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郝梦雅1,, 任志远1,2,, 孙艺杰1, 赵胜男1
1. 陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院,西安 710119
2. 西北历史环境与经济社会发展研究院,西安 710062

The dynamic analysis of trade-off and synergy of ecosystem services in the Guanzhong Basin

HAOMengya1,, RENZhiyuan1,2,, SUNYijie1, ZHAOShengnan1
1. College of Tourism and Environment, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, China
2. Institute for Historical Environment and Socio-economic Development in Northwest China, Xi'an 710062, China
通讯作者:任志远(1953- ),男,陕西兴平人,博士,教授,研究方向为国土资源开发与生态环境评价研究。E-mail:renzhy@snnu.edu.cn
-->作者简介:郝梦雅(1994- ),女,山西晋中人,硕士,研究方向为土地评价与规划。E-mail:haomengya@snnu.edu.cn


测算2000-2012年关中盆地的净初级生产力(NPP)价值量、土壤保持价值量和食物供给价值量,通过引入玫瑰图来研究不同土地利用类型中生态系统服务的时空差异,进而探究三种生态系统服务的权衡和协同关系,并分析其在近13年间的动态变化特征,最后研究土地利用变化对生态系统服务权衡和协同关系的影响来探究其驱动机制。结果表明:① 研究区NPP单位面积年均价值量约为1720.495 元/hm2,土壤保持单位面积年均价值量约为768.889元/hm2,食物供给单位面积年均价值量约为167.874元/hm2。从空间角度分析,NPP和土壤保持的高值区均分布在盆地边缘的山地,低值区集中于盆地中部,而食物供给呈相反格局。从时间角度分析,三种生态系统服务均呈现增加的趋势。2000-2012年,NPP单位面积价值量增幅为21%,土壤保持单位面积价值量增幅为46.7%,食物供给单位面积价值量增幅为245.7%。② NPP与土壤保持呈现协同关系,而NPP与食物供给、土壤保持与食物供给呈现权衡关系。③ 13年来关中盆地生态系统服务呈现冲突加强协同减弱的趋势。具体而言,NPP与土壤保持的协同关系表现出明显的下降趋势,NPP与食物供给的权衡关系逐渐增强,而土壤保持与食物供给的权衡关系在13年间基本保持稳定状态。④ 从土地利用变化的角度看,研究区生态系统服务权衡增加协同减少主要归因于耕地和林地的大量减少。同时,权衡土地资源利用中各类冲突对于土地资源的优化使用也有重大的意义。

The Guanzhong Basin is the economic center of Northwest China. In recent years, with the development of the economy, many ecological environment problems have emerged in this region. Therefore, it is important to examine the dynamic changes of trade-off and synergy of ecosystem services in the Guanzhong Basin and explore their influencing factors. In this paper, many models are used to estimate the net primary production (NPP), soil retention and food supply in the basin from 2000 to 2012. And research is conducted on the spatial and temporal change of ecosystem services in different types of land covers by using Rose diagram. Then, we explored the trade-off and synergy among three ecosystem services by correlation diagram made by R software and analyzed its dynamic characteristics in the 13 years. At last, we analyzed the effect of the land cover change on the relationship of trade-off and synergy to explore its driving mechanism. The results indicate that: (1) The annual average NPP per unit area, the annual average value of soil retention per unit area and the annual average value of food supply per unit area were 1720.495 yuan/hm2, 768.889 yuan/hm2 and 167.874 yuan/hm2, respectively. From the perspective of space, the high value regions of NPP and soil retention were distributed over mountains and low value regions were over the central part of the basin. But the food supply presented the opposite pattern. From the perspective of time, three ecosystem services were increased in the 13 years. The annual average NPP per unit area, the annual average value of soil retention per unit area and the annual average value of food supply per unit area increased by 21%, 46.7% and 245.7%, respectively. (2) There were trade-off between NPP and food supply, soil retention and food supply. And there were synergy between NPP and soil retention. (3) On the whole, the trade-off of ecosystem services enhanced and the synergy weakened during the 13 years in the Guanzhong Basin. The degree of synergy between NPP and soil retention decreased. The degree of trade-off between NPP and food supply increased. And the trade-off relationship between soil retention and food supply remained stable during the 13 years. (4) From the perspective of land cover changes, the reduction of cultivated land and forest land is the main driving force of the change of relationship among ecosystem services. At the same time, it is significant to balance conflicts in land resource to use land resource better.

