

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

马振邦1,2,3,, 陈兴鹏1,2, 贾卓1,2, 吕鹏4
1. 兰州大学资源环境学院西部环境教育部重点实验室,兰州 730000
2. 兰州大学资源环境学院中国西部循环经济研究中心,兰州 730000
3. 兰州大学县域经济发展研究院,兰州 730000
4. 甘肃省扶贫开发办公室,兰州 730000

Poor people, or poor area? A geostatistical test for spatial poverty traps

MAZhenbang1,2,3,, CHENXingpeng1,2, JIAZhuo1,2, LVPeng4
1. Key Laboratory of Western China's Environmental Systems (Ministry of Education), College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
2. Research Institute for Circular Economy in Western China, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
3. Institute for Studies in County Economy Development, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
4. Gansu Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, Lanzhou 730000, China

版权声明:2018《地理研究》编辑部《地理研究》编辑部 所有
-->作者简介:马振邦(1983- ),男,甘肃会宁人,讲师,研究方向为景观地理与区域可持续发展。E-mail: zbma@lzu.edu.cn



The test for spatial poverty traps (SPTs) is a hot issue in the field of the geography of rural poverty. However, the main existing approaches cannot provide spatial scale-related information, which may be a restriction on gaining a deeper understanding of the mechanism of SPTs. Therefore, we conducted a case study in the Liupan Mountain Region by introducing geostatistical methods. The semivariogram and cross-correlogram were employed to quantitatively describe the spatial pattern of village-level poverty and its relationship with the selected geographical factors respectively, so that the scale-dependent spatial form and underlying reasons for SPTs can be explored. The village-level poor population (PP) and poverty rate (PR) were used as the poverty indicators. The results show that the geostatistical methods can provide satisfactory and reliable performance in the test for SPTs: (1) The semivariogram models can indicate both the spatial structure and the autocorrelation range of the two indicators, which can describe the extent and the range of the spatial form of SPTs (i.e. the spatial aggregation of poverty). The percentages of the random variance (nugget, C0) in the total variance (sill, C0 + C) are 34.4% and 11.5% for PP and PR, respectively. The range of autocorrelation is 9.3 km for PR, and 5 and 48 km for PP. (2) The cross-correlograms further show that the two indicators are significantly (P<0.05) correlated with the geographical factors within different spatial ranges. Generally, the poverty status of a village is mainly in response to three factors (i.e. the distance to the nearest county town, the elevation, and the total population) within a wide range. In conclusion, the evidence of SPTs from our work is consistent with the reality that the study area has suffered persistent poverty in the past three decades.

Keywords:spatial poverty traps;geostatistical methods;scale;Liupan Mountain region

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马振邦, 陈兴鹏, 贾卓, 吕鹏. 人穷还是地穷?空间贫困陷阱的地统计学检验[J]. 地理研究, 2018, 37(10): 1997-2010 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201810010
MA Zhenbang, CHEN Xingpeng, JIA Zhuo, LV Peng. Poor people, or poor area? A geostatistical test for spatial poverty traps[J]. Geographical Research, 2018, 37(10): 1997-2010 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201810010

1 引言

围绕空间贫困陷阱的检验与识别,****们基于农户和地理单元两个尺度进行了积极探索。农户尺度上,通常是将地理因子纳入基于农户动态调查数据的微观模型,来分析地理因子对农户消费增长的影响[8];或基于截面数据利用因素分解方法对地理因子引致的农户间福利差异进行分解[9],来检验空间贫困陷阱是否存在[6]。但是,由于抽样调查数据的样本量较小,微观模型或分解方法无法实现空间贫困陷阱的空间可视化表达。为此,研究者们尝试把农户调查数据与人口普查数据相结合,首先运用小区域估计方法得到基于地理单元的贫困截面数据,进而利用空间分析方法(如Moran's I指数)通过考察贫困是否存在空间自相关来判断空间贫困陷阱是否存在并实现其“全景式”描述[1,10-12],最后建立空间计量模型(如空间滞后或误差模型)来探究具有显著性影响的地理因子[10,11,13]。然而,部分****发现贫困的空间格局及其成因随着空间尺度的变化而变化[14,15]。Okwi等在肯尼亚的研究显示,当研究区域由全国缩小为省级时,贫困发生率在某些省份并未表现出空间集聚性,且具有显著性影响的地理因子数目及影响力省际间变化较大[14]。Ward等在尼日尔河流域的研究同样发现,只有少数地理因子与贫困状况的关系方向及强弱全局相对稳定,而大多数地理因子则仅在局部产生影响[15]。此时,空间计量模型无法定量描述贫困格局及其成因这种与尺度相关的变化。
地统计学方法可揭示区域化变量的空间相关、变异组成及其影响因素随尺度的变化,已在地质、土壤、生态、环境及人口等领域得到广泛应用[16,17,18,19],但在贫困地理方面的应用却十分少见。因此,以甘肃省六盘山片区为案例区,拟引入变异函数及交叉相关图等地统计学方法,通过考察行政村水平上贫困的空间格局及其与地理因子关系随尺度的变化特征,来提供空间贫困陷阱检验关于空间尺度方面的深入理解:① 借助变异函数方法能否实现空间贫困陷阱的有效检验,也即贫困陷阱成因中“人”“地”部分的定量分割?② 不同地理因子对村级贫困空间格局形成存在怎样的与尺度相关的影响?

