

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

胡晓辉,1, 董柯2, 杨宇,3,4,5,*1.南京师范大学地理科学学院 江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协调创新中心,南京 210023
2.浙江财经大学公共管理学院,杭州 310018
3.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101
4.中国科学院大学资源与环境学院,北京 100049
5.粤港澳大湾区战略研究院,广州 510070

An analytical framework on regional economic resilience from the perspective of evolutionary strategic coupling

HU Xiaohui,1, DONG Ke2, YANG Yu,3,4,5,*1. School of Geography, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China
2. School of Public Administration, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou 310018, China
3. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
4. College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
5. The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Institute of Strategy Research, Guangzhou 510070, China

通讯作者: 杨宇(1984-),男,山东威海人,研究员,博士生导师,研究方向为经济地理与区域发展、能源地理。E-mail: yangyu@igsnrr.ac.cn


作者简介 About authors
胡晓辉(1982-),男,浙江湖州人,副教授,博士生导师,研究方向为经济地理与产业动态。E-mail: huxh@njnu.edu.cn

在全球政治经济变局和多尺度危机冲击语境下,区域经济韧性已成为当下经济地理学探究区域发展动态的核心议题。区域经济韧性不仅有关本地经济属性和适应力,更受到外部联系动态的影响,在范式上需融入多尺度网络动态观。本文将全球生产网络理论中的战略耦合概念纳入到演化经济地理学的区域经济韧性思想中,对两部分文献进行计量分析和梳理对比。在此基础上,以战略耦合不同模式(即耦合、去耦合、再耦合)为切入点,构建了一套基于“战略耦合演化”的区域经济韧性分析框架。研究结论:① 任何一种战略耦合模式,均是一种“战略性求变”和“语境应对”的能动行为过程,是理解区域经济韧性尺度性与能力来源的核心。② 两者在“连接度”“语境敏感性”“路径发展”概念上有较高的思想共性,相互融合可提升区域经济韧性的理论内涵。③ 战略耦合的能动主体、目的、嵌入性程度及方式是理解区域经济韧性特征和机制的关键,有助于从“地方-全球连接互动”的视角来综合分析区域经济韧性的初始属性(区域优势)、过程(恢复、更新和转型)、能力(恢复力、转型力和更新力)和结果(多元路径发展趋势)。本文认为战略耦合演化视角有利于破除以往“区域主义”韧性思想,能更科学地剖析区域经济韧性的多尺度语境依赖、多主体能动过程和多要素互动机制。此外,有利于推动关系与演化经济地理范式的融合创新,对“双循环”战略下中国企业决策和区域经济发展有重要现实意义。
关键词: 区域经济韧性;战略耦合;演化经济地理学;耦合模式;理论融合

In the contexts of on-going global political-economic shifting and shocks of multi-scalar crises, regional economic resilience has become one of the key themes in economic geography for exploring regional development dynamics. Regional economic resilience is not only about local economic configurations and adaptability, but also related to extra-regional dynamics. Thus, it paradigmatically requires adopting a geographically multi-scalar and dynamic network perspective. This paper attempts to integrate the concept of strategic coupling from the GPN theory into the EEG-based regional economic resilience thinking, and to comparatively review the literature related to the two parts by bibliometric methods. Based on that, by focusing on different modes of evolutionary strategic coupling (including coupling, decoupling, and recoupling), the paper constructs an analytical framework of regional economic resilience from the perspective of strategic coupling in evolution. The paper concludes that: (1) any mode of strategic coupling is an agency-based process of strategic change and context-responding, which can be regarded as the core to understand the scalarity and the source of ability for regional economic resilience. (2) The two concepts come across several epistemological similarities on “connectedness”, “contextual sensitivity” and “path development”, and their integration can help to advance the understanding of regional economic resilience. (3) The agent's agency, motives, the degree of embeddedness and modes of strategic coupling are the keys to understand the ability and mechanism of regional economic resilience. This can also help to form a “local-global relational interaction” perspective to comprehensively explore the structural properties (regional advantages), processes (recovery, renewal, and reorientation), ability (recoverability, transformability, and renewal ability), and consequences (multiple development paths) of regional economic resilience. This paper argues that the perspective of strategic coupling in evolution can deconstruct the conventional “regionalism” wisdom of regional economic resilience, which can systematically help explore the causal mechanism of multi-scalarity, multi-agentic processes and multi-factor involved impacts in regional economic resilience. Moreover, this study fosters the integrative innovation between the relational and evolutionary paradigm and makes a practical contribution to corporation decision-making and regional economic development in China under the current “Double Circulation” strategy.
Keywords:regional economic resilience;strategic coupling;Evolutionary Economic Geography;coupling mode;theoretical integration

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胡晓辉, 董柯, 杨宇. 战略耦合演化视角下的区域经济韧性分析框架[J]. 地理研究, 2021, 40(12): 3272-3286 doi:10.11821/dlyj020210293
HU Xiaohui, DONG Ke, YANG Yu. An analytical framework on regional economic resilience from the perspective of evolutionary strategic coupling[J]. Geographical Research, 2021, 40(12): 3272-3286 doi:10.11821/dlyj020210293

1 引言


区域经济韧性(区域韧性、区域经济弹性)的概念最初由美国加州大学城市与区域发展研究所的Pendall和Hill于2007—2008年全球金融危机爆发后提出。他们认为,经济系统与自然生态系统类似,均存在受外部冲击后的自组织和自修复特点,并借助“生态韧性”(ecological resilience)思想,阐述了区域经济韧性的定义和政策意义。之后,经济地理****进一步发展其概念内涵,特别是借助演化经济地理学(EEG)中的非均衡思想,推动了“演化韧性”(evolutionary resilience)的理论构建和实证研究,并已成为当前中外经济地理学研究的重要议题[7-10]



战略耦合所强调的“能动性”在动态网络结构中的作用,以及其所秉承的“地方-全球动态”的关系视角,符合当前区域经济韧性的概念核心[9,24,29,34]。为此,本文尝试集两者之思想共性,厘清两者理论融合的方向,以此推动当前全球危机语境下的区域经济韧性研究,并为经济地理学“多范式融合”(engaged pluralism)提供一种思路[33,36-38]。首先,本文在文献计量比较分析的基础上,找出两者思想共性和概念契合点。其次,从战略耦合演化模式(含耦合、去耦合、再耦合)为切入点,构建一套基于“战略耦合演化”的区域经济韧性分析框架,探讨两者理论联系和学术价值。最后,提出面向现实问题的研究方向和议题展望。

