Structural heterogeneity and proximity mechanism of global scientific collaboration network based on co-authored papers

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1 引言
21世纪以来,科技全球化的深度和广度不断加强,科学正在走向全球,成为“全球化的科学”。国际合作发表论文的比例已从1995年的约25%飙升至2011年的35%左右,世界范围内的知识流动日益频繁,国际科研合作成为大势所趋[1]。当前的科学研究已经从个人、机构和国家进入合作时代[2]。国际合作已成为前沿科学发现的主导力量,催生了众多高质量的科研成果[3]。与此同时,悄然兴起的全球科学网络正在改变二战后形成的大西洋轴心格局,中国、南非、印度和巴西等新兴科技力量迅速崛起,中东、东南亚和北非国家的科学强劲发展,加速推动世界向多极化发展,全球科技创新版图正在加速重构[1, 4]。科技创新成为各国打造核心竞争力的关键所在,深刻影响和改变了国家力量的对比,正在重塑世界经济格局。国家是参与全球竞争的重要主体,大力提升本国科技创新能力,抢占全球创新网络的核心位置,主导或引领未来的科学发展成为许多国家发展的出发点和落脚点。中国也概莫能外,在《“十三五”国家科技创新规划》发布之际,探讨国际科研合作网络具有重要的现实意义。当今,知识流动日益频繁,区域性和全球性的科研合作网络正在涌现,其关联及演化的复杂性引起西方经济地理****广泛关注。研究范畴论及专利引用[5]、专利联合申请[6]、合著科研论文[7]、共同参与研发项目[8-9]等,研究尺度涵盖个人[10]、组织[11]、区域[12]、国家甚至全球[13-14],研究内容则聚焦于科研合作网络的拓扑结构[15-17]、空间格局[18-19]、演化过程与影响机制[20-26]等领域。
近十年,社会网络或复杂网络分析方法的兴起,为洞察科研合作网络的结构洞、中心性、集聚性、小世界性、无标度性、分形性等结构复杂性提供强大支撑。****普遍发现科研合作网络具有尺度依赖性,全球尺度网络多具小世界性,具有高的聚集系数和短的平均路径长度;国家尺度多为无标度网络,网络节点度分布服从幂律函数;区域创新网络则更多地体现出随机网络特征[15-17]。与此同时,知识合作网络在空间形态上发育出显著的“核心—边缘”结构和等级层次性[18-19],呈现出集聚与分散的双重特征。一方面,由于信息通信和交通技术的变革,地理空间约束不断减弱(distance is dead),全球知识合作网络向均衡化演进(world is flat)[20-21],显性知识通过图书、期刊、会议、科研人员流动等渠道进行传播,横跨城市、区域、国家等多种地理空间,具有全球扩散的趋势[22]。另一方面,隐性知识的传播仍然受到距离衰减的影响,总是高度聚集于某些区域(如西欧、北美和亚太地区)、国家(如美国、英国、德国、加拿大、中国等)、城市(如纽约、旧金山、伦敦等),呈现钉子状的空间集聚特性,具有地方依赖性(place-dependence)[23-25]。受到世界城市研究小组(GaWCgroup)的鼓励,一些****采用SCI数据库来研究全球主要城市间的知识合作网络联系的不均衡性[26-27]。研究发现,科研论文产出上以西欧和北美的城市为主导,但近年亚太地区的城市增速较快,开始挑战前者的统治地位;就国际合作而言,欧洲城市占据网络的主体,伦敦、巴黎和阿姆斯特丹扮演全球知识合作网络枢纽的角色[26-27]。
此外,这种结构异质性背后的邻近性影响机制也被广泛审视。他们强调邻近性在创新过程中的作用,主要构建地理邻近性、认知邻近性、组织邻近性、制度邻近性和社会邻近性[28]来分析知识创新活动的本地蜂鸣与全球通道[29-31],以及邻近性与创新互动、创新绩效的关系[32]。研究发现,地理邻近性越大,越有利于创新主体交流互动和隐性知识溢出,促进研发合作[33-35];在知识合作网络中主要发挥间接作用,但有助于其他邻近性的形成与发展[36]。认知邻近性反映了主体共享知识基础的程度[37],是合作过程发生的前提条件,也是创新主体选择合作伙伴的决定因素[38],但过度的认知邻近性不利于知识溢出,因为主体间知识过多重叠往往会导致“认知锁定”[28]。相似地,组织邻近性也对知识合作具有促进作用,同属某一企业集团的公司之间更有可能发生合作关系,从而减少不确定性[8, 28]。制度邻近性是指主体受到非正式约束和正式规则制约的相似性[39-40]。研究发现,制度距离阻碍着科研合作[9,12,35]。而社会邻近性,随着主体之间的测地线距离衰减,有利于形成闭合的知识合作网络[38]。英国的专利合作研究表明,社会邻近性促进共同申请专利[10]。也有研究发现,邻近的社会关系对科研合作的作用并不显著[8]。
近年,国内****对创新体系、创新联系、创新网络和知识网络展开了深入的研究,取得了丰硕的研究成果[41-43],主要包括:① 采用专利合作数据,探讨了特定产业(生物技术、装备制造业等)的技术合作特征[44-45];② 以论文合作为视角,分析了城市间的知识流动特征[46-48];③ 以跨国公司R&D投资为例,着重揭示了全球研发网络的空间特征和创新溢出效应[49-50];④ 基于空间作用视角,采用系列测度指标和引力模型,分析了城市间的创新联系强度与空间格局[51]。成果普遍聚焦于中国实践,研究发现中国已形成以上海、北京为顶层的五级塔型创新城市体系,整体呈现“东强西弱”的创新联系格局[45-46, 51]。
2 数据来源和研究方法
2.1 数据来源
合著科研论文是科研合作最直接的体现形式,成为研究全球科研合作的主要途径之一。2015年自然出版集团发布《Nature Index 2015 Collaborations》报告,基于旗下68本期刊2014年刊文数据对全球94个国家间的科研论文合作网络首次进行了图示化分析。鉴于其论文数据范围和国家数量的局限性,本文进一步将数据源拓展至汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)的Web of Science(WOS)核心合集,囊括了211个国家(或地区)①(①在Web of Science核心合集中,英国被划分为英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰、北爱尔兰;中国的数据包括中国大陆、香港和澳门;本文中的“国家”均应为“国家(或地区)”。)、所有学科领域的作者合著论文数据;为了便于比较分析,选择其2014年收录的2037461篇论文作为数据源。首先,通过Python数据爬虫,将论文作者的地址信息汇总至国家尺度,提取汇总出211个国家(或地区)的科研论文合作数据,保存为txt文本。然后,利用C++编程语言将各个国家(或地区)的合作文本生成关联矩阵,对角线单元格赋值该国的科研论文数量,其余单元格赋值两两国家作者论文合作的总数量。接着,在第一步基础上,剔除具多个国家(或地区)作者联合署名论文数据,获得各国国内独立论文发表量(表1,仅列论文发表量前15)。Tab. 1
Tab. 1Top 15 countries by published papers
排名 | 国家 | 合作国家 数量(个) | 论文发表 数量(篇) | 国内独立发表 数量(篇) | 国际合作发表 数量(篇) | 国际合作 比例(%) |
1 | 美国 | 205 | 575379 | 400184 | 175195 | 30.45 |
2 | 中国 | 177 | 272116 | 204579 | 67537 | 24.82 |
3 | 英格兰 | 194 | 140114 | 68117 | 71997 | 51.38 |
4 | 德国 | 182 | 132970 | 65055 | 67915 | 51.08 |
5 | 日本 | 169 | 97161 | 70595 | 26566 | 27.34 |
6 | 法国 | 190 | 89868 | 40903 | 48965 | 54.49 |
7 | 加拿大 | 191 | 86567 | 44798 | 41769 | 48.25 |
8 | 意大利 | 181 | 82868 | 44645 | 38223 | 46.13 |
9 | 澳大利亚 | 189 | 74522 | 38661 | 35861 | 48.12 |
10 | 西班牙 | 180 | 71530 | 38330 | 33200 | 46.41 |
11 | 印度 | 170 | 66167 | 51142 | 15025 | 22.71 |
12 | 韩国 | 165 | 63831 | 46436 | 17395 | 27.25 |
13 | 荷兰 | 180 | 50038 | 21099 | 28939 | 57.83 |
14 | 巴西 | 169 | 47940 | 32468 | 15472 | 32.27 |
15 | 瑞士 | 177 | 36196 | 11490 | 24706 | 68.26 |
2.2 研究方法
借鉴图论构造全球科研论文合作网络连通图G=(V, E),N=|V|为网络节点(国家或地区)数,M=|E|为网络边(国家间的论文合作关系)数。运用原始法,将相同国家不同称谓进行整合,每一个国家仅保留一个名称,删除不与他国产生科研联系的节点,以国家论文发表总量为节点权重,以国家间的论文合作发表量作为边的权重,构建加权无向科研论文合作网络。2.2.1 网络中心性模型
(1)度中心性(degree centrality, CD)指与该节点直接相连的其他节点的个数,表征节点连接程度。在科研论文合作网络中,节点度表示与该国产生论文合作关系的国家数量:
(2)接近度中心性(closeness centrality, CC)表示节点到其他所有节点最短路径之和的倒数乘以其他节点个数。节点的接近度越大,表明节点越居于网络的中心。在科研论文合作网络中,节点接近度表示该国与其他国家之间的科研论文合作的欧式距离:
(3)介数中心性(betweenness centrality, CB)是测量网络中所有最短路径中经过该点的数量比例。节点的介数值越大,表明节点控制网络的能力越强。在科研论文合作网络中,节点介数表示该国承担“中介”或“中转站”的能力:
(4)强度中心性(strength centrality, CS)是无权网络中节点度的自然推广。节点vi的点权si定义为与它关联的边权重的总和。在科研论文合作网络中,节点强度表示该国对外科研合作中,两两科研论文合作数量的总和:
2.2.2 重力模型 鉴于国家间的论文合著数据为非负整数,且被解释变量的方差明显大于期望,存在“过度分散”。因此,负二项式回归(negative binomial regression)方法被引入研究多维邻近性与科研论文合作网络的作用机制:
式中:α为常数项;εij为随机误差项;Iij表示国家i和国家j之间合作发表的论文数量,也是本文的被解释变量;Massi、Massj分别表示国家i和国家j发表的论文数量,作为重力模型中国家质量的代理变量,以上3个变量均来自WOS数据库;Geodistanceij表示国家i和国家j之间的地理邻近性,通过计算各个国家首都之间的球面距离而获得,提取于法国CEPII-GeoDist数据库;Ecoproximityij是国家经济邻近性的虚拟变量,如果两国同属世界银行的收入群组分类则赋值为1,否则为0;Lanproximityij是国家间语言邻近性的虚拟变量,如果两国使用相同的官方语言则赋值为1,否则为0,该变量来源于法国CEPII-Language数据库。社会邻近性本是测度合作主体之间的社会关系,其值的大小反映了社会关系的亲疏。本文基于国家之间的相对合作强度,构建杰卡德指数(Jaccard index)方法来计算[7, 55],其含义是两个集合A和B的交集元素在A与B的并集中所占的比例(表2),其计算公式如下:
Tab. 2
Tab. 2Variable descriptions and data sources
变量名 | 变量描述 | 数据来源 |
Iij | 国家i和国家j之间合作发表的论文数量,单位篇。 | WOS |
Massi | 国家i发表的论文数量,单位千篇。 | WOS |
Massj | 国家j发表的论文数量,单位千篇。 | WOS |
Geodistanceij | 国家i和国家j之间的地理邻近性,采用各个国家首都之间的距离表示,单位1000 km。 | 法国CEPII数据库 |
Socproximityij | 国家i和国家j之间的社会邻近性,通过计算国家ij之间的杰卡德相似系数而获得。 | - |
Ecoproximityij | 国家i和国家j之间的经济邻近性,国家ij同为世界银行划分的收入群组,计为1,否则为0。 | 世界银行国家收入群组分类 |
Lanproximityij | 国家i和国家j之间的语言邻近性,国家ij使用共同的官方语言,计为1,否则为0。 | 法国CEPII数据库 |
3 拓扑结构异质性
3.1 集聚性
将国家间论文合作网络(.net)和国家分区(不同颜色)数据导入VOSviewer生成国际科研论文合作网络图(图1),图中节点大小与国家论文数量成比例,节点连线大小与国家之间的论文合作规模成正比。从节点分布来看,欧洲国家是全球科研论文合作网络的主体;亚洲区域次之,主要包括中国、日本、韩国、印度、台湾、新加波等国家或地区;而美国处在全球科研论文合作网络的中心,与图中97%的节点产生科研论文合作联系,是全球科研合作的中枢。相比而言,南美洲、非洲和大洋洲则地处网络边缘,聚集成群,形成独立的社团,其区域核心分别是巴西、南非和澳大利亚(图1)。这些发现与《Nature Index 2015 Collaborations》的报告结论基本一致[56]。
-->Fig. 1The topological structure of global scientific collaboration network
Tab. 3
Tab. 3Statistical characteristics of global scientific collaboration network
指标 | 规模 | 小世界性 | 度中心性 | 介数中心性 | 强度中心性 | ||||||||||||
节点数 | 边 数 | 密 度 | 直 径 | 平均 路长 | 平均集 聚系数 | 平均度 | 基尼 系数 | 变异 系数 | 基尼 系数 | 变异 系数 | 基尼 系数 | 变异 系数 | |||||
本文(2014) | 211 | 9928 | 0.45 | 3 | 1.56 | 0.73 | 94.10 | 0.32 | 0.55 | 0.71 | 1.85 | 0.83 | 2.63 | ||||
SCI(2005)[55] | 194 | 9400 | 0.25 | 3 | 1.80 | 0.79 | 48.60 | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||||
Mendeley(2012)[56] | 178 | 6774 | 0.43 | 3 | 1.58 | - | 76.02 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
3.2 小世界性
与同等规模随机网络相比,全球科研论文合作网络具有较大的集聚系数,较小的平均路径长度,发育典型的小世界性。该网络的平均集聚系数为0.73,大于同等规模的随机网络(CER ≈ 0.44),表现出较强的集聚性,国家间科研论文合作以短距离的联系为主,具有明显的“轴—辐式”网络组织特征。它的平均路径长度为1.56,略低于同等规模的随机网络(LER ≈ 1.78),意味着国家间的论文合作联系紧密,具有较好的网络通达性。除此之外,累积度分布函数遵循良好的指数分布律(y = 1.9406e-0.018x,R2 = 0.7853),具有较高的置信水平。Leydesdorff[57]基于SCI数据库的国际科研论文合作网络和Haunschild等[58]基于文献管理软件Mendeley的读者使用网络,均发现全球尺度的合作网络具有显著的小世界性(表3)。3.3 等级层次性
中心势是衡量整个网络中心化程度的重要指标,全球科研论文合作网络的度中心势为0.53,接近度中心势为0.64,表明整个网络具有比较明显的向某个节点或某些节点集中的趋势,存在“中心—外围”结构。采用Pajek块模型分析中的层次聚类算法(hierarchical clustering),依据度中心性值,获取层级文件,并转换为分区文件,将全球科研论文合作网络划分为5个等级(表4)。第一层级:美国,处于科研合作网络的中心。美国是全球最大的科研论文产出国,拥有最多的科研合作伙伴,国际合作论文发表数量位居第一,四大中心性指标皆排在首位,成为全球科学研究的领导者,处于全球知识网络金字塔的顶端。西欧7国(英格兰、法国、意大利、德国、荷兰、瑞士、西班牙)、北美的加拿大以及亚太地区4国(中国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚),构成全球科研论文合作网络的第二梯队。他们的各项指标大致相当,网络性质相似,科研论文合作联系密切,形成高连通网络。第三层级由39个国家或地区组成,包括南非、土耳其、新西兰、墨西哥、巴西、俄罗斯、以色列、印度等。他们都是所在区域的科研论文产出大国,甚至是区域的科技创新中心(如巴西和南非),各项指标均高于网络平均值,相互之间有着稠密的科研合作联系。肯尼亚、越南、古巴、秘鲁、阿拉伯联合酋长国、印度尼西亚、菲律宾等46个节点构成第四层级。相比而言,他们之间科研论文合作程度不高,但平均度中心性、接近度中心性和密度皆高于网络的平均值。最后剩余的113个国家或地区组成第五层级,主要来自非洲、太平洋岛国、西印度洋地区、西亚、东南欧等地区。这些国家或经济发展水平低,或国土面积小、人口密度低,或深陷地缘政治的泥潭,科学研究事业发展缓慢,处在全球知识合作网络金字塔的底部。
Tab. 4
Tab. 4Statistical characteristics on the hierarchical structure of global scientific collaboration network
等级 | 节点数量 | 平均度中心性 | 平均接近度中心性 | 平均介数中心性 | 平均强度中心性 | 密度 |
第一层级 | 1 | 205 | 0.977 | 0.040 | 286062 | 1 |
第二层级 | 12 | 179.41 | 0.875 | 0.015 | 90281.66 | 1 |
第三层级 | 39 | 148.41 | 0.775 | 0.005 | 22226.28 | 1 |
第四层级 | 46 | 117.46 | 0.697 | 0.002 | 3289.13 | 0.76 |
第五层级 | 113 | 55.81 | 0.579 | 0.001 | 268.22 | 0.13 |
