Influence factors and spillover effect of the innovation agglomeration in Beijing

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1 引言
2 城市内部创新集聚影响因素及溢出效应的理论回顾
为了解释创新活动在城市内部的空间分布,需要讨论创新集聚形成的影响因素。与工业区位论认为工业生产倾向于布局在靠近原料产地类似,创新活动也存在这种“天然属性”。创新活动对资金、人才、信息、文化环境等因素更为敏感,这些因素都是难以移动或复制的,这使创新集聚只产生在一些特定区位。一些西方****对影响创新集聚的因素进行了研究。2.1 城市内部创新集聚的影响因素
随着演化经济地理学、区域创新系统等理论的出现,****们从不同角度对创新活动空间集聚的影响因素进行了探讨,本研究将其归纳为创新投入和创新环境两类。首先,根据Griliches的知识生产函数定义,一个地区的创新产出主要受其创新投入的影响,因而创新最活跃的地区往往是那些创新投入最密集的地区[15]。而创新投入的 主体又主要分为企业和大学两部分。对于企业的创新投入与产出的关系,大部分**** 都认为企业创新投入是影响企业技术创新能力重要的因素,较高的研发经费投入能够确保企业比竞争对手拥有相对的竞争优势[16]。而作为当地科技发展与增长的重要引擎,大学的创新投入也对当地的创新表现起到非常重要的作用[17]。Woodward等对硅谷的研究发现当地大学的R&D投入对吸引高科技企业的集聚和提高本地创新产出具有重要作用[18]。在创新投入中,最重要的是人力资本的投入,许多****认为创新活动更容易发生在高素质劳动力资源丰富的地区[19,20]。人才资源丰富不仅能提供有力地创新投入,还能通过形成高素质劳动力池来有效地促进本地区的创新。例如,Berliant等指出在大城市为高技能劳动力提供更多的选择,高技能劳动力可以更快地相互匹配以降低等待合作伙伴的机会成本,也可以满足这些公司不可预见或具有挑战性的需求。另外,创新集群中的高技能劳动力通过频繁的跳槽和创业,也加快了知识在不同群体之间的传播[21]。
2.2 创新集聚影响因素的溢出效应
虽然根据知识生产函数,创新产出最多的地区是那些创新投入最多的地区。但是很多研究发现在城市或集群层面,不少小企业虽然在研发投入上不是很多,但它们的创新产出也比较高,这正是由于创新的溢出效应在发挥作用,一个地区的创新投入的提高或创新环境的改善都可能会对临近地区的创新活动产生显著影响。创新的溢出可以分为企业间溢出、大学与研究机构的溢出、创新环境共享等。一方面,由于隐形知识的传播具有明显的距离衰减效应。企业间研发的合作、产品的交易、人才的流动、人际的交往等都会加快知识流动,因此企业最优的区位选择策略就是与竞争对手聚集在同一知识外溢空间内。另一方面,大学与研究机构生产的知识为企业提供技术开发资源或知识源泉,并通过合作研发和人力资本流动等溢出机制促进本地企业获得新的知识和技术,从而使该地区更具比较优势[31]。此外,创新环境的共享也是创新溢出的重要途径。Tallman等认为企业更愿意把生产地点建立在临近良好创新环境的地点,如临近多样化的中间服务、专业化基础设施和政府、科研机构、高等院校等能提供专业化的培训、研发和技术支持的地区,以降低创新成本,提高创新效率[32]。3 研究方法与数据来源
3.1 数据来源
3.2 研究方法
本研究一方面要寻找出影响城市内部创新集聚的主要因素,这方面大多数的研究使用的都是知识生产函数模型[15]。而另一方面要测度这些影响因素的空间溢出效应,这就需要用到空间计量方法。考虑到本研究的数据特点,从知识函数的基本形式出发,运用空间截面计量方法,构建起北京市创新集聚的影响因素模型进行分析。3.2.1 变量选择 为进一步讨论北京创新活动空间分布的影响因素,以各乡镇街道的创新产出作为因变量,以上文理论综述所总结的影响因素为自变量,构建空间计量模型,具体的变量选择如下:
3.2.2 模型构建 创新是一个依赖于知识生产活动的过程,回顾众多创新研究的文献,知识生产函数是研究区域创新活动的主要理论模型。知识生产函数最早由Griliches提出,具体形式可以表示为
4 北京市创新集聚影响因素及溢出效应的实证分析
4.1 北京市创新集聚的空间特征
北京是全国创新资源最丰富的城市和科技力量最集中的地区,从专利产出的角度来看,北京市创新活动在空间上呈现出以下特征:4.1.1 空间分布特征 首先,创新活动高度集聚,但不同行业的创新活动的集聚水平差异较大。使用赫芬达尔指数①(①
其次,从创新活动的空间分布来看,北京市的创新活动主要集中在五环以内的地区,呈现出明显的“中心—外围”结构(图1)。2011-2013年间,由海淀、朝阳、东城、西城、石景山、丰台构成的城六区就占到北京市专利申请总数的85.3%。另外,城六区还占据了北京市81.5%的企业研发人员,95.4%的大学研发人员,85.6%的科技服务业从业人员,而外围的10个区县无论在创新投入和创新产出方面都占比很低。但创新活动并不是集中在市区的最中心,而是在距离市中心5~20 km的地方形成了一条环形创新带,包含中关村、上地、望京、丰台科技城等重要的创新集聚地区。

-->Fig. 1The distribution of patent applications of Beijing from 2011 to 2013 based on the analysis of spatial interpolation
4.1.2 空间集群特征 由于创新溢出对邻近性的高度依赖,因此会在空间上形成明显的集群状态,而城市正是创新集群的最主要的发生地。采用空间插值方法识别出专利申请数量较高且在空间上连片分布的地区作为创新集群,从识别结果可以看出,目前北京市域内形成了中关村—上地、望京、CBD、金融街、亦庄经济技术开发区、丰台科技城六大创新集群(图1、表1)。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1The main innovation cluster of Beijing
创新集群 | 专利数(件) | 面积(km2) | 到市中心距离(km) | 创新主体 | 创新行业 |
中关村—上地地区 | 76707 | 150 | 8~18 | 高校、 研究机构、 高科技企业 | 计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业,电气机械和器材制造业,通用设备制造业,专用设备制造业,医药制造业,化学原料和化学制品制造业 |
朝阳望京地区 | 10018 | 53 | 9~13 | 高科技企业 | 计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,专用设备制造业,电气机械和器材制造业,通用设备制造业 |
CBD地区 | 7946 | 9 | 3~6 | 大型国企总部、外企、研究机构 | 化学原料和化学制品制造业,石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业,专用设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业 |
金融街地区 | 6047 | 8 | 2~4 | 大型国企总部 | 计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,电气机械和器材制造业 |
大兴亦庄经开区 | 3885 | 58 | 15~20 | 企业 | 专用设备制造业,电气机械和器材制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业 |
丰台科学城 | 3558 | 51 | 12~15 | 企业 | 仪器仪表制造业,电气机械和器材制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业 |
