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1. 华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心,上海 200062
2. 华东师范大学城市与区域科学学院,上海 200241
3. 开封市祥符区住房和城乡规划建设局,开封 475100

Spatial scope cognition of urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River from the perspective of college students

HEDan1,2,, SHANChong1,2, ZHANGPanpan1,3, GAOPeng1,2
1. The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
2. School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
3. Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Xiangfu, Kaifeng 475100, Henan, China
-->作者简介:何丹(1971- ),男,云南昆明人,副教授,博士,主要从事城市与区域规划研究。E-mail: hedan66@sina.com


国务院《长江中游城市群规划》的颁布虽然结束了一直以来的“中三角”和“中四角”的争论,但与公众对其空间范围的认知仍然存在一定的差异。通过问卷获取武汉、长沙和南昌三市大学生对长江中游城市群空间范围的认知地图,并绘制认知范围集成图、密度图和认知比例图等分析其认知特性;通过构建面积偏差系数和中心偏差系数度量了认知地图与规划地图的差异,探究个体社会属性对认知差异的影响。研究发现:① 三市大学生的认知地图呈“武汉+”的特色,长沙市有“南向偏移”的趋势、南昌市“东南向偏移”趋势明显;② 三市大学生的空间认知范围与《长江中游城市群规划》的范围存在差异,其中南昌市大学生差异最大,长沙次之,武汉最小;③ 个体社会属性与认知差异存在关联,其中性别、居住地、专业和居住时间变量为显著影响因子。公众空间认知的差异及其影响因素在一定程度上会影响到城市群发展的政策偏好,研究结论可为未来城市群的构建和城市政策的制定提供新的参考。

The promulgation of Development Plan of Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River (2015-2030) by the State Council of the People's Republic of China delimited the scope of Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River (UAMRYR) and put an end to the dispute of "triangle" or "quadrilateral" (i.e. , whether Anhui province is included in UAMRYR or not). However, as the UAMRYR is an administrative scope, some distortions still exist in contrast to the scope cognized by the public. The advancement of information technologies strengthens the weight of public in the interests game, and reshapes the diversified pattern of "government + market + public" in public policies. To a certain extent, public cognition and its determining factors have exerted substantial impact on the policy orientation of the development of UAMRYR. Nevertheless, the public are overlooked in the existing studies on the delimitation of urban agglomeration. Hence, it is necessary to illustrate the scope delimitation of UAMRYR from the public perspective. Taking into account college students' diversified individual attributes, comprehensive knowledge, and the "main labor force" role in the forthcoming years, they are selected as the representative of the public. Survey questionnaires are conducted on the junior and senior college students in Wuhan, Changsha and Nanchang to acquire their cognitive maps of UAMRYR and individual socio-economic information. Area distortion index and center distortion index are introduced to quantitatively measure the scope distortions between the cognitive maps and the Plan map. Furthermore, a binary logistic regression model is applied to explore how individual socio-economic attributes impose influence on the cognition distortions. The research findings reveal that: (1) Cognitive maps of UAMRYR drawn by college students in the three cities are generally characterized by "Wuhan +" (i.e., Wuhan-centered), and that of Changsha and Nanchang has a distinct distortion tendency towards south and southeast respectively; (2) In contrast to the Plan map, the cognitive maps in the three cities have various degrees of distortion, among which Nanchang holds the largest distortion degree, followed by Changsha and Wuhan; (3) Individual socio-economic attributes generate different impacts on the cognition distortions. Gender, residence place, major and residence time are the significant determining factors in the study.

Keywords:urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River;college students;cognitive map;spatial scope;determining factor

PDF (12033KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章
何丹, 单冲, 张盼盼, 高鹏. 基于大学生认知地图的长江中游城市群空间范围认知[J]. 地理研究, 2018, 37(9): 1818-1831 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201809013
HE Dan, SHAN Chong, ZHANG Panpan, GAO Peng. Spatial scope cognition of urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River from the perspective of college students[J]. Geographical Research, 2018, 37(9): 1818-1831 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201809013

1 引言


2 研究区概况与数据来源

2.1 研究区概况

-->Fig. 1The research region

2.2 数据来源


3 认知地图差异度分析

3.1 认知地图的描述性分析

首先,对武汉、长沙和南昌三市大学生绘制的空间范围认知地图进行叠加,得到认知范围集成图(图2a、图2d、图2g);其次,应用ArcGIS软件矢量化集成图并应用创建空间网格工具(Create Fishnet)在矢量边界内生成规则的经纬网格,应用点密度分析工具(Point Density)对认知地图每个网格的中心点进行分析,并得到三市的认知密度图(图2b、图2e、图2h);最后,根据集成图计算认知地图范围内涉及到的城市次数(包括集成图范围内的城市和不少于1/2的面积在范围内的城市)与问卷总数的比值,利用ArcGIS软件可视化表达做出认知比例分布图(图2c、图2f、图2i)。
-->Fig. 2The scope and density of urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River drawn from the college students in Wuhan, Changsha and Nanchang