Keywords:Guanzhong Basin;NPP;soil retention;food supply;dynamic changes of trade-off and synergy;land use

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郝梦雅, 任志远, 孙艺杰, 赵胜男. 关中盆地生态系统服务的权衡与协同关系动态分析[J]. , 2017, 36(3): 592-602 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201703016
HAO Mengya, REN Zhiyuan, SUN Yijie, ZHAO Shengnan. The dynamic analysis of trade-off and synergy of ecosystem services in the Guanzhong Basin[J]. 地理研究, 2017, 36(3): 592-602 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201703016

1 引言


2 研究区概况与研究方法

2.1 研究区概况

关中盆地位于陕西省中部,地处秦岭以北、北山以南,西邻宝鸡,东至潼关,地势西高东低,平均气温13~15 ℃,年降水量500~900 mm。该区总面积约为39064.5 km2,包括西安、宝鸡、咸阳、南、铜川五市及杨凌区,经济发达,在西北地区占有重要的地位。近年来,随着西部大开发等政策的相继推出,关中盆地土地利用类型变化显著,土地资源紧缺,地力退化,人地矛盾逐渐加剧,使得以土地利用为基础的生态系统服务功能受到影响,环境压力日益严峻。同时,受到自然和人类活动的影响,该地区水土流失较为严重(图1)。
-->Fig.1The terrain of the Guanzhong Basin

2.2 数据来源与处理

本文以Landsat 5遥感影像作为数据源来获得研究区的土地利用类型,Landsat 5数据下载于地理空间数据云。以谷歌地球影像为标准进行解译,采用最大似然法和QUEST决策树法,并利用ArcGIS软件将其合并,根据不同季节土地类型特征,建立合并规则表,通过重分类将土地利用类型分为6类,获取土地利用类型图。最后以谷歌地球影像数据为评价标准,选取200个真实样本区与分类结果进行对比分析,得出总体分类精度为89.59%。
土壤与植被类型数据来源于中国科学院1 100万土壤类型、土壤质地以及植被类型数据集。2000-2012年气象数据来源于中国气象科学数据共享网,选取了关中盆地内部及其周边25个气象站的温度、降水量、太阳辐射等数据,采用ArcGIS对获得的气象数据进行空间插值,实现对气象要素的空间化。社会经济数据来源于2000-2012年《陕西省统计年鉴》《西安市统计年鉴》等关中盆地各市的统计年鉴。

2.3 研究方法

2.3.1 净初级生产力模型 利用光能利用率(CASA)模型来估算净初级生产力[14,15],其估算公式为:
式中:APAR(x,t)表示空间位置x在时间t内吸收的光合有效辐射(MJ/m2);ε(x,t)表示像元x在时间t内的实际光能利用率(g ?C/MJ)。
式中:V表示NPP价值量(元);A表示NPP物质量,单位为t ?C/(hm2?a);B表示标煤的质量系数;Q1表示NPP物质量折合的热量(6.7 KJ/g);Q2表示标煤折合热量(10 KJ/g);P表示标煤单位质量的交易价格。
2.3.2 土壤保持量估算模型 本文使用RUSLE[14]模型,其估算公式为:
式中: Ef为保护土壤肥力价值量; Es表示减少土地废弃价值量; En表示减轻泥沙淤积的经济效益;Ac为土壤保持量;Ci为土壤中氮、磷、钾的纯含量;Pi为氮、磷、钾的价格;B为林业年均收益;P为土壤的容重;C为建造水库工程费用。
2.3.3 食物供给计算模型 本文结合土地利用数据和统计年鉴数据,模拟研究区内各土地利用的食物总产值,实现食物供给的空间化。其计算公式为:

3 结果分析

3.1 关中盆地生态系统服务的时空分布

-->Fig.2The temporal and spatial distribution of three ecosystem services in Guanzhong Basin from 2000 to 2012

3.2 关中盆地不同地类生态系统服务的时空差异

-->Fig.3The rose map of ecosystem services in Guanzhong Basin from 2000 to 2012

3.3 生态系统服务之间的权衡和协同关系

在ArcGIS软件中分别对关中盆地NPP、土壤保持和食物供给三种生态系统服务进行样点采集,首先通过创建渔网工具建立格网和点,共采集样点27758个,其次运用提取分析工具中的采样工具将2000-2012年三种生态系统服务的值分别赋值到各个点上,输出为表格,然后在R语言中通过corrgram函数和scatterplot Matrix函数对三种生态系统服务价值量做相关性分析,得到相关图(图4)和散点图矩阵(图5)。图4中蓝色表示正相关,红色表示负相关,颜色越深相关性越大。图5中主对角线上为核密度曲线和轴须图,横轴数据越密集,核密度曲线越接近峰值,表明该部分数据密度越大。其余图形为线性和平滑拟合曲线,通过线性和非线性拟合显示生态系统服务之间的相关情况。
-->Fig.4The correlation of ecosystem services in Guanzhong Basin from 2000 to 2012

