

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

江金波, 唐金稳
华南理工大学经济与贸易学院,广州 510006

The coordinated development of regional tourism innovation in the Pearl River Delta: Based on interduality theory

JIANGJinbo, TANGJinwen
School of Economics and Commerce, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
-->作者简介:江金波(1966- ),男,江西上饶人,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为旅游创新与区域旅游。 E-mail:jbjiang@scut.edu.cn



Based on interduality theory, the regional tourism innovation system is divided into the state subsystem and the process subsystem which characterize the innovation ability and innovation efficiency, respectively. Focusing on nine cities in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, this study develops the index system and the evaluation model of coordinated development in tourism innovation. In addition, the innovation ability, the innovation level of the subsystem, and the degree of inter-city coordination are derived from relevant statistical data. The evaluation, calculation and classification results of the comprehensive development level and the coordinated level of the innovation subsystem show that the developmental differences in tourism innovation of the nine cities could be characterized as a U-shaped pattern. The tourism innovation ability of Guangzhou and Zhongshan is good but with a low coordination degree, while both of the indexes are good for Shenzhen. For the remaining six cities, the comprehensive level of tourism innovation is low; however, their coordination degree is high. Therefore, to promote the coordinated development of tourism innovation in the nine PRD cities and thereby enhance the overall level of regional tourism innovation, the following measures should be taken. First, effective measures should be taken to increase investment in tourism innovation, initiate favorable policies of tourism innovation, ensure a beneficial environment for tourism innovation, and create a positive atmosphere for tourism innovation. Emphasis should be placed on the areas with low-level tourism innovation; constant improvements should be applied to the innovation mechanism in those areas and innovative talents and funds should be provided continuously, which turn to the learning region of tourism innovation. Second, innovation within the tourism industry is expected to be strengthened and the productivity of tourism innovation should be enhanced. We should comprehensively improve the overall quality of the employees, train innovative talents, and vigorously promote the construction of tourist talent tanks. Third, it must be acknowledged that regional cooperation will deliver growth across regions. In order to accelerate the diffusion and spillover of tourism innovation, the effect of spatial proximity on tourism innovation should be exaggerated. For example, in terms of tourism innovation, Hong Kong and Macao can exert a leading influence on the Pearl River Delta; meanwhile, Guangzhou and Shenzhen should cooperate with other cities in order to promote the coordinated development of regional tourism innovation. At the same time, we should actively guide the rational allocation of tourism innovation resources among regions, and promote the relevant industries to support tourism innovation in the special regions.

Keywords:tourism innovation;coordinated innovation;Interduality Theory;Pearl River Delta (PRD)

PDF (1749KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章
江金波, 唐金稳. 珠江三角洲旅游创新的协调发展研究——基于二象对偶理论视角[J]. 地理研究, 2018, 37(9): 1751-1761 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201809008
JIANG Jinbo, TANG Jinwen. The coordinated development of regional tourism innovation in the Pearl River Delta: Based on interduality theory[J]. Geographical Research, 2018, 37(9): 1751-1761 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201809008

1 引言

旅游业是创新驱动产业。从托马斯·库克(Thomas Cook)创办包价旅游,到风靡全球的KFC、Disney等旅游品牌的发展,无不证明创新在旅游发展中的重要作用。旅游创新日益改变人们的生活方式。Airbnb满足游客新的住宿需求,Uber提高出行的便利程度,虚拟技术增强游客的体验感知等。旅游创新除了技术创新的表征以外,也具有明显的空间特征。旅游资源的共享性,地理空间的邻近性,旅游市场的关联性等使得区域旅游创新呈现出区域的差异性[1]。此外,2015年7月28日的国务院常务会议提出“通过改革创新促进旅游投资和消费,推动现代服务业发展”;《“十三五”旅游业发展规划》中明确指出“理念创新,构建旅游发展新模式”。在旅游产业创新发展的时代背景下,****纷纷展开了旅游创新理论研究。李文兵等提出旅游创新包括旅游企业创新和区域旅游创新两种不同机制[1]。旅游创新,狭义上是指旅游产业创新,广义上是服务于旅游产业发展的一切创新活动[2]。区域协调有区域内协调和区域间协调之分,本文所指的区域创新协调是指珠三角九市各市区域内的创新发展协调,并非各市区际之间的协调。