3.1.1 武汉市大学生认知地图分析 武汉市大学生的认知地图具有“武汉中心椭圆式”的特点,武汉市城市群范围集成图形成以武汉市为中心的椭圆集合,长轴差异显著、短轴较为相似(图2a)。密度图显示认知地图最西端已涉及宜昌、恩施和重庆等三市,最东端已延伸至安庆市东侧,长沙、南昌两市基本处于椭圆南部边界处(图2b)。认知比例分布图显示:① 80%的大学生认为长江中游城市群应包含武汉、天门、仙桃等11个城市(图2c深色区域);② 大多数学生能够将湖北省的14个城市(武汉、天门、仙桃等)和长沙、南昌以北区域划入长江中游城市群范围(图2c深色和次深色区域),“武汉城市圈+恩施+随州+宜荆荆城市群”的认知地图格局基本形成。
3.1.2 长沙市大学生认知地图分析 长沙市大学生的认知具有以“武汉—长沙”中点为圆心、范围向外扩散的认知椭圆特点,集成图大致涵盖了湖北、湖南、江西三省,同时有少量认知范围向南京、合肥方向延伸(图2d)。密度图显示认知地图有明显的向南偏移趋势,这部分源于珠三角经济辐射能力较强,珠三角与长三角间的交通和经济联系对大学生的认知产生了一定程度的强化作用(图2e)。认知比例分布图显示:① 80%的大学生将岳阳、咸宁、武汉等15市划为长江中游城市群的核心(图2f深色区域),其中岳阳和咸宁市认知度最高;② 大多数学生能够将岳阳、咸宁、武汉、宜春、荆门等27个城市划入长江中游城市群范围(图2f深色和次深色区域),这27个城市在湖北、湖南和南昌三省均衡分布,长株潭城市群、武汉城市圈以及环鄱阳湖城市群基本被涵盖在内。
3.1.3 南昌市大学生认知地图分析 南昌市大学生的认知地图辨识度不高,界限划分相对不明显(图2g)。密度图显示认知地图有明显的东南向偏移趋势,表明了南昌市大学生对长江中游城市群有相对较低的归属感,同时有融入东南沿海发展的意愿(图2h)。认知比例分布图显示:① 80%的学生将武汉、鄂州、黄石等11个城市划为长江中游城市群的核心(图2i深色区域);② 大多数学生将武汉、鄂州、黄石、荆门、岳阳等23个城市纳入长江中游城市群范围(图2i深色和次深色区域),范围涉及了湖南、湖北、江西和安徽四省,其中有6个城市属于江西省。

3.2 认知地图的统计性分析

3.2.1 面积偏差系数 其中面积偏差系数(area distortion index)用以测度认知地图的面积与《规划》范围的面积偏差程度,定义为:
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Descriptive statistics on the area deviation index of cognitive map of students in Wuhan, Changsha and Nanchang

3.2.2 中心偏差系数 矢量化各认知地图并借助ArcGIS软件计算几何要素(calculate geometry)中的经线中心(X coordinate of centeoid)和纬线中心(Y coordinate of centeoid)计算认知地图的中心点坐标。引入中心偏差系数(center distortion index)来测度认知地图中心点与《规划》范围中心点的偏移程度,定义为:
Tab. 2
Tab. 2Descriptive statistics on the center deviation index of cognitive map of students in Wuhan, Changsha and Nanchang

-->Fig. 3Deviation map of cognitive map of college students in Wuhan, Changsha and Nanchang

(1)三市认知地图中心点分布均形成了三个圈层。① 武汉市第一圈层分布在武汉、咸宁等湖北省内城市,体现了部分武汉市大学生认为湖北省是长江中游城市群的核心;第二圈层紧密围绕第一圈层分布在黄冈、岳阳、常德和宜昌等城市,与湖北省发展重点逐步向西部偏移的现状吻合;第三圈层具有向东、西方向偏移的特点,且向西偏移的特点更为明显(图3a)。② 长沙市样本中心点具有在两湖区域内“较劲”的特点,第一圈层分布在武汉、长沙、潜江、咸宁、岳阳等城市;第二圈层中心点均匀分布在第一圈层外,范围涵盖了湖南、湖北、江西三省;第三圈层中心点以恩施的分布最为集中(图3b)。③ 南昌市样本中心点第一圈层主要分布在湖北省部分城市(武汉、仙桃、黄石、咸宁等)以及九江、岳阳两市;第二圈层有向东、西方向延伸的特点,体现了部分学生空间认知较为杂乱;第三圈层有向东、南、西三个方向分散的趋势,部分中心点分布在安徽省境内(图3c)。
(2)三市认知地图中心点以向北偏移为主。① 与《规划》范围相比,武汉市样本中心点集中分布在武汉市的西南区域,长沙、南昌两市分布较少,说明武汉市大学生对南昌、长沙两市的认知存在较大偏差(图3a)。② 长沙市样本中心点分布相对集中在以武汉、长沙两市中点为圆心的圆内,同时少量分布在南昌市内,说明多数长沙市大学生认为两湖区域是长江中游城市群的重要组成部分,但对江西省大部分区域的认知存在较为明显的偏差(图3b)。③ 南昌市样本中心点集中度较低,分布在武汉、长沙和南昌三市四周,形成了南昌市大学生认知地图分布较为无序的特点(图3c)。
(3)三市认知地图中心点大多沿长江分布。① 武汉市样本中心点集中于长江以北区域,主要沿长江中游的宜昌—九江湖口段周边的城市集中分布,同时在湖北省境内的汉江流域也有部分分布(图3a)。② 长沙市样本中心点向湖南省偏移,主要分布在长江干流中段与支流汉江围合形成的区域,长江中段以南的岳阳市也有较多分布(图3b)。③ 南昌市样本中心点集中分布在湖北境内的汉江区域以及湖北宜昌—九江湖口的长江中段区域,此外,还有部分中心点分布在长江上游的恩施以及下游的池州和安庆(图3c)。

