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南京大学国土资源与旅游学系,南京大学人文地理研究中心,南京 210023

The intercultural study from geographical perspectives in the context of cultural globalization

ZHANGJinhe, TANGGuorong, HUHuan, YUPeng, ZHAOLin
Department of Land Resources and Tourism Sciences, Research Center of Human Geography, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China

版权声明:2018《地理研究》编辑部《地理研究》编辑部 所有
-->作者简介:章锦河(1970- ),男,安徽望江人,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为旅游地理与规划、区域旅游影响。E-mail: zhangjinhe@nju.edu.cn



The multicultural world is a realistic description of cultural globalization and localization condition. Intercultural theory provides a new paradigm for thinking about cultural diversity as well as a strategy, wisdom to deal with cultural differences in the process of cultural glocalization. This paper argues that intercultural theory adheres to a dialectical view on cultural diversity. On the one hand intercultural theory acknowledges and accepts the fact that cultural diversity exists prevalently, and cultural diversity is a common heritage and precious wealth of humankind; on the other hand, cultural diversity is also the cultural barrier that needs to overcome, and needs to deal with the intercultural paradox, that is how to coexist with the difference in a multicultural world. Recognizing the diversity and respect otherness is a prerequisite of interculturality which seeks the coexisting sameness with the common meaning of intercultural characteristic, reveals the internal relevancy in the intercultural situation and commits to strengthen the interaction between the heterogeneous cultures in the premise of mutual subjectivity. Meanwhile, interculturality establishes the principle on how to coexist with the difference in a multicultural world. Interculturality reveals the essence of intercultural relations and advocates intercultivism of cultural and political practice. Intercultural understanding is the basis of interculturality, and intercultural interaction is the way to achieve interculturality. Intercultural respect is the necessary guarantee for intercultural understanding and interaction, and the equality of intercultural interaction has promoted the intercultural understanding and respect. Intercultural identity not only shows respect and acceptance of the underprivileged culture, but also answers the question on how to calmly deal with the major issues of dialogue between the weak culture and the powerful culture. More importantly, it has aggregated the mutual development of different cultural characteristics. On the basis of the analysis on intercultural situation and intercultural theory in the multicultural world, this paper discusses geographical perspective on intercultural research and argues that the progressive geographical thought should adhere to a dialectical view on cultural diversity, and admit the difference, sameness, relevance and interactivity in diversity as well as establish the principle, that is how to coexist with the difference in a multicultural world. The mutual respect and identity between the local cultures is formed on the basis of mutual understanding and equal interaction, with the final aim to construct a special intercultural world with temporal and spatial characteristics. The intercultural world opens up a new path to address the challenges that resulted from the super-diversity, mobility, fluidity and mixed inherency in the multicultural world. Multicultural world presents its extraordinary splendour of cultures around the world, and intercultural worlds are able to better cope with super-diversity and multidimensional differences in the world of others. The study from the geography perspective makes intercultural theory more profound, and intercultural theory can also inspire geographical ideology.

Keywords:interculturality;intercultural world;multicultural;globalization;glocalization;geographical perspectives

PDF (729KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章
章锦河, 汤国荣, 胡欢, 于鹏, 赵琳. 文化全球化背景下地理学视角的文化间性研究[J]. 地理研究, 2018, 37(10): 2011-2023 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201810011
ZHANG Jinhe, TANG Guorong, HU Huan, YU Peng, ZHAO Lin. The intercultural study from geographical perspectives in the context of cultural globalization[J]. Geographical Research, 2018, 37(10): 2011-2023 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201810011

1 引言

“我们生活在一个多元文化的世界!”[1]这是对文化全球性和地方性状况的现实描述。伴随全球化和地方化双向进程,诸如移民、难民、离散者、旅游者、客籍工人和国际留学生等流动的文化际遇者(intercultural encounters)跨越地方的适应问题,激起如何与客观存在的地域文化差异[2]的他者共同生活(视为文化组成部分)[3]在同一个世界(时空)的文化间议题[4,5,6]对于地理****来说,挑战在于如何应用地理学思想和方法来解答诸如此类的文化间问题。近年地理学界越来越重视多元文化世界中的文化间关系问题,如2004年联合国出版全球化和城市文化报告中强调应当加快建设多元文化并存的进程[7];2016年第33届国际地理学大会主题为“构建我们的和谐世界”,并设有“地理学与多元文化”专题,强调人与自然的和谐相处、不同地方间文化差异的客观存在与彼此尊重[8]。然而,这些议题在跨学科研究中由于无法将不同学科的理论洞见结合起来而在地理学研究中尚未得以深入拓展。