2 研究方法与数据来源

2.1 研究区概况

本文选择中国珠三角的广州、深圳、佛山、珠海、东莞、肇庆、中山、惠州、江门等九市作为研究对象(图1)。珠三角是中国改革开放的先驱,是中国经济发展的排头兵,更是粤港澳大湾区城市群建设的主体所在 粤港澳大湾区是在珠三角区域基础上加上香港、澳门两个特别行政区形成的都市群。2017年3月5日的政府工作报告首次提出,“要推动内地与港澳深化合作,研究制定粤港澳大湾区城市群发展规划”。)。该地区经济发展辐射带动华南、华中和西南等地区,其人口密集、资源富足,是中国创新能力最强、综合实力最强的三大区域之一。珠三角九市面积仅占全国面积的0.57%,但在2014年却创造了7.8万亿元的GDP,占全国的12%,仅次于长三角都市经济圈,成为中国大陆第二大经济总量的都市经济圈。殷实的经济基础,积极的创新氛围,密集的人口资源为旅游业的发展奠定了基础,致使其旅游经济发展强劲。2014年该地区旅游收入占全国的1/5,2014年珠三角九市旅游收入排名依次是广州、深圳、佛山、东莞、江门、惠州、珠海、肇庆、中山。
-->Fig. 1Location of the study area

2.2 研究方法

2.2.1 区域旅游创新的二象对偶特征 二象对偶理论(② 高隆昌等在系统学的框架下提出二象对偶理论。他认为,“二象对偶”是客观世界中普遍存在的一种结构规律。)认为,任意系统可以分为相互对应的两个子系统,分别记为XX*。两个子系统一虚一实,一系统是另一系统的整体映射,构成对立统一体[10]。二象对偶理论已在企业管理、区域经济、产业经济等领域得到广泛应用。
2.2.2 区域旅游创新的量与质 创新投入和创新产出是创新系统的核心组成[11]。旅游创新能力投入在某种程度上体现了创新能力的发展趋势和作用空间,是实现旅游创新的前提和基础。旅游创新产出能力包含了一系列的创新成果,例如旅游学术论文、旅游产品专利、旅游新产品、旅游收入、新的旅游企业等。从时间序列来看,某一阶段的创新活动会产生一定的乘数效应,旅游创新产出既是本阶段的创新成果,也是下一阶段的创新 投入[12]

2.3 指标体系构建

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Index system of evaluation of tourism innovation ability


2.4 数据来源

具体地,旅游业R&D经费支出占旅游总收入比例(X1)、旅游业科研人员占旅游从业人员总数比例(X2)等数据来自《广东省科技统计年鉴》,前者是按照旅游业总收入占地区GDP比例,同时假定R&D经费增长率等于GDP增长率进行粗略估算;后者是按照旅游业总收入占地区GDP比例,同时假定旅游业科研人员增长率等于GDP增长率进行估算。设置旅游管理专业的院校数(X3)来自《广东省旅游培训情况报告》。旅游规划资质单位(X4)是指乙级资质以上的旅游规划企业,其数据来自《广东省国家旅游规划设计单位资质等级情况的公告》。旅游固定资产投资额(X5)来自九市《国民经济和社会发展统计公报》,其按照旅游总收入占全市GDP比例再乘以全社会固定资产计算。旅游学术论文发表数(Y1)是使用CNKI数据库进行中文文献检索,使用Elsevier SDOL数据库进行外文文献检索,检索词为“地区+旅游、游憩、酒店、旅行社、景区”。旅游专利申请数(Y2)是利用国家知识产权局专利检索数据库,以城市名为地址,以“旅游”“导览”“酒店”“旅行社”“景区”“景点”“宾馆”为名称进行检索,剔除明显不相关的专利获得。旅游总收入增长率(Y3)、国际游客占全部游客的比例(Y4)、旅游外汇收入(Y5)等数据来自九市《国民经济和社会发展统计公报》。旅游展销会年举办数量(Y6)检索自各地展会安排表。高等级旅游企业新增数量(Y7)是新增加的四星级以上(含四星级)酒店、4A景区以上(含4A景区)和国际旅行社等旅游企业,其数据来源于各市统计年鉴、统计公报和旅游局官网相关统计信息。