4 认知地图差异度影响因素分析

4.1 研究方法

4.1.1 模型选取 在借鉴已有方法的基础上[50],本文应用二值逻辑回归方程进行统计分析,模型公式如下:
式中:P为自变量xi(其中i=1, ……, k)预测事件y发生的概率;α为回归截距;β为回归系数;xi为自变量。本文中y为大学生对长江中游城市群空间范围的认知率;xi为大学生的个人属性变量;P为模型对空间范围认知率的预测值。
4.1.2 变量确定 因变量。长江中游城市群空间范围认知偏差包括面积和中心点方向两个方面的偏移。通过因子分析法将面积偏差和中心偏差两个具有同质性的指标降维,最终得到“认知率”综合因子作为因变量,并对其进行二分类处理以满足二值逻辑回归模型对因变量的特定要求。本文采用最优离散化方法,通过SPSS软件处理因变量得到最优临界值,临界值以下和以上的样本认知率分别赋值为0和1。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3Independent variables of logistic regression model


4.2 研究结果

Tab. 4
Tab. 4Analysis of logistic regression results

-->Fig. 4Distribution map of cognitive map of college students by gender

-->Fig. 5Distribution map of college students' cognitive map by residence place

-->Fig. 6Distribution map of college students' cognitive map by subject


5 结论与讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2015.03.006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Urban agglomeration is an important form of regionalized city development, but also an iconic product of advanced regional industrialization and urbanization. Based on the diverse conceptual evolution processes of urban agglomeration and focusing on the technical method s and approaches for the identification of urban agglomerations, this article reviews in detail the research progress of the range identification of urban agglomeration growth. It concludes that the main reasons that academia seldom reach consensus on the spatial extent of urban agglomeration are as follows: there exist significant differences in the understanding of the essence of the concept, definition, smallest unit of analysis, and choice of identification methods of urban agglomeration. This article clarifies the main research methods of range identification of urban agglomeration: (1) the traditional socioeconomic index method represented by defining metropolitan areas in the United States has broad influence and has set the fundamentals of range identification of urban agglomerations in the West; (2) applying gravity models for the recognition of the scope of influence of central cities has become the main method for urban agglomeration range identification research in China; (3) using spatial analysis technology in GIS as means, integrated simulation methods incorporating integrated indicators and modeling methods represent the future trend of study on the recognition and identification of urban agglomeration growth.
[Chen Shouqiang, Huang Jinchuan.Review of range recognition research on urban agglomerations
. Progress in Geography, 2015, 34(3): 313-320.]
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2015.03.006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Urban agglomeration is an important form of regionalized city development, but also an iconic product of advanced regional industrialization and urbanization. Based on the diverse conceptual evolution processes of urban agglomeration and focusing on the technical method s and approaches for the identification of urban agglomerations, this article reviews in detail the research progress of the range identification of urban agglomeration growth. It concludes that the main reasons that academia seldom reach consensus on the spatial extent of urban agglomeration are as follows: there exist significant differences in the understanding of the essence of the concept, definition, smallest unit of analysis, and choice of identification methods of urban agglomeration. This article clarifies the main research methods of range identification of urban agglomeration: (1) the traditional socioeconomic index method represented by defining metropolitan areas in the United States has broad influence and has set the fundamentals of range identification of urban agglomerations in the West; (2) applying gravity models for the recognition of the scope of influence of central cities has become the main method for urban agglomeration range identification research in China; (3) using spatial analysis technology in GIS as means, integrated simulation methods incorporating integrated indicators and modeling methods represent the future trend of study on the recognition and identification of urban agglomeration growth.
[10]顾朝林. 城市实力综合评价方法初探
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[本文引用: 1]