2 多元文化世界中的文化间状况

2.1 文化的全球化


2.2 文化的全球本土化


2.3 多元文化世界中的文化间状况


3 多元文化世界中的文化间性有何可为

3.1 处理文化多样性的新范式


3.2 文化间性何以可能

-->Fig. 1The theoretical framework of Interculturality


4 文化间性世界:地理学视角的可能路径

地理学的文化研究以文化时空变化为关注焦点,通过文化特质的空间分布及演化的意义与象征性转变过程,思考文化时空性辩证关系。地理学“文化转向”更加关注日常社会文化空间中的不平等、排斥、边缘化、空间正义等话题[43];“关系转向”则强调开放性、移动性、网络化和行动导向的地理过程[44],关注文化行为和文化行动者之间相互作用的关系[10]。“亲近性转向(intimate turn)”把种族和族群中身体际遇置于“接触地带”最前端,亲近行为的空间性不仅是亲密性还包括距离、边界和接触地带的地方粘性和亲近政治[45]。此外,有关“多变相遇空间”思想(如文化间地带[46,47]、相遇空间[48]、接触地带[45,49]等)[10]以及情感地理的亲密空间[50,51,52,53]、存在与归属的地方区域地理学[24,54]、种族批判地理学[55]、认同地理学[56]、地方区域主义[57]、本土性的批判地理学[58,59]和复杂公民身份地理[60]等地理学思想为文化间性研究提供认识论和方法论的有益参考[10]

4.1 文化多样性与地域文化差异


4.2 地方文化间理解

地方文化是一个区域长期的文化积淀,具有地域本质性、内涵丰富性、情感亲缘性、价值稳定性和历史动态性等特性[2,64]。地方文化间理解(inter-local-cultural understanding,ILC-U)包括地域内不同文化特质间理解和不同地方文化间的理解。地方文化间理解内容包括地域文化多样性、差异性和关联性的认知,承认地方文化多样性、关联性和差异性的文化事实,以及认知并尊重地方间的物质文化(饮食、建筑、服饰、器物、生产工具、交通等)、制度文化(制度、法律、礼仪、村规、民约等)与精神文化(价值取向、审美情趣、群体人格、艺术、宗教、习俗、语言等)。文化间理解有利于消除地方文化间隔阂与漠视,防治地方文化间误解与偏见[12]

4.3 地方文化间互动

多元文化世界中地方文化间交往是一种跨时代、跨地域的文化间互动。地方文化间互动(inter-local-cultural interaction,ILC-I)包括地方内不同文化特质间交流和不同地方文化间的互动。地理环境是地方文化间交往的地域空间载体,现实世界不断拓展与收敛的时空涨缩变化,有效推进地方文化间互动加剧。地方间文化互动往往通过人流、物流、信息流、资本流等方式进行,平等的地方文化间互动有助于加强各种流的流量,产生积极的影响,而不平等的互动则产生消极的地方文化影响,如旅游者凝视背景下的地方文化舞台展演会导致“文化后台”的裂变,最终损害地方文化传统;乡村振兴过程中不当的权利、资本主导的空间利用博弈,会导致乡村性的消失等。地方文化间互动应充分考虑全球化文化的多尺度空间,多样化行为者参与的特性,强调行动者权力关系在多空间尺度上的多样化演化,建构全球流通网络关系分析框架,朝向认知和培育全球化的文化间交流[26]

4.4 地方文化间尊重

地理学始终倡导人与自然的和谐、尊重不同区域之间的文化差异[8]。地方文化间尊重(inter-local-cultural respect,ILC-R)是动态的多向发展过程,是文化主体平等性诉求与文化价值认同的要求[12]。对于“地图炮”等地方文化刻板印象、歧视、偏见和排外区域主义是需要克服和消除的片面观念和错误倾向。地理知识生产与地理教育有助于地方文化之间相互理解和尊重。地理学包涵世界不同文化区域综合性质,有利于全球教育的融入[81];地理课程中的地域文化知识能使人们了解不同地域的文化类型,欣赏各具地方特色的文化表现形式,从而提高人文素养和品质[82];地理教育能帮助学生懂得欣赏本地文化的传统和思考模式并理解世界的文化差异,同时能尊重其他文化并在适时采纳其他文化的现点,成为多元文化的地方和全球公民[83]

4.5 地方文化间认同

地方的意义与个人或社会群体身份认同的建构密切相关[63]。地方文化感以人类地方体验的主观性为基础,其内涵包括了地方文化本身的特征与个性,以及人对于地方文化归属与依附的情感与认同,地方认同与地方归属感有关[24],地方归属感是文化认同基础。在全球化背景下,地方感知、依恋和认同与文化认同和文化适应等连结在一起而复杂多样,地方与文化、地方间与文化间认同形成地方文化间认同(inter-local- cultural identity,ILC-I)。在文化间区域(intercultural zone)[46],生活于空间之上的身体经历产生心理上的文化间性[39],当面临新关系确立和世界新变化,需要重新定义我者和他者,认同问题被放置最前端,多元文化世界里“共同建构”的认同需要处理如支配、不平等、不公正、臣属、排斥、边缘化、歧视、种族主义、族群主义、文化主义及其后果等诸多社会问题和权力议题[39]。对地方文化间认同的认知需要从认同的多重流动性角度进行思考[20,84],认为在历史和现实语境中文化认同不断变迁。文化认同的流动性则意味着文化认同的可选择性即可选择特定的文化理念、思维模式和行为规范。因此,在一定意义上回应诸如“我们都是谁?”“我们从哪里来?”“我们之间发生了什么?”“我们的归宿在何方?”、我们和他们都是“地球人(earthmen)”还是“地方人(localman)”等认同问题只能做出暂时性应答[19]