-->Fig.5The scatter plot matrix of ecosystem services in Guanzhong Basin from 2000 to 2012


3.4 生态系统服务之间权衡和协同关系的动态变化

-->Fig.6The dynamic change of correlation coefficient between ecosystem services in Guanzhong Basin from 2000 to 2012


3.5 生态系统服务权衡与协同关系动态变化的影响因素

-->Fig.7Decreased and increased land covers in Guanzhong Basin from 2000 to 2012

Tab.1Land use change in the Guanzhong Basin (%)


4 结论与讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

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The services of ecological systens and the natural capilal stocks that produce them are critical to the functiouing of the Erarth's life-support system.They contribule to human welfare.both direetly and indireetly,and therefore represent part of the totaleeononic value of the planet.We have estimated the eurrent biosphere.the value(most of which is ontside the market)is estimated to be in the range of USS16-54trillion(1012)per year,with an average of USS33 trillion per year.Because of the nature of the uncertainties,this must be considered a mininum estimate.Global gross national produet total is around USS18 trillion per year.
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Abstract "Ecosystem service (ES) trade-offs arise from management choices made by humans, which can change the type, magnitude, and relative mix of services provided by ecosystems. Trade-offs occur when the provision of one ES is reduced as a consequence of increased use of another ES. In some cases,a trade-off may be an explicit choice; but in others, trade-offs arise without premeditation or even awareness that they are taking place. Trade-offs in ES can be classified along three axes: spatial scale, temporal scale, and reversibility. Spatial scale refers to whether the effects of the trade-off are felt locally or at a distant location. Temporal scale refers to whether the effects take place relatively rapidly or slowly. Reversibility expresses the likelihood that the perturbed ES may return to its original state if the perturbation ceases. Across all four Millennium Ecosystem Assessment scenarios and selected case study examples, trade-off decisions show a preference for provisioning, regulating, or cultural services (in that order). Supporting services are more likely to be 'taken for granted.' Cultural ES are almost entirely unquantified in scenario modeling; therefore, the calculated model results do not fully capture losses of these services that occur in the scenarios. The quantitative scenario models primarily capture the services that are perceived by society as more important-provisioning and regulating ecosystem services-and thus do not fully capture trade-offs of cultural and supporting services. Successful management policies will be those that incorporate lessons learned from prior decisions into future management actions. Managers should complement their actions with monitoring programs that, in addition to monitoring the short-term provisions of services, also monitor the long-term evolution of slowly changing variables. Policies can then be developed to take into account ES trade-offs at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Successful strategies will recognize the inherent complexities of ecosystem management and will work to develop policies that minimize the effects of ES trade-offs."
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生态系统提供了人类生活所需的各种产品,支撑和维护人们赖以生存 的生态环境.由于人类对自然生态系统认识不足和使用不当,各种生态系统服务之间出现了冲突矛盾,限制着彼此的发挥,因此,权衡不同生态系统服务之间的关系 具有重要意义.文章首先分析了冲突权衡(trade-off)产生的原因、类型差异和研究意义,接下来总结了冲突权衡分析方法进展、应用情况、有待解决的 问题和未来重点研究方向.尽管对于生态系统服务的认识,尤其是价值评估已经得到了充分研究,但是生态系统服务的冲突与权衡还处于起步阶段,文章总结了当前 生态系统服务权衡的热点问题,包括主要的权衡分析方法以及应用领域,提出展望和建议.未来的研究重点在以下2个方面:第一,深入研究各服务相互关联的作用 因子和作用机制;第二,如何综合运用已知条件和方法,构建一个科学合理的权衡模式.
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生态系统提供了人类生活所需的各种产品,支撑和维护人们赖以生存 的生态环境.由于人类对自然生态系统认识不足和使用不当,各种生态系统服务之间出现了冲突矛盾,限制着彼此的发挥,因此,权衡不同生态系统服务之间的关系 具有重要意义.文章首先分析了冲突权衡(trade-off)产生的原因、类型差异和研究意义,接下来总结了冲突权衡分析方法进展、应用情况、有待解决的 问题和未来重点研究方向.尽管对于生态系统服务的认识,尤其是价值评估已经得到了充分研究,但是生态系统服务的冲突与权衡还处于起步阶段,文章总结了当前 生态系统服务权衡的热点问题,包括主要的权衡分析方法以及应用领域,提出展望和建议.未来的研究重点在以下2个方面:第一,深入研究各服务相互关联的作用 因子和作用机制;第二,如何综合运用已知条件和方法,构建一个科学合理的权衡模式.
