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1. 吉林大学地球科学学院,长春 130061
2. 东北师范大学地理科学学院,长春 130024

Alter-based centrality and power of Chinese city network using inter-provincial population flow

ZHAOZiyu1,, WEIYe2, PANGRuiqiu2, WANGShijun2, FENGZhangxian2,
1. College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun 130061, China
2. School of Geographical Sciences, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China
通讯作者:通讯作者:冯章献(1982-), 男, 安徽合肥人, 博士, 讲师, 中国地理学会会员(S110006756M), 主要研究方向为城市与区域发展。E-mail: fengzx092@nenu.edu.cn
基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目(41630749, 41401172, 41571150)
-->作者简介:赵梓渝(1986-), 男, 吉林长春人, 博士生, 主要从事城市网络及人口流动研究。E-mail: 171462539@qq.com


转变中心性和控制力是近年来城市网络研究的重要方法。本文首先从网络拓扑结构角度讨论递归理论用于城市网络研究的条件性;其次,基于百度迁徙数据构建城市网络,利用复杂网络方法、改进后的转变中心性和控制力方法对城市网络进行测度。结论指出:① 递归理论用于城市网络分析有其特定的数据结构要求,其适用于树形结构、而不适用于局部存在完整图的网络结构的测度;② 基于人口省际流动的中国城市网络存在小世界现象,人口流动空间格局在全国和区域尺度下均呈现出明显的核心—边缘结构,国家城市化发展战略与重要交通设施对人口流动网络产生框架性的导向作用。哈尔滨—北京—西安—成都—大理一线是关联结构与强度空间差异的明显界限。③ 转变中心性与控制力更能揭示中国城市网络节点的属性特征,和辨识资源流通对网络城市产生的不同影响与空间效应。城市网络中既包括北京、上海、重庆、广州等以高中心性高控制力为特征的典型城市,也包括武汉、太原、贵阳、福州等高中心性低控制力的枢纽城市,和兰州、银川等低中心性高控制力的门户城市。因此,转变中心性和控制力概念对加深城市复杂多样化内涵的认识具有重要的意义。

Application of the concepts of alter-based centrality and power has become a focus in the research on city networks in recent years. In this paper, the conditionality of recursive theory utilization to city networks is analyzed from the perspective of network topology structures. In addition, an urban network is constructed on the basis of Baidu migration data and measured using the complex network method, improved alter-based centrality, and the power method. The results show, in the first place, that the use of recursive theory for the analysis of urban networks has specific data structure requirements, suitable for tree structure, but not for the local existence of complete network structure measurements. Secondly, small world phenomena and spatial patterns of population mobility exhibit obvious core-periphery structures at national and regional scales. This means that the national urbanization development strategy and important transport facilities play key roles in enabling the population mobility network. In this context, the Harbin-Beijing-Xi'an-Chengdu-Dali line exhibits a significant network of spatial differences in terms of boundary divisions. Thirdly, the use of alter-based centrality and power reveal hierarchical characteristics, differences in the urban network, and the influence of different effects, including spatial ones, on the identification of network city resources. In this case, the network includes not just Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, and Guangzhou, high power quintessential cities with high centrality, but also a number of smaller lower power hub cities, including Wuhan, Taiyuan, Guiyang, and Fuzhou, as well as gateway cities that exhibit both low centrality and high power, such as Lanzhou and Yinchuan. Thus, the concepts of centrality and power are of great significance in broadening our understanding of complex urban diversification.

Keywords:alter-based centrality and power;city network;population flow;recursion;China

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赵梓渝, 魏冶, 庞瑞秋, 王士君, 冯章献. 基于人口省际流动的中国城市网络转变中心性与控制力研究——兼论递归理论用于城市网络研究的条件性[J]. , 2017, 72(6): 1032-1048 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201706007
ZHAO Ziyu, WEI Ye, PANG Ruiqiu, WANG Shijun, FENG Zhangxian. Alter-based centrality and power of Chinese city network using inter-provincial population flow[J]. 地理学报, 2017, 72(6): 1032-1048 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201706007

1 引言

信息化作用下地方空间与流空间的共存促使地域空间结构从等级化转向网络化[1]。作为一种新的地理空间现象和研究范式,网络通过代理人将城市联系在一起,组织其中要素的流动、互动、生产,为城市研究提供了新的视角和解释力。以高级生产者服务(Advanced producer services, APS)的企业空间组织为城市联系的代理人,连锁模型(Interlocking network model)是近年来国内外城市网络研究的主要方法之一[2-3]。经济联系显然不足以全面揭示城市网络的特征和内涵,基于交通运输流[4-5]、知识网络[6-7]、非政府组织[8]等视角的研究,弥补了APS数据过于强调企业组织的垂直关系、难以涉略现实中边缘城市的不足。
城市地理****认为世界城市和全球城市是指挥和控制全球资本的基点和中心[9],网络分析方法得以大量用于世界城市网络(World city network, WCN)研究中[10-11]。网络节的重要性体现在其连通性、控制性和不可或缺性等诸多方面,度中心性、中介中心性、紧密中心性等一系列指标则是揭开这些特性的有效手段。度中心性类方法通常用于布尔矩阵数据构建的无权网络,测度的是网络拓扑结构,这极大弱化了流的权重差异。加权网络不对矩阵数据进行二值化处理,保留了权值。因此加权度中心性、特征向量中心性(eigenvector centrality)、测试中心性(beta centrality)等方法在评价网络城市的地位与位置研究中日益受到重视[12-13]
作为对网络城市中心性认识与测度方法的深化,Zachary提出了递归中心性(recursive centrality, RC)和递归控制力(recursive power, RP)理论[18],后更名为转变中心性(alter-based centrality, AC)与转变控制力(alter-based power, AP)[19]。Neal认为,在世界城市网络中,中心性包含了两个联系紧密又相反的过程:一方面是信息、资本、劳动力等资源要素向世界城市集聚,另一方面是资源要素由世界城市向外扩散。因此,中心性是资源集聚与扩散的统一。控制力是城市在世界资源流动中的影响力和支配力,一个城市的控制力是由其在网络中的位置和功能所决定。在Neal绘制的两种假设的世界城市网络结构中(图1),他认为相比较之下,较大网络(图1a)的中心节点是“中心的,但缺乏控制力”,较小网络(图1b)的中心节点是“有控制力的,但相对缺乏中心性”。Neal通过递归(recursion)解释了城市中心性和控制力不仅依赖于可以有效调动的联系网络的规模,同时依赖于其拥有的、有联系的那些分支中的资本容量(如经济、文化及其他类似表征)。这一方法引起了国外****的广泛关注与讨论[20-21],中国****近年来也进行了理论引入[22]与实证研究[23-24]
-->Fig. 1Two hypothetical world city networks

