

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

王璐玮,1, 汪涛,1,2,*, 张晗11.南京师范大学地理科学学院,南京 210023
2.江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心,南京 210023

Dynamic change of strategic coupling between global production networks and indigenous innovation networks: Take China's biopharmaceutical industry as an example

WANG Luwei,1, WANG Tao,1,2,*, ZHANG Han11. School of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
2. Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China

通讯作者: 汪涛(1970-),女,安徽池州人,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为技术与区域创新。E-mail: wangtao@njnu.edu.cn


作者简介 About authors
王璐玮(1994-),女,山东郓城人,博士研究生,主要研究方向为技术与区域创新。E-mail: 871609371@qq.com

构建显示性比较优势指数,分析“走出去”全球化下中国医药产业的国际竞争力;识别企业战略连接类型,分析“引进来”全球化下生物医药全球生产网络(GPN)与本土创新网络(IIN)间的战略耦合过程;运用超效率SBM模型,测度GPN-IIN战略耦合目标实现的达成效率,并从静、动态视角探究其时空变化的原因。发现:① 中国医药产业通过转口、代加工进入北美市场的难度加大,东盟、金砖国家成为其重要的出口对象,与欧盟加强贸易有助于其形成高标准的自由贸易协定网络。② 2000—2006年,多数外商直接投资(FDI)企业形成“两头在外”的产业布局,在GPN中处于被俘虏地位,大多内资企业学习能力不足,处于IIN边缘。2007—2013年,部分FDI企业由GPN价值链末端向高端转移,部分内资企业由IIN边缘向核心转移,但转移过程中具有强松脚性。2014—2019年,GPN-IIN战略耦合克服上一阶段嵌入不足、松脚性等问题,两者间的关系通道日益增多和稳固。③ GPN-IIN耦合绩效经历了“大分散、小集聚→简单结构孕育→局部结构构建→级联秩序分异”的演变,在此过程中技术进步对其促进效果最强,规模效率次之,纯技术效率最弱。而限制其提升的主要原因从价值链低端锁定、企业类型晋升不足向企业类型退化冗余、社会关系松弛,再向境外业务拓展乏力、资本-技术脱钩过渡。
关键词: 全球生产网络;本土创新网络;GPN-IIN战略耦合;GPN-IIN耦合绩效

We analyzed the international competitiveness of China's pharmaceutical industry under the ‘going out’ globalization strategy by constructing an Revealed Comparative Advantage Index, and synchronously analyzed the strategic coupling process between global production networks (GPN) and indigenous innovation networks (IIN) of China's biopharmaceutical industry under the ‘bringing in’ globalization strategy by identifying strategic connection types among enterprises. The super-efficiency SBM model was used to measure the GPN-IIN coupling performance, which reflects the city's efficiency in achieving the optimal goal of GPN-IIN strategic coupling. And reasons for spatiotemporal changes of GPN-IIN coupling performance were further explored from a static and dynamic perspective. Results showed that: (1) It is increasingly difficult for China's pharmaceutical industry to enter the North American market through re-export and processing trade. ASEAN and BRICS have become important export markets for China's pharmaceutical industry. Strengthening trade with the EU will help China form a high-standard free trade agreement network. (2) In 2000-2006, most FDI enterprises formed an industrial chain layout of ‘two heads out’ and were in a captured position in GPN. Most domestic enterprises had insufficient learning capabilities and were at the edge of IIN. In 2007-2013, some FDI enterprises shifted from the low-end of GPN value chain to high-end, and some domestic enterprises shifted from the edge of IIN to the core, but the transfer process had a strong loose footing. In 2014-2019, GPN-IIN strategic coupling overcame the problems of ‘insufficient embedding’ and ‘loose feet’, and relationship channels between GPN and IIN were increasingly stable. (3) GPN-IIN coupling performance had undergone the evolution of ‘large dispersion, small agglomeration → simple structure incubation → partial structure construction → differentiation of cascading order’. In this process, technological progress had the strongest promotion effect on GPN-IIN coupling performance, followed by scale efficiency, and pure technical efficiency was the weakest. Main reasons for restricting GPN-IIN coupling performance evolved along the path of ‘low-end lock-in of the value chain and insufficient promotion of enterprise types → excessive degeneration of enterprise types and slack social relationship → weakening of overseas business expansion and decoupling of capital-technological’.
Keywords:global production networks;indigenous innovation networks;GPN-IIN strategic coupling;GPN-IIN coupling performance