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The core idea of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment is that the human condition is tightly linked to environmental condition. This assertion suggests that conservation and development projects should be able to achieve both ecological and social progress without detracting from their primary objectives. Whereas "win-win" projects that achieve both conservation and economic gains are a commendable goal, they are not easy to attain. An analysis of World Bank projects with objectives of alleviating poverty and protecting biodiversity revealed that only 16% made major progress on both objectives. Here, we provide a framework for anticipating win-win, lose-lose, and win-lose outcomes as a result of how people manage their ecosystem services. This framework emerges from detailed explorations of several case studies in which biodiversity conservation and economic development coincide and cases in which there is joint failure. We emphasize that scientific advances around ecosystem service production functions, tradeoffs among multiple ecosystem services, and the design of appropriate monitoring programs are necessary for the implementation of conservation and development projects that will successfully advance both environmental and social goals. The potentially bright future of jointly advancing ecosystem services, conservation, and human well-being will be jeopardized unless a global monitoring effort is launched that uses the many ongoing projects as a grand experiment.
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Mountainous rural communities have traditionally managed their land extensively, resulting in land uses that provide important ecosystem services for both rural and urban areas. Over recent decades, these communities have undergone drastic changes in economic structure, population size and land use. Our understanding of the exact mechanisms that drive these changes is limited, and there is also a lack of integrative approaches to enable decision makers to steer rural development towards a more sustainable path. In this study, we build a dynamic simulation model to calculate the trade-offs between the provisions of two ecosystem services &ndash; landscape aesthetic value and water supply for human use &ndash; and the economic development associated with different land use changes. The study area for the simulation comprises two rural communities located in southern Spain. Our results show trade-offs between economic development and the provision of the selected ecosystem services in the selected study area. Land use intensification results in economic development but is not enough to prevent population loss and has a negative impact on both the water supply and on aesthetic services. We conclude that more proactive management policies are needed to mitigate a loss in ecosystem services. Simulation models like ours may facilitate the choice of these policies, as they could test the result of land use planning policies contributing therefore, to a more integrative and sustainable management of rural communities.
[8]Turner K G, Odgaard M V, Bocher P K, et al.Bundling ecosystem services in Denmark: Trade-offs and synergies in a cultural landscape.
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2014.02.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
We made a spatial analysis of 11 ecosystem services at a 10km脳10km grid scale covering most of Denmark. Our objective was to describe their spatial distribution and interactions and also to analyze whether they formed specific bundle types on a regional scale in the Danish cultural landscape. We found clustered distribution patterns of ecosystem services across the country. There was a significant tendency for trade-offs between on the one hand cultural and regulating services and on the other provisioning services, and we also found the potential of regulating and cultural services to form synergies. We identified six distinct ecosystem service bundle types, indicating multiple interactions at a landscape level. The bundle types showed specialized areas of agricultural production, high provision of cultural services at the coasts, multifunctional mixed-use bundle types around urban areas and forest recreation bundle types with high hunting potential. Thus we found that the distributions were both determined by historical and current socio-ecological influences. This gives a better understanding of the interactions between multiple services in the landscape and the way the landscape has been managed. However, the number, types and spatial distribution of such bundles are quite sensitive to the individual ecosystem services selected and the input data available to define these services. This should be taken into consideration in further research on how to utilize the existing synergies and the mitigating potential of trade-offs for a more holistic approach to landscape-scale ecosystem service management.
[9]Kragt M E, Robertson M J.Quantifying ecosystem services trade-offs from agricultural practices.
Ecological Economics, 2014, 102(2):147-157.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.04.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The concept of ecosystem services (ESS) is widely used to highlight the interdependencies between agricultural and environmental systems. However, few studies have attempted to quantify the potential of agriculture to produce multiple ESS, and to estimate the possibilities for joint production of marketed and non-marketed ESS. A quantification of the trade-offs between non-marketed ESS and production of farm commodities (marketed ESS) may help to better target agricultural policies.