[Gu Chaolin.Research and development of the comprehensive evaluation method of city strength
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[11]Ottaviano G I P, Pinelli D. Market potential and productivity: Evidence from Finnish regions
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2006.06.005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
New economic geography (NEG) stresses the role of various types of linkages as agglomeration forces. We show that a typical NEG model can be used to design an empirical methodology to assess whether linkages are relevant at all and, if so, whether they are more important for firms or workers in terms of productivity or amenity respectively. Applying the proposed methodology to Finnish NUTS 4 regions from 1977 to 2002, we find that linkages are indeed relevant and that firm-related demand and cost linkages are more important than worker-related cost-of-living linkages.
[12]徐辉, 彭萍. 基于引力模型的江西省经济区划与协调发展研究
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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2008.02.006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Xu Hui, Peng Ping.Division of economic regions based on gravity model and coordinated development in Jiangxi province
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2008, 28(2): 169-172.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2008.02.006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[13]李震, 顾朝林, 姚士谋. 当代中国城镇体系地域空间结构类型定量研究
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[Li Zhen, Gu Chaolin, Yao Shimou.A quantitative study on regional spatial structure of urban system in contemporary China
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2006, 26(5): 544-550.]
[本文引用: 1]
[14]黄金川, 孙贵艳, 闫梅, . 中国城市场强格局演化及空间自相关特征
. 地理研究, 2012, 31(8): 1355-1364 .
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2012080001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Huang Jinchuan, Sun Guiyan, Yan Mei, et al.The spatio-temporal evolution of urban field strength and pattern of autocorrelation among cities in China
. Geographical Research, 2012, 31(8): 1355-1364.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2012080001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[15]陈群元, 宋玉祥. 城市群空间范围的综合界定方法研究: 以长株潭城市群为例
. 地理科学, 2010, 30(5): 660-666 .
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Chen Qunyuan, Song Yuxiang.Methods of dividing the boundary of urban agglomerations: Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration as a case
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2010, 30(5): 660-666.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[16]张倩, 胡云锋, 刘纪远, . 基于交通、人口和经济的中国城市群识别
. 地理学报, 2011, 66(6): 761-770 .
https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201106005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
城市群是一个国家工业化和城镇化进程发展到较高阶段的自然产物,是国家参与全球竞争与国际分工的新型地域单元。当前,研究人员对城市群的识别尚没有一个统一、快速的技术体系,国内外研究人员对于中国城市群的准确识别和区域界定也不统一。在综合前人研究的基础上,作者首先厘清了城市群的基本概念;继而提出了一套以地球信息技术为支撑的,综合了交通、人口和经济属性判断的城市群快速识别和区划的技术流程,即以空间通达性的定量测算为基础,初步识别出空间上集结的城市集群;然后以城市集群的经济和社会属性为判据开展进一步的遴选,得到城市群空间分布及其区划界线。作者使用基础地理数据、DEM数据、空间化的经济社会格网数据,应用ArcInfo Macro Language编程技术对中国的城市群进行了识别,研究明确了2000年中国9大城市群的空间位置及其覆盖区域。与国内外既有认识的对比表明,本研究技术路线简单、清晰,所得的中国城市群区划成果准确,具有可参比性。
[Zhang Qian, Hu Yunfeng, Liu Jiyuan, et al.Identification of urban clusters in China based on assessment of transportation accessibility and socio-economic indicators
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2011, 66(6): 761-770.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201106005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
城市群是一个国家工业化和城镇化进程发展到较高阶段的自然产物,是国家参与全球竞争与国际分工的新型地域单元。当前,研究人员对城市群的识别尚没有一个统一、快速的技术体系,国内外研究人员对于中国城市群的准确识别和区域界定也不统一。在综合前人研究的基础上,作者首先厘清了城市群的基本概念;继而提出了一套以地球信息技术为支撑的,综合了交通、人口和经济属性判断的城市群快速识别和区划的技术流程,即以空间通达性的定量测算为基础,初步识别出空间上集结的城市集群;然后以城市集群的经济和社会属性为判据开展进一步的遴选,得到城市群空间分布及其区划界线。作者使用基础地理数据、DEM数据、空间化的经济社会格网数据,应用ArcInfo Macro Language编程技术对中国的城市群进行了识别,研究明确了2000年中国9大城市群的空间位置及其覆盖区域。与国内外既有认识的对比表明,本研究技术路线简单、清晰,所得的中国城市群区划成果准确,具有可参比性。
[17]王丽, 邓羽, 牛文元. 城市群的界定与识别研究
. 地理学报, 2013, 68(8): 1059-1070 .
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
城市群的界定与识别是城市群研 究的重要内容之一。传统研究以实证数据判断为主,但由于数据可获取性不易,极大的限制了该手段的应用;模型等定量识别方法较少采用,结果的精度较差是其主 要弊端。本文在综合以往****研究的基础上,提出城市群界定的标准体系;运用区域作用组合模型,得出城市群的识别体系。通过模型与实证相结合,更加高效和精 确地识别城市群。通过研究,为城市群的界定提供一种研究思路,并为城市群识别的操作层面提供了一种测度手段。
[Wang Li, Deng Yu, Niu Wenyuan.The definition and identification of urban agglomerations
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2013, 68(8): 1059-1070.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
城市群的界定与识别是城市群研 究的重要内容之一。传统研究以实证数据判断为主,但由于数据可获取性不易,极大的限制了该手段的应用;模型等定量识别方法较少采用,结果的精度较差是其主 要弊端。本文在综合以往****研究的基础上,提出城市群界定的标准体系;运用区域作用组合模型,得出城市群的识别体系。通过模型与实证相结合,更加高效和精 确地识别城市群。通过研究,为城市群的界定提供一种研究思路,并为城市群识别的操作层面提供了一种测度手段。
[18]黄金川, 刘倩倩, 陈明. 基于GIS的中国城市群发育格局识别研究
. 城市规划学刊, 2014, (3): 37-44 .
[本文引用: 1]

[Huang Jinchuan, Liu Qianqian, Chen Ming.The identification of urban agglomeration distribution in China based on GIS analysis
. Urban Planning Forum, 2014, (3): 37-44.]
[本文引用: 1]
[19]江红. 市场化差异度与城市群发展研究: 以长江中游城市群为例
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[本文引用: 1]