整个网络 | 211 | 94.10 | 0.660 | 0.003 | 11459.13 | 0.45 |

-->Fig. 2The hierarchical structure of global scientific collaboration network
4 空间结构异质性
4.1 网络联系:以四边形为骨架
-->Fig. 3Spatial distribution of global scientific collaboration network
4.2 度中心性:大分散小集聚
整体上,无论是Moran's I指数(0.1581),还是Gini系数和变异系数CV(表3),度中心性的国际分异程度均明显较介数和强度中心性小,表明全球科研论文合作网络呈弱集聚性和分散化的空间态势(图4)。大部分国家或地区科研论文合作程度较小且差距不大,小部分具较高论文合作程度的国家高度集中于北美、西欧和亚太三大组团。度中心性排名前20的国家中,有90%国家或地区位于以上三大区域,呈现出显著的区域集聚性特征。究其原因,北美和西欧是前三次科技革命的发源地和众多国际科研合作组织的所在地,成为全球科研产出的高地和科研合作流的“集线器”;而近年亚太相关国家经济的腾飞,创新驱动战略的实施,留学人才的回流,也为其国际科研论文产出和合作提供源动力。
-->Fig. 4Global spatial distribution spatial distribution of nodal degree centrality
4.3 介数中心性:三足鼎立
从洲域尺度来看,高介数中心性的国家或地区仍然集中于北美、西欧和亚太三大增长极,呈现出“三足鼎立”的非均衡格局(图5)。具体而言,除南非以外,所有的非洲国家介数中心性值均低于0.005,是全球介数分布的低值区。整个亚欧大陆,东边是亚太极值区,西边是欧洲极值区,东西之间形成“塌陷地带”,整体表现出“四周高、中间低”的盆地形态。而美洲则形成“北高南低”的空间差异,美国与加拿大构成北美极值区,中美洲和南美洲大部分国家介数值较小,科研合作的桥梁作用有待加强。其原因在于:① 这三大增长极,主要包括美国、加拿大、中国、澳大利亚、英国、法国、德国、意大利、西班牙等,拥有垄断性的科研资源,成为全球科学研究的领导者。从高校数量和质量来看,以绝对的优势远超其他区域,拥有347所世界500强高校,有75所高校进入世界大学100强①(①新华出国. 解析2015年USNews世界大学前500名榜单. 新华网, 2015-02-24.)。② 英国、法国、意大利、德国与西班牙等曾为世界上最主要的殖民主义国家,殖民地广泛分布在世界各地,至今仍有许多海外领地。研究发现殖民地国家与宗主国保持密切的科研合作关系[60]。这些国家仍是很多非洲国家、太平洋岛国首要的科研合作对象。③ 共同文化有利于维持紧密的合作关系[61-62]。英语是目前使用最为广泛的语言,欧美文化是当今全球的主流,其在学术交流上具有天然的文化亲近性和语言便利性。以2014年所收录的文献为例,英语论文高达1960161篇,占总体的96.21%,占据绝对的主导地位,其中大多数论文由欧洲、美国、加拿大和澳大利亚等国家的****完成。
-->Fig. 5Global spatial distribution spatial distribution of nodal betweenness centrality
4.4 强度中心性:一超多强
-->Fig. 6Global spatial distribution spatial distribution of strength centrality
5 邻近性机理
采用重力模型和负二项式回归分析方法,检验了国家间地理邻近性、社会邻近性、经济邻近性、语言邻近性及发表论文量与科研论文合作量的估计结果(表5)。从模型拟合程度来看,Alpha参数均不等于0,各因变量均具1%的显著性水平,模型拟合度较高,具较好解释力。Tab. 5
Tab. 5Estimation results of the negative binomial spatial interaction models
模型1 | 模型2 | 模型3 | 模型4 | |
国家1发文量 | 0.0304*** | 0.0168*** | 0.0168*** | 0.0172*** |
(0.0010) | (0.0005) | (0.0005) | (0.0005) | |
国家2发文量 | 0.0129*** | 0.0072*** | 0.0072*** | 0.0071*** |
(0.0010) | (0.0003) | (0.0003) | (0.0003) | |
地理邻近性 | -0.0934*** | -0.0195*** | -0.0198*** | -0.0231*** |
(0.0050) | (0.0031) | (0.0030) | (0.0030) | |
社会邻近性 | - | 0.4950*** | 0.4843*** | 0.4777*** |
- | (0.0114) | (0.0118) | (0.0117) | |
经济邻近性 | - | - | 0.1934*** | 0.1637*** |
- | - | (0.0304) | (0.0301) | |
语言邻近性 | - | - | - | -0.6055*** |
- | - | - | (0.0437) | |
常数 | 3.5188*** | 1.7361*** | 1.6978*** | 1.8197*** |
(0.0483) | (0.0373) | (0.0371) | (0.0383) | |
样本量 | 9315 | 9315 | 9315 | 9315 |
Alpha | 2.4574 | 1.4363 | 1.4307 | 1.3952 |
Wald chi2 | 1549.80 | 3630.23 | 3928.45 | 4241.28 |
Prob>chi2 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
Log pseudolikelihood | -41131.909 | -37827.278 | -37804.322 | -37667.596 |
模型1揭示出,国家论文发表量和地理距离是影响科研论文合作的重要因素。一方面,国际论文合作规模与各自的科研论文产出成正比,即发表的科研论文越多,两国之间存在合作的可能性及合作量越大,表明全球科研论文合作网络存在显著的强强联合、合作共赢的网络演化态势。与此同时,该发现与已有研究结论相似,如Hoekma等[12]对欧洲的知识合作研究和Cassi等[34]对全球葡萄酒产业的科研合作研究均发现国家的科研能力积极地促进科研合作。另一方面,科研论文合作量与两国的地理距离成反比,即科研工作者之间的地理距离与合著的论文数量呈显著的负相关,这也与许多研究发现相一致[7, 9, 12]。原因在于,研究者更愿意寻找邻近的科研合作伙伴,通过面对面的互动促进隐性知识的传播和非正式的交流,从而提高科研产出的效率。与其他集中于国家尺度(中国、美国)、区域尺度(欧盟)的研究相比[12, 63-64],全球尺度的地理距离对科研论文合作的阻碍作用较小。可能缘由是,许多前沿或重大的研究领域,如应对全球性挑战(气候变化),已非某个人、机构或国家能够独立完成,需要跨区域或全球性的科研联合攻关;同时交通变革、通信技术发展也进一步减少了“距离的严苛管制(the tyranny of distance)”[65]或“磨擦(friction of distance)”作用。
从模型3可以得出,人均国民收入也是影响科研论文合作的重要因素。国家间的经济发展水平越接近,相应的科学技术需求越一致,其科研人员开展科研论文合作的可能性和规模就越大,即经济邻近性会促进科研论文合作[9, 35]。如Scherngell等对中国各省域之间的论文合作机制研究发现,省际经济水平差距越大,科研合作量越少[7]。必须指出的是,全球科研论文合作与经济邻近性的相关程度较低。主要原因是,低收入国家,虽经济相似性高,但无法提供较大的研发投入来维持科研论文合作关系;而部分高收入国家“国小人少”,缺乏足够的研究型教育科研机构,造成对外科研合作水平不高。
6 结论与讨论
6.1 结论
6.2 讨论
① 全球科研合作网络是一个复合的、动态的网络,有必要在论文合著基础上增加专利、R&D、科研项目合作等数据,开展较长时间尺度的知识合作网络演化研究,厘清其时空结构的形成过程、演化趋势和影响机制。② 除了邻近性之外,国际经济形势、殖民关系或双边关系,以及国内科教水平、人力资源和科研投入等社会经济因素的影响有待开展计量分析。此外,网络位置、关系强度、网络密度、网络派系、节点中心性、结构洞等网络动力学机制也值得深究。③ 本文所构建的国家科研论文合作矩阵,采用的是全计数方式(full count),其前提假设是合作双方同等重要。忽略了论文合著者的贡献差异性,未来需要采用加权分式计数(weighted fractional count)方式进行优化。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
参考文献 原文顺序
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[2] | . Jonathan Adams analyses papers from the past three decades and finds that the best science comes from international collaboration. |
[3] | . Abstract The small but focused snapshot of research afforded by the Nature Index helps fine-tune analysis of global scientific collaboration, say Jonathan Adams and Tamar Loach. |
[4] | . New collaboration patterns are changing the global balance of science. Established superpowers need to keep up or be left behind, says Jonathan Adams. |
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[6] | . ABSTRACT A widely held view in cluster research is that clusters are characterized by the presence of networks of local collective learning. However, with a growing number of studies indicating this is not necessarily the case, the question arises under which conditions clusters exhibit dense networks of local collective learning. Taking a longitudinal view at the high-tech cluster of Sophia-Antipolis this paper investigates whether and how networks of collective learning among inventors emerged throughout the growth of the cluster from the late 1970s onwards. On the basis of EPO and USPTO patent data we reconstructed co-inventorship networks for the cluster two main industries. Detecting a network of local collective learning only in Information Technology, in which growth has been increasingly based on spin-offs and start-ups, and not in Life Sciences, we suggest that the extent and nature of the local concentration of firms over time strongly affect the evolution of local collective learning networks. |
[7] | . Scherngell T. and Hu Y. Collaborative knowledge production in China: regional evidence from a gravity model approach, Regional Studies. This study investigates collaborative knowledge production in China from a regional perspective. The objective is to illustrate spatial patterns of research collaborations between thirty-one Chinese regions, and to estimate the impact of geographical, technological, and economic factors on the variation of cross-region collaboration activities within a negative binomial gravity model framework. Data are used on Chinese scientific publications from 2007 with multiple author addresses coming from the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database. The results provide evidence that geographical space impedes cross-region research collaborations in China. Technological proximity matters more than geography, while economic effects only play a minor role. [image omitted] Scherngell T. et Hu Y. La production en collaboration de la connaissance en Chine; des preuves regionales provenant d'un modele de gravite, Regional Studies. Cette etude examine la production en collaboration de la connaissance en Chine d'un point de vue regional. On cherche a illustrer les tendances geographiques de la recherche en collaboration pour trente et une regions chinoises et a estimer l'impact des facteurs a la fois geographiques, technologiques et economiques sur la variation des activites de collaboration interregionales au sein d'un modele de gravite du type binomial negatif. On emploie des donnees sur les publications scientifiques chinoises de 2007 dont les adresses a auteur multiples proviennent de la base de donnees China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). Les resultats laissent voir que l'espace geographique fait obstacle a la recherche interregionale en collaboration en Chine. La proximite de la technologie l'emporte sur la geographie, tandis que les retombees economiques ne jouent qu'un role secondaire. Publication en collaboration Production de la connaissance en collaboration Modele de gravite regional binomial negatif Regions chinoises Scherngell T. und Hu Y. Kollaborative Wissensproduktion in China: eine empirische Analyse mit raumlichen Interaktionsmodellen, Regional Studies. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht kollaborative Wissensproduktion in China aus einer regionalen Perspektive. Zielsetzung ist es, raumliche Muster kollaborativer Wissensproduktion zwischen 31 chinesischen Regionen zu beschreiben und den Einfluss von geographischen, technologischen und okonomischen Determinanten auf die Variation interregionaler Kollaborationsaktiviaten zu messen. Die Studie verwendet neue Daten aus der China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) Datenbank uber chinesische Ko-Publikationen mit mindestens zwei Autoren aus dem Jahr 2007. