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西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院,兰州 730070

Sustainable livelihoods research from the perspective of geography: The present status, questions and priority areas

College of Geography and Environment Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China
-->作者简介:赵雪雁(1971- ),女,甘肃武都人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事生态经济与区域发展研究。E-mail: zhaoxy@nwnu.edu.cn



Since the earth entered into a new era of the Anthropocene Era, the human-environment relationship has become extremely complicated. As the important driving factor of the human-environment relationship, livelihoods provides the new perspective and the new tool for understanding the human-environment relationship. For now, geography has become one of the most active discipline researching sustainable livelihoods. Based on the overviewing the origin and framework of sustainable livelihoods research, we tease out the research status of the major topics in geography, which include the spatial heterogeneity of livelihoods, the relationship between livelihoods and eco-environment, the impact of vulnerability context/consequence and process transformation (such as climate change, land use / cover change, payment for ecological service and rural tourism) on the farmers' livelihoods, and livelihoods vulnerability assessment. Then, we point out that the relevant research in geography has paid less attention to the dynamics of livelihoods, the impact of globalization on livelihoods and the impact of multi-stressor on livelihoods, and in the meantime, short of comprehensive integration of the new techniques and methods. Finally, we present the prospects of future studies for sustainable livelihoods in geography which include the livelihoods' patterns-processes-mechanism, the trans-scale question of livelihoods, the ecological-economic-social effect of livelihoods transformation, the formation and regulation of livelihoods vulnerability and livelihoods sustainability. These prospects and reviews would help to offer revelation and reference for domestic relevant researches.

Keywords:the perspective of geography;sustainable livelihoods research;patterns - processes - mechanism;trans-scale;livelihoods transformation

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赵雪雁. 地理学视角的可持续生计研究:现状、问题与领域[J]. 地理研究, 2017, 36(10): 1859-1872 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201710004
ZHAO Xueyan. Sustainable livelihoods research from the perspective of geography: The present status, questions and priority areas[J]. Geographical Research, 2017, 36(10): 1859-1872 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201710004

1 引言

地球已进入了人类世(Anthropocene Era)的新纪元[1],人类活动在不同尺度上影响着环境变化过程,使人类不仅面临着气候变化、生物多样性损失、环境污染、水土流失、荒漠化、资源枯竭等全球或地区尺度的资源环境问题,更面临着经济全球化、大规模人口迁移、快速城镇化等问题,人地关系变得异常复杂难解,当前急需寻求全新的视角阐释复杂的人地关系。生计作为人类最主要的行为方式,已成为驱动人地系统演化的主导因素[2],影响着人地关系的发展与走向。因而,可持续生计方法一经提出,就得到以“人地关系”为核心议题的地理学的广泛关注,并将其作为理解贫困、自然资源利用、环境保护及可持续发展的一个新视角和新工具,来探索复杂的人地关系。

2 可持续生计研究的缘起与框架

2.1 可持续生计研究的缘起


2.2 可持续生计研究的框架

生计被看作由资产、脆弱性背景、制度过程以及组织结构、生计策略、生计结果等要素组成的系统[11]。其中,资产不仅是人们用来构建生计的资源,也是控制、利用、转变资源规则的权利基础;脆弱性背景是人们生活在其中的外部环境,包括特定的条件、趋势、冲击及季节性等,它影响着资产的可得性与可控性[12];生计策略是指人们实现生计目标的活动与选择的组合[13];生计结果是从事生计策略的产出与结果(例如,收入增加、福利改善、脆弱性减轻、食物安全改善),在给定环境中资产通过一些策略被结合在一起,产生期望的生计结果[14];制度过程以及组织结构对生计非常关键,它在所有层面上起作用且决定着资源的可得性,影响着不同类型资本之间的交换条件及生计策略的 选择[7]
-->Fig. 1The framework of sustainable livelihoods approach from DFID

3 地理学视角下可持续生计研究的现状

-->Fig. 2The hot topics of sustainable livelihoods research in geography

3.1 生计的空间分异

生计的空间分异不仅表现在生计资产上,还表现在生计方式、生计风险、生计安全及生计脆弱性等方面。大量研究采用主成分分析法、专家咨询法、离差最大化法、层次分析法、熵值法等方法测算了生计资本,并利用GIS技术与空间自相关分析法剖析了生计资本的空间分布特征,发现生计资本存在显著的空间分异[18]。它与经济发展水平、人口分布、交通通达性、地形起伏度有较强的相关性[19],在空间上存在海拔越高生计资产越低的趋势[20];受地形、区位等因素的影响,生计方式也呈明显的梯度发展特征,随着距市中心的距离以及海拔高度的增加,农户的生计多样化水平、非农化水平均趋于降 低[21,22];生计脆弱性则存在海拔越高生计越脆弱[23]、越到干旱区内陆河下游生计越脆弱的趋势[24]

3.2 生计与生态环境的关系

在地方层面的生计背景中,环境可持续问题集中于生计活动是否维持与加强、或耗尽与退化自然资源基础。在许多发展中国家,农户尤其贫困农户的生计选择往往对自然环境具有强烈的依赖性[27],环境资源为其提供着各种生态服务[28,29],开发环境资源成为低收入农村家庭的一种重要收入来源与生计手段[30]。但是,过度依赖环境资源的生计活动会导致环境退化[31],使农户陷入贫困—环境陷阱[32],甚至引发环境移民[33]。为了更好地剖析生计与生态环境之间的关系,Eloise M Biggs等将水—能源—粮食关系框架与生计框架结合起来,建立了环境生计安全框架[34];Sherbinin等则揭示了环境因素与人口因素之间的多路径关系[35],有效证明了环境因素对家庭生计决策的影响。

3.3 气候变化对生计的影响


3.4 生计与土地利用/覆被变化

事实上,生计转型与土地利用/覆被变化是同一个社会过程的不同表现。其中,生计转型是农户对社会、经济、家庭、制度等变化所做决策的一种表现,而土地利用/覆被变化也是该决策的一种表现,二者之间存在着共生关系[47]。但目前更关注“一方”对“另一方”驱动,尚未将二者放在统一的框架中考察其共生关系。未来,还需对生计与土地利用/覆被之间的共生关系进行深入研究,揭示二者之间的 “驱动—反馈”互动机制及其共生关系的演变规律。

3.5 生态补偿对生计的影响


3.6 乡村旅游与农户生计


3.7 生计脆弱性评估


4 地理学视角下可持续生计研究存在的主要问题

4.1 较少关注生计的动态性


4.2 较少关注全球化对地方尺度生计的影响


4.3 较少关注多重冲击对生计的影响


4.4 缺乏新技术方法的综合集成


5 地理学视角下可持续生计研究的重点领域

-->Fig. 3The shortage and key fields of sustainable livelihoods research in geography

5.1 生计的格局—过程—机制研究


5.2 生计的跨尺度问题研究


5.3 生计转型的生态—经济—社会效应研究


5.4 生计脆弱性的形成与调控研究


5.5 生计可持续性研究


6 结论与讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

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<p>生计方式是影响生态环境的重要人文因素。利用参与式农村评估方法,从生活用能与生态足迹出发,研究了甘南高原不同生计方式农户的环境影响。结果发现:① 随着非农化水平的提高,农户生活用能总量下降,其中生物质能比重降低,而商品性能源比重增加;② 随着非农化水平的提高,农户的人均生态足迹下降,农户对草地资源的依赖程度降低,但对林地、建筑用地、水域、化石能源用地的依赖程度增强;③提高非农化水平及农户受教育程度将减缓对生态环境的影响,而扩大家庭规模、提高富裕水平具有加剧环境影响的作用,但是现有样本数据支持环境Kuznets曲线假说。</p>
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This book provides some practical advice on how to address problems of sustainability in developing nations, demonstrating the precepts of the ‘sustainable livelihood approach’ (SLA) by examining a two-year case study of a microfinance ...
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61Contemporary livelihoods approaches oversimplify decision-making.61Reframing livelihoods as intimate government explains more observed decisions.61Such a02reframed approach is implementable in a standardized, rigorous manner.
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Livelihood resilience draws attention to the factors and processes that keep livelihoods functioning despite change and thus enriches the livelihood approach which puts people, their differential capabilities to cope with shocks and how to reduce poverty and improve adaptive capacity at the centre of analysis. However, the few studies addressing resilience from a livelihood perspective take different approaches and focus only on some dimensions of livelihoods. This paper presents a framework that can be used for a comprehensive empirical analysis of livelihood resilience. We use a concept of resilience that considers agency as well as structure. A review of both theoretical and empirical literature related to livelihoods and resilience served as the basis to integrate the perspectives. The paper identifies the attributes and indicators of the three dimensions of resilience, namely, buffer capacity, self-organisation and capacity for learning. The framework has not yet been systematically tested; however, potentials and limitations of the components of the framework are explored and discussed by drawing on empirical examples from literature on farming systems. Besides providing a basis for applying the resilience concept in livelihood-oriented research, the framework offers a way to communicate with practitioners on identifying and improving the factors that build resilience. It can thus serve as a tool for monitoring the effectiveness of policies and practices aimed at building livelihood resilience.
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This is the second of two articles exploring coastal management in South Africa. It focuses on the adoption of the Sustainable Livelihoods approach that has underpinned recent policy implementation efforts. This approach complements prevailing coastal management thinking and practice by focusing attention on the strategies that poor people use to access coastal resources, mediated by governance institutions and social relations, in the pursuit of desired livelihood outcomes. South Africa's efforts to adopt this approach help to better understand coastal livelihood opportunities and challenges, identify priority interventions for improving livelihood prospects, and reveal imperatives for building sustainable coastal livelihoods.
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[本文引用: 2]