[Jiang Hong.Market differentiation and development of urban agglomeration: A case study of the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River
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[本文引用: 1]
[20]潘竟虎, 刘伟圣. 基于腹地划分的中国城市群空间影响范围识别
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https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2014.03.0352URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Pan Jinghu, Liu Weisheng.Identification of spatial influence sphere of urban agglomerations in China based on urban hinterland delimitation
. Advances in Earth Science, 2014, 29(3): 352-360.]
https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2014.03.0352URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[21]杨新海, 殷辉礼. 城市规划实施过程中公众参与的体系构建初探
. 城市规划 , 2009, 33(9): 52-57 .
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1002-1329.2009.09.014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
初步分析了我国城市规划实施过 程中公众参与现状存在的主要问题及其成因,并据此初步构想了全面覆盖规划许可、规划执法和规划评估三大环节的城市规划实施过程公众参与体系,对各环节内公 众参与的内容、程序、方法等也做了分阶段的探讨和设计。期望通过这样的基础性工作,推动城市规划实施过程中公众参与的法制建设,使公众参与的程序具有严 格、明确、刚性的制度规定。
[Yang Xinhai, Yin Huili.On establishing public participation system in urban planning implementation
. City Planning Review, 2009, 33(9): 52-57.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1002-1329.2009.09.014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
初步分析了我国城市规划实施过 程中公众参与现状存在的主要问题及其成因,并据此初步构想了全面覆盖规划许可、规划执法和规划评估三大环节的城市规划实施过程公众参与体系,对各环节内公 众参与的内容、程序、方法等也做了分阶段的探讨和设计。期望通过这样的基础性工作,推动城市规划实施过程中公众参与的法制建设,使公众参与的程序具有严 格、明确、刚性的制度规定。
[22]黄升阳. 公众参与城市规划管理的诉求与实现
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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-9833.2006.04.034URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Huang Shengyang.Research on enlarging public participant dynamics in urban planning management
. Journal of Zhuzhou Institute of Technology, 2006, 20(4): 117-119.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-9833.2006.04.034URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
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[Wang Maojun, Chai Yanwei, Gao Yicheng.The progress of geographical study on the spatial analysis of cognitive map
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Abstract Obtained over 200 maps of Cuidad Guayana, Venezuela, showing local areas and the whole city. These were processed by structural type and type of error. A wide range of map types was found. Sequential and spatial-element maps were identified, as well as 4 subtypes within each main type. Group differences in structuring the city proved to be significant, particularly between varying education, travel mode, and familiarity. The evidence suggests that structuring can depend on element and attribute types, on various methods for relating the parts, and on schematization and inference. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
[26]Johnston R J.Spatial patterns in suburban evaluations
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Abstract Abstract Aggregate cognitive maps of urban areas differ from cartographic maps for reasons other than differences in the mobility and idiosyncratic experiences of individuals. Systematic distortions in aggregate urban cognitive maps may be caused by the cognitive processes used to code spatial information into memory or to retrieve it from memory and by the way these processes relate to a particular urban area. A purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which systematic distortions are present in aggregate urban cognitive maps and to investigate the causes of such distortions. Subjects from three neighborhoods were asked to provide estimates of distances and directions between 105 pairs of landmarks. We analyzed differences between these estimates and true distances and directions to determine if the patterns of distortions were significantly different among the three neighborhoods. Differences for the three samples appeared to be related to the scale and orientation of the aggregate cognitive maps. Regressions with aggregate data for the three neighborhoods using cognitive distance as the dependent variable and actual distance as the independent variable indicated a tendency to overestimate shorter distances more than longer distances. Using multidimensional scaling and Euclidean regression, we mapped subjects'cognitive locations for landmarks and the actual locations in the same space. The aggregate cognitive maps appeared to be rotated to align major transportation axes with canonical direction axes. We argue that systematic distortions are related to a rotation heuristic and to key reference points used by the subjects to code and access spatial information.
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As thirty new residents of an urban area developed their cognitive maps over a period of three months, there was little evidence to support the Shemyakin, Appleyard, Moore hypothesis that the spatial city image develops out of a series of interrelated sequential maps, nor for Lynch's related hypothesis that paths and districts are the elements which predominate in the earlier maps, giving way later to local landmarks. Instead, it was found that neighbourhood maps were, from the first few days, drawn in spatial fashion, the journey to work as a sequential map, and that overall city maps might be drawn from the first few days as either spatial or sequential according to the individual's preferred style (as indicated in subjects' cognitive maps of their previous home area). Female subjects tended to use the sequential style, and males the spatial style in drawing city and home area maps.
[29]Spector A N.Towards integrating a model of urban socioeconomic structure and urban imagery
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[30]Ishikawa T, Montello D R.Spatial knowledge acquisition from direct experience in the environment: Individual differences in the development of metric knowledge and the integration of separately learned places
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A series of experiments investigated how information about geographic environments is processed. In the first experiment, response time to decide which of two pairs of states or buildings were physically closer in the real world increased as the ratio of the interpair distances approached one. The second experiment examined spatial memory for the interrelationships among states and buildings. Subjects' reaction time to determine the accuracy of relative spatial positions of triads of states was a linear function of the degree of triad rotation from the 0 degrees Cartesian plane of a standard U.S. map. No linear rotation function was reported for triad rotations of buildings. In Experiment 3 a group of subjects unfamiliar with the campus tested in Experiments 1 and 2 learned the location of the buildings from a map only. This group's data reflected a linear trend of reaction time with degree of building triad rotation, similar to results with states in Experiment 2. Perhaps when an environment is primarily learned by a map, knowledge of the interpositions of items in the environment is formed in the single perspective of the map. When the environment is primarily learned through direct experience, knowledge of interpositions of items is more flexible and is processed from many perspectives.
[32]Buttenfield B.Treatment of the cartographic line
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https://doi.org/10.1080/00049187608702693URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract Apart from the identification of a general tendency to overestimate distances there has been only limited agreement between published papers on urban distance cognition. Major contributions are reviewed and it is hypothesized that variations in results are attributable to the application of different measurement techniques. A number of methods are compared at different urban scales in Sydney and Armidale (N.S.W.) and it is established that while choice of technique is not generally significant, variations between sample groups may be attributed to extremely large within鈥恎roup variances. Although the experiments illustrated a general tendency for overestimation to be reduced by familiarity it is concluded that future research should be more concerned with individual variations than with somewhat misleading average estimates.
[34]Cederman L E.Nationalism and bounded integration: What it would take to construct a European demos
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[Li Mingming.The social construction of regional identity
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[Feng Weibo, Huang Guangyu.Analysis and evaluation of urban image elements based on perception of residents in the main districts of Chongqing
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[37]李郇, 许学强. 广州市城市意象空间分析
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[Li Xun, Xu Xueqiang.Analysis of urban image space in Guangzhou city
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[38]申思, 薛露露, 刘瑜. 基于手绘草图的北京居民认知地图变形及因素分析
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[Shen Si, Xue Lulu, Liu Yu.Beijing residents' cognitive map distortion and sources analysis based on sketch mapping method
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008, 63(6): 625-634.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.06.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[39]Lee Y, Schmidt C G.Urban spatial cognition: A case study of Guangzhou, China
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https://doi.org/10.2747/0272-3638.7.5.397URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract The objective of this study is to investigate the quantity and quality of knowledge of the urban environment possessed by Guangzhou residents. Sketch maps constructed by 146 first-year college geography majors are categorized on the basis of accuracy and dominant elements. Factors contributing to the frequency and type of elements included on maps are considered. Relationships among map coverage, map detail, the urban environment, and respondent characteristics are discussed. The absence of detail, distinct information distance-decay effects, and the fragmented character of maps reflect early stages of information processing by new urban arrivals and restricted travel fields of respondents.
[40]Lee Y, Schmidt C G.Evolution of urban spatial cognition: Patterns of change in Guangzhou, China
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[41]林玉莲, 胡正凡. 环境心理学. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社, 2000 . [本文引用: 1]