4.6 文化间性世界的时空特性

4.6.1 文化间性世界的时间性 文化是一个在时间历程中表现、展开、延续和演进的“向文而化”的生生不息文化生命过程,经历文化创造、生产、传播、展览、消费等不同阶段的文化周期[70,85]。文化是动态的而不是静止的[68],文化特质和文化要素形态在时间的流动中传承、延续、流传而不断发生变化。文化在时间之上沉淀了文化记忆和积累了历史价值意义,使不同的文化特质形态成为了文化遗产[85]。从文化时间经历来考察文化间性, 就会出现,异质文化特质在不同文化时间的文化间性和同质文化特质在不同文化时间表现形式的文化间性[86]。因此,文化间性在时间性上实际是一种不同文化时间(时段)之间的关系,文化间性问题是处于不同发展阶段的不同文化特质如何共在的问题。在传统文化退缩和新文化崛起的转型过程中,文化间性秉持有效保护和积极利用的态度认知、重构和再塑文化遗产[87]
4.6.2 文化间性世界的空间性 文化存在于身体的、社区的、地方的、区域(国家)的、全球的或地方间的、区域(国家)间的[68]差异化“间质空间”之上。从文化的空间性来看,文化个性是一特定文化特质体的点(地点)、线(足迹)、面(范围)、体(综合)的地理分布及文化意义。文化共性指文化世界中城市、乡村、社区或族群、社群、人际交往的空间行为意义[85]。文化间性是不同文化特质体在地理空间上的传播、碰撞与交流,由自足、封闭的个体到开放、交往的综合。文化间性的空间性探讨文化空间关系和文化空间互动,文化空间关系是文化间性型的一种联系,人类所有文化内容、产品、服务以及文化活动等在一定空间范围内发生着关联和相互作用。

