

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

史进1,, 贺灿飞2,
1. 浙江工业大学经贸管理学院,杭州 310023
2. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871

Determinants of the spatial variation of new firm formation in China's metal product industry

SHIJin1,, HECanfei2,
1. College of Business and Management, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
2. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
通讯作者:通讯作者:贺灿飞(1972- ),男,江西永新人,博士,教授,研究方向为经济地理、产业与区域经济。 E-mail: hecanfei@urban.pku.edu.cn
版权声明:2018《地理研究》编辑部《地理研究》编辑部 所有
-->作者简介:史进(1986- ),男,江苏太仓人,博士,讲师,研究方向为企业动态、产业区位和区域发展。E-mail:shijin@zjut.edu.cn


新企业是产业空间重构的重要驱动力。采用1998-2007年中国工业企业数据库,以金属制品业为例,发现金属制品业新企业成立的活跃地区由东部沿海转向中西部地区,特别是中部地区。随后建立“全球链接、区域竞争和地方环境”的分析框架,通过城市层面的面板Tobit模型,考察新企业成立空间差异的影响因素,并突出企业效率在这些因素作用过程中的影响。研究发现:① 外向型城市有利于新企业成立;低效率的新企业只是追求劳动力的低成本,但是高效率的新企业还能兼顾劳动力的高质量。② 区域市场潜力大的城市有利于新企业成立。③ 市场化环境好的城市有利于新企业成立,地方化经济对新企业成立无显著影响,而适度的相关多样化能够促进高效率新企业成立。

New firm formation is one of the driving forces of spatial restructuring of industries because it represents entrepreneurship in a regional context. Its spatial variation has attracted growing attention among economic geographers, regional analysts as well as policy makers. Existing research seems to overemphasize local factors (e.g. market demand, labor supply, agglomeration economies and the level of economic freedom) at the expense of regional, national, and global factors. Using the Annual Survey of Industrial Firms from 1998 to 2007 in China, this paper takes the metal product industry as an example to explore the determinants of the spatial variation of new firm formation. By calculating the rate of new firm formation using the ecological approach at the city level, it reveals that the hot spot of start-ups in the metal product industry shifted from coastal to inland China, especially towards the central region. It then establishes an analytical framework which not only encompasses multi-scalar factors, namely 'global linkage, regional competition, and local environment', but also takes firm heterogeneity into consideration. The random effect panel Tobit model at city level suggests three major findings. (1) To the extent of global linkage, new firms were disposed to locate in export-oriented cities endowed with cheap labor; the more the city was closely linked to the world market, the greater the attraction of cheap labor was. Low-efficient start-ups would run after cheap labor, but their high-efficient counterparts were able to strike a balance between labor cost and labor quality. (2) To the extent of regional competition, cities with large market potential would foster new firm formation. (3) To the extent of local environment, new firms were attracted to cities with a higher level of marketization. Localization economies have no significant effect on new firm formation whereas related variety only fosters high-efficient start-ups. This paper enriches the empirical research on the spatial variation and its determinants of new firm formation in China by providing evidence for the metal product industry, which is labor intensive, and domestic market oriented with a moderate level of technology. It also provides reference to local governments on policy incentives for start-ups, which is particularly relevant against the backdrop of 'mass entrepreneurship and innovation' campaign recently in China.

Keywords:new firm formation;spatial variation;firm heterogeneity;metal product industry;panel Tobit model

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史进, 贺灿飞. 中国新企业成立空间差异的影响因素——以金属制品业为例[J]. 地理研究, 2018, 37(7): 1282-1296 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201807003
SHI Jin, HE Canfei. Determinants of the spatial variation of new firm formation in China's metal product industry[J]. Geographical Research, 2018, 37(7): 1282-1296 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201807003

1 引言


2 研究框架和研究假设


2.1 全球链接


2.2 区域竞争


2.3 地方环境

-->Fig. 1The analytical framework of the spatial variation of new firm formation

3 变量描述与模型设定


3.1 变量描述

3.1.1 因变量 中国工业企业数据库提供了企业的开业年份信息,可以据此识别出新企业成立。例如,一个金属制品企业位于1998年的数据库之中,并且它的开业年份也是1998年,那么它就是1998年新成立的企业。
首先用生态法计算的新企业成立率来建立模型,然后用劳动力市场法的新企业成立率来检验模型的稳健性。对于年份t,在各个地级及以上行政单元i(以下简称城市)中,生态法的新企业成立率是该城市金属制品业新成立企业数量占当年该城市同行业企业数量的百分比( $NewFirmRateE_{it}$),劳动力市场法的新企业成立率是该城市金属制品业新成立企业数量占当年该城市同行业劳动力数量的百分比($NewFirmRateLM_{it}$)。
-->Fig. 2The spatial variation of new firm formation in China's metal product industry across cities