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[42]陈基纯, 陈忠暖, 王枫. 城市居民距离认知研究: 以校园大学生群体为对象的调查分析
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[Chen Jichun, Chen Zhongnuan, Wang Feng.The distance recognition of city residents: A survey of the students in Guangzhou
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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-5221.2004.01.014URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[43]蒋志杰, 张捷, 李丽, . 小尺度环境地形认知与空间行为的关系分析: 以南京大学浦口校区为例
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[Jiang Zhijie, Zhang Jie, Li Li, et al.Research on interactive relationship between terrain cognition and spatial behavior in small-scale environment: A case study of Pukou campus in Nanjing University
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URL [本文引用: 1]
[44]宋伟轩, 吕陈, 徐旳. 城市社区微观空间意象研究: 基于南京居民 250 份手绘草图的比较
. 地理研究, 2011, 30(4): 709-722 .
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011040013URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Song Weixuan, Lyu Chen, Xu Yun.Study on spatial image of community based on comparison of 250 sketch maps drawn by residents in Nanjing
. Geographical Research, 2011, 30(4): 709-722.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011040013URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[45]蒋志杰, 吴国清, 白光润. 旅游地意象空间分析: 以江南水乡古镇为例
. 旅游学刊, 2004, 19(2): 32-36 .
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2004.02.012URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
旅游地意象空间的研究对旅游地的规划与开发具有十分重要的意义. 本文以江南水乡古镇作为研究对象,采用游客问卷调查及意象地图描绘等方法,初步探究了江南水乡古镇旅游地意象空间的结构特点.研究结果表明:江南水乡古镇 旅游地意象空间是以"环状"为特征;而组成意象空间的要素主要有干道、桥梁、节点、标志和区域;其中干道和桥梁构建了"环状"意象空间框架.根据此项研究 的成果,本文最后提出了对江南水乡古镇旅游规划与开发的建议.
[Jiang Zhijie, Wu Guoqing, Bai Guangrun.A spatial analysis of the image of tourist destinations: A case study on ancient water towns in Southern Yangtze River
. Tourism Tribune, 2004, 19(2): 32-36.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2004.02.012URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
旅游地意象空间的研究对旅游地的规划与开发具有十分重要的意义. 本文以江南水乡古镇作为研究对象,采用游客问卷调查及意象地图描绘等方法,初步探究了江南水乡古镇旅游地意象空间的结构特点.研究结果表明:江南水乡古镇 旅游地意象空间是以"环状"为特征;而组成意象空间的要素主要有干道、桥梁、节点、标志和区域;其中干道和桥梁构建了"环状"意象空间框架.根据此项研究 的成果,本文最后提出了对江南水乡古镇旅游规划与开发的建议.
[46]郭文, 黄震方, 王丽. 文化旅游地空间生产背景下居民社会空间感知模型与实证研究: 基于对周庄古镇的调查
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(4): 762-774 .
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201504014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
在田野调查基础上,采用SPSS 18.0和AMOS 17.0数据统计软件对周庄文化旅游地空间生产背景下的居民社会空间感知进行了统计和处理,通过探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析,对居民社会空间感知模型以及不同职业和类型居民感知差异进行了测度研究,结果显示:1周庄居民社会空间感知总体上存在由利益关联、价值效能和情感眷恋组成的三维结构。2在感知次序上,呈现'利益关联→价值效能→情感眷恋'递减分异规律,本质上反映了深层结构是一种经济表层→社会感知→心理感知从外而内的感知规律。居民并未因具有参与旅游开发的机会权能而表现出对旅游开发的全面认同,在社会认同感知和心理认同感知层面还未得到深入,反映的居民社会空间感知是一个充满矛盾的感知结构。3不同职业和类型居民因参与旅游内容或程度不同对三维结构同样存在依次递减的分异规律,且每类群体间存在差异状态。研究认为,高质量的社会空间感知具有认知结构的全面性,居民社会空间感知结构的不平衡性对增进旅游空间生产的社会凝聚力提出新的诉求,提高居民空间参与程度和感知需要从有限参与→发展参与→充分参与的路径逐步改善。研究对周庄古镇旅游理性发展和可持续发展具有一定启发。
[Guo Wen, Huang Zhenfang, Wang Li.A structural equation model for the empirical study of resident perception of social space in the context of space production at cultural tourist destination: Based on a survey of ancient town of Zhouzhuang
. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(4): 762-774.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201504014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
在田野调查基础上,采用SPSS 18.0和AMOS 17.0数据统计软件对周庄文化旅游地空间生产背景下的居民社会空间感知进行了统计和处理,通过探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析,对居民社会空间感知模型以及不同职业和类型居民感知差异进行了测度研究,结果显示:1周庄居民社会空间感知总体上存在由利益关联、价值效能和情感眷恋组成的三维结构。2在感知次序上,呈现'利益关联→价值效能→情感眷恋'递减分异规律,本质上反映了深层结构是一种经济表层→社会感知→心理感知从外而内的感知规律。居民并未因具有参与旅游开发的机会权能而表现出对旅游开发的全面认同,在社会认同感知和心理认同感知层面还未得到深入,反映的居民社会空间感知是一个充满矛盾的感知结构。3不同职业和类型居民因参与旅游内容或程度不同对三维结构同样存在依次递减的分异规律,且每类群体间存在差异状态。研究认为,高质量的社会空间感知具有认知结构的全面性,居民社会空间感知结构的不平衡性对增进旅游空间生产的社会凝聚力提出新的诉求,提高居民空间参与程度和感知需要从有限参与→发展参与→充分参与的路径逐步改善。研究对周庄古镇旅游理性发展和可持续发展具有一定启发。
[47]苗涛, 李丁, 徐晓天. 兰州主城区城市意象空间和意象元素分析研究
. 现代城市研究, 2010, 25(11): 75-79 .
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2010.11.012URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Miao Tao, Li Ding, Xu Xiaotian.Analysis and evaluation of urban image space and image elements in the main districts of Lanzhou
. Modern Urban Research, 2010, 25(11): 75-79.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2010.11.012URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[48]冯健. 北京城市居民的空间感知与意象空间结构
. 地理科学, 2005, 25(2): 142-154 .
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2005.02.003URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
The author selects 10 districts of Beijing and try to investigate the cognitive maps of urban residents in Beijing by questionnaire.He get 323 cognitive maps, which are classified and counted, and as a result, correlative statistical data are obtained.Based on the above-mentioned work, the author analyzs the basic types, constitutive factors, development phases and the characteristics of differences of cognitive maps of urban residents in Beijing.The research shows that although the types of spatial cognition of Beijing’s residents are similar to those of the western cities of China, they are a little different.The grades of cognitive maps are concerned with residential area, sex, educational level, income and birthplace of urban residents.The constitutive factors of cognitive maps are concerned with residential area, age, income and birthplace of urban residents, while the development phrases are concerned with sex, income and birthplace of urban residents in Beijing.The research also shows that social role and economic income level play important roles in the development phrases of spatial cognition of Beijing’s urban residents.At last, the author generalizes the spatial structure of Beijing’s urban image based on the location and frequency of elements recorded on the cognitive maps of urban residents, and find that it is similar to the emphases of spatial distribution of Beijing.As a result, some theories of urban image of Lynch are proved in Beijing.