5 结论与讨论

-->Fig. 2Intercultural world: The possible path on geographical perspectives

文化间性世界是复杂、多样和异质的特殊时空。对文化间性世界的认知需要从文化的空间研究到空间的文化研究的双重范式,不仅关注活态文化及其空间问题,也需要强调文化的时空哲学和文化时空政治。文化间性产生的原因是不同文化主体在身份变换之上的时空交集,包括空间上位移和时间上演替。移动身体和流动文化,身体栖居和文化复调是文化间性发生的地理情景,多元文化共存问题变成多元差异化身体的空间异地安置问题。文化间性世界是诸如接触地带、移民城市、边界地带、邻里空间等公共、共享、公平、公正、平等、开放、包容的特殊空间或地方。作为经济、社会和文化空间复合体的文化间城市(intercultural city)[31,89]则应成为最受关注的焦点。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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There has been a dispute in academia as to whether globalization is the displacement of locality, or the process of redefinition, reproduction and highlighting of locality. Against the background of globalization, previously local food travels translocally with the frequent migration of people. Translocal restaurants strive to keep authenticity and meet the demands of non-local customers. The focus of translocal restaurants' culture production lies in how to keep authenticity, and what kind of authenticity to achieve. This study reviews the literature of locality, translocality, authenticity and symbolization. Based on a theoretically informed analysis of authenticity of restaurants' culture, this paper attempts to reveal an important process of translocal restaurants' culture production: symbolization of authenticity. In this study, authenticity refers to the characteristics of restaurants' culture perceived by customers, which is investigated from a constructive authenticity view. Symbolization is the process of transforming objects into symbols. Symbolized objects are easier to be recognized. Symbolization of authenticity is the realization process of authenticity imprinted by a number of clues, such as food, service, decoration and atmosphere. Translocal restaurants actualize culture production through the symbolization of authenticity. Meanwhile, this study demonstrates the necessity of the symbolization of authenticity and its circular process. It can provide a theoretical and practical basis for culture production of translocal restaurants, as well as to understand the diffusion, innovation, and development of food culture.
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URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
传统文化是城市文化发展的源泉 传统文化是一个流动于过去、现在和未来的开放体系。虽然,人类社会已经进入快速发展、不断更新的21世纪,但是处于城市中的人们,仍然在既定的历史传统、民族习俗、文化氛围和社会环境中生活,并在这些因素的交互影响下成长。尽管人们有时想摆脱旧的传统、抹去旧的烙印,创造新的生活和形成新的经验,但是,却不能完全克服传统对自身的影响。
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URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
传统文化是城市文化发展的源泉 传统文化是一个流动于过去、现在和未来的开放体系。虽然,人类社会已经进入快速发展、不断更新的21世纪,但是处于城市中的人们,仍然在既定的历史传统、民族习俗、文化氛围和社会环境中生活,并在这些因素的交互影响下成长。尽管人们有时想摆脱旧的传统、抹去旧的烙印,创造新的生活和形成新的经验,但是,却不能完全克服传统对自身的影响。
[66][Zeng Guojun, Liu Mei, Liu Bo, et al.Research on process to translocal restaurants' culture production: Based on the perspective of symbolization of authenticity
. Geographical Research, 2013, 32(12): 2366-2376.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201312030URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
There has been a dispute in academia as to whether globalization is the displacement of locality, or the process of redefinition, reproduction and highlighting of locality. Against the background of globalization, previously local food travels translocally with the frequent migration of people. Translocal restaurants strive to keep authenticity and meet the demands of non-local customers. The focus of translocal restaurants' culture production lies in how to keep authenticity, and what kind of authenticity to achieve. This study reviews the literature of locality, translocality, authenticity and symbolization. Based on a theoretically informed analysis of authenticity of restaurants' culture, this paper attempts to reveal an important process of translocal restaurants' culture production: symbolization of authenticity. In this study, authenticity refers to the characteristics of restaurants' culture perceived by customers, which is investigated from a constructive authenticity view. Symbolization is the process of transforming objects into symbols. Symbolized objects are easier to be recognized. Symbolization of authenticity is the realization process of authenticity imprinted by a number of clues, such as food, service, decoration and atmosphere. Translocal restaurants actualize culture production through the symbolization of authenticity. Meanwhile, this study demonstrates the necessity of the symbolization of authenticity and its circular process. It can provide a theoretical and practical basis for culture production of translocal restaurants, as well as to understand the diffusion, innovation, and development of food culture.
[67]Jackson P.New directions in cultural geography revisited
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https://doi.org/10.1111/area.12287URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper traces the origins and inspiration of Cosgrove and Jackson's () paper ‘New directions in cultural geography’ (Area, 19, 95–101). Noting the contested nature of the idea of a ‘new’ cultural geography and the diversity of work it encompassed, the paper identifies the intellectual sources on which the project was based, including the work of the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies. The paper concludes by considering the contemporary relevance of these ideas in facing the ‘grand challenges’ of the 21st century, including the potential application of ‘nexus thinking’ in addressing the connections between environment and sustainability, culture and society.
[3]Panebianco F, Serrelli E.Understanding Cultural Traits: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Cultural Diversity. Cham: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016. [本文引用: 2]
[4]Cantle T.Interculturalism as a new narrative for the era of globalisation and super: Diversity
. In: Barrett M. Interculturalism and Multiculturalism: Similarities and Differences. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, 2013: 1-19.
[本文引用: 3]
[68]彼得丹尼尔斯. 人文地理学导论: 21世纪的议题. 邹劲风译. 南京: 南京大学出版社, 2014. [本文引用: 4]