[Zhang Fangfang, Zhao Xueyan.A review of ecological effect of peasant's livelihood transformation in China
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2008.06.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Forest environmental resources provide substantial contributions to the wellbeing of many rural dwellers. However, the level of forest use and the degree of reliance on forest environmental products differ across households. The factors that condition a household’s economic reliance on a particular economic activity in general and on forest environmental resources in particular may vary depending on the resource endowment of the household, the household’s demographic and economic characteristics, and exogenous factors such as markets, prices and technologies. This paper identifies the factors that condition a household’s livelihood strategy choice with a particular focus on forest products. For this, we use the livelihood approach as a framework of analysis. Environmentally augmented household income data were collected from 360 sample households in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. On the basis of the share of forest environmental income in total household income, sample households were clustered into distinct livelihood strategies. Student’s t-test and ANOVA were used to test income differences among the clusters. Multinomial logit (MNL) regression on asset-based explanatory variables was run to identify the main factors that determine households’ livelihood strategy choice and forest dependence. The analyses indicate that differential access to, or endowment of, livelihood assets determines the choice of a household’s strategy. Asset-poor households should be encouraged to engage in activities with higher economic return.
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[Tang Qing.Research progress and future key trends of sustainable livelihoods
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https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2015.07.0823URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[16]Obrist B, Pfeiffer C, HenleyR. Multi-layered social resilience: A new approach in mitigation research. Progress in
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[17]Jampel C.Cattle-based livelihoods, changes in the taskscape, and human-bear conflict in the Ecuadorian Andes
. Geoforum, 2016, 69: 84-93.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2016.01.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Cattle-raising, especially for dairy, has expanded in the Ecuadorian Andes since the late 1990s as smallholding farmers have shifted their livelihood activities away from crop-based agriculture due to changes in climate, market conditions, and rural out-migration. Non-migrants constructing cattle-based livelihoods are turning to cattle as the basis for “viable” livelihoods in order to remain in depopulating rural parishes. Non-migrant farmers express ideals such as autonomy and tranquility as reasons for their attachment to rural places. In turn, their livelihood activities remake these places materially. Drawing on Tim Ingold’s conceptualization of taskscape and landscape, I argue that cattle-based livelihoods create ataskscapeprone to human–wildlife conflict. Since 2009, residents have reported dozens of Andean bear attacks on cattle. Cattle are vulnerable capital assets. They represent both an investment with daily and weekly dividends over many years, in the form of milk, and a long-term form of wealth storage. The turn to cattle-based livelihoods in this region has thus heightened human–bear conflict. The phenomenon of the human–bear conflict is therefore a product of shifting livelihoods and accompanying changes in the taskscape. This analysis demonstrates the importance of listening to narratives of place attachment and accounting for the cultural logics of livelihood choices when considering interventions to address human–wildlife conflict.
[18]赵雪雁. 生计资本对农牧民生活满意度的影响: 以甘南高原为例
. 地理研究, 2011, 30(4): 687-698.
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011040011URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Zhao Xueyan.The impact of livelihood capital on the life satisfaction of peasants and herdsmen: A case of Gannan Plateau
. Geographical Research, 2011, 30(4): 687-698.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011040011URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[20]何仁伟, 刘邵权, 刘运伟, .. 典型山区农户生计资本评价及其空间格局: 以四川省凉山彝族自治州为例
. 山地学报, 2014, 32(6): 641-651.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1008-2786.2014.06.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[He Renwei, Liu Shaoquan, Liu Yunwei, et al.Evaluation and spatial distribution of farmer's livelihood capital in representative mountain areas: A case study of Liangshan Yi Autonomous prefecture of Sichuan, China
. Mountain Research, 2014, 32(6): 641-651.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1008-2786.2014.06.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[21]李广东, 邱道持, 王利平, .. 生计资产差异对农户耕地保护补偿模式选择的影响: 渝西方山丘陵不同地带样点村的实证分析
. 地理学报, 2012, 67(4): 504-515.
https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201204007URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[Li Guangdong, Qiu Daochi, Wand Liping, et al.Impacts of difference among livelihood assets on the choice of economic compensation pattern for farmer households farmland protection in Chongqing city
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012, 67(4): 504-515.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201204007URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[22]阎建忠, 吴莹莹, 张镱锂, .. 青藏高原东部样带农牧民生计的多样化
. 地理学报, 2009, 64(2): 221-233.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2009.02.009URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Yan Jianzhong, Wu Yingying, Zhang Yili, et al.Livelihood diversification of peasants and nomads of eastern transect in Tibetan Plateau
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009, 64(2): 221-233.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2009.02.009URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[23]阎建忠, 喻鸥, 吴莹莹, .. 青藏高原东部样带农牧民生计脆弱性评估,
地理科学, 2011, 31(7): 858-867.
[本文引用: 1]

[Yan JianZhong, Yu Ou, Wu YingYing, et a.. Livelihood vulnerability assessment of farmers and nomads in Eastern Ecotone of Tibetan Plateau, China
. Scientia Geographical Sinica, 2011, 31(7): 858-867.]
[本文引用: 1]
[24]谭灵芝, 王国友. 气候变化对干旱区家庭生计脆弱性影响的空间分析: 以新疆于田绿洲为例
. 中国人口科学, 2012, (2): 67-77.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Tan Lingzhi, Wang Guoyou.Spatial analysis on family-livelihood vulnerability affected by climate change in arid area: An example of Yutian in XinJiang
. Chinese Journal of Population Science, 2012, (2): 67-77.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[25]Kates R W, Clark W C, Corell R, et al.Sustainability science
. Science, 2001, 292(5117): 641-642.
https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1059386URL [本文引用: 1]
[26]Brocklesby M, Fisher E.Community development in sustainable livelihoods approaches: An introduction
. Community Development Journal, 2003, 38(3): 185-198.
https://doi.org/10.1093/cdj/38.3.185URL [本文引用: 1]
[27]Kemkes R K.The role of natural capital in sustaining livelihoods in remote mountainous regions: The case of Upper Svaneti, Republic of Georgia
. Ecological Economics, 2015, 117(1): 22-31.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.05.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In the Greater Caucasus of the Republic of Georgia, proponents of a new ski tourism zone and long-term timber concessions claim that new wage opportunities will benefit households. These developments will also limit access to common-pool resources (CPRs). This study uses the sustainable livelihoods framework to identify the conditions under which a development strategy will improve livelihood outcomes in the region. Analysis of original household survey data, in-depth interviews, and field observation reveals that households depend on CPRs for a range of market and non-market benefits. Low-income households depend on CPRs for up to 60% of their total income. OLS regression estimates show that households in villages farthest from market centers have a higher income dependence on CPRs and are more likely to participate in forest use activities. A majority of households report that there are few available substitutes. To improve livelihood outcomes, a development strategy should secure access to market benefits from CPRs, or wage income must increase in proportion to lost CPR income and affordable substitutes must be provided. Access to non-substitutable components of CPRs must be secured, and the distribution of changes in access to natural capital and new wage opportunities must be accounted for.
[28]Nguyen T T, LamDo T, Bühler D, et al. Rural livelihoods and environmental resource dependence in Cambodia
. Ecological Economics, 2015, 120(12): 282-295.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.11.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
61Environmental resources contribute a significant portion of household income and act as a means to reduce income inequality61Poor households are not to be blamed for environmental degradation as they are unable to undertake high-return activities61Promoting off-farm employment, education, and social networking reduces the extraction of environmental resources.
[29]Thondhlana G, Muchapondwa E.Dependence on environmental resources and implications for household welfare: Evidence from the Kalahari Drylands, South Africa
. Ecological Economics, 2014, 108: 59-67.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.10.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
61The impact of environmental resource use on household welfare was investigated.61Across all households environmental resources provide up to 20% of household income streams.61Environmental resources are disproportionately used by the poor households.61Poverty incidence and poverty gap would increase without environmental income.61Income inequality would increase if environmental income was excluded.
[30]Naidu S C.Access to benefits from forest commons in the Western Himalayas
. Ecological Economics, 2011, 71(1): 202-210.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2011.09.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
78 Effect of three forest management regimes and wealth are investigated at the community level. 78 Higher incidence of land poverty is associated with lower forest access rates. 78 Higher incidence of land-rich households is associated with higher forest access rates. 78 Interaction term between incidence of land-poverty and co-management regime increases forest access rates for fodder collection and livestock grazing. 78 Co-management and traditional management regimes reduce access rates for fuelwood extraction.
[31]阎建忠, 张镱锂, 朱会义, .. 大渡河上游不同地带居民对环境退化的响应
. 地理学报, 2006, 61(2): 146-156.
[本文引用: 1]