2 文献梳理与理论联系辨析:区域经济韧性vs战略耦合

为挖掘两者理论联系,本文借助Web of Science(WOS)数据库,选出主题为“区域经济韧性”(regional economic resilience)和“战略耦合”(strategic coupling)的文献。为聚焦经济地理学领域,从地理学(Geography)、城市研究(Urban Studies)、城市与区域规划(Urban & Regional Planning)3个门类中进行提取,通过人工筛选,剔除了内容相关度不高的论文(如会议论文)。截至2020年12月,共获243篇“区域经济韧性”论文和36篇“战略耦合”论文。依照3个步骤进行文献梳理:首先,对英文论文进行文献回顾,并结合中文文献(从中国知网CNKI中选取“区域经济韧性”或“区域经济弹性”为主题的论文)进行综合,掌握两部分文献的概念特征。其次,借助文献计量工具CiteSpace,对英文文献的作者引文图谱和关键词频数等进行分析,明确主要作者及其知识关联现状。最后,对文献进行综述,找到两者思想共性和理论融合方向。

2.1 概念特征与范式差异

区域经济韧性与战略耦合是近年来经济地理学“演化”和“关系”转向中发展起来的新概念或分析框架。尽管都在经济地理学范畴内,但其研究特征有一定差异(表1)。① 在问题聚焦上,区域经济韧性关注区域经济系统如何抵御、应对和适应危机的能力,并视其为空间经济不平等发展的重要研究内容,是EEG的核心议题之一[14,19,31,39];战略耦合则源自GPN研究,强调区域行动者与GPN中领头企业战略需求的匹配过程,关注地方在特定全球经济组织架构中的网络权力及位置动态性,是REG****理解区域兴衰成败的核心概念框架[25,40-43]。② 在概念应用上,区域经济韧性概念缘起以企业为中心的区域内生EEG思想,含路径依赖、路径创造、路径更新和锁定等,还涉及复杂适应系统中的适应和适应力概念[7,14,20,21];然而,战略耦合则源自多地理尺度的关系视角,强调区域与跨国公司之间的动态需求匹配和权力关系。其概念不仅涉及嵌入性、能动性和权力网络,还涉及耦合、去耦合(decoupling)和再耦合(recoupling)等表征战略行为模式的动态概念[24,28,33]。③ 在方法上,区域经济韧性聚焦于特定区域(或特定区域产业)的定性案例研究,侧重韧性过程与机制研究,也包含定量韧性测度和影响因素分析[21,44,45];战略耦合研究则秉承GPN传统定性研究方法,用以探索特定案例区的耦合机制及因果逻辑[26,30]

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Conceptual comparison between regional economic resilience and strategic coupling



2.2 作者网络与知识联系

通过对英文文献进行作者引用可视化分析,找出该领域有影响力的作者群及其知识图谱特征。如图1所示,得出3个基本结论:① Ron Martin、James Simmie、Gillian Bristow、Bernard Fingleton是区域经济韧性主流****。② 可分为以欧洲EEG****为代表的定性研究学派和以意大利区域经济****为代表的定量研究学派,前者是区域经济韧性的主流学派。③ Danny MacKinnon于2013年发表在Progress in Human Geography上的论文,将地理政治经济学范式纳入到区域经济韧性概念化中,也是韧性研究多范式概念化的代表作之一[48]



Fig. 1The atlas of authors' citations in the regional economic resilience literature

图2显示了战略耦合论文的作者引用图谱。该图谱大致可分为上下两个部分,上部分代表引用时间较早(2011年前),下部分表示引文时间靠后(2012年至2020年底)。并存在3个特征:① Neil Coe是战略耦合概念的发起者,在Jeffrey Henderson和Henry Yeung的推动下,该概念发展成为GPN动态研究(GPN 2.0)中的重要分析框架[40,41,49]。② 东南亚和东亚地区的全球化与区域发展模式为战略耦合提供了丰富的实证土壤。Henry Yeung和Chun Yang是这方面的代表****,以韩国、泰国以及中国台湾地区、中国香港特别行政区等为例,解释了区域如何战略性地协调、组织和利用本地资产,来与GPN中领头企业进行合作,以此推动区域发展[43,50-52]。③ 以Danny MacKinnon和Stuart Dawley为代表的英国****,也进入了战略耦合研究的主流圈。特别是近年来,他们将制度、演化和地理政治经济等范式融入到战略耦合研究中,开辟了新的理论优化方向(演化和关系经济地理结合)和实证应用空间(英国东北部海上风能产业案例研究)[37,53,54]



Fig. 2The atlas of authors' citations in the strategic coupling literature

其中,Danny MacKinnon发表于2012年的论文是战略耦合同其他范式融合的代表作[24]。他将制度演变方式(含层叠、转变和替代)同战略耦合模式(含耦合、去耦合和再耦合)进行概念对接,并认为:不同耦合能为区域产业路径发展的多元机制研究(含路径延续、路径创造和路径更新等)提供全新视角。综合图1图2,不难发现,MacKinnon是同时介入战略耦合与区域经济韧性研究的****。其中,2012年发表的战略耦合论文已获得近年来该议题的最高被引,这预示了战略耦合与演化范式融合的理论价值。


2.3 思想共性与理论契合点


2.3.1 地方依赖与区域路径发展。

① 区域经济韧性与地方相关。从抵御力概念出发,区域经济受到冲击的影响程度取决于地方产业结构和制度属性,如制度厚度、产业专业化/多样化程度,劳动力素质和自然资源禀赋等[15]。同样,战略耦合的发生条件依赖于地方特有的结构性优势。不少****认为基于地方的排他性要素是战略耦合发生的重要“区域资产”(regional assets,如制度、人力和技术资源等),这些资产所组成的“区域优势”,能对跨国公司和GPN产生“空间粘性”(spatial stickiness),是战略耦合演化的关键[55,56]。② 均有显著地理性。不同区域类型,或在不同时空语境下,会带来不同的经济韧性和战略耦合的过程与结果[18,32,33]。一个区域资产丰富且有制度优势的地方(如大都市区),就更易发生“有机耦合”,形成具有地方根植性的企业网络和社会资本。而一个产业单一的地区(如老工业区或资源型城市)则容易产生“结构耦合”,跨国公司趋于单纯获取本地特定资源(如劳动力、自然资源等),并易形成GPN在本地的弱嵌入性,存在“去耦合”的时空风险。这些基于地方依赖的不同耦合方式,实际上产生了不同的区域抗风险能力,呈现出经济韧性的空间地理性特征。③ 均聚焦区域发展轨迹,在“区域路径发展”(regional path development)研究上有融合价值[24,25,54,57]。区域经济韧性中的“适应”概念,就蕴含了面向“抵御”和“恢复”等工程韧性思想,多指经济系统在危机下仍旧从事原有的、面向增量的发展模式,涉及“路径延伸”和“路径增强”等行为[16,20]。战略耦合的最新研究已融入演化思想,强调战略耦合不同模式(耦合、去耦合和再耦合)与区域发展路径多元化的内在关系[24,25,33,51,58]。可见,演化范式中的路径发展概念可以为区域经济韧性和战略耦合的融合研究提供重要思想中介。

