关键词:人口规模;固定效应;进度效应;废污水;动态稳定性;中国 Abstract According to the theoretical framework of population-environment relationships,the dynamic stability of relationships between population size and waste water emissions was analyzed qualitatively. This data can help our understanding of future trends in water environments in China. Panel data of waste water,population size and other socioeconomic factors from the National Bureau of Statistics and five province-level panel regression models,in which the year interaction and slope-dummy interactions were constructed,were employed to decompose fixed effects and tempo effects from dynamic relationships between population size and the amount of waster water from 2003 to 2012. The slope-dummy interactions enable models to determine whether a national-level relationships between population and waste water emissions have remained stable,declined,or intensified in recent years. Results indicate that the population size has a large and stable positive association with the amount of waste water,which means that population size is one of the major pressures on water environments among several social drivers. The negative tempo effects reflect that the impact of population size on the amount of waste water is decreasing while the scale effect of population on waste water emissions was gradually substituted by structural effects. This dynamic analysis indicates that the tempo effects are decreasing annually. While the stable phase of relationships between population size and waste water emissions is approaching,population in tandem with other social drivers,remains an important consideration for research that addresses the human dimensions of changes on water environment. Policy making should take into account the dynamic impacts of population size on waste water emissions.
根据现有的理论和实证研究,提出如图1所示概念框架。从理论上看,随着社会经济的发展,水污染的主要来源是废污水的排放,它既包括生活废污水,也包括工业废污水。因此,人口规模和经济活动是水污染的直接社会因素,但它们同时还受到消费水平、技术因素和废污水处理等的影响。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图1废污水排放量与人口规模及社会经济因素关系的理论框架 注:实线为本文实证模型处理的关系;虚线为理论上存在,但受数据限制本文实证模型没有处理的关系。 -->Figure1The theoretical framework of association between waste water emissions and socio-demographic factors -->
人口变化对环境的影响是复杂的[46],同时中国人口变化本身也有明显的复杂性特点,东部与中西部、城市与农村、大城市与小城镇的人口与环境问题都各不相同。所有这些因素交织在一起,使得中国的水环境治理更为复杂,相关政策应该充分预见人口因素的变化和特点,并保留一定的政策空间,以提高政策的科学性和有效性。本文得出的人口规模对废污水排放量之间关系的结论,不只局限于人口与水环境关系方面,推而广之,在研究环境问题和制定环境政策时,不能因为中国人口增长形势趋缓而忽视人口因素的作用,而应将人口因素置于社会经济环境大局和动态过程进行统筹考虑。 工业废水和生活污水的特点和性质各不相同,工业废水更多是受到人口因素的间接作用,而生活污水则是受到人口因素的直接影响。在中国废污水的构成中,生活污水的排放量是工业废水两倍1),生活污水的管控也不同于工业废水,除了要加强生活污水的集中式处理,通过价格机制、社会宣传、政策引导等综合性手段,从源头上对生活污水进行减排才是治本之策。而对于工业废水,应该在通过技术进步减少对水资源的同时,重点强化企业自身对工业废水无害化处理的责任,防止工业废水形成环境污染源。 另外,从本文的逻辑和实证分析过程看,也存在一些不足之处。首先,以废污水排放量作为水污染的测量指标不能完全反映中国水环境的情况,如果能够使用未达标污水排放总量则会更加理想。其次,根据其它环境问题的研究经验推测,除人口规模外,人口密度、人口结构等因素也会对水环境造成影响,在中国人口规模增长趋缓的情况下,人口结构性因素的效应就显得更为突出,将多维人口因素纳入分析模型是后续研究应该考虑的问题。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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