2 研究区概况与研究方法

2.1 地统计学方法的引入

2.1.1 变异函数方法 尝试运用变异函数进行空间贫困陷阱的定量检验,定义为[21]
γ(h)与h的散点图进行拟合,可建立变异函数理论模型,从而获得变异函数的几个基本参数:基台值(C0+C)、块金值(C0)和变程(a)。a可理解为变量Z的空间自相关范围。C0+C为变量Zh由小变大产生的最大变异,也即haγ(h)达到的稳定值,可分解为两部分[20,22]:① 小于分辨率尺度上随机部分C0,表示由Z的属性或测量误差所决定的非连续性变异总和;② 变程a以内由结构性因素引起的空间自相关部分C(偏基台值)。此时,C0/(C0+C)反映随机部分在总的空间变异中所占比例。
2.1.2 交叉相关图方法 交叉相关图用来探讨空间贫困陷阱成因与空间尺度的关系,可由交叉相关系数得出。交叉相关系数为间隔距离为h时两个变量间的相关性[28]

2.2 案例区的选择

-->Fig. 1Location of the study area and spatial distribution of the villages, the rivers and the roads

该区域面积1.32×104 km2,地处黄土丘陵沟壑区,山地、丘陵、沟壑、梁峁、河谷纵横交错(图1c)。地形起伏大,海拔1231~3172 m,坡度15°以上面积占比27.3%。案例区以温带大陆性季风气候为主,年均降水量约350~550 mm。除渭河、关川河、散渡河等河流的台阶地区水热、土壤等农业生产条件较好以外,大多数地区由于地形陡峭、水资源匮乏等原因,农业生产发展状况不良。

2.3 数据来源与处理

-->Fig. 2Frequency distribution histograms for the poverty indicators

根据相关****关于地理资本的阐述及分类[6-8,30],借鉴Okwi等、Benson等和刘小鹏等的研究[13,14,31],选择平均海拔等8个地理因子来表征行政村的地理资本状况(表1)。其中,地形数据来源于中国科学院计算机网络信息中心地理空间数据云平台,空间分辨率为30 m;气象数据来源于中国科学院资源环境科学数据中心,空间分辨率为500 m;路网、河网和行政区划数据(包括行政村、乡镇中心、县城地理位置等)来源于甘肃省2012年1 10万基础地理数据集,由地球系统科学数据共享平台—寒区旱区科学数据中心提供。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Description and type of the geographical indicators at the village level

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Descriptive statistics of the indicators at the village level

利用GS+Version 7软件进行变异函数和交叉相关图分析。由于案例区行政村点位是不规则分布的,步长选取距离组方法。考虑到郭晓东在陇中黄土丘陵区的研究显示中心村劳作半径约为0.8~1 km[33],与本区内样本村间的平均最近邻距离1.78 km相符,所以选择2 km作为分组值,也即最小分辨率单元行政村所对应的空间尺度。由于最大样本距为159.97 km,距离组共设40组。

3 结果分析

3.1 变异函数分析结果

两项贫困指标的变异函数曲线见图3表3是变异函数理论模型概述。单个模型下,贫困人口数和贫困发生率的变异函数都符合指数模型,决定系数R2分别为0.926和0.968。由图3a,贫困人口理论模型对30 km以内实测值的拟合效果不佳,这样会忽略小尺度范围内贫困人口的空间分布及相关过程。为此,利用不同尺度上的套合结构表现其变异函数,经过不断拟合,发现以单个球状模型为基础的二次套合结构模型拟合效果最佳(图3b),R2达到0.984。根据理论模型,贫困人口数和贫困发生率都具有较好的空间结构性,表现为空间集聚分布。
-->Fig. 3Semivariogram curves of the poverty indicators

Tab. 3
Tab. 3Isotropic semivariogram models and parameters of the poverty indicators

块金值与基台值之比C0/(C0+C)为空间总变异中随机部分所占比例,它与空间自相关部分所占比例呈反比,可作为研究因子空间自相关的分类依据[29,34]C0/(C0+C)<25%属于强的空间自相关,说明研究因子受结构性因素的强烈影响而具有很好的空间结构性;25%<C0/(C0+C)<75%属于中等程度的空间自相关;75%<C0/(C0+C)表明空间自相关很弱,此时分辨率尺度以下的随机性因素起重要作用。就案例区来说,贫困发生率的C0/(C0+C)为11.5%(表3),表明在贫困发生率的总空间变异中,约有11.5%的空间变异由村域或2 km以下的随机性因素引起,而由自相关部分引起的空间变异占88.5%。显然,贫困发生率表现出很强的空间自相关,表明贫困发生率受到村域以上结构性因素的强烈影响。对贫困人口而言,总的空间变异中随机部分和自相关部分分别为34.4%和65.6%,意味着贫困人口的空间分布主要由结构性因素决定,而随机性因素也不可忽视。
由变程a和变异函数曲线斜率可以看出(表3图3),两项贫困指标的空间变异是尺度的函数,说明它们的空间格局及关联过程均是尺度相关的[20,22]。贫困发生率的空间自相关范围为9.3 km,表明各种结构性因素的影响主要集中在9.3 km以内[20]。套合模型显示贫困人口存在5 km和48 km两个变程,也即在0~5 km和5~48 km范围内贫困人口表现出强度不同的自相关性,超过48 km后自相关性消失。在0~5 km的短程范围内空间变异主要来源于球状模型I,变异函数曲线斜率较大,贫困人口表现出较强的空间结构性;在5~48 km的长程范围内空间变异主要来源于球状模型II,变异函数曲线斜率较小,贫困人口的空间结构性相对较弱。这说明贫困人口具有等级系统结构,不同尺度上它受到几个重要结构性因素的影响和控制[22,34]。需要强调的是,无论是随机性因素还是结构性因素,它们同时对贫困指标的空间变异起作用,而2 km、5 km、9.3 km和48 km的尺度分割可为理解不同空间范围内致贫因素的作用方式、强度等提供有力支持。