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Kollaborationswahrscheinlichkeit signifikant mit zunehmender geographischer Distanz abnimmt. Der Einfluss von technologischer Nahe ist jedoch wichtiger als geographische Distanzeffekte, wahrend okonomische Unterschiede eine geringere Rolle spielen. Ko-Publikationen Kollaborative Wissensproduktion Negatives binomiales Schwerkraftmodell Chinesische Regionen Scherngell T. y Hu Y. La produccion de conocimiento colaborador en China: ejemplo regional de un modelo de gravedad, Regional Studies. En este estudio investigamos la produccion de conocimiento colaborador en China desde una perspectiva regional. Nuestro objetivo es ilustrar los patrones espaciales de las colaboraciones de investigacion entre treinta y una regiones de China y calcular el impacto de determinantes geograficos, tecnologicos y economicos sobre la variacion de las actividades de colaboracion interregional segun una estructura de modelo de gravedad binomial negativa. Los datos utilizados proceden de publicaciones cientificas chinas de varios autores de 2007 que proceden de la base de datos de la Infraestructura de Conocimiento Nacional de China (CNKI). Los resultados demuestran que el espacio geografico obstaculiza las colaboraciones de investigacion interregionales en China. La proximidad tecnologica importa mas que la geografia mientras que los efectos economicos desempenan solamente un papel menor. Copublicaciones Produccion de conocimiento colaborador Modelo binomial negativo de gravedad regional Regiones chinas |
[8] | . Balland P.-A. Proximity and the evolution of collaboration networks: evidence from research and development projects within the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) industry, . This paper analyses the influence of proximity on the evolution of collaboration networks. It determines empirically how organizations choose their partners according to their geographical, cognitive, organizational, institutional and social proximity. Relational databases are constructed from research and development collaborative projects, funded under the European Union 6th Framework Programme within the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) industry from 2004 to 2007. The stochastic actor-based model SIENA is used to model the network dynamic as a realization of a continuous-time Markov chain and to estimate parameters for underlying mechanisms of its evolution. Empirical results show that geographical, organizational and institutional proximity favour collaborations, while cognitive and social proximity do not play a significant role.Balland P.-A. 20042007 SIENA Markov 69696969 GNSSBalland P.-A. La proximité et l'évolution des réseaux de collaboration: des preuves provenant des projets de R et D au sein de l'industrie du système global de navigation par satellite (GNSS), . Ce papier analyse l'influence de la proximité sur l'évolution des réseaux de collaboration. Il détermine empiriquement la fa04on dont les organisations choisissent leurs partenaires en fonction de leur proximité géographique, cognitive, organisationnelle, institutionnelle et sociale. Les bases de données relationnelles sont construites à partir des projets collaboratifs de R&D financés par le 6Programme Cadre de Recherche et de Développement de l'Union Européenne, dans la navigation par satellite (GNSS) de 2004 à 2007. Le modèle stochastique orienté par l'acteur SIENA est utilisé pour modéliser la dynamique du réseau par une cha06ne de Markov en temps continu et pour estimer les paramètres liés aux mécanismes de son évolution. Les résultats empiriques montrent que les dimensions de proximité géographique, organisationnelle et institutionnelle favorisent les collaborations, tandis que les formes de proximité cognitive et sociale ne jouent pas un r00le significatif.Réseaux de collaboration69Proximité6907conomie géographique69Modèles de réseaux dynamiques69Système global de navigation par satellite (GNSS)Balland P.-A. N01he und Entstehen von kooperativen Netzwerken: Belege aus Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten innerhalb der Branche des globalen Navigationssatellitensystems (GNSS), . In diesem Beitrag wird der Einfluss der N01he auf das Entstehen von kooperativen Netzwerken untersucht. Auf empirische Weise wird ermittelt, wie sich Firmen ihre Partner je nach ihrer geografischen, kognitiven, organisationellen, institutionellen und sozialen N01he aussuchen. Auf der Grundlage von kooperativen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten innerhalb der Branche des globalen Navigationssatellitensystems (GNSS) im Zeitraum von 2004 bis 2007, die unter dem 6. Rahmenprogramm der Europ01ischen Union finanziert wurden, werden relationale Datenbanken aufgebaut. Zur Modellierung der Netzwerkdynamik als Realisierung einer zeitlich kontinuierlichen Markow-Kette und zur Sch01tzung der Parameter für die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen ihrer Entstehung kommt das stochastische, akteurbasierte SIENA-Modell zum Einsatz. Aus den empirischen Ergebnissen geht hervor, dass eine geografische, organisationelle und institutionelle N01he die Zusammenarbeit f02rdert, w01hrend die kognitive und soziale N01he keine signifikante Rolle spielt.Kooperative Netzwerke69N01he69Wirtschaftsgeografie69Dynamische Netzwerkmodelle69Globales Navigationssatellitensystem (GNSS)Balland P.-A. Proximidad y la evolución de las redes de colaboración: evidencias de proyectos de investigación y desarrollo en la industria del sistema global de navegación por satélite (GNSS), . En este artículo se analiza la influencia de la proximidad en la evolución de las redes de colaboración. Se determina empíricamente cómo las organizaciones eligen sus socios en función de su proximidad geográfica, cognitiva, organizativa, institucional y social. |
[9] | . No abstract is available for this item. |
[10] | . This paper investigates how physical, organisational, institutional, cognitive, social, and ethnic proximities between inventors shape their collaboration decisions. Using a new panel of UK inventors and a novel identification strategy, this paper systematically explores the net effects of all these ‘proximities’ on co-patenting. The regression analysis allows us to identify the full effects of each proximity, both on choice of collaborator and on the underlying decision to collaborate. The results show that physical proximity is an important influence on collaboration, but is mediated by organisational and ethnic factors. Over time, physical proximity increases in salience. For multiple inventors, geographic proximity is, however, much less important than organisational, social, and ethnic links. For inventors as a whole, proximities are fundamentally complementary, while for multiple inventors they are substitutes. |
[11] | . The importance of geographical proximity for interaction and knowledge sharing has been discussed extensively in recent years. There is increasing consensus that geographical proximity is just one out of many types of proximities that might be relevant. We argue that proximity may be a crucial driver for agents to connect and exchange knowledge, but too much proximity between agents on any of the dimensions might harm their innovative performance at the same time. In a study on knowledge networks in the Dutch aviation industry, we test this so-called proximity paradox empirically. We found evidence that the proximity paradox holds to a considerable degree. Our study clearly showed that cognitive, social, organizational and geographical proximity were crucial for explaining the knowledge network of the Dutch aviation industry. However, we found strong evidence that too much cognitive proximity lowered firms innovative performance, and organizational proximity did not have an effect. |