区域与城市体系研究通常采用属性数据,其虽揭示了城市的重要性,但突出强调城市发展的静态结果。应用关系型数据的网络研究关注于城市发展的动态过程和交互效应。然而官方往往无法提供研究所需的关系型数据[28],关系型数据的缺失也被称为城市研究的“阿克琉斯之踵”[29]。进一步,传统普查数据已难以反映当前中国快速城镇化下流空间的变化特征与城市间日益复杂的交互关系[30]。例如在以往人口流动相关研究中,数据多来源于普查和年鉴。受统计口径限制,研究以大尺度的静态分布特征、长期演化规律为主,同时在时效上存在滞后性。信息化时代下,GPS、LBS(Location based service)、LSS(Location sharing services)等技术的发展,使包括地理位置、社会属性、移动轨迹、迁移过程和交互模式等信息的人类时空行为数据的综合、连续观测成为可能[31]。人口流动的时空特征通过大量且复杂的移动智能设备数据的形式表现出来,为城市网络研究提供了足量、足精度的实测流数据支持。

2 递归理论用于城市网络研究的条件性

2.1 问题的提出

第二,递归是目前多学科探索网络结构的有效方法,相关研究如递归神经网络、递归机制[33]、递归均值聚类方法[34]、二进制递归网络[35],并应用于全球网络节点重要性评 价[36]、城市交通网络测度等方面[37]。城市网络是一个巨量的复杂网络,而递归作为一种将大型复杂问题层层转化为一个个与原问题相似的简单问题来求解的有效方法,在网络研究中有其优势之处,那么递归算法是否适用于城市网络的测度?进一步,正如Neal的方法考虑了关联城市对于测度城市影响,那么是否可以延伸至下一层、再下一层关联,继而完全遵循递归,对整个城市网络进行遍历求解?

2.2 论证

递归一般用于解决3类问题:① 数学公式、数列等的定义是递归的,如Fibonacci函数;② 问题解法按递归实现,如回溯;③ 数据结构形式是按递归定义的,如树的遍历,链表。
应用递归来解决的问题必须同时满足两个条件:① 可以通过递归调用来缩小问题规模,且新问题与原问题有着相同的形式。② 存在一种简单情境作为边界条件,可以使递归在简单情境下退出。
-->Fig. 2Dendrogram and frame of tree-data

-->Fig. 3Architecture and frame diagram of undirected complete graph

根据递归的循环调用将式(5)带入式(4),由于C、D两点与A、B均直接关联而重复计算了 value(C)value(D),一级关联中存在的 value(C)value(D)在二级关联计算中又由 value(B)重复代入,最终计算无限循环。可见递归并不适用完整网络的测度,其原因是:递归需要有边界条件、递归前进段和递归返回段。当边界条件不满足时,递归前进;当边界条件满足时,递归返回。而在节点都互相连通的完整网络中,并不是所有的点都能找到边界条件,因而会导致递归的无限循环。
-->Fig. 4One level and two levels interconnection structure network

最后,若Neal的方法遵循递归进行计算,即严格意义上的递归中心性与控制力是否合理?为了解决无限循环的问题,可以对完整 网络进行遍历计算。遍历算法是指沿着结构中的某条搜索路线,依次对树中每个结点均做一次且仅做一次访问。在一个无向加权完整网络中(图5),节点的递归中心性(RC)计算过程为:
-->Fig. 5Undirected weighted complete graph


2.3 小结

其次,Neal的“递归理论”与数学上的递归概念不存在任何关系。其中心性与控制力公式中,既不包括遍历求解的过程,也不存在相同解法的调用。厘清这一概念,将对今后使用此方法的****起到指示作用。梳理中心性与控制力概念的内涵,不难发现,其理论依据基本源于前文所提Cook和Emerson的理论[16-17],计算方法借鉴了测试中心性。同时,尽管Neal并未解释其表述的“递归中心性与控制力并非基于一个全球城市的测定方法所提出的,其显然是一个局部的测度方法(local measure)”[19]中“局部”所限定的目标,但这个局部显然不是地域范围的界定,而是网络拓扑结构关联层级的限定;

3 数据来源及研究方法

3.1 数据来源与研究对象


3.2 城市间的依存关系


4 基于人口流动的中国城市网络空间关联结构

4.1 网络概述


4.2 城市网络的簇结构

簇结构网络是指聚类按照一定的规则与其他聚类相互联系而构成的更加复杂的系统,高平均聚类系数的网络具有簇结构特征。模块化(modularity class)是一个基本的聚类算法[42],通过计算,基于人口省际流动的中国城市网络中共包括7个簇结构。按照城市数量可以分为国家级、区域级和地区级3个等级。3个国家级簇结构包括(表1):由广州、深圳、武汉、东莞、郑州、长沙等82个城市构成的华南簇;由北京、天津、沈阳、哈尔滨、长春、济南、太原等74个城市构成的华北东北簇;由重庆、成都、昆明、贵阳、乌鲁木齐、拉萨等70个城市构成的西南簇。两个区域级簇结构分别为主要覆盖长三角地区的、由上海、苏州、南京、杭州、合肥、宁波等44个城市构成的华东簇,和由西安、鄂尔多斯、兰州、银川等49个城市构成的西北簇。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Statistical table of clusters in city network
0四川 西藏 新疆 贵州 青海 云南重庆 成都 昆明 贵阳 乌鲁木齐 拉萨70
1河北 黑龙江 吉林 辽宁 内蒙古 山东 山西 河南北京 天津 沈阳 哈尔滨 长春 济南 太原74
2黑龙江西北齐齐哈尔 呼伦贝尔 兴安盟 大兴安岭6
3广东 福建 湖南 湖北 江西 海南 河南广州 深圳 武汉 东莞 郑州 长沙 赣州 南昌 厦门82
4江苏 上海 浙江 安徽 河南上海 苏州 南京 杭州 合肥 宁波 温州 上饶 常州44
5山西 陕西 河南 内蒙古 甘肃 宁夏 青海西安 玉林 鄂尔多斯 兰州 银川49
6山东徐州 宿州 临沂 菏泽12

-->Fig. 6City network cluster structure in China

4.3 城市网络关联特征

-->Fig. 7Classification maps of city network connection strength in China

① 中国大规模人口流动主要发生在以京津冀、长三角、珠三角、成渝共同构成的菱形结构内[43-44],尤以核心城市及其近域的城市之间,反应了地理邻近性的特征,全国和区域尺度下均呈现出明显的核心—边缘结构。以哈尔滨—北京—西安—成都一线为人口流动强度空间差异的分割界线,城市网络密度东密西疏、流权重东高西低。分界线以西城市网络关联趋于串联结构,即大量城市依赖于特定门户城市与城市网络进行关联。如北京是东北的重要门户,西安、成都分别是西北、西南地区门户;分界线以东网络更趋于并联结构,城市间的互通性更高。
② 国家城市化发展战略与重要交通设施对人口流动网络产生框架性的导向作用。京津、长三角城市群以中部腹地武汉为指向,珠三角城市群以重庆为指向,形成了3个人口高强度高密度关联的扇形结构,并存在明确的辐射范围,且影响范围大体与城市群覆盖地域相吻合。同时,京广铁路、北京—上海两条横向轴线,上海—西安、长江经济带两条纵向轴线上的空间强度远高于其他区域。

4.4 网络关联的导向特征

-->Fig. 8Association feature map based on dominant flow in China

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Table of cities associated with dominant flows


5 转变中心性与转变控制力

5.1 计算结果与二维特征

Tab. 3
Tab. 3Directed centrality and power for selected cities

-->Fig. 9Rank scatter diagram of degree centrality, alter-based centrality, and power, betweenness centrality