首先,“中关村—上地”地区是北京市内规模最大、历史最久、最具活力和竞争力的创新集群。20世纪90年代,依托清华、北大和中科院等高校院所的科研资金和人才,在中关村地区形成了创新集群的雏形。近年来,随着大量高科技企业的集聚和孵化,创新集群进一步向北部的上地、沙河地区扩展,形成了占地约150 km2的大规模创新集群。2011-2013年,“中关村—上地”地区的专利申请量占整个北京市的41.3%,远远超过其他集群。高校、研究机构和企业的创新产出比例分别为25.14%、30.12%和44.74%,产学研一体化程度较高;专利中计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业等多个行业的占比达到北京市的四成以上,创新的多样化程度很高。
其次,朝阳的望京地区是仅次于中关村—上地地区的北京市次级创新中心,2011-2013年该地区专利申请量约占整个北京市的6.7%。望京地区的区位与中关村类似,距市中心的距离在9~13 km。以望京科技园为依托,包含周边的多家科技企业和研究机构在内,专利的行业主要集中在计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,专用设备制造业,电气机械和器材制造业,通用设备制造业。
亦庄经济技术开发区和丰台科技城都处于距离市中心12~20 km的近郊区,属于典型的高科技园区。依托北京经济技术开发区和中关村丰台园的大量企业,2011-2013年两地的专利申请量占北京市总量的2.9%和2.4%。创新的行业也比较类似,集中在专用设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业,电气机械和器材制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业。
4.2 创新集聚影响因素的回归结果及溢出效应分析
基于理论综述中对创新集聚影响因素的总结,使用知识生产函数构建模型对北京进行实证分析。本部分将总结创新集聚的影响因素,并利用空间计量方法进一步讨论这些影响因素的空间溢出效应。空间计量模型回归分析前首先进行空间相关性检验以确定是否存在空间自相关。空间自相关检验结果表明,北京市乡镇街道层面的创新产出的Moran's I值为4.2833,且在1%的水平下通过过显著性检验,说明北京市创新活动存在着明显的空间相关性,需要采用空间计量模型来纠正偏差。进一步通过似然比检验和Wald检验判定空间杜宾模型(SDM)不能简化为空间滞后模型(SLM)和空间误差模型(SEM),这说明对于创新活动而言,空间杜宾模型更为适宜。为了检验空间杜宾模型和所选变量的稳健性,同时对OLS、SLM和SEM模型进行估计,作为对比。
Tab. 2
Tab. 2Regression analysis of the factors influencing innovative output
OLS | SLM | SEM | SDM | |
I | 0.7107*** (0.0313) | 0.6199*** (0.0827) | 0.6929*** (0.0823) | 0.6838** (2.7215) |
U | 0.1474*** (0.0820) | 0.1364*** (0.0303) | 0.1441*** (0.0322) | 0.1394*** (4.1930) |
Pro | -0.0165 (0.0117) | -0.0144*** (0.0112) | -0.0149*** (0.0114) | -0.0377*** (-2.8464) |
Sci | 0.1860*** (0.0464) | 0.1473*** (0.0463) | 0.1972*** (0.0456) | 0.3388*** (7.7527) |
Lar | 0.0128 (0.0097) | 0.0103*** (0.0094) | 0.0135*** (0.0091) | 0.0235** (2.530) |
Tra | 0.0317*** (0.0118) | 0.0197*** (0.0117) | 0.0239** (0.0122) | 0.0187 (1.3688) |
Ind | 0.2601*** (0.0449) | 0.2604*** (0.0433) | 0.2475*** (0.0456) | 0.2916*** (5.6180) |
W | 0.0877* (1.6031) | |||
W | 0.0354* (0.7327) | |||
W | -0.0257 (-1.2769) | |||
W | 0.0033 (0.0512) | |||
W | 0.0074 (0.4524) | |||
W | 0.0315 (1.5772) | |||
W | -0.2723* (-3.6767) | |||
ρ或λ | 0.1824*** (0.0503) | 0.3165*** (0.0769) | 0.2809*** (4.3304) | |
R2 | 0.8155 | 0.8241 | 0.8272 | 0.8927 |
Log-likehood | -477.518 | -470.946 | -470.321 | -378.2222 |
Tab. 3
Tab. 3Total, direct and indirect effects of SDM results
总效应 | 直接效应 | 间接效应 | ||||
系数 | P值 | 系数 | P值 | 系数 | P值 | |
I | 0.2407 | 0.0024 | 0.0914 | 0.0068 | 0.1493 | 0.0332 |
U | 0.2447 | 0.0002 | 0.1452 | 0.0000 | 0.0995 | 0.0988 |
Sci | 0.4762 | 0.0000 | 0.3451 | 0.0000 | 0.1311 | 0.0790 |
Pro | -0.0893 | 0.0021 | -0.0405 | 0.0023 | -0.0487 | 0.0574 |
Ind | 0.0241 | 0.0147 | 0.2797 | 0.0000 | -0.2556 | 0.0055 |
Lar | 0.0441 | 0.0708 | 0.0245 | 0.0120 | 0.0195 | 0.3649 |
Tra | 0.0692 | 0.0012 | 0.0214 | 0.1033 | 0.0478 | 0.0451 |
Tab. 4
Tab. 4Spillover effects of innovation activities in different distances
K=3 | K=4 | K=5 | K=6 | K=7 | K=8 | |
I | 0.1493** | 0.1724** | 0.2022** | 0.2093** | 0.1906** | 0.2021 |
U | 0.0995* | 0.0776* | 0.0641 | 0.0773 | 0.0933 | 0.1396 |
Pro | -0.0487* | -0.0686** | -0.0752** | -0.0772** | -0.0694* | -0.0844* |
Sci | 0.1311* | 0.1112 | 0.1694* | 0.1548 | 0.1022 | 0.0364 |
Lar | 0.0195 | 0.0341 | 0.0270 | 0.0348 | 0.0564 | 0.0670* |
Tra | 0.0478** | 0.0453* | 0.0392 | 0.0370 | 0.0353 | 0.0330 |
Ind | -0.2556*** | -0.2515 | -0.2995** | -0.2962 | -0.2512 | -0.2023 |
5 结论与讨论