[Yan Jianzhong, Zhang Yili, Zhu Huiyi, et al.Residents' response to environmental degradation: Case studies from three villages in the upper Dadu River watershed
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006, 61(2): 146-156.]
[本文引用: 1]
[32]Wang C C, Yang Y S, Zhang Y Q.Economic development, rural livelihoods, and ecological restoration, evidence from China
. AMBIO, 2011, 40(1): 78-87.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-010-0093-5URLPMID:21404826 [本文引用: 1]摘要
This article uses a case study in Southeast China to demonstrate how the substantial changes in rural livelihoods have been driven by a combination of "pull" forces from external economic development, and "push" forces from local areas, leading to a shift in rural household economic activities: household outmigration and de-population of the countryside, changes in energy consumption, and most importantly, changes in land uses and eventually, ecological restoration. Such dramatic changes are becoming common across the Chinese countryside. It is pointed out that economic development has generally caused a deterioration of the environment at least at the early period of economic growth, but the positive impacts, especially in some ecosystem in rural areas, have become more apparent.
[33]Morrissey J W.Understanding the relationship between environmental change and migration: The development of an effects framework based on the case of northern Ethiopia
. Global Environmental Change, 2013, 23(6): 1501-1510.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2013.07.021URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Empirical work on the relationship between environmental stress and human migration has blossomed over the last 10 years. While such work has provided important insights into this relationship, there has been, to date, limited effort expended on generating a generalisable framework for apprehending such interactions. This paper seeks to address this deficit. Based on semi-structured interviews in two sending and four receiving areas in northern Ethiopia, it explores dominant mobility narratives among populations whose livelihoods are exposed to a range of environmental stresses. Analysis of these narratives corroborates findings from other empirical studies on the subject, highlighting how the impact of environmental stress on human mobility can only be understood within the context in which it occurs. To this end the paper attempts to generate a typology of interactions between environmental and non-environmental factors shaping mobility. The typology is based on four effects: additive, enabling, vulnerability and barrier effects. It is thought to provide a generalisable conceptual language which is capable of describing the role of environmental stress in mobility decisions and thereby offering a systematic means for thinking through the processes by which environmental stress impacts upon mobility. While the framework is hypothesised to be suitably generalisable to account for other contexts and other environmental stresses, this still needs to be tested. In addition it is acknowledged that the framework suffers from some major limitations. Most notable is reliance on a conceptually false distinction between environmental and non-environmental factors, and the inability to account for the non-environmental features which shape perceptions of migration. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[34]Biggs E M, Bruce E, Boruff B, et al.Sustainable development and the water-energy-food nexus: A perspective on livelihoods
. Environmental Science & Policy, 2015, 54(12): 389-397.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2015.08.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The water–energy–food nexus is being promoted as a conceptual tool for achieving sustainable development. Frameworks for implementing nexus thinking, however, have failed to explicitly or adequately incorporate sustainable livelihoods perspectives. This is counterintuitive given that livelihoods are key to achieving sustainable development. In this paper we present a critical review of nexus approaches and identify potential linkages with sustainable livelihoods theory and practice, to deepen our understanding of the interrelated dynamics between human populations and the natural environment. Building upon this review, we explore the concept of ‘environmental livelihood security’ – which encompasses a balance between natural resource supply and human demand on the environment to promote sustainability – and develop an integrated nexus-livelihoods framework for examining the environmental livelihood security of a system. The outcome is an integrated framework with the capacity to measure and monitor environmental livelihood security of whole systems by accounting for the water, energy and food requisites for livelihoods at multiple spatial scales and institutional levels. We anticipate this holistic approach will not only provide a significant contribution to achieving national and regional sustainable development targets, but will also be effective for promoting equity amongst individuals and communities in local and global development agendas.
[35]De S A, Vanwey L, McSweeney K, et al. Rural household demographics, livelihoods and the environment
. Global Environmental Change, 2008, 18(1): 38-53.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2007.05.005URLPMID:2351958 [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper reviews and synthesizes findings from scholarly work on linkages among rural household demographics, livelihoods and the environment. Using the livelihood approach as an organizing framework, we examine evidence on the multiple pathways linking environmental variables and the following demographic variables: fertility, migration, morbidity and mortality, and lifecycles. Although the review draws on studies from the entire developing world, we find the majority of microlevel studies have been conducted in either marginal (mountainous or arid) or frontier environments, especially Amazonia. Though the linkages are mediated by many complex and often context-specific factors, there is strong evidence that dependence on natural resources intensifies when households lose human and social capital through adult morbidity and mortality, and qualified evidence for the influence of environmental factors on household decision-making regarding fertility and migration. Two decades of research on lifecycles and land cover change at the farm level have yielded a number of insights about how households make use of different land-use and natural resource management strategies at different stages. A thread running throughout the review is the importance of managing risk through livelihood diversification, ensuring future income security, and culture-specific norms regarding appropriate and desirable activities and demographic responses. Recommendations for future research are provided.
[36]Angelsen A, Jagger P, Babigumira R, et al.Environmental income and rural livelihoods: A global - comparative analysis
. World Development, 2014, 64(s1): 12-28.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.03.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper presents results from a comparative analysis of environmental income from approximately 8000 households in 24 developing countries collected by research partners in CIFOR鈥檚 Poverty Environment Network (PEN). Environmental income accounts for 28% of total household income, 77% of which comes from natural forests. Environmental income shares are higher for low-income households, but differences across income quintiles are less pronounced than previously thought. The poor rely more heavily on subsistence products such as wood fuels and wild foods, and on products harvested from natural areas other than forests. In absolute terms environmental income is approximately five times higher in the highest income quintile, compared to the two lowest quintiles.
[37]赵雪雁. 农户对气候变化的感知与适应研究综述
. 应用生态学报, 2014, 25(8): 1-9.
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
气候变化是21世纪人类面临的 最严峻挑战之一,加剧了许多国家和地区的脆弱性,人类如何适应气候变化已成为当前全社会普遍关注的话题.气候变化对以自然资源为生计基础的农业人口的影响 尤为显著,更好地理解农户对气候变化的适应机制和适应过程对于制定有效的适应政策非常重要.公众感知作为理解人文响应行动的基础,已为探明农户对气候变化 的适应机制和适应过程提供了一个新视角.本文基于国内外农户对气候变化的感知和适应的理论研究和实践进展,在分析气候变化对农户生计的影响、系统总结农户 面临的主要适应障碍的基础上,梳理了农户的气候变化感知与适应的关系,阐释了农户适应气候变化过程中的关键认知要素,介绍了农户对气候变化的感知与适应关 系分析框架,提出了农户对气候变化的感知与适应关系研究中应关注的关键问题.
[Zhao Xueyan.Review on farmer's climate change perception and adaptation
. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2014, 25(8): 1-9.]
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
气候变化是21世纪人类面临的 最严峻挑战之一,加剧了许多国家和地区的脆弱性,人类如何适应气候变化已成为当前全社会普遍关注的话题.气候变化对以自然资源为生计基础的农业人口的影响 尤为显著,更好地理解农户对气候变化的适应机制和适应过程对于制定有效的适应政策非常重要.公众感知作为理解人文响应行动的基础,已为探明农户对气候变化 的适应机制和适应过程提供了一个新视角.本文基于国内外农户对气候变化的感知和适应的理论研究和实践进展,在分析气候变化对农户生计的影响、系统总结农户 面临的主要适应障碍的基础上,梳理了农户的气候变化感知与适应的关系,阐释了农户适应气候变化过程中的关键认知要素,介绍了农户对气候变化的感知与适应关 系分析框架,提出了农户对气候变化的感知与适应关系研究中应关注的关键问题.
[38]张钦, 赵雪雁, 王亚茹, ..气候变化对农户的生计影响研究综述
. 中国农业资源与区划. 2016, 37(9): 71-79.
https://doi.org/10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.20160913URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Zhang qin, Zhao Xueyan, Wang Yaru, et a.. A review: Influence of climate change on farmer's livelihood
. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resource and Region Planning, 2016, 37(9): 71-79.]
https://doi.org/10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.20160913URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[39]Rodima T D, Olwig M F, Chhetri N.Adaptation as innovation, innovation as adaptation: An institutional approach to climate change
. Applied Geography, 2012, 33(1): 107-118.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2011.10.011URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
78 Effective responses to climate change require innovation. 78 The concept of social innovation highlights collective action in local climate adaptation. 78 Institutional and technological aspects of climate adaptation are inextricably interlinked. 78 Individuals adapt and practice innovation through complex interactions between institutions and actors at multiple scales. 78 Multi-level communication and institutional articulation is crucial to sustainable climate adaptation.
[40]Reed M S, Podesta G, Fazey I, et al.Combining analytical frameworks to assess livelihood vulnerability to climate change and analyse adaptation options
. Ecological Economics, 2013, 94(9): 66-77.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2013.07.007URLPMID:25844020 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Experts working on behalf of international development organisations need better tools to assist land managers in developing countries maintain their livelihoods, as climate change puts pressure on the ecosystem services that they depend upon. However, current understanding of livelihood vulnerability to climate change is based on a fractured and disparate set of theories and methods. This review therefore combines theoretical insights from sustainable livelihoods analysis with other analytical frameworks (including the ecosystem services framework, diffusion theory, social learning, adaptive management and transitions management) to assess the vulnerability of rural livelihoods to climate change. This integrated analytical framework helps diagnose vulnerability to climate change, whilst identifying and comparing adaptation options that could reduce vulnerability, following four broad steps: i) determine likely level of exposure to climate change, and how climate change might interact with existing stresses and other future drivers of change; ii) determine the sensitivity of stocks of capital assets and flows of ecosystem services to climate change; iii) identify factors influencing decisions to develop and/or adopt different adaptation strategies, based on innovation or the use/substitution of existing assets; and iv) identify and evaluate potential trade-offs between adaptation options. The paper concludes by identifying interdisciplinary research needs for assessing the vulnerability of livelihoods to climate change. 61Sustainable livelihoods analysis is combined with other frameworks to assess livelihood vulnerability to climate change.61The proposed framework identifies vulnerability to climate change and compares “no-regrets” anticipatory adaptation options.61It considers the exposure and sensitivity of ecosystem services to climate change as it interacts with other drivers of change.61The framework considers factors influencing the uptake of adaptations and potential trade-offs between adaptation options. Sustainable livelihoods analysis is combined with other frameworks to assess livelihood vulnerability to climate change. The proposed framework identifies vulnerability to climate change and compares “no-regrets” anticipatory adaptation options. It considers the exposure and sensitivity of ecosystem services to climate change as it interacts with other drivers of change. The framework considers factors influencing the uptake of adaptations and potential trade-offs between adaptation options.
[41]张丽萍, 张镱锂, 阎建忠, .. 青藏高原东部山地农牧区生计与耕地利用模式
. 地理学报, 2008, 63(4): 377-385.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.04.007URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
This study examined livelihood diversification and cropland use pattern in Keerma village,located in Jinchuan County,eastern Tibetan Plateau.Through stratified random sampling survey,participatory rural appraisal,investigation of households' plots and statistical methods,63 households and 272 cropland plots were systemically investigated and sampled.The results show:(1) Different types of household have variety livelihood strategies,portfolio and income.Livelihood diversification and introducing and expanding off-farm activities can be the future trend,whereas,adverse natural environment,socio-economic conditions and peasants' capabilities together affect sustainable livelihood and land use.(2) Each livelihood strategy has its own impact on land use,mainly affecting land use type and land use intensification level.(3) Diversification into off-farm activities could be the key of building sustainable livelihood and the essential approach of realizing sustainable land use in the region.
[Zhang Liping, Zhang Yili, Yan Jianzhong, et al.Livelihood diversification and cropland use pattern in agro-pastoral mountainous region of the eastern Tibetan Plateau
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008, 63(4): 377-385.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.04.007URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
This study examined livelihood diversification and cropland use pattern in Keerma village,located in Jinchuan County,eastern Tibetan Plateau.Through stratified random sampling survey,participatory rural appraisal,investigation of households' plots and statistical methods,63 households and 272 cropland plots were systemically investigated and sampled.The results show:(1) Different types of household have variety livelihood strategies,portfolio and income.Livelihood diversification and introducing and expanding off-farm activities can be the future trend,whereas,adverse natural environment,socio-economic conditions and peasants' capabilities together affect sustainable livelihood and land use.(2) Each livelihood strategy has its own impact on land use,mainly affecting land use type and land use intensification level.(3) Diversification into off-farm activities could be the key of building sustainable livelihood and the essential approach of realizing sustainable land use in the region.
[42]阎建忠, 张镱锂, 摆万奇, .. 大渡河上游生计方式的时空格局与土地利用/覆被变化
. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(5): 83-89.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1002-6819.2005.03.019URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Yan Jianzhong, Zhang Yili, Bai Wanqi, et al.Livelihood succession and land use /cover change in the Upper Reaches of Dadu River watershed
. Transactions of the CSAE, 2005, 21(5): 83-89.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1002-6819.2005.03.019URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[43]阎建忠, 卓仁贵, 谢德体, .. 不同生计类型农户的土地利用: 三峡库区典型村的实证研究
. 地理学报, 2010, 65(11): 1401-1410.
[本文引用: 1]