[Peter D.An Introduction to Human Geography: Issues for the 21st Century. Translated by Zhou Jingfeng. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2014.] [本文引用: 4]
[5]Valentine G.Living with difference: Reflections on geographies of encounter
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[6]Peterson M.Living with difference in hyper-diverse areas: How important are encounters in semi-public spaces?
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[69]渠爱雪, 孟召宜. 我国文化多样性时空格局及其成因研究
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[Qu Aixue, Meng Zhaoyi.Study on spatial-temporal pattern of cultural diversity and its affected factors in China
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[8]武旭同, 傅伯杰, 王帅. 连接科学与社会: 从第33届国际地理大会看地理学的发展态势
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[70]Andy Stirling. Measuring the diversity of cultural expressions: Applying the stirling model of diversity in culture. , 2017-12-12.URL [本文引用: 2]
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[8][Wu Xutong, Fu Bojie, Wang Shuai.Linking science and society: Review of 33rd international geographical congress
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[9]单波, 姜可雨. “全球本土化”的跨文化悖论及其解决路径
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[72]Nijkamp P, Poot J.Cultural diversity: A matter of measurement
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https://doi.org/10.4337/9781783476817.00008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Cultural diversity 09“ in various forms 09“ has in recent years turned into a prominent and relevant research and policy issue. There is an avalanche of studies across many disciplines that measure and analyse cultural diversity and its impacts. Based on different perspectives and features of the available data, a great variety of diversity indicators have emerged. The present paper aims to highlight some critical issues involved in applying such measures of cultural diversity. A selection of commonly used or recently advocated measures are reviewed. Measures of population diversity can be calculated at different spatial scales and used to analyse spatio-temporal heterogeneity. Additionally, there is a growing interest in measuring spatial dependence, particularly in the form of segregation or clusters. We conclude that there will be in the future considerable scope for adopting multidimensional and cultural distance-weighted measures of diversity. Such measures will be increasingly calculated by means of rich geo-referenced longitudinal micro data. However, adopted measures must be better motivated by behavioural theories. Further research on the determinants and impacts of observed measures of diversity is also likely to be fruitful, particularly in a dynamical setting.
[73]Ottaviano G, Giovanni P.The economic value of cultural diversity: Evidence from US cities
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https://doi.org/10.1504/IJKBD.2010.032586URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
London is one of the world's major cities and one of its most culturally diverse. A number of studies link diverse workforces and populations to levels of urban innovation, especially in global cities. While widely explored as a social phenomenon, there has been little work on the importance of London's diversity for the city's businesses. This paper uses the 2007 London Annual Business Survey to investigate, exploiting the survey's unique coverage of both workforce composition and innovation outcomes. From a cross-section of over 2300 firms, we find significant positive relationships between workforce and ownership diversity, and product and process innovation. These provide some support for claims that London's cultural diversity is a source of economic strength.
[75]孟召宜, 沈正平, 渠爱雪, . 文化多样性研究述评与展望
. 淮海工学院学报: 人文社会科学版, 2015, 13(4): 74-81.
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[9][Shang Bo, Jiang Keyu.Inter-cultural self-contradiction in "Geo-localization"and its settlement
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URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
[10]汤国荣, 章锦河, 曹晶晶, . 文化间性理论要义及其在社会文化地理学研究中的启示
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The importance of spatial variations for social behaviour has recently been re-established in social theory. But, paradoxically, space does not exist in the sense of being an object that can have properties and effects. How, then, are these two axioms to be reconciled? Recent attempts to solve this question have been centred around the concept of 'locality'. In this paper we subject this concept to critical evaluation. First, we consider in abstract terms the way in which spatial variation affects social phenomena. Subsequently, we discuss the implications of this, focusing around the use of 'locale' and 'local labour market' as operationalisations of 'locality'. Next, we review and comment on the debate on locality in the light of this discussion. The upshot is that locality is shown to provide an inadequate conceptual scheme for dealing with spatial patterning.
[14][Wei Haixiang.An analysis of cultural globalization and its related concepts
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[Bai Kai, Zhou Shangyi, Lv Yangyang.The progress of social cultural geography in China in recent 10 years
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[Tao Wei, Wang Shaoxu, Zhu Hong.The body, the view of body, and the study of body