[12] | . We analyse inter-regional research collaboration as measured by scientific publications and patents with multiple addresses, covering 1316 NUTS3 regions in 29 European countries. The estimates of gravity equations show the effects of geographical and institutional distance on research collaboration. We also find evidence for the existence of elite structures between excellence regions and between capital regions. The results suggest that current EU science policy to stimulate research collaboration is legitimate, but doubt the compatibility between EU science policy and EU cohesion policy. |
[13] | Research collaborations between universities and industry (U-I) are considered to be one important channel of potential localised knowledge spillovers. These collaborations favour both intended and unintended flows of knowledge and facilitate learning processes between partners from different organisations. Despite the copious literature on localised knowledge spillovers, still little is known about the factors driving the formation of U-I research collaborations and, in particular, about the role that geographical proximity plays in the establishment of such relationships. Using collaborative research grants between universities and business firms awarded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), in this paper we disentangle some of the conditions under which different kinds of proximity contribute to the formation of U-I research collaborations, focussing in particular on technological complementarity among the firms participating in such partnerships. |
[14] | . In this paper, we study the formation of network ties between firms along the life cycle of a creative industry. We focus on three drivers of network formation: i) network endogeneity which stresses a path-dependent change originating from previous network structures, ii) five forms of proximity (e.g. geographical proximity) which ascribe tie formation to the similarity of actors' attributes; and (iii) individual characteristics which refer to the heterogeneity in actors capabilities to exploit external knowledge. The paper employs a stochastic actor-oriented model to estimate the - changing - effects of these drivers on inter-firm network formation in the global video game industry from 1987 to 2007. Our findings indicate that the effects of the drivers of network formation change with the degree of maturity of the industry. To an increasing extent, video game firms tend to partner over shorter distances and with more cognitively similar firms as the industry evolves. |
[15] | . Global innovation networks are emerging as a result of the international division of innovation processes through, among others, international technological collaborations. At the aggregate level, the creation of technological collaboration between countries can be considered as mutually beneficial (or detrimental) and their random distribution is unlikely. Consequently, the dynamics and evolution of the technological collaborations can be expected to fulfil the criteria of a complex network. To study the structure and evolution of the global technological collaboration network, we use patent-based data of international co-inventions and apply the network analysis. In addition, extending the gravity model of international technological collaboration by measures controlling for countries position in the network, we show that that a country's position in the network has very strong impact on the intensity of collaboration with other members of the network. |
[16] | . ABSTRACT Scientific and technological knowledge are increasingly becoming predominant in developing regional competitiveness and shaping the role of innovation in development. This paper focuses on the topological and spatial features of urban innovation networks in China. Using published papers and applied patents in biotechnology field from 2000 to 2012, we analyze the evolution of scientific knowledge networks (SKNs) and technological knowledge networks (TKNs). Four major findings are derived: (1) SKNs are much more complicated than TKNs in terms of size, ties, average degree and other indicators; (2) the two networks meet the scale-free networks, and the correlation analysis confirms the preferential attachment and dis-assortative traits in SKNs and TKNs; (3) spatial and temporal evolution of central nodes and networks structure show the hierarchical diffusion and contagious diffusion in both the networks; (4) multi-dimensional proximity (social, organizational, cognitive, geographical) well explains the knowledge spillover and innovation in SKNs, but it fails to explain them in TKNs. Moreover, social and organizational proximity weigh higher than the other two. The central nodes analysis helps cities better understand their position in networks. We find that comparative analysis of SKNs and TKNs contribute to recognizing the gaps of each city in innovation, which could assist in determining urban innovation policy. |
[17] | . <p>知识溢出的多空间尺度耦合、空间知识溢出的测度以及空间知识溢出的机制是近期国内外有关知识溢出地理效应研究的主要新动向。借助科学计量学追踪知识溢出的方法,以2000~2009 年被国际ISI 及国内重庆维普数据库收录的,中国大学和科研院所等机构在生物技术领域合作发表科学论文的信息为数据源,从社会网络的视角,运用社会网络分析和GIS 空间分析方法,分别以国家、省份和城市为单元,从国际、国家和长三角层面(区域),分析2000 年以来,中国大学和科研院所知识溢出网络的拓扑结构和空间结构变动特征,并从地理距离、社会距离、认知距离、组织距离等方面探讨影响知识溢出效应的机理。研究发现:① 2003~2004 年为知识溢出网络发展的拐点期;② 国际和国家层面网络接近小世界网络,长三角层面的网络体现出更多的随机网络特征;③ 知识在国际层面的空间溢出具有明显的路径依赖性,主要受到社会距离和组织距离的影响;④ 在国家层面呈现由三角形向钻石形发展的趋势,随着网络发育的日益成熟,地理距离的影响逐步减弱,社会距离和组织距离的影响得以加强;⑤ 在长三角层面总体上呈现三点一线特征,地理距离在区域尺度的影响最为显著,知识溢出既遵循了等级扩散的规律,也体现了距离衰减的特点。</p> . <p>知识溢出的多空间尺度耦合、空间知识溢出的测度以及空间知识溢出的机制是近期国内外有关知识溢出地理效应研究的主要新动向。借助科学计量学追踪知识溢出的方法,以2000~2009 年被国际ISI 及国内重庆维普数据库收录的,中国大学和科研院所等机构在生物技术领域合作发表科学论文的信息为数据源,从社会网络的视角,运用社会网络分析和GIS 空间分析方法,分别以国家、省份和城市为单元,从国际、国家和长三角层面(区域),分析2000 年以来,中国大学和科研院所知识溢出网络的拓扑结构和空间结构变动特征,并从地理距离、社会距离、认知距离、组织距离等方面探讨影响知识溢出效应的机理。研究发现:① 2003~2004 年为知识溢出网络发展的拐点期;② 国际和国家层面网络接近小世界网络,长三角层面的网络体现出更多的随机网络特征;③ 知识在国际层面的空间溢出具有明显的路径依赖性,主要受到社会距离和组织距离的影响;④ 在国家层面呈现由三角形向钻石形发展的趋势,随着网络发育的日益成熟,地理距离的影响逐步减弱,社会距离和组织距离的影响得以加强;⑤ 在长三角层面总体上呈现三点一线特征,地理距离在区域尺度的影响最为显著,知识溢出既遵循了等级扩散的规律,也体现了距离衰减的特点。</p> |
[18] | . The network of international co-authorship relations has been dominated by certain European nations and the USA, but this network is rapidly expanding at the global level. Between 40 and 50 countries appear in the center of the international network in 2011, and almost all (201) nations are nowadays involved in international collaboration. In this brief communication, we present both a global map with the functionality of a Google Map (zooming, etc.) and network maps based on normalized relations. These maps reveal complementary aspects of the network. International collaboration in the generation of knowledge claims (that is, the context of discovery) changes the structural layering of the sciences. Previously, validation was at the global level and discovery more dependent on local contexts. This changing relationship between the geographical and intellectual dimensions of the sciences also has implications for national science policies. |
[19] | . ABSTRACT Theories of localized knowledge exchange argue that proximity among economic agents in spatial clusters fosters invention and innovation. An alternative perspective stresses interregional collaborative networks in which individuals and groups are embedded in wide-ranging webs of relationships. This article uses social network analysis to explore the changing structures of collaborative systems of intermetropolitan co-patenting in American biotechnology from 1979 to 2009. Results show that intermetropolitan network complexity has broadened and deepened. While inventors in major centers are the foremost collaborators, a dense web of knowledge exchange has emerged that is not singularly controlled by a handful of intermediaries. National linkages have developed, but intense local and regional ties persist. Inventive centrality, magnitude, and patent intensity significantly correlate. Inventors in small areas are obliged to substitute intermetropolitan networks for thin agglomerative economies. An estimate is proposed of the size of biotechnology centers needed to generate agglomerative economies. The system approximates a core-periphery structure with core metropolitan areas strongly tied to one another and to peripheral areas. City systems theory and associated American empirical analyses help interpret results. |