2.5 数据计算处理

2.5.1 指标权重的确定 在确定旅游业创新能力指标的权重之前,首先向旅游业专家发放问卷,本轮共发放问卷15份,收回有效问卷11份。专家按照9分位的比率,对旅游业创新能力指标体系中的各个指标之间的相对重要程度进行两两对比打分。对所得分值运用均值法进行处理,从而得到各级指标的判断矩阵,然后利用层次分析法计算各个指标的权重,并进行一致性检验。各指标对应的指标权重具体赋值见表2
Tab. 2
Tab. 2The weight of evaluation index of tourism innovation ability

2.5.2 数据的无纲量化处理 由于表1中各指标的数量级并不相同,其数据无法直接比较与计算。一般采用 Xij*=(Xij-Xjmin)/(Xjmax-Xjmin)公式进行标准化处理,但为避免处理后出现数据为0的情况,本文采用陈伟等的做 法[18,19],用公式(1)对各指标原始数据进行标准化处理(③ 式(1)~式(6)来自参考文献[18]。)。
式中: Xij*是第i个市的第j项指标无量化值;Xij是第i个市第j项指标的原始数据值;Xjmaxj项指标最大值;Xjmin是第j项指标最小值。
2.5.3 区域旅游创新子系统发展水平测量 (1)状态子系统发展水平(创新能力)的测量
2.5.4 区域旅游创新系统综合发展水平测量 基于二象子系统S1S2的发展协调程度以测量和评价区域旅游创新系统的发展水平。在评价创新协调度时,首先借用公式(1)对LS1)、LS2)进行标准化处理,标准化后二象子系统的发展水平记为L'(S1)、L'(S2),更加简洁可比。再次,在L'(S1)、L'(S2)的基础上计算区域旅游创新综合发展水平。鉴于区域创新系统演化的评价包括过程子系统和状态子系统,本文采用公式(4)计算珠江九市区域旅游创新系统的综合发展能力。
2.5.5 区域旅游创新系统协调发展水平测量 协调水平是用来评价区域旅游创新系统中二象子系统之间是否协调的定量指标[18],该指标用L'(S1)和L'(S2)的相对离差系数VC来计算,离差越小,子系统协调度越高,反之,越低;计算公式如下:
式中:VC最小时, L'(S1)L'(S2)[L'(S1)+L'(S2)2]2的值将最大化。为便于计算,可将二象子系统S1S2的协调度计算公式改成:
Tab. 3
Tab. 3An empirical survey on the coordinated development of regional tourism innovation system in the nine cities of Pearl River Delta, China


3 结果分析

Tab. 4
Tab. 4The evaluation criteria of coordinated innovation development (coordinated development)

-->Fig. 2The distribution of regional tourism development in the nine cities of Pearl River Delta