[10]Tian Y C, Wang S J, Bai X Y, et al. Trade-offs among ecosystem services in a typical Karst watershed, SW China
. Science of the Total Environment, 2016,566-567: 1297-1308.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.05.190URLPMID:27265738 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Nowadays, most research results on ecosystem services in Karst areas are limited to a single function of an ecosystem service. Few scholars conduct a comparative study on the mutual relationships among ecosystem services, let alone reveal the trade-off and synergic relationships in typical Karst watershed. This research aims to understand and quantitatively evaluate the relationships among ecosystem services in a typical Karst watershed, broaden the depth and width of trade-off and synergic relationships in ecosystem services and explore a set of technical processes involved in these relationships. With the Shibantang Karst watershed in China as the research site, we explore the trade-off and synergic relationships of net primary productivity (NPP), water yield, and sediment yield by coupling Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and Carnegie–Ames–Stanford Approach (CASA), and simulating and evaluating these three ecosystem services between 2000 and 2010. Results of this study are as follows. (1) The annual average water yield decreased from 52802mm in 2000 to 51302mm in 2010, decreasing by 2.84%. (2) The annual average sediment yield decreased from 26.1502t/ha in 2000 to 23.8102t/ha in 2010, with an average annual reduction of 0.2302t/ha. (3) The annual average NPP increased from 739.3802g02C02m 61022 02a 61021 in 2000 to 746.2502g02C02m 61022 02a 61021 in 2010, increasing by 6.8702g02C02m 61022 02a 61021 . (4) Water yield and sediment yield are in a synergic relationship. The increase of water yield can accumulate the soil erosion amount. NPP is in a trade-off relationship with water yield and sediment yield. The improvement of NPP is good for decreasing water yield and soil erosion amount and increasing soil conservation amount. This study provides policy makers and planners an approach to develop an integrated model, as well as design mapping and monitoring protocols for land use change and ecosystem service assessments.
[11]傅伯杰, 于丹丹. 生态系统服务权衡与集成方法
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https://doi.org/10.18402/resci.2016.01.01URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Fu Bojie, Yu Dandan.Trade-off analyses and synthetic integrated method of multiple ecosystem services.
Resources Science, 2016, 38(1): 1-9.]
https://doi.org/10.18402/resci.2016.01.01URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[12]陈仲新, 张新时. 中国生态系统效益的价值
. 科学通报, 2000, 45(1): 17-22.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0023-074X.2000.01.004URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
生态系统的功能与效益是地球生命支持系统的重要组成部分和社会与环境可持续发展的基本要素,对其进行价值评价是将其纳入社会经济体系与市场化的必要条件,也是使环境与生态系统保育引起社会重视的重要措施.参考Costanza等人的分类方法与经济参数对中国生态系统功能与效益进行了价值估算.其中中国陆地生态系统的类型及其面积是根据1:4000000中国植被图进行统计的,并据以绘制了中国陆地生态系统效益价值分布图.通过计算,我国生态系统效益的总价值是 77 834.48亿元人民币/年(以 1994年人民币为基准,下同).其中,陆地生态系统效益价值为 56 098.46亿元/年;海洋生态系统效益价值为 21 736.02亿元/年.与我国年生产总值(GDP, 1994年)45 006亿元相比,中国生态系统效益价值为GDP的1.73倍.其中森林的生态效益价值为 15 433.98亿元/年,占全国年总效益价值的 27.51%.湿地面积虽小,生态系统效益价值却甚高,可达 26 763.9亿元/年.草地的生态系统效益价值为 8 697.68亿元/年.近海海岸带的生态系统效益价值亦高达12 223.04亿元/年.与全球相比,我国生态系统效益价值占全球的2.
[Chen Zhongxin, Zhang Xinshi.The value of Chinese ecosystem services.
Chinese Science Bulletin, 2000, 45(1): 17-22.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0023-074X.2000.01.004URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
生态系统的功能与效益是地球生命支持系统的重要组成部分和社会与环境可持续发展的基本要素,对其进行价值评价是将其纳入社会经济体系与市场化的必要条件,也是使环境与生态系统保育引起社会重视的重要措施.参考Costanza等人的分类方法与经济参数对中国生态系统功能与效益进行了价值估算.其中中国陆地生态系统的类型及其面积是根据1:4000000中国植被图进行统计的,并据以绘制了中国陆地生态系统效益价值分布图.通过计算,我国生态系统效益的总价值是 77 834.48亿元人民币/年(以 1994年人民币为基准,下同).其中,陆地生态系统效益价值为 56 098.46亿元/年;海洋生态系统效益价值为 21 736.02亿元/年.与我国年生产总值(GDP, 1994年)45 006亿元相比,中国生态系统效益价值为GDP的1.73倍.其中森林的生态效益价值为 15 433.98亿元/年,占全国年总效益价值的 27.51%.湿地面积虽小,生态系统效益价值却甚高,可达 26 763.9亿元/年.草地的生态系统效益价值为 8 697.68亿元/年.近海海岸带的生态系统效益价值亦高达12 223.04亿元/年.与全球相比,我国生态系统效益价值占全球的2.
[13]Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Current State and Trends. 2nd ed.Washington, DC: Island Press, 2005. [本文引用: 1]
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[Zhu Wenquan, Pan Yaozhong, Zhang Jinshui.Estimation of net primary productivity of Chinese terrestrial vegetation based on remote sensing .