5.2 等级结构与空间分布特征

使用自然分裂法Natural Breaks(Jenks)对中心性和控制力进行分级(表4),并基于二者在不同等级的匹配关系对城市划分类型。首先,城市网络等级呈金字塔结构,4个等级城市数量比约为1:5:35:178;其次,普遍上城市的中心性与控制力呈正比例关系(图10),高中心性城市的控制力相对也高,即能够良好集聚、扩散资源的城市对于资源的控制和支配能力也强。反映在城市类型上,是以北京、上海、天津、重庆、苏州、广州、杭州、深圳、南京为代表的高中心性高控制力的典型城市。同时,也存在以武汉、廊坊、太原、贵阳、福州为代表的高中心性低控制力的枢纽型城市,和以兰州、中山、呼伦贝尔、通辽、鄂尔多斯为代表的低中心性高控制力的门户型城市。
-->Fig. 10Scatter map of alter-based power-centrality and local enlarging graph

Tab. 4
Tab. 4City hierarchy table
国家级典型城市0.380~1.0000.345~1.000北京 上海(2)
区域级典型城市0.125~0.3790.132~0.344天津 重庆 苏州 广州 杭州 深圳 南京(7)
枢纽城市0.125~0.3790~0.131武汉 廊坊(2)
地方级典型城市0.032~0.1240.034~0.131成都 西安 徐州 郑州 东莞 佛山 长沙 石家庄 无锡 合肥 哈尔滨 沈阳 南宁 济南 昆明 青岛 长春 张家口 大连等(52)
枢纽城市0.032~0.1240~0.033宣城 邢台 泸州 洛阳 贵阳 南通 福州 泉州 衡阳 九江(10)
门户城市0~0.0310.034~0.131兰州 中山 邵通 呼伦贝尔 通辽 银川(6)
地方性边缘城市0~0.0310~0.033银川 四平 梧州 秦皇岛 湛江 郴州 连云港 济宁 扬州等(258)

-->Fig. 11Classification map of alter-based centrality and power


6 结论与讨论

6.1 结论

① 转变中心性和控制力是近年来城市网络研究的重要方法。在以往研究中,仍存在对这一理论辨识与应用的模糊性。本文基于网络拓扑结构的分析指出,递归概念用于城市网络的研究有其特定的数据结构要求,其适用于树形结构而不适用于局部存在完整图的网络测度。转变中心性与控制力与递归概念并无关系。由于考虑了间接关联对于测度城市的影响,因此较传统度中心性类测度方法,转变中心性与控制力更符合地理空间的非均衡的普遍规律。
② 移动数据日益成为表征居民社会活动的重要载体。基于百度迁徙数据发现,中国人口省际流动的空间异质性显著,九成以上的人口流发生在一成的城市关联路径上。大规模人口流动主要发生在以京津冀、长三角、珠三角、成渝共同构成的菱形结构内,其中京津、长三角、珠三角形成了三个人口流动高强度、高密度的扇形结构,并存在明确的辐射范围。全国和区域尺度下均呈现出明显的核心—边缘结构。哈尔滨-北京-西安-成都一线是人口流动强度空间分布的显著分割界线。以此为界,城市网络呈现东部并联、西部串联的关联结构。
③ 通过中心性与控制力的匹配特征,发现网络资源对城市产生了截然不同的影响与空间效应。城市网络中,既包括北京、上海、天津、重庆、苏州、广州、杭州、深圳、南京等以高中心性高控制力为特征的典型城市,也包括武汉、太原、贵阳、福州等以高中心性低控制力为特征的枢纽型城市,和兰州、银川、鄂尔多斯、昭通等以低中心性高控制力为特征的门户型城市,而后两者仅凭传统度中心性类测度方法是无法被辨识出来的。因此在城市网络研究中,区别中心性和控制力概念,对加深城市复杂多样化内涵的认识具有重要的意义。
④ 城市的网络结构将极大加速资源的集聚。改革开放、户籍制度宽松背景下,以劳动力为代表的自由流通要素,受外部条件吸引及自身利益最大化的驱动,在传统行政界线的制约将被逐渐打破。首先,具备中心性与控制力双重优势的典型城市,不仅与其近域、甚至全国城市都产生较为密切的联系,同时承担着区域人口流动的门户角色,而这些城市多为行政权力突出的直辖市和省会。在城市结构的重塑过程中,可以预见,典型城市在网络中将形成广泛的集聚、垄断效应和强劲的网络管制。
⑤ 门户城市现象亟需重视。受到如交通基础设施建设等因素的影响,地域和城市网络中的边缘城市直接关联中心城市的机会较低,成本相应更高,一般是首先关联区域门户城市,继而与网络中心城市进行资源交换。门户城市桥接了所在区域的资源交换行为,对于资源流通的控制具有明显的垄断特征。这一现象的结果是,一方面低等级城市存在路径缺乏与路径依赖的弊端,限制了自身的发展;另一方面,缺乏门户城市的区域将难以形成有序的城市发展体系,并导致资源向高位城市关联集聚的过早收敛。