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[22] | . This introductory article reviews the main themes relating to the development of new knowledge-based economies. After placing their emergence in historical perspective and proposing a theoretical framework which distinguishes knowledge from information, the authors characterize the specific nature of such economies. They go on to deal with some of the major issues concerning the new skills and abilities required for integration into the knowledge-based economy; the new geography that is taking shape (where physical distance ceases to be such an influential constraint); the conditions governing access to both information and knowledge, not least for developing countries; the uneven development of scientific, technological (including organizational) knowledge across different sectors of activity; problems concerning intellectual property rights and the privatization of knowledge; and the issues of trust, memory and the fragmentation of knowledge. |
[23] | . This paper analyses the argument put that the world is becoming flatter from the perspective of economic geography and spatial economics. In order to do this, we consider the variety of empirical evidence available, much of which appears to be prima facie rather paradoxical. However, it is possible to reconcile all of the seemingly conflicting the evidence by adopting the argument that the global economy simultaneously exhibits trends towards both increasing globalization and localization. Cities are increasingly seen to be the critical context for growth. Using diagrams, we demonstrate that analytically the global economy is becoming even more curved. Copyright 2007, Oxford University Press. |
[24] | . ABSTRACT This study explores the worldwide spatial evolution of scientific knowledge production in biotechnology in the period 1986鈥2008. We employ new methodology that identifies new key topics in biotech on the basis of frequent use of title worlds in major biotech journals as an indication of new cognitive developments within this scientific field. Our analyses show that biotech is subject to a path- and place-dependent process of knowledge production. We observed a high degree of re-occurrences of similar key topics in biotech in consecutive years. Furthermore, slow growth cities in biotech are characterized by topics that are less technologically related to other topics, while high growth cities in biotech contribute to topics that are more related to the entire set of existing topics. Slow growth and stable growth cities in biotech introduced more new topics, while fast growth cities in biotech introduced more promising topics. Slow growth cities also showed low levels of research collaboration, as compared with stable and high growth cities. |
[25] | . ABSTRACT Within economic geography and industrial economics, interest in the concept of tacit knowledge has grown steadily in recent years. Nelson and Winter helped revive this interest in the work of Michael Polanyi by using the idea of tacit knowledge to inform their analysis of routines and evolutionary dynamics of technological change. More recently, the concept has received closer scrutiny. This paper offers a further contribution to this project by offering a critical analysis of the prevailing implicit and explicit economic geographies of tacit knowledge, focusing on the relationship between tacit knowledge and institutions. While much of the innovation literature focuses on a single question -- can tacit knowledge be effectively shared over long distances -- the paper argues that this issue cannot be properly addressed without considering a broader range of related questions. It highlights three tacit knowledge problems which, together, provide a more complete view of this issue. First, how is tacit knowledge produced? Second, how do firms find and appropriate tacit knowledge? Third, how is tacit knowledge reproduced or shared -- that is, how does tacit knowledge promote social learning processes, and must the participants be geographically proximate in order for effective learning to occur? The paper revisits Michael Polanyi's original conception of tacit knowledge, showing it to be limited by its experiential and cognitive emphasis, with insufficient attention devoted to the role and origins of social context. Alternatively, the paper argues that one cannot sort out the geography of tacit knowledge without inquiring into the foundations of context and culture, and the institutional underpinnings of economic activity, taking the work of another Polanyi -- Karl -- as the logical starting point. Copyright 2003, Oxford University Press. |
[26] | . ABSTRACT The importance of the knowledge-base in regional and urban competition is generally recognised, although causal relations between urban and regional economic growth and knowledge level are far from clear. This paper presents the first analysis of the strength, interrelations and nodality of the global research centres. The data are records in the Science Catation Index 1997-99 of papers produced by authors from the 40 largest `greater' urban regions of the world as measured by research output. The network of research co-operation depends on nationality, distance and other factors. The top-level nodes in the co-operation network of the world are London, Geneve-Lausanne and the San Francisco Bay Area. In absolute number of co-authored papers, Los Angeles, Boston and New York constitute a second level and, when observed links are related to expected links, the second level combines Amsterdam-Hague-Rotterdam-Utrecht, Paris, Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg and Copenhagen-Lund. As expected, the networks of citation are, by contrast, very independent of distance, but not of nationality. The primary categories of research centres for the total number of citings presented are San Diego, Seattle, Boston, New York and the San Francisco Bay Area. When we turn to the international data-set, it is Mannheim-Heidelberg, Geneve-Lausanne, Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg and Cambridge which are in the lead. |
[27] | . ABSTRACT This paper is based on identification of the pattern of the upper level of the world city network of knowledge as published in a series of earlier papers. It is our aim to update the findings and relate to the general world city discussion. The structure of the world cities of knowledge network has changed over the past decade in favour of south-east Asian and south European cities and in disfavour of the traditional centres of North America and north-western Europe. The analysis is based on bibliometric data on the world's 100 largest cities measured in terms of research output. The level of coauthorship between researchers in different cities is an indicator of links and respect, and the number of citations of papers produced by researchers located in each city is an indicator of respect. Finally, one research discipline is selected for an experiment in forecasting future hot spots of research. |
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[29] | . No abstract is available for this item. |
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[33] | . This study analyses the changing effect of physical distance and territorial borders (regional, national, language) on the intensity of research collaboration across European regions. Using data on all co-publications between 313 regions in 33 European countries for the period 2000鈥2007, we find that the bias to collaborate with physically proximate partners did not decrease, while the bias towards collaboration within territorial borders did decrease over time. Our results show that the ongoing process of European integration is removing territorial borders, but does not render collaboration less sensitive to physical distance. Given this general trend, there is considerable heterogeneity between regions and countries in their propensity to collaborate which we attribute to differences in size, quality and accessibility. The findings and conclusions are framed within the context of European research policies. |