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[20][Sun Jiuxia, Zhou Shangyi, Wang Ning, et al.Mobility in geographical research: Time, space and society
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[84]杨茜好, 朱竑. 西方人文地理学的“流动性”研究进展与启示
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[Yang Xihao, Zhu Hong.Progress and revelation of researches on the anglophone geography of mobilities
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[21][Zeng Wen, Zhang Xiaolin.Reviews and prospect of Chinese social geographical studies since 2000
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https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870701599465URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Diversity in Britain is not what it used to be. Some thirty years of government policies, social service practices and public perceptions have been framed by a particular understanding of immigration and multicultural diversity. That is, Britain's immigrant and ethnic minority population has conventionally been characterized by large, well-organized African-Caribbean and South Asian communities of citizens originally from Commonwealth countries or formerly colonial territories. Policy frameworks and public understanding – and, indeed, many areas of social science – have not caught up with recently emergent demographic and social patterns. Britain can now be characterized by ‘super-diversity,’ a notion intended to underline a level and kind of complexity surpassing anything the country has previously experienced. Such a condition is distinguished by a dynamic interplay of variables among an increased number of new, small and scattered, multiple-origin, transnationally connected, socio-economically differentiated and legally stratified immigrants who have arrived over the last decade. Outlined here, new patterns of super-diversity pose significant challenges for both policy and research.
[86]郑德聘. 间性理论与文化间性
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[Zheng Depin.Intertheory and intercultural
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[87]Powell D, Sze F.Interculturalism: Exploring Critical Issues. Oxford: Inter-disciplinary Press, 2004. [本文引用: 1]
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[25][Tang Xiaofeng, Zhou Shangyi, Li Leilei.The concept of super-organism in the study of cultural geography
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[27]Pretceille M A.Interculturalism as a paradigm for thinking about diversity
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https://doi.org/10.1080/14675980601065764URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The author will attempt to demonstrate that the concept of culture is no longer appropriate for describing present‐day cultural diversity. Indeed, cultures can no longer be understood as independent entities, but need to be contextualized in terms of social, political and communication‐based realities. When contemplating cultural pluralism, it is the variety of cultural fragments that are significant rather than the cultures in their entirety. It is the complexity of interethnic/interracial relations and cross‐cultural exchange that have made the concept of culture less relevant. The author replaces this concept with that of culturality. This concept does a better job of grasping the flexible and constantly changing nature of cultures. It also recognizes that cultural traces are more important than cultural structures. Individuals select cultural information according to their interests and the vicissitudes of the situation. Culture, like language, is a place of expression and interaction between oneself and the other. Owing to its dynamic quality, the notion of culturality is more suitable for describing these dynamics, whereas the concept of culture is marked too much by a descriptive, objectifying and categorizing approach.
[28]UNESCO. The convention for the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions. , 2017-12-08.URL [本文引用: 1]
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[30]Cantle T.National identity, plurality and interculturalism
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Abstract Top of page Abstract This article examines the similarities and differences between multiculturalism and interculturalism, with particular reference to the impact of globalisation and changing patterns of diversity. It reflects briefly on the origins of multiculturalism—largely from a European perspective—with its focus on ‘race’ and the socio-economic analysis that accompanied it. The article suggests that while multiculturalism was right to continue to focus on inequalities, it failed to adapt to super-diversity and the multifaceted aspects of difference and ‘otherness’, including those based on disability, age and gender. Further, while multiculturalism became rooted in intra-national differences, between minority and majority populations, an intercultural approach is now necessary to support the changing patterns of national identity and respond to the recent challenge posed by the growth of far-right and popular extremist parties (PEPs).
[88][Lily Kong.China and geography in the 21st century: A cultural (geographicial) revolution?
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URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
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[31]庄恩平, 张珊珊, 虞怡达. 欧洲跨文化城市战略实践与启示. 北京: 时事出版社, 2014. [本文引用: 1]