从创新产出的视角,利用乡镇街道层面的专利数据描述了北京市内部创新活动的空间特征,分析了创新投入、创新环境因素对创新活动在城市内的空间分布的影响及其空间溢出效应,主要结论如下:第一,城市内部的创新活动是高度集聚的,且创新活动的集聚程度整体上高于制造业。从北京市创新活动的地区分布来看,北京市的创新活动主要集中在五环以内的地区,呈现出明显的“中心—外围”结构。但创新活动并不是集中在市区的最中心的区域,而是在距离市中心5~20 km的地方形成了一条环形创新带。同时,创新集群是创新活动在城市内部存在的主要形式,北京市形成了中关村—上地、望京、CBD、金融街、亦庄经济技术开发区、丰台科技城6个创新集群。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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[8] | Economic geography increasingly conceptualises innovation as a collective action. However, the literature on clusters often reduces the collective dimension to the circulation of knowledge between local and regional organisations based on various forms of (market, organisational, social, institutional or cognitive) co-ordination. This paper diverges from this grass-roots perspective by discussing the role of collective actions in clusters--i.e. actions developed by a large number of cluster members acting as a group. Empirical evidence drawing on a study of three digital clusters in the Paris region shows that the cluster as a collective entity holds agency and-- thanks to reflexive co-ordination--can contribute to open innovation, including innovation-seeking partnerships in the early stages of cluster life cycles. |
[9] | Much has been written about innovation, territory, knowledge spill-overs and agglomeration economies, but neighbourhood-level processes of innovation have rarely been studied in a systematic fashion. This article explores whether knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) are systematically more innovative when they are located in employment clusters. In doing so, it distinguishes between the simple co-location of innovative firms with other activities, and possible dynamic effects (identified by controlling for firm-level innovation factors): most identified geographical patterns are resilient to controls, but the geography of innovation is not straightforward. In Montreal, whilst certain types of innovation occur in employment clusters, others display no spatial patterns. Furthermore, the most intensive KIBS innovators tend to locate away from high-employment and from high-KIBS zones. KIBS innovation does not behave as expected if innovation dynamics were localised in a fashion similar to agglomeration economies: it is therefore important to distinguish between the two. |
[10] | Abstract Initially published in 2002, The Rise of the Creative Class quickly achieved classic status for its identification of forces then only beginning to reshape our economy, geography, and workplace. Weaving story-telling with original research, Richard Florida identified a fundamental shift linking a host of seemingly unrelated changes in American society: the growing importance of creativity in people’s work lives and the emergence of a class of people unified by their engagement in creative work. Millions of us were beginning to work and live much as creative types like artists and scientists always had, Florida observed, and this Creative Class was determining how the workplace was organized, what companies would prosper or go bankrupt, and even which cities would thrive.In The Rise of the Creative Class Revisited, Florida further refines his occupational, demographic, psychological, and economic profile of the Creative Class, incorporates a decade of research, and adds five new chapters covering the global effects of the Creative Class and exploring the factors that shape “quality of place” in our changing cities and suburbs. |