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王璐玮, 汪涛, 张晗. 全球生产网络与本土创新网络的战略耦合动态——以中国生物医药产业为例[J]. 地理研究, 2021, 40(12): 3314-3332 doi:10.11821/dlyj020210010
WANG Luwei, WANG Tao, ZHANG Han. Dynamic change of strategic coupling between global production networks and indigenous innovation networks: Take China's biopharmaceutical industry as an example[J]. Geographical Research, 2021, 40(12): 3314-3332 doi:10.11821/dlyj020210010

1 引言


GPN是指一组控制生产的组织和分布、在功能和运作上相互联系的企业网络[1]。随着领导厂商内部生产系统的跨境延伸,企业间的个体竞争逐渐被企业网络联合体之间的群体竞争所取代,GPN已扩展为全球经济运行的主要组织形式。GPN分析框架综合纳入了地理学的空间性和社会学的嵌入性,在历经“价值链全球商品链全球价值链GPN 1.0GPN 2.0”的理论演化后[2],对全球生产空间的等级性特征和价值捕捉动态轨迹拥有了更强的解释力。国际贸易和FDI分别以产品流和资本流的形式将GPN具象化,进而映射其内部关联关系的变动[3],成为探究GPN嵌入性和权变性[4,5]、GPN内价值链攀升[2,6-8]、GPN创新溢出[9]的重要切入点。部分****从国际贸易视角出发,根据进出口数据、国家投入产出表,运用加工贸易比例法、中间产品贸易量法或Hummels投入产出法等,从中观、宏观尺度探析GPN嵌入主体(集群、省市、地区、国家)实现区域升级(regional upgrading)的方式及其发生机制[4,6,10];部分****从FDI视角出发,根据调查问卷、企业年报、行业数据等,利用案例分析等定性方法或全要素生产率分解等定量方法,从微观尺度探究FDI企业和内资企业联合重塑GPN的作用机理[5,9,11]。各种国际资源流动的“趋中国化”,使GPN理论对中国“产品高标准走出去”和“外资高质量引进来”的指导作用愈加重要。




2 数据来源和研究方法

2.1 数据来源

外贸数据来自International Trade Center数据库,以中国为主贸易国,北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)、金砖国家(BRICS)、东盟(ASEAN)、欧盟(EU)、《非洲增长与机遇法案》受益国(AGOA)、加勒比共同体(CARICOM)、西非经济货币联盟(WAEMU)、南方共同市场(MERCOSUR)为贸易伙伴,选择4位产品编码,收集2001—2019年中国及上述组织医药产品和所有产品的全球贸易额和双边贸易额。

专利数据来自万方和incoPat数据库,① 根据生物医药技术IPC代码,从万方数据库中收集2000—2019年15241条合作专利信息,借助C++程序构建生物医药IIN;② 根据上述获取的专利申请号,在incoPat数据库中匹配性批量检索,导出专利合享价值度。

企业数据来自企查查、DingTalk数据库和企业年报,① 以“生物医药”为经营范围,分别以“科学研究和技术服务业-研究和实验发展-医疗研究和实验发展”“制造业-医药制造业”“批发和零售业-批发业-医药及医疗器材批发”“批发和零售业-零售业-医药及医疗器材专门零售”为限制条件进行4次检索,收集企业名称、状态、成立日期、地址、参保人数、企业类型和行业、主营范围、股权图谱等信息;② 上述4次检索中存在重复项,且部分企业的重要信息缺失,对此进行剔除,保留7173个企业样本,包括1404家外资/中外合资企业(FDI企业)和5769家内资企业;③ 按行业、主营范围将企业划分为上中下游企业,上游企业所属研究和试验发展行业,主营生物医药技术开发、成果转让等,中游企业所属制造业,主营生物医药中间体生产、药剂制造等,下游企业所属批发和零售业,主营生化药品销售、质检服务等;④ 根据样本名单,在DingTalk上匹配性收集企业的核心人员连锁任职数据(人员姓名、职务和关联企业的名称、地址等),根据图1a构建有向的连锁任职网络;⑤ 上述部分缺失数据从各企业年报中补充。



Fig. 1Direction of chain position network and spatial integration of enterprises' strategic connection

2.2 研究方法

2.2.1 显示性比较优势指数的构建


$RCA_n^k = \frac{{EX_n^k/EX_{wn}^k}}{{E{X_n}/E{X_{wn}}}}$

2.2.2 基于战略连接的企业类型识别


Tab. 1
Tab. 1Classification of biopharmaceutical enterprises and their strategic connection characteristics