2.3.2 时空语境敏感性。

① 对语境敏感。语境变化可以作为两者研究的出发点,或因果分析的起点。区域经济韧性聚焦区域经济如何应对冲击或危机,战略耦合则探究时空语境变化(如技术突破、贸易制度改变、区域劳动力政策变化、国家政治经济变动等)如何影响跨国企业和区域在GPN中的互动关系和权力格局[19,30,54]。② 承认时空偶然性。这些偶然性,包含技术突破、灾害发生、国家政治联盟改变、立法和战争等,都会使得特定地区和国家的企业利益或制度环境发生变化,出现“时空机会窗口”,使得战略耦合在特定地方以特定形式发生,也使得区域经济韧性出现空间分异[24,29,33]。③ 语境属性的重要性。不少研究指出:危机或冲击属性本身,如危机的影响对象和程度大小、起源原因、持续时间、传播速度和波及范围、以及类型,均可以是影响区域经济韧性和战略耦合的核心变量[15,30,59]。比如,新冠疫情的发展和治理存在空间差异性,使得抗疫成功的中国区域经济韧性以转型和更新为主,而抗疫不力的欧美区域经济韧性则以经济恢复和停滞为主。同样,新冠疫情可改变立足地方经济或企业自身的发展思路,而从“供应链韧性”(supply chain resilience)视角,或面向国家战略和产业链安全的角度出发,以此推动战略耦合行为演化和政策实施更新[1,3,5]

2.3.3 能动性和制度。

战略耦合通常基于理性主义的战略协商意识,涉及区域发展的外生动力过程。表面上,是全球化浪潮中的领头跨国企业和区域处于各自需求和目的,或在面临某种语境变化后的,面向经济利益获取和发展的一种战略合作联盟行为,实则反映了区域在GPN中的关系能动性。同样,这种网络能动性也是区域经济韧性中的核心变量和关键内涵。Martin提出的区域韧性的4个维度:一是抗性,即区域经济体面对冲击的脆弱性和敏感性;二是恢复,为区域经济复苏的速度和程度;三是再定位,即区域经济结构因扰动而有意进行改革和转型;四是更新,指区域经济恢复到超越冲击前的增长能力[12]。其中,恢复、重定位和更新均反映了“求变”的能动性,而这种能动性与能动者对区域要素的组合和结网能力有关[17]30。为此,从能动性视角出发,区域经济韧性与战略耦合有3处理论契合点:① 能动类型多元性。促成韧性形成和耦合发生的能动主体包含了企业、政府和组织,存在形式上的多样性,如企业家精神、制度能动性、社会文化价值和政策能动性等[13,20,60]。② 集体能动性。区域韧性的作用对象是区域经济系统,其需要形成系统合力的集体能动性;战略耦合体现了一种有关区域发展前途的网络能动性,是多方主体参与的,且基于协调商议的战略联盟,体现了行动者对区域资产的全球化治理术和组织力,符合集体能动性的特征。③ 制度和制度演化。两者均涉及制度变化过程。有****指出:制度演化的时空语境解释是区域经济韧性和战略耦合概念化融合的核心方向[9,24,54]。制度演化的核心是行动者有意识的制度工作(institutional work),影响战略耦合方式。即不论何种耦合,均会涉及改变现有制度组织和模式,对区域经济韧性的特征塑造起重要中介作用[21,26]

2.3.4 连接度的指标意义。

Simmie等借助复杂系统中的扰沌(panarchy)理论,构建了区域经济韧性的循环适应模型[7]。模型认为韧性含有4个主要特征:即开发(经济增长与机遇期)、保留(经济固化和稳定期)、释放(经济衰退和破坏期)和重组(经济创新和重构期)。其中,连接度(connectedness)是判定韧性强弱及经济特征的核心标准[14,61]。连接度是指区域经济系统各行动者或要素的关系紧密程度,这些要素包含企业之间形成的可贸易和不可贸易依赖关系、供应链关系、劳动分工网络、社会信任网络等关系资本[48]。它代表了区域社会文化资本的积累程度,以此来衡量区域经济韧性[62]。相似的,战略耦合概念同样认为“连接度”是影响区域发展轨迹的核心维度。但不同的是,战略耦合视角下的连接度是跨区域的(更多是跨国的)、外生的、基于企业的,反映了地方与外部企业之间的社会-资本动态关系。近期韧性研究指出,不论是区域内,还是区域外,连接度越高其经济并非就越有韧性:内部连接度高易导致强锁定和产业结构固化;而外部连接度高易产生依赖于外部企业的依附性耦合,使得区域抗风险能力弱[17]7。由此可见,韧性与战略耦合在“连接度”上有较高理论视角互补性,主要表现为:① 两者均涉及行动者关系的变化,以及区域内外连接度的变化;② 理解区域经济韧性需同时考虑区域内外的连接度,重视两者之间的动态关系和组合;③ 战略耦合所涉及的“地方-全球连接度”思想(区域内连接度用“区域优势”体现;区域外连接度用空间“嵌入性/空间粘性”来表现),能够弥补以往区域经济韧性只关注“区域内连接度”的传统思维。

3 基于“战略耦合演化”的区域经济韧性分析框架构建

3.1 框架构建的基础




Tab. 2
Tab. 2An analytical framework of regional economic resilience based on evolutionary strategic coupling
耦合(1)依附式外生耦合区域优势:弱且不稳定 外部连接度:增加且脆弱
权力关系:跨国公司强势 韧性能力:弱
路径发展:路径增强和延伸 韧性过程:抵抗和恢复
(2)吸收式内生耦合区域优势:强且稳定 外部连接度:增加且稳定
权力关系:平等互惠 韧性能力:强
路径发展:路径创造和多元化 韧性过程:更新和转型
去耦合(1)地方主动去耦合区域优势:强且增加 外部连接度:减少
权力关系:地方强势 韧性能力:强
路径发展:路径突破或创造 韧性过程:更新和转型
(2)跨国公司主动去耦合区域优势:弱且减小 外部连接度:减少
权力关系:跨国公司强势 韧性能力:弱
路径发展:路径衰退和锁定 韧性过程:抵抗和恢复
再耦合互惠式或吸收式耦合区域优势:强且增加 外部连接度:增加且稳定
权力关系:地方强势 韧性能力:强
路径发展:路径升级与转型 韧性过程:更新和转型