[Yan Jianzhong, Zhuo Rengui, Xie Deti, et al.Land use characters of farmers of different livelihood strategies: Cases in three gorges reservoir area
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010, 65(11): 1401-1410.]
[本文引用: 1]
[44]陈秧分, 刘彦随, 杨忍. 基于生计转型的中国农村居民点用地整治适宜区域
. 地理学报, 2012, 67(3): 420-427.
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[Chen Yangfen, Liu Yansui, Yang Ren.Identification of China's suitable regions for rural residential land consolidation based on livelihoods transformation
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012, 67(3): 420-427.]
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[45]王成超, 杨玉盛. 农户生计非农化对耕地流转的影响: 以福建省长汀县为例
. 地理科学, 2011, 31(11): 1362-1367.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Wang Chengchao, Yang Yusheng.Impact of rural households' nonfarm employment on cropland transfer: Case of Changting county in Fujian province, China
. Scientia Geography Sinica, 2011, 31(11): 1362-1367.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[46]胡蓉, 谢德体, 邱道持, .. 国内外土地利用与农户生计研究评述
. 地域研究与开发, 2016, 35(1): 162-167.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Hu Rong, Xie Deti, Qiu Daochi, et al.Review of land use and rural livelihood at home and abroad
. Areal Research and Development, 2016, 35(1): 162-167.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[47]Carr E R, McCusker B M. The co-production of land use and livelihoods change: Implications for development interventions
. Geoforum, 2009, 40(4): 568-579.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2009.04.010URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In a previous paper [McCusker, B., Carr, E.R., 2006. The co-production of livelihoods and land use change: Case studies from South Africa and Ghana. Geoforum 37 (5), 790–804], we argued that land use and livelihoods could best be understood as co-produced, where land use and livelihoods are not separate objects of knowledge related to one another through abstract processes, but different manifestations of social processes through which individuals and groups come to understand the challenges facing their everyday lives, the various resources available to them to negotiate these challenges, and the strategies by which they can conduct that negotiation. In this paper, we examine the theoretical basis for “co-production” with the goal of using this approach to inform development interventions.
[48]赵雪雁, 张丽, 江进德, .. 生态补偿对农户生计的影响: 以甘南黄河水源补给区为例
. 地理研究, 2016, 35(7): 1273-1278.
[本文引用: 2]