2.2.3 GPN-IIN耦合绩效的测度



$\rho _i^t = {\rm{min}}\frac{{1 - \frac{1}{A}\mathop {\mathop \sum \limits_{a = 1} }\limits^A \frac{{s_{ia}^{t\_In}}}{{x_{ia}^t}}}}{{1 + \frac{1}{{B + C}}\left( {\mathop {\mathop \sum \limits_{b = 1} }\limits^B \frac{{s_{ib}^{t\_out}}}{{y_{ib}^t}} + \mathop {\mathop \sum \limits_{c = 1} }\limits^C \frac{{s_{ic}^{t\_out{\rm{'}}}}}{{z_{ic}^t}}} \right)}}$
Tab. 2
Tab. 2Input-output system of GPN-IIN strategic coupling for the biopharmaceutical industry






2.2.4 GPN-IIN耦合绩效的分解


$\rho _i^t = \frac{{1 - \alpha _i^t}}{{1 + \beta _i^t}} = \frac{{1 - \frac{1}{A}\mathop {\mathop \sum \limits_{a = 1} }\limits^A red_{ia}^t}}{{1 + \frac{1}{{B + C}}\left( {\mathop {\mathop \sum \limits_{b = 1} }\limits^B {\rm{def}}_{ib}^t + \mathop {\mathop \sum \limits_{c = 1} }\limits^C red_{ic}^t} \right)}}$

另一是混合效率动态分解(Malmquist Index,MI),从两个方面分解绩效变化的原因[37](公式4):① 技术进步的变动(Tec),反映t~t+1年当地技术进步、创新或衰退的情况;② 技术效率的变动(Eff),反映t~t+1年当地技术利用水平的变化,其可进一步分解为规模效率变化(Sec)和纯技术效率变化(Pec)(公式5),前者考察投入规模对绩效的影响,后者考察技术管理水平对绩效的影响。

$MI = Tec \times Eff$
$Eff = Sec \times Pec$

3 全球化下生物医药产业的GPN-IIN战略耦合过程

3.1 走出去的全球化——中国医药产业国际贸易竞争力



Fig. 2Evolution of international trade competitiveness of China's pharmaceutical industry in 2001-2019




3.2 引进来的全球化——生物医药FDI企业与内资企业的战略连接




Fig. 3Distribution of overseas shareholders in the home country of biopharmaceutical industry and investment flows by link



Fig. 4Distribution of FDI companies in the biopharmaceutical industry, looseness of their feet, and investment flows by link in China


Fig. 5Evolution of biopharmaceutical IIN in China in 2000-2019



4 生物医药产业GPN-IIN耦合绩效演化及原因分解

4.1 生物医药产业GPN-IIN耦合绩效的时空演化




Fig. 6Spatiotemporal evolution of GPN-IIN coupling performance in China's biopharmaceutical industry in 2000-2019



4.2 生物医药产业GPN-IIN耦合绩效的原因分解

4.2.1 GPN-IIN耦合绩效的静态分解



Fig. 7Spatiotemporal evolution of static decomposition of GPN-IIN coupling performance in China's biopharmaceutical industry in 2000-2019



4.2.2 GPN-IIN耦合绩效的动态分解


Tab. 3
Tab. 3Dynamic decomposition of GPN-IIN coupling performance in China's biopharmaceutical industry in 2000-2019





Fig. 8Spatial characteristics of dynamic decomposition of GPN-IIN coupling performance in China's biopharmaceutical industry in 2000-2019

5 结论与讨论

5.1 结论




5.2 讨论


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地理科学, 2020, 40(11): 1831-1839.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2020.11.008 [本文引用: 1]
引入修正引力模型、社会网络分析方法、DEA模型以及Tobit模型,探讨2001—2015年京津冀、长三角、珠三角三大城市群的创新联系网络结构对创新效率的影响。研究表明:① 创新联系格局方面,京津冀城市群呈现以“京津”为核心的放射状发展特征,长三角城市群呈现以“Z”字形为主轴的类钻石型空间格局,珠三角城市群形成了以珠江口两侧城市为核心、其他城市为重要节点的空间格局;② 在创新联系网络结构特征方面,京津冀城市群呈极核式发展,群内创新联系高度依赖于核心城市,长三角和珠三角城市群由单中心驱动转变为多中心驱动,呈均衡发展特征,京津冀和珠三角城市群创新联系网络具有“小世界”网络特征;③ Tobit模型回归结果显示,三大城市群中,城市节点在城市群创新联系网络中的中心位置、中介地位、对结构洞的运用能力和集聚程度对其创新效率的影响存在差异。
[ Sheng Yanwen, Gou Qian, Song Jinping. Innovation linkage network structure and innovation efficiency in urban agglomeration: A case of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2020, 40(11): 1831-1839.] DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2020.11.008.