6.2 讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

[1]Henderson J, Dicken P, Martin H et al. Global production networks and the analysis of economic development
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https://doi.org/10.1080/09692290210150842URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This article outlines a framework for the analysis of economic integration and its relation to the asymmetries of economic and social development. Consciously breaking with state-centric forms of social science, it argues for a research agenda that is more adequate to the exigencies and consequences of globalization than has traditionally been the case in 'development studies'. Drawing on earlier attempts to analyse the cross-border activities of firms, their spatial configurations and developmental consequences, the article moves beyond these by proposing the framework of the 'global production network' (GPN). It explores the conceptual elements involved in this framework in some detail and then turns to sketch a stylized example of a GPN. The article concludes with a brief indication of the benefits that could be delivered by research informed by GPN analysis.
[2]Jacobs W, Koster H, Hall P.The Location and Global Network Structure of Maritime Advanced Producer Services
. Urban Studies, 2011, 48(13): 2749-2769.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098010391294URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Within research on world cities, much attention has been paid to advanced producer services (APS) and their role within both global urban hierarchies and network formation between cities. What is largely ignored is that these APS provide services to firms operating in a range of different sectors. Does sector-specific specialisation of advanced producer services influence the economic geography of corporate networks between cities? If so, what factors might explain this geographical pattern? This paper investigates these theoretical questions by empirically focusing on those advanced producer services related to the port and maritime sector. The empirical results show that the location of AMPS is correlated with maritime localisation economies, expressed in the presence of shipowners and port-related industry as well as APS in general, but not by throughput flows of ports. Based upon the findings, policy recommendations are addressed.
[3]Zhao Miaoxi, Liu Zheng.Research on China's city network based on production service industry
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URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
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[吴康, 方创琳, 赵渺希, . 京津城际高速铁路影响下的跨城流动空间特征
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[6]Matthiessen C W, Schwarz A W, Find S.World Cities of Scientific Knowledge: Systems, Networks and Potential Dynamics. An Analysis Based on Bibliometric Indicators
. Urban Studies, 2010, 47(9): 1879-1897.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098010372683URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT This paper is based on identification of the pattern of the upper level of the world city network of knowledge as published in a series of earlier papers. It is our aim to update the findings and relate to the general world city discussion. The structure of the world cities of knowledge network has changed over the past decade in favour of south-east Asian and south European cities and in disfavour of the traditional centres of North America and north-western Europe. The analysis is based on bibliometric data on the world's 100 largest cities measured in terms of research output. The level of coauthorship between researchers in different cities is an indicator of links and respect, and the number of citations of papers produced by researchers located in each city is an indicator of respect. Finally, one research discipline is selected for an experiment in forecasting future hot spots of research.
[7]Li Dandan, Wang Tao, Yehua Dennis WEI, et al.Spatial and temporal complexity of scientific knowledge network and technological knowledge network on China's urban scale
. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(3): 525-540.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201503011URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>知识在产业集聚、区域创新中的地位越来越突出,城市知识储量及其在区域知识网络中的地位对城市的综合竞争力有重要影响。学术论文合作与专利合作是知识溢出的体现形式,是科学和技术发展的重要成果,也是度量区域创新能力的主要指标。以2000-2009年中国生物技术领域合著论文和共同申请专利的信息为原始数据,分别构建中国城市间科学知识网络(scientific knowledge network,SKN)与技术知识网络(technological knowledge network,TKN)。运用复杂网络与地学空间分析方法,从整体网络结构特征、择优链接性、中心城市及其自我网络的空间特征等方面进行分析,探究知识溢出的时空复杂性。研究表明:①SKN和TKN具有无标度网络特征;SKN节点度数的异质性高于TKN。②两种网络均呈异配性,即城市选择合作对象存在明显择优链接性,知识溢出具有粘着性和空间依赖性。③SKN中心城市具有明显的等级结构,空间分布总体呈&#x0201c;大分散小集聚&#x0201d;特点;TKN中心城市层级结构不明显,尚未形成明显极化中心。④SKN中心城市自我网络的合作空间,由最初的沿海省会城市间的合作转向长三角、珠三角、京津冀等区域间和沿海城市与内陆城市间的合作,区域间知识溢出明显;TKN中心城市自我网络仍多分布于沿海城市和少数中西部省会城市,区域间知识溢出不明显。⑤SKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变存在等级扩散和传染扩散的现象,符合时空梯度推移规律,且空间等级梯度逐渐向扁平化转变;TKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变以等级扩散为主,时空梯度推移现象不明显。研究结论为量化知识溢出及知识溢出网络结构的时空演化过程提供新的研究视角,对城市创新政策的制定有一定借鉴意义。</p>
[李丹丹, 汪涛, 魏也华, . 中国城市尺度科学知识网络与技术知识网络结构的时空复杂性
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(3): 525-540.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201503011URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>知识在产业集聚、区域创新中的地位越来越突出,城市知识储量及其在区域知识网络中的地位对城市的综合竞争力有重要影响。学术论文合作与专利合作是知识溢出的体现形式,是科学和技术发展的重要成果,也是度量区域创新能力的主要指标。以2000-2009年中国生物技术领域合著论文和共同申请专利的信息为原始数据,分别构建中国城市间科学知识网络(scientific knowledge network,SKN)与技术知识网络(technological knowledge network,TKN)。运用复杂网络与地学空间分析方法,从整体网络结构特征、择优链接性、中心城市及其自我网络的空间特征等方面进行分析,探究知识溢出的时空复杂性。研究表明:①SKN和TKN具有无标度网络特征;SKN节点度数的异质性高于TKN。②两种网络均呈异配性,即城市选择合作对象存在明显择优链接性,知识溢出具有粘着性和空间依赖性。③SKN中心城市具有明显的等级结构,空间分布总体呈&#x0201c;大分散小集聚&#x0201d;特点;TKN中心城市层级结构不明显,尚未形成明显极化中心。④SKN中心城市自我网络的合作空间,由最初的沿海省会城市间的合作转向长三角、珠三角、京津冀等区域间和沿海城市与内陆城市间的合作,区域间知识溢出明显;TKN中心城市自我网络仍多分布于沿海城市和少数中西部省会城市,区域间知识溢出不明显。⑤SKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变存在等级扩散和传染扩散的现象,符合时空梯度推移规律,且空间等级梯度逐渐向扁平化转变;TKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变以等级扩散为主,时空梯度推移现象不明显。研究结论为量化知识溢出及知识溢出网络结构的时空演化过程提供新的研究视角,对城市创新政策的制定有一定借鉴意义。</p>
[8]Taylor P J.The new geography of global civil society: NGOs in the world city network
. Globalizations, 2004, 1(2): 265-277.
https://doi.org/10.1080/1474773042000308604URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Recent research on the geography of NGOs in Global Civil Society yearbooks has emphasized a north-west European bias. This has been taken to imply that global civil society is but a pale geographical shadow of the power concentrations in global economy and governance. Using an interlocking network model and data on 74 global NGOs with offices across 178 cities, NGO connectivity values for cities show that there is a ‘global South’, especially sub-Saharan African, geographical bias. Nairobi is the most connected world city with respect to NGO activities. This marked contrast to recent received wisdom implies a diffuse network power relationship. To the extent that global NGOs reveal the new geography of global civil society in a space of flows, these results support a positive interpretation for NGOs contributing to an emancipatory global agenda.Loughborough University where he co-directs the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Study Group and Network (70http://www.lboro.ac.uk/gawc71). An adjunct professor at the College of Architecture and Urban Studies (Virginia Tech), he is currently visiting the University of Ghent as the holder of the International Francqui Chair. His latest book is World City Network: A Global Urban Analysis (Routledge). The Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech, 1021 Prince Street, Suite 100, Alexandria, VA 22314, USA. Loughborough University where he co-directs the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Study Group and Network (70http://www.lboro.ac.uk/gawc71). An adjunct professor at the College of Architecture and Urban Studies (Virginia Tech), he is currently visiting the University of Ghent as the holder of the International Francqui Chair. His latest book is World City Network: A Global Urban Analysis (Routledge). The Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech, 1021 Prince Street, Suite 100, Alexandria, VA 22314, USA. The Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech, 1021 Prince Street, Suite 100, Alexandria, VA 22314, USA.
[9]Friedmann J.The world city hypothesis
. Development and Change, 1986, 17: 69-84.
[本文引用: 1]
[10]Alderson A, Beckfield J.Power and position in the world city system
, American Journal of Sociology, 2004, 109(4): 811-851.
https://doi.org/10.1086/378930URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Globalization has renewed interest in the place and role of cities in the international system. Recent literature proposes that the fate of cities (and their residents) has become increasingly tied to their position in international flows of investment and trade. Data on the branch locations of the world’s 500 largest multinational enterprises in 2000 are subjected to two broad types of network analytic techniques in order to analyze the “world city system.” First, 3,692 cities are analyzed in terms of three measures of point centrality. Second, blockmodeling techniques are employed to generalize further about the positions and roles played by cities in the system. These techniques are used to trace out the structure of the world city system, locate cities in the context of a global urban hierarchy, and explore the degree to which this diverges from a simple one‐to‐one matching of cities onto nation‐states in the world system. Sociology
[11]Taylor P.World City Network: A Global Urban Analysis. London:
Routledge. 2004
[本文引用: 1]
[12]Bonacich P.Power and Centrality: A Family of Measures
. American Journal of Sociology, 1987, 92(5): 1170-1182.
https://doi.org/10.1086/228631URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Although network centrality is generally assumed to produce power, recent research shows that this is not the case in exchange networks. This paper proposes a generalization of the concept of centrality that accounts for both the usual positive relationship between power and centrality and Cook et al.'s recent exceptional results.
[13]Mahutga M C, Ma X, Smith D A, et al.Economic globalisation and the structure of the world city system: The case of airline passenger data
