Large scale development to saline-alkali soil and risk control for the Songnen Plain
SUNGuangyou1,, WANGHaixia2 1. Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130021,China2. Urber and Environment College of Northeast Normal University,Changchun 130021,China 收稿日期:2015-09-10 修回日期:2016-01-5 网络出版日期:2016-03-25 版权声明:2016《资源科学》编辑部《资源科学》编辑部 基金资助:中国科学院农业重大项目:"东北地区农业综合开发试验示范研究"(KN95-02-01) 作者简介: -->作者简介:孙广友,男,黑龙江哈尔滨市人,研究员,教授,博士生导师,主要研究领域为自然地理学,地貌与第四纪学,湿地科学,盐碱土资源
关键词:苏打盐碱地;研究与开发;分布和面积;类型与成因;生态风险;松嫩平原 Abstract Based on study for more than half a century,the formation of Songnen Plain Soda Saline-Alkline Soil is a result of the synthesis effect of environmental action: the mine cause is salt sedimentation from land surface water and underwater when the water is evaporated. Our study considered salt soil,alkaline soil and other saline-alkaline soils over an area of 393.70104hm2. This area is stable today,but the saline-alkaline process continues. Planting rice is one known way to improve saline-alkaline soil. To test the feasibility of large-scale rice planting,the Daan Irrigation Area and Songyuan Irrigation Area were established. These projects increase the food base,improve the environment and facilitate economic development. Establishing a similar project on the Songnen Plain means it will become the fourth major rice cultivation area in northern China. However,any development on the Plain poses risks such as pollution of the Songhuajiang River and Chagan Lake,and secondary salinization. Based on assessments of these ecological risks,several measures are proposed,including embargoing end water such as saline-alkaline water from the rice-growing areas in the Songhua and Nen Rivers,and building a wetland to hold end water and avoid pollution from entering Chagan Lake. The construction of a wetland for water disposal will be a first globally.
1990s前,该区仅有面积2.67万hm2的前郭灌区.近年来,大安等灌区工程陆续布置,对该区盐碱地展开整体性开发,是中国近代最大的盐碱地治理工程.遵循生态灌区综合开发的原则,合理配置各类用地,构成可持续的多异质共生体[37](表2). Table 2 表2 表2松嫩平原盐碱地灌区工程及效益 Table 2The irrigation and its foundation of Songnen Plain
历经半个多世纪的研究查明,松嫩平原苏打盐渍土是环境要素综合作用的结果,而蒸发使地表水析盐和地下水上升地表积盐是主导成因.盐类以苏打为主,类型包括盐土,碱土及相关的盐-碱化土.面积393.70万hm,现虽趋于稳定,但盐渍化过程还在持续.种稻排盐是改良苏打盐渍土的主要途径.古河道发现和试验示范为其大规模开发提供了可行性. 进入2000s,大安,引嫩江入松原等多个灌区建设,具有强化粮食基地,优化环境和发展经济的综合效益,并成为东北地区第四大水稻区,使区域盐碱地开发形成完整格局.然而,这种苏打盐碱地大规模开发存在使松花江,嫩江以及查干湖水体受到污染,以及土壤发生次生盐渍化的风险.在风险评估基础上,提出不向河湖直接排放稻田含盐碱尾水,并在查干湖外围建设湿地水处理系统的控制措施,保证查干湖的生态安全,待水质达到安全指标,再发挥向湖中补水的功能.这种湿地水处理模式的构建,在国内外尚属首次.将水田布置在古河道带等措施,可控制旱田次生盐渍化过程. 致谢:石玉林,孙鸿烈,郑度和李玉院士及王丹予先生等对课题都给予指导,原课题组王国石,易富科,张晓平等研究员,松原灌区环境评价课题组田卫,马广庆等高级工程师,松嫩低平原盐碱地调查及合理开发利用研究组王立新,张红旗,姜文来等研究员都给予大力支持,一并深致谢意. The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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