[Feng Jian.Spatial cognition and the image space of Beijing's residents
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2005, 25(2): 142-154.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2005.02.003URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
The author selects 10 districts of Beijing and try to investigate the cognitive maps of urban residents in Beijing by questionnaire.He get 323 cognitive maps, which are classified and counted, and as a result, correlative statistical data are obtained.Based on the above-mentioned work, the author analyzs the basic types, constitutive factors, development phases and the characteristics of differences of cognitive maps of urban residents in Beijing.The research shows that although the types of spatial cognition of Beijing’s residents are similar to those of the western cities of China, they are a little different.The grades of cognitive maps are concerned with residential area, sex, educational level, income and birthplace of urban residents.The constitutive factors of cognitive maps are concerned with residential area, age, income and birthplace of urban residents, while the development phrases are concerned with sex, income and birthplace of urban residents in Beijing.The research also shows that social role and economic income level play important roles in the development phrases of spatial cognition of Beijing’s urban residents.At last, the author generalizes the spatial structure of Beijing’s urban image based on the location and frequency of elements recorded on the cognitive maps of urban residents, and find that it is similar to the emphases of spatial distribution of Beijing.As a result, some theories of urban image of Lynch are proved in Beijing.
[49]顾朝林, 宋国臣. 北京城市意象空间及构成要素研究
. 地理学报, 2001, 56(1): 64-74 .
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2001.01.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This article analyzes urban images held by people living in Beijing after a short review of theoretical development in urban image space studies. Two basic methods were used to obtain data, one is cognitive mapping and the other is photo recognition. Five major factors that may influence the designative image are examined one by one. Hence we conclude that the frame constituted by roads, landmarks, nodes and function areas consist of the major public imaginary of Beijing. The Second Ring Road separates the “inner city area” from the “outer city area” and the quality of urban image is quite different in area from one part to the others. Based on the above conclusions and findings, some useful suggestions are made for urban planning and designing of Beijing.
[Gu Chaolin, Song Guochen.Urban image space and main factors in Beijing
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2001, 56(1): 64-74.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2001.01.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This article analyzes urban images held by people living in Beijing after a short review of theoretical development in urban image space studies. Two basic methods were used to obtain data, one is cognitive mapping and the other is photo recognition. Five major factors that may influence the designative image are examined one by one. Hence we conclude that the frame constituted by roads, landmarks, nodes and function areas consist of the major public imaginary of Beijing. The Second Ring Road separates the “inner city area” from the “outer city area” and the quality of urban image is quite different in area from one part to the others. Based on the above conclusions and findings, some useful suggestions are made for urban planning and designing of Beijing.
[50]许洁, 王茂军, 王晓瑜. 北京城市空间认知的影响因素分析
. 人文地理, 2011, 26(2): 49-55 .
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Xu Jie, Wang Maojun, Wang Xiaoyu.An analysis of factors about spatial cognition of Beijing city
. Human Geography, 2011, 26(2): 49-55]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[51]Golledge R G.Spatial Behavior: A Geographic Perspective. Guilford Press, 1997. [本文引用: 1]
[52]张春辉, 白凯, 马耀峰. 西安入境游客目的地空间意象认知序列研究
. 地理研究, 2014, 33(7): 1315-1334 .
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201407012URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Zhang Chunhui, Bai Kai, Ma Yaofeng.The research on inbound tourists' cognition sequence for spatial image of urban destinations in Xi'an
. Geographical Research, 2014, 33(7): 1315-1334.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201407012URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[53]陈梦远, 徐建刚. 城市意象热点空间特征分析: 以南京为例
. 地理研究, 2014, 33(12): 2286-2298 .
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201412007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The spatial mechanism of imagery hot spot has been systematically studied by means of spatial analysis, with the solid foundation of exhaustive data preparation. According to questionnaires on residents recognition of imagery hot spots, spatial data obtained via digitization of historical maps and remote-sensing images, and one-week road conditions are acquired, in order to provide reference to historic preservation and urban human environments. Last but not least, by analyzing the convergences between city image, road integration, formation of characteristic image districts, and the function replacement of historical blocks and imagery hot spot, this paper draws several conclusions.Imagery hot spot is a vital carrier of urban activities that animates urban public space. Due to its historical stability and high recognition, imagery hot spots provide important points of reference, physically and psychologically, that serves as image signs that make up the whole impression of the city. Our study reveals that citizens prefer imagery hot spots closely associated with living facilities and places which enjoy a long history and culture, while skyscrapers with modern flavor are not treasured, despite government assumptions. Nanjing has a long history as an ancient capital with urban images dating back to the Six Dynasties and