4 结论与讨论

-->Fig. 3U structure of the development of 9 cities in Pearl River Delta

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

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旅游创新认知误区极大限制了研究者对旅游创新规律的探索.在反思 旅游创新研究的前提下,分析了旅游创新认知误区的形成原因与修正路径,研究了由库克旅行社创建所引发的旅游企业创新崛起之路,并对区域旅游创新演进的基础 与创新演进的动力进行了探索,旨在还原旅游创新实践的真实面目,以推动旅游创新研究的深入.
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旅游创新是旅游产业可持续发展的重要推动力,本文在文献研究和实地调研基础上,采用服务导向 方法,结合技术创新的分析视角,对旅游创新的概念、特征和类型进行了深入探讨。创新通常具有"新颖性"和"应用性"两方面内涵,其中对"新颖性"的判定需 要从时间、空间、范围三个维度来考虑。"旅游创新"是创新中的一类,狭义的旅游创新是旅游产业内发生的所有创新。除此之外,广义的旅游创新还包括旅游产业 外部一切服务于旅游(活动)的创新。与技术创新、以及其他服务部门的创新相比较,旅游创新有自己的独特特点,旅游创新可以按照不同的标准划分类型。
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For more than two decades, the ‘innovation systems approach’ has been a favoured framework for micro-economic research in new institutional economics in many Western countries. The concept allows for a better understanding of the complex driving forces and mechanisms that mediate the conditions, the extent and the outcomes of innovative behaviour. However, the ideas behind ‘national’, ‘regional’ and ‘sectoral’ innovation systems remain to be tested in tourism. With environmental protection and tourism development as objectives, the Sea Trout Funen initiative started in 1989 as a collaboration between the county council, the Anglers' Association, tourism businesses and a hatching plant. The activities merit the label ‘tourism innovation system’, first, because there are stable relations between a large number of actors from the public, voluntary and business sectors with intermittent links to educational institutions. Secondly, the relationship has proven to be mutually beneficial and synergetic. Thirdly, examples are found of consequential innovations in terms of products and services for tourists, in terms of environmental protection and development methods and in terms of the development of human resources. Fourthly, the innovation system has been able to benefit distinctly and positively from external opportunities, such as new regulations.
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This paper proposes a model of an attractor‐based innovation system for understanding tourism. Key components of the model are the attractor (that which attracts visitors), scene‐maker, scene, collaborative networks between tourism and other firms and, finally, the crucial function of the scene‐taker. Findings from eight in‐depth case studies taken from around the world are summarized in the form of seven hypotheses concerning the operations of such innovation systems. It is argued that scene‐takers, in the form of individual entrepreneurs and organizations, perform a crucial function in the innovation system in developing and maintaining the scene. Finally, some policy implications for building such a system are suggested.
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https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201611004URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2011.08.012Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper offers a diagnosis of the "state of the issue" regarding the measurement of innovation in the tourism industry at the company level, and some recommendations for overcoming identified problems. The study addresses two central issues: how existing secondary databases of innovative activity define the boundaries of the tourism industry, and the degree to which these databases reflect the particular characteristics of this economic activity. It is concluded that these analyses present serious biases and anomalies hindering the understanding of the situation at the micro level and complicating the issue of international comparability, and the analyses do not capture the internal heterogeneity of innovative behavior of tourism companies from specific, intra-sectoral activities. The problems concern inappropriate indicators and the need for survey methods to complement the development of innovation scoreboards in secondary sources. The study concludes by detailing a set of proposals that should be considered in the context of a scoreboard to provide a comprehensive view of a tourism firm's technological and organizational innovations, as well as its innovative capabilities, combining Schumpeterian theory and the dynamic-capabilities-based approach, and also making cross-national comparisons feasible. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
[10]冯志军, 明倩, 康鑫. 产业创新系统的协调发展研究: 基于二象对偶理论与系统演化的视角
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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-7691.2014.01.005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
基于产业创新系统的时空演化特征,运用二象对偶理论将产业创新系 统视为由状态子系统和过程子系统二象子系统构成的具备完全时空意义的动态系统.其中,前者是客观实在的物质子系统,后者则是由该物质子系统所映射的属性构 成的虚像子系统.从这一新视角,研究产业创新系统演化的本质,重新界定产业创新系统协调发展的内涵,并构建产业创新系统二象子系统之间协调发展的评价模 型.
[Feng Zhijun, Ming Qian, Kang Xin.Research on coordinated development of industrial innovation system: Based on the perspective of Er-Xiang Dual Theory and system evolution
. Science & Technology and Economy, 2014, 27(1): 21-25.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-7691.2014.01.005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
基于产业创新系统的时空演化特征,运用二象对偶理论将产业创新系 统视为由状态子系统和过程子系统二象子系统构成的具备完全时空意义的动态系统.其中,前者是客观实在的物质子系统,后者则是由该物质子系统所映射的属性构 成的虚像子系统.从这一新视角,研究产业创新系统演化的本质,重新界定产业创新系统协调发展的内涵,并构建产业创新系统二象子系统之间协调发展的评价模 型.
[11]蒋天颖. 浙江省区域创新产出空间分异特征及成因
. 地理研究, 2014, 33(10): 1825-1836 .
URL [本文引用: 1]