3.2 交叉相关图分析结果

从贫困指标与地理因子的交叉相关图可发现,各地理因子对村级贫困的空间影响范围不尽相同(图4)。就贫困发生率而言,降雨量的影响范围最大为50 km,到县城距离接近20 km,其他因子约为9~11 km。而对贫困人口数来说,降雨量和总人口数空间影响范围明显大于坡度、到河流/县城/乡镇距离的影响,后4个因子均小于5 km。平均海拔比较特殊,它对贫困人口数的影响强度在5~50 km之间显著变大而后回落,到县城距离也表现出类似情况。Stein等指出,这种倒“N”型形态(图4a和图4f)意味着两种空间格局在较大空间范围内也存在相关性[28]。就案例区而言,这可能是贫困人口分布对较大尺度上地理环境条件结构性差异和县域经济社会状况整体差异的一种响应。例如,河流网络和道路网络将案例区分割成连绵山地区及丘陵区,它们的体量如按矩形计长宽多在5~40 km范围内(图1c和图1d),一般连绵山地区贫困发生率相对高但贫困人口数较小。此外,由于自然、历史、经济、行政、文化等多方面因素的综合作用,安定、通渭、陇西三区县(约占案例区60%的面积)如按正方形计边长为48.9~51.3 km,且村级贫困人口规模整体上梯次升高。
-->Fig. 4Cross-correlograms between the poverty indicators and the geographical factors

-->Fig. 5Values of AR between the poverty indicators and the geographical factors


4 讨论

4.1 地统计学方法的有效性

本文基于案例区行政村的研究表明,地统计学方法中变异函数与交叉相关图相结合可有效解决上述问题。两项贫困指标的变异函数理论模型能精确描述村级贫困的空间分布(图3表3)。根据理论模型:① 村级贫困表现出较强的空间自相关,两项贫困指标的C0/(C0+C)为11.5%和34.4%;② 贫困的空间自相关均是尺度关联的,贫困发生率的自相关范围为9.3 km,贫困人口数在0~5 km和5~48 km两个范围内表现出强弱不同的自相关。交叉相关图显示(图4图5),两项贫困指标在大尺度范围内( <50 km)与降雨量和海拔显著相关,在中尺度范围内( <30 km)与到县城距离和总人口显著相关,在小尺度范围内( <10 km)与坡度、到河流/乡镇距离等显著相关。上述结果综合表明,相比村域以内的随机因素,村级贫困受到不同尺度上地形、气候、区位等结构性因素更强的影响和控制。充分说明,案例区空间贫困陷阱问题突出,这与该区域近三十年表现出区域性和持续性贫困的实际相符。

4.2 稳健性分析

首先,将初始步长分别设置为1.5 km和2.5 km后,发现结果与2 km时基本一致。贫困发生率变异函数理论模型皆为指数模型,决定系数R2在0.965以上,C0/(C0+C)和a的变化在±14%和±4%以内。由交叉相关图指明的各地理因子的显著性影响方向、趋势一致,范围和强度略有变化(图6)。
-->Fig. 6Cross-correlograms between the poverty rate and the geographical factors at different lag intervals

其次,进行不同贫困程度次区域间的比较分析。将案例区等分为4个正方形的次区域,虽然各区域贫困发生率平均水平不尽相同(29.7%~37.5%),但相似之处有(表4图7):① 较小的C0/(C0+C)值(12.6%~24.7%)说明次区域贫困发生率皆有较强的空间结构性;② 变程a与各地理因子显著影响的空间范围基本吻合;③ 各地理因子影响方向普遍一致。
Tab. 4
Tab. 4Isotropic semivariogram models and parameters of the poverty rate in different sub-regions

-->Fig. 7Cross-correlograms between the poverty rate and the geographical factors in different sub-regions