[本文引用: 1]
Based on the modified Gravity Model, SNA method, DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) model and Tobit model, this article analyzes the effect of spatial structure of the innovation linkage network on the innovation efficiency in cities. The main findings of this study are drawn as follows: 1) The innovation linkage showed a radial expansion with the core of Beijing-Tianjin in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH), and a diamond-shaped structure in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), and in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), the innovation linkage presented a spatial pattern with the cities on both sides of the Pearl River estuary as the core and other cities as important nodes. 2) The innovation linkage network had a polar core development and the innovation linkage highly depended on the core cities in the BTH, but in the YRD and the PRD, the innovation linkage network showed the balanced development from single-center driving to multi-center driving. In addition, the innovation linkage networks in the BTH and PRD were characterized by the ‘small world’. 3) Tobit regression results showed that the central position, betweenness position, occupying capacity of structural holes and agglomeration had different effects on the innovation efficiency in the three urban agglomerations.

周晓艳, 侯美玲, 李霄雯. 独角兽企业内部联系视角下中国城市创新网络空间结构研究
地理科学进展, 2020, 39(10): 1667-1676.

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2020.10.006 [本文引用: 1]
独角兽企业是新经济时代不同形式创新的集中组织和整合,其内部联系及空间组织反映了区域创新网络的格局和特征。论文基于独角兽企业内部联系,通过总部—分支机构联系模型构建中国城市创新网络,运用社会网络分析方法从网络层级、关联模式、网络节点3个层面探究新经济时代中国城市创新网络的空间结构和特征。研究表明:① 独角兽企业内部联系视角下中国城市创新网络呈现“1+3+N”的核心城市驱动发展格局,“北上杭深”组合领跑全局,空间极化现象明显;② 中国城市创新网络的空间结构整体呈菱形结构,且明显呈东强西弱的格局;强联系主要发生在核心节点城市之间,其他城市通过与重要节点城市连接进入网络,网络核心—边缘结构突出;③ 重要的节点城市在城市创新网络中展示出较强的权力和威望,但在网络中发挥的作用有一定差异。研究可为新时代中国城市创新网络的研究提供新的视角,文中构建的独角兽指数亦可为城市创新综合实力评估研究提供参考。
[ Zhou Xiaoyan, Hou Meiling, Li Xiaowen. Spatial structure of urban innovation network based on the Chinese unicorn company network
Progress in Geography, 2020, 39(10): 1667-1676.] DOI: 10.18306/dlkxjz.2020.10.006.

[本文引用: 1]
Unicorn company, a new term in today's business climate, is the integration of different types of innovations in the new era, and its internal relations and spatial organization reflect the pattern and characteristics of regional innovation networks. Consistent with the emerging entrepreneurship and the rapid development of the Internet, increasingly more unicorn companies appear in China, which provides an opportunity for us to catch a glimpse of China's innovation development through a new perspective. In this study, we used the ownership linkage model to map China's urban innovation network based on 164 Chinese unicorn companies' internal relations, and analyzed the spatial structure through the following social network analysis perspectives: urban hierarchy, association pattern, and city nodes. The "unicorn index" was developed as an indicator to evaluate the development and magnitude of a city's unicorn companies as well as its innovation environment and position in the network. Cities of high unicorn index values rank high in the urban innovation network hierarchy, which constitutes four tiers in a pyramid-shaped structure with 253 cities, only nine of which are in the top three tiers. Among them, Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Shenzhen show their innovative activity and advanced development in the unicorn entrepreneurship. To analyze the association pattern, we calculated the network density, assortativity coefficient, and the degree correlation for the network. The results show that most cities are not closely linked with each other in this generally loose-association urban innovation network, while intensive connections only happen between the cities with high unicorn index, highlighting an intensive-connection diamond-shaped structure. To further examine each city node, we regard outdegree as its innovative influence and "power", indegree as its innovative attraction and "prestige", and eigenvector centrality as its connectivity. We found that Beijing and Shanghai still play leading roles in the innovation network, but Nanjing and Wuhan start to exhibit innovative attraction and potential. In conclusion, the development of urban innovation network is driven by four leading cities—Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Shenzhen, showing a spatial polarization character. The network pattern highlights a diamond structure whose activity weakens from the east to the west. Cities having high unicorn index are strongly linked to each other and playing important roles while other cities enter the network by establishing links to those cities, shaping the core-periphery network structure. Moreover, those important cities enjoy power and prestige and have various influences in the innovation network. This study provides a new look into China's urban innovation network and some insights for policymakers to promote urban innovation. Also, the unicorn index can be considered in city innovation evaluation.