[Zhao Xueyan, Zhang Li, Jiang Jinde, et al.The impact of ecological compensation on the peasants' livelihoods: A case of Huanghe river water supply area of Gannan
. Geographical Research, 2016, 35(7): 1273-1278.]
[本文引用: 2]
[49]谢旭轩, 张世秋, 朱山涛. 退耕还林对农户可持续生计的影响
. 北京大学学报: 自然科学版, 2010, 46(3): 457-464.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
2007年9月国务院发布了“关于完善退耕还林政策的通知”,标志着“第二轮”退耕还林补偿阶段的开始,分析农户生计状况发生的变化以及退耕还林在其中所 产生的作用至关重要。本文引入国际惯用于分析生态工程影响的“可持续生计方法”(SustainableLivelihood Approach)和框架,利用2004年北京大学环境经济与政策小组在宁夏和贵州开展的退耕还林调研数据,采用配对的倍差法(Matched Differencein Difference regression)计量经济分析,识别退耕还林工程的实施对农户可持续生计的净影响。收入分析表明,退耕还林对农户的种植业收入产生显著的负面影响, 通过退耕还林补助得以补偿:林业和养殖业短期内难以成为种植业减少的替代收入来源:外出务工收入明显增加,但退耕还林在其中发挥的直接促进作用不显著。资 产积累是长期决定农户生计状况和发展的重要指标,但目前的中国西部贫困地区人力、物质、自然、社会和资金五种资产均有待长期发展。为了促使农户可持续生计 的获得,新一轮的退耕还林政策,除了实施直接补助外,需要更加关注促使农户资产和生计能力的加强和改善。
[Xie Xuxuan, Zhang Shiqiu, Zhu Shantao.Impacts of sloping land conversion program on households' sustainable livelihood
. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2010, 46(3): 457-464.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
2007年9月国务院发布了“关于完善退耕还林政策的通知”,标志着“第二轮”退耕还林补偿阶段的开始,分析农户生计状况发生的变化以及退耕还林在其中所 产生的作用至关重要。本文引入国际惯用于分析生态工程影响的“可持续生计方法”(SustainableLivelihood Approach)和框架,利用2004年北京大学环境经济与政策小组在宁夏和贵州开展的退耕还林调研数据,采用配对的倍差法(Matched Differencein Difference regression)计量经济分析,识别退耕还林工程的实施对农户可持续生计的净影响。收入分析表明,退耕还林对农户的种植业收入产生显著的负面影响, 通过退耕还林补助得以补偿:林业和养殖业短期内难以成为种植业减少的替代收入来源:外出务工收入明显增加,但退耕还林在其中发挥的直接促进作用不显著。资 产积累是长期决定农户生计状况和发展的重要指标,但目前的中国西部贫困地区人力、物质、自然、社会和资金五种资产均有待长期发展。为了促使农户可持续生计 的获得,新一轮的退耕还林政策,除了实施直接补助外,需要更加关注促使农户资产和生计能力的加强和改善。
[50]Uchida E, Rozelle S, Xu J T.Conservation payments, liquidity constraints, and off-farm labor: Impact of the Grain-for-Green program on rural households in China
. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2010, 91(1): 70-86.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8276.2008.01184.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study evaluates the labor response of rural households participating in the Grain-for-Green program in China, the largest payments for ecosystem services program in the developing world. Using a panel data set that we designed and implemented, we find that the participating households are increasingly shifting their labor endowment from on-farm work to the off-farm labor market. However, the effects vary depending on the initial level of human and physical capital. The results support the view that one reason why the participants are more likely to find off-farm employment is because the program is relaxing households' liquidity constraints.
[51]Freier K P, Bruggemann R, Scheffran J, et al.Assessing the predictability of future livelihood strategies of pastoralists in semi-arid Morocco under climate change
. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2012, 79(2): 371-382.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2011.07.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
78 Assessing predictability of future decision pathways in a socio-ecological setting. 78 Mathematical basis for the concept of historical contingency. 78 25% of investigated pastoralists in Morocco show indetermined characteristics. 78 Increasing availability of additional resources decreases predictability.
[52]苏飞, 应蓉蓉, 杨欣, .. 旅游与生计可视化分析
. 生态学报, 2016, 36(12): 3824-3833.
https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201605150934URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
旅游发展对当地居民的生计具有重要影响,旅游与生计研究业已成为学术界关注的热点领域。以Web of science核心库中1994-2016年间收录相关主题的文献为基础,利用可视化软件CiteSpace和Carrot2对旅游与生计研究的前沿热点、知识基础和合作网络进行分析。研究发现,旅游与生计研究涉及多个学科,主要集中在生态、环境、管理和地理等学科领域;"乡村旅游"、"保护区旅游"、"文化旅游"、"海洋旅游"等是旅游与生计研究的热点议题;旅游与生计研究的知识基础主要包括"保护区管治"、"成本效益分析"、"乡村旅游"、"乡村发展"等研究领域。
[Su Fei, Ying Rongrong, Yang Xin, et al.Visualization analysis of tourism and livelihoods
. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2016, 36(12): 3824-3833.]
https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201605150934URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
旅游发展对当地居民的生计具有重要影响,旅游与生计研究业已成为学术界关注的热点领域。以Web of science核心库中1994-2016年间收录相关主题的文献为基础,利用可视化软件CiteSpace和Carrot2对旅游与生计研究的前沿热点、知识基础和合作网络进行分析。研究发现,旅游与生计研究涉及多个学科,主要集中在生态、环境、管理和地理等学科领域;"乡村旅游"、"保护区旅游"、"文化旅游"、"海洋旅游"等是旅游与生计研究的热点议题;旅游与生计研究的知识基础主要包括"保护区管治"、"成本效益分析"、"乡村旅游"、"乡村发展"等研究领域。
[53]黄震方, 陆林, 苏勤, .. 新型城镇化背景下的乡村旅游发展: 理论反思与困境突破
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(8): 1409-1421.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201508001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Huang Zhenfang, Lu Lin, Su Qin, et al.Research and development of rural tourism under the background of new urbanization: Theoretical reflection and breakthrough of predicament
. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(8): 1409-1421.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201508001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[54]Shen F J, Hughey K F D, Simmons D G. Connecting the sustainable livelihoods approach and tourism: A review of the literature
. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2008, 15(1): 19-31.
https://doi.org/10.1375/jhtm.15.19URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Tourism has been increasingly used for, and directly linked with, rural poverty reduction in developing countries. However, the application, and to an extent the principles, of the widely used organising framework for considering poverty reduction, the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA), may not fit fully the tourism situation, and vice versa. Based on a review of the literature we first suggest that sustainable livelihoods for tourism should be viewed in a broader tourism context, rather than merely taking tourism as a development tool. Second, the SLA seeks household livelihood sustainability at the individual or household level, while tourism sustainability is often applied to the industry and destinations at wider, more macro level scales. Thus, a reconciliation of the tensions and opportunities between the SLA and tourism needs to be found. Third, tourism research has demonstrated local residents" increasing concern about participation in political governance associated with tourism development, with less participation jeopardising local people's assets from a livelihood perspective. Therefore, an additional concept of institutional asset (mainly community participation) needs to be incorporated within the SLA. Given the above understandings, a sustainable tourism livelihood was defined and a Sustainable Tourism Livelihoods Approach (STLA) is proposed. The potential applications of the STLA are discussed and future research is recommended. Keywords: sustainable livelihoods, rural development, poverty, tourism, sustainability, community participation ********** Although poverty is one of the most compelling challenges confronting humankind, there remains numerous issues when considering scale, form, and evaluation of response within the multiple poverty contexts. As the World Bank (1990, p. 29) points out, 'policies targeted directly to the poor can hardly succeed unless governments know who the poor are and how they respond to policies and to their environment'. Based on this understanding, the World Bank adopted different approaches to rural and urban poverty, respectively, in implementing projects towards poverty reduction. This article focuses on the rural poverty context because up to 75% of the world's poor are in rural populations, and mostly in the 'third world' (World Bank, 2008). Key economic activities aimed at rural poverty reduction continue to be primary industries including agriculture and fishing (Harriss, 1982; World Bank, 2008). While professionals tried to improve rural conditions through approaches to soil fertility improvement, land reform and advanced technology, these development approaches did little to alleviate rural poverty (Aziz, 1978; Schutjer & Stokes, 1984; World Bank, 2001, 2008). In the 1980s, a new approach to poverty reduction, sustainable livelihoods (SL) and the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) was proposed (Conroy & Litvinoff, 1988). It emphasised holistic and integrated thinking about poverty reduction and rural development, and soon gained popularity among researchers, practitioners and developers (Chambers, 1992; Chambers & Conway, 1992; Department for International Development, 1999), while still typically being focused on agricultural practices (FAO, 2002; Larkin, 2004; Start & Johnson, 2004). Tourism is now the biggest and fastest growing industry in the world, having experienced enormous growth over recent decades (UNWTO, 2002). But only recently has tourism's potential of contributing to rural poverty reduction been widely recognised by...
[55]Sanjay K.Tourism and rural settlements Nepal's Annapurna region
. Annals of Tourism Research, 2007, 34(4): 855-875.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2007.03.012URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Functional and humanist perspectives relevant to counterurbanization studies are applied to examine the processes of growth and development of rural settlements affected by tourism. Based on a survey of tourism lodges located in several settlements in the Annapurna region of Nepal, this paper analyzes tourism-induced growth in such accommodations and its implications on changing characteristics. Results suggest the emergence of a hierarchical structure of rural settlements with core and peripheral traits. A normative classification of induced patterns defined by their development stage, size, and function is proposed. Historical, social, and economic influences on the transformation of rural settlements are discussed.RésuméTourisme et zones résidentielles rurales: la région Annapurna au Népal. On applique des perspectives fonctionnelles et humanistes pertinentes aux études de la contre-urbanisation pour examiner les processus de croissance et de développement des zones résidentielles rurales affectées par le tourisme. Basée sur une enquête des g?03tes de tourisme dans plusieurs zones résidentielles dans la région Annapurna du Népal, l’article analyse la croissance provoquée par le tourisme dans ce genre de logement et les implications pour les caractéristiques changeantes. Les résultats suggèrent l’émergence d’une structure hiérarchique des zones résidentielles rurales avec des caractéristiques fondamentales et périphériques. Une classification normative des modèles intentionnels selon leur étape de développement, ampleur et fonction est proposée. On discute des influences historiques, sociales et économiques sur la transformation des zones résidentielles rurales.
[56]席建超, 赵美风, 葛全胜. 乡村旅游诱导下农户能源消费模式的演变
. 自然资源学报, 2011, 26(6): 981-991.
https://doi.org/10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.06.009Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
以旅游业为主要产业业态的乡村已经成为我国乡村发展转型的4种类型之一。显然,乡村旅游业的发展必然会对乡村农户能源消费模式产生深远的影响。研究以六盘山生态旅游区农户调查数据为基础,从农户人均能源消费总量、结构以及最终消费用途为切入点,探讨了乡村旅游诱导下农户家庭能源消费模式演变的问题。结果表明:在能源消费总量上,乡村旅游农户家庭人均能源消费显著增加,比传统农户高42.96%,达到707.35 kgce。在消费结构上,乡村旅游农户商品能源占主导地位,新型能源(太阳能)广泛采用,传统能源比重逐渐降低,三者的比例93.10 ∶5.15 ∶1.75,而传统农户比例是46.30 ∶0.48 ∶53.22。在能源最终用途上,乡村旅游农户生活用能(炊事、取暖、家电、交通、热水、照明)总量大幅度增加,而与传统农业生产耗能有关的饲养和农机耗能已基本消失。传统农户能源耗能仍局限于炊事、取暖、饲养等基本的生产生活方面,与生活享受相关的家电、照明、热水、交通仍处于较低水平。研究还表明,农户能源消费模式的转变主要受家庭生产方式、农户用能方式、农户人均收入以及主观认知等因素的影响。在乡村旅游发展诱导下,六盘山生态旅游区乡村家庭农户能源消费正经历着由内向型&quot;生活&mdash;生产系统&quot;内部自循环模式向外向型&quot;生活&mdash;旅游系统&quot;外部输入型模式的转变。
[Xi Jianchao, Zhao Meifeng, Ge Quansheng.Evolution of household energy consumption patterns induced by rural tourism development and based on household survey data
. Journal of Natural Resource, 2011, 26(6): 981-991.]
https://doi.org/10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.06.009Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
以旅游业为主要产业业态的乡村已经成为我国乡村发展转型的4种类型之一。显然,乡村旅游业的发展必然会对乡村农户能源消费模式产生深远的影响。研究以六盘山生态旅游区农户调查数据为基础,从农户人均能源消费总量、结构以及最终消费用途为切入点,探讨了乡村旅游诱导下农户家庭能源消费模式演变的问题。结果表明:在能源消费总量上,乡村旅游农户家庭人均能源消费显著增加,比传统农户高42.96%,达到707.35 kgce。在消费结构上,乡村旅游农户商品能源占主导地位,新型能源(太阳能)广泛采用,传统能源比重逐渐降低,三者的比例93.10 ∶5.15 ∶1.75,而传统农户比例是46.30 ∶0.48 ∶53.22。在能源最终用途上,乡村旅游农户生活用能(炊事、取暖、家电、交通、热水、照明)总量大幅度增加,而与传统农业生产耗能有关的饲养和农机耗能已基本消失。传统农户能源耗能仍局限于炊事、取暖、饲养等基本的生产生活方面,与生活享受相关的家电、照明、热水、交通仍处于较低水平。研究还表明,农户能源消费模式的转变主要受家庭生产方式、农户用能方式、农户人均收入以及主观认知等因素的影响。在乡村旅游发展诱导下,六盘山生态旅游区乡村家庭农户能源消费正经历着由内向型&quot;生活&mdash;生产系统&quot;内部自循环模式向外向型&quot;生活&mdash;旅游系统&quot;外部输入型模式的转变。
[57]Mbaiwa J E.Changes on traditional livelihood activities and lifestyles caused by tourism development in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
. Tourism Management, 2011, 32(5): 1050-1060.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2010.09.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) program in Botswana aims at achieving conservation and rural development. In the Okavango Delta, some communities are involved in tourism through CBNRM to improve their livelihoods. However, research has not adequately analyzed changes caused by CBNRM on traditional livelihood activities and lifestyles. This study, therefore, uses modernization theory to analyze changes on traditional livelihood activities and lifestyles caused by CBNRM at Sankoyo, Mababe and Khwai villages in the Okavango Delta. Using primary and secondary data sources, results indicate that CBNRM is causing a decline in traditional livelihood activities like subsistence hunting, gathering, crop and livestock farming. As a result, a modern cash economy has emerged. New livelihood activities done by communities include: employment in CBNRM projects, the sale of crafts to tourists and thatching grass to tourism lodges. Income derived from CBNRM affords households to build modern houses, buy foreign foods and household equipment like: four-burner gas stoves, kitchen utensils, and satellite televisions. Conversely, this causes a decline in the consumption of traditional foods and the use of huts and household utensils. CBNRM is thus a modernization tool since it is causing a transformation of traditional livelihood activities and lifestyles. However, even though changes in livelihood activities and lifestyles may be an indication of the dynamism of culture in study villages, sudden change and modernization may increase livelihood insecurity. As such, tourism planning should ensure that modernization is sensitive to traditional economic systems and the need for rural livelihood sustainability.
[58]Cobbinah P B, Black R, Thwaites R.Biodiversity conservation and livelihoods in rural Ghana: Impacts and coping strategies
. Environmental Development, 2015, (15): 79-93.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envdev.2015.04.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
61This article analyses the effects of a conservation project on rural communities in Ghana.61Findings show limited consideration for local socio-cultural and political issues prior to the introduction of the conservation project.61As a result, there are widespread negative but limited positive effects in the local communities.61Understanding the socio-cultural and political context influencing rural livelihoods is necessary in conservation projects.
[59]Zinda J A, Yang J, Xue X, et al.Varying impacts of tourism participation on natural resource use in communities in Southwest China
. Human Ecology, 2014, 42(5): 739-751.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10745-014-9688-yURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Community-based tourism is often undertaken as a tool to accomplish rural development while reducing natural resource use, but research on household livelihoods suggests that tourism may substitute for or complement resource use activities depending on how households allocate a variety of assets. Drawing on intensive qualitative research and a household survey in communities with and without tourism operations in a protected area in southwest China, we examine impacts of tourism participation on non-timber forest product collection and livestock holdings. Impacts of tourism differ across resource uses and between tourism communities, due to specific ways tourism draws on labor and material inputs. Emerging commercial agriculture and off-farm labor simultaneously impact resource use, while tourism generates demand for labor and farm products from communities without tourism operations. The impacts of tourism on resource use depend on how tourism participation enters into asset allocation processes within particular social and biophysical landscapes
[60]孙九霞, 刘相军. 生计方式变迁对民族旅游村寨自然环境的影响: 以雨崩村为例
. 广西民族大学学报: 哲学社会科学版, 2015, 37(3): 78-85.
[本文引用: 1]