3.1.2 自变量 自变量分为三组,分别是全球链接、区域竞争和地方环境。因为这些不同尺度的影响因素作用于新企业成立需要一定的时间,所以自变量全部滞后一年。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3Pearson correlation coefficients of independent variables of the model for new firm formation


Tab. 1
Tab. 1Independent variables and expected signs of the model for new firm formation

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Descriptive statistics of independent variables of the model for new firm formation

3.1.3 企业特征 本文的企业特征是企业效率,用全要素生产率衡量。全要素生产率是投入要素的加权平均增长率与产出增长率的差别,通常认为是技术进步的结果。目前,估计全要素生产率较好的方法是Olley等提出的半参数方法[13],可以避免使用经典的Cobb-Douglas生产函数估计时的联立性和样本选择问题。估计结果覆盖了1998-2007年全部制造业企业[39]

3.2 模型设定


式中: $NewFirmRateE_{i,t}^*$ 是不能直接观测到的潜在因变量,而所有自变量都滞后一期处理;$ExportShare_{i,t-1}$及其与$Labo_{i,t-1}$的交叉项是控制了新企业所在城市金属制品业的出口情况;二次项$LocalEco_{i,t-1}^2$和$RelatedVariet_{i,t-1}^2$是用来考察地方化经济和相关多样化在过度集聚时可能带来的拥挤效应;$v_i$表示每个城市无法观测到的个体特征;$\lambda_{t-1}$表示时间固定效应;$\varepsilon_{i,t-1}$表示随机扰动项。本文在Stata13软件中采用最大似然法来估计模型。

4 结果分析

Tab. 4
Tab. 4Regression results of the determinants of spatial variation of new firm formation


4.1 全球链接与新企业成立

因此,外向型的城市有利于新企业成立,其中高效率的新企业具有足够能力来平衡劳动力的成本与质量,低效率的新企业只能依赖廉价劳动力来控制成本。这就验证了 假设1。

4.2 区域竞争与新企业成立


4.3 地方环境与新企业成立


4.4 稳健性检验

Tab. 5
Tab. 5Regression results of the determinants of spatial variation of new firm formation (Robustness)