[Jiang Tianying.Spatial differentiation and its influencing factors of regional innovation output in Zhejiang province
. Geographical Research, 2014, 33(10): 1825-1836.]
URL [本文引用: 1]
[12]褚立波. 区域创新能力评价体系构建与实际测度: 以11市为例
. 杭州: 浙江大学硕士学位论文, 2010 .
[本文引用: 2]

[Chu Libo.Construction and estimation of regional innovation capability: A case study of 11 prefecture-level cities of Zhejiang
. Hangzhou: Master Dissertation of Zhejiang University, 2010.]
[本文引用: 2]
[13]宋慧林, 宋海岩. 中国旅游创新与旅游经济增长关系研究: 基于空间面板数据模型
. 旅游科学, 2011, 25(2): 23-29 .
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-3102.2014.23.167URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Song Huilin, Song Haiyan.On tourism innovation and economic growth: Based on spatial panel data models
. Tourism Science, 2011, 25(2): 23-29.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-3102.2014.23.167URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[14]曾艳芳. 近二十年国外旅游创新研究述评与展望
. 华东经济管理, 2013, 27(3): 161-165 .
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1007-5097.2013.03.033URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
旅游创新研究是新兴的研究热点,国外学术界对旅游创新的研究主要有以下三个视角:在分类的基 础上探讨不同类型的旅游创新及其特征,在知识管理理论框架下研究旅游创新过程以及从系统论视角研究旅游创新系统和旅游产业集群。但目前旅游创新研究还处在 起步阶段,缺乏系统的理论体系,对旅游创新的公共政策支撑、绩效评价等方面的研究也相对滞后,今后的研究应致力于弥补这方面的缺憾.
[Zeng Yanfang.A review of overseas research on tourism innovation in recent 20 years and its prospects
. East China Economic Management, 2013, 27(3): 161-165.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1007-5097.2013.03.033URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
旅游创新研究是新兴的研究热点,国外学术界对旅游创新的研究主要有以下三个视角:在分类的基 础上探讨不同类型的旅游创新及其特征,在知识管理理论框架下研究旅游创新过程以及从系统论视角研究旅游创新系统和旅游产业集群。但目前旅游创新研究还处在 起步阶段,缺乏系统的理论体系,对旅游创新的公共政策支撑、绩效评价等方面的研究也相对滞后,今后的研究应致力于弥补这方面的缺憾.
[15]Ahuja G, Katila R.Technological acquisition and the innovation performance of acquiring firms: A longitudinal study
. Strategic Management Journal, 2001, 22(1): 197-220.
[本文引用: 4]
[16]Griliches Z.Patent's statistics as economic in dictators: A survey
. Journal of Economic Literature, 1990, 28(4): 1661-1707.
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This survey reviews the growing use of patent data in economic analysis. After describing some of the main characteristics of patents and patent data, it focuses on the use of patents as an indicator of technological change. Cross-sectional and time-series studies of the relationship of patents to R&D expenditures are reviewed, as well as scattered estimates of the distribution of patent values and the value of patent rights, the latter being based on recent analyses of European patent renewal data. Time-series trends of patents granted in the U.S. are examined and their decline in the 1970s is found to be an artifact of the budget stringencies at the Patent Office. The longer run downward trend in patents per R&D dollar is interpreted not as an indication of diminishing returns but rather as a reflection of the changing meaning of such data over time. The conclusion is reached that, in spite of many difficulties and reservations, patent data remain a unique resource for the study of technical change.
[17]罗守贵, 甄峰. 区域创新能力评价研究
. 南京经济学院学报, 2000, (3): 31-35 .
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区域创新不仅包括技术创新 ,而且包括组织创新、制度创新与管理创新。区域创新系统是国家创新系统的基础 ,它是一定区域内与创新全过程相关的组织、机构和实现条件所组成的网络体系 ,是由相关社会主体组成的一个社会系统。基于以上认识 ,遵循综合性、系统性与层次性、可操作性及引导性原则 ,本文构建了一套评估区域创新能力的指标体系 ,并尝试运用该指标体系对江苏省 13个地市创新能力进行了定量评价和分析
[Luo Shougui, Zhen Feng.Statistical research on regional innovation ability evaluation
. Journal of Nanjing School of Economics, 2000, (3): 31-35.]
URL [本文引用: 4]摘要
区域创新不仅包括技术创新 ,而且包括组织创新、制度创新与管理创新。区域创新系统是国家创新系统的基础 ,它是一定区域内与创新全过程相关的组织、机构和实现条件所组成的网络体系 ,是由相关社会主体组成的一个社会系统。基于以上认识 ,遵循综合性、系统性与层次性、可操作性及引导性原则 ,本文构建了一套评估区域创新能力的指标体系 ,并尝试运用该指标体系对江苏省 13个地市创新能力进行了定量评价和分析
[18]陈伟, 冯志军, 康鑫, . 区域创新系统的协调发展测度与评价研究: 基于二象对偶理论的视角
. 科学学研究, 2011, 29(2): 306-313 .
URL [本文引用: 4]