3.2 框架解释的三种模式

3.2.1 战略耦合模式。

根据区域优势差异、行动者权力关系和内外连接度情况,战略耦合可分为依附式耦合和吸收式耦合两种亚类[26]。① 依附式耦合。当区域优势弱,且跨国公司面向满足单一或低技术生产功能需求时,依附式耦合就会发生。此时,由于区域产业结构和制度缺乏足够优势,跨国公司位于权力话语高地,地方则处于议价弱势地位。这使得地方会努力满足跨国公司的各种需求,依附于其领导的GPN中,以此来抵御危机。虽然,通过耦合,地方经济的外部连接度上升了,但内部连接度未必发生质的变化,跨国公司不会嵌入到区域产业系统中,而是将其充当低端且标准化的生产加工基地[50,63]。这种模式的外部连接度是脆弱的,缺乏空间粘性,其区域资产也具有高替代性,经济韧性呈现出较低水平,区域经济以“依附式适应”为主,易出现路径增强和路径延续特征,发展潜力弱。② 吸收式耦合。当危机出现,有些区域的比较优势凸显,跨国公司会被其制度特性和产业优势吸引(如综合治理水平、政策优惠、技术或劳动力属性优势),出现吸收式耦合。在该模式中,区域的议价能力高,有选择符合自己利益和需求的权力,能够吸收并引进外部高质量资源,并将本地产业链嵌入并锚定于GPN中的高附加值位置。此时,跨国公司处于话语弱势地位,十分珍惜地方所存在的稀缺性“区域资产”,并愿意投入关键要素,或愿意“被动嵌入”到更广泛的地方产业体系[64],发生原生耦合,以此帮助培育出具有多尺度互动的企业内生网络和社会资本,形成富有竞争力的地方产业集群[25,42,65]。就区域而言,其会有目的地进行产业结构升级和高端价值俘获,提升了外部连接度,同时优化了区域内部连接度,使得其区域优势得到进一步凸显[66]。在此情况下,区域经济韧性在耦合中进一步增强,易于出现路径更新和路径多元化的特征,其发展潜力不断增强。

3.2.2 去耦合模式。

根据能动主体差异,去耦合可分为地方主动去耦合和跨国公司主动去耦合两亚类。不论何种亚类,去耦合就意味着地方经济与GPN中的跨国公司产生了需求上的不匹配,区域外部连接度下降。① 地方主动去耦合。当地方主动去耦合时,说明嵌入原有GPN已经无法满足区域发展的新需求。这可能与地方出现制度改革或技术突破有关,也可能是政策语境发生变化,帮助区域打开了改变原有发展模式的“机会窗口”,产生了新的发展动能。在这个过程中,区域内部连接度正在形成,地方话语权增强,跨国公司处于被动地位,区域出现新发展动力,从而不再需要原有外部资源或网络平台。这一模式下的区域经济韧性强,容易出现路径创造和更新等过程,表现出更新和转型特征。② 跨国公司主导去耦合。该模式发生原因在于:危机冲击下,地方开始失去原有“区域优势”(或因其他区域出现可替代性的“区域资产”),或因跨国公司在本地/本国的需求发生重大改变(或其整体全球化战略发生转型),即本地丧失了现有GPN中的功能价值。该模式可能发生在“依附式耦合”后,即因长期依赖外部经济联系,区域经济存在“去地方化”现象,缺乏本地产业联系和社会资本,区域内部连接度降低,内源发展动力不足[56]。去耦合的发生将会导致跨国公司撤资(de-investment)和产业外移,区域经济内部出现危机,韧性过程出现明显的维系、恢复和抵抗特征,韧性能力弱,并易出现路径衰退之势。

3.2.3 再耦合模式。



4 结论和展望



本文以战略耦合不同演化模式(即耦合、去耦合、再耦合)为切入点,构建一套基于“战略耦合演化”的区域经济韧性分析框架,并得出3个结论:① 任何战略耦合模式,作为一种“语境应对”的战略行为过程,都是理解区域韧性尺度性和能动来源的核心。② 两者在“连接度”“语境敏感性”“路径发展”概念上有较高思想契合度。③ 战略耦合的能动主体、目的、嵌入性程度和方式是理解区域经济韧性的关键,所构建的分析框架有助于从“地方-全球”连接互动的“双网络”视角来理解区域经济韧性的初始条件(区域优势)、过程(含恢复、更新和转型)、能力(含恢复力、转型力和更新力)和发展结果(区域路径发展趋势特征)。


综上,“战略耦合演化”视角有利于破除聚焦“区域内部连接度”的传统韧性思想,能科学剖析区域经济韧性中内生和外生共存共演的机制,是当前经济地理学多范式融合(特别是演化和关系范式融合)的重要研究方向[24,33,38,71]。然而,在当前语境下,两者深度融合研究较为稀缺,一些关键问题还未得到充分解答,可通过以下4个方面加以深化。① 在韧性思想下,战略耦合演化是危机语境下区域内外产业联系重构,特别是地方-全球生产组织关系战略性调整适应的过程。其韧性内涵是区域如何平衡地方优势资产和GPN中功能位置的动态关系,涉及跨国公司和本地企业/政府发展需求的时空匹配关系,以及区域(乃至国家)内外产业联系的动态趋势和应对策略[33,72]。② 同一区域可能会产生多种不同的战略耦合模式,涉及多个GPN和可能重叠的企业/制度/组织网络;甚至,同一种耦合模式,也可能产生不同的区域路径发展方向,如何对这类复杂问题进行分析是一个重要研究方向[73]。③ 在多重危机压力下,战略耦合存在超越经济理性和现有范式认知的可能,国家、超国家联盟和政策治理手段可能会形成具有“临时性”和“次优利益”的战略(去)耦合[5,53]。这类战略耦合如何纳入区域经济韧性分析,特别是如何影响区域经济长期的韧性能力,仍需细致探究。④ 区域经济韧性和战略耦合的概念化需跳出基于“企业-地方互动”的市场主义行为导向框架,提升多重危机的语境敏感性和概念内涵。这不仅需要将多主体-多要素-多地理尺度的视角纳入到分析框架中,还需要将涉及劳动力技能、法律规制、金融财政和基础设施等公共政策干预纳入研究中[1,74,75]。此外,如何将技术突破、政府治理术、制度化和全球(国家)地缘政治经济等思想范式纳入到现有的理论构建和实证探索中,亦是今后重点研究方向。