[Sun Jiuxia, Liu Xiangjun.Influence of changes in livelihood means on the natural environment of the ethnic tourist villages: An tourism anthropological investigation of Yubeng village
. Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities: Philosophy and Social Science Edition, 2015, 37(3): 78-85.]
[本文引用: 1]
[61]Shen F J, Hughey K F D, Simmons D G. Connecting the sustainable livelihoods approach and tourism: A review of the literature
. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2008, 15(1): 19-31.
https://doi.org/10.1375/jhtm.15.19URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Tourism has been increasingly used for, and directly linked with, rural poverty reduction in developing countries. However, the application, and to an extent the principles, of the widely used organising framework for considering poverty reduction, the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA), may not fit fully the tourism situation, and vice versa. Based on a review of the literature we first suggest that sustainable livelihoods for tourism should be viewed in a broader tourism context, rather than merely taking tourism as a development tool. Second, the SLA seeks household livelihood sustainability at the individual or household level, while tourism sustainability is often applied to the industry and destinations at wider, more macro level scales. Thus, a reconciliation of the tensions and opportunities between the SLA and tourism needs to be found. Third, tourism research has demonstrated local residents" increasing concern about participation in political governance associated with tourism development, with less participation jeopardising local people's assets from a livelihood perspective. Therefore, an additional concept of institutional asset (mainly community participation) needs to be incorporated within the SLA. Given the above understandings, a sustainable tourism livelihood was defined and a Sustainable Tourism Livelihoods Approach (STLA) is proposed. The potential applications of the STLA are discussed and future research is recommended. Keywords: sustainable livelihoods, rural development, poverty, tourism, sustainability, community participation ********** Although poverty is one of the most compelling challenges confronting humankind, there remains numerous issues when considering scale, form, and evaluation of response within the multiple poverty contexts. As the World Bank (1990, p. 29) points out, 'policies targeted directly to the poor can hardly succeed unless governments know who the poor are and how they respond to policies and to their environment'. Based on this understanding, the World Bank adopted different approaches to rural and urban poverty, respectively, in implementing projects towards poverty reduction. This article focuses on the rural poverty context because up to 75% of the world's poor are in rural populations, and mostly in the 'third world' (World Bank, 2008). Key economic activities aimed at rural poverty reduction continue to be primary industries including agriculture and fishing (Harriss, 1982; World Bank, 2008). While professionals tried to improve rural conditions through approaches to soil fertility improvement, land reform and advanced technology, these development approaches did little to alleviate rural poverty (Aziz, 1978; Schutjer & Stokes, 1984; World Bank, 2001, 2008). In the 1980s, a new approach to poverty reduction, sustainable livelihoods (SL) and the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) was proposed (Conroy & Litvinoff, 1988). It emphasised holistic and integrated thinking about poverty reduction and rural development, and soon gained popularity among researchers, practitioners and developers (Chambers, 1992; Chambers & Conway, 1992; Department for International Development, 1999), while still typically being focused on agricultural practices (FAO, 2002; Larkin, 2004; Start & Johnson, 2004). Tourism is now the biggest and fastest growing industry in the world, having experienced enormous growth over recent decades (UNWTO, 2002). But only recently has tourism's potential of contributing to rural poverty reduction been widely recognised by...
[62]喻忠磊, 杨新军, 杨涛. 乡村农户适应旅游发展的模式及影响机制: 以秦岭金丝峡景区为例
. 地理学报, 2013, 68(8): 1143-1156.
[本文引用: 1]