. Urban Studies, 2010, 47(9): 1925-1947.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098010372684URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper reports results from an analysis of the relationship between the structure of the city-to-city network of global airline passenger flows and the interstate world system. While many scholars suggest that the broader parameters of the world system structure the urban hierarchy embedded within or articulated to it, others argue that the urban hierarchy is decoupling from the world system. The analyses show that there has been some modest convergence in the distribution of power in the world city system. Moreover, they suggest that the mechanism for this convergence is the upward mobility of cities located in the semi-periphery and the east Asian region. The paper closes by considering the implication of these findings for a larger understanding of the relationship between globalisation, the structure of the world city system and its articulation with the world system.
[14]Taylor P J, Walker D R F, Catalano G, et al. Diversity and power in the world city network
. Cities, 2002, 19(4): 231-241.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0264-2751(02)00020-3URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
There are three purposes: (1) to illustrate diversity amongst world cities; (2) to show how this reflects/constitutes power relativities between cities; and (3) to place debates on diversity and power on a firm empirical basis. The power of cities is interpreted both as a capacity (“power over”) and as a medium (“power to”). World cities are treated as global service centres and the world city network is conceptualised as being “interlocked” through provision of business and financial services by global firms. The study is primarily empirical and uses a global data set comprising information on100 global service firms in 123 world cities. Seven different ways of measuring and illustrating power differentials are presented: global network connectivity, banking/finance connectivity, dominant centres, global command centres, regional command centres, high connectivity gateways, and gateways to emerging markets. These categories have been identified before but never specified as comprehensively and rigorously as here. Whereas power as command power is concentrated in the USA, western Europe and Tokyo, network power is much more geographically diffused transcending the old “North–South divide”. Finally the focus on diversity makes problematic the lazy policy tendency for emulation of a few well-known “global cities”.
[15]Ma Xiulian, Michael F Timberlake.Identifying China's leading world city: A network approach
. GeoJournal, 2008, 71(1): 19-35.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-008-9146-8URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper reports our research on China’s world cities. Formal network analysis of air passenger linkages for recent years among China’s most populous cities and among many of the world’s largest cities allows us to identify the country’s leading world city from among the leading Mainland candidates, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. We theorize our findings about China’s world cities in relation to both global forces (and China’s increasing entanglement with them) and the policies and actions of the national state. We examine the national and global urban network through a longitudinal, two-level analysis of airline passenger travel for four time points between about 1990 and 2005. We show that Beijing was China’s leading world city at the beginning of the time period, a status it lost nationally in as early as 1995, and then globally 1002years later. On the other hand Shanghai became China’s leading world city, and it acquired this status first nationally in 2000, and then globally in 2005. The changing status of the Chinese capital corresponds to the country’s increasing involvement with the capitalist world economy. Shanghai’s ascendance as the leading world city in China may indicate that global forces have come to play an increasingly important role relative to that of the developmental state.
[16]Cook K S, Yamagishi T.The distribution of power in exchange networks: Theory and experimental results
. American Journal of Sociology, 1983, 89(2): 275-305.
https://doi.org/10.1086/227866URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the structural determinants of power in exchange networks, along with research findings from laboratory experiments and a computer simulation of bargaining in network structures. Two theoretical traditions are dealth with: (1) point centrality in graph-theoretic representations of structure, as an approach to power distributions; and (2) power dependence principles applied to exchange networks. Measures of centrality available in the literature have the advantage of being easily applied to large and complex networks. In contrast, power dependence concepts were conceived for use in microsociology and are found to be cumbersome in the analysis of complex networks. But despite the relative difficulty of applying power-dependence theory to network structures, that approach generates hypotheses about power distributions which are confirmed at nearly every point in a laboratory experiment with five-person networks and at every point in a computer simulation of networks too large for laboratory study. In contrast, centrality measures applied to the type of networks studied fail to predict power distributions. Although centrality measures might predict power in some networks, their generality is limited. Toward resolution of the issues raised, this study offers two theoretical points: (1) a distinction between two different principles of "connection" in social networks suggests that current measures of centrality might predict power in one type of network but not in the other; and (2) it offers a first step toward a fusion of power-dependence theory and structural centrality in a way which might be general across networks of both types.
[17]Emerson R M.Power-dependence relations
. American Sociological Review, 1962, 27(1): 31-41.
[本文引用: 2]
[18]Zachary Neal.Differentiating centrality and power in the world city network
. Urban Studies, 2011, 48(13): 2733-2748.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098010388954URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Centrality and power have become common foci for world city network research and frequently serve as tools for describing cities0964 position or status in the system. However, these concepts are difficult to define and measure. Often they are treated as equivalent: more central cities have more power. This paper challenges this assumed equivalence by proposing conceptually distinct definitions and developing two new measures that allow them to be differentiated empirically. Applying the proposed measures in a hypothetical world city network and the Internet backbone network reveals that centrality and power are distinct and suggests that world cities should be viewed as arising from multidimensional network positions that define multiple types: quintessential world cities that are both central and powerful (such as New York and London), hub world cities that are central but not powerful (such as Washington and Brussels) and gateway world cities that are powerful but not central (such as Miami and Stockholm).
[19]Zachary Neal.Does world city network research need eigenvectors?
Urban Studies, 2013, 3(12): 1-12.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098013477702URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
In a 2011 paper, I introduced the conceptual distinction between positions of centrality and power in world city networks and offered a new measure09”now called alter-based centrality09”designed to quantify the network positions of cities. Here, I respond to some conceptual and mathematical critiques of those ideas raised by Boyd et al. (2013) in their Comment on Neal (2011). On the conceptual side, I clarify the definitions of centrality and power, the relevance of exchange power in world city networks and the appropriate depth of network measures in this context. On the mathematical side, I clarify the relationship between alter-based centrality and other measures, and explore the limitations of two alternatives: eigenvector and beta centrality. This Reply concludes by noting that each measure has its own strengths and weaknesses, but that researchers should aim to use measures that are no more complex than necessary.
[20]Boyd J P, Mahutga M C, Smith D A.Measuring centrality and power recursively in the world city network: A reply to Neal
. Urban Studies, 2013, 50(8): 1641-1647.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098012466599URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
In a recent article, Zachary Neal (2011) distinguishes between centrality and power in world city networks and proposes two measures of recursive power and centrality. His effort to clarify oversimplistic interpretations of relational measures of power and position in world city networks is appreciated. However, Neal0964s effort to innovate methodologically is based on theoretical reasoning that is dubious when applied to world city networks. And his attempt to develop new measures is flawed since he conflates 0900eigenvector centrality0964 with 0900beta centrality0964 and then argues that 0900eigenvector-based approaches0964 to recursive power and centrality are ill-suited to world city networks. The main problem is that his measures of 0900recursive0964 centrality and power are not recursive at all and thus are of very limited utility. It is concluded that established eigenvector centrality measures used in past research (which Neal critiques) provide more useful gauges of power and centrality in world city networks than his new indexes.
[21]Cihák M, Scuzzarella R, Mu?oz S.The bright and the dark side of cross-border banking linkages
. Czech Journal of Economics & Finance, 2011, 11(186): 200-225.
https://doi.org/10.5089/9781462309269.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
When a country''s banking system becomes more linked to the global banking network, does that system get more or less prone to a banking crisis? Using model simulations and econometric estimates based on a world-wide dataset, we find an M-shaped relationship between financial stability of a country''s banking sector and its interconnectedness. In particular, for banking sectors that are not very connected to the global banking network, increases in interconnectedness are associated with a reduced probability of a banking crisis. Once interconnectedness reaches a certain value, further increases in interconnectedness can increase the probability of a banking crisis. Our findings suggest that it may be beneficial for policies to support greater interlinkages for less connected banking systems, but after a certain point the advantages of increased interconnectedness become less clear.
[22]Yin Hongling, Wu Zhiqiang, Yang Ting.Review and enlightenment of the method to measure the world city network of Zachary Neal
. Urban Planning International, 2014, 29(6): 110-113.
[本文引用: 1]