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[12] | Teirlinck P. and Spithoven A. The spatial organization of innovation: open innovation, external knowledge relations and urban structure, Regional Studies. The increased use of external knowledge relations, complementary to in-house research and development, influences the way firms are organized to manage innovation. The ‘new’ imperative of open innovation promotes the idea that firms organize innovation, to a greater extent, in interaction with outside parties. This paper argues that both the organization of innovation as well as the use of external knowledge depends on the physical, socio-economic and cultural environment. The outcome of the analysis supports the idea that (open) innovation is spatially organized. Contrary to the expectations, innovative firms in less urbanized areas show a higher degree of openness. Teirlinck P. et Spithoven A. L'organisation géographique de l'innovation: l'innovation ouverte, les rapports de connaissance externe et l'ossature urbaine, Regional Studies. L'emploi accru des rapports de connaissance externe, qui complètent la R et D interne, influe la fa04on dont les entreprises s'organisent pour gérer l'innovation. Le ‘nouveau’ impératif, à savoir l'innovation ouverte, laisse supposer que, dans une large mesure, les entreprises organisent l'innovation à partir de l'interaction avec le monde extérieur. Cet article cherche à affirmer qu'aussi bien l'organisation de l'innovation que l'emploi de la connaissance externe dépendent des milieux physique, socioéconomique et culturel. Le résultat de l'analyse soutient l'idée que l'innovation (ouverte) s'organise sur le plan géographique. Contre toute attente, les entreprises à caractère innovateur situées dans les zones moins urbanisées font preuve d'un taux d'ouverture plus élevé. Innovation ouverte69Rapports de connaissance externe69Ossature urbaine Teirlinck P. und Spithoven A. Die r01umliche Organisation der Innovation: offene Innovation, externe Wissensbeziehungen und urbane Struktur, Regional Studies. Die zunehmende Nutzung externer Wissensbeziehungen zur Erg01nzung der firmeninternen Forschung und Entwicklung wirkt sich darauf aus, wie Firmen zur Lenkung der Innovation organisiert werden. Der ,neue' Imperativ einer offenen Innovation f02rdert die Idee, dass Firmen die Innovation in gr0208erem Umfang in Wechselwirkung mit externen Partnern organisieren sollten. In diesem Beitrag wird argumentiert, dass sowohl die Organisation der Innovation als auch die Nutzung von externem Wissen von der physischen, sozio02konomischen und kulturellen Umgebung abh01ngen. Das Ergebnis der Analyse bekr01ftigt die Idee, dass eine (offene) Innovation r01umlich organisiert ist. Wider Erwarten weisen innovative Firmen in weniger urbanisierten Gegenden ein h02heres Ma08 an Offenheit auf. Offene Innovation69Externe Wissensbeziehungen69Urbane Struktur Teirlinck P. y Spithoven A. La organización espacial de la innovación: innovación abierta, relaciones de conocimiento externo y estructura urbana, Regional Studies. El uso cada vez más frecuente de las relaciones externas de conocimiento, junto con la I + D del lugar, influye en el modo en que las empresas se organizan para gestionar las innovaciones. El ‘nuevo’ principio obligatorio de innovación abierta