[34] | . International collaboration among researchers is a far from linear and straightforward process. Scientometric studies provide a good way of understanding why and how international research collaboration occurs and what are its costs and benefits. Our study investigates patterns of international scientific collaboration in a specific field: wine related research. We test a gravity model that accounts for geographical, cultural, commercial, technological, structural and institutional differences among a group of old world (OW) and new world (NW) producers and consumers. Our findings confirm the problems imposed by geographical and technological distance on international research collaboration. Furthermore, they show that similarity in trade patterns has a positive impact on international scientific collaboration. We also find that international research collaboration is more likely among peers; in other words, among wine producing countries that belong to the same group, for example, OW producers or newcomers to the wine industry, |
[35] | . In this paper we focus on proximity as one of the main determinants of international collaboration in pharmaceutical research. We use various count data specifications of the gravity model to estimate the intensity of collaboration between pairs of countries as explained by the geographical, cognitive, institutional, social, and cultural dimensions of proximity. Our results suggest that geographical distance has a significant negative relation to the collaboration intensity between countries. The amount of previous collaborations, as a proxy for social proximity, is positively related to the number of cross-country collaborations. We do not find robust significant associations between cognitive proximity or institutional proximity with the intensity of international research collaboration. Moreover, there is no robust and significant relation between the interaction terms of geographical distance with social, cognitive, or institutional proximity, and international research collaboration. Our findings for cultural proximity do not allow of unambiguous conclusions concerning their influence on the collaboration intensity between countries. Linguistic ties among countries are associated with a higher amount of cross-country research collaboration but we find no clear association for historical and colonial linkages. |
[36] | . Abstract Despite theoretical and empirical advances, the proximity framework has remained essentially static. We propose a dynamic extension of the proximity framework in which we account for co-evolutionary dynamics between knowledge networking and proximity. For each proximity dimension, we describe how proximities might increase over time as a result of past knowledge ties. We capture these dynamics through the processes of learning (cognitive proximity), integration (organizational proximity), decoupling (social proximity), institutionalization (institutional proximity), and agglomeration (geographical proximity). We end with discussing several avenues for future research on the dynamics of knowledge networking and proximity. |
[37] | . Innovation, learning and organisation are analysed from a perspective which seeks to integrate evolutionary economics, the resource/competence view of the firm, an extended theory of transaction costs and insights derived from cognitive science. Firms are subject to selection by competitive forces, but they also adapt by organisational learning. Uncertainty is crucial in this, and to deal with it we need a 'logic of abduction': a heuristic to move from present competence to novel competence, while surviving in the process. Such a heuristic is specified and some features are clarified by means of the notion of a script, taken from cognitive science. The heuristic is applied in an analysis of changes of industrial structure, the complementarity of large and small firms, the roles of multinational enterprises and industrial districts. |
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[40] | . Abstract.68 Collaboration and the exchange of knowledge are supposedly made easier by geographical proximity because of the tacit character of knowledge. Recently a number of scholars' criticised this view on geographical proximity as being oversimplified and argued that the precise role of geographical proximity for knowledge exchange and collaboration still remains unclear. This paper analyses the role of geographical proximity for collaborative scientific research in science-based technologies between universities, companies and governmental research institutes. We test the hypothesis that the collaboration between different kinds of organisations is more geographically localised than collaboration between organisations that are similar due to institutional proximity. Using data on co-publications, collaborations patterns are analysed and the hypothesis is confirmed. Abstract.68 La colaboración y el intercambio de conocimiento son supuestamente más fáciles si hay una proximidad geográfica debido al carácter tácito del conocimiento. Varios investigadores han criticado recientemente esta suposición sobre la proximidad geográfica como simplista argumentando que el papel preciso que juega la proximidad geográfica en el intercambio de conocimiento y la colaboración aun no está claro. Este artículo analiza el rol de la proximidad geográfica en la investigación científica colaborativa en tecnologías de base científica entre universidades e institutos de investigación privados o gubernamentales. Analizamos la hipótesis de que la colaboración entre tipos diferentes de organizaciones es más localizada geográficamente que la colaboración entre organizaciones que son similares debido a su proximidad institucional. Usando datos sobre co-publicaciones, se analizan patrones de colaboración y se confirma la hipótesis. |
[41] | . 受1990年代末期"社会转向、文化转向、制度转向"思潮影响,近年来,有关区域创新网络的研究得到了进一步扩展和延伸。经济地理学视角下区域创新网络的研究,主要从知识、网络、学习、创新等4个方面展开,集中于网络特征、空间属性和动态演化等问题的探讨。通过对国内外经济地理****文献的梳理,从创新网络的结构、邻近性、网络演化等3个方面对区域创新网络的研究进行了介绍。在此基础上简要评价并提出了未来深化研究的初步建议。 . 受1990年代末期"社会转向、文化转向、制度转向"思潮影响,近年来,有关区域创新网络的研究得到了进一步扩展和延伸。经济地理学视角下区域创新网络的研究,主要从知识、网络、学习、创新等4个方面展开,集中于网络特征、空间属性和动态演化等问题的探讨。通过对国内外经济地理****文献的梳理,从创新网络的结构、邻近性、网络演化等3个方面对区域创新网络的研究进行了介绍。在此基础上简要评价并提出了未来深化研究的初步建议。 |
[42] | . 创新地理学是研究人类创新活动与地理环境关系的地域系统,是一门独立的人文地理分支学科,具有交叉学科的性质。其研究的"人类创新活动"是人类活动的最为重要的方面,对智慧的人地关系系统建设具有重要的意义。创新地理学与其他人文地理学的分支学科具有密切的联系,也与政治学、管理学、经济学、政策学、城市规划等学科有关,创新地理学面临的主要任务是:1.创新地理学基本理论的研究;2.创新要素(人才、资本、技术等)在空间的地域分布与组合规律的研究;3.创新环境、创新生态及评价研究;4.创新地理测度、创新空间格局与效应的研究;5.创新联系、创新网络及创新集群的研究;6.多尺度的创新体系的研究;7.创新、城市发展与规划的研究。 . 创新地理学是研究人类创新活动与地理环境关系的地域系统,是一门独立的人文地理分支学科,具有交叉学科的性质。其研究的"人类创新活动"是人类活动的最为重要的方面,对智慧的人地关系系统建设具有重要的意义。创新地理学与其他人文地理学的分支学科具有密切的联系,也与政治学、管理学、经济学、政策学、城市规划等学科有关,创新地理学面临的主要任务是:1.创新地理学基本理论的研究;2.创新要素(人才、资本、技术等)在空间的地域分布与组合规律的研究;3.创新环境、创新生态及评价研究;4.创新地理测度、创新空间格局与效应的研究;5.创新联系、创新网络及创新集群的研究;6.多尺度的创新体系的研究;7.创新、城市发展与规划的研究。 |
[43] | . 全球化、创新驱动是新时代的重要特征之一,创新网络成为经济地理****关注的热点领域之一。在评述现有创新网络研究成果的基础上,本文界定了全球—地方创新网络的内涵和特征,论述了其类型、结构、作用机理和分析方法,并得出结论:全球创新网络与地方创新网络是不可分割的有机体,地方创新网络是全球创新网络的子系统,知识流是创新网络各主体之间联系的重要纽带,行业协会、技术联盟与成员之间的多次协商是全球—地方创新网络的重要组织方式,而网络知识测量方法则能较好地实现定性分析结论与统计计算结论的融合,能较好地刻画、模拟全球—地方创新网络的形态、结构、演变和机理。从服务国家建设和推动中国创新地理学发展的目标出发,有必要开展基于中国国情和视角的全球—地方创新网络机理与区域经济增长之间互动关系的研究,启动不同产业领域的全球—地方创新网络的比较分析,检验网络知识测量方法的可靠性和准确性。 . 全球化、创新驱动是新时代的重要特征之一,创新网络成为经济地理****关注的热点领域之一。在评述现有创新网络研究成果的基础上,本文界定了全球—地方创新网络的内涵和特征,论述了其类型、结构、作用机理和分析方法,并得出结论:全球创新网络与地方创新网络是不可分割的有机体,地方创新网络是全球创新网络的子系统,知识流是创新网络各主体之间联系的重要纽带,行业协会、技术联盟与成员之间的多次协商是全球—地方创新网络的重要组织方式,而网络知识测量方法则能较好地实现定性分析结论与统计计算结论的融合,能较好地刻画、模拟全球—地方创新网络的形态、结构、演变和机理。从服务国家建设和推动中国创新地理学发展的目标出发,有必要开展基于中国国情和视角的全球—地方创新网络机理与区域经济增长之间互动关系的研究,启动不同产业领域的全球—地方创新网络的比较分析,检验网络知识测量方法的可靠性和准确性。 |
