives of constant contradiction between transport supply and demand, containerization and its spatial diffusion, and the adaptation capacity of transport networks in response to changes. Central to these perspectives are cycles which provide a conceptual background for the analysis of the world economy and of the role of transportation.
[19]Slack B.Across the pond: Container shipping on the North Atlantic in the era of globalisation.
Geojournal, 1999, 48(1): 9-14.
https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007080517715URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper describes the development of containerisation in one of the most important theatres of maritime trade, the North Atlantic. As the original hearth of containerisation, it has been an area of experimentation and evolution for a technology that has burst around the world. Although over the last decade the Atlantic has been superceded by the Pacific Ocean as the major market focus for containers, it still is an important market arena. The emergence of global shipping networks is tending to favour the Atlantic once again. The paper provides an analysis of these recent developments.
[20]Taylor P J.Specification of the world city network.
Geographical analysis, 2001, 33(2): 181-194.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1538-4632.2001.tb00443.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract World cities are generally deemed to form an urban system or city network but these are never explicitly specified in the literature. In this paper the world city network is identified as an unusual form of network with three levels of structure: cities as the nodes, the world economy as the supranodal network level, and advanced producer service firms forming a critical subnodal level. The latter create an interlocking network through their global location strategies for placing offices. Hence, it is the advanced producer service firms operating through cities who are the prime actors in world city network formation. This process is formally specified in terms of four intercity relational matrices鈥攅lemental, proportional, distance, and asymmetric. Through this specification it becomes possible to apply standard techniques of network analysis to world cities for the first time. In a short conclusion the relevance of this world city network specification for both theory and policy-practice is briefly discussed.
[21]Wang Xiaofan, Li Xiang, Chen Guanrong.Complex Network: Theory and Application. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2006. [本文引用: 1]

[汪小帆, 李翔, 陈关荣. 复杂网络理论及其应用. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2006.] [本文引用: 1]
[22]Mo Huihui, Wang Jiao'e, Jin Fengjun. Complexity perspectives on transportation network.
Progress in Geography, 2008, 27(6): 112-120.
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.06.016URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
<p>通过分析复杂网络理论在航空、轨道交通(地铁和铁路)、城市交通(公交和道路)等中的应用,指出系统复 杂性是交通运输网络复杂性的根源,以及复杂网络分析方法中忽视地理空间性所引起的问题,即一般性地认为交 通运输网络为小世界网络或无标度网络。目前基于统计物理学的交通运输网络的复杂性研究多为拓扑化的理论分 析或数据建模,与实际网络结构特征及动力学机理仍存在较大差距。研究进一步指出,交通运输网络由需求网络、 组织网络、径路网络和设施网络四种网络结构组成,是一类具有&ldquo;开放性&rdquo;复杂系统的网络化复合结构。交通运输作 为一门实践应用性较强的学科,应围绕&ldquo;理论&rarr;模型与方法&rarr;实践&rdquo;模式前向性循环推进。综合分析复杂网络的理 论与实践情况,提出未来交通运输网络的复杂性研究的主要内容:①对交通运输系统的网络结构复杂性的基础认 识;②以地理空间特性为基础的网络复杂性分析;③基于组织与效率的网络结构复杂性分析及应用;④相互作用产 生的各种流与网络结构的互动关系;⑤网络局域结构特征及对广域结构的影响;⑥系统开放性对网络演化的影响。</p>
[莫辉辉, 王姣娥, 金凤君. 交通运输网络的复杂性研究
. 地理科学进展, 2008, 27(6): 112-120.]
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.06.016URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
<p>通过分析复杂网络理论在航空、轨道交通(地铁和铁路)、城市交通(公交和道路)等中的应用,指出系统复 杂性是交通运输网络复杂性的根源,以及复杂网络分析方法中忽视地理空间性所引起的问题,即一般性地认为交 通运输网络为小世界网络或无标度网络。目前基于统计物理学的交通运输网络的复杂性研究多为拓扑化的理论分 析或数据建模,与实际网络结构特征及动力学机理仍存在较大差距。研究进一步指出,交通运输网络由需求网络、 组织网络、径路网络和设施网络四种网络结构组成,是一类具有&ldquo;开放性&rdquo;复杂系统的网络化复合结构。交通运输作 为一门实践应用性较强的学科,应围绕&ldquo;理论&rarr;模型与方法&rarr;实践&rdquo;模式前向性循环推进。综合分析复杂网络的理 论与实践情况,提出未来交通运输网络的复杂性研究的主要内容:①对交通运输系统的网络结构复杂性的基础认 识;②以地理空间特性为基础的网络复杂性分析;③基于组织与效率的网络结构复杂性分析及应用;④相互作用产 生的各种流与网络结构的互动关系;⑤网络局域结构特征及对广域结构的影响;⑥系统开放性对网络演化的影响。</p>
[23]Wang Chengjin, Zhang Mengtian.Spatial pattern and its mechanism of modern logistics companies in China.
Progress in Geography, 2014, 33(1): 134-144.