顾伟男, 刘慧, 王亮. 国外创新网络演化机制研究
地理科学进展, 2019, 38(12): 1977-1990.

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.12.013 [本文引用: 1]
创新网络研究是创新地理学研究的热点,其中创新网络的演化机制是当前创新网络研究的核心问题之一。论文通过CiteSpace知识图谱定量分析和文献深度分析相结合,对国外创新网络演化机制的研究进行全面解析,结果表明:① 网络内生效应,包括网络的整体特征、根植性、外部性、技术守门员与吸收能力等,对创新网络的演化主要体现在组织要素对当地的依赖程度、对外部知识的吸收能力,以及对整体网络的控制能力;② 网络组织要素的规模、性质和大小等对创新网络的形成演化也有一定的作用;③ 多维邻近性对于创新网络的形成和演化具有重要作用,单一邻近性和邻近性之间的综合作用对于创新网络的演化具有阶段性特征;④ 不同发展阶段创新网络的演化机制不同,机制之间的组合模式也存在差异。最后,在总结国外创新网络演化机制研究的主要内容和方法的基础上,提出了当前该领域研究中存在的不足及未来研究的方向。
[ Gu Weinan, Liu Hui, Wang Liang. International research on the evolution mechanisms of innovation networks
Progress in Geography, 2019, 38(12): 1977-1990.] DOI: 10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.12.013.

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The research of innovation networks is a hot topic in innovation geography, and the evolution mechanisms of innovation networks are one of the core issues in the research of innovation networks. Based on CiteSpace knowledge map and deep literature analysis, this article summarizes the international research on the evolution mechanisms of innovation networks. The results show that: The endogenous effects of networks, including the overall characteristics, embeddedness, externality, technology gatekeeper, and absorptive capacity of networks, mainly reflect the evolution of innovation networks in terms of the degree of dependence of organizations on local areas, the absorptive capacity of external knowledge, and the ability to control overall networks. The characteristics of network organizations, which are embodied in the scale, nature, and size of different organizations, also have effects on the evolution of innovation networks. Multidimensional proximities play an important role in the evolution of innovation networks, and the single proximity and multidimensional proximities have periodic characteristics for the evolution of innovation networks. The evolution mechanisms of innovation networks differ at various stages of development, and the combination modes among mechanisms are also different. Finally, based on the analysis of the contents and methods of international research on the evolution mechanisms of innovation networks, the shortcomings of current research and directions for future research are put forward.

段德忠, 杜德斌, 谌颖, . 中国城市创新网络的时空复杂性及生长机制研究
地理科学, 2018, 38(11): 1759-1768.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.11.003 [本文引用: 1]
以国家知识产权局专利转让记录为数据源,采用大数据挖掘与分析技术、空间分析技术、复杂网络模型和负二项回归模型,系统描绘了2001~2015年中国城市创新网络的拓扑结构、空间结构和生长机制。研究发现:① 中国城市创新网络规模迅速扩张,在两极分化下涌现出显著的小世界性和等级层次性,以北京、上海、深圳为核心的核心-边缘格局不断强化;② 以三角结构为基础的中国城市创新网络的四边形格局逐渐形成,京津、长三角、珠三角是中国城市专利转移的核心三角;③ 中国城市创新网络的生长与城市科技创新实力显著相关,且受到地理距离的阻抗作用,凸显出强烈的地理邻近性,另外城市经济发展水平相似度和产业结构相似度也是影响城市创新网络生长的重要因素。
[ Duan Dezhong, Du Debin, Chen Ying, et al. Spatial-temporal complexity and growth mechanism of city innovation network in China
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018, 38(11): 1759-1768.] DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.11.003.