最后,由于其他年份数据的获得性受到限制,设置对照情景进行比较分析。按照全面建成小康社会的目标要求,2020年案例区现行贫困标准下村级贫困发生率将降至3%以下,基本消除区域性的整体贫困,空间贫困陷阱问题不再突出。因此,对2020年村级贫困发生率(PR)进行5次随机模拟,策略为:如PR20133%,则0 PR2020PR2013;如3% <PR2013,则0 PR20203%。结果表明:5次模拟结果相近,变异函数值随尺度的变幅不大,村级贫困在空间上呈现随机分布。相应地,交叉相关系数在不同空间范围上不再显著(P>0.05),意味着各地理因子不再显著影响贫困分布。

5 结论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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长期以来,中国坚持政府主导推动减贫事业,在实践中不断推进扶贫开发的理论创新、组织创新和制度创新,走出了一条中国特色的扶贫开发道路,为全球减贫事业做出了巨大贡献。然而,目前中国仍有7 017万农村贫困人口,成为全面建成小康社会的最大短板。文章深入剖析了新时期中国农村贫困化基本特征,揭示了农村贫困化地域分异规律,探明了农村贫困化的主导因素,提出了科学推进精准扶贫的战略与对策。研究结果表明:贫困人口规模大、分布广、贫困程度深、脱贫难度逐渐加大,是当前中国农村贫困状况的基本特征,因病、因残、因学、因灾致贫或返贫现象突出;农村贫困人口逐渐向我国中西部深石山区、高寒区、民族地区和边境地区集聚,具有贫困户、贫困村、贫困县、贫困区(片)等多级并存的组织结构和空间分布格局;"胡焕庸线"西北部、东南部贫困人口的比重分别占16.4%、83.6%;自然环境恶劣、区位条件差、基础设施落后、区域发展不均衡及前期扶贫开发政策精准性不够等,是中国农村持续贫困的主要症结。如期实现2020年全面消除贫困,亟需扶贫工作体制机制的创新,科学推进精准扶贫战略。
[Liu Yansui, Zhou Yang, Liu Jilai.Regional differentiation characteristics of rural poverty and targeted poverty alleviation strategy in China
. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2016, 31(3): 269-278.]
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
长期以来,中国坚持政府主导推动减贫事业,在实践中不断推进扶贫开发的理论创新、组织创新和制度创新,走出了一条中国特色的扶贫开发道路,为全球减贫事业做出了巨大贡献。然而,目前中国仍有7 017万农村贫困人口,成为全面建成小康社会的最大短板。文章深入剖析了新时期中国农村贫困化基本特征,揭示了农村贫困化地域分异规律,探明了农村贫困化的主导因素,提出了科学推进精准扶贫的战略与对策。研究结果表明:贫困人口规模大、分布广、贫困程度深、脱贫难度逐渐加大,是当前中国农村贫困状况的基本特征,因病、因残、因学、因灾致贫或返贫现象突出;农村贫困人口逐渐向我国中西部深石山区、高寒区、民族地区和边境地区集聚,具有贫困户、贫困村、贫困县、贫困区(片)等多级并存的组织结构和空间分布格局;"胡焕庸线"西北部、东南部贫困人口的比重分别占16.4%、83.6%;自然环境恶劣、区位条件差、基础设施落后、区域发展不均衡及前期扶贫开发政策精准性不够等,是中国农村持续贫困的主要症结。如期实现2020年全面消除贫困,亟需扶贫工作体制机制的创新,科学推进精准扶贫战略。
[6]罗庆, 李小建. 国外农村贫困地理研究进展
. 经济地理, 2014, 36(6): 1-8.
URL [本文引用: 4]摘要
[Luo Qing, Li Xiaojian.The research progress of foreign rural poverty geography
. Economic Geography, 2014, 36(6): 1-8.]
URL [本文引用: 4]摘要
[7]Bird K, Shepherd A.Livelihoods and chronic poverty in semi-arid Zimbabwe
. World Development, 2003, 31(3): 591-610.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0305-750X(02)00220-6URL [本文引用: 5]摘要
Remoteness and geographic (natural, physical, human and social) capital are contrasted with social and political exclusion in explaining persistent rural poverty. We found that persistent poverty was strongly associated with the structural poverty of Zimbabwe semi-arid communal areas. Relative urban proximity assisted income diversification and improvement in a very poor, socially and politically excluded area. Less excluded but remote areas remained poor but not as poor as the excluded population. Livelihoods changed and diversified more in the nonremote area, speeding poverty reduction as measured by an index of perceived change. We conclude with what policy options and sequence might support the inclusion of chronically poor people.
[8]Jalan J, Ravallion M.Spatial Poverty Traps?. Washington,
DC: The World Bank, 1997.
[本文引用: 4]
[9]Ravallion M, Wodon Q.Poor areas, or only poor people?
. Journal of Regional Science, 1999, 39(4): 689-711.
https://doi.org/10.1111/0022-4146.00156URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
Instead of targeting poor areas, should poverty programs target households with personal attributes that foster poverty, no matter where they live? Possibly not. There may be hidden constraints on mobility, or location may reveal otherwise hidden householdattributes. Using survey data for Bangladesh, the authors find significant and sizable geographic effects on living standards, after controlling for a wide range of nongeographic characteristics of households, as would typically be observable to policymakers. The geographic effects are reasonably stable over time, robust to testable sources of bias, and consistent with observed migration patterns. Poor areas are not poor just because households with readily observable attributes that foster poverty are geographically concentrated. There appear to be sizable spatial differences in the returns to given household characteristics. Their results reinforce the case for anti-poverty programs targeted to poor areas even in an economy with few obvious impediments to mobility.
[10]Rupasingha A, Goetz S J.Social and political forces as determinants of poverty: A spatial analysis. Journal of
Socio-Economics, 2007, 36(4): 650-671.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socec.2006.12.021URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
This study contributes to basic knowledge of the structural determinants of poverty in the US by analyzing an expanded set of determinants of poverty, namely factors related to economic, social, and political influence using spatial data analysis techniques. New data sets and creative use of existing data sets make it possible to measure some of these county-wide social and political factors that have previously been excluded from formal investigation. Social capital, ethnic and income inequality, local political competition, federal grants, foreign-born population, and spatial effects are found to be important determinants of poverty in US counties along with other conventional factors.
[11]Epprecht M, Müller D, Minot N.How remote are Vietnam's ethnic minorities?. An analysis of spatial patterns of poverty and inequality
. The Annals of Regional Science, 2011, 46(2): 349-368.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00168-009-0330-7URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
AbstractThis paper investigates whether physical accessibility or ethnicity is a stronger determinant of poverty in Vietnam. Spatially disaggregated welfare indexes for population subgroups show that overall inequality is shaped by an urban ural welfare divide, closely followed in importance by sharp welfare differences between ethnic groups. Accessibility to urban areas is a weaker determinant of poverty. The findings have important implications for the targeting of rural development investments. Addressing the factors isolating ethnic minorities from the mainstream economy is likely to be a more useful strategy in reducing rural poverty and inequality than simple geographic targeting.
[12]王永明, 王美霞, 吴殿廷, . 贵州省乡村贫困空间格局与形成机制分析
. 地理科学, 2017, 37(2): 217-227.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Wang Yongming, Wang Meixia, Wu Dianting, et al.Spatial patterns and determinants of rural poverty: A case of Guizhou province, China
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(2): 217-227.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[13]Benson T, Chamberlin J, Rhinehart I.An investigation of the spatial determinants of the local prevalence of poverty in rural Malawi
. Food Policy, 2005, 30(5-6): 532-550.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2005.09.004URL [本文引用: 2]
[14]Okwi P, Ndeng'e G, Kristjanson P, et al. Spatial determinants of poverty in rural Kenya
. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 2007, 104(43): 16769-16774.
https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0611107104URL [本文引用: 4]
[15]Ward J, Kaczan D.Challenging Hydrological Panaceas: Water poverty governance accounting for spatial scale in the Niger River Basin
. Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 519: 2501-2514.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.05.068URL [本文引用: 2]
[16]王政权. 地统计学及在生态学中的应用. 北京: 科学出版社, 1999. [本文引用: 4]