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地理学报, 2021, 76(2): 415-427.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb202102012 [本文引用: 1]
新常态背景下,东北地区与其他区域相比经济下行明显,适应能力较差,即区域经济韧性较弱。产业和企业是区域宏观经济的中微观载体,有助于揭示区域宏观经济韧性的中微观特征,却鲜少有研究。本文从宏观经济增量、中观产业增量及结构变化和微观企业空间动态,分析了1978年以来沈阳市经济韧性的特征。研究发现:① 在全国经济周期影响下,沈阳市经济韧性的变化呈现出“弱—强—弱”的周期性特征,主要是受第二产业韧性的波动变化影响。以支柱产业演替为代表的新老路径产业的韧性变化差异明显,其中老路径产业中机械产业韧性的“强—弱”变化对第二产业的韧性变化影响较大,其韧性减弱主要是由自身竞争力不足造成的。② 在全国经济“增速换挡”放缓的影响下,企业存活率的结果表明,老路径产业企业的韧性强于新路径产业企业的韧性;除食品产业外,其余产业老企业的韧性都强于新企业的韧性。另外初步发现,老路径产业和新路径产业中的电子等技术密集型制造业的新进入企业表现出对中心城区的“空间”路径依赖性,“空间集聚”对企业存活存在正向积极作用。
[ Guan Haoming, Yang Qingshan, Hao Feilong, et al. Economic resilience characteristics of Shenyang city based on a perspective of industry-enterprise-space
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2021, 76(2): 415-427.] DOI: 10.11821/dlxb202102012.

[本文引用: 1]
In the era of China's New Normal, compared with other regions in China, the Northeast region has been in obvious economic downturn featured by its weak adaption, or in other words, weak regional economic resilience. However, there is a lack of study on how middle or micro economic sectors, particularly industries and enterprises could shape the resilience level of regional macro economy. This paper, therefore, tries to fill this gap by analyzing the multi-level characteristics of Shenyang's economic resilience since 1978, with regard to its economic growth, industrial restructuring, and enterprise spatial dynamics. We found that affected by China's development status, resilience level of Shenyang's economy shows a weak-strong-weak cycle, driven by the fluctuation of its secondary industry. There are obvious differences in the resilience level of old and new paths in Shenyang. In particular, due to its low competitiveness, the resilience level of mechanical industry in old paths has weakened and imposed greater impacts on secondary industry. Meanwhile, the survival rate of old and new enterprises indicates that the resilience level of old paths enterprises is stronger than that of the new paths ones under the context of national economy slowing down; except for enterprises in food industry, the resilience level of old enterprises is stronger than that of the new ones. Moreover, this research indicates that new enterprises of technology-intensive industry such as the old paths and the electronic industry in new paths show a spatial path dependence of city center, and spatial agglomeration has positive effects on enterprises' survival.

Hassink R. Regional resilience: A promising concept to explain differences in regional economic adaptability?
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2010, 3(1): 45-58. DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsp033.

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Hu X, Hassink R. Exploring adaptation and adaptability in uneven economic resilience: A tale of two Chinese mining regions
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2017, 10(3): 527-541. DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsx012.

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Hu X, Hassink R. Adaptation, adaptability and regional economic resilience:A conceptual framework. In: Bristow G, A Healy. Handbook on Regional Economic Resilience. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2020: 55, 58, 166.
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MacKinnon D. Beyond strategic coupling: Reassessing the firm-region nexus in global production networks
Journal of Economic Geography, 2012, 12(1): 227-245. DOI: 10.1093/jeg/lbr009.

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刘逸. 关系经济地理的研究脉络与中国实践理论创新
地理研究, 2020, 39(5): 1005-1017.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj020191002 [本文引用: 5]
关系经济地理学是当前经济地理学界的主要流派之一,当前国内研究对该流派中的全球生产网络分析框架较为熟悉,但是对流派本身的认识不足。本文全面回顾了该流派的缘起、孕育、成型和深化拓展的历程,对存在问题展开评述。主要得到三个结论:① 关系经济地理有鲜明的地理学科特色,是全球化研究不可或缺的中坚力量,是提升经济地理学科地位的重要支撑。② 关系经济地理当前的理论模型存在体系复杂、变量过多的问题,同时核心解释变量缺乏完整的理论推导逻辑,依然需要靠案例来完善实证,而无法定量测度。③ 当前****已经在国际期刊上基于中国实践进行理论修补与创新,为我们提供了良好的示范。本文为此评述了两个系列的研究,评述基于中国实践进行理论创新的方法和路径。本文有助于推动中国经济地理研究的国际化,对探讨中国经济发展实践经验的理论创新,有着积极的科学意义。
[ Liu Yi. Progress of relational economic geography: Whether theorizing China's experiences
Geographical Research, 2020, 39(5): 1005-1017.] DOI: 10.11821/dlyj020191002.

[本文引用: 5]

刘逸. 战略耦合的研究脉络与问题
地理研究, 2018, 37(7): 1421-1434.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201807013 [本文引用: 5]
[ Liu Yi. Theoretical thread and problems of strategic coupling
Geography Research, 2018, 37(7): 1421-1434.] DOI: 10.11821/dlyj201807013.

[本文引用: 5]

刘逸, 杨伟聪. 全球生产网络视角下珠三角区域经济的战略耦合与产业升级
热带地理, 2019, 39(2): 155-169.

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[ Liu Yi, Yeung H W. Strategic coupling and industrial upgrading in the Pearl River Delta: A Global Production Network perspective
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Regional Science Policy & Practice, 2015, 7(1): 1-23. DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12055.

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Yeung H W. The trouble with global production networks
Environment and Planning A, 2021, 53(2): 428-438. DOI: 10.1177/0308518X20972720.

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Hu X, Hassink R. Explaining differences in the adaptability of old industrial areas. In: Hilpert U. Routledge Handbook of Politics & Technology. New York: Routledge, 2015: 56, 165, 172.
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刘逸, 纪捷韩, 张一帆, . 粤港澳大湾区经济韧性的特征与空间差异研究
地理研究, 2020, 39(9): 2029-2043.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj020200418 [本文引用: 2]
[ Liu Yi, Ji Jiehan, Zhang Yifan, et al. Economic resilience and spatial divergence in the Guangdong Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in China
Geographical Research, 2020, 39(9): 2029-2043.] DOI: 10.11821/dlyj020200418.

[本文引用: 2]

Yeung H W. Regional worlds: From related variety in regional diversification to strategic coupling in global production networks
Regional Studies, 2021, 55(6): 989-1010. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2020.1857719.

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俞国军, 贺灿飞, 朱晟君. 产业集群韧性: 技术创新、关系治理与市场多元化
地理研究, 2020, 39(6): 1343-1356.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj020190560 [本文引用: 1]
[ Yu Guojun, He Canfei, Zhu Shengjun. Industrial cluster resilience: Technological innovation, relational governance, and market diversification
Geographical Research, 2020, 39(6): 1343-1356.] DOI: 10.11821/dlyj020190560.