[尹宏玲, 吴志强, 杨婷. 扎克瑞尼尔世界城市网络测度方法评述及其启示
. 国际城市规划, 2014, 29(6): 110-113.]
[本文引用: 1]
[23]Zhu Chasong, Wang De, Luo Zhendong.Centrality and power: A method of analyzing city network spatial structure
. Urban Planning Forum, 2014(4): 24-30.
[本文引用: 1]

[朱查松, 王德, 罗震东. 中心性与控制力: 长三角城市网络结构的组织特征及演化: 企业联系的视角
. 城市规划学刊, 2014(4): 24-30.]
[本文引用: 1]
[24]Wang Cheng, Wang Maojun, Chai Qing.The relationship between centrality and power in the city network
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(12): 1953-1972.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201512008URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[王成, 王茂军, 柴箐. 城市网络地位与网络权力的关系: 以中国汽车零部件交易链接网络为例
. 地理学报, 2015, 70(12): 1953-1972.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201512008URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[25]Haas H D.Migration and development: A theoretical perspective
. International Migration Review, 2010, 44(1):227-264.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1747-7379.2009.00804.xURLPMID:26900199 [本文引用: 1]摘要
The debate on migration and development has swung back and forth like a pendulum, from developmentalist optimism in the 1950s and 1960s, to neo-Marxist pessimism over the 1970s and 1980s, towards more optimistic views in the 1990s and 2000s. This paper argues how such discursive shifts in the migration and development debate should be primarily seen as part of more general paradigm shifts in social and development theory. However, the classical opposition between pessimistic and optimistic views is challenged by empirical evidence pointing to the heterogeneity of migration impacts. By integrating and amending insights from the new economics of labor migration, livelihood perspectives in development studies and transnational perspectives in migration studies which share several though as yet unobserved conceptual parallels this paper elaborates the contours of a conceptual framework that simultaneously integrates agency and structure perspectives and is therefore able to account for the heterogeneous nature of migration-development interactions. The resulting perspective reveals the naivety of recent views celebrating migration as self-help development "from below". These views are largely ideologically driven and shift the attention away from structural constraints and the vital role of states in shaping favorable conditions for positive development impacts of migration to occur.
[26]Zhu Yu, Lin Liyue.Studies on the temporal processes of migration and their spatial effects in China: Progress and Prospect
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(6): 820-828.
[本文引用: 1]