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https://doi.org/10.17521/cjpe.2007.0050URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
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[17]杨晓楠, 李晶, 秦克玉, . 关中—天水经济区生态系统服务的权衡关系
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[Yang Xiaonan, Li Jing, Qin Keyu, et al.Trade-offs between ecosystem services in Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Region.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(11): 1762-1773.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201511006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[18]戴尔阜, 王晓莉, 朱健佳, . 生态系统服务权衡: 方法、模型与研究框架
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https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201606001URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Dai Erfu, Wang Xiaoli, Zhu Jianjia, et al.Methods, tools and research framework of ecosystem service trade offs.
Geographical Research, 2016, 35(6): 1005-1016.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201606001URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[19]李双成, 张才玉, 刘金龙, . 生态系统服务权衡与协同研究进展及地理学研究议题
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[Li Shuangcheng, Zhang Caiyu, Liu Jinlong, et al.The trade-offs and synergies of ecosystem services: Research progress, development trend, and themes of geography.
Geographical Research, 2013, 32(8): 1379-1390.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[20]李鹏, 姜鲁光, 封志明, . 生态系统服务竞争与协同研究进展
. 生态学报, 2012, 32(16): 5220-5229.
https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201109161360URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
生态系统服务作为生态系统评估的核心领域,是生态学的研究热点. 生态系统提供服务的形式与能力受人类活动强烈影响,反之,生态系统服务的变化又影响着人类相关决策的制定.不同生态系统服务之间很难甚至不可能同时达到利 益最大化,即存在着不同程度此消彼长的竞争关系.此外,不同生态系统服务之间也可能形成相互促进或抑制的协同作用.探讨不同生态系统服务的相互关系(竞争 与协同作用),有利于揭示不同尺度利益相关方与生态系统服务之间的作用与反馈机制,避免生态系统服务的重复估算;同时可为制定与实施生态补偿、提高人类福 祉提供科学依据,优化生态系统服务管理.综合研究了近期国外生态系统服务竞争关系与协同作用的相关文献,在简述当前生态系统服务研究若干问题的基础上,以 生态系统服务竞争与协同为视角,厘清了生态系统服务竞争与协同的基本内涵,总结了生态系统服务竞争与协同的主要类型,探讨了生态系统服务竞争与协同的空间 与时间尺度效应;介绍并总结了生态系统服务竞争与协同两种主要研究方法(生态-经济综合模型方法、基于土地利用的情景分析法)的特点与适应范围.
[Li Peng, Jiang Luguang, Feng Zhiming, et al.Research progress on trade-offs and synergies of ecosystem services: An overview.
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012, 32(16): 5220-5229.]
https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201109161360URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
生态系统服务作为生态系统评估的核心领域,是生态学的研究热点. 生态系统提供服务的形式与能力受人类活动强烈影响,反之,生态系统服务的变化又影响着人类相关决策的制定.不同生态系统服务之间很难甚至不可能同时达到利 益最大化,即存在着不同程度此消彼长的竞争关系.此外,不同生态系统服务之间也可能形成相互促进或抑制的协同作用.探讨不同生态系统服务的相互关系(竞争 与协同作用),有利于揭示不同尺度利益相关方与生态系统服务之间的作用与反馈机制,避免生态系统服务的重复估算;同时可为制定与实施生态补偿、提高人类福 祉提供科学依据,优化生态系统服务管理.综合研究了近期国外生态系统服务竞争关系与协同作用的相关文献,在简述当前生态系统服务研究若干问题的基础上,以 生态系统服务竞争与协同为视角,厘清了生态系统服务竞争与协同的基本内涵,总结了生态系统服务竞争与协同的主要类型,探讨了生态系统服务竞争与协同的空间 与时间尺度效应;介绍并总结了生态系统服务竞争与协同两种主要研究方法(生态-经济综合模型方法、基于土地利用的情景分析法)的特点与适应范围.
[21]饶胜, 林泉, 王夏晖, . 正蓝旗草地生态系统服务权衡研究
. 干旱区资源与环境, 2015, 29(3): 81-85.
https://doi.org/10.13448/j.cnki.jalre.2015.084URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Rao Sheng, Lin Quan, Wang Xiahui, et al.The trade-off between grassland ecosystem services in Zhenglan Banner.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2015, 29(3): 81-85.]
https://doi.org/10.13448/j.cnki.jalre.2015.084URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[22]Jia X Q, Fu B J, Feng X M, et al.The trade-off and synergy between ecosystem services in the Grain-for-Green areas in Northern Shaanxi.
Ecological Indicators, 2014, 43(3): 103-113.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.02.028URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
As an important part of the strategy of Western development, the Grain-for-Green Program (GFGP) was initiated to protect the environment and mitigate disasters. Ecosystem services and their dynamics are considered emerging features of ecological quality and the change in direction by many scholars and practitioners. Extending from ecosystem services (ESs) modeling, we propose a simple and feasible framework for quantitatively assessing the benefits and equilibrium of the consequences of the GFGP. Our starting evaluation shows that ESs has changed dramatically in the GFGP area. By fitting pair-wise ESs' spatial concordances at the grid-cell level, we have revealed the tradeoffs between provisioning and regulating services and the synergies between the regulating services. The analysis of the variability of the relationship between ESs on different land cover types clearly identifies the vegetation that has produced exceptionally strong ESs. Our findings suggest that quantifying the interactions between ESs may improve the ecosystem-based management practices and support policy-making to address the challenges of the sustainable use of natural resources. The framework designed for regional-scale analysis can help in clearly understanding the interrelations of ESs and make natural resources related decisions more effective and efficient, although this framework still needs to move beyond these fundamental and illustrative analyses to more fully explain the synergies and tradeoffs. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[23]Balbi S, Prado A D, Gallejones P, et al.Modeling trade-offs among ecosystem services in agricultural production systems.