[Zhuang Enping, Zhang Shanshan, Yu Yida.Intercultural City Strategy in Europe: Practice and Implication. Beijing: Current Affairs Press, 2014.] [本文引用: 1]
[32]Allolio-N?cke L.Interculturality. In: Teo T. Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. New York: Springer, 2014: 974-977.
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[34]Aman R.The double bind of interculturality and the implications for education
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[35]Lightfoot C.On respect
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[36]Shwalb B J, Shwalb D W.Concept development of respect and disrespect in American kindergarten and first- and second-grade children
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The developmental origins of respect and disrespect among American children are seen in early childhood and in the transition to the school years. This chapter presents the first published research to focus on the development of both respect and disrespect as distinct concepts. The findings are examined in the context of both sociocultural and Piagetian theories.
[37]Langdon S.Conceptualizations of respect: Qualitative and quantitative evidence of four (five) themes
. Journal of Psychology, 2007, 141(5): 469-484.
https://doi.org/10.3200/JRLP.141.5.469-484URLPMID:17933402 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Respect is a term used frequently in the vernacular and psychological literature. However, frequency of use has not yielded a coherent body of psychological research on the topic, perhaps because of its elusive and contextual nature. Examining the divergent literature on respect yields 4 general themes in how it is conceptualized: (a) social rules, (b) equality, (c) caring, and (d) social power. In this study, the author used qualitative and quantitative assessment to explore the soundness of these themes. The 4 themes emerged in each of the different methods, and there was evidence of convergence of the themes across methods. A 5th unexpected theme, personal attributes, was revealed in the qualitative measures. This study provides an empirical foundation for acknowledging the complexity and potential importance of respect. Understanding the thematic variability in how respect is conceptualized will improve research, theory, and application.
[38]Kim Y.Intercultural personhood: Globalization and a way of being
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2008.04.005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This theoretical essay makes a case for “intercultural personhood” as a viable model for human development in today's increasingly integrated world. Critiquing the largely static, monolithic, and value-laden perspective on cultural identity prevalent in social science literature, the author emphasizes the complex and evolving nature of identity. The term, intercultural identity, is employed as a counterpoint to, and as an extension of, cultural identity, and as a concept that represents the phenomenon of identity adaptation and transformation beyond the perimeters of the conventional, categorical conception of cultural identity. The stress–adaptation–growth dynamic in the author's integrative theory of cross-cultural adaptation provides a systemic account for the identity development process as the interplay of acculturation and deculturation. The author argues that, through prolonged and cumulative intercultural communication experiences, individuals around the world can, and do, undergo a gradual process of intercultural evolution. The emerging intercultural personhood is characterized by two interrelated key patterns in self-other orientation: individuation and universalization. Empirical evidence for this theoretical argument is offered through some of the pertinent research findings as well as case illustrations based on publicly available personal testimonials and biographic narratives.
[39]Dervin F, Risager K.Researching Identity and Interculturality
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https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccv059URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Review of: Researching Identity and Interculturality / by F. Dervin and K. Risager (eds.). Routledge 2015, 245 pp.
[40]Tian M, Lowe J.Intercultural identity and intercultural experiences of American students in China
. Journal of Studies in International Education, 2014, 18(3): 281-297.
https://doi.org/10.1177/1028315313496582URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The number of international students in China is increasing rapidly, but their experiences in China remain largely unknown. This article reports an intensive longitudinal multiple case study that explores eight American students' intercultural experiences and the impacts of such experiences on individual identity during their study in a Chinese university in 2010. Data come from monthly interviews and diaries that the students kept. Findings support Kim's depiction of the processes by which intercultural identity emerges, notably the stress-adaptation-growth cycle and the concurrent processes of acculturation and deculturation. These findings reveal the journey of participants from cultural naivety to an emergent intercultural awareness and cultural critical capacity. Despite considerable ignorance and misunderstanding about China as an exotic "other" at the beginning of the program, all participants underwent some degree of cultural identity shift toward the more "open-ended ... self-other orientation" of Kim's "intercultural identity."
[41]李小建. 经济地理学发展审视与新构思
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[Li Xiaojiang.Development evaluation and new framework proposal of economic geography
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https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201310010URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
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[Qian Junxi, Zhu Hong.Theoretical unity and thematic diversity in new cultural geography
. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(3): 422-436.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201503003URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[43]朱竑, 陈宁宁. 近10年国际社会与文化地理研究的发展及启示: 基于《Social and Cultural Geography》论文的统计分析
. 人文地理, 2011, 26(5): 1-8.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
世纪交替之际"批判"社会地理学和新文化地理学不断得到发展和壮大。在这样的背景 下,2000年《Social and Cultural Geography》杂志应运而生。经过10多年的发展,目前该杂志已成为展示国际社会和文化地理学术研究成果的重要窗口之一。本文对《Social and Cultural Geography》2000—2010年刊发的516篇论文进行统计分析,从载文量变化、研究案例地分布和研究领域的关注度等方面分析其特征,在此基础 上,对期刊设立的22个研究议题进行了内容分析,以期为国内社会和文化地理****把握国际最新研究趋势,提升自身研究水平、拓展研究新领域,以及加强与国际 研究的融合和促进自身发展等提供借鉴。
[Zhu Hong, Chen Ningning.The development and research characteristics of international Social and Cultural Geography over the past decade
. Human Geography, 2011, 26(5): 1-8.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
世纪交替之际"批判"社会地理学和新文化地理学不断得到发展和壮大。在这样的背景 下,2000年《Social and Cultural Geography》杂志应运而生。经过10多年的发展,目前该杂志已成为展示国际社会和文化地理学术研究成果的重要窗口之一。本文对《Social and Cultural Geography》2000—2010年刊发的516篇论文进行统计分析,从载文量变化、研究案例地分布和研究领域的关注度等方面分析其特征,在此基础 上,对期刊设立的22个研究议题进行了内容分析,以期为国内社会和文化地理****把握国际最新研究趋势,提升自身研究水平、拓展研究新领域,以及加强与国际 研究的融合和促进自身发展等提供借鉴。
[44]Jones M.Phase space: Geography, relational thinking, and beyond
. Progress in Human Geography, 2009, 33(4): 487-506.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0309132508101599URL [本文引用: 1]
[45]Price P.Race and ethnicity II: Skin and other intimacies
. Progress in Human Geography, 2013, 37(4): 578-586.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0309132512465719URL [本文引用: 2]
[46]O'Sullivan-Lago R, de Abreu G. Maintaining continuity in a cultural contact zone: Identification strategies in the dialogical self