[Wang Zhengquan.The Application of Geostatistics in Ecology .Beijing: Science Press, 1999.] [本文引用: 4]
[17]Zhao K, Liu X, Xu J, et al.Heavy metal contaminations in a soil-rice system: Identification of spatial dependence in relation to soil properties of paddy fields
. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 181(1): 778-787.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.05.081URLPMID:20561748 [本文引用: 2]摘要
In order to identify spatial relationship of heavy metals in soil ice system at a regional scale, 96 pairs of rice and soil samples were collected from Wenling in Zhejiang province, China, which is one of the well-known electronic and electric waste recycling centers. The results indicated some studied areas had potential contaminations by heavy metals, especially by Cd. The spatial distribution of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn illustrated that the highest concentrations were located in the northwest areas and the accumulation of these metals may be due to the industrialization, agricultural chemicals and other human activities. In contrast, the concentration of Ni decreased from east to west and the mean concentration was below the background value, indicating the distribution of Ni may be naturally controlled. Enrichment index (EI) was used to describe the availability of soil heavy metals to rice. The spatial distribution of EIs for Cd, Ni and Zn exhibited a west-east structure, which was similar with the spatial structures of pH, OM, sand and clay. Cross-correlograms further quantitatively illustrated the EIs were significantly correlated with most soil properties, among which; soil pH and OM had the strongest correlations with EIs. However, EI of Cu showed relative weak correlations with soil properties, especially soil pH and OM had no correlations with EI of Cu, indicating the availability of Cu may be influenced by other factors.
[18]周国法. 生物地理统计学. 北京: 科学出版社, 1998. [本文引用: 2]