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At present, China’s city innovation system is gradually taking shape. As the core component of innovation resources, innovative technology represented by patents has become the focus of competition among all cities. Its gathering and diffusion channels urgently need to build a compatible city technology transfer system. The construction of a national technology transfer system in line with the law of science and technology innovation, the law of technology transfer and the law of industrial development is an inevitable choice for serving the strategy of innovation development. Based on data mining from National Intellectual Property Office of China, the heterogeneities and its evolution characteristics of city innovation network depicted by patent transfer in topology and space from 2001 to 2015 were sketched using lots of visualizing tools such as Pajek, Gephi, VOSviewer, ArcGIS, and so on. Topologically, from 2001 to 2015, with the increasing number of cities involved in technology transfer, China city innovation network has emerged a significant small-world feature with the smaller average path length and the extremely large cluster coefficient compared to its counterpart. In addition, the entire network presents a core- periphery structure with hierarchies, which dominated by Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. Spatially, the quadrilateral pattern of China city innovation network based on the triangular structure is gradually formed. Last but not least, the growth mechanism of city innovation network were also verified by correlational analysis, negative binomial regression approach and gravity model of STATA. The growth of city innovation network in China is significantly related to the technological innovation strength represented by the number of patent application. The findings further confirm that geographical distance has weakened cross-city patents transfer. Meanwhile, the similarity of economic development and industrial structure between cities are also important factors influencing the growth of city innovation network.

王琛, 林初昇, 戴世续. 产业集群对技术创新的影响: 以电子信息产业为例
地理研究, 2012, 31(8): 1375-1386.

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[ Wang Chen, Research on the relationship between industrial cluster and technological innovation of China's electronics and information industry
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Habitat International, 2018, 71: 60-69. DOI: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2017.10.012.

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Regional Studies, 2009, 43(3): 385-407. DOI: 10.1080/00343400802508836.


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Regional Studies, 2009, 43(3): 325-351. DOI: 10.1080/00343400902777059.

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Mackinnon D. Beyond strategic coupling: Reassessing the firm-region nexus in global production networks
Journal of Economic Geography, 2012, 12(1): 227-245. DOI: 10.1093/jeg/lbr009.

URL [本文引用: 1]

Yeung H W. Regional development in the global economy: A dynamic perspective of strategic coupling in global production networks
Regional Science Policy & Practice, 2015, 7(1): 1-24. DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12055.

[本文引用: 1]

Nilsen T. Global production networks and strategic coupling in value chains entering peripheral regions
The Extractive Industries and Society, 2019, 6(3): 815-822. DOI: 10.1016/j.exis.2019.04.004.

URL [本文引用: 1]

罗芊, 贺灿飞, 郭琪. 基于地级市尺度的中国外资空间动态与本土产业演化
地理科学进展, 2016, 35(11): 1369-1380.

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.11.007 [本文引用: 1]
[ Luo Qian, He Canfei, Guo Qi. Interaction between the spatial dynamics of foreign direct investment and domestic industrial change in Chinese prefecture-level cities
Progress in Geography, 2016, 35(11): 1369-1380.]

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.11.007 [本文引用: 1]
Technological progress and institutional change are key drivers for industrial development. The rapid development of information and communication technology has weakened the demand of industrial production for local resources and promoted the free flow of capital, knowledge, labor, and other factors of production in a wider area. The "temporal and spatial compression" formed by technological evolution has further changed the pattern of global interests and led to institutional reform aimed at regional integration and trade liberalization. This loosens the restriction of trade costs on location options for productive activities and provides more possibilities for cross-regional production linkages and the establishment of global production network (GPN). With the formation of GPN, transnational enterprises (TNE) tend to locate in regions with cheaper labor cost, more preferential policies, and greater market potential in order to optimize their cost-benefit of operation on a global scale by means of foreign direct investment (FDI). Under this trend, developing countries become essential destinations for FDI, which in return makes FDI a key factor that affects the industrial change of host countries through spillover and competition effects, for example. Technological proximity between foreign and domestic parts in one industry also contributes to enhancing or weakening the effects of spillover and competition, then influences the interaction between the spatial dynamics of foreign direct investment and domestic industrial change, and further exerts impacts on regional economic growth. Based on the theories of global production network and Evolutionary Economic Geography and using four-digit manufacturing data of China's prefectural-level cities in ASIFs from 1998 to 2008, this study analyzed the interaction between FDI spatial dynamics (including FDI enterprise entry and FDI enterprises exit) and domestic industrial change and the impact of technological proximity on FDI spatial dynamics and domestic industrial change by using qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The results show that the entry and exit of TNEs both induced change of domestic industries, while the spatial dynamics of FDI demonstrated the most significant effect in central and western China, followed by eastern cities. FDI entry contributed more in promoting domestic industrial change than FDI exit in the Northeastern. Technological proximity between domestic industries and FDI industries mostly weakened the positive effect of different spatial dynamics of FDI on domestic industrial change, except for the entry of FDI during 1998-2003. From a regional perspective, technological proximity in eastern cities showed positive effect on both entry and exit of FDI, suggesting a typical example of "strategic coupling." On the other hand, in middle, western and northeastern cities, higher technological relatedness has become an essential reason that prevents FDI from promoting the development of domestic industries.