. Culture & Psychology, 2010, 16(1): 73-92.
[本文引用: 2]
[47]O'Sullivan-Lago R, de Abreu G. The dialogical self in a cultural contact zone: Exploring the perceived 'cultural correction' function of schooling
. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 2010, 20(4): 275-287.
https://doi.org/10.1002/casp.1031URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper discusses a qualitative study that explores the impact the development of a cultural contact zone has upon identity processes in the Dialogical Self. The analysis draws upon interviews with Irish nationals, immigrants and asylum seekers in a new cultural contact zone. The findings illustrate uncertainty experienced as a result of immigration, suggesting that the development of the contact zone caused cultural discontinuity. The individuals' uncertainty for their cultural identities' future viability demanded the development of identity strategies to maintain continuity with their perceived cultural future, where they were faced with cultural others. Identity repositionings and a strategy to maintain continuity will be explored in the current paper. The Irish and asylum seeker participants' unprompted focus on schooling will be explored as a continuity strategy. The participants constructed schooling as a tool for the cultural correction of migrant children and a means for the assimilation of migrants into the Irish community. The paper discusses the function of this strategy for the two groups, and the theoretical integration of cultural level processes in the theory of the Dialogical Self. Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[48]Matejskova T, Leitner H.Urban encounters with difference: The contact hypothesis and immigrant integration projects in eastern Berlin
. Social & Cultural Geography, 2011, 12(7): 717-741.
https://doi.org/10.1080/14649365.2011.610234URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Recent urban scholarship celebrates the increased cultural and ethnic diversity of contemporary cities as promoting conviviality and intercultural sensibilities. The contact hypothesis and immigrant integration policies drawing on it similarly stress the importance of increased face-to-face contact for reducing inter-group prejudice and conflict. Drawing on ethnographic research in eastern Berlin, this paper examines spaces of encounters between local residents and recent immigrants and their potential for decreasing negative stereotypes, prejudice, and conflict. We find that contact between Russian Aussiedler and local German residents in public and quasi-public spaces remains fleeting, often reinforcing pre-existing stereotypes. Local immigrant integration projects, despite their intentions of increasing contact between migrant and non-migrant residents, often fail to provide opportunities for deeper contact. On the other hand, sustained and close encounters are enabled in spaces of neighborhood community centers, where immigrants and native residents work side-by-side on common projects. These sustained encounters engender more empathy and positive attitudes toward individual immigrants but these are not scaled up to the group, contradicting claims of recent contact theorists. We suggest that scholars and integration practitioners be cautious of overoptimistic assumptions about how encounters across difference can contribute to decreasing resentment and interethnic conflict, as these are underwritten by much broader processes of marginalization and deeply entrenched unequal power relations.
[49]Sundberg J.Conservation encounters: Transculturation in the 'contact zones'of empire
. Cultural Geographies, 2006, 13(2): 239-265.
https://doi.org/10.1191/1474474005eu337oaURL [本文引用: 1]
[50]Gyepi-Garbrah J, Walker R, Garcea J.Indigeneity, immigrant newcomers and interculturalism in Winnipeg, Canada
. Urban Studies, 2014, 51(9): 1795-1811.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098013502826URL [本文引用: 1]
[51]Staiger U.Cities, citizenship, contested cultures: Berlin's Palace of the republic and the politics of the public sphere
. Cultural Geographies, 2009, 16(3): 309-327.
https://doi.org/10.1177/1474474009105050URL [本文引用: 1]
[52]Somdahl-Sands K.Triptych: Dancing in thirdspace
. Cultural Geographies, 2006, 13(4): 610-616.
https://doi.org/10.1191/14744740cgj380oaURL [本文引用: 1]
[53]朱竑, 高权. 西方地理学“情感转向”与情感地理学研究述评
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(7): 1394-1406.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201507017URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The discipline of geography often presents us with an emotionally barren terrain, leading to spaces ordered solely by rational principles and demarcated according to political, economic or technical logics. However, this situation is beginning to change, as the recent burgeoning publications and conference session dedicated to emotion, which resulted in emerging "emotional turn" within geography. Four precursors contributed to "emotional turn" are discussed in this context, including body and feminist works, humanistic geographies, non-representational theories and psychotherapy. As a new branch of human geographies, emotional geographies was considered as an interdisciplinary platform for exploring the spatiality and sociality of emotion, feeling and affect. According to the books and journals related to emotional geographies, seven hot issues are major concerns of scholars at present: climate change and ecology; intimate space; geopolitics of emotion; educational geography of emotion; place and belonging; ethnic and racial geography of emotion; special group. In summary, we hope the work conducted in the present paper can shed new light on domestic research upon emotional geography that is rarely presented in domestic research.
[Zhu Hong, Gao Quan.Review on "emotional turn" and emotional geographies in recent western geography
. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(7): 1394-1406.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201507017URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The discipline of geography often presents us with an emotionally barren terrain, leading to spaces ordered solely by rational principles and demarcated according to political, economic or technical logics. However, this situation is beginning to change, as the recent burgeoning publications and conference session dedicated to emotion, which resulted in emerging "emotional turn" within geography. Four precursors contributed to "emotional turn" are discussed in this context, including body and feminist works, humanistic geographies, non-representational theories and psychotherapy. As a new branch of human geographies, emotional geographies was considered as an interdisciplinary platform for exploring the spatiality and sociality of emotion, feeling and affect. According to the books and journals related to emotional geographies, seven hot issues are major concerns of scholars at present: climate change and ecology; intimate space; geopolitics of emotion; educational geography of emotion; place and belonging; ethnic and racial geography of emotion; special group. In summary, we hope the work conducted in the present paper can shed new light on domestic research upon emotional geography that is rarely presented in domestic research.
[54]Tomaney J.Region and place III: Well-being
. Progress in Human Geography, 2015: 41(1): 1-9.
[本文引用: 1]
[55]Price P.At the crossroads: Critical race theory and critical geographies of race
. Progress in Human Geography, 2010, 34(2): 147-174.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0309132509339005URL [本文引用: 1]
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