[朱宇, 林李月. 中国人口迁移流动的时间过程及其空间效应研究: 回顾与展望
. 地理科学, 2016, 36(6): 820-828.]
[本文引用: 1]
[27]Chi Renyong.The formation, structure and function of regional innovative network of small and medium-sized enterprises: A case study of Zhejiang province
. Management World, 2005(10): 102-112.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[池仁勇. 区域中小企业创新网络形成、结构属性与功能提升: 浙江省市政考察
. 管理世界, 2005(10): 102-112.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[28]Ma Xueguang, Li Guicai.Study on world city network theory within global space of flow
. Economic Geography, 2011, 31(10): 1630-1637.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[马学广, 李贵才. 全球流动空间中的当代世界城市网络理论研究
. 经济地理, 2011, 31(10): 1630-1637.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[29]Beaverstock J V, Smith R G, Taylor P J.World-city network: A new metageography?
Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 2000, 90(1): 123-134.
https://doi.org/10.1111/0004-5608.00188URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The African continent is portrayed in development texts as experiencing environmental crises of staggering proportions. Despite a lack of reliable data, the World Bank considers environmental degradation to be so widespread that the "business" of environmental planning and regulation is now seen as a global affair. It currently requires low-income countries receiving its financial assistance to develop National Environmental Action Plans (NEAPs) which, in assembly line fashion, are bring produced according to a blueprint. Taking the West African case study of Cote d'Ivoire, this paper argues that the planning process, specifically the identification of environmental problems, is based on a poor understanding of the nature and direction of environmental change. We confront this data problem by contrasting the image of a deforested savanna landscape found in the Cote d'Ivoire NEAP with the more wooded landscape experienced by farmers and herders and confirmed by our analysis of aerial photographs. Our second objective is to address thr policy implications of two geographical issues rising from this paper: the disjointed scale problem between local/regional environmental-change patterns and global environmental discourses, and the human-environmental consequences of ignoring actual versus imagined environmental problems. A third goal is to contribute to the growing convergence in cultural and political ecology around the use of multiple research methods to explain environmental-change dynamics. Our discussion of environmental change is informed by intensive data collection in two rural communities in the Korhogo region of northern Cote d'Ivoire. Research methods included focus-group discussions and household surveys to record local perceptions of environmental change. Aerial photo analysis, GIS mapping, and vegetation transects were used to interpret land-cover changes. Finally, interviews with individuals involved in the NEAP process in the Cote d'Ivoire government, World Bank, and NGOs illuminated the received ideas and institutional interests of various players in environmental planning.
[30]Liu X, Neal Z, Derudder B.Featured graphic: City networks in the United States: A comparison of four models
. Environment and PlanningA, 2012, 44(2): 255-256.
https://doi.org/10.1068/a44496URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
There is no abstract for this paper.
[31]Ke Wenqian, Yu Zhaoyuan, Chen Wei, et al.Architecture and key issues for human space- time behavior data observation
. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(2): 373-383.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201502016Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[柯文前, 俞肇元, 陈伟, .人类时空行为数据观测体系架构及其关键问题
. 地理研究. 2015, 34(2): 373-383.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201502016Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[32]Timberlake M, Wei Y D, Ma X, et al.Global cities with Chinese characteristics
. Cities, 2014, 41: 162-170.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2014.02.009URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Global cities are relatively central nodes in a worldwide hierarchy of urban centers. In recent years several Chinese cities have begun to participate as more central players in this global network. While cities atop the global hierarchy of the world’s urban places attract wealth, glamour, and prestige, they are also said to be socially polarized to a greater degree than other cities and to attract international migrants disproportionately. The recent ascendancy of places like Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou raises questions about the global city formation practices that have led to this apparent “success” and to questions about the social consequences of achieving global city status in the context of the rapidly developing transitional Chinese economy. It also raises questions about the ability and commitment of the local and national governments to deal with the concomitant challenges to social harmony.
[33]Chen S, Zhou S.Recursive mechanism: Towards node differential privacy and unrestricted joins
. Computer Science, 2013: 653-664.
https://doi.org/10.1145/2463676.2465304URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Existing differential privacy (DP) studies mainly consider aggregation on data sets where each entry corresponds to a particular participant to be protected. In many situations, a user may pose a relational algebra query on a database with sensitive data, and desire differentially private aggregation on the result of the query. However, no existing work is able to release such aggregation when the query contains unrestricted join operations. This severely limits the applications of existing DP techniques because many data analysis tasks require unrestricted joins. One example is subgraph counting on a graph. Furthermore, existing methods for differentially private subgraph counting support only edge DP and are subject to very simple subgraphs. Until recent, whether any nontrivial graph statistics can be released with reasonable accuracy for arbitrary kind of input graphs under node DP was still an open problem. In this paper, we propose a novel differentially private mechanism that supports unrestricted joins, to release an approximation of a linear statistic of the result of some positive relational algebra calculation over a sensitive database. The error bound of the approximate answer is roughly proportional to the empirical sensitivity of the query --- a new notion that measures the maximum possible change to the query answer when a participant withdraws its data from the sensitive database. For subgraph counting, our mechanism provides a solution to achieve node DP, for any kind of subgraphs.
[34]Wang Cheng, Guan Rong, Wang Huiwen.Coverage-rate-based recursive K-means clustering method: An application of location problem in emergency system
. Mathematics in Practice and Theory, 2016.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Recent years have witnessed the emerging importance of location problem in emergency system.The problem aims to find out the minimal number of emergency stations for covering most of the emergency demands.In light of this,this paper has proposed a novel method of Coverage-Rate-based Recursive K-means Clustering(CR-RKC) to solve this problem.Different from ordinary K-means clustering analysis,the proposed method can be automatically given the best number of clusters without requiring a scheduled value of K.In actual operation,CR-RKC method not only automatically achieves the minimal number of emergency stations,but also determines the location for each station.An experiment using synthetic datasets has demonstrated the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed CR-RKC method.
[35]Sun Y, Li Z, Wang D.Hamiltonicity and Pancyclicity of binary recursive networks//International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications
. Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer, 2007: 786-796.
[本文引用: 1]
[36]Lu Zhao, Li Xiong, Shan Xue.Global recursive based node importance evaluation
. Advanced Data Mining and Applications, 2016.
[本文引用: 1]
[37]Norman M.A recursive method for traffic management through a complex path network
. Simulation Conference, 2003, 1: 537-541.
https://doi.org/10.1109/WSC.2002.1172928URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Many simulation models contain one or more transport systems where some type of vehicle, perhaps an AGV, a fork truck, a shuttle, or a human being, travel along predefined paths. Locations along the paths may specify where loads carried by the vehicle transfer to or from it, where some activity takes place requiring the vehicle's presence, or where vehicle routing logic executes. This paper focuses on the last topic, the routing of vehicles along a path system where alternate paths exist and path selection is determined at so called "routing nodes" based on a dynamic analysis of traffic congestion along each possible route towards some destination. Other routing nodes further along each path present more combinations of possible interim paths. A recursive search algorithm is presented to iteratively evaluate each possible route when a vehicle encounters a routing node. The vehicle is directed along a path with the least overall congestion towards its destination. A sample model demonstrating this algorithm implemented in the AutoMod software is used for illustration. Other simulation products may have the features to support this type of vehicle routing control algorithm.
[38]URL [本文引用: 1]
[39]URL [本文引用: 1]
[40]Wei Ye, Xiu Chunliang, Liu Zhimin, et al.Spatial pattern of city network in transitional China based on the population flows in "Chunyun" period
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(1): 1-7.
[本文引用: 2]

[魏冶, 修春亮, 刘志敏, . 春运人口流动透视的转型期中国城市网络结构
. 地理科学, 2016, 36(1): 1-7.]
[本文引用: 2]
[41]Liu Wangbao, Shi Enming.Spatial pattern of population daily flow among cities based on ICT: A case study of "Baidu Migration"
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016, 71(10): 1667-1679.
[本文引用: 2]