[本文引用: 1]
How the regional economy resists external shocks and redevelops is a research hotspot in economic geography in recent years. Taking industrial cluster as the starting point, this paper criticizes the existing regional resilience theory based on the evolutionary economic geography, and proposes a Technology-Relation-Market trinity understanding framework which is applicable to understand the cluster resilience. Taking the D oil drilling equipment cluster in S province as a case, the process of resisting and re-development of the cluster after two external shocks was scrutinized. Through interviews with government departments, key enterprises, and analysis of various texts, it is found that cluster resilience is expressed through three ways: Technological innovation, relational governance, and market diversification. The conclusion challenges the regional resilience theory based on the evolutionary economic geography which emphasizes external technological innovation. It believes that internal technological innovation is also an important source of regional resilience. What is more, relational governance and market diversification are two other important dimensions to regional resilience.

Grunsven L, Hutchinson F E. The evolution of the electronics industry in Johor (Malaysia): Strategic coupling, adaptiveness, adaptation, and the role of agency
Geoforum, 2016, 74: 74-87. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2016.05.011.


Barnes T, Sheppard E. ‘Nothing includes everything’: Towards engaged pluralism in Anglophone economic geography
Progress in Human Geography, 2010, 34(2): 193-214. DOI: 10.1177/0309132509343728.

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MacKinnon D, Dawley S, Pike A, et al. Rethinking path creation: A geographical political economic approach
Economic Geography, 2019, 92(2): 113-135. DOI: 10.1080/00130095.2018.1498294.

[本文引用: 1]

胡晓辉, 朱晟君, Hassink R. 超越演化: 老工业区重塑研究进展与理论反思
地理研究, 2020, 39(5): 1028-1044.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj020190993 [本文引用: 2]
[ Hu Xiaohui, Zhu Shengjun, Hassink R. Beyond the “evolutionary approach”: A critical review and paradigmatic reflections on the restructuring of old industrial areas
Geographical Research, 2020, 39(5): 1028-1044.] DOI: 10.11821/dlyj020190993.

[本文引用: 2]
The restructuring of old industrial areas is one of the most important research topics in economic geography. In the macro context of the slowdown of globalization and the worldwide decrease of manufacturing production and demand, old industrial areas as typical problem regions have increasingly become a core target in national development strategies among many countries. Drawing upon an in-depth critical review of recent literature on the restructuring of old industrial areas in the past decade, this paper addresses the growing trend of variegated adoptions of paradigms in the research including four key approaches, namely, evolutionary economic geography, relational economic geography, institutional economic geography and geographical political economy. It also stresses that the gaps yet comparative merits in conceptual thinking, scale focus, tempo-spatial sensitivity and mechanism/process explanation among these paradigms have not generated enough intellectual interplays and complementation, but rather, have led to paradigmatic fragmentation and even repellence with each other. Despite the diversification in paradigmatic use for research, the increase of “fragmented” rather than “engaged pluralism” potentially hinders the explanatory power of existing theories and approaches in empirical research. In particular, we argue that evolutionary economic geography, arguably the most popular paradigm used in explaining and understanding the restructuring of old industrial areas, clearly suffers from a neglect of the role of multi-scalar and multi-actor agencies and a lack of multiple units of analysis in affecting the restructuring processes, mechanisms, outcomes and their geographies of old industrial areas. Given this, the paper integrates the multi-level perspective (MPL) in sustainability transition studies into the evolutionary economic geography approach. It builds up a multi-scalar analytical framework incorporating analyses of both downward and upward causation with different geographical scales, in which the interplay of micro-level change agency-based niche, meso-level regional path developmental regime and macro-level political-economic context landscape is positioned as the core for analyzing the restructuring of old industrial areas. This comprehensive multi-scalar framework is able to offer a better understanding of the restructuring of old industrial areas. Based on that, we further suggest several key orientations and agendas for future research on the topic.

Christopherson S, Michie J, Tyler P. Regional resilience: Theoretical and empirical perspective
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2010, 3(1): 3-10. DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsq004.

URL [本文引用: 1]

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Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 2004, 29(4): 468-484. DOI: 10.1111/j.0020-2754.2004.00142.x.

URL [本文引用: 2]

Yeung H W. Rethinking relational economic geography
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 2005, 30(1): 37-51. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-5661.2005.00150.x.

URL [本文引用: 1]

Yeung H W. Regional development and the competitive dynamics of global production networks: An East Asian perspective
Regional Studies, 2009, 43(3): 325-351. DOI: 10.1080/00343400902777059.

URL [本文引用: 1]

Yang C. Strategic coupling of regional development in global production networks: Redistribution of (Chinese)Taiwanese personal computer investment from the Pearl River Delta to the Yangtze River Delta, China
Regional Studies, 2009, 43(3): 385-407. DOI: 10.1080/00343400802508836.

URL [本文引用: 2]

王琛, 郭一琼. 地方产业抵御经济危机的弹性影响因素: 以电子信息产业为例
地理研究, 2018, 37(7):1297-1307.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201807004 [本文引用: 1]
[ Wang Chen, Guo Yiqiong. Resilience and resistance of local industry to economic crisis: A case study of China's IT industry
Geographical Research, 2018, 37(7): 1297-1307.] DOI: 10.11821/dlyj201807004.

[本文引用: 1]
Little research has been done on the resilience and resistance of local industries the play a major role in regional economy. This study investigates the main influencing factors of the regional economic resilience of China's IT industry, with a large-scale firm-level survey data from National Bureau of Statistics. Our regression analyses reveal that the firm heterogeneity within the regional industry, the role of local technology gatekeepers, the openness, dynamics and business structure of the local industry jointly exert significantly positive influences on the regional economic resilience of China's IT industry. This suggests that the hub-and-spoke industrial districts may be more resilient than the Marshallian industrial districts under the transitional background of China. Local governments should encourage the co-existence of heterogeneous firms in terms of knowledge base, attract new and younger firms, maintain an open environment for local industries and pay more attention to the leading role of technological gatekeepers so as to enhance the economic resilience of local industries.