[44] | . <p>知识在产业集聚、区域创新中的地位越来越突出,城市知识储量及其在区域知识网络中的地位对城市的综合竞争力有重要影响。学术论文合作与专利合作是知识溢出的体现形式,是科学和技术发展的重要成果,也是度量区域创新能力的主要指标。以2000-2009年中国生物技术领域合著论文和共同申请专利的信息为原始数据,分别构建中国城市间科学知识网络(scientific knowledge network,SKN)与技术知识网络(technological knowledge network,TKN)。运用复杂网络与地学空间分析方法,从整体网络结构特征、择优链接性、中心城市及其自我网络的空间特征等方面进行分析,探究知识溢出的时空复杂性。研究表明:①SKN和TKN具有无标度网络特征;SKN节点度数的异质性高于TKN。②两种网络均呈异配性,即城市选择合作对象存在明显择优链接性,知识溢出具有粘着性和空间依赖性。③SKN中心城市具有明显的等级结构,空间分布总体呈“大分散小集聚”特点;TKN中心城市层级结构不明显,尚未形成明显极化中心。④SKN中心城市自我网络的合作空间,由最初的沿海省会城市间的合作转向长三角、珠三角、京津冀等区域间和沿海城市与内陆城市间的合作,区域间知识溢出明显;TKN中心城市自我网络仍多分布于沿海城市和少数中西部省会城市,区域间知识溢出不明显。⑤SKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变存在等级扩散和传染扩散的现象,符合时空梯度推移规律,且空间等级梯度逐渐向扁平化转变;TKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变以等级扩散为主,时空梯度推移现象不明显。研究结论为量化知识溢出及知识溢出网络结构的时空演化过程提供新的研究视角,对城市创新政策的制定有一定借鉴意义。</p> . <p>知识在产业集聚、区域创新中的地位越来越突出,城市知识储量及其在区域知识网络中的地位对城市的综合竞争力有重要影响。学术论文合作与专利合作是知识溢出的体现形式,是科学和技术发展的重要成果,也是度量区域创新能力的主要指标。以2000-2009年中国生物技术领域合著论文和共同申请专利的信息为原始数据,分别构建中国城市间科学知识网络(scientific knowledge network,SKN)与技术知识网络(technological knowledge network,TKN)。运用复杂网络与地学空间分析方法,从整体网络结构特征、择优链接性、中心城市及其自我网络的空间特征等方面进行分析,探究知识溢出的时空复杂性。研究表明:①SKN和TKN具有无标度网络特征;SKN节点度数的异质性高于TKN。②两种网络均呈异配性,即城市选择合作对象存在明显择优链接性,知识溢出具有粘着性和空间依赖性。③SKN中心城市具有明显的等级结构,空间分布总体呈“大分散小集聚”特点;TKN中心城市层级结构不明显,尚未形成明显极化中心。④SKN中心城市自我网络的合作空间,由最初的沿海省会城市间的合作转向长三角、珠三角、京津冀等区域间和沿海城市与内陆城市间的合作,区域间知识溢出明显;TKN中心城市自我网络仍多分布于沿海城市和少数中西部省会城市,区域间知识溢出不明显。⑤SKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变存在等级扩散和传染扩散的现象,符合时空梯度推移规律,且空间等级梯度逐渐向扁平化转变;TKN中心城市及其自我网络的时空演变以等级扩散为主,时空梯度推移现象不明显。研究结论为量化知识溢出及知识溢出网络结构的时空演化过程提供新的研究视角,对城市创新政策的制定有一定借鉴意义。</p> |
[45] | . 产学研合作是区域创新的主要途径和重要来源.以中国装备制造产业为例,基于中国知识产权局1985-2012年间的合作发明专利数据,借助SPSS、UCINET、ArcGIS等定量分析工具,对中国装备制造产业合作网络的创新主体结构、空间结构及其演变、创新合作的空间尺度的影响因素进行了分析.研究发现,民营企业、高校在中国装备制造产业创新网络中的地位不断上升、数量不断增加,且已经成为重要的创新源泉;市域空间合作成为发达地区城市产学研创新合作最重要的空间单元,国家空间是欠发达地区城市产学研创新合作的主要空间载体;理工科高校等科技资源的空间集聚态势是导致创新网络层级特征的主要因子,科技资源富集的行政中心如直辖市、省会城市等发达城市成为最重要的资源集聚地、创新源泉和创新合作对象. . 产学研合作是区域创新的主要途径和重要来源.以中国装备制造产业为例,基于中国知识产权局1985-2012年间的合作发明专利数据,借助SPSS、UCINET、ArcGIS等定量分析工具,对中国装备制造产业合作网络的创新主体结构、空间结构及其演变、创新合作的空间尺度的影响因素进行了分析.研究发现,民营企业、高校在中国装备制造产业创新网络中的地位不断上升、数量不断增加,且已经成为重要的创新源泉;市域空间合作成为发达地区城市产学研创新合作最重要的空间单元,国家空间是欠发达地区城市产学研创新合作的主要空间载体;理工科高校等科技资源的空间集聚态势是导致创新网络层级特征的主要因子,科技资源富集的行政中心如直辖市、省会城市等发达城市成为最重要的资源集聚地、创新源泉和创新合作对象. |
[46] | . <p>基于问卷、访谈及统计数据资料,采用因子分析、数学建模等综合分析方法,以知识经济下城市创新职能及城市体系理论为理论基础,探讨中国城市的创新格局、网络、等级体系及城市的创新联系,研究表明,中国创新城市体系空间格局形成以上海、北京为顶级城市的五级塔型城市体系结构,东部沿海城市在中国创新城市中具有重要地位,省会城市及经济强劲的城市一般成为区域性的创新中心。中国创新城市体系受城市创新规模、城市科研规模与效率、城市创新潜力因素、城市创新环境等多方面因素的影响。以城市间合作论文数量来测度城市之间的创新联系,结果表明,北京在知识传播和知识合作创新中的处于中心位置,高层级的城市在知识传播与合作中明显比较高层级与中层级以及低层级城市多,省会城市及经济实力强劲的区域中心城市在知识传播中起重要的作用。</p> . <p>基于问卷、访谈及统计数据资料,采用因子分析、数学建模等综合分析方法,以知识经济下城市创新职能及城市体系理论为理论基础,探讨中国城市的创新格局、网络、等级体系及城市的创新联系,研究表明,中国创新城市体系空间格局形成以上海、北京为顶级城市的五级塔型城市体系结构,东部沿海城市在中国创新城市中具有重要地位,省会城市及经济强劲的城市一般成为区域性的创新中心。中国创新城市体系受城市创新规模、城市科研规模与效率、城市创新潜力因素、城市创新环境等多方面因素的影响。以城市间合作论文数量来测度城市之间的创新联系,结果表明,北京在知识传播和知识合作创新中的处于中心位置,高层级的城市在知识传播与合作中明显比较高层级与中层级以及低层级城市多,省会城市及经济实力强劲的区域中心城市在知识传播中起重要的作用。</p> |
[47] | . Based on patent cooperation data, this study used a range of city network analysis approaches in order to explore the structure of the Chinese city network which is driven by technological knowledge flows. The results revealed the spatial structure, composition structure, hierarchical structure, group structure, and control structure of Chinese city network, as well as its dynamic factors. The major findings are: 1) the spatial pattern presents a diamond structure, in which Wuhan is the central city; 2) although the invention patent knowledge network is the main part of the broader inter-city innovative cooperation network, it is weaker than the utility model patent; 3) as the senior level cities, Beijing, Shanghai and the cities in the Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta Region show a strong capability of both spreading and controlling technological knowledge; 4) whilst a national technology alliance has preliminarily formed, regional alliances have not been adequately established; 5) even though the cooperation level amongst weak connection cities is not high, such cities still play an important role in the network as a result of their location within 'structural holes' in the network; and 6) the major driving forces facilitating inter-city technological cooperation are geographical proximity, hierarchical proximity and technological proximity. |
[48] | . No abstract is available for this item. |
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[51] | . <p>对国内外城市创新联系综述及理论分析的基础上,通过一组测度指标,界定了城市外向创新联系规模,采用引力模型,测度了中国主要城市间的创新联系强度及格局。研究表明:中国主要城市创新联系格局基本为东强西弱,东部地区城市创新联系格局显现出以上海、南京、杭州为顶角,以北京、天津,以广州、深圳为2 个底角的创新联系“金三角”。城市创新联系在空间上呈现明显的等级性:北京、上海、广州、深圳、天津、重庆等与中国的许多城市有广泛的创新联系,具有全国创新影响力;南京、杭州、武汉、郑州、济南、青岛、大连、西安等成为地区性的城市创新联系节点,具有区域性的创新影响力。在创新联系较强的东部沿海主要的经济圈,珠江三角洲经济圈城市间创新联系最强,但外向辐射力有限;长江三角洲经济圈内部创新联系较强,并与环渤海经济圈有较强的创新联系, 环渤海经济圈内部北京、天津、唐山具有较强的创新联系,外向辐射以长江三角洲的城市为主。对中国创新联系格局规律的揭示,更进一步强化了中国创新城市体系中城市的作用,并为规划与建立中国创新都市圈提供依据。</p> . <p>对国内外城市创新联系综述及理论分析的基础上,通过一组测度指标,界定了城市外向创新联系规模,采用引力模型,测度了中国主要城市间的创新联系强度及格局。研究表明:中国主要城市创新联系格局基本为东强西弱,东部地区城市创新联系格局显现出以上海、南京、杭州为顶角,以北京、天津,以广州、深圳为2 个底角的创新联系“金三角”。城市创新联系在空间上呈现明显的等级性:北京、上海、广州、深圳、天津、重庆等与中国的许多城市有广泛的创新联系,具有全国创新影响力;南京、杭州、武汉、郑州、济南、青岛、大连、西安等成为地区性的城市创新联系节点,具有区域性的创新影响力。在创新联系较强的东部沿海主要的经济圈,珠江三角洲经济圈城市间创新联系最强,但外向辐射力有限;长江三角洲经济圈内部创新联系较强,并与环渤海经济圈有较强的创新联系, 环渤海经济圈内部北京、天津、唐山具有较强的创新联系,外向辐射以长江三角洲的城市为主。对中国创新联系格局规律的揭示,更进一步强化了中国创新城市体系中城市的作用,并为规划与建立中国创新都市圈提供依据。</p> |
[52] | . 本文利用国家重点产业专利信息服务平台,对我国装备制造业联合申请发明专利数据进行检索整理,采用社会网络QAP 多元回归方法和SIENA 纵向网络分析方法,就地理邻近性和社会邻近性对创新网络及其演化进行实证分析。 . 本文利用国家重点产业专利信息服务平台,对我国装备制造业联合申请发明专利数据进行检索整理,采用社会网络QAP 多元回归方法和SIENA 纵向网络分析方法,就地理邻近性和社会邻近性对创新网络及其演化进行实证分析。 |
[53] | . 以重庆维普期刊全文数据库中2000~2009年发表于生物技术领域的合著论文作者信息统计数据为数据源,从省级层面运用UCINET和ArcGIS软件分析知识网络的空间结构特征及其演化规律。近十年来生物技术知识网络经历了由萌芽阶段向扩张阶段和成熟阶段转变的过程,知识的扩散方式由接触扩散为主向等级扩散为主转变,知识交流的密集区在空间上相应地经历了由分散到集中到再分散过程,网络节点间地理临近和组织临近的相互作用共同推动着网络空间结构的演化。研究表明:从缩短知识主体的社会距离和优化创新资源的空间配置两个角度,对我国国家创新系统推进生物技术发展提出建议,以提高科技投入产出效率和空间配置效率。 . 以重庆维普期刊全文数据库中2000~2009年发表于生物技术领域的合著论文作者信息统计数据为数据源,从省级层面运用UCINET和ArcGIS软件分析知识网络的空间结构特征及其演化规律。近十年来生物技术知识网络经历了由萌芽阶段向扩张阶段和成熟阶段转变的过程,知识的扩散方式由接触扩散为主向等级扩散为主转变,知识交流的密集区在空间上相应地经历了由分散到集中到再分散过程,网络节点间地理临近和组织临近的相互作用共同推动着网络空间结构的演化。研究表明:从缩短知识主体的社会距离和优化创新资源的空间配置两个角度,对我国国家创新系统推进生物技术发展提出建议,以提高科技投入产出效率和空间配置效率。 |
[54] | . Background The relations between geographical proximity and spatial distance constitute a popular topic of concern. Thus, how geographical proximity affects scientific cooperation, and whether geographically proximate scientific cooperation activities in fact exhibit geographic scale features should be investigated. Methodology Selected statistics from the ISI database on cooperatively authored papers, the authors of which resided in 60 typical cites in China, and which were published in the years 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010, were used to establish matrices of geographic distance and cooperation levels between cities. By constructing a distance-cooperation model, the degree of scientific cooperation based on spatial distance was calculated. The relationship between geographical proximity and scientific cooperation, as well as changes in that relationship, was explored using the fitting function. Result (1) Instead of declining, the role of geographical proximity in inter-city scientific cooperation has increased gradually but significantly with the popularization of telecommunication technologies; (2) the relationship between geographical proximity and scientific cooperation has not followed a perfect declining curve, and at certain spatial scales, the distance-decay regularity does not work; (3) the Chinese scientific cooperation network gathers around different regional center cities, showing a trend towards a regional network; within this cooperation network the amount of inter-city cooperation occurring at close range increased greatly. Conclusion The relationship between inter-city geographical distance and scientific cooperation has been enhanced and strengthened over time. |
[55] | . ABSTRACT The debate about which similarity measure one should use for the normalization in the case of Author Co-citation Analysis (ACA) is further complicated when one distinguishes between the symmetrical co-citation--or, more generally, co-occurrence--matrix and the underlying asymmetrical citation--occurrence--matrix. In the Web environment, the approach of retrieving original citation data is often not feasible. In that case, one should use the Jaccard index, but preferentially after adding the number of total citations (occurrences) on the main diagonal. Unlike Salton's cosine and the Pearson correlation, the Jaccard index abstracts from the shape of the distributions and focuses only on the intersection and the sum of the two sets. Since the correlations in the co-occurrence matrix may partially be spurious, this property of the Jaccard index can be considered as an advantage in this case. |