周玲玲, 张恪渝, 冯晟昊. 中美贸易摩擦对我国汽车零部件产业的影响评估
国际经贸探索, 2020, 36(5): 4-15.

[本文引用: 1]

[ Zhou Lingling, Zhang Keyu, Feng Shenghao. Impact of Sino-US trade frictions on China's automobile parts industry
International Economics and Trade Research, 2020, 36(5): 4-15.] DOI: 10.13687/j.cnki.gjjmts.2020.05.001.

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樊纲, 关志雄, 姚枝仲. 国际贸易结构分析: 贸易品的技术分布
经济研究, 2006, (8): 70-80.

[本文引用: 1]

[ Fan Gang, Guan Zhixiong, Yao Zhizhong. Analyzing the foreign trade structure based on technologies of traded goods
Economic Research Journal, 2006, (8):70-80.] DOI: cnki:%20SUN:%20JJYJ.0.2006-08-007.

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张战仁, 杜德斌. 跨国研发投资与中国发展影响研究: 基于中国创新自主发展基础的面板联立方程分析
地理科学, 2015, 35(8): 976-983.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2015.08.976 [本文引用: 1]
[ Zhang Zhanren, Du Debin. Transnational R&D investment and Chinese development: The panel simultaneous equation analysis based on indigenous innovation of China
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015, 35(8): 976-983.] DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2015.08.006.

[本文引用: 1]
<p>As a vital performance of international network division’s development in depth, the dialectical influence of transnational R&D investment is based on the innovative independent development of the host country. According to the provincial panel simultaneous data in 2009-2012, the article studies the influence of transnational R&D investment to China. The results show that based on the current level of self-development of innovation, the foreign R&D has an obvious promoting effect on China’s independent innovation, and China will achieve the goal of obtaining a higher place in international division during the adjustment period of international R&D division of labor. However, differing from the overall impact of foreign R&D investment, the relations between China's eastern, central and western provinces and foreign R&D investment are different. Among them, based on the current innovative independent development, only provinces in the eastern China have reached the regional conditions that multinational companies can establish its global R&D network. The majority of the midwest provinces and regions are restricted by the weak basis of innovative independent development, cannot achieve the goal of obtaining a higher place in international division and accelerating the development of innovative independent through the positive interaction with multinational R&D investment. On the policy implications, it indicates that the actual influence of foreign R&D will change with different indigenous innovation foundation in host place. To realize the dialectical understanding of foreign R&D, the foundation of innovation and independent development of the host country must be taken into account.</p>

夏丽丽, 王润晓, 梁新怡, . 全球-地方背景下东道国企业研发行为的演变及其影响因素研究: 基于技术溢出视角的广州市本土制造企业微观实证
地理科学, 2019, 39(2): 277-284.

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2019.02.012 [本文引用: 1]
[ Xia Lili, Wang Runxiao, Liang Xinyi, et al. Evolution of R&D behavior and influential factors of indigenous enterprises of host countries under the global-local background: A case study of manufacturing enterprises in Guangzhou from the perspective of technology spillover
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2019, 39(2): 277-284.] DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2019.02.012.