fomenta la idea de que las empresas organicen sus innovaciones en gran medida interactuando con entidades externas. En este artículo sostenemos que tanto la organización de innovación como el uso de conocimiento externo dependen del entorno físico, socioeconómico y cultural. El resultado del análisis respalda la idea de que la innovación (abierta) está organizada de forma espacial. En contra de todos los pronósticos, las empresas innovadoras en áreas menor ubanizadas muestran un grado superior de apertura. Innovación abierta69Relaciones de conocimiento externo69Estructura urbana |
[13] | . 基于城市邮编区划空间数据库,从创新产出的视角建构城市创新评价指标体系,对1991-2014年上海市和北京市的创新空间结构的空间演化模式进行了探讨。研究发现:1邮政区划为研究城市创新空间结构的生长提供了全新的视角,基于随机边缘点连线以及泰森多边形法构建的城市邮编空间数据库评价城市创新空间结构的结果较为理想,因此具有推广价值;2 25年间,上海市和北京市的创新空间结构生长体现出了诸多的共性特征:随着参与创新的城市空间单元逐年增加,区域创新产出虽总体差距在缩小,但空间集聚趋势在加剧;3 25年间,上海市和北京市的创新空间结构生长也体现出了共性上的差异性,其中上海市创新空间结构在创新资源郊区化转移的趋势下,呈现出由单核驱动向多核共振演进,以交通干道为空间扩散廊道的辐射效应凸显,相应的,其创新产出空间关联效应也显现出了市中心空心化现象;而北京市创新空间结构始终为市中心单核主导型,并在创新资源不断向中心集聚趋势下,其创新产出空间关联效应呈现出"农村包围城市"的演化特征;4上海市和北京市创新空间结构与其所在的区域创新空间结构(长三角城市群和京津冀城市群)具有内在的一致性,表明城内尺度科技创新活动空间分布的均衡与非均衡规律与其所处的区域创新格局密切相关。 基于城市邮编区划空间数据库,从创新产出的视角建构城市创新评价指标体系,对1991-2014年上海市和北京市的创新空间结构的空间演化模式进行了探讨。研究发现:1邮政区划为研究城市创新空间结构的生长提供了全新的视角,基于随机边缘点连线以及泰森多边形法构建的城市邮编空间数据库评价城市创新空间结构的结果较为理想,因此具有推广价值;2 25年间,上海市和北京市的创新空间结构生长体现出了诸多的共性特征:随着参与创新的城市空间单元逐年增加,区域创新产出虽总体差距在缩小,但空间集聚趋势在加剧;3 25年间,上海市和北京市的创新空间结构生长也体现出了共性上的差异性,其中上海市创新空间结构在创新资源郊区化转移的趋势下,呈现出由单核驱动向多核共振演进,以交通干道为空间扩散廊道的辐射效应凸显,相应的,其创新产出空间关联效应也显现出了市中心空心化现象;而北京市创新空间结构始终为市中心单核主导型,并在创新资源不断向中心集聚趋势下,其创新产出空间关联效应呈现出"农村包围城市"的演化特征;4上海市和北京市创新空间结构与其所在的区域创新空间结构(长三角城市群和京津冀城市群)具有内在的一致性,表明城内尺度科技创新活动空间分布的均衡与非均衡规律与其所处的区域创新格局密切相关。 |
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[15] | This article outlines the production function approach to the estimation of the returns to R&D and then proceeds to discuss in turn two very difficult problems: the measurement of output in R&D intensive industries and the definition and measurement of the stock of R&D "capital." The latter concept leads to a discussion of modeling of the spillover effects of R&D and to suggestions for possible measurement of such effects via the concept of technological distance between firms and industries. Somewhat more familiar econometric problems (multicollinearity and simultaneity) are taken up in the next section and another section is devoted to estimation and inference problems arising more specifically in the R&D context. Several recent studies of returns to R&D are then surveyed, and the paper concludes with a plea for a lowering of expectations as to what the available data can tell us and with suggestions for ways of expanding the current data base in this field. |
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[17] | The existence of geographically mediated "spillovers" from university research to commercial innovation is explored using state-level time-series data on corporate patents, corporate R&D, and university research. A significant effect of university research on corporate patents is found, particularly in the areas of Drugs and Medical Technology, and Electronics, Optics, and Nuclear Technology. In addition, university research appears to have an indirect effect on local innovation by inducing industrial R&D spending. |