stylistic influence from the Republican Period, combined with the image of metropolis that can provide various services to the residents. In the process of the urban renewal, the municipal government should abandon its propensity for huge projects and modern styles that convey confusing signals to citizens, and should consider public sentiment and historical contexts with more care.The study reveals correlation between developing imagery hot spots and city road structure. Roads of high integration have good reachability and thereby attract people, while the hot spots themselves strengthen the convergence ability of road space as a result of its visual prominence. In this case, they act as the linkage mechanism for shaping a highly recognizable district. The government can maximize the potential of this mechanism and activate those stagnant districts by establishing imagery hot spots. However, they should also pay close attention to whether mental schema of residents diverges from artificial spatial expansion, which would lead to disparity between image space and entity space and the loss of life sub-nodes during urban changes.Imagery hot spot cluster district should be a characteristic image area that requires key construction component. These districts can serve as the destinations for leisure and entertainment or tourism. They provide a landscape that is closely related to urban culture and create recreational destinations for communication. The imagery hot spot should be evenly distributed within the region and planned in walkable scale. The imagery hot spot can be viewed as a forum for various activities. Both function replacement and spatial reconfiguration of the hot spot can be strategically transformed. Research has shown that a highly developed city center will harm the preservation of the historical heritage sites. A lack of order and coherency among different functions can be a heavy burden of the obsolete road network. The reconfiguration and replacement, under this condition, can not only relieve traffic congestion, improve the declining serviceability of public infrastructure, and protect the history of the city, but also regenerate and establish a clear impression of Hexi New Town.
[Chen Mengyuan, Xu Jiangang.The characteristics of imagery hot space: A case study of Nanjing
. Geographical Research, 2014, 33(12): 2286-2298.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201412007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The spatial mechanism of imagery hot spot has been systematically studied by means of spatial analysis, with the solid foundation of exhaustive data preparation. According to questionnaires on residents recognition of imagery hot spots, spatial data obtained via digitization of historical maps and remote-sensing images, and one-week road conditions are acquired, in order to provide reference to historic preservation and urban human environments. Last but not least, by analyzing the convergences between city image, road integration, formation of characteristic image districts, and the function replacement of historical blocks and imagery hot spot, this paper draws several conclusions.Imagery hot spot is a vital carrier of urban activities that animates urban public space. Due to its historical stability and high recognition, imagery hot spots provide important points of reference, physically and psychologically, that serves as image signs that make up the whole impression of the city. Our study reveals that citizens prefer imagery hot spots closely associated with living facilities and places which enjoy a long history and culture, while skyscrapers with modern flavor are not treasured, despite government assumptions. Nanjing has a long history as an ancient capital with urban images dating back to the Six Dynasties and stylistic influence from the Republican Period, combined with the image of metropolis that can provide various services to the residents. In the process of the urban renewal, the municipal government should abandon its propensity for huge projects and modern styles that convey confusing signals to citizens, and should consider public sentiment and historical contexts with more care.The study reveals correlation between developing imagery hot spots and city road structure. Roads of high integration have good reachability and thereby attract people, while the hot spots themselves strengthen the convergence ability of road space as a result of its visual prominence. In this case, they act as the linkage mechanism for shaping a highly recognizable district. The government can maximize the potential of this mechanism and activate those stagnant districts by establishing imagery hot spots. However, they should also pay close attention to whether mental schema of residents diverges from artificial spatial expansion, which would lead to disparity between image space and entity space and the loss of life sub-nodes during urban changes.Imagery hot spot cluster district should be a characteristic image area that requires key construction component. These districts can serve as the destinations for leisure and entertainment or tourism. They provide a landscape that is closely related to urban culture and create recreational destinations for communication. The imagery hot spot should be evenly distributed within the region and planned in walkable scale. The imagery hot spot can be viewed as a forum for various activities. Both function replacement and spatial reconfiguration of the hot spot can be strategically transformed. Research has shown that a highly developed city center will harm the preservation of the historical heritage sites. A lack of order and coherency among different functions can be a heavy burden of the obsolete road network. The reconfiguration and replacement, under this condition, can not only relieve traffic congestion, improve the declining serviceability of public infrastructure, and protect the history of the city, but also regenerate and establish a clear impression of Hexi New Town.
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