[Chen Wei, Feng Zhijun, Kang Xin, et al.Research on measurement and evaluation of coordinated development of regional innovation systems: Based on the perspective of Er-xiang Dual Theory
. Studies in Science of Science, 2011, 29(2): 306-313.]
URL [本文引用: 4]
[19]刘顺忠, 官建成. 区域创新系统创新绩效的评价
. 中国管理科学, 2002, 10(1): 75-78 .
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1003-207X.2002.01.017URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Based on the method of DEA,this paper analyses the performance of the regional innovation systems of our country. According to the characteristics of the concerned innovation system,the regional innovation systems are classified. We give the different suggestions about how to improve the innovating performance for the different categories of regional innovation systems.
[Liu Shunzhong, Guan Jiancheng.Evaluation of innovation performance of regional innovation system
. China Management Science, 2002, 10(1): 75-78.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1003-207X.2002.01.017URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Based on the method of DEA,this paper analyses the performance of the regional innovation systems of our country. According to the characteristics of the concerned innovation system,the regional innovation systems are classified. We give the different suggestions about how to improve the innovating performance for the different categories of regional innovation systems.
[20]史修松, 赵曙东, 吴福象. 中国区域创新效率及其空间差异研究
. 数量经济技术经济研究, 2009, (3): 45-54 .
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[Shi Xiusong, Zhao Shudong, Wu Fuxiang.Analysis of regional innovation efficiency and spatial discrepancy in China
. The Journal of Quantitative and Technical Economics, 2009, (3): 45-54.]
URL [本文引用: 1]
[21]于明洁, 郭鹏, 王文越. 基于二象对偶理论的区域创新系统协调发展及其时序分异研究
. 研究与发展管理, 2013, 25(5): 34-43 .
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-8308.2013.05.004URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Yu Mingjie, Guo Peng, Wang Wenyue.Coordinated development and time series differentiation of the regional innovation system based on the Er-xiang Theory
. R&D Management, 2013, 25(5): 34-43.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-8308.2013.05.004URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[22]江金波, 刘华丰, 严敏. 旅游产业结构及其转型升级的科技创新路径研究: 以广东省为例
. 重庆大学学报: 社会科学版, 2014, 20(4): 16-24 .
https://doi.org/10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2014.04.003URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Structural benefit analysis and structural relevance analysis are popular in the research of tourism. When referring to the relationship between the support of science and technology and tourism structural transformation and upgrading, the function and single impact of science and technology are the hotspots in research. Focusing on the regional structure, consumption structure and industrial structure, the authors lead the structural research of Guangdong province to a deep and systematic way and conclude the science and technology innovation path of tourism structural transformation and upgrading. The research shows that the geographic concentration of the six major tourism indexes such as tourism revenue and overnight tourist in the four major economic regions of Guangdong province is mainly between 70 and 90, which indicates the regional imbalance in tourism economics. Even though the tourism per capita consumption in Guangdong is above the national average level, its structure is not reasonable, which leads to a low number in basic tourism consumption when compared with developed countries and especially in the departments with high flexibility such as touring, catering and entertaining. The shift-share method is adopted to analyze the tourism structure of Guangdong province which shows a structural irrationality both in the fixed assets and the business income and a lack of competitiveness. In spite of the high ranking in the total amount of tourism, improvements in tourism competitiveness