[刘望保, 石恩名. 基于ICT的中国城市间人口日常流动空间格局: 以百度迁徙为例
. 地理学报, 2016, 71(10): 1667-1679.]
[本文引用: 2]
[42]Meo P D, Ferrara E, Fiumara G, et al.Fast unfolding of communities in large networks
. Journal of Statistical Mechanics Theory & Experiment, 2008(10): 155-168.
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/2008/10/P10008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
We propose a simple method to extract the community structure of large networks. Our method is a heuristic method that is based on modularity optimization. It is shown to outperform all other known community detection methods in terms of computation time. Moreover, the quality of the communities detected is very good, as measured by the so-called modularity. This is shown first by identifying language communities in a Belgian mobile phone network of 2 million customers and by analysing a web graph of 118 million nodes and more than one billion links. The accuracy of our algorithm is also verified on ad hoc modular networks.
[43]Chen Wei, Xiu Chunliang, Ke Wenqian, et al.Hierarchical structures of China's city network from the perspective of multiple traffic flows
. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(11): 2073-2083.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201511006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>交通流是人流、物流等要素流动的主要载体和表现形式,对于认识城市间相互作用等具有重要意义。基于城市间公路、铁路和航空客流数据,对中国城市网络空间关联进行特征提取和规律挖掘。研究表明:① 公路流表现出强烈的空间依赖性和对城市群发育程度的良好识别作用;② 铁路流呈现出&ldquo;两横三纵&rdquo;带状分布格局;③ 航空流视角则基本形成了以&ldquo;菱形结构&rdquo;为核心的城市网络框架。不同类型交通流刻画出不同层面的城市间关联格局,但却有着其内在联系。航空流是城市关联格局骨架构筑的主要形式,铁路流则为核心骨架的连通提供支撑轴带,而公路流是对整体骨架和支撑轴带的有效填充,从而形成区域间相互依赖、不可或缺的要素关联和空间关系。</p>
[陈伟, 修春亮, 柯文前, . 多元交通流视角下的中国城市网络层级特征
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(11): 2073-2083.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201511006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>交通流是人流、物流等要素流动的主要载体和表现形式,对于认识城市间相互作用等具有重要意义。基于城市间公路、铁路和航空客流数据,对中国城市网络空间关联进行特征提取和规律挖掘。研究表明:① 公路流表现出强烈的空间依赖性和对城市群发育程度的良好识别作用;② 铁路流呈现出&ldquo;两横三纵&rdquo;带状分布格局;③ 航空流视角则基本形成了以&ldquo;菱形结构&rdquo;为核心的城市网络框架。不同类型交通流刻画出不同层面的城市间关联格局,但却有着其内在联系。航空流是城市关联格局骨架构筑的主要形式,铁路流则为核心骨架的连通提供支撑轴带,而公路流是对整体骨架和支撑轴带的有效填充,从而形成区域间相互依赖、不可或缺的要素关联和空间关系。</p>
[44]Wu Kang, Fang Chuanglin, Zhao Miaoxi.The spatial organization and structure complexity of Chinese intercity networks
. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(4): 711-728.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201504010URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>全球化、信息化与快速城市化深刻影响了中国的城市体系,多区位企业组织所形成的城市网络正处于日益复杂的空间嬗变过程。基于2010年企业名录的总部&mdash;分支机构型关联数据,研究构建了330&times;330的地级以上城市网络连接关系,并运用复杂网络分析工具来探索中国城市网络的空间组织特征。研究发现:① 中国的城市网络联系呈现以&ldquo;北京&mdash;上海&mdash;广深&mdash;成都&rdquo;为核心的菱形空间结构,不同等级的网络流强度具有显著的空间异质性,城市网络的空间组织是一个择优性和地理邻近性复杂作用的过程;② 中国城市网络正处于一个简单随机向复杂有序结构的转化期,整体大尺度的网络结构还有待形成;③ 中国城市网络整体表现出明显的小世界网络效应;④ 中国城市的二值点度网络为明显的异配性连接特征,而加权强度网络连接则一定程度上表现出&ldquo;富人圈&rdquo;的现象;⑤ 中国城市网络的层级性并不明显,城市网络的点度和强度的关系呈非线性增加特征。</p>
[吴康, 方创琳, 赵渺希. 中国城市网络的空间组织及其复杂性结构特征
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(4): 711-728.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201504010URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>全球化、信息化与快速城市化深刻影响了中国的城市体系,多区位企业组织所形成的城市网络正处于日益复杂的空间嬗变过程。基于2010年企业名录的总部&mdash;分支机构型关联数据,研究构建了330&times;330的地级以上城市网络连接关系,并运用复杂网络分析工具来探索中国城市网络的空间组织特征。研究发现:① 中国的城市网络联系呈现以&ldquo;北京&mdash;上海&mdash;广深&mdash;成都&rdquo;为核心的菱形空间结构,不同等级的网络流强度具有显著的空间异质性,城市网络的空间组织是一个择优性和地理邻近性复杂作用的过程;② 中国城市网络正处于一个简单随机向复杂有序结构的转化期,整体大尺度的网络结构还有待形成;③ 中国城市网络整体表现出明显的小世界网络效应;④ 中国城市的二值点度网络为明显的异配性连接特征,而加权强度网络连接则一定程度上表现出&ldquo;富人圈&rdquo;的现象;⑤ 中国城市网络的层级性并不明显,城市网络的点度和强度的关系呈非线性增加特征。</p>
[45]Zachary Neal.Structural determinism in the interlocking world city network
. Geographical Analysis, 2012, 44: 162-170.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1538-4632.2012.00843.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Taylor's interlocking specification of the world city network has offered researchers a theoretically informed way to measure the world city network using readily available firm location data. However, the number and size of firms that are viewed as linking cities to one another impose a form of structural determinism on the world city network. Specifically, when a relatively small number of firms is used to define a network among a relatively large set of cities, or when only larger firms are used, this approach is unable to reveal a wide range of structures features that may actually be present in the world city network it is intended to measure. Through a series of examples, I demonstrate how specific features of firm location data predetermine the structure, number and size of cliques, and density of world city networks derived using the interlocking approach. Concluding comments discuss the implications of this structural determinism by focusing on the case of the commonly used Globalization and World Cities data set 11, offer some suggestions concerning how the interlocking approach can be employed while avoiding structural determinism, and identify some alternative approaches to mapping the world city network.El modelo interconexión cerrada (interlocking) de la red mundial de ciudades (world city network) desarrollado por Taylor (2001) ha proporcionado a los investigadores un marco teórico para medir dicha red con datos fácilmente disponibles acerca de la localización de empresas. Sin embargo, el número y tama09o de las empresas que son consideradas como ‘vinculadoras’ (de ciudades) imponen una forma de determinismo estructural sobre la red. En concreto, cuando un número relativamente peque09o de firmas es utilizado para definir la red entre un conjunto relativamente grande de ciudades, o, cuando sólo se utilizan las empresas más grandes, este enfoque (interlocking) no es capaz de identificar o medir una amplia gama de características estructurales presentes potencialmente en la red de ciudades mundiales. A través de una serie de ejemplos, el autor demuestra cómo varias características específicas de los datos de localización de las empresas predeterminan la estructura, número y tama09o de los cliques y la densidad de las redes de ciudades mundiales resultantes de la aplicación de modelos de interlocking. Luego el autor presenta las implicancias del determinismo estructural mencionado, centrándose en el caso la base de datos de uso común GaWC # 11. Finalmente el articulo ofrece algunas sugerencias sobre cómo el enfoque de interlocking puede ser empleado sin caer en un determinismo estructural, y se identifican algunos enfoques alternativos para el mapeo de la red mundial de ciudades.泰勒(2001)采用相对容易获得的公司地理位置数据提出的世界城市网络连锁度量方法,为研究者提供了一种理论途径。然而,将公司的数量和规模视为城市之间的联接是一种强加的世界城市网络结构决定论形式。特别是当用数量相对较少的公司或仅用大公司的数量来定义相对较大的城市网络集时,该方法不能揭示目前实际情况中大范围世界城市网络需要度量的结构特征。通过一系列的案例分析,本文显示了公司区位数据的特有特征预先决定了集团的结构、数量和规模,以及由泰勒的连锁方法推导出世界城市网络的密度。最后,通过曾被广泛采用的GaWC(全球化和世界城市)数据集的11个城市公司数据讨论了结构决定方法的应用,并就应用该方法如何避免结构决定论提出一些建议,进而识别一些可选用的方法来绘制世界城市网络图。
[46]Knoke D.Political Networks: The Structural Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. [本文引用: 1]
[47]Derudder B, Timberlake M, Witlox F.Introduction: Mapping changes in urban systems
. Urban Studies, 2010, 47(9): 1835-1841.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098010373504URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
No abstract is available for this item.
[48]Hesse M.Cities, material flows and the geography of spatial interaction: Urban places in the system of chains
. Global Networks, 2010, 10(1): 75-91.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-0374.2010.00275.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract The emerging discourses on world cities and Global Commodity Chains are valuable spatial frameworks for conceptualizing globalization and its spatial consequences. However, both discourses have one thing in common: they neglect the territorial and thus physical dimension of global flows. Hence, in this article I take the perspective of material flows to reconnect the discourses on cities and chains. I aim to clarify the role of urban places and their ability to attract, manage and redirect flows in such networks. I do so by re-examining classical concepts of spatial interaction and reorganization in human geography, with particular reference to centrality and intermediacy. The case of seaports and port cities is further explored to demonstrate the concrete conflicts and opportunities that arise with chain developments and insertion. To determine the relative position of places with regard to global chains and flows, Sheppard's concept of ‘positionality’ is discussed.
相关话题/城市 网络 结构 人口 空间