5 结论与讨论

其次,区域市场潜力越大,越有利于新企业成立。与出口导向型的服装鞋帽业不 同[11],中国不仅是金属制品的制造大国,还是消费大国。在研究时段内,约有75%的产值面向国内市场。很多金属制品的运输成本高,市场半径不宜过大,区域市场潜力成为新企业成立的重要影响因素。该发现印证了周浩等的研究,即区域市场潜力不会影响出口导向型产业的新企业成立,而会影响国内市场导向型产业的新企业成立[16]
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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While much of the literature on new firm formation in the 1980s was motivated by high levels of unemployment, much of the focus on new firm start-ups today is motivated by high technology. Using a new database we examine the role of human capital, training and education, and entrepreneurial environment on new firm formation. We find significant differences in new firm formation rates from industrial regions to technologically progressive regions. Variations in firm birth rates are explained by industrial density, population and income growth. These results are consistent with thick labour markets and localized knowledge spillovers. Alors que le ch00mage constituait le principal moteur de la documentation sur la création d'entreprise dans les années 80, de nos jours c'est plut00t la nouvelle technologie qui en est le moteur. A partir d'une nouvelle base de données, cet article cherche à examiner le r00le du capital humain, de la formation et de l'éducation, et du milieu propice à la création d'entreprise. Il s'avère d'importants écarts dans les taux de création d'entreprise entre les régions industrielles et les régions plus à la pointe de la technologie. La variation du taux de création d'entreprise s'explique par la densité industrielle, la démographie et la croissance du revenu. Ces résultats-là correspondent aux notions de marchés du travail forts et de retombées des connaissances localisées. W01hrend in den achtziger Jahren ein Gro08teil der Literatur über die Gründung neuer Firmen durch den hohen Grad der Erwerbslosigkeit veranla08t worden war, verdankt sie heute das Interesse an Firmengründungen haupts01chlich der Hochtechnologie. Mit Hilfe einer neuen Datenbank werden die Einflüsse von Menschenkapital, Ausbildung und Erziehung und einer unternehmerfreundlichen Umwelt auf Firmengründungen untersucht. Es werden signifikante Unterschiede in den Raten neuer Firmengründungen in Industriegebieten und technologisch fortschrittlichen Gebieten festgestellt. Schwankungen in Firmengründungsraten finden ihre Erkl01rung in Industriedichte, Bev02lkerung und Einkommensanstieg. Diese Ergebnisse stimmen mit starken Arbeitsm01rkten und 02rtlich beschr01nkter Verbreitung von Kenntnisen überein.
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It is by now incontrovertible that increases in per capita income cannot be explained simply by increases in the capital-labor ratio. Though doubtless no economist would ever have denied the role of technological change in economic growth, its overwhelming importance relative to capital formation has perhaps only been fully realized with the important empirical studies of Abramovitz [1] and Solow [l 1]. These results do not directly contradict the neo-classical view of the production function as an expression of technological knowledge. All that has to be added is the obvious fact that knowledge is growing in time. Nevertheless a view of economic growth that depends so heavily on an exogenous variable, let alone one so difficult to measure as the quantity of knowledge, is hardly intellectually satisfactory. From a quantitative, empirical point of view, we are left with time as an explanatory variable. Now trend projections, however necessary they may be in practice, are basically a confession of ignorance, and, what is worse from a practical viewpoint, are not policy variables.
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Frenken K., Van Oort F. and Verburg T. (2007) Related variety, unrelated variety and regional economic growth, Regional Studies 41, 685–697. In economic theory, one can distinguish between variety as a source of regional knowledge spillovers, called Jacobs externalities, and variety as a portfolio protecting a region from external shocks. It is argued that Jacobs externalities are best measured by related variety (within sectors), while the portfolio argument is better captured by unrelated variety (between sectors). A methodology based on entropy measures is introduced to compute related variety and unrelated variety. Using data at the NUTS 3 level in the Netherlands for 1996–2002, it was found that Jacobs externalities enhance employment growth, while unrelated variety dampens unemployment growth. Productivity growth can be explained by traditional determinants including investments and research and development expenditures. Implications for regional policy follow. Frenken K., Van Oort F. et Verburg T. (2007) La variété connexe, la variété sans rapport et la croissance économique régionale., Regional Studies 41, 685–697. Dans la théorie économique, on peut distinguer entre la variété comme la source des retombées de connaissance régionales, dites les effets externes de Jacob, et la variété comme un portefeuille qui protège la région des chocs externes. On affirme que l'on peut mieux mesurer les effets externes de Jacob à partir de la notion de variété connexe (au sein des secteurs), tandis que l'argument qui pr00ne plut00t la notion de portefeuille est mieux saisi par la notion de variété sans rapport (entre les secteurs). On présente une méthodologie fondée sur des mesures d'entropie afin d'estimer la variété connexe et la variété sans rapport. A partir des données au niveau NUTS 3 auprès des Pays-Bas pour la période de 1996 à 2002, on trouve que les effets externes de Jacob augmentent la croissance de l'emploi, alors que la variété sans rapport atténue la croissance du ch00mage. La croissance de la productivité s'explique par des déterminants traditionnels, y compris l'investissement et les dépenses de recherche-développement. Il s'ensuit les implications pour la politique régionale. Variété Croissance; Effets externes de Jacob; Economies d'agglomération; Retombées Entropie Frenken K., Van Oort F. und Verburg T. (2007) Zusammenh01ngende Vielfalt, nicht zusammenh01ngende Vielfalt und regionales Wirtschaftswachstum, Regional Studies 41, 685–697. In der Wirtschaftstheorie unterscheidet man zwischen der Vielfalt als Quelle regionaler Wissensübertragung (den so genannten Jacobs-Externalit01ten) und der Vielfalt als Portfolio zum Schutz einer Region vor externen Erschütterungen. Wir stellen die These auf, dass sich die Jacobs-Externalit01ten am besten anhand der zusammenh01ngenden Vielfalt (innerhalb von Sektoren) messen