of Guangdong should be made immediately. Based on the innovation of science and technology, it is necessary to explore the potential of the tourism development in Guangdong. Thus, approaches such as updating the tourism facilities, introducing high-tech elements into tourism products, optimizing the product structure, industrial convergence and technology diffusion should be adopted to extend the industry chain and promote new types of tourism. Meanwhile, approaches like industrial competition and cooperation in regional tourism, the cluster of knowledge spillover and the science and technology guidance to regions with different tourism resources should be adopted to optimize the spatial structure of tourism. The innovation of science and technology should be put into practice to support the tourism structural transformation and upgrading in Guangdong province.
[Jiang Jinbo, Liu Huafeng, Yan Min.Research on the science and technology innovation path of tourism structural transformation and upgrading: An example of Guangdong province
. Journal of Chongqing University: Social Science Edition, 2014, 20(4): 16-24.]
https://doi.org/10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2014.04.003URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Structural benefit analysis and structural relevance analysis are popular in the research of tourism. When referring to the relationship between the support of science and technology and tourism structural transformation and upgrading, the function and single impact of science and technology are the hotspots in research. Focusing on the regional structure, consumption structure and industrial structure, the authors lead the structural research of Guangdong province to a deep and systematic way and conclude the science and technology innovation path of tourism structural transformation and upgrading. The research shows that the geographic concentration of the six major tourism indexes such as tourism revenue and overnight tourist in the four major economic regions of Guangdong province is mainly between 70 and 90, which indicates the regional imbalance in tourism economics. Even though the tourism per capita consumption in Guangdong is above the national average level, its structure is not reasonable, which leads to a low number in basic tourism consumption when compared with developed countries and especially in the departments with high flexibility such as touring, catering and entertaining. The shift-share method is adopted to analyze the tourism structure of Guangdong province which shows a structural irrationality both in the fixed assets and the business income and a lack of competitiveness. In spite of the high ranking in the total amount of tourism, improvements in tourism competitiveness of Guangdong should be made immediately. Based on the innovation of science and technology, it is necessary to explore the potential of the tourism development in Guangdong. Thus, approaches such as updating the tourism facilities, introducing high-tech elements into tourism products, optimizing the product structure, industrial convergence and technology diffusion should be adopted to extend the industry chain and promote new types of tourism. Meanwhile, approaches like industrial competition and cooperation in regional tourism, the cluster of knowledge spillover and the science and technology guidance to regions with different tourism resources should be adopted to optimize the spatial structure of tourism. The innovation of science and technology should be put into practice to support the tourism structural transformation and upgrading in Guangdong province.
[23]Hassink R, Klaerding C.The end of the learning region as we knew it: Towards learning in space
. Regional Studies, 2012, 46(8): 1005-1066.