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.01.015URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Logistics company is an economic entity to specialize in organization and operation of logistics activities and has a strategic significance in supporting various economic activities of circulation field and effective operation of the whole social-economic system, even impacting the reorganization of regional spatial structures. However, review articles in the literature show that for a long time most scholars only pay attention to the distribution features or spatial modes of logistics companies at the city scale and organization mode of logistics operational network at the regional or national scale, due to the limit of data collection and methodology, but the distribution patterns of logistics companies and the dynamic mechanisms at the national scale are seldom investigated. Particularly, the number of logistics companies has been increasing explosively since the end of 1990s in Mainland China. For this purpose, in this paper, we choose 1855 A-level logistics companies, rated by the government authority by various criterions over the past seven years, as the study samples, from the spatial scales of region, province and city, to describe and analyze the spatial features of the logistics companies in China, including the overall pattern, spatial centralization, coverage and spatial differentiation. And we explore the dynamic mechanisms of spatial disparities of logistics companies' distribution from the multi aspects. The results show that there are obvious spatial distribution disparities among the logistics companies in China. The coastal region has more logistics companies than inland region and their numbers show a "2:1" ratio. Interestingly, the eastern region also has obvious larger number than central and western regions, with "4:2:1" ratios. Generally, the southern provinces have more logistics companies, and the northern, northeastern, northwestern and southwestern provinces have fewer. Furthermore, the southeast coastal provinces especially Jiangsu and Zhejiang have the most companies. The spatial disparity of logistics companies' distribution among the cities seems to be more significant, showing clear separation of aggregation regions and sparse regions. The logistics companies not only are concentrated in the provincial capitals and economic centers, but also cover a large number of prefectural-level cities, even extending into many counties. More interestingly, South Jiangsu, Shanghai, South Anhui and Zhejiang have a large number of logistics companies and large coverage of various cities. But in each province, logistics companies are mainly located at the capital city and important economic centers and port cities. Logically, this spatial pattern is determined by the various factors combined. The results also show that the economic scale and industrial structure (among eastern, central and western regions, or between northern and southern regions), opening up and international trade, location and transport condition become the important factors to influence the spatial differentiation of logistics companies' distribution. It`s noteworthy that the development of a large number of local and specialized industrial clusters and private economies promotes the emergence and centralized distribution of logistics companies in Zhejiang and Jiangsu. More strikingly, the logistics planning and support policies made and provided by local governments also profoundly influence the development and flourish of logistics market and companies, especially in the coastal region and large cities of central and western regions. Theoretically, this distribution disparity among logistics companies generates different supporting capabilities for each region to operate the socio-economic system effectively. This research can provide a guidance to optimize the distribution of logistics companies and organize the logistics activities.
[王成金, 张梦天. 中国物流企业的布局特征与形成机制
. 地理科学进展, 2014, 33(1): 134-144.]
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.01.015URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Logistics company is an economic entity to specialize in organization and operation of logistics activities and has a strategic significance in supporting various economic activities of circulation field and effective operation of the whole social-economic system, even impacting the reorganization of regional spatial structures. However, review articles in the literature show that for a long time most scholars only pay attention to the distribution features or spatial modes of logistics companies at the city scale and organization mode of logistics operational network at the regional or national scale, due to the limit of data collection and methodology, but the distribution patterns of logistics companies and the dynamic mechanisms at the national scale are seldom investigated. Particularly, the number of logistics companies has been increasing explosively since the end of 1990s in Mainland China. For this purpose, in this paper, we choose 1855 A-level logistics companies, rated by the government authority by various criterions over the past seven years, as the study samples, from the spatial scales of region, province and city, to describe and analyze the spatial features of the logistics companies in China, including the overall pattern, spatial centralization, coverage and spatial differentiation. And we explore the dynamic mechanisms of spatial disparities of logistics companies' distribution from the multi aspects. The results show that there are obvious spatial distribution disparities among the logistics companies in China. The coastal region has more logistics companies than inland region and their numbers show a "2:1" ratio. Interestingly, the eastern region also has obvious larger number than central and western regions, with "4:2:1" ratios. Generally, the southern provinces have more logistics companies, and the northern, northeastern, northwestern and southwestern provinces have fewer. Furthermore, the southeast coastal provinces especially Jiangsu and Zhejiang have the most companies. The spatial disparity of logistics companies' distribution among the cities seems to be more significant, showing clear separation of aggregation regions and sparse regions. The logistics companies not only are concentrated in the provincial capitals and economic centers, but also cover a large number of prefectural-level cities, even extending into many counties. More interestingly, South Jiangsu, Shanghai, South Anhui and Zhejiang have a large number of logistics companies and large coverage of various cities. But in each province, logistics companies are mainly located at the capital city and important economic centers and port cities. Logically, this spatial pattern is determined by the various factors combined. The results also show that the economic scale and industrial structure (among eastern, central and western regions, or between northern and southern regions), opening up and international trade, location and transport condition become the important factors to influence the spatial differentiation of logistics companies' distribution. It`s noteworthy that the development of a large number of local and specialized industrial clusters and private economies promotes the emergence and centralized distribution of logistics companies in Zhejiang and Jiangsu. More strikingly, the logistics planning and support policies made and provided by local governments also profoundly influence the development and flourish of logistics market and companies, especially in the coastal region and large cities of central and western regions. Theoretically, this distribution disparity among logistics companies generates different supporting capabilities for each region to operate the socio-economic system effectively. This research can provide a guidance to optimize the distribution of logistics companies and organize the logistics activities.
[24]Wang Jiao'e, Mo Huihui, Jin Fengjun. Spatial structural characteristics of Chinese aviation network based on complex network theory.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009, 64(8): 899-910.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2009.08.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[王姣娥, 莫辉辉, 金凤君. 中国航空网络空间结构的复杂性
. 地理学报, 2009, 64(8): 899-910.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2009.08.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
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