lassen, w01hrend sich das Portfolio-Argument besser durch nicht zusammenh01ngende Vielfalt (zwischen verschiedenen Sektoren) darstellen l01sst. Mit Hilfe einer Methodologie auf der Grundlage entropischer Messungen ermitteln wir zusammenh01ngende Vielfalt und nicht zusammenh01ngende Vielfalt. Anhand von Daten auf dem NUTS 3-Niveau in den Niederlanden für den Zeitraum von 1996 bis 2002 stellen wir fest, dass die Jacobs-Externalit01ten zu einem Anstieg des Besch01ftigungsniveaus führen, w01hrend nicht zusammenh01ngende Vielfalt den Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit d01mpft. Der Anstieg der Produktivit01t l01sst sich durch traditionelle Determinanten wie Investitionen und Ausgaben für F&E erkl01ren. Im Anschluss werden die Konsequenzen für die Regionalpolitik beschrieben. Vielfalt; Wachstum; Jacobs-Externalit01ten; Agglomerationswirtschaften; U¨bertragung; Entropie; Frenken K., Van Oort F. y Verburg T. (2007) Variedad relacionada, variedad no relacionada y el crecimiento económico regional, Regional Studies 41, 685–697. En la teoría económica, podemos distinguir entre la variedad como una fuente de desbordamientos de conocimiento regionales, llamados externalidades Jacobs, y la variedad como una cartera que protege una región de choques externos. Sostenemos que las externalidades Jacobs se miden mejor según la variedad relacionada (dentro de los sectores), mientras que el argumento de la cartera se capta mejor con una variedad no relacionada (entre sectores). Para calcular la variedad relacionada y la variedad no relacionada, introducimos una metodología basada en las medidas de entropía. Usando datos en el nivel NUTS 3 en los Países Bajos para el periodo 1996–2002, observamos que las externalidades Jacobs aumentan el crecimiento de empleo mientras que la variedad no relacionada desestimula el crecimiento de desempleo. El crecimiento de productividad puede explicarse mediante determinantes tradicionales incluyendo las inversiones y los gastos en I + D. También explicamos las implicaciones para la política regional. Variedad; Crecimiento; Externalidades Jacobs; Economías de aglomeración; Desbordamiento; Entropía
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The prevalence of entrepreneurship varies not only across regions but also among industries. Using a unique panel dataset of 60 two-digit industries across 64 provinces from 2000 to 2010 in Vietnam,...
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In this paper, we argue that the ability of a firm to recognize the value of new, external information, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends is critical to its innovative capabilities. We label this capability a firm's absorptive capacity and suggest that it is largely a function of the firm's level of prior related knowledge. The discussion focuses first on the cognitive basis for an individual's absorptive capacity including, in particular, prior related knowledge and diversity of background. We then characterize the factors that influence absorptive capacity at the organizational level, how an organization's absorptive capacity differs from that of its individual members, and the role of diversity of expertise within an organization. We argue that the development of absorptive capacity, and, in turn, innovative performance are history- or path-dependent and argue how lack of investment in an area of expertise early on may foreclose the future development of a technical capability in that area. We formulate a model of firm investment in research and development (R&D), in which R&D contributes to a firm's absorptive capacity, and test predictions relating a firm's investment in R&D to the knowledge underlying technical change within an industry. Discussion focuses on the implications of absorptive capacity for the analysis of other related innovative activities, including basic research, the adoption and diffusion of innovations, and decisions to participate in cooperative R&D ventures.
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ABSTRACT This article explores the determinants of firm entry in Spanish municipalities. The authors consider that size is an important determinant of a city's capacity to attract new manufacturing firms. Panel data were used to estimate the determinants of entry according to urban size in Spain (from 1994 to 1702). This article contributes to the literature on market entry because most previous contributions have focused on regional factors rather than urban ones. The results show that local characteristics affect the formation of new firms. However, more local data are needed to obtain more specific results.
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No abstract is available for this item.
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https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01065182URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper deals with the process of new firm formation in Italian manufacturing industry during the second half of the 1980s. For this purpose we use the data base made available by the National Institute of Social Security, which provides information on both newly and already established firms with at least one employee. Two birth rates are computed and analysed for the relevant industries: the first one is the ratio between new enterprises and already established firms and the second is the share of new enterprises on industry employees. We show that Italian industries are characterized by marked differences in terms of birth rates but also that the ranking of industries is different by using the first or the second index of new firm formation. Looking at the determinants of this process, we found that industry growth affects positively both birth rates; small firm presence is effective only when the second index of new firm formation is used while inter-industry differences in profitability are always not significant. These results seem peculiar to the Italian case in which the size of newly established firms is very small in comparison with the size of previously existing firms.
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URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The natural inclination of a scientist when confronted with a new problem is to try to solve it with old tools. When he is finally convinced that the old tools will not do the job, he retreats to his shop to fashion some new tools. The burden of my argument in this paper is that we
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