[Zhou Guofa. Bio-GeographicalStatistics.Beijing: Science Press, 1998.] [本文引用: 2]
[19]张海霞, 牛叔文, 齐敬辉, . 基于乡镇尺度的河南省人口分布的地统计学分析
. 地理研究, 2016, 35(2): 325-336.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201602010URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
基于地统计学方法,以乡镇层面的第六次人口普查数据为基础,对河南省人口分布及其影响因素进行分析。结果表明:全省人口分布基本上可划分为山区低密度、平原中密度和城市高密度三种类型;变异函数在东西、南北、东北—西南和西北—东南四个方向上趋向相近,距离超过80 km后,各向异性增强;变异函数的指数模型拟合效果最好,插值结果直观地表现了人口疏密的梯度变化;洛阳至淮滨一线为全省较明显的人口分界线;山区和平原两种地形条件是影响该省人口空间格局的基本因素;在平原地区,区位条件和社会经济发展的互动作用又成为影响城镇人口分布的主要因素。在推进城镇化的进程中,应结合主体功能区划和新型城镇化战略,有序推进城乡人口的再分布。
[Zhang Haixia, Niu Shuwen, Qi Jinghui, et al.Geological statistics analysis of population distribution at township level in Henan province
. Geographical Research, 2016, 35(2): 325-336.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201602010URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
基于地统计学方法,以乡镇层面的第六次人口普查数据为基础,对河南省人口分布及其影响因素进行分析。结果表明:全省人口分布基本上可划分为山区低密度、平原中密度和城市高密度三种类型;变异函数在东西、南北、东北—西南和西北—东南四个方向上趋向相近,距离超过80 km后,各向异性增强;变异函数的指数模型拟合效果最好,插值结果直观地表现了人口疏密的梯度变化;洛阳至淮滨一线为全省较明显的人口分界线;山区和平原两种地形条件是影响该省人口空间格局的基本因素;在平原地区,区位条件和社会经济发展的互动作用又成为影响城镇人口分布的主要因素。在推进城镇化的进程中,应结合主体功能区划和新型城镇化战略,有序推进城乡人口的再分布。
[20]Trangmar B B, Yost R S, Uehara G.Application of geostatistics to spatial studies of soil properties
. Advances in Agronomy, 1985, 38(1): 45-94.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0065-2113(08)60673-2URL [本文引用: 5]摘要
This chapter reviews some of the traditional methods of describing soil variability, discusses geostatistical approaches to quantifying spatial dependence and their use for interpolation under different kinds of spatial variation, and identifies some future applications of geostatistics to spatial studies in soil and agronomic research. Recognition of the importance of spatial variability on land use has led to the study of soil heterogeneity, ranging from a global scale to changes in structural and chemical composition of soil minerals on a microscale. Soil classification and soil survey have traditionally been the most practical approaches to grouping similar and separating different soils on a regional scale. Variability of properties within soil mapping units and within smaller sampling units uch as fields, experimental plots, or pedons, is acknowledged and has been described by classical statistical methods. Developments in statistical theory enable spatial relationships among sample values to be quantified and used for interpolation of values at unsampled locations. These developments are based on the theory of regionalized variables. This theory takes into account both the structured and random characteristics of spatially distributed variables to provide quantitative tools for their description and optimal, unbiased estimation. Geostatistical analysis of spatial variability is applied to estimation of ore reserves in the mining industry, water resources research, soil science, and archaeology.
[21]Matheron G.Principles of geostatistics
. Economic Geology, 1963, 58(8): 1246-1266.
https://doi.org/10.2113/gsecongeo.58.8.1246URL [本文引用: 1]
[22]李哈滨, 王政权, 王庆成. 空间异质性定量研究理论与方法
. 应用生态学报, 1998, 9(6): 651-657.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 4]摘要
[Li Habin, Wang Zhengquan, Wang Qingcheng.Theory and methodology of spatial heterogeneity quantification
. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 1998, 9(6): 651-657.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 4]摘要
[23]Arpino B, Aassve A.The role of villages in households' poverty exit: evidence from a multilevel model for rural Vietnam
. Quality & Quantity, 2014, 48(4): 2175-2189.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-013-9885-6URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Vietnam experienced a dramatic drop in overall poverty during the 90s. However, the poverty reduction showed substantial variation across households, villages and regions. Using a multilevel model on panel data from the rural sample of the Vietnam Living Standard Measurement Survey we demonstrate the important role of villages in household poverty exit dynamics. We also show how an analysis of village-level random effects predictions can help targeting of policies to reduce poverty.
[24]李小建. 农户地理论. 北京: 科学出版社, 2009. [本文引用: 1]

[Li Xiaojian.Geography of Rural Households. Beijing: Science Press, 2009.] [本文引用: 1]
[25]刘丽娜, 李俊杰. 基于村级尺度的湖北武陵民族地区贫困现状及影响因素研究
. 华中农业大学学报: 社会科学版, 2015, (2): 126-132.
[本文引用: 1]

[Liu Lina, Li Junjie.Research on present situation and affecting factors of poverty based on village scale in Wuling ethnic areas of Hubei province
. Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University: Social Sciences Edition, 2015, (2): 126-132.]
[本文引用: 1]
[26]Park A, Wang S.Community-based development and poverty alleviation: An evaluation of China's poor village investment program
. Journal of Public Economics, 2010, 94(9): 790-799.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpubeco.2010.06.005URL [本文引用: 1]
[27]刘彦随, 李进涛. 中国县域农村贫困化分异机制的地理探测与优化决策
. 地理学报, 2017, 72(1): 161-173.
[本文引用: 1]