Environmental Modelling & Software, 2015, 72: 314-326.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.12.017URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT Although agricultural ecosystems can provide humans with a wide set of benefits agricultural production system management is mainly driven by food production. As a consequence, a need to ensure food security globally has been accompanied by a significant decline in the state of ecosystems. In order to reduce negative trade-offs and identify potential synergies it is necessary to improve our understanding of the relationships between various ecosystem services (ES) as well as the impacts of farm management on ES provision. We present a spatially explicit application that captures and quantifies ES trade-offs in the crop systems of Llanada Alavesa in the Basque Country. Our analysis presents a quantitative assessment of selected ES including crop yield, water supply and quality, climate regulation and air quality. The study is conducted using semantic meta-modeling, a technique that enables flexible integration of models to overcome the service-by-service modeling approach applied traditionally in ES assessment.
[24]Jopke C, Kreyling J, Maes J, et al.Interactions among ecosystem services across Europe: Bagplots and cumulative correlation coefficients reveal synergies, trade-offs, and regional patterns
. Ecological Indicators., 2015, 49(49): 46-52.
ABSTRACT Understanding interactions of ecosystem service pairs and bundles is vital for making reasonable decisions in ecosystem management. Often, interaction analyses use linear correlation coefficients in order to identify trade-offs and synergies. Due to non-linear relations between ecosystem services in many cases, only weak interdependencies are revealed by this approach. For this reason we adopted nonparametric statistics, specifically bagplots (bivariate boxplots), for analyzing ecosystem service interactions. We demonstrate that bagplots complement correlation coefficients in assessing ecosystem services at NUTS 3 level across Europe and use them for mapping geographical patterns. In addition we suggest a new measure, which is the cumulative correlation coefficient R to rank the ecosystem services based on their synergies and trade-offs. We found that crop capacity is clearly the most conflicting ecosystem service, and carbon storage the one with the highest synergistic value. We conclude that bagplots allow insights into the relationships between ecosystems services beyond the highly aggregated correlation coefficients. In addition the new standardized measure - cumulative R - could support monitoring of trade-offs and synergies in time for a given study region or comparing study regions with respect to their frictions in ecosystem services supply.
[25]Yang G F, Ge Y, Xue H, et al.Using ecosystem service bundles to detect trade-offs and synergies across urban-rural complexes.
Landscape and Urban Planning, 2015, 136: 110-121.
Understanding the relationships among ecosystem services is crucial for ecosystem-based management (EBM). In urbanized areas, improving human well-being increasingly depends on the services provided by human-dominated or artificial ecosystems. However, there is little understanding of the relationships among multiple ecosystem services of human-dominated ecosystems. Based on the methodology of ecosystem service bundles (sets of ecosystem services that repeatedly appear together), we conducted a case study in 22 urban-搑ural complexes across the Yangtze River Delta, the most developed area of China, to explore the spatial distributions, synergies, and trade-offs of multiple ecosystem services. Results showed that: (1) most of the selected ecosystem services were spatially clumped across the study area, and the distribution of ecosystem services contributes to the formation of scale effect in economy for the provision of services; (2) ecosystem service bundles aggregated spatially at the city cluster scale, implying the aggregate feature of bundles might be scale free; (3) trade-offs occurred mainly between land-dependent services (such as crop production and water supply), while synergies occurred mainly between land-independent services (such as manufactured products and students of higher education), and there were no significant relationships between landdependent and land-independent services; (4) compared with geographic factors, socio-economic factors were the major drivers in the formation of ecosystem service bundles in the heavy urbanized region of the Yangtze River Delta. The study could improve the understanding of the relationships among multiple ecosystem services from local to regional scales.