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[19] | This paper considers the microfoundations of agglomeration economies, in particular agglomeration economies that arise from uncertainty. The paper begins with a simple model that captures several sorts of uncertainty-driven agglomeration. These include competitive instability, the need for skilled workers, and technological innovativeness. The model's key result is that firms facing more uncertainty will agglomerate with each other in large cities or industry clusters. Firms facing less uncertainty will be found in small cities or outside of clusters. The paper tests these ideas by employing survey data to see if establishments in large cities or industry clusters describe themselves as facing these sorts of uncertainty. The empirical results are consistent with the existence of all three of the agglomerative forces mentioned above. However, the forces operate in different ways. Competitive instability and technological innovativeness are associated with city size, while skill-orientation is associated with industry clustering. |
[20] | . 创新的空间集聚现象是创新活动最重要的空间特征之一。传统的基于经济学的创新研究框架忽视了空间的重要性,20世纪90年代以来,随着创新地理学的兴起,对创新集聚的空间问题研究得到大力扩展和延伸。本文围绕创新活动在空间上是否集聚、在哪里集聚、如何集聚等问题,从集聚化、本地化和网络化三个方面对创新集聚的空间特征进行了梳理,并归纳总结出影响创新集聚的五种机制:知识溢出、服务共享、高技能劳动力匹配、不确定性和竞争,在此基础上讨论了当前研究存在的问题,并提出了深化创新集聚空间特征研究、完善创新活动与区域及城市间的互动理论、推动对创新网络的测度与演化研究、加强创新集聚的微观机制及模型化工作等建议。 创新的空间集聚现象是创新活动最重要的空间特征之一。传统的基于经济学的创新研究框架忽视了空间的重要性,20世纪90年代以来,随着创新地理学的兴起,对创新集聚的空间问题研究得到大力扩展和延伸。本文围绕创新活动在空间上是否集聚、在哪里集聚、如何集聚等问题,从集聚化、本地化和网络化三个方面对创新集聚的空间特征进行了梳理,并归纳总结出影响创新集聚的五种机制:知识溢出、服务共享、高技能劳动力匹配、不确定性和竞争,在此基础上讨论了当前研究存在的问题,并提出了深化创新集聚空间特征研究、完善创新活动与区域及城市间的互动理论、推动对创新网络的测度与演化研究、加强创新集聚的微观机制及模型化工作等建议。 |
[21] | Despite wide recognition of their significant role in explaining sustained growth and economic development, uncompensated knowledge spillovers have not yet been fully modeled with a microeconomic foundation. This paper illustrates the exchange of knowledge as well as its consequences for agglomerative activity in a general-equilibrium search-theoretic framework. Agents, possessing differentiated types of knowledge, search for partners to exchange ideas in order to improve production efficacy. Contrary to previous work, we demonstrate that a decentralized equilibrium may be underpopulated or overpopulated and underselective or overselective in knowledge exchange, compared to the social optimum. |
[22] | ABSTRACT This paper is concerned with the concept of regulation. Formerly, economic regulation was seen as a necessary corrective to capitalism's cyclical and spatially variable tendencies, enabling a competitive system of economic activity to remain in place without collapsing under the strains of its own internal centrifugal forces. Increasingly, the role of regulation has been reinterpreted, being viewed either as a major source of unnecessary restraint upon enterprise or as a necessary element in enabling firms to compete more effectively. This paper examines the role regulation can play as a form of proactive support for industry. It does so in three key sections. The first focusses upon three different approaches to regional innovation, drawing on material evidence from Japan, Germany and France. The second focusses upon regional innovation within the United Kingdom, with particular reference to Wales. The third reports upon developments which have attempted to move the microregulatory structure of Wales towards European best practice within the sphere of regional innovation through a process of earning through