[Liu Yansui, Li Jintao.Geographic detection and optimizing decision of the differentiation mechanism of rural poverty in China
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017, 72(1): 161-173.]
[本文引用: 1]
[28]Stein A, Brouwer J, Bouma J.Methods for comparing spatial variability patterns of millet yield and soil data
. Soil Science, 1997, 61(3): 861-870.
https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj1997.03615995006100030021xURL [本文引用: 3]摘要
This paper investigates methods to compare spatial patterns of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] yield with spatial patterns of soil variables in a farmer's 1-ha field on an undulating sand plain in Niger near ICRISAT-SC. Spatial pattern comparisons are important for precision farming applications. Methods included the correlation coefficient, linear regression, a distance measure to compare separate maps and the cross-correlation function. Millet grain yield varied from 0 to 2885 kg ha
[29]Rossi R E, Mulla D J, Journel A G, et al.Geostatistical tools for modeling and interpreting ecological spatial dependence
. Ecological Monographs, 1992, 62(2): 277-314.
https://doi.org/10.2307/2937096URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
Geostatistics brings to ecology novel tools for the interpretation of spatial patterns of organisms, of the numerous environmental components with which they interact, and of the joint spatial dependence between organisms and their environment. The purpose of this paper is to use data from the ecological literature as well as from original research to provide a comprehensive and easily understood analysis of geostatistics' manner of modeling and methods. The traditional geostatistical tool, the variogram, a tool that is beginning to be used in ecology, is shown to provide an incomplete and misleading summary of spatial pattern when local means and variances change. Use of the non-ergodic covariance and correlogram provides a more effective description of lag-to-lag spatial dependence because the changing local means and variances are accounted for. Indicator transformations capture the spatial patterns of nominal ecological variables like gene frequencies and the presence/absence of an organism and of subgroups of a population like large or small individuals. Robust variogram measures are shown to be useful in data sets that contain many data outliers. Appropriate removal of outliers reveals latent spatial dependence and patterns. Cross-variograms, cross-covariances, and cross-correlograms define the joint spatial dependence between co-occurring organisms. The results of all of these analyses bring new insights into the spatial relations of organisms in their environment.
[30]曹诗颂, 赵文吉, 段福洲. 秦巴特困连片区生态资产与经济贫困的耦合关系
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(7): 1295-1309.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201507009URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The ecological asset refers to the sum of natural resource value and ecosystem services provided by ecosystem to human beings, which is an important indicator for ecological environment assessment and ecological construction level. Assessment ecological asset for Contiguous Destitute Areas is conducive to the poor areas of ecological environmental protection. Further, study coupling between ecological value of the assets and economic development in poor areas is the basic premise for co-ordinate ecological construction and poverty alleviation. This study took Qinling-Dabashan Region as study areas, and assessed the ecological value of the assets based on quantitative measurement remote sensing method. In addition, this study constructed suitable poor economic evaluation index system from the natural, social and economic development aspects, and evaluated the level of economic poverty of the counties in the study areas. Then, on this basis, this research also built ecological assets-regional economic poverty coordination coupling model, and calculated the coupling coordination degree of ecological assets and regional economic poverty. The results can basically show the actual situation of the extent of ecological assets and economic poverty in the study area. The results showed that the ecological value of the assets in study area was 50.42 billion yuan in 2010 and shrub had the highest ecological value (11.347 billion yuan). For poverty evaluation aspect, the characteristic of natural conditions and other natural factors in the study area are important factors to poverty, and the corresponding social and economic development has brought a significant effect on poverty alleviation. As a whole, the evaluating results of coupling coordination degree indicated that the lower level of ecological assets goes with the lower comprehensive development level of ecological assets and economic poverty as well as the higher level of economic poverty. The ecological assets and economic poverty have symbiotic relationship. This study concluded that improving ecological environment and strengthening management of ecological assets can achieve the goal to reducing poverty in study area and should be added in the policies of poverty reduction. Finally, this research also discussed the interactive mode between ecological protection and poverty reduction in Qinling-Dabashan Region and Support mechanism is put forward from several aspects, which includes Conversion of Cropland to Forest, eco-migration, eco-tourism and ecological construction of cities and towns. This research can provide the reliable guidance for strengthening management of ecological assets and poverty reduction of Contiguous Destitute Areas in Qinling-Dabashan Region.
[Cao Shisong, Zhao Wenji, Duan Fuzhou.Coupling relation analysis between ecological value and economic poverty of contiguous destitute areas in Qinling-Dabashan region
. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(7): 1295-1309.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201507009URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The ecological asset refers to the sum of natural resource value and ecosystem services provided by ecosystem to human beings, which is an important indicator for ecological environment assessment and ecological construction level. Assessment ecological asset for Contiguous Destitute Areas is conducive to the poor areas of ecological environmental protection. Further, study coupling between ecological value of the assets and economic development in poor areas is the basic premise for co-ordinate ecological construction and poverty alleviation. This study took Qinling-Dabashan Region as study areas, and assessed the ecological value of the assets based on quantitative measurement remote sensing method. In addition, this study constructed suitable poor economic evaluation index system from the natural, social and economic development aspects, and evaluated the level of economic poverty of the counties in the study areas. Then, on this basis, this research also built ecological assets-regional economic poverty coordination coupling model, and calculated the coupling coordination degree of ecological assets and regional economic poverty. The results can basically show the actual situation of the extent of ecological assets and economic poverty in the study area. The results showed that the ecological value of the assets in study area was 50.42 billion yuan in 2010 and shrub had the highest ecological value (11.347 billion yuan). For poverty evaluation aspect, the characteristic of natural conditions and other natural factors in the study area are important factors to poverty, and the corresponding social and economic development has brought a significant effect on poverty alleviation. As a whole, the evaluating results of coupling coordination degree indicated that the lower level of ecological assets goes with the lower comprehensive development level of ecological assets and economic poverty as well as the higher level of economic poverty. The ecological assets and economic poverty have symbiotic relationship. This study concluded that improving ecological environment and strengthening management of ecological assets can achieve the goal to reducing poverty in study area and should be added in the policies of poverty reduction. Finally, this research also discussed the interactive mode between ecological protection and poverty reduction in Qinling-Dabashan Region and Support mechanism is put forward from several aspects, which includes Conversion of Cropland to Forest, eco-migration, eco-tourism and ecological construction of cities and towns. This research can provide the reliable guidance for strengthening management of ecological assets and poverty reduction of Contiguous Destitute Areas in Qinling-Dabashan Region.
[31]刘小鹏, 苏胜亮, 王亚娟, . 集中连片特殊困难地区村域空间贫困测度指标体系研究
. 地理科学, 2014, 34(4): 447-453.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>在阐述多维贫困和空间贫困概念内涵及其指标基础上,提出了集中连片特殊困难地区村域空间贫困测度指标体系构建的基本原则,即强调科学性和主导性原则、重视数据的可获得性和测度的可操作性、体现减贫与反贫困的新要求、突出区域性和空间刻画能力。据此,构建了包括经济、社会、环境和政策4 个维度,收入和消费、市场连通性、人口状况、学有所教、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居、劳有所得、地貌要素、自然灾害、生态安全、农业生态、粮食安全和政策的实效性共13 个指标组,27 个原始指标或生成指标构成的集中连片特殊困难地区村域空间贫困测度指标体系。进一步讨论了空间贫困测度指标的检验、获取方法和空间化等关键问题。</p>
[Liu Xiaopeng, Su Shengliang, Wang Yajuan, et al.The index system of spatial poverty of village level to monitor in concentrated contiguous areas with particular difficulties
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2014, 34(4): 447-453.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>在阐述多维贫困和空间贫困概念内涵及其指标基础上,提出了集中连片特殊困难地区村域空间贫困测度指标体系构建的基本原则,即强调科学性和主导性原则、重视数据的可获得性和测度的可操作性、体现减贫与反贫困的新要求、突出区域性和空间刻画能力。据此,构建了包括经济、社会、环境和政策4 个维度,收入和消费、市场连通性、人口状况、学有所教、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居、劳有所得、地貌要素、自然灾害、生态安全、农业生态、粮食安全和政策的实效性共13 个指标组,27 个原始指标或生成指标构成的集中连片特殊困难地区村域空间贫困测度指标体系。进一步讨论了空间贫困测度指标的检验、获取方法和空间化等关键问题。</p>
[32]史坤博, 杨永春, 白硕, . 成都市体验性网络团购市场发展的空间特征
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https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201601010URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Shi Kunbo, Yang Yongchun, Bai Shuo, et al.Spatial characteristics of the experiential online group-buying market in Chengdu
. Geographical Research, 2016, 30(1): 108-122.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201601010URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[33]郭晓东. 乡村聚落发展与演变: 陇中黄土丘陵区乡村聚落发展研究. 北京: 科学出版社, 2013. [本文引用: 1]