[26]Bennett E M, Peterson G D, Gordon L J.Understanding relationships among multiple ecosystem services.
Ecology Letters, 2009, 12(12): 1394-1404.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1461-0248.2009.01387.xURLPMID:19845725 [本文引用: 2]摘要
Ecosystem management that attempts to maximize the production of one ecosystem service often results in substantial declines in the provision of other ecosystem services. For this reason, recent studies have called for increased attention to development of a theoretical understanding behind the relationships among ecosystem services. Here, we review the literature on ecosystem services and propose a typology of relationships between ecosystem services based on the role of drivers and the interactions between services. We use this typology to develop three propositions to help drive ecological science towards a better understanding of the relationships among multiple ecosystem services. Research which aims to understand the relationships among multiple ecosystem services and the mechanisms behind these relationships will improve our ability to sustainably manage landscapes to provide multiple ecosystem services.
[27]Lee M Y.Economic trade-offs in the Gulf of Maine ecosystem: Herring and whale-watching.
Marine Policy, 2010, 34(1): 156-162.
ABSTRACT This research attempts to quantify some of the effects of localized depletion of herring by examining the search times of commercial whale-watching vessels. Whale-watching vessels are indirect users of herring; whales feed on herring and may disperse when prey availability is low. A dataset of daily whale-watching outcomes is combined with fishing effort and oceanographic data to test the hypothesis that intensive fishing effort increases the search time of whale-watching companies. Our results suggest that fishing may have a detrimental impact on search time; however, the magnitude of this effect is fairly small. We find policy that the recently enacted policy which prohibits fishing for herring in whale-watching areas would decrease search times by a small amount. We find some evidence of a localized aggregation effect; search times are the lowest when herring are spawning in the inshore areas. These results should be of interest to policymakers in determining future fishing regulations in an ecosystem-based fisheries management context.
[28]Goldstein J H, Caldarone G, Duarte T K, et al.Integrating ecosystem-service trade-offs into land-use decisions.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 2012, 109(19): 7565-7570.
[29]Raudsepphearne C, Peterson G D, Bennett E M.Ecosystem service bundles for analyzing trade-offs in diverse landscapes.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010, 107(11): 5242-5247.
A key challenge of ecosystem management is determining how to manage multiple ecosystem services across landscapes. Enhancing important provisioning ecosystem services, such as food and timber, often leads to tradeoffs between regulating and cultural ecosystem services, such as nutrient cycling, flood protection, and tourism. We developed a framework for analyzing the provision of multiple ecosystem services across landscapes and present an empirical demonstration of ecosystem service bundles, sets of services that appear together repeatedly. Ecosystem service bundles were identified by analyzing the spatial patterns of 12 ecosystem services in a mixed-use landscape consisting of 137 municipalities in Quebec, Canada. We identified six types of ecosystem service bundles and were able to link these bundles to areas on the landscape characterized by distinct social-ecological dynamics. Our results show landscape-scale tradeoffs between provisioning and almost all regulating and cultural ecosystem services, and they show that a greater diversity of ecosystem services is positively correlated with the provision of regulating ecosystem services. Ecosystem service-bundle analysis can identify areas on a landscape where ecosystem management has produced exceptionally desirable or undesirable sets of ecosystem services.
[30]Daily G C, Matson P A.Ecosystem services: From theory to implementation.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2008, 105(28): 9455-9456.
URLPMID:3289788978145219432608945929222322221862169787047978174759665075 [本文引用: 1]
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