interaction with more dynamic, institutionally networked regions in Europe. The main conclusions of the paper are that such interactive learning can produce evidence of very rapid institutional reactions, although there is a time lag before the economic performance and dynamism of business is harmonized across regions. Nevertheless, the case of regulatory intervention in the development of a network innovation system in Wales testifies to the importance of a regulatory perspective which is equal to tackling the liberating, as well as the controlling, dimensions of regulatory activity. |
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[25] | This paper analyses whether firms located in strong industrial clusters or regions are more likely to innovate than firms outside these regions. The study examines innovative activity using a database of innovations in the UK. The innovative record of 248 manufacturing firms during 8 years (1975 1982) is examined and related to employment in the region where they are located, and other variables. The results show that a firm is considerably more likely to innovate if own-sector employment in its home region is strong. On the other hand, the effect of strong employment in other industries does not appear to be significant. This may indicate that congestion effects outweigh any benefits that may come from diversification within clusters. The limitations of the data, however, do not allow for any definitive conclusion. |
[26] | . 运用空间计量经济学的空间变系数回归模型--地理加权回归模型,在全国31个省级区域创新系统的大背景下,着重对首都区域创新及其影响因素进行了空间计量经济分析。全域估计结果发现:中国31个省域创新能力的贡献主要是由企业研发投入实现,大学研发对区域创新能力没有明显的贡献,大学研发与企业研发的结合也没有对区域创新表现出显著的作用。局域地理加权回归计量分析结果显示:首都地区的企业研发能力和人力资本对首都区域创新能力具有正向促进作用,首都强大的研发成果没能近距离扩散,对首都创新能力的形成没有提供应有的贡献。寻求建立大学研发与企业研发之间的技术转移渠道及相互作用机制是目前首都地区大学、企业研发与区域创新联动面 运用空间计量经济学的空间变系数回归模型--地理加权回归模型,在全国31个省级区域创新系统的大背景下,着重对首都区域创新及其影响因素进行了空间计量经济分析。全域估计结果发现:中国31个省域创新能力的贡献主要是由企业研发投入实现,大学研发对区域创新能力没有明显的贡献,大学研发与企业研发的结合也没有对区域创新表现出显著的作用。局域地理加权回归计量分析结果显示:首都地区的企业研发能力和人力资本对首都区域创新能力具有正向促进作用,首都强大的研发成果没能近距离扩散,对首都创新能力的形成没有提供应有的贡献。寻求建立大学研发与企业研发之间的技术转移渠道及相互作用机制是目前首都地区大学、企业研发与区域创新联动面 |
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[29] | The aim of the paper is to investigate the process of spatial agglomeration of innovation and production activities and to assess the extent to which the degree of specialisation or diversity externalities in the area may affect the innovative output in a particular local industry. The analysis is carried out thanks to an original databank on innovation and production activity across 85 industrial sectors and 784 Italian Local Labour Systems, which are groupings of municipalities characterised by a high degree of self-contained flows of commuting workers. According to the global and local indicators of spatial association there are clear signs of spatial correlation in the distribution of innovation activities. The econometric analysis shows that the two types of externalities – specialisation and urbanisation economies – are both effective. Moreover, we find evidence for knowledge spillovers since technological activities of a local industry influence positively innovations of the same sectors in contiguous areas. |