[Yu Zhonglei, Yang Xinjun, Yang Tao.Exploring conditions, determinants and mechanisms of rural households' adaptability to tourism development: A case study of Jinsixia in Qinling Mountains
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2013, 68(8): 1143-1156.]
[本文引用: 1]
[63]赵雪雁, 刘春芳, 王学良, .. 干旱区内陆河流域农户生计对生态退化的脆弱性评价: 以石羊河中下游为例
. 生态学报, 2016, 36(13): 4141-4151.
https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201506201250URLMagsci [本文引用: 3]摘要
[Zhao Xueyan, Liu Chunfang, Wang Xueliang, et al.Assessment of the vulnerability of farmers' livelihoods to environmental degradation in arid regions of a continental river basin: A case study of the middle-lower reaches of the Shiyang River in China
. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2016, 36(13): 4141-4151.]
https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201506201250URLMagsci [本文引用: 3]摘要
[64]Shah K U, Dulal H B, Johnson C, et al.Understanding livelihood vulnerability to climate change: Applying the livelihood vulnerability index in Trinidad and Tobago
. Geoforum, 2013, 47(2): 125-137.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2013.04.004URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
This paper develops and tests the application of a Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) for agricultural and natural resource-dependent communities in developing countries. The index is applied in a comparative study of two wetland communities in Trinidad and Tobago, a country that is expected to bear some of the most severe impacts of climate change. Our application of the LVI entailed a series of critical focus group discussions involving local community representatives, government officials and researchers. Researchers collected household data for eight types of assets, which were aggregated into composite LVIs and differential vulnerabilities of the two communities being compared. The results of the analysis suggest that one of the communities, "Nariva", was more vulnerable than the other, "Caroni", particularly in relation to socio-demographics, health and water security, natural disaster and climate variability. Caroni on the other hand was more vulnerable in relation to other LVI indicators with the exception of food security. On questions of gender, the study found that female-headed households were marginally more vulnerable than male-headed households. Overall, the study suggests that the livelihood vulnerability index can be broadly applied in comparable settings in small-island developing states and other developing countries. In so doing, it provides a reliable methodology that can be used to assess community vulnerability and design management plans in areas with limited resources and access to reliable data. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[65]杨文, 孙蚌珠, 王学龙. 中国农村家庭脆弱性的测量与分解
. 经济研究, 2012, (4): 40-51.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
在理论层面上,本文在效用理论基础上对脆弱性进行了定义并对其分解以反映消费的不平等性和波动性。在实证分析层面上,本文使用CFPS(Chinese Family Panel Studies)数据对中国农村家庭脆弱性进行量化与分解。量化结果表明多数农村家庭是脆弱的;分解结果发现相对于村间不平等,村内不平等是脆弱性的主要组成部分。家庭脆弱性及五个分解部分对家庭特征集合变量的OLS回归结果表明:增加农村家庭收入是降低其脆弱性最有效的手段;提高劳动力平均受教育水平能够有效降低家庭脆弱性,但大学教育支出会显著提高家庭的脆弱性水平,这较好地解释了目前出现的农村籍高中生弃考大学这一现象;新型农村合作医疗和社会保险能有效降低农村家庭脆弱性;社会资本、更大的家庭规模和更高的劳动力占比有利于降低家庭脆弱性,这能较好地解释中国农村家庭频繁的送礼活动以及倾向于组建大家庭的现象。
[Yang Wen, Sun Bangzhu, Wang Xuelo.Measurement and decomposition of household's vulnerability in rural China
. Economic Research Journal, 2012, (4): 40-51.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
在理论层面上,本文在效用理论基础上对脆弱性进行了定义并对其分解以反映消费的不平等性和波动性。在实证分析层面上,本文使用CFPS(Chinese Family Panel Studies)数据对中国农村家庭脆弱性进行量化与分解。量化结果表明多数农村家庭是脆弱的;分解结果发现相对于村间不平等,村内不平等是脆弱性的主要组成部分。家庭脆弱性及五个分解部分对家庭特征集合变量的OLS回归结果表明:增加农村家庭收入是降低其脆弱性最有效的手段;提高劳动力平均受教育水平能够有效降低家庭脆弱性,但大学教育支出会显著提高家庭的脆弱性水平,这较好地解释了目前出现的农村籍高中生弃考大学这一现象;新型农村合作医疗和社会保险能有效降低农村家庭脆弱性;社会资本、更大的家庭规模和更高的劳动力占比有利于降低家庭脆弱性,这能较好地解释中国农村家庭频繁的送礼活动以及倾向于组建大家庭的现象。
[66]Hahn M B, Riederer A M, Foster S O.The livelihood vulnerability index: A pragmatic approach to assessing risks from climate variability and change: A case study in Mozambique
. Global Environmental Change, 2009, 19(1): 74-88.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2008.11.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
We developed the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) to estimate climate change vulnerability in the Mabote and Moma Districts of Mozambique. We surveyed 200 households in each district to collect data on socio-demographics, livelihoods, social networks, health, food and water security, natural disasters and climate variability. Data were aggregated using a composite index and differential vulnerabilities were compared. Results suggest that Moma may be more vulnerable in terms of water resources while Mabote may be more vulnerable in terms of socio-demographic structure. This pragmatic approach may be used to monitor vulnerability, program resources for assistance, and/or evaluate potential program/policy effectiveness in data-scarce regions by introducing scenarios into the LVI model for baseline comparison.
[67]Hinkel J.Indicators of vulnerability and adaptive capacity: Towards a clarification of the science-policy interface
. Global Environment Change, 2011, 21(1): 198-208.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2010.08.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The issue of “measuring” climate change vulnerability and adaptive capacity by means of indicators divides policy and academic communities. While policy increasingly demands such indicators an increasing body of literature criticises them. This misfit results from a twofold confusion. First, there is confusion about what vulnerability indicators are and which arguments are available for building them. Second, there is confusion about the kinds of policy problems to be solved by means of indicators. This paper addresses both sources of confusion. It first develops a rigorous conceptual framework for vulnerability indicators and applies it to review the scientific arguments available for building climate change vulnerability indicators. Then, it opposes this availability with the following six diverse types of problems that vulnerability indicators are meant to address according to the literature: (i) identification of mitigation targets; (ii) identification of vulnerable people, communities, regions, etc.; (iii) raising awareness; (iv) allocation of adaptation funds; (v) monitoring of adaptation policy; and (vi) conducting scientific research. It is found that vulnerability indicators are only appropriate for addressing the second type of problem but only at local scales, when systems can be narrowly defined and inductive arguments can be built. For the other five types of problems, either vulnerability is not the adequate concept or vulnerability indicators are not the adequate methodology. I conclude that both the policy and academic communities should collaboratively attempt to use a more specific terminology for speaking about the problems addressed and the methodologies applied. The one-size-fits-all vulnerability label is not sufficient. Speaking of “measuring” vulnerability is particularly misleading, as this is impossible and raises false expectations.
[68]Ulrich A, Speranza C I, Roden P, et al.Small-scale farming in semi-arid areas: Livelihood dynamics between 1997 and 2010 in Laikipia, Kenya
. Journal of Rural Study, 2012, 28(3): 241-251.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2012.02.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The rural population of semi-arid lands in Kenya face multiple challenges that result from population growth, poor markets, land use and climatic changes. In particular, subsistence oriented farmers face various risks and opportunities in their attempt to secure their livelihoods. This paper presents an analysis on how livelihood assets and strategies of smallholders in Laikipia County, Kenya, have changed within the last decade and discusses the implications for development interventions. The analysis is based on bi-temporal data from 170 semi-structured household interviews in 1997 and a follow-up survey of 30 households conducted in 2010. Well-being indicators were developed and livelihood portfolios compared. The results show a striking persistence in low asset endowment for the majority of smallholders from an aggregated perspective, whereas transitions into and out of better livelihood conditions become evident from a household perspective. The investment in, and accumulation of, conventional buffer or productive assets, such as grain stocks, livestock or land, does not shield households from adverse shocks and stresses as smallholders were shown to easily slip back into poverty. Household portfolios display particular constraints for smallholders in expanding natural resource related activities and a substantial decrease in livestock numbers. While off-farm activities could possibly increase well-being, the prevailing low income levels and high insecurity for the majority who are engaged in off-farm employment, limits the ability to increase livelihood assets in the area.
[69]Liu Z X, Liu L M.Characteristics and driving factors of rural livelihood transition in the east coastal region of China: A case study of suburban Shanghai
. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 43(14): 145-158.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2015.12.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
61The sustainable livelihoods framework is used to analyse livelihood strategy changes.61A classification tree is constructed to define six livelihood strategy types.61The mechanisms of livelihood transitions in the eastern coastal China are explored.
[70]李鹤, 张平宇. 全球变化背景下脆弱性研究进展与应用展望
. 地理科学进展, 2011, 30(7): 920-929.
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.07.019URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
[Li He, Zhang Pingyu.Research progress and prospective applications of vulnerability approach under global change
. Progress in geography, 2011, 30(7): 920-929.]
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.07.019URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
[71]Jha S, Bacon C M, Philpott S M, et al.A review of ecosystem services, farmer livelihoods, and value chains in shade coffee agroecosystems