谭俊涛, 赵宏波, 刘文新, . 中国区域经济韧性特征与影响因素分析
地理科学, 2020, 40(2): 173-181.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2020.02.002 [本文引用: 1]
从经济维持性和恢复性2个方面定量化分析中国31省(市)(未包含港澳台数据)应对1997年亚洲金融危机和2008年全球金融危机的经济韧性特征,并对其主要影响因素进行了研究。结果发现:① 在亚洲金融危机中,西部地区的经济维持性较高,中部地区的经济维持性普遍较低;经济恢复性较高的省市主要集中在中部地区,而东部和西部地区经济恢复性较低,经济维持性和经济恢复性呈现一定的负相关。② 各省(市)应对全球金融危机的经济维持性普遍较高,经济维持性较低的区域主要分在东部沿海区域和沿长江经济带地区,而经济维持性较高的区域主要集中在西部地区。③ 在亚洲金融危机中,第二产业表现出了较强的经济韧性,而在全球金融危机中第三产业经济韧性较好。④ 影响2次经济危机中韧性能力的主要因素是不同的,区位条件、人均固定资产投资额和人均GDP的解释力较强,但在2次经济周期中的作用方向不同。
[ Tan Juntao, Zhao Hongbo, Liu Wenxin, et al. Regional economic resilience and influential mechanism during economic crises in China
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2020, 40(2): 173-181.] DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2020.02.002.

[本文引用: 1]
This article quantitatively analyzes the economic resilience of 31 provinces of China in terms of resistance and recoverability during two economic crises: the Asian financial crisis in 1997 and the global financial crisis in 2008. Moreover, it analyzes the main factors that affected regional resilience. There are three main findings. Firstly, in the first economic cycle, the economic resistance in western region was relatively high, and the central region was low; the provinces with high economic recoverability were mainly concentrated in the central region, while those in the eastern and western regions were lower, with economic resistance and recoverability showing a certain negative correlation. All regions in second economic cycle demonstrated well resistance; those with low economic resistance were mainly located in the eastern coastal areas and along the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Thirdly, the secondary industry was stronger than the tertiary industry in terms of economic resilience during the first economic cycle, while the situation was different in the second economic cycle. Finally, the influential factors affecting economic resilience varied across the two economic cycles; location advantage, per capita fixed asset investment and per capita GDP had strong explanatory power on economic resilience, but the direction of action in the two economic cycles was different.

Pike A, Dawley S, Tomaney J. Resilience, adaptation and adaptability
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2010, 3(1): 59-70. DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsq001.

URL [本文引用: 1]

Yeung H W. Rethinking mechanism and process in the geographical analysis of uneven development
Dialogues in Human Geography, 2019, 9(3): 226-255. DOI: 10.1177/2043820619861861.

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MacKinnon D, Derickson K D. From resilience to resourcefulness: A critique of resilience policy and activism
Progress in Human Geography, 2013, 37(2): 253-270. DOI: 10.1177/0309132512454775.

URL [本文引用: 2]

Henderson J, Dicken P, Hess M, et al. Global production networks and the analysis of economic development
Review of International Political Economy, 2002, 9(3): 436-464. DOI: 10.1080/09692290210150842.

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Yeung H W. Strategic Coupling:East Asian Industrial Transformation in the New Global Economy
New York: Cornell University Press, 2016: 10, 20, 127, 180.

[本文引用: 4]

Yang C. From strategic coupling to recoupling and decoupling: Restructuring global production networks and regional evolution in China
European Planning Studies, 2013, 21(7): 1046-1063. DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2013.733852.

URL [本文引用: 1]

Yang C. The rise of strategic partner firms and reconfiguration of personal computer production networks in China: Insights from the emerging laptop cluster in Chongqing
Geoforum, 2017, 84(1): 21-31. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2017.05.010.

URL [本文引用: 2]

MacKinnon D, Dawley S, Steen M, et al. Path creation, global production networks and regional development: A comparative international analysis of the offshore wind sector
Progress in Planning, 2019, 130: 1-32. DOI: 10.1016/j.progress.2018.01.001.

[本文引用: 2]
The question of how regions and nations develop new sources of industrial growth is of recurring interest in economic geography and planning studies. From an evolutionary economic geography (EEG) perspective, new growth paths emerge out of existing economic activities and their associated assets and conditions. In response to the micro-economic and endogenous focus of much EEG research, this paper utilises a broader evolutionary perspective on path creation which stresses the dynamic interplay between four sets of factors: regional assets; key economic and organisational actors; mechanisms of path creation; and multi-scalar institutional environments and policy initiatives. Reflecting the importance of extra-regional networks and institutions, this framework is also informed by the Global Production Networks (GPN) approach, which highlights the process of strategic coupling between firms and regions and its political and institutional mediation by state institutions at different spatial scales. We deploy this framework to investigate regional path creation in the context of renewable energy technologies, focusing specifically on the offshore wind industry. We adopt a comparative cross-national approach, examining the evolution of offshore wind in Germany, the UK and Norway. Of the three cases, Germany has developed the most deep-rooted and holistic path to date, characterised by leading roles in both deployment and manufacturing. By contrast, path creation in the UK and Norway has evolved in more partial and selective ways. The UK's growth path is developing in a relatively shallow manner, based largely upon deployment and 'outside in' investment, whilst Norway's path is emerging in an exogenous, 'inside-out' fashion around a fairly confined set of actors and deployment and supply functions. In conclusion, the paper emphasises the important role of national states in orchestrating the strategic coupling of regional and national assets to particular mechanisms of path creation.

Dawley S. Creating new paths? Offshore wind, policy activism, and peripheral region development
Economic Geography, 2014, 90(1): 91-112. DOI: 10.1111/ecge.12028.

URL [本文引用: 4]

Markusen A. Sticky places in slippery space: A typology of industrial districts
Economic Geography, 1996, 72(3): 293-313. DOI: 10.2307/144402.

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朱华友, 王缉慈. 全球生产网络中企业去地方化的形成与机理研究
地理科学, 2014, 34(1): 19-24.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2014.01.19 [本文引用: 2]
[ Zhu Huayou, Wang Jici. The form and mechanism of firms delocalization in the Global Production Network
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2014, 34(1): 19-24.] DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2014.01.19.

[本文引用: 2]
In the context of globalization, the localization and delocalization among economic activities have been alternately affecting the spatial pattern of regional manufacturing industry, and lead to a wide range of social impact on the industrialized regions. The delocalization among economic activities not only is the spatial transference of production activities, it also is the process of functional integration brought by the departure and recombination of firms supply chain in different spatial scales, besides, it affects the forward and backward linkage, social capital and employment of localization industry at the same time. Nowadays, the research on firms delocalization mainly centralized in Europe and America, however, related research in China is too poor to be adapted to realities of China's regional economic and social development. In the last few years, sorts of foreign trade and processing firms in costal area of China have been captured by global traders or brands, and as a result, it produces the phenomenon of delocalization passively which leads to a complicated and profound influence on the evolution and upgrading of a local production network. Therefore, to research into the delocalization of foreign trade and processing firms in costal area of China plays a significant role in theory and reality. On the basis of European and American research reviews, the article thinks that in the context of global production networks, the tension force of network power and the stickiness of social capital are the main impetuses of firms delocalization. The interaction between the two forces above results in two different extents of dependence on the network power, namely in equal and in unequal, then lead to different forms of firms delocalization. Different forms of delocalization make different influences on firm economic performance and local economic agglomeration, and different forms also produce differences between local production networks. Finally, the article reflects on the delocalization of China's costal foreign trade processing industry and preliminary interprets its transformation and upgrading. It presents that in the context that the unequal dependence existing in the global network power can not be changed easily and properly, the firms in China’s costal foreign trade processing industries face the same questions: how they can take the positive and flexible measures to deal with the situation that the firms are used and controlled by the multinational corporations; how firms can finish the effective structure upgrading by using global connections to pass and absorb the knowledge in the global links and so on.