[Guo Xiaodong.Development and Evolution of Rural Settlements: A Case in Loess Hilly Area of Gansu Province. Beijing: Science Press, 2013.] [本文引用: 1]
[34]Cambardella C A, Moorman T B, Parkin T B, et al.Field-scale variability of soil properties in central iowa soils
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https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj1994.03615995005800050033xURL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[35]Minot N, Baulch B.Spatial patterns of poverty in Vietnam and their implications for policy
. Food Policy, 2005, 30(5/6): 461-475.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2005.09.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study examines the geographic distribution of poverty in Vietnam by applying small area estimation methods to household budget data and population census data. The resulting district-level poverty estimates suggest that the incidence of poverty is highest in the remote northern and central highlands and lowest in the south-east and in large urban centres. However, mapping the density of poverty reveals that most poor people do not live in the poorest districts but in the two lowland deltas, where poverty incidence is intermediate. The policy implications of these findings present an important trade-off between targeting poor areas and poor people that can only be resolved with better information on the relative costs of delivering different programmes and their expected impact. Existing government estimates of poverty at the district level are not closely correlated with our poverty estimates, perhaps because of regional variation in their methods of collecting poverty data.
[36]李小建, 周雄飞, 郑纯辉. 河南农区经济发展差异地理影响的小尺度分析
. 地理学报, 2008, 63(2): 147-155.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.02.004URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Li Xiaojian, Zhou Xiongfei, Zheng Chunhui.Geography and economic development in rural China: A township level study in Henan province, China
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008, 63(2): 147-155.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.02.004URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
相关话题/空间 地理 数据 指标 农村