. Integrating Agriculture, Conservation and Ecotourism: Examples from the Field, 2011, (1): 141-208.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-1309-3_4URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Cultivation, processing, and consumption of coffee are dynamic processes that connect coffee farmers and agro-ecosystems with coffee drinkers spanning the globe. As a cash crop, coffee cultivation gai
[72]Nazari S, Rad G P, Sedighi H, et al.Vulnerability of wheat farmers: Toward a conceptual framework
. Ecological Indicators, 2015, 52: 517-532.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.01.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Vulnerability is expected to differ based on climatic conditions as well as socio-economic attributes of farming households. In this regard, attention toward vulnerability assessments is increasing within policy-making processes, to assist in selecting suitable coping strategies and policies to reduce farmers vulnerability. Through identifying the main vulnerability indicators from a sustainability perspective (including social, economic, and environmental dimensions) among wheat farmers, this study is seeking an inclusive conceptual framework to assess their vulnerability to both socio-economic and environmental changes. Taking the main elements (i.e., sensitivity, exposure and adaptive capacity) of vulnerability into account, this paper tried to develop an inclusive systemic framework to understand the most important indicators of vulnerability for wheat farmers at various spatial and temporal scales. It is supposed that the framework is a useful guide for policymakers in identifying the vulnerable groups of wheat farmers and zones so that they can decide about proper coping strategies to effectively deal with adverse effects of climate and undesired socioeconomic changes in the wheat farming system.
[73]Shameem M I M, Momtaz S, Rauscher R. Vulnerability of rural livelihoods to multiple stressors: A case study from the southwest coastal region of Bangladesh
. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2014, 102: 79-87.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.09.002URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
The coastal area of Bangladesh has been a focus of climate change and hazard research due to its extreme vulnerability to tropical cyclones, often leading to disaster. While there have been recent studies on the nature of these disasters, people's vulnerability and responses, little is known about how other key stresses, interacting with these extreme weather events, impact natural resources and the flow of ecosystem services that sustain local livelihoods. In this paper, we explore the process by which major stresses and hazards shape the vulnerability of people's livelihoods in dynamic social-ecological environments in the southwest coastal region of Bangladesh. Drawing on qualitative and quantitative data from a case study, we identify the key drivers of change in social-ecological systems and evaluate whether these drivers have affected livelihood outcomes and various components of human wellbeing. This analysis suggests that increasing salinity intrusion, tropical cyclone and land-use change (directly and through changes in ecosystem services) affect the access to livelihood assets at household scale. This undermines social wellbeing by seriously impacting food and water security. Through identification of key stresses and their interactions, and the consequent impacts on ecosystems services and household capitals, the current study proposes a conceptual framework to understand the present day vulnerability to multiple stressors in the context of the coastal region of Bangladesh.
[74]McDowell J Z, Hess J J. Accessing adaptation: Multiple stressors on livelihoods in the Bolivian highlands under a changing climate
. Global Environmental Change, 2012, 22(2): 342-352.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2011.11.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Smallholder farmers continuously confront multiple social and environmental stressors that necessitate changes in livelihood strategies to prevent damages and take advantage of new opportunities, or adaptation. Vulnerability, meaning susceptibility to harm, is attributable to social determinants that limit access to assets, leading to greater exposure and sensitivity to stressors and a limited capacity to adapt. Stressors and adaptation are intertwined because stressors deplete resources available for adaptation, while adaptation may erode resources available to respond to future stressors. We present empirical evidence demonstrating the interactions of multiple stressors and adaptations over time through a case study of indigenous farmers in highland Bolivia. We examine how farmers perceive the stress on their livelihoods, their strategies for adapting to these threats, and the influence of past adaptation and exposure on vulnerability under increasing climatic change. We find that vulnerability changes over time as multiple stressors, such as land scarcity and delayed seasonal rainfall, compound, simultaneously reducing access and demanding the expenditure of household assets for adaptation, including natural capital (water and land), human capital (including labor), and financial, physical, and social capital. To reduce vulnerability over time, constraints on access to key resources must be addressed, allowing households the flexibility to reduce their exposure and improve their adaptive capacity to the multiple stressors they confront.
[75]O'Brien K, Quinlan T, Ziervogel G. Vulnerability interventions in the context of multiple stressors: Lessons from the Southern Africa Vulnerability Initiative (SAVI)
. Environmental Science & Policy, 2009, 12(1): 23-32.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2008.10.008URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
This paper describes an initiative to develop a model for understanding the multi-faceted nature and effects of vulnerability. The model is designed to enable analysis and assessment of interventions that address vulnerability, a concept that is widely used across disciplines and in development planning in Africa, particularly in southern Africa. The model is being developed to accommodate analyses of ‘multiple stressors’ and to identify the intersection and interaction of stressors in different contexts. Using three case studies related to vulnerability reduction and HIV/AIDS, we show how multiple processes interact and can influence the outcomes of vulnerability interventions in ways that may not be readily apparent when focusing on one stressor alone.
[76]何仁伟, 刘邵权, 陈国阶, .. 中国农户可持续生计研究进展及趋向
. 地理科学进展, 2013, 32(4): 657-670.
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2013.04.018URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
开展农户可持续生计研究,对于解决农村贫困问题,促进农村社会经济可持续发展具有重要意义。在查阅大量相关文献的基础上,本文首先阐述了可持续生计的概念,并对国外农户可持续生计研究概况进行了简介;然后从生计资产(资本)研究、生计脆弱性分析、生计策略研究、政策、机构和过程对农户生计影响研究、农户生计与生态环境的相互关系研究等5 个方面对近年来国内农户生计的主要研究进展进行了归纳总结。最后,提出了中国农户可持续生计研究的主要趋向:跨学科综合性、系统性研究,新技术方法的综合与动态研究,农户可持续生计与贫困问题研究,城乡转型期农户可持续生计研究,重点区域的农户可持续生计研究。
[He Renwei, Liu Shaoquan, Chen Guojie, et al.Research progress and tendency of sustainable livelihoods for peasant household in China
. Progress in Geography, 2013, 32(4): 657-670.]
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2013.04.018URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
开展农户可持续生计研究,对于解决农村贫困问题,促进农村社会经济可持续发展具有重要意义。在查阅大量相关文献的基础上,本文首先阐述了可持续生计的概念,并对国外农户可持续生计研究概况进行了简介;然后从生计资产(资本)研究、生计脆弱性分析、生计策略研究、政策、机构和过程对农户生计影响研究、农户生计与生态环境的相互关系研究等5 个方面对近年来国内农户生计的主要研究进展进行了归纳总结。最后,提出了中国农户可持续生计研究的主要趋向:跨学科综合性、系统性研究,新技术方法的综合与动态研究,农户可持续生计与贫困问题研究,城乡转型期农户可持续生计研究,重点区域的农户可持续生计研究。
[77]陆大道. 中国地理学的发展与全球变化研究
. 地理学报, 2011, 66(2): 147-156.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-8477.2003.09.048URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Lu Dadao.Development of geographical sciences and research on global change in China
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2011, 66(2): 147-156.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-8477.2003.09.048URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[78]Pelling M.The political ecology of flood hazard in urban Guyana
. Geoforum, 1999, 30(3): 249-261.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0016-7185(99)00015-9URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Some 90% of the Guyanese population are at risk from contemporary flood hazard and the potential impacts of climate change and sea-level rise. Such risks are not the product of physical systems alone, and by using a political ecology frame the geography of flood hazard in urban environments can be seen to coevolve with political, social and economic systems. These systems are explored by a historical review which traces the roots of present vulnerability to the colonial experience, and an analysis of contemporary vulnerabilities which draws from a peri-urban and an urban case study. The case studies show that the current fashion in international donor agencies to fund ‘community sponsored development’ has missed an opportunity to enhance security through grassroots empowerment, and rather that those community organisations associated with this system have been co-opted by political elites reproducing embedded distributions of power and vulnerability.
[79]Vasquez-Leon M, West C T, Finan T J.A comparative assessment of climate vulnerability: Agriculture and ranching on both sides of the US-Mexico border
. Global Environmental Change, 2003, 13(3): 159-173.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0959-3780(03)00034-7URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Social science research on climate vulnerability tends to be limited to case studies in either industrial countries or in less-developed nations. The empirical study presented here takes a comparative approach across this divide by examining rural livelihoods on both sides of the United States exico border. Looking beyond single agricultural systems, crossing borders and listening to rural producers in this semi-arid environment offers a more complete picture of how differences in access to resources, state involvement, class and ethnicity result in drastically different vulnerabilities within a similar biophysical context. We distinguish between coping and buffering in examining adaptation strategies and place an emphasis on the historical context of vulnerability as a dynamic social process with socioeconomic and environmental consequences.
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