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[57] | . ABSTRACT International collaboration as measured by co-authorship relations on refereed papers grew linearly from 1990 to 2005 in terms of the number of papers, but exponentially in terms of the number of international addresses. This confirms Persson et al.'s [Persson, O., Gl01nzel, W., & Danell, R. (2004). Inflationary bibliometrics values: The role of scientific collaboration and the need for relative indicators in evaluative studies. Scientometrics, 60(3), 421–432] hypothesis of an inflation in international collaboration. Patterns in international collaboration in science can be considered as network effects, since there is no political institution mediating relationships at that level except for the initiatives of the European Commission. Science at the international level shares features with other complex adaptive systems whose order arises from the interactions of hundreds of agents pursuing self-interested strategies. During the period 2000–2005, the network of global collaborations appears to have reinforced the formation of a core group of fourteen most cooperative countries. This core group can be expected to use knowledge from the global network with great efficiency, since these countries have strong national systems. Countries at the periphery may be disadvantaged by the increased strength of the core. |
[58] | . ABSTRACT The number of papers published in journals indexed by the Web of Science core collection is steadily increasing. In recent years, nearly two million new papers were published each year; somewhat more than one million papers when primary research articles are considered only. Sophisticated and compact bibliometric methods have to be applied in order to obtain an overview. One popular method is a network-based analysis. In this study, we analyze Mendeley readership data of a set of 1,133,224 articles and 64,960 reviews with publication year 2012 to generate three networks: (1) The network based on disciplinary affiliations points out similarities of and differences in readerships of papers. (2) The status group network shows which status groups (e.g. students, lecturers, or professors) commonly read and bookmark papers. (3) The country network focusses on global readership patterns: It visualizes similar and different reading patterns of papers at the country level. With these networks we explore the usefulness of readership data for networking. |
[59] | . <p>全球化、信息化与快速城市化深刻影响了中国的城市体系,多区位企业组织所形成的城市网络正处于日益复杂的空间嬗变过程。基于2010年企业名录的总部—分支机构型关联数据,研究构建了330×330的地级以上城市网络连接关系,并运用复杂网络分析工具来探索中国城市网络的空间组织特征。研究发现:① 中国的城市网络联系呈现以“北京—上海—广深—成都”为核心的菱形空间结构,不同等级的网络流强度具有显著的空间异质性,城市网络的空间组织是一个择优性和地理邻近性复杂作用的过程;② 中国城市网络正处于一个简单随机向复杂有序结构的转化期,整体大尺度的网络结构还有待形成;③ 中国城市网络整体表现出明显的小世界网络效应;④ 中国城市的二值点度网络为明显的异配性连接特征,而加权强度网络连接则一定程度上表现出“富人圈”的现象;⑤ 中国城市网络的层级性并不明显,城市网络的点度和强度的关系呈非线性增加特征。</p> . <p>全球化、信息化与快速城市化深刻影响了中国的城市体系,多区位企业组织所形成的城市网络正处于日益复杂的空间嬗变过程。基于2010年企业名录的总部—分支机构型关联数据,研究构建了330×330的地级以上城市网络连接关系,并运用复杂网络分析工具来探索中国城市网络的空间组织特征。研究发现:① 中国的城市网络联系呈现以“北京—上海—广深—成都”为核心的菱形空间结构,不同等级的网络流强度具有显著的空间异质性,城市网络的空间组织是一个择优性和地理邻近性复杂作用的过程;② 中国城市网络正处于一个简单随机向复杂有序结构的转化期,整体大尺度的网络结构还有待形成;③ 中国城市网络整体表现出明显的小世界网络效应;④ 中国城市的二值点度网络为明显的异配性连接特征,而加权强度网络连接则一定程度上表现出“富人圈”的现象;⑤ 中国城市网络的层级性并不明显,城市网络的点度和强度的关系呈非线性增加特征。</p> |
[60] | . ABSTRACT This article reports the results of a scientometric assessment of the Southern Africa Development Community countries. The National Science Indicators database of Thomson-Reuters and the online ISI Web of Knowledge are utilized in order to identify the number of publications of the 15 countries over a period of 15 years; the activity and relative impact indicators of 22 scientific disciplines for each country and their collaborative patterns. It is identified that South Africa with 19% of the population in the region is responsible for 60% of the regional GDP and 79% of the regions publications. All countries tend to have the same focus in their disciplinary priorities and underemphasize disciplines such as engineering, materials science and molecular biology. It is expressed concern that the current research infrastructures are inadequate to assist in reaching the objectives developed in the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan of the Community. |
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[62] | . <a name="Abs127"></a>A basic dichotomy is generally made between publication practices in the natural sciences and engineering (NSE) on the one hand and social sciences and humanities (SSH) on the other. However, while researchers in the NSE share some common practices with researchers in SSH, the spectrum of practices is broader in the latter. Drawing on data from the CD-ROM versions of the <i>Science Citation Index</i>, <i>Social</i> <i>Sciences Citation Index</i> and the <i>Arts & Humanities Citation Index</i> from 1980 to 2002, this paper compares collaboration patterns in the SSH to those in the NSE. We show that, contrary to a widely held belief, researchers in the social sciences and the humanities do not form a homogeneous category. In fact, collaborative activities of researchers in the social sciences are more comparable to those of researchers in the NSE than in the humanities. Also, we see that language and geographical proximity influences the choice of collaborators in the SSH, but also in the NSE. This empirical analysis, which sheds a new light on the collaborative activities of researchers in the NSE compared to those in the SSH, may have policy implications as granting councils in these fields have a tendency to imitate programs developed for the NSE, without always taking into account the specificity of the humanities. |
[63] | . Chinese scientific output has increased dramatically in recent years, but its internal spatial structure has received scant attention. Estimated gravity models of intercity scientific coauthorships show that there are two types of spatial political bias in China, apart from the expected mass and distance effects. Intercity coauthorships involving Beijing are more common than Beijing's output volume and location would imply, and this Beijing bias is increasing over time. The second type of spatial political bias is greater intraprovincial collaboration than is accounted for by size and distance. The geography of Chinese science is thus not only monocentric as regards overall scientific output, but also exhibits unusually hierarchical collaboration patterns. Unlike in Europe and North America, national and regional capitals are becoming ever more important as scientific coordination centers. |
[64] | . ABSTRACT Geographic localization of knowledge spillovers is a central tenet in multiple streams of literature. However, empirical studies have examined this phenomenon for only one geographic unit - country, state or metropolitan area - at a time, and have also rarely accounted for spatial distance. We disentangle these geographic effects by using a regression framework based on choice-based sampling to estimate the likelihood of citation between random patents. We find both country and state borders to have independent effects on knowledge diffusion beyond what just geographic proximity in the form of metropolitan collocation or shorter within-region distances can explain. An identification methodology comparing inventor-added and examiner-added citation patterns points to an even stronger role of political borders. The puzzling state border effect remains robust on average across analyses though is found to have waned over time. The country effect has, in contrast, not only remained robust over time but even strengthened. |
[65] | . 'One of the most illuminating books ever written on Australian history. |
[66] | . |