https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2012.705823URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Hassink R. and Klaerding C. The end of the learning region as we knew it; towards learning in space, Regional Studies. Since its launch in the mid-1990s, the learning region has been much debated by academics and applied in regional policies, which are as such positive signs. However, the concept has also been criticized for its fuzziness and its spatial (or regional) fetishism. By applying a cultural and relational perspective, the paper postulates a shift from the learning region concept that studies regions as places of learning to a new analytical framework, learning in space, which studies culture-influenced learning processes in relations or networks of people and organizations. Hassink R. and Klaerding C. 一如我们所知的学习型区域的终结:迈向在空间中学习,区域研究。学习型区域的概念自 1990 年代中期肇生后,便在学术界引发广泛的辩论,并将之应用于区域政策中,这些就其本身而言皆为正面的象征。但此一概念却也因为过度模糊与空间(或区域)崇拜而受到批评。本文采取文化与相对性之视角,提出由研究区域做为学习之地的学习型区域概念,转换为新的分析架构—在空间中学习,该架构研究在人际与组织关系和网络中,受到文化影响的学习进程。 学习型区域69在空间中学习69文化视角69相对性视角 Hassink R. et Klaerding C. La fin de la région d'apprentissage telle que nous la connaissons; vers l'espace d'apprentissage, Regional Studies. Depuis son lancement au milieu des années 1990, la région d'apprentissage est fortement remise en cause par les universitaires et mise en oeuvre quant à la politique régionale, ce qui constitue à ce titre un signe positif. Cependant, cette notion a fait l'objet de critiques pour son imprécision et pour son fétichisme spatial (ou régional). En abordant la question d'un point de vue culturel et relationnel, cet article cherche à postuler le passage de la notion d'une région d'apprentissage, qui considère les régions comme des lieux d'apprentissage, à un nouveau cadre analytique, à savoir l'espace d'apprentissage, qui étudie les processus d'apprentissage influencés par la culture dans le cadre des relations ou des réseaux de personnes et d'organisations. Région d'apprentissage69Espace d'apprentissage69Point de vue culturel69Point de vue relationnel Hassink R. und Klaerding C. Das Ende der gewohnten lernenden Region: auf dem Weg zum Lernen im Raum, Regional Studies. Seit ihrer Einführung Mitte der neunziger Jahre wurde die lernenden Region in der Wissenschaft ausführlich debattiert und in der Regionalpolitik umgesetzt, was an sich positive Zeichen sind. Allerdings wurde das Konzept auch für seine Verschwommenheit und seinen r01umlichen (oder regionalen) Fetischismus kritisiert. In diesem Beitrag postulieren wir durch Anwendung einer kulturellen und relationalen Perspektive eine Verlagerung von dem Konzept der lernenden Region, bei dem Regionen als Orte des Lernens untersucht werden, zu einem neuen analytischen Rahmen – dem Lernen im Raum –, bei dem kulturell beeinflusste Lernprozesse in Beziehungen oder Netzwerken von Menschen und Organisationen untersucht werden. Lernenden Region69Lernen im Raum69Kulturelle Perspektive69Relationale Perspektive Hassink R. y Klaerding C. El fin de la región de aprendizaje tal como la conocemos; hacia el aprendizaje en el espacio, Regional Studies. Desde su introducción a mediados de los noventa, la región de aprendizaje ha sido debatida en gran medida por académicos y aplicada en políticas regionales, lo que en sí son indicios positivos. Sin embargo, este concepto también se ha criticado por su ambigüedad y fetichismo espacial (o regional). Al aplicar una perspectiva cultural y relacional, en este artículo postulamos un cambio del concepto de región de aprendizaje que estudie las regiones como lugares de aprendizaje a una nueva estructura analítica, el aprendizaje en el espacio que estudie los procesos de aprendizaje influidos por la cultura en las relaciones o las redes de personas y organizaciones. Región de aprendizaje69Aprendizaje en el espacio69Perspectiva cultural69Perspectiva relacional
[24]胡杨, 李郇. 多维邻近性对产学研合作创新的影响: 广州市高新技术企业的案例分析
. 地理研究, 2017, 36(4): 695-706 .
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[Hu Yang, Li Xun.The impact of multi-dimensional proximities on university-industry cooperative innovation: Case studies of high-tech enterprises in Guangzhou
. Geographical Research, 2017, 36(4): 695-706.]
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