[本文引用: 1]
<p>The global-local relationship generated in the process of innovation and transnational innovative mechanism has become a new topic of regional development. The research on the impact of globalizing forces on the innovation of host countries is mainly based on the perspective of technology spillover and the impact on the evolution of economic and innovation consequence of host countries has attracted great attention during the last two decades. Few literatures, however, have focused on the impact on the process of innovation,which is more significant for developing host countries to achieve technical transition and value upgrading in global production network. Based on a case study of Guangzhou, this article begs the question of what effect the technology spillover of transnational enterprises has on the process of innovation of China, especially on indigenous manufacturing firms, which play a key role in industrialization and face increasingly urgent environmental regulation and the demand of technical transition in China. Fieldwork is carried out to obtain R&D behavior’s characteristics of indigenous manufacturing firms using semi-structured questionnaire through face-to-face interviews with owners or responsible persons of the firms selected by convenient and snowball sampling. Location of the samples covers major manufacturing area in Guangzhou. The results show that since the 1990s, the indigenous firms have gradually increased R&D input, established independent R&D institutions as well as actively promoted R&D internationalization. Meanwhile, the R&D behavior of technology import and external cooperation are relatively weak. These changes indicate the indigenous manufacturing firms have experienced a R&D mode transition from highly dependent on introducing technology from developed Countries to the internalization and internationalization of R&D behavior dominated by self-dependent innovation. Promoting the motivation of self-dependent innovation of indigenous enterprises underlies the evolution of R&D behavior under the circumstance of integrating multinational innovation network. The study further investigates what impacts the technical spillover from foreign investments have on the evolution of R&D mode of indigenous manufacturing firms and its mechanism by building an ordinal polytomous logistic regression model. In the model, the effect of technical relation, productive cooperation and labor turnover between translational and indigenous manufacturing enterprises have been examined. The results show that technical spillover from foreign investments has a significant impact on the transition of R&D mode of local enterprises. Both of the decreased technical gaps and the free flow of labor force between international and local enterprises have significantly promoted the motivation of independent R&D behavior of local enterprises. More closely embedded in global production networks also has a positive effect. However, international technology procurement has a significant negative effect on self-dependent innovation of indigenous manufacturing firms. The results of this paper can help to enrich the understanding of the evolution of local innovation process and its mechanism under the background of globalization, and provide inspiration for the policy-making of regional innovation system integrated global forces.</p>

叶士琳, 蒋自然, 祁新华. 长三角集装箱码头效率时空演化及其影响因素
地理研究, 2020, 39(8): 1782-1793.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj020190737 [本文引用: 1]
[ Ye Shilin, Jiang Ziran, Qi Xinhua. Spatio-temporal characteristics and influencing factors of container terminals efficiency in the Yangtze River Delta
Geographical Research, 2020, 39(8): 1782-1793.] DOI: 10.11821/dlyj020190737.

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With the continuous development of the global port and shipping market, inter-port competition is increasingly manifesting as competition at the terminal level. The efficiency of container terminals will significantly affect the efficiency and competitiveness of the whole port supply chain, and then have an important impact on regional economic development. It has grown up to be a challenging task for many countries to measure and understand the efficiency characteristics of container terminals scientifically, especially for developing countries and emerging market countries. Therefore, research on container terminal efficiency has received more and more attention in recent years, but there are the research results based on the geographical perspective. In this paper, 15 main container terminals in the Yangtze River Delta region are chosen as the research object, and their efficiency between 2008 and 2017 is measured by using the super-efficiency SBM model, and then the spatial-temporal evolution characteristics are analyzed. On this basis, the Tobit model is utilized to analyze the key factors affecting the efficiency of container terminals. The result shows that: (1) the overall level of comprehensive technical efficiency of the Yangtze River Delta container terminal is not high, the highest efficiency value is only 0.581, but the overall growth trend remains unchanged. During the study period, the average scale efficiency value of container terminals showed a slowly decreasing trend year by year, while the average pure technical efficiency value maintained a steady growth trend. The gap between them is narrowing year by year. Besides, the principal driving force for the slow growth of comprehensive technical efficiency comes from the improvement of pure technical efficiency. (2) From 2008 to 2017, the change trends of container terminal efficiency in the study region were different, which jointly promote the significant adjustment of the spatial pattern of container terminals efficiency. During the study period, the coefficient of variation of the comprehensive technical efficiency of the delta container terminal fluctuated between 0.159 and 0.318, and the spatial pattern evolution of container terminals efficiency has obvious phase characteristics. Since 2013, this spatial difference has developed towards equalization. At the same time, there are noticeable differences in efficiency evolution between the coastal and the riverside container terminals, and the former performs better. (3) Depending on the regression analysis results of influencing factors, human resources, port collection and distribution conditions, and port functions have a significant positive effect on container terminal efficiency. Also, the relevant indicators of ownership structure and hinterland economy have not passed the model test, and their impact is not significant.

孙秀梅, 张慧, 王格. 基于超效率SBM模型的区域碳排放效率研究: 以山东省17个地级市为例
生态经济, 2016, 32(5): 68-73.

[本文引用: 1]

[ Sun Xiumei, Zhang Hui, Wang Ge. Evaluation of regional carbon emissions performance based on SE-SBM model: Taking Shandong province as an example
Ecological Economy, 2016, 32(5): 68-73.] DOI: cnki:%20SUN:%20STJJ.0.2016-05-014.

URL [本文引用: 1]

刘懿, 方玉. 国有上市企业运营效率测算和时空演进分析
经济地理, 2020, 40(2): 117-124, 131.

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