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[31] | This paper examines the impact of locational choice as a firm strategy to access knowledge spillovers from universities. Based on a large dataset of publicly listed, high-technology startup firms in Germany, we test the proposition that proximity to the university is shaped by different spillover mechanisms—research and human capital—and by different types of knowledge spillovers—natural sciences and social sciences. The results suggest that spillover mechanisms as well as spillover types are heterogeneous. In particular, the evidence suggests that new knowledge and technological-based firms have a high propensity to locate close to universities, presumably in order to access knowledge spillovers. However, the exact role that geographic proximity plays is shaped by the two factors examined in this paper—the particular knowledge context, and the specific type of spillover mechanism. |
[32] | Researchers in international strategy are increasingly investigating the role of regional clusters as features of international industry, most concerned with the competitive role of clusters and the competitive interactions among cluster firms. We look instead at knowledge sharing between firms through the medium of untraded interdependencies--knowledge exchanged informally and without explicit compensation. We specifically address knowledge development at the firm and the cluster level and examine the role of knowledge stocks and flows in establishing competitive advantage for clusters and firms. |
[33] | This paper provides some evidence on the importance of geographically mediated knowledge spillovers from university research activities to regional knowledge production in high-technology industries in Austria. Spillovers occur because knowledge created by universities has some of the characteristics of public goods, and creates value for firms and other organisations. The paper lies in the research tradition that finds thinking in terms of a production function of knowledge useful and looks for patents as a proxy of the `output' of this process, while university research and corporate R&D investment represent the `input' side. We refine the classical regional knowledge production function by introducing a more explicit measure to capture the pool of relevant spatial academic knowledge spillovers. A spatial econometric approach is used to test for the presence of spatial effects and when needed to implement models that include them explicitly. The empirical results confirm the presence of geographically mediated university spillovers that transcend the spatial scale of political districts. They, moreover, demonstrate that such spillovers follow a clear distance decay pattern. |
[34] | The literature on systems of innovation conceptualises innovation as an evolutionary and social process of collective learning. But three main questions remain open: is this learning process rather internal or external? What are the boundaries of this process? Is this social process voluntary or rather unintended? This paper strives to tackle those questions by analysing the determinants of regional innovative levels in French manufacturing industries. By estimating a knowledge production function we find that building external interactions is of greater importance than developing internal innovative competences. Second, unintended knowledge flows have less influence on regional innovative performance than deliberate ones. Lastly, the French innovation system looks regional rather than sectoral. |
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