贺灿飞, 陈航航. 参与全球生产网络与中国出口产品升级
地理学报, 2017, 72(8): 1331-1346.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201708001 [本文引用: 1]
[ He Canfei, Chen Hanghang. Participation in global production networks and export product upgrading
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017, 72(8): 1331-1346.] DOI: 10.11821/dlxb201708001.

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<p>Organized globally and led by trans-national enterprises, global production networks (GPNs) develop rapidly along with the advancement of technology and deepening of trade liberalization. GPN provides great opportunities for developing countries to blend in global economy and realize their technological advance, as well as value chain upgrading. Facing the pressure of shifting model of economic development, China has urgent need of optimizing export trade though she has experienced marvelous success especially on export trade during the past few decades, so that the study on export product upgrading can be particularly important. Based on such consideration, this article focuses on how participating GPN influences China's export product upgrade. This article uses the conception of quality to quantitively describe product upgrade, and we calculate the product quality based on data of customs trade database from 2000 to 2011. The result shows that export product quality presents a declining trend from east to west of China, and the average quality of the whole country fluctuates a lot during 2000-2011 with a slight rising trend showing up recently. We then build several econometric models to examine whether participating in GPN matters, and how exactly this influence works. The results show that participating in GPN has remarkable influence on export product upgrading especially in eastern China, but market dispersion does not help in product upgrading. We also find that R&D investment cannot promote regional position in global value chain in eastern China, forming a typical "Low-end lock-in". Capital- and technology-intensive products benefit a lot from participating in GPN while labour-intensive exports may open markets with low-quality products. Fiscal decentralization is a key determinant in eastern and central provinces, and local governments tend to give more support to technology-intensive product upgrading.</p>

陈作任, 李郇. 经济韧性视角下城镇产业演化的路径依赖与路径创造: 基于东莞市樟木头、常平镇的对比分析
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[ He Canfei, Mao Xiyan. Economic globalization research based on scale-construction in western human geography
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Time-space compression in the context of globalization leads to declining costs of communication and transportation and increasing transnational activities. The emergence of multi-national firms and international organizations, in accordance with increasing boundary-crossing activities, has simultaneously weaken the power of state on economic, political, and cultural processes within its territory. Under such circumstances, some researchers assert globalization as "the end of geography", which sounds like an argument of hyper-globalist. In light of scale construction, human geographers are engaged in reconstructing the global scale and relating it to other scales. It turns out that space matters in the process of globalization. Two key points emerge: (1) Scale construction is not necessarily with hierarchical structures. Relation-based scales provide a better model for globalization, which is featured with horizontal communication rather than vertical regulation. (2) Global shifting exhibits trends both towards globalization and localization simultaneously, much of which appears to be global-local nexus rather than simplex globalizing process. These findings introduce new perspectives into globalization research in human geography: framework based on relational network makes it possible to conduct a trans-territorial analysis and to depict a big picture of the reshaping pattern of global economic landscape. On the other hand, in light of localized globalization, researchers set out to refer regional development to global-local interactions other than local embeddedness and endogenous factors, which offers insight into urban and regional governance in the context of globalization.

李健, 宁越敏, 汪明峰. 计算机产业全球生产网络分析: 兼论其在中国大陆的发展
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[ Li Jian, Ning Yuemin, Wang Mingfeng. Global Production Networks of computer industry and its development in Mainland China
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符天蓝, 杨春. 市场转向与产业升级路径分析: 以珠江三角洲出口导向型家具产业为例
地理研究, 2018, 37(7): 1460-1474.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201807016 [本文引用: 1]
近年来,特别是2008年全球金融危机爆发以后,中国出口导向型制造业出现了由以出口为主转向出口和内销并进的发展趋势。然而现有文献较少关注市场转向对制造业企业产业升级的影响。基于全球生产网络的视角,以珠江三角洲出口导向型家具产业为例,通过以深度访谈为主的定性研究方法,探讨出口导向型制造业企业在出口转内销过程中的产业升级路径。结果显示:在与中国国内市场进行战略耦合(strategic coupling)的过程中,家具制造业企业分别通过网络式、企业内部协调式及市场型方式嵌入国内市场导向型的生产网络,并呈现出产业升级(upgrading)和降级(downgrading)等多元化路径。中国市场为家具制造业企业提供了产业升级特别是功能升级的机会,但小部分制造业企业也经历着产品降级的过程。研究市场转向中的产业升级对理解后危机时代新兴市场的崛起具有一定的理论意义;同时对理解在全球经济背景下中国出口导向型加工制造业转型具有实践意义。
[ Fu Tianlan, Yang Chun. Market reorientation and industrial upgrading trajectories: Evidence from the export-oriented furniture industry in the Pearl River Delta
Geographical Research, 2018, 37(7): 1460-1474.] DOI: 10.11821/dlyj201807016.

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In the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis, export-oriented industries in China have engaged in the transition from exports to focusing on both exports and domestic sales. However, the impact of market reorientation on industrial upgrading of manufacturing firms remain understudied. Drawing upon the global production networks (GPNs) perspective, this study explores the upgrading trajectories of export-oriented firms in their market reorientation towards China's market. This paper takes the export-oriented furniture industry in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), China as a case. On the basis of in-depth interviews, results suggest that furniture firms are strategically coupled with China's domestic market by establishing networks relations, intra-firm coordination relations, and market-based relations with domestic agents. Market reorientation has stimulated variegated upgrading trajectories of furniture firms. Some furniture firms gained functional upgrading opportunities, while some experienced industrial downgrading. The research on industrial upgrading in the market reorientation could enrich the literature by exploring the implications of the rise of emerging markets in the post-crisis era. It also helps to understand the transformation of export-oriented industries in China in the contemporary global economy.

高菠阳, 刘卫东. 政府空间治理与地方产业发展响应: 以重庆市电子信息产业为例
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[ Gao Boyang, Liu Weidong. Spatial governance and local response of industrial development